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目的:探讨《生物化学与分子生物学》课程的教学改革模式。方法:以16级生物医学工程专业的3个班学生为研究对象,实验一组采用基于MOOC的翻转课堂教学模式,实验二组采用以课堂讲授为主的基于MOOC的线上线下混合式教学模式,对照组采用传统教学模式。通过对3组学生考核成绩进行比较分析,探究3组教学效果及在培养学生综合素质方面所起的作用。结果:实验二组平均成绩高于实验一组、对照组(P0.05),问卷调查显示多数学生满意实验二组教学法。结论:基于MOOC的线上线下混合式教学模式,可以有效提升教学效果。  相似文献   

祝红梅 《家庭医药》2016,(8):101-101
大规模开放在线课程存在灵活、开放、免费、优质的特征,其出现为我国的传统高等教育提供了巨大的挑战。MOOC大规模开放在线课程能够为学习者提供创新型的学习模式,有助于实现网络平台上的主动学习,具有重要的应用价值。MOOC 的课程教学过程中,高校应该对教学模式以及教学理念进行重新审视,实现教学结构的根本性变革,不断促进学生教学技能的改善,开发出优质的网络课程。利用MOOC制作医学教育的优质网络课程,借助翻转课程的教学方法,发挥学生的主动性。MOOC 本身具有一定的局限性,并非全部学科课程可以借助网络呈现。本文通过分析大规模在线开放课堂的内涵,深入探究医学教育的有效改善策略,为医学教育的优化提供支持。  相似文献   

临床药理学是一门以药理学和临床医学为基础,阐述药物代谢动力学、药物效应动力学、药物毒副反应的性质、药物作用机制及药物相互作用规律的新兴学科。Seminar教学法是由传统的教师讲授为主导的单一模式转向以学生为主体的新的教育模式,能够充分调动学生学习的主动性和积极性,加深学生对课程的掌握以及培养学生的科研能力。我们在临床药理学课程中应用Seminar教学法,促进了临床药理学课程的学习和研究,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

徐胜前 《安徽医药》2015,36(11):1415-1419
医学教育的特殊性和慕课(MOOC)的飞速发展,促使教育工作者认真思考MOOC对我国医学院校教育的影响,本文针对MOOC的发展历程、MOOC的内容和特点,建立医学课程教学MOOC的意义,以及在新的医学模式综合改革形势下,MOOC引入医学教育教学的构想展开探讨,旨在促进MOOC在医学教学改革中的开展和完善。  相似文献   

<正>大规模网络开放课程(massive open online course,MOOC)的出现和发展,开启了远程教育的新篇章,并于2012年迎来了爆炸式发展,越来越受到全球学习者的热捧。在MOOC课程教育环境下,如何充分利用开放课程的优势把MOOC理念融入到医院的医疗、教学和科研工作中,促使医护人员充分利用碎片化时间进行自主学习?在信息开放获取  相似文献   

徐晓莉  向华  江程 《药学研究》2021,40(5):344-346
随着临床精准用药的需求加大,传统的药物化学教学模式越来越难以满足临床药学专业学生的学习需要。本文从《药物化学》课程特点出发,立足于社会实际需要,结合互联网+技术,构建线上线下混合式教学方法,同时匹配临床用药案例分析,形成了三维立体的临床药学专业《药物化学》教学新模式,提高了该课程的教学质量,为医药学院精准药学专业人才的培养提供了新策略。  相似文献   

为充分运用互联网技术培养大学生的创新能力,在对“幕课”MOOC(Masive Open Orlline Comes)网络教学理念的研究基础上,通过对网络学习模式进行更广泛的探索,提出“慕斯”(Mofie Open Onhnesch曲l,即移动在线开放校园,简称MOOS)网络教学新理念,突破单一的课程学习模式,实现网络学习的横向拓展,构建以现代大学生需求为驱动的网络学习生态系统。该文探讨基于MOOS理念构建药学网络学习平台,以期提高药学生的创新思维与能力。  相似文献   

目的 :了解非临床药学专业硕士研究生对临床药物治疗学课程学习的效果反馈,为完善教学内容和模式提供依据。方法:对2016—2017学年选修临床药物治疗学的非临床药学专业硕士研究生进行问卷调查,分析课程内容安排、药师讲课方式、学生参与度等目前存在的问题。结果:83.33%的学生认为授课内容已包含他们所想要了解的领域,而90.00%的学生认为不同课程的课时分配欠妥。86.67%的学生认为药师在讲授"临床药物治疗学"课程中突出了药学特色,而66.67%的学生认为其课堂参与度较低。结论:非临床药学专业硕士研究生临床药物治疗学的教学内容和教学模式还需进一步探索和完善。  相似文献   

目的:为提高药物流行病学的教学水平,完善临床药学专业的教学体系提供参考。方法:从正确认识药物流行病学和临床药学专业的正确定位方面探讨临床药学专业学生学习药物流行病学的作用和意义,并着重讨论该课程的两个授课关键点。结果与结论:应重视药物流行病学绪论课的教学,使学生充分认识该门课程的重要性,并注重培养学生的学习兴趣,合理设置相关配套课程,充分发挥药物流行病学的学科优势,以逐步改进和完善临床药学专业的教学体系,培养适合医疗卫生发展形势的新型临床药学人才。  相似文献   

目的:对护理本科教学应用互联网+时代下MOOC教育模式的效果进行探讨。方法:选取我院2016级的护理本科生共92名,将其随机均分并设组,依次采用互联网+MOOC教育模式和传统教育模式,每组46名学生。结果:不同教育模式应用后,观察组解决问题能力(95.65%)、团队协作能力(93.48%)、分析问题能力(97.83%)均优于对照组,且观察组较对照组的理论考核成绩(94.57±1.28)分与技术操作考核成绩(93.05±0.57)分均高,数据组间有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:互联网平台下,对本科护理生实施MOOC教育模式,能够提高学生的综合素质,应用效果显著,值得进一步推广于临床护理教学中。  相似文献   

Pharmacological differentiation of "nicotinic" and "muscarinic" catalepsy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
G Zetler 《Neuropharmacology》1971,10(3):289-296

2003年8月中,惠氏百宫制药有限公司邀请广东地区各大医院的专家和医院管理人员在广东东莞举行了一场别开生面的研讨会。会议包括两个议题:一是“特治星治疗严重呼吸道感染”的学术研讨;二是“医疗纠纷处理的新规则与新思路”的研讨。会上“热点”不断,台上、台下观点撞击精彩纷呈,这里我们摘录片段与大家共享。  相似文献   

For various experimental studies it is often desirable to classify categories of cannabis use. For instance, in a study of the kinetics of δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in man, we wanted to see if there were differences between “heavy” and “light” users of the drug. “Heavy” use was defined as once daily or more, while “light” use was defined as sporadic or occasional, no more frequent than once monthly.Previously, we had found that the 11-oic acid of THC was not only the major metabolite to appear in the urine but also that its appearance in urine was prompt and lasted for at least 72 hours after a single exposure [1]. We decided to use the presence of this material in urine as a marker for heavy and light use; one would expect to find it regularly in heavy users and rarely, if at all, among light users. All subjects entering the study declared their pattern of use and then were asked to provide a spontaneously voided urine, to be used for analysis of THC-11-oic acid.  相似文献   

虽然早已过了青春期,但我那略显"婴儿肥"的脸上还是会不时地出现些小痘痘.为了消除这些可恶的家伙,我还真是没少折腾,又是吃药、吃保健品,又是用化妆品,可痘痘却大有"野火烧不尽,春风吹又生"之势,看来要消灭它们可不是件容易的事.  相似文献   

A postal questionnaire was completed by 233 smokers who had contacted a television company for help with stopping smoking. Subjects recorded how well each of 20 statements described their feelings about their own smoking. These responses were submitted to a principal components analysis which revealed two interpretable factors. The first ('Sick') reflected a tendency to see smoking as a sickness, and a greater concern over health consequences. The second ('Hooked') reflected a feeling of inability to give up smoking, and a resentment at other's attempts at dissuasion. Subjects with higher 'Sick' factor scores perceived greater potential benefit in their stopping (in terms of a reduction of risk of cancer). Higher 'Hooked' factor scores were given by females, older smokers, those who described themselves as more extremely addicted, and those who saw less benefit for themselves in stopping.  相似文献   

Chagas' disease is an important parasitic illness caused by the flagellated protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. The disease affects nearly 17 million individuals in endemic areas of Latin America and the current chemotherapy is quite unsatisfactory based on nitroheterocyclic agents (nifurtimox and benznidazol). The need for new compounds with different modes of action is clear. Due to the broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity of the aromatic dicationic compounds, this study focused on the activity of four such diamidines (DB811, DB889, DB786, DB702) and a closely related diguanidine (DB711) against bloodstream trypomastigotes as well as intracellular amastigotes of T. cruzi in vitro. Additional studies were also conducted to access the toxicity of the compounds against mammalian cells in vitro. Our data show that the four diamidines compounds presented early and high anti-parasitic activity (IC50 in low-micromolecular range) exhibiting trypanocidal dose-dependent effects against both trypomastigote and amastigote forms of T. cruzi 2h after drug treatment. Most of the diamidines compounds (except the DB702) exerted high anti-parasitic activity and low toxicity to the mammalian cells. Our results show the activity of reversed diamidines against T. cruzi and suggested that the compounds merit in vivo studies.  相似文献   

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