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重视审稿工作,保证审稿质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重视审稿工作,保证审稿质量陆际平审稿工作是编辑流程中不可缺少的环节,它对保证刊物的质量和维护刊物的声誉起着至关重要的作用。为此,笔者就如何保证审稿质量的问题发表一些浅见,以求与同道们共同探讨。一、进一步认识审稿工作的重要意义,严格把好审稿关审稿,顾名...  相似文献   

邓德灵 《华夏医学》2014,27(4):175-178
专家审稿是保障医学期刊学术质量的重要环节。审稿模式、审稿者学术水平、知识结构、责任心、审稿者心理状态以及激励机制等均可影响专家审稿质量。医学期刊编辑部要不断提高杂志学术水平,除了组织高质量的稿源以外,还应该做好编辑初审工作,根据期刊定位完善双向互动的审稿专家库,建立良好的审稿制度和适当的激励机制,通过不同方式定期对审稿者进行审稿业务培训,以提高专家审稿的环节质量.  相似文献   

为表彰对本刊工作做出贡献的作者和审稿人,本刊编委会根据学报2012年第6期-2013年第5期发表论文的质量和被下载、被引用数据,评选出优秀作者30名(其中外单位10名);对热心学报审稿工作的审稿人,根据其审稿的数量和质量,评选出优秀审稿人35名(其中外单位9名)。对获奖者颁发了奖状和奖金。  相似文献   

谈医学科技期刊审稿的现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技期刊质量的高低主要取决于期刊所发表文章的学术水平,选择高水平的学术文章又要有赖于审稿。审稿是科技期刊编辑工作中的重要环节,审稿的质量及效率直接影响到期刊的质量和声誉。审稿问题越来越受到广大编辑同仁的重视,编辑学研究的重点也转移到审稿标准和质量控制上。1989年和1993年在美国分别召开了第1届和第2届同行审稿的国际会议。1995年3月16日在意大利世界医学编辑学会成立大会上,与会代表共同呼吁,应对审稿问题进行更深入的研究。1997年在捷克又召开了第3届生物医学出版物审稿国际会议[1]。  相似文献   

2014年,《海军医学杂志》在各位审稿专家的支持和关怀下,在各级领导的关心和各位同行的帮助下,本刊得以顺利出版发行。专家们在忙碌的工作之余对送审稿件进行了认真、细致的评审,并提出了具体而中肯的意见,正是您们认真负责的工作态度、严谨的治学精神,使《海军医学杂志》杂志的质量得到稳步的提升。在此,《海军医学杂志》编委会和编辑部真诚地向各位审稿专家致以深深的谢意!期刊的发展与审稿的质量息息相关,恳请各位审稿专家继续  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review published clinical trials of the pharmacologic management of refractory depression. DATA SOURCES: MEDLINE was searched for relevant articles published from 1983 to 1990. The bibliographies of review articles were searched for additional references. Studies of nonpharmacologic treatments, such as electroconvulsive therapy, were not included. STUDY SELECTION: Eleven studies were found that did not contain obvious digressions from several methodologic assessment criteria (adapted from the McMaster guidelines for the evaluation of clinical trials). Further scrutiny by a nonblind reviewer resulted in the selection of four reports that were considered acceptable. An assessment by a second reviewer, blind as to author, results and journal name, confirmed this judgement. DATA EXTRACTION: Data describing response to the treatments were extracted by a single (nonblind) reviewer. Post-hoc power estimates and 95% confidence intervals were calculated whenever possible. DATA SYNTHESIS: The efficacy of augmenting an antidepressant regimen with lithium carbonate, triiodothyronine or reserpine was not supported by findings from the clinical trials reviewed. However, many trials with negative results lacked adequate statistical power to exclude the possibility of the drug's efficacy. The use of a monoamine oxidase inhibitor was supported by the one study that met the review's methodologic criteria. However, this study was not conducted under double-blind conditions. CONCLUSION: The generally recommended strategies for the pharmacologic treatment of refractory depression are not supported by methodologically sound studies.  相似文献   

Five obstetrician-gynecologists experienced in fetal monitoring assessed 150 intrapartum cardiotocograms obtained with an external transducer. There were three successive blind readings, the first two without any clinical data apart from gestational age. The reviewers indicated whether the tracings showed definite, possible or no abnormalities. The interpretations given by each reviewer for any one tracing were fairly consistent, but they varied markedly from one reviewer to another. The proportion of tracings interpreted as normal ranged from 39% to 74%, and the proportion assessed as abnormal ranged from 3% to 43%. All five observers agreed on the interpretation of 29% of the tracings. Inter-reviewer reproducibility scarcely changed when clinical data were provided. These findings emphasize the need to evaluate all methods of fetal monitoring before they become widespread.  相似文献   

目的分析多排螺旋CT(MDCT)肾脏多期增强扫描中肾皮质期与肾实质期在肾细胞癌术前评估中的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析MDCT肾细胞癌全肾平扫、皮质期、实质期和集合系统期四期图像。47例患者,45例单侧单发病灶,2例双侧单发病灶,总计49个病灶。2名高年资影像诊断医师相互独立的分析全部影像资料。第3名高年资影像诊断医师对3个独立组(①平扫与皮质期;②平扫与实质期;③平扫、皮质期与实质期)的图像分别进行分析,应用ROC曲线分析评价3个独立组图像影像特征的诊断敏感性及特异性。结果(1)平扫:肿块位于肾实质内或突出肾轮廓,形态边缘规则,轮廓清楚者16例;边缘不规则,有棘状突起与分叶征者31例。(2)增强:肾皮质期有38例呈明显或中等强化,肿块内有散在大小不一低密度影;9例皮质期强化不明显,与平扫密度大致相仿。(3)ROC曲线分析结果,3个独立组图像诊断肾细胞癌的敏感性分别为90%、84%、100%,特异性恒定为87%。结论肾细胞癌MDCT多期增强扫描中,肾皮质期在术前影像诊断中具有重要的诊断价值。  相似文献   

The object-oriented computing model of Smalltalk/V proved to be very well suited for the creation of a medical expert system on the diagnosis of calcium-phosphorus metabolism abnormalities. A major reason for this was that a disease could be viewed as a self-contained, active, entity. The expert system is implemented in ALEX, an expert system shell that is written in Smalltalk/V. The shell consists of classes and methods that can be modified, as needed, by the developer. The expert system is, at present, 140,000 bytes in size, and includes 43 diseases, arranged in 7 contexts. Sixty case reports were used to test the expert system. In 30 cases, there was complete agreement between clinician and expert system; in 12 cases, the expert system responded appropriately when presented with diseases that were not known to the system; and in 18 cases, the system gave plausible results.  相似文献   

根据老年性痴呆的发病率、性别、疾病、家庭、社会因素与其关系,于2008年2月-5月对社区150名60岁以上老人进行家庭访视,采用访谈和病史分析相结合的方法,对150例老年人进行访谈及病史回顾分析,根据记忆力、定向力、自理能力等表现进行判断,结果发现了22名老人有老年痴呆症状,发病率为14.7%。根据发病的相关因素,采取针对性护理措施,使老年痴呆患者得到早发现、早预防、早治疗、早康复。  相似文献   

目的构建军队医院护理本科生临床带教管理体系。方法设计军队医院护理本科生临床带教老师资格及指标管理体系专家调查表,通过专家咨询法对体系指标进行筛选。结果两轮专家问卷的有效回收率分别为91.30%和90.91%,专家权威系数均值为0.911,专家协调系数分别为0.393和0.347(P〈0.001);确立了"遴选条件、培训方式、认证方式和考核评价"四维度军队医院护理本科生临床带教管理指标体系。结论通过专家咨询法形成的军队医院护理本科生临床带教管理体系,具有较高的可靠性,对于临床带教老师的筛选和教学质量的管理与提升具有实用性。  相似文献   

目的 通过德尔菲专家问卷调查,对女性生理周期的中医指导原则进行拟定与评价.方法 在前期文献研究基础上,形成策略池,对中医治未病、中医妇科等领域的专家进行2轮德尔菲法问卷调查,探讨女性生理周期中医指导原则框架及条目.研究对专家积极度、集中程度、协调程度、权威程度进行评价.结果 2轮调查的专家积极系数分别为84.93%与88.71%;权威程度均>0.7;专家意见评分平均值中位数分别为9.10与8.68,加杈平均值中位数为8.01与7.72,满分率中位数为60.32%与60.38%,2轮调查变异系数最大值均为0.26.结论 在调查研究中,专家的积极性和专业水准均较高,可信度较高,专家意见较为集中.通过德尔菲调查的方式,基本确定女性生理周期中医指导原则的研究框架及条目.  相似文献   

Although peer reviewer has faced many legal challenges, some protection is available to peer reviewers through state and federal law. Peer reviewers must follow specific guidelines provided by these laws to maintain this protection. This article outlined the most prominent protection currently available as well as the corollary duties and requirements by which the peer reviewers must abide.  相似文献   

四川省社区卫生服务机构建设评价指标筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的建立一套社区卫生服务机构建设评价指标体系,作为综合评估社区卫生服务机构建设情况的评估工具。方法本研究首先采用文献法及专题小组讨论法初步确定指标体系,再以特尔菲法遴选评价指标,用层次分析法确定指标权重。结果本研究专家咨询的权威系数0.9093。两轮专家咨询的积极系数分别是100%和96.43%;和谐系数分别是0.714和0.888;内部一致性系数分别是0.9812和0.8873。建立了一套包括3个一级指标,12个二级指标及29个三级指标的社区卫生服务机构建设评价指标体系。结论本研究专家咨询质量好,所建立的社区卫生服务机构建设评价指标体系可作为评估社区卫生服务机构规范化建设的评估工具。  相似文献   

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