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Fifty cases of atrophic cholecystitis were treated mainly by regulation of the function of the spleen. Of them, 21 cases were cured, 18 markedly effective, and 7 effective. The total effective rate was 92.0%. By comparison of results of ultrasonography B performed before and after treatment, it was shown that both the longitudinal and transverse inner diameters of gallbladder cross section increased evidently, and the condition of atrophy was improved remarkably after treatment.  相似文献   

Fifty cases of atrophic cholecystitis were treated by regulating of the spleen.Of them,21were cured,18 remarkably effective,and 7 effective.The overall effective rate was 92.0%.As compared with the results of ultrasonography B performed before and after treatment,it was shown that both the longitudinal and transverse inner diameters of the gallbladderincreased evidently,and the condition of atrophy improved remarkably after treatment.  相似文献   

Acupuncture was used in treating disorders ofthe optic nerve in 46 cases (82 eyes) with a totalefficacy rate of 76.9%.Of the 56 eyes with opticneuritis,the treatment was markedly effective in60.7%,moderately effective in 23.2%,and of noeffect in 16.1%.Of the 26 eyes with optic atrophy,only 16(61.5%) showed moderate effect,the remain-ing 10 showing none.The acupuncture points and methods of treat-ment were presented.Treatment by using acupuncturealone and by combining acupuncture with adminis-tration of vitamins and other drugs was discussed.The curative effect of acupuncture did notappear to be influenced by the duration of the disease.  相似文献   

280 patients with hyperplasia of mammary gland were treated by Ru He Chong Ji(乳核冲剂 ), a breast nodule granular dissolvable agent. Thirty-one were cured, 117 markedly im-proved, 119 improved, and 13 showed no change. The rate of cure and marked effectiveness was 52.86%, with a total effective rate of 95.36%. The agent is also effective for treatment of depression of liver-energy and menoxenia.  相似文献   

Of the 279 casses of male sterility treated by the combination of acupuncture, pilose antler essence injection to acupoints and oral administration of Chinese materia medica, 142 cases (47.8%) were cured, 81 cases (27.3%) markedly effective, 53 cases (17.8%) effective and 21 cases (7.1%) ineffective. The therapeutic effect of the combination of these three treatments was satisfactory.  相似文献   

In this study,the effect of acupuncture therapyin 35 cases of pediatric hydrocephalus was analysed.The results show that the effective rate in the com-municating cases was 84.6%,and in the obstructivecases,40.9%.In this paper,the mechanism by whichthe acupuncture therapy was effective in the treat-ment of hydrocephalus was investigated,using thetheories of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  相似文献   

The adjustable magnetic blunt-tip needle in-creased the cure rate by 32.7% and the effectiverate by 12.7%,a very significant difference(P<0.001)compared with the simple blunt-tip needle.Thetotal effective rate increased by 18.0% as comparedwith simple magnetic therapy.For pain,hyperten-sion,tennis elbow and sprain it had an especiallymarked and rapid curative effect.It also played acertain role in prevention and elimination of musculusgastrocnemius fatgiue in athletes and had obviouseffect on the nail fold microcircolation.  相似文献   

Changrolin (常咯啉) was administered by continuous intravenous infusion to 37 patients in 4 or 8 hours per day for 2 consecutive days. The treatment was effective in 89% of case with 78.4% presenting a good effect. The effect mostly appeared within 30 minutes after the start of infusion. The effective plos na concentration of Changrolin 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours after continuous intravenous infusion were respectively 2.6±0.4, 2.5±0.3, 2.4±0.6 and 2.7±0.41μg/ml. Good effect could be maintained by continuous infusion at a rate of 2.5 μg/min. No significant changes in cardiac function were observed as judged by impedance cardiography except some modification of Heather Index and Q-Z interval. These results indicate that Changrolin is a safe and effective antiarrhythmic agent which can be used even in patients with acute myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

Thirty cases of IgA nephropathy having been diagnosed by biopsy with kidney puncture were selected. The treatment was based on the differentiation of syndromes in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The disease was divided into 4 stages: the initial stage with the lesion in the lung and kidney, the stable stage with the lesion in the spleen and kidney, the late stage with the lesion in the liver and kidney, and the recurrent stage. They were treated by TCM. Of them, 10 cases were completely alleviated, 13 markedly alleviated, 4 improved, and 3 ineffective, the total effective rate being 90%.  相似文献   

近年新生儿、婴儿、成人麻疹患者逐年增加,临床表现一般仍较典型,成年人麻疹患者全身中毒症状较重。麻疹抗体检测结果阳性是主要的诊断依据。麻疹发病的双相移位的机理可能是,免疫保护力不足,婴儿出生时麻疹抗体力低。孕期母传胎的麻疹抗体减弱,母经乳汁传给婴儿的抗体减弱,成人麻疹抗体水平逐年下降。预防措施是怀孕前给予育龄妇女麻疹疫苗接种,鼓励母乳喂养,麻疹疫苗计划免疫适当提前,在成人追加麻疹疫苗的免疫,加强病毒变异的研究等。  相似文献   

人工全髋关节置换术的手术配合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:介绍人工全髋关节置换术的手术配合做法;方法:主要在手术配合的六个方面,解决防感染、防栓塞等问题。结果:30例人工全髋关节置换术均获成功,结论:手术配合是护士责任心和基本功的全面体现,对提高手术效果有至关重要的影响。  相似文献   

目的以研究方法LiPA(Line Probe Assay)分析VacA等位基因的表达,了解幽门螺旋杆菌致病机理的理解。方法从三个不同城市87位进行胃镜检查患者的胃粘膜中培养出幽门螺旋杆菌,提取DNA,用LiPA方法分析VacA等位基因。结果(1)87位患者以sic(88.5%)和m2a(63.2%)分布为主,未发现s1b和s2;(2)混合菌株感染率为41.4%,远远高于西方国家,其中上海的混合感染率最高(62.5%),与北京(41.0%)和南宁(20.8%)相比具有显著性差异,P〈0.01;(3)北京、海、南京三个不同城市s1、m等位基因亚型分布率存在差异;(4)溃疡病和非溃疡病患者m1和m2的分布率没有显著性差异。结论我国幽门螺旋杆菌多重菌株感染率较高,不同的m基因型与消化性溃疡的发生无显著性相关。  相似文献   

目的:提高十二指肠损伤的诊治水平,方法:回顾总结该院1999年-2001年间收治的十二指肠损伤7例临床经验。结果:合并其他腹部脏器损伤86%(6/7),单纯十二指肠损伤14%(1/7)。损伤部位以十二指肠降部为多占71%(5/7),水平部和球部各占14%(1/7),术后并发症发生率28%(2/7)、病死率14%(1/7)。结论:掌握十二指肠损伤的特点,早诊断、早手术、术中认真探查,掌握好检查指征,选择合理恰当术式,加强术后管理,可提高治愈率。  相似文献   

随着医疗水平的提高,显微手外科技术在各基层医院已得到广泛开展,所收治的此类患者在逐年增加.随机统计了近两年我院20份34指的病例,通过观察认为手术的成功与否不但取决于损伤的局部条件、术中的操作和术后的治疗,同时与术前、术后的护理也密不可分.对离断指及伤口的妥善处理,积极的术前准备和术后的精心护理,特别是术后对血运的密切观察,同时通过术前术后的健康教育使患者对该疾病的知识有了一定的掌握,认识了康复训练的重要性从而使功能达到最大限度的恢复.  相似文献   

重度妊高征表现为高血压、蛋白尿、浮肿等症状 ,严重可以导致母婴死亡。对妊娠足月的重度妊高征 ,可以根据其临产与否及宫颈条件 ,立即决定其为阴道分娩或是剖宫产术。对于妊娠晚期的重度妊高征 ,因其胎龄不足月 ,胎儿生长发育及胎肺成熟度情况需通过一定时间的治疗 ,根据其病情变化来决定其治疗方案或终止妊娠的时机[1,2 ] 。这就需要我们对这一阶段的治疗进行监测 ,防止母儿并发症的发生。现将 2 0 0 0年至今我院收治妊娠晚期重度妊高征 30例的监测结果回顾分析如下。1 资料和方法1.1 研究对象 选择孕 31~ 36周重度妊高征 30例 ,其中 …  相似文献   

本文报告80例局限于小腿或手或足的银屑病。均经皮肤组织病理检查确诊。因部位比较特殊。受多种理化因素影响,使皮疹形态发生轻重程度不同的变化,常看不到典型损害,因而误诊为神经性皮炎,湿疹,慢性皮炎及癣等。作者对误诊原因进行了分析后,提出了鉴别诊断方法。  相似文献   

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