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Objective. To introduce a new spinal internal fixation system, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital (TSRH), and to investigate its early clinical outcomes.Methods. The preliminary clinical outcomes of 15 patients with thoracolumbar or lumbar scoliosis treated by anterior spinal fusion with TSRH instrumentation were studied retrospectively. Fourteen patients were diagnosed as idiopathic scoliosis and 1 as neuromuscular scoliosis.Results. Preoperatively, the Cobb's angle on the coronal plane was 55. 8° (range 35° - 78°), and 14° postoperatively, with an average correction of 74. 8 %. The average unfused thoracical curve was 35. 9 ° preoperatively (range 26° - 51°) and 21. 8° (10°-42° ) postoperatively, with 40% correction. The sagittal curve of lumbar was kept physiologically, preoperative 27. 9° and postoperative 25. 7° respectively. The trunk shift was 13.4 mm (5 - 28mm) preoperatively and 3. 5 mm (0-7 mm) postoperatively. The averaged apic vertebra derivation was 47. 8 mm (21 - 69 mm) before operat  相似文献   

采用经椎弓根螺钉及撑开棍与压缩棍方式治疗脊柱侧凸15例,术前侧凸度数Cobb37℃110°,平均69.1°。椎弓根固定范围7~16节,平均12.3节;最高固定节段为T。手术后侧凸度数Cobb9°~30°,平均12.8°。侧凸矫正率53.3%~85.7%,平均71.9%。经椎弓相撑开(或加压缩)矫正率高,固定可靠,克服了目前常用方法的缺点;突破了胸-9以上不能用椎弓根钉的限制,是一种较理想的脊柱矫形内固定方法。  相似文献   

CONGENITALspinaldeformitiesareusuallyduetovertebraldevelopmentaldisordersduringthefirst8weeksofgestation,1thisperiodalsoin volvesclosureoftheneuraltube,thuspatientswithcon genitalspinaldeformitiesmayalsohaveneuraltubedeform itiesamongstwhichsplitspinalcor…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is increasingly recognized as three- dimensional deformation of the spine resulting in complex displacement of the vertebrae (1,2), that is scoliosis in the coronal plane, hypokyphosis or hyperkyphosis in the sagittal plane, and rotational deformity in the axial plane.Harrington instrumentation alone can not correct the deformity in the sagittal plane efficiently, and the correction in the coronal plane will be lost with time. In some cases, the…  相似文献   

病灶切除植骨与椎弓根固定治疗脊柱结核   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
Guo L  Chen X  Ma Y  Wang J 《中华医学杂志》2002,82(16):1121-1123
目的:观察病灶切除植骨、经椎弓根内固定术治疗脊柱结核的临床疗效。方法:1996年10月至1998年11月,我院有34例胸腰椎结核患接受椎弓根器械固定、一期或二期病灶切除植骨手术,术后随访3-5年。结果:患者术后1周左右腰背部疼痛和结核中毒症状缓解,术后约4-6周时红细胞沉降率恢复正常,术后4-6个月椎间植骨全部融合,脊柱结核全部治愈。有12例患者术前脊魔柱后凸角度平均24度(10-32度),术后平均9度(5-13度)。有9例患者术前合并脊髓功能损害(Frankel分级为C-D级),术后1年内脊髓功能恢复正常。结论:病灶切除植骨椎弓根内固定治疗脊柱结核,术后能立即恢复脊柱稳定性,免除了患者长期卧床之苦。此外,经椎弓根内固定还能够促进病灶愈合和缩短术后抗结核疗程。  相似文献   

中华多用脊柱内固定装置的研制及在脊柱外科中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 报道本院研制的中华多用脊柱内固定装置应用于脊柱外科的原理及早期结果。方法 随诊为1998年9月到2000年6月期间用本装置治疗脊柱侧弯70例(男性19例,女性51例),平均年龄14.8岁(3-34岁),其中先天性侧弯30例,特发性侧弯36例,其它4例,此外,还随诊用本装置矫治后凸畸形16例,脊柱侧弯前路去旋转融合5例,所有病例均进行手术前后临床及X线片检查分析。结果 脊柱侧弯病例平均随诊8.9个月。侧弯Cobb角由术前平均70.5度(40-103度)矫正至平均32.5度,平均矫正率55.6%,身高平均增加6.5cm,矫正范围内的脊柱增长5mm。由本院首次治疗的22例特发性脊柱侧弯。平均矫正率73%。最好者达87.2%。后凸畸形病例平均随诊5.3个月,后凸由术前平均80.5度(40-103度)矫正至平均31.8度,矫正率50%。结论 中华多用脊柱内固定装置是矫治脊柱侧弯,尤其是生长发育中儿童侧弯的较理想的新7方法,不需植骨融合,能允许矫正范围内脊柱节段继续生长。合并症较少,本装置还可广泛用于治疗脊柱后凸,前路去旋转融合,脊柱滑脱和脊柱骨折等。  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the operative technique and preliminary results of video-assisted thoracoscopic anterior correction and fusion of scoliosis. Methods Eleven cases underwent thoracoscopic anterior correction and fusion of scoliosis from March 2003 to April 2005 in our hospital were reviewed. They were all females with an average age of 13.1 years old. Of which, 9 cases were idiopathic scoliosis, 1 case was congenital scoliosis, and 1 case was Marfan syndrome scoliosis. The coronal Cobb angle and apical vertebral translation before and after surgery as well as at final follow-up were measured. The operation time, blood loss during operation, and peri-operative complications were recorded. Results The mean operation time was 6.4 hours, mean instrumented vertebrae were 6.4 segments, and mean blood loss during operation was 364 mL. The coronal Cobb angles of the thoracic curve before and after surgery were 45.5° and 15.4° respectively, with an average correction rate of 65.4%. The lumbar curve was corrected from 28.4° to 11.8°, with an average simultaneous correction rate of 57.2%. All of the patients were followed up regularly with an average time of 21.4 months. At the final follow-up, the coronal Cobb angles of the thoracic and lumbar curves were 19.0° and 20.1°, with a 3.6° and 8.3° loss of correction, respectively. The apical vertebral translation was improved from 32.3 mm to 10.5 mm for the thoracic curve, and from 13.1 mm to 8.2 mm for the lumbar curve. There were 6 cases with peri-operative complications, including 1 case of thoracic effusion, 1 case of chylothorax, 1 case of locking plug loosing, 2 cases of aggravation of the unfused lumbar curve (1 case also with thoracolumbar kyphosis), and 1 case with a screw tip causing a contour deformity of the aorta. And 4 of them underwent revision surgery. Conclusions Video-assisted thoracoscopic anterior correction and fusion of scoliosis has good correction capability, less intraoperative bleeding, and favorable cosmetic effect for mild and moderate thoracic scoliosis, but with higher rates of correction loss of the lumbar curve and peri-operative complications. A surgeon should be cautious to perform this technique.  相似文献   

Background  Although previous reports had reported the use of temporary internal distraction as an aid to correct severe scoliosis, two-stage surgery strategy (less invasive internal distraction followed by posterior correction and instrumentation) has never been reported in the treatment of patients with severe spinal deformity. This study aimed to report the results of the surgical treatment of severe scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis by two-stage and analyse the safety and efficacy of this surgical strategy in the treatment of severe spinal deformities.
Methods  A total of 15 patients with severe scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis or kyphosis who underwent two-stage surgeries (less invasive internal distraction followed by posterior correction and instrumentation) were studied based on hospital records. Pretreatment radiographs and radiographs taken after first surgery (internal distraction by two small incisions), before second surgery (posterior correction, instrumentation and fusion), one week after second surgery and final follow-up were measured. Subjects were analyzed by age, gender, major coronal curve magnitude, flexibility of major curve, major sagittal curve magnitude before first surgery, after first surgery, before second surgery, after second surgery and at final follow-up. Complications related to two-stage surgeries were noted in each case.
Results  The average major curve magnitude was 129.4° (range, 95° to 175°), reduced 58.9° or 45.4% after first stage surgery and reduced 30.6° or 24.6% after second stage surgery. The loss of correction during the interval between two surgeries was 7.1%. The total major coronal curve correction was 81.4°or 62.9%. At the final follow up, the average loss of correction of major coronal curve was 3.9° and the final average correction rate was 59.7%. The average major sagittal curve magnitude was 80.3° (range, 30° to 170°), and the total major sagittal curve correction was 48.2°. Loss of correction averaged 4.0° for major sagittal curve and the final correction averaged 42.2°. Clinical complications were noted in the peri-operative and long-term periods.
Conclusions  Two-stage surgery was a safe and effective surgical strategy in this difficult population. Using two-small-incision technique, the first stage surgery was less invasive. No permanent neurologic deficit was noted in this series.

Ithasbeen40yearssinceHarringtonappliedasinglerodtocorrectscoliosisinthecoronalplane.Manydeformationsdevelopedaftertheprocedure,forexample,kyphosisofthethoracicorthoracolumbarspine,disap-pearanceofthelumbarlordosis,androtationofvertebrainthehorizontallevel(1).Itwasrealizedthatscoliosisisaprofounddeformityinthreedimensions.CotrelandDuboussetstudiedthethree-dimensionalcharacteristicsofscoliosisanddevelopedtheCDinstrumentation,whichwasthefirsttimethattreatmentofscoliosisadvancedfr…  相似文献   

背景:重度脊柱侧凸或后凸畸形一直是临床治疗难点。有报道采用临时内固定撑开棒可以帮助矫形,但采用分期手术策略治疗重度侧凸特别是后凸畸形尚未有报道。 方法:15例重度脊柱侧凸或后凸或侧后凸畸形病例接受分期手术治疗,即一期后路小切口撑开部分矫形,3~6个月后再次手术行后路松解矫形内固定植骨融合术,随访2年以上。对所有病例术前、一次术后、二次术前、二次术后和末次随访的影像学资料进行测量,分析术前主弯弹性指数以及侧凸主弯、后凸主弯在各次手术前后的变化和终末随访的丢失情况。记录围手术期并发症发生情况。 结果: 术前侧凸主弯95°~175°,平均为 129.4°,一次手术矫正 58.9°,矫形率45.4%,二次手术矫正30.6°,矫形率24.6% 。间隔期矫形丢失率 7.1%,总矫形率62.9%,随访2年矫形平均丢失率3.9°,最终总矫形率 59.7%. 术前后凸30°~170°,平均为80.3°,总矫形42.2°。 所有病例顺利完成,无严重并发症发生。 结论:后路小切口创伤小,术后恢复快,提高了二次手术耐受力和矫形率。分期手术策略矫形治疗重度脊柱侧凸或后凸畸形效果好,安全性高。  相似文献   

本文报告我院自1982年至1988年治疗脊柱侧凸51例,男30例,女21例,平均年龄16.4岁。其中特发性41例,先天性7例,神经纤维瘤病3例。侧凸CObb角平均73.3°,后凸平均45.8°。单纯哈氏矫正术31例,术前加用颅盆环牵引或经胸前路松解或兼用二者共18例,特瓦手术1例,单纯椎板融合1例。治疗效果:全组侧凸矫正平均36.2°(范围10°~93°),平均矫正率49.7%;后凸平均矫正28.3°(范围2°~81°),平均矫正率55.8%,身高平均增高7.2cm(1~14cm),刀背畸形(21例)平均矫正2.5cm。治疗效果影响因素:与侧凸严重程度成反比;年龄越大,效果越差;与侧凸僵硬程度成反比。本文对手术治疗的适应证进行了讨论,认为还应包括发展中的儿童少年的脊柱侧凸病人和严重的成年人脊柱侧凸。本文还讨论了如何获得最大限度的畸形矫正,应重点克服侧凸僵硬度,重视术中脊髓监测、植骨范围和技术以及妥善的术后处理。  相似文献   

Objective: Apparently, scoliosis occurs in approximately one-third of patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Little is known about the response of these curves to treatment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of spinal surgery in these peculiar patients. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated the results of spinal surgery in eight patients who had scoliosis due to clinically and electrophysiologicaUy proven Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Radiographs were reviewed. The location and direction of the curve pattern, the age at the time of surgery, type of surgery, number of levels fused, instrumentations used, intra or postoperative complications, and results and need for reoperation were recorded. Results: Eight patients associated with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease who underwent scoliotic surgery were identified. The average age and curve at the time of surgery were 21.1 years and 56.4° respectively. 62.5% of the curves had left thoracic component and more than one third was associated with thoracic hyperkyphosis. Long posterior spinal fusion was performed most often, with an average of 11.5 spinal segments fused. Instrumentation was used in all posterior fusions. At an average of 39 months (range, 24 to 72 months) postop- eratively, the fusion appeared to be solid in all patients. Conclusion: Scoliosis in patients with Chareot-Marie-Tooth disease differs from that in patients with idiopathic scoliosis in regarding to the etiology and the prevalence of thoracic hyperkyphosis, but the surgical management appears to be similar. Spondylodesis does not appear to be associated with a high rate of complications.  相似文献   

目的 探讨先天性挛缩蜘蛛指畸形的临床诊断和治疗方法.方法 先天性挛缩蜘蛛指畸形患者6例,男1例,女5例;年龄:5~14岁,平均7.5岁.临床表现为类马凡体形、关节屈曲畸形、脊柱侧后凸畸形、肌肉发育不全,四肢肌肌力明显低于正常;外耳廓的畸形,通常为外耳廓上半部分出现皱折.皆合并脊柱侧后凸,其中2例侧后凸于胸段,4例于胸腰段,侧凸Cobb角:85~117°,平均88.6°;后凸Cobb角:75~123°,平均93.6°.分子基因学部分(75%)表现为原纤维蛋白-2基因位点有基因突变.皆用椎弓根钉棒系统或椎板钩行后路手术矫形,其中4例行Smith-Petersen截骨矫正后凸.结果 术后侧凸Cobb角:35~52°,平均37.6°后凸Cobb角:28~54°,平均38.6°.4例得到随访,约6~9个月,平均7.8个月;2例失访.3例骨融合良好,1例术后螺钉拔出并有神经根损伤,行翻修术改用椎板钩后缓解.躯体外观和肺功能明显改善.结论 先天性挛缩蜘蛛指畸形特有的临床表现为脊柱侧后凸Cobb角度大、僵硬,椎弓根发育细小,椎弓根植入困难,后凸多需截骨矫形.要注意与马凡综合征、Stickler综合征、高胱氨酸尿症和Distal arthrogryposis等的鉴别诊断,尤其是与马凡综合征的鉴别诊断.  相似文献   

Background  Many investigators advocate anterior release combined with halo-femoral traction and posterior fusion when treating stiff thoracic curves in patient with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). But the anterior operations often induce severe complications. Some surgeons choose posterior-only surgery with halo-femoral traction, posterior wide release and correction. But to the best of our knowledge, there are only rare prospective studies on these posterior-only surgeries for AIS patients who have a rigid curve more than 80° and flexibility less than 35%.
Methods  Sixty-four AIS patients were recruited from September 2006 to June 2009. All patients had rigid curves and underwent spinal correction. They were randomly divided into group A (combined anteroposterior surgery) and group B (posterior-only surgery). Images and scoliosis research society-22 questionnaire (SRS-22) scores were performed pre- and post-operation and during follow-up visits. The operation time, blood loss, hospital days, and hospital charges were compared between the two groups.
Results  These patients were followed for an average of 37.5 months (range, 24–65 months). No serious complications were observed. There were no significant differences between the two groups in gender, age, preoperative radiographic data, or preoperative SRS-22 score. The average operation time, blood loss, hospital days and hospital charges in group B were less than those in group A. The SRS-22 score in group B was better than in group A at post-operation and at final follow-up.
Conclusions  In AIS with a rigid curve more than 80° and flexibility less than 35%, strong halo-femoral traction with wide posterior spinal release and three dimensional spinal correction can provide better SRS-22 scores, comparable curve correction, shorter operation time, less blood loss, shorter hospital stays and lower charges when compared to combined anterior and posterior surgery.

脊柱结核的一期手术治疗   总被引:67,自引:0,他引:67  
目的:评价一期手术治疗脊柱结核的临床疗效。方法:1996年1月至2001年1月间采用一期手术治疗胸、腰椎脊柱结核患者57例,其中经前路病灶切除、椎体间植骨并内固定35例,经后路病灶清除并内固定16例,后路内固定并前路前路病灶切除、椎体间植骨6例。采用钛合金材料内植入物38例,不锈钢材料内植入物19例。结果:所有57例患者切口均一期愈合,无慢性窦道形成。除3例失访外,其余54例获得随访,随访时间1-5年(平均2.2年),结核无局部复发,后凸畸形平均矫正21.6度。随访期内,有2-4度的角度丢失。植骨界面骨性融合时间平均3.8个月。结论:一斯手术治疗可以完成脊柱结核外科治疗的基本环节,具有明显的优越性。采用钛合金或不锈钢材料内植入物进行一期内固定均安全,但需根据患者具体情况选择合适术式。  相似文献   

周之德  曾志军 《上海医学》1997,20(9):507-509
为总结改良Wisconsin手术治疗脊柱侧弯的优点。回顾性研究自1988年至1994年特发性脊柱侧弯42例,Wisconsin手术治疗的情况。平均随方4年。男怀11例,女性31例。平均年龄14.8岁。手术前侧弯Cobb角平均53.2度,手术后26.3度。纠正率50.6%。无严重并发症发生,结论:脊柱侧弯Cobb角小于90度和脊柱可屈性大的患者,可选用改良Wisconsin手术方法纠正畸形。这方法优  相似文献   

目的探讨改良Halo-骨盆架在儿童重度僵硬性脊柱侧凸矫形前牵引治疗中的应用价值。方法2006年1月-2011年3月儿童重度僵硬性脊柱侧凸病例18例,在矫形术前用改良Halo-骨盆架进行牵引并对其临床资料进行回顾性分析。术前冠状面侧凸Cobb角82°~159°,平均118.4°,矢状面后凸Cobb角46°~116°,平均91°。最大牵引力为体重的1/3—1/2进行术前牵引。对牵引前、牵引后、矫形术后的侧后凸纠正率进行统计比较。结果平均最大牵引重量8kg,约占平均体重(14.3kg)的51.2%,牵引2~4周(平均2.3周)。6例患者在牵引2周时出现右侧臂丛神经麻痹,减少牵引力后症状消失。矫形术后无瘫痪、呼吸衰竭和死亡发生。牵引后冠状面侧凸纠正率平均39.6%;矢状面后凸纠正率平均30.7%;肺功能及动脉血气结果明显改善。矫形术后冠状面侧凸矫正率平均为49.2%;矢状面后凸矫正率平均为39.3%。结论术前用改良Halo-骨盆架牵引可明显提高儿童重度僵硬性脊柱侧凸效果并能改善患者肺功能,减少并发症。  相似文献   

Background The advantages of video assisted thoracoscopic anterior correction for scoliosis are minimal invasion and relatively short-time instrumentation; however the relatively steep learning curve cannot be ignored. Small incision, thoracotomic anterior correction for idiopathic thoracic scoliosis could be another choice because of less demanding technique. We compared the outcomes of these two techniques. Methods Forty-nine patients with idiopathic right thoracic scoliosis were randomly divided into two groups. Group A was 12 girls with mean age 14.9 years, mean Cobb angle 52° and Risser signs "+++" to "++++". Ten patients received video assisted thoracoscopic anterior correction with Eclipse rectification and two with Frontier instrumentation. Group B was 4 boys and 33 girls with mean age 14.1 years, mean Cobb angle of 56° and Risser signs "++" to "++++". These patients underwent small incision, thoracotomic anterior instrumentation. The operation time, blood loss, postoperative drainage, instrumented levels, curve correction and early loss of correction of both groups were analyzed. Results Group A had average operation time of (390±82) minutes, intraoperative blood loss of (600±155) ml, instrumented level of 7.4±1.3, postoperative drainage of (500±160) ml, correction rate of (65±16)% and loss of correction during the 18-36 month followup of (8.6±2.9)%. Group B had average operative time of (220±80) minutes, intraoperative blood loss of (320±120) ml, instrumented level of 7.8±0.9, postoperative drainage of (210±90) ml, curve correction rate of (70±12)% and loss of correction during the 18-36-month followup of (4.6±3.9)%. The curve correction rates of the two groups were not statistically significant (P 〉0.05). However, the operative time, blood loss, postoperative drainage, and early loss of correction showed statistical significance (P 〈0.05). Conclusion Both video assisted thoracoscopic anterior cor  相似文献   

后路半椎体切除椎弓根螺钉内固定治疗先天性脊柱畸形   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:评价后方入路半椎体切除并椎弓根螺钉矫形固定椎间植骨融合术治疗先天性脊柱侧后突畸形的疗效。方法:2005年1月~2009年12月,我科收集17例先天性半椎体并脊柱侧突后突畸形患儿,男11例,女6例,平均年龄11.8岁。患儿接受后路半椎体切除+椎弓根螺钉矫形固定+椎间隙半椎体之骨颗粒植入融合术,手术固定2~8椎体,椎体手术后佩戴胸腰背支具6个月以上,测量并比较术前、术后1周及术后1年侧后突之Cobb角,从而评估手术效果。结果:本组患儿侧突主弯Cobb角术前平均64.2°,术后18.3°,矫正率为71.5%;后突主弯Cobb角术前平均57.1°,术后22.6°,矫正率为60.4%。术后无神经功能障碍或术区感染等并发症发生。术后3个月植骨达到骨性融合,而且代偿性辅弯减少,躯干平衡改善。结论:后方入路半椎体切除并椎弓根螺钉矫形固定椎间植骨融合术治疗先天性脊柱侧后突畸形可以达到满意的治疗效果,其中,短节段固定又可以保留较多的椎体生长和运动功能。  相似文献   

后路脊柱截骨矫形治疗重度僵硬后凸型脊柱侧凸   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:评价应用后路脊柱截骨矫形治疗重度僵硬后凸型脊柱侧凸的效果 .方法:回顾性分析北京大学第一医院骨科自2005年3月至2006年9月应用后路脊柱截骨矫形治疗重度脊柱僵硬后凸型侧凸11例(平均年龄11.2岁),其中神经纤维瘤病3例,先天性脊柱侧弯5例,脊髓灰质炎1例,特发性脊柱侧凸2例.11例患者的Bending像脊柱活动度均小于25%.平均随访时间1.3年(0.5~2年).结果:术中1节段后柱楔形截骨3例,2节段后柱楔形截骨2例,3节段后柱楔形截骨2例,经椎弓根截骨2例,椎体切除+后柱切除2例.术前后凸畸形平均108°(87°~135°),侧凸畸形平均97°(65°~135°),术后后凸畸形平均矫正至49°(改善率55%),侧凸平均矫正至37°(改善率66%).术后身高平均增加4.7 cm.11例矫形手术无神经系统并发症发生. 结论:应用后路脊柱截骨矫形治疗重度僵硬后凸型脊柱侧凸是一种较为有效的手术方法.  相似文献   

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