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To investigate the value of ultrasound speckle tracking imaging (STI) in the assessment of the short-axis and long-axis systolic function of the left ventricle (LV) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), 100 subjects with normal ejection fraction were studied, including 41 patients with DM only (DM group), 22 patients with both DM and left ventricular hypertrophy (DH group), and 37 healthy subjects (control group). Left ventricle systolic function in the long axis defined as longitudinal strain, and that in the short axis defined as radial strain, apical and basal LV rotations, and LV twist were assessed respectively. The results showed that average peak strain in the long axis at basal, middle and apical levels, and global peak strain were significantly decreased in the patient groups when compared with the control group (P〈0.001 for each). The parameters in DH group were significantly lower than those in DM group (P〈0.01 for each). There were no significant differences in average radial peak strain in the short axis at different levels, and global peak strain among the three groups (P〉0.05). Apical and basal LV rotations, and LV twist were greater in the patient groups than in the control group (P〈0.01 for each). Basal LV rotation and LV twist were greater in DH group than those in DM group (P〈0.01). It was concluded that STI may be used to identify early abnormalities in patients with type 2 DM that have normal left ventricular systolic function.  相似文献   

目的:探讨房间隔缺损(ASD)患者右室容量负荷增加及右室重构对左室心尖部?基底部的旋转运动的影响,并评价经皮房间隔缺损封堵术对左室旋转运动的急性期影响?方法:应用超声斑点追踪显像技术分别测量25例单纯房间隔缺损的患者术前及封堵术后3天的左室基底部及心尖部短轴6个节段的收缩期的旋转角度峰值及平均峰值,绘出左室基底部及心尖部短轴的平均旋角度—时间曲线;双平面Simpson法测左室射血分数(LVEF)?25例年龄性别匹配的正常人作为对照?结果:与对照组相比,ASD组术前基底部前间隔?侧壁?后壁?下壁?后间隔的顺时针旋转角度峰值减低(P < 0.05),前壁的旋转角度峰值也减低,但差异无统计学意义?而术前左室心尖部短轴6个节段的收缩期的旋转角度峰值均较对照组降低,但是差异无统计学意义?而ASD组术后基底部前间隔?侧壁?后壁?下壁?后间隔的顺时针旋转角度峰值较术前升高(P < 0.05),前壁的旋转角度峰值也升高,但差异无统计学意义?术后左室心尖部短轴6个节段的收缩期的旋转角度峰值较术前升高,但是差异无统计学意义?与正常对照组而言,ASD患者术后除侧壁仍较低外,其余各节段的旋转角度均接近正常对照组?结论:ASD引起的右室容量负荷增加及右室重构对左室基底部的旋转和左室整体扭转运动有影响,对心尖部的旋转运动的影响不明显?经皮房间隔缺损封堵术可以改善左室基底部的旋转因而也改善了左室整体扭转运动?  相似文献   

Background Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) has provided an objective means to quantify global and regional left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV) function with improved accuracy and greater reproducibility than conventional echocardiography. This study was conducted to assess RV myocardial systolic activation by TDI in subjects with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Methods A total of 30 patients with PAH and 30 healthy volunteers, all comparable in age and sex, underwent standard Doppler echo and TDI. Using pulsed Doppler echocardiography combined with TDI, the following regional parameters were evaluated in three different myocardial segments (RV basal lateral wall, basal septal, and LV basal lateral) on apical 4-chamber view: systolic (Sm), early- and late-diastolic (Em and Am) peak velocities. RV myocardial systolic activation delay was defined as the difference in time to peak TDI systolic velocities between the RV basal lateral wall and basal septal. In addition, RV end-diastolic and end-systolic areas were measured to calculate RV fractional area change from the same apical 4-chamber view. Results Compared with the control group, patients with PAH showed increased RA and RV end-diastolic diameter (RA: (4.5±1.2)cm vs (3.0±0.8)cm, P〈0.05 and RV: (4.8±1.9)cm vs (3.4±0.5)cm, P〈0.05) and reduced RV fractional area change; (35±14)% vs (56±9)%, P〈0.05. These PAH patients showed lower myocardial peak velocities and a significant activation delay compared with controls (P〈0.05). Moreover, a strong correlation between RV myocardial systolic activation delay and RV fractional area change was shown in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (r = -0.82). Conclusions In PAH, RV myocardial systolic activation was markedly delayed, which was directly related to the RV fractional area change. RV myocardial systolic activation delay assessed by TDI could offer a unique approach to predict RV dysfunction.  相似文献   

目的采用超声二维斑点追踪显像技术(STI)探讨肥厚型心肌病(HCM)患者左心室扭转运动(LVtw)的特征。方法随机选取心功能正常的HCM患者及正常对照者各20例,取胸骨旁左心室心尖和心底短轴观二维图像对左心室旋转进行测量分析,计算心底部旋转角度峰值(MV-Prot)及其达峰时间、心尖部旋转角度峰值(AP-Prot)及其达峰时间、扭转角度峰值(Ptw)及达峰时间、收缩期末扭转角度(AVCtw)、等容舒张期末扭转角度(MVOtw)、解旋率(UntwR)、解旋减半时间(HTU),并比较两组间上述各参数的差别。结果(1)与对照组相比,HCM组MV-Prot、AP-Prot、Ptw、AVCtw、MVOtw和HTU测值增加,UntwR测值减低(P均<0.05)。(2)HCM组左心室扭转角度达峰时间测值较对照组明显增加(P<0.05)。(3)HCM组内左心室旋转心尖部达峰时间较心底部测值明显增加(P<0.05)。结论应用STI可无创性评价HCM患者左心室旋转及扭转运动特征,HCM患者左心室旋转运动力学参数较正常人有明显异常改变。  相似文献   

 目的探讨超声二维斑点追踪(STE)检测的左心室扭转参数预测心脏再同步化治疗(CRT)短期疗效的价值。方法接受CRT治疗的心衰患者34例,在术前3 d及术后1个月采用STE检测左心室基底和心尖峰值旋转角度(Rot-Ba 和Rot-Ap)、基底和心尖达峰值旋转角度时间(T-Ba 和T-Ap)、基底和心尖达峰时间差(Ba-Ap Rot Delay)、左心室峰值扭转角度(Ptw)和达峰时间(TPtw)、左心室标化峰值扭转角度(Ptor)。将术后左室收缩末容积(LVESV)减小率△LVESV≥15%定义为CRT短期治疗有效。结果21 例(61.8%)患者为CRT 短期治疗有效组(R 组)。术前R 组Rot-Ba、Rot-Ap、Ptw 和Ptor 大于无效组(NR 组),Ba-Ap
Rot Delay 短于NR 组,其余参数无差异。术后与NR组比较,R 组的Rot-Ba、Rot-Ap、Ptw 和Ptor 增大,Ba-Ap Rot Delay 缩短。Rot-Ap、Ptw 和Ptor 是△LVESV≥15%的独立影响因素,Ptw跃2.2毅预测CRT 短期治疗有效的敏感性和特异性分别为78%和74%。结论STE 检测的左心室扭转参数可准确预测CRT 短期疗效。  相似文献   

目的:运用二维超声斑点追踪技术评价经皮室间隔封堵术前后患者心脏扭转运动的变化.方法:检测18例室间隔缺损患者封堵术前、术后第3天、术后1个月、术后3个月的常规心脏二维多普勒超声参数,并运用二维斑点追踪技术对患者的左心室旋转及扭转运动进行分析,以探讨室间隔缺损封堵术对其心脏扭转运动的影响.结果:封堵术后第3天,舒张期末左室内径(LVEDd)、左室舒张末容积(LVEDV)较术前减低较明显,左心室的基底部、心尖部的旋转角度及整体的扭转运动的角度较术前稍有减低.术后1个月、术后3个月,LVEDd、LVEDV较术前仍有降低,但降低的程度有减小的趋势;而左心室的基底部、心尖部的旋转角度及整体的扭转运动的角度仍有降低,降低的程度以术后1个月最明显,以后降低程度减小.患者封堵术前、术后第3天、术后1个月、术后3个月的LVEF稍有改变,但差异尤统计学意义.无论是封堵术前、术后第3天、术后1个月、还是术后3个月有,病人的左心室的基底部、心尖部的旋转角度峰值及整体的扭转运动的角度峰值均和LVEF呈线性相关,且以左室整体的扭转运动的角度峰值和LVEF的相关性最好.结论:经皮室间隔缺损封堵术通过逆转左室的重构而改善左室的扭转运动,且左室整体的扭转运动与LVEF的相关性最好.  相似文献   

目的:探讨二维超声斑点追踪成像技术评价正常构型原发性高血压(EH)患者左心室局部和整体收缩功能的临床价值。方法:左心室构型正常(LVN)的原发性高血压患者26例,健康对照组25例,获取其心尖四腔、三腔及二腔二维图像,测定左室各节段心内膜下纵向收缩期峰值应变,并计算左室基底段水平、中间段水平、心尖段水平各6节段收缩期平均峰值应变及左室18节段平均应变。结果:与对照组比较,高血压病组左室各节段心内膜下纵向收缩期峰值应变显著降低(P<0.05或P<0.01);与对照组比较,高血压病组基底段水平、中间段水平、心尖段水平各6节段纵向收缩期平均应变值及左室18节段平均应变值显著降低(P<0.01)。结论:超声斑点追踪成像技术可以早期准确地评价原发性高血压患者左心室局部和整体心肌收缩功能。  相似文献   

Background Rotation of the left ventricular (LV) apex to the base, or LV torsion, is related to myocardial contractility and structure and has recently been recognized as a sensitive indicator of cardiac performance, but it has been difficult to measure. The recent development of 2-dimensional (2D) speckle tracking imaging (STI) may provide a powerful means of assessing LV torsion. This study was conducted to evaluate the global and regional LV twist in patients with anterior wall myocardial infarction (AMI) disease before and after revascularization by STI. Methods 2D STI was performed in 35 AMI patients before and one month after revascularization, as well as in 32 normal controls. Left ventricular global and regional rotations were obtained at basal and apical short-axis levels; LV torsion was defined as apical rotation relative to the base. The time sequences were normalized to the percentage of systolic and diastolic duration. Results Before revascularization, LV peak regional and global torsion in patients with AMI were significantly reduced as the result of reduced apical and basal rotation relative to those of normal control group (all P〈0.001); most significantly in the anterior and anterior-septal regions (P 〈0.001); one month after revascularization, there were significant changes in peak rotation at either the base or apex relative to pre-revascularization values (all P 〈0.001). Similarly, peak regional and global LV torsion were increased significantly (all P 〈0.001). Global torsion inversely correlated with EDV (r=-0.605, P=0.028) and ESV (r=-0.638, P=0.019); and positively correlated with LVEF (r=0.630, P=-0.021). Tight relations were also found between torsion and LV longitudinal and short axis function. Conclusions Systolic torsion was decreased in AMI patients. Revascularization therapy can improve the LV function of the AMI patients. STI has a potential to quantify left ventricular global and segment torsion in patients with AMI, and may make  相似文献   

The left ventricular twist was evaluated by 2-dimensional ultrasound speckle-tracking imaging (STI) in 50 patients with hypertension with normal geometric left ventricle (LV) and 45 normal subjects as control group. The mean value of LV rotation was obtained at each plane Using STI. LV twist and twist velocity were defined as apical rotation/rotation rate relative to the base respectively. To adjust the intersubject differences in heart rates, the time sequence were normalized. The results showed that peak twist developed near the end of systole. Peak LV twist was significantly higher in patients with hypertension than normal controls (P〈0.001). The diastolic untwisting mainly occurred in early diastole (=38%). Compared with normal controls, untwisting rate (Untw R) in patients with hypertension was significantly reduced (P〈0.001), and untwisting half-time (UHT) was significantly delayed (P〈0.05). This study demonstrated that STI has a potential ability to evaluate the early change of heart function in patients with hypertension by measuring the twist of LV.  相似文献   

邓燕  郭盛兰  马国添  梁梅馨 《广西医学》2009,31(11):1571-1573
目的探讨应变率成像(SRI)评估肺动脉高压(PH)患者右心室心肌机械运动不同步的价值。方法应用SRI定量检测36例PH患者(PH组)及35例健康受检者(对照组),观察右心室6节段及右心室整体心肌非同步相关参数,包括:QRS波至右心室6节段及右心室整体心肌收缩期达峰时间(Ts)、右心室机械不同步指数(RV—DI),并对所获参数进行心率校正;测量右心室功能相关参数:右心室面积变化分数(RVFAC)、右心室MPI指数(RVMPI)、右心室游离壁三尖辩环收缩期位移(TAPSE)、右心室射血分数(RVEF)、右心宣整体应变率(RV Strain)及右心室整体收缩期峰值应变(RV Sas)。结果PH组RV—DI、右心室整体Ts大于对照组(P〈0.05),右心室游离壁基底段殁中间段Ts长于室间隔相应节段TB及对照组相应节段Ts(P〈0.05);PH组右心室功能相关参数均低于对照组(P〈0.01);RV-DI与RVFAC及RVEF呈负相关(r=-0.81,P〈0.05;r=-0.85,P〈0.01)。结论PH患者存在右心室机械运动不同步,SRI可作为临床判断右心室机械不同步重要方法。  相似文献   

董金杭  陈明 《贵阳医学院学报》2014,39(2):210-213,217
目的:探讨三维斑点追踪成像技术(3D-STI)对静息状态下高血压患者心肌收缩功能异常的评判价值.方法:选取高血压患者38例,正常健康对照组33例,采集实时左心室全容积图像,应用3D-STI软件进行分析,得出左心室射血分数(LVEF)、左心室纵向收缩期峰值应变值、左心室面积收缩期峰值应变值;比较两组之间各应变指标的差异,分析3D-STI对高血压患者左心室心肌应变特征评价的可行性.结果:高血压组左心室纵向及面积收缩期峰值应变值较对照组减低(P<0.05),对照组左室纵向收缩期峰值应变从基底段至心尖段呈逐渐增大趋势;Pearson相关分析表明,高血压组左室整体纵向、面积收缩期峰值应变与LVEF相关(1=0.758,P1=0.000;r2 =0.567,P2=0.000).结论:3D-STI可通过测量心肌应变值,客观地评价高血压患者左心室收缩功能.  相似文献   

目的:应用速度向量成像(VVI)技术评价尿毒症高血压患者节段性心肌收缩功能的变化。方法:利用VVI技术检测25例尿毒症高血压患者左室心尖长轴切面左室壁基底段、中间段和心尖段收缩期峰值速度(Vs)、收缩期峰值应变(ε),另取25例健康志愿者进行对照。结果:尿毒症高血压患者心肌各节段Vs、ε较对照组显著降低(P<0.05),并且失去正常节段的运动规律。结论:VVI技术可敏感评价尿毒症高血压患者局部心肌受损情况。  相似文献   

目的 应用应变率评价川崎病儿童左心长轴方向收缩功能。方法 对31例急性期川崎病患儿(冠脉扩张8例)、30例恢复期川崎病患儿(冠脉扩张11例)与20例正常儿童进行超声心动图检查。于胸骨旁左室长轴切面测量各腔室径线;通过M型超声获得左室射血分数(EF);采集心尖四腔、两腔和左室长轴切面的一个完整心动周期的动态组织速度图像,存入MO盘中。脱机分析六个室壁基底部、中间部的收缩期应变率(S凡)。结果 急性期组收缩期峰值应变率低于对照组,在所有基底部和部分中间节段有统计学差异(P〈0.05);恢复期儿童同一室壁收缩期峰值应变率失去一致性。结论 急性期和恢复期川崎病儿童左室长轴方向收缩功能受损。  相似文献   

To assess the normal value of left ventricular twist (LVtw) and examine the changes with normal aging by 2-dimensional ultrasound speckle-tracking imaging (STI), 121 healthy volunteers were divided into three age groups: a youth group (19-45 y old), a middle-age group (46-64 y old ) and an old-age group (≥65 y old). Basal and apical short-axis images of left ventricular were acquired to analyse LV rotation (LVrot) and LVrot velocity. LVtw and LVtw velocity was defined as apical LVrot and LVrot velocity relative to the base. Peak twist (Ptw), twist at aortic valve closure (AVCtw), twist at mitral valve opening (MVOtw), untwisting rate (UntwR), half time of untwisting (HTU), peak twist velocity (PTV), time to peak twist velocity (TPTV), peak untwisting velocity (PUV), time to peak untwisting velocity (TPUV) were separately measured. The results showed that the normal LV performs a wringing motion with a clockwise rotation at the base and a counterclock- wise rotation at the apex (as seen from the apex). The LVtw velocity showed a systolic counterclockwise twist followed by a diastolic clockwise twist. Peak twist develops near the end of systole (96%±4.2% of systole). With aging, Ptw, AVCtw, MVOtw, HTU and PUV increased significantly (P〈0.05) and UntwR decreased significantly (P〈0.05). However, no significant differences in TPUV, PTV and TPTV were noted among the 3 groups (P〉0.05). It is concluded that LV twist can be measured non-invasively by 2-dimensional ultrasound STI imaging. The age-related changes of LVtw should be fully taken into consideration in the assessment of LV function.  相似文献   

To assess fight ventficular free wall longitudinal myocardium deformation and examine the changes with normal age by speckle tracking imaging (STI), myocardial systolic peak strain (ε), systolic peak strain rate (SRs), early diastolic peak strain rate (SRe), late diastolic peak strain rate (SRa), the ratio of SRe/SRa were measured in the basal, middle and apical segments of right ventficular free wall in 75 healthy volunteers (age range: 21-71 y) by STI from the apical 4-chamber view. RV longitudinal strain and strain rate were highest in the basal segment of the free wall. Older subjects had lower early diastolic strain rate (SRe) than younger subjects, but they had higher late diastolic strain rate (SRa). A negative correlation between age and the ratio of SRe/SRa was found in all RV free wall segments (r=-4).466 - -0.614, P〈0.01). It is concluded that RV diastolic strain rate changes with age and STI can be used for the study of RV myocardial deformation.  相似文献   

目的 探讨维持性血液透析对经动静脉内瘘 (arteriovenous fistula,AVF)行透析的慢性肾功能衰竭患者右心功能的影响。方法 纳入经AVF行维持性血液透析治疗的慢性肾功能衰竭患者67例,根据是否发生肺动脉高压分为肺动脉高压组及无肺动脉高压组。利用超声多普勒采集两组右心室功能、左心室射血分数(LVEF)以及血管通路的流量,评估两组间临床基线指标、透析相关因素、右心功能指标,应用logistic回归分析肺动脉高压的危险因素。结果 本组患者肺动脉高压发生率37.31% (25/67),右心室肥厚发生率17.91% (12/67)。与无肺动脉高压组比较,肺动脉高压组患者收缩压升高 (P<0.01),血红蛋白值以及尿素消除指数(Kt/V)值降低 (P=0.03,P<0.01);肺动脉高压组LVEF低于无肺动脉高压组 (P=0.04),右心室肥厚发生率增高 (P=0.04),且右心室舒张功能受损较无肺动脉高压组明显,然两组间血管通路流量差异无统计学意义。相关分析显示:收缩期肺动脉压(sPAP)与收缩压、右室壁厚度正相关 (r=0.246,0.394,P<0.05),与LVEF值负相关 (r=-0.373,P=0.002)。Logistic 回归分析提示:对肺动脉高压的发生与否具影响和预测性的指标是LVEF值 (回归系数b=-0. 096,OR=1.100, P=0.01)及收缩压值 (回归系数b=0.063,OR=0.940, P=0.002)。结论 经AVF行维持性血液透析患者约1/5~1/3发生肺动脉高压以及右心室肥厚;尿毒症患者左心功能状态、血压控制不佳可能共同参与肺动脉高压、右心室肥厚、右心室舒张功能不全的发生。  相似文献   

目的:运用二维超声斑点追踪技术评价经皮房间隔封堵术前后患者右心室运动速度、应变及应变率的急性期变化.方法:检测25例房间隔缺损患者封堵术前、术后第3大的常规心脏二维多普勒超声参数,并运用二维斑点追踪技术对患者的有心室运动速度、应变及应变率进行分析,以探讨房间隔缺损封堵术对右心窜运动的影响.25例年龄性别匹配的正常人作为对照.结果:房间隔缺损患者术前的右心室游离壁的运动速度较正常对照显著加快(P<0.05),而封堵术后出现了明显的下降并且接近正常对照的运动速度(P>0.05).在房间隔缺损封堵术前,右心室游离壁的应变较正常对照升高(P<0.05).有心室游离壁的应变率较正常对照升高但是差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).封堵术后,右心室游离肇的峰值应变及应变率出现下降趋势,但是较术前而言差异不显著(P>0.05).较正常对照而言,房间隔缺损患者术前室间隔的运动速度及峰值应变显著升高(P<0.05),并且在术后出现显著的降低(P<0.05).而室间隔部位的应变率则未发现类似变化,无论和正常对照比较还是和术前比较,均未发现明显变化(P>0.05).结论:经皮室间隔缺损封堵术通过迅速减轻右心室的容量负荷而影响右心室的运动速度、应变及应变率.其中右心室的形变参数对右心室容量负荷的急性变化不敏感,而右心室的运动速度受负荷改变的影响明显.  相似文献   

Summary To assess the normal value of left ventricular twist (LVtw) and examine the changes with normal aging by 2-dimensional ultrasound speckle-tracking imaging (STI), 121 healthy volunteers were divided into three age groups: a youth group (19–45 y old), a middle-age group (46–64 y old) and an old-age group (≥65 y old). Basal and apical short-axis images of left ventricular were acquired to analyse LV rotation (LVrot) and LVrot velocity. LVtw and LVtw velocity was defined as apical LVrot and LVrot velocity relative to the base. Peak twist (Ptw), twist at aortic valve closure (AVCtw), twist at mitral valve opening (MVOtw), untwisting rate (UntwR), half time of untwisting (HTU), peak twist velocity (PTV), time to peak twist velocity (TPTV), peak untwisting velocity (PUV), time to peak untwisting velocity (TPUV) were separately measured. The results showed that the normal LV performs a wringing motion with a clockwise rotation at the base and a counterclock-wise rotation at the apex (as seen from the apex). The LVtw velocity showed a systolic counterclock-wise twist followed by a diastolic clockwise twist. Peak twist develops near the end of systole (96%±4.2% of systole). With aging, Ptw, AVCtw, MVOtw, HTU and PUV increased significantly (P<0.05) and UntwR decreased significantly (P<0.05). However, no significant differences in TPUV, PTV and TPTV were noted among the 3 groups (P>0.05). It is concluded that LV twist can be measured non-invasively by 2-dimensional ultrasound STI imaging. The age-related changes of LVtw should be fully taken into consideration in the assessment of LV function.  相似文献   

目的 探讨定量组织多普勒成像技术(QTVI)评价急性心肌梗死患者(AMI)右室壁运动速度及心肌同步性运动的价值.方法 A组为正常对照26例,B组为急性下壁或下后壁心肌梗死急诊行经皮冠状动脉介入术(percutaneous coronary intervention PCI)后1周内患者24例,应用QTVI获得右室游离壁基底段﹑中段心肌的组织多普勒速度曲线,分别测量各阶段的收缩期(Vs)﹑舒张早期(Ve)﹑舒张晚期(Va)运动速度﹑收缩期S波持续时间(ET)及Ve/Va比值,同时测量各节段自QRS波起始至心肌收缩期及舒张早期峰值速度的时限收缩期同步性指标(Ts)和舒张期同步性指标(Te).结果 B组右室游离壁基底段﹑中段的Ve均较A组显著减小(均P<0.01),基底段的ET及中段的Ve/Va比值均较A组减小(均P<0.05),B组右室游离壁内各节段间的Ts和Te无差别(P> 0.05).结论 QTVI可简便﹑敏感地评价急性心肌梗死患者右室壁运动异常,AMI患者急诊行PCI术后右室游离壁内各节段收缩和舒张同步.  相似文献   

目的 应用超声速度向量成像技术(VVI)探讨冠心病左前降支(LAD)病变患者左室局部收缩功能与冠状动脉病变程度的关系,为临床客观评价节段性室壁运动提供一种较好的方法.方法 根据冠状动脉造影结果,左心室心肌分为正常组20例、缺血组20例和梗死组20例,所有受检者于超声心动图中取心尖四腔心、两腔心、心尖左室长轴切面,二尖瓣水平及乳头肌水平及心尖水平左室短轴切面的18个节段的心肌动态图像,对仅由冠状动脉LAD供血的相应左室壁节段径向应变、圆周应变、纵向应变,心底水平及心尖水平前壁及前间隔的收缩期旋转角度及旋转速率进行分析.结果 缺血组及梗死组的前壁及前间隔基底段、中间段、心尖段的收缩期纵向、圆周、径向应变均较正常组减低,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).当患者左室射血分数正常并常规二维超声心动图检查未见节段性室壁运动异常时,前壁、前间隔任意水平纵向应变<-17.58%、圆周应变<-20.52%,径向应变<36.26%作为预测前降支病变引起心肌缺血的截断值,可获得最佳敏感度及特异度.当患者左室射血分数正常且静息时超声心动图检查前降支供血相应区域有明显节段性室壁运动异常时,前壁、前间隔任意水平纵向应变<-15.86%、圆周应变<-18.30%,径向应变<34.60%作为预测前降支病变引起心肌梗死的截断值,可获得最佳敏感度及特异度.梗死组前间隔、前壁心肌收缩期旋转角度及旋转速率在心底及心尖水平均低于正常组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),缺血组缺血节段的收缩期旋转角度及旋转速率在心尖水平及在心底水平与正常组相比,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 当冠心病患者左室射血分数正常并常规二维超声心动图检查未见节段性室壁运动异常时,VVI技术测量其狭窄冠脉供血区域心肌已出现局部收缩功能减低.对于LAD患者,应用VVI技术测量前间隔及前壁各水平心肌纵向、圆周应变能较好鉴别靶血管病变程度,并能定位冠心病患者的缺血节段心肌.  相似文献   

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