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北豆根总碱对热应激小鼠的免疫调节作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
北豆根总碱25mg/kg、50mg/kg ip能显著增强热应激所致的免疫功能低下小鼠迟发型超敏反应及脾脏空斑形成细胞溶血能力,北豆根总碱50mg/kg ip能显著增强模型鼠单核巨噬细胞吞噬功能及血清溶血素的生成。热应激后小鼠血清皮酮含量升高,北豆根总碱能显著降低其血清皮 质酮含量,提示总碱能通过抑制皮质酮的升高而机体的免疫功能。  相似文献   

蒙药广枣总黄酮对小鼠体液免疫功能影响的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
观察广枣总黄酮(TFC)对小鼠体液免疫功能的影响。结果显示:TFC(20.16mg/kg、40.32mg/kg)可以显著增加小鼠免疫器官脾和胸腺的重量,增加小鼠血清溶菌酶的含量,提高小鼠血清抗体水平(小剂量组优于大剂量组),小剂量TFC可明显促进小鼠血清半数溶血值(HC50)的形成。故广枣总黄酮具有显著增加小鼠体液免疫功能的作用  相似文献   

墨旱莲乙酸乙酯总提物对小鼠免疫功能的调节作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:研究墨埋莲乙酸乙酯总提物(EAEEP)对机体免疫功能的调节作用。方法:采用正常及腹腔注射氢化可的松工呈不磷酰胺所致免疫低下小鼠模型,观察EAEEP对非特异免疫、细胞免疫体免疫功能的影响。结果:EAEEP可显著降低正常小鼠的脾指数、血清溶血素水平,并可显著抑制机体迟发性变态反应(DTH),而对于免疫功能低下小鼠,则可显著提高以上指标。结论:EAEEP具有调节小鼠免疫功能的作用。  相似文献   

肝必康胶囊对实验性肝损伤的作用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的研究肝必康胶囊抗肝损伤的药效作用.方法采用四氯化碳(CCL)、D-半乳糖胺(D-GlaN)、异硫氰酸萘酯(ANIT)所致小鼠急性肝损伤模型,免疫功能低下小鼠溶血素生成、小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬功能等方法.结果肝必康胶囊能显著抑制CCl4、D-GlaN、ANIT等所致急性肝损伤小鼠血清中转氨酶升高,降低总胆红素含量;促进免疫功能低下小鼠溶血素生成;增加免疫功能低下小鼠腔巨噬细胞吞噬百分率和吞噬指数.结论肝必康胶囊具有明显保肝、降酶、退黄作用,并使免疫功能低下动物具有免疫增强作用.  相似文献   

槲皮素对免疫功能及DNA合成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
槲皮素ip50、100mg/kg能显著增强SRBC诱导的小鼠迟发型超敏反应,抑制S180瘤细胞DNA的合成。槲皮素ip100mg/kg还能明显增强ConA诱导的大鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖,并对抗强的松龙所致此反应的抑制,促进小鼠溶血素的形成  相似文献   

目的 研究脑舒胶囊对免疫低下小鼠免疫功能的影响.方法 环磷酰胺0.02g/kg皮下注射制备免疫低下小鼠模型;碳粒廓清法观察小鼠单核巨噬细胞吞噬功能;溶血素抗体测定法观察小鼠溶血素抗体生成;足垫增厚法观察小鼠迟发型超敏反应.结果 1.33g/kg脑舒胶囊能提高免疫低下小鼠单核巨噬细胞吞噬功能;0.67g/kg和1.33g/kg脑舒胶囊能增加免疫低下小鼠溶血素抗体生成,并拮抗环磷酰胺诱导的免疫低下小鼠足垫肿胀度减轻.但两剂量组间无明显量-效关系.结论 脑舒胶囊在一定程度上能改善环磷酰胺所致小鼠免疫低下的非特异性免疫功能,增加其特异性细胞免疫和体液免疫功能.  相似文献   

川芎嗪对免疫低下小鼠免疫功能的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨川芎嗪(tetramethylpyrazine,TTMP)对免疫功能低下小鼠的免疫调节作用。方法:将川芎嗪按20mg/kg、40mg/kg和80mg/kg三种剂量,连续给小鼠腹腔注射10天,于第8、9天给小鼠腹腔注射环磷酰胺(cyclophosphamide,CY)以造成小鼠免疫功能低下,观察川芎嗪对免疫低下小鼠免疫器官重量指数、腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬率与吞噬指数、T淋巴细胞酯酶阳性率和血清溶血素HC50值的影响。结果:川芎嗪能显著拮抗环磷酰胺所致免疫功能低下小鼠的免疫器官重量减轻,增加小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞的吞噬百分率及吞噬指数,明显促进T淋巴细胞酯酶阳性率,且能使血清溶血素含量显著增加。结论:川芎嗪对环磷酰胺所致小鼠免疫功能低下具有较好的拮抗作用。  相似文献   

白术多糖对小鼠免疫功能的影响   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
为全面了解白术多糖对机体免疫功能的增进作用,观察了白术多糖(腹腔或皮下注射,20、50、80mg/kg·d)对小鼠免疫功能的影响。结果表明,一定剂量的白术多糖能增加胸腺和脾脏重量,对抗环磷酰胺所致白细胞减少作用,增强腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬功能,并能促进T淋巴细胞转化和溶血素的生成  相似文献   

核桃仁水提液对免疫功能低下模型小鼠免疫功能的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
目的:探讨核桃仁水提液对机体免疫功能的作用。方法:小鼠腹腔注射环磷酰胺以引起小鼠免疫功能低下,观察核桃仁水提液对免疫功能低下小鼠免疫器官重量、白细胞数量、腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬率与吞噬指数、T淋巴细胞酯酶阳性率和血清溶血素HC50值等指标的影响。结果:核桃仁水提液能显著拮抗环磷酰胺所致免疫功能低下小鼠的免疫器官重量减轻和白细胞数量减少,明显增加小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞的吞噬百分率及吞噬指数,显著增加血清溶血素含量,且能明显提高T淋巴细胞酯酶阳性率。结论:核桃仁水提液对机体免疫功能有良好的增强作用。  相似文献   

补中益气汤免疫作用的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实验中分别 以补中益气汤小 剂量(6 .75 g/ kg) 、中剂量(13 .50g/kg) 、大 剂量(27 .00 g/ kg) 灌 服受 环磷酰胺( C Y) 免疫抑制的 小鼠, 每日 1 次, 连续 12d 。结 果表 明,在 免疫 功能 低下 的情 况下, 补中益 气汤大剂量能明 显增加小鼠脾脏 和胸 腺的 重量( P< 0 .001 , P< 0 .05) ; 中剂 量能 提高 小鼠 单核吞 噬细胞的吞噬 能力( P< 0 .001) ;小剂量和 中剂量 能增 强 P H A 诱发 免疫 低下 小鼠 的淋 巴细 胞转化( P< 0 .001) ;各剂量对血清 溶血素的生成 均有显著的影响( P< 0 .001) , 说明补 中益 气汤对 特异 性免疫及非特异 性免疫都有促 进作用  相似文献   

六味地黄汤对氢化可的松模型小鼠的免疫调节作用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目的 :为探讨六味地黄汤 ( L iu wei di huan tang L WDH T)对氢化可的松所致免疫功能低下模型小鼠免疫功能的影响。方法 :采用 MTT比色法等技术分别测定了氢化可的松所致免疫功能低下模型小鼠六味地黄汤治疗后免疫功能指标。结果 :六味地黄汤能不同程度地拮抗氢化可的松对小鼠腹腔 Mψ吞噬活性 ,脾脏淋巴细胞转化增殖 ,IL-2分泌 ,NK细胞活性的抑制。结论 :六味地黄汤能多途径增强氢化可的松所致免疫功能低下小鼠免疫功能。  相似文献   

X Y Zeng  Y D Li  L L Chen  F He 《中国中药杂志》1989,14(2):46-7, 37, 64
PHL possesses significant antagonist action for immunodepression in mice induced by different immunodepressors. It can reverse the hypomacrophage function and the reduction in percentage of T-lymphoid cell induced by hydrocortisone (50 or 80 mg/kg, sc), reverse the reduction of phagocytosis of reticuloendothelial system (RES) induced by hydroprednisone acetate (20 and 40 mg/kg, ip), restore the cyclophosphamide-suppressed delayed anaphylaxis reaction in mice (40 and 80 mg/kg, ip). In vitro PHL at a dose of 1 and 10 micrograms/ml accelerated lymphocyte mitosis induced by conA and PHA.  相似文献   

Shikonin, a major component of Lithospermum erythrorhizon and Arnebia euchroma, exhibits antiinflammatory, immunomodulatory and antitumour activities. Although many recent studies have focused on the antitumour effects of shikonin, the exact mechanisms underlying its antitumour and immunomodulatory effects in tumour‐bearing mice remain unclear. The aim of the present study was to investigate the antitumour and immunomodulatory effects of shikonin derivatives (ShD) in tumour‐bearing mice. Swiss mice inoculated with hepatoma HepA22 or sarcoma 180 (S180) cells were treated with ShD or 5‐fluorouracil (5Fu). Survival time, immune organs, natural killer cell activity, lymphocytes, lymphocyte transformation and interleukin (IL)‐2 production were analysed. ShD significantly prolonged the survival (median survival time prolonged by >7 days) of tumour‐bearing mice in a dose‐dependent manner, inhibited the growth of transplantable neoplasms (inhibitory rate, > 33%), and recovered (at [ShD] = 2.5 mg/kg/day) or increased (at [ShD] > 5 mg/kg/day) the number of CD3‐ and CD19‐positive cells. ShD also played a role in protecting the immune organs from damage and reversed or enhanced immune responses, as noted by the nearly normal thymic structure; enlarged splenic corpuscles; and improved natural killer cell activity, lymphocyte transformation and IL‐2 production in ShD‐treated mice. ShD reduced the tumour load of tumour‐bearing mice and protected the immune organs against tumour‐induced damage and immune function impairment. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the immunomodulatory activity of Argyreia speciosa on cellular and humoral immunity. Oral administration of the ethanolic extract of A. speciosa root (ASEE), at the doses of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg in mice, dose-dependently potentiated the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction induced both by sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and oxazolone. It significantly enhanced the production of circulating antibody titre in mice in response to SRBC. ASEE failed to show any effect on macrophage phagocytosis. Chronic administration of ASEE significantly ameliorated the total white blood cell count and also restored the myelosuppressive effects induced by cyclophosphamide. The present investigation reveals that ASEE possesses immunomodulatory activity.  相似文献   

The immunomodulatory activity of water and alcohol extracts (including its fractions) of the dried calyx of the plant was evaluated in mice. The ability of the extracts to inhibit or enhance the production of two cytokines, namely tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF- alpha) and interleukin-10 (IL-10), respectively, implicated as proinflammatory and antiinflammatory interleukins were also evaluated. The extracts at doses of 50 mg/kg were found to possess higher immunostimulatory activities in comparison with levamisole (positive control), with significant effects when compared with the vehicle-treated group (p < 0.01). Increased activity was observed with increase in doses of the 50% ethanol and absolute ethanol extracts. The insoluble fraction exhibited a significant dose-dependent immunostimulatory activity (p < 0.05), while the residual water-soluble fraction exhibited activity at 100 mg/kg body weight. The production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), was low in all the extract groups tested, while the production of interleukin 10 (IL-10) was high compared with the control. The production of IL-10 was high in 300 mg/kg aqueous extract. The insoluble fraction exhibited a profound dose-dependent immunostimulatory activity higher than the positive control at 100 mg/kg. This study established the immunoenhancing properties of the extracts of this plant confirming that the immunomodulatory activity is cell mediated and humoral. The insoluble fraction could find use as an immunostimulatory agent in humans.  相似文献   

The effects of gossypol acetic on pregnancy, embryofoetal development and on some selected parameters of immunological response in mice were studied. Daily intragastric administration of gossypol (50 or 75 mg/kg/day) during day 1-15 of gestation in mice produced a dose-dependent embryocidal effect (37.8% and 94.5% respectively) of non-viable foetuses. There was a significant reduction in foetal bodyweight when pregnant mice were treated with gossypol, although no foetal abnormalities were observed. Lymphocyte transformation induced by mitogen concanavalin A, was not inhibited by pretreatment with gossypol (25, 50 or 75 mg/kg/day) for 10 weeks. However, both plaque-forming cells to sheep red blood cell immunisation and the total spleen cell population were significantly depressed by higher doses (50 or 75 mg/kg/day) of gossypol. The results of the present study indicate that gossypol is not teratogenic, but exerts embryocidal and a selective depression on humoral immune response at high dose levels (50 or 75 mg/kg/day). It is not clear, whether the dose-dependent embryocidal and/or immunodepressive effects of gossypol are mediated by the parent compound or its metabolites, or whether these findings have any clinical relevance.  相似文献   

蛇床子素对阳虚症小鼠影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究蛇床子素对阳虚症小鼠的影响。方法①建立氢化可的松致阳虚小鼠模型,测定小鼠性腺器官、肾上腺及免疫器官的重量,测定小鼠体重、体温、自主活动和游泳时间。②研究蛇床子素对幼年雄性小鼠及去势雄性小鼠性腺器官重量的影响;③测定LD50。结果①蛇床子素(150mg/kg)可增加肾阳虚雄性小鼠睾丸、附睾和精液囊脏器系数;增加小鼠的体重,延长游泳时间。②蛇床子素(150mg/kg)可增加雄性幼鼠的体重、精液囊脏器系数和去势小鼠精液囊、包皮腺脏器系数。③蛇床子素经口的LD50为3.60±0.40g。结论蛇床子素对氢化可的松所致的阳虚小鼠和去势小鼠症状有一定改善作用。  相似文献   

三康胶囊对环磷酰胺所致免疫功能低下小鼠的保护作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察三康胶囊对环磷酰胺所致免疫低下小鼠免疫功能的影响。方法:用环磷酰胺(100 mg/kg,ip)制备小鼠免疫低下模型,灌胃给予不同剂量的三康胶囊(250 mg/kg,500 mg/kg)和阳性对照药贞芪扶正胶囊(500mg/kg),观察小鼠外周血白细胞计数、免疫器官重量、单核吞噬细胞吞噬指数、血清溶血素水平和脾脏淋巴细胞转化指数。结果:对免疫功能低下小鼠,三康胶囊能增加外周血白细胞数量及免疫器官指数,增强单核吞噬细胞的吞噬能力,提高血清溶血素水平和脾脏淋巴细胞转化指数。结论:三康胶囊能够增强环磷酰胺所致免疫功能低下小鼠非特异性免疫和特异性免疫功能,对免疫失衡机体具有保护作用。  相似文献   

锁阳PartⅢ对环磷酰胺致免疫抑制小鼠免疫功能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的研究锁阳Part Ⅲ对环磷酰胺致免疫抑制小鼠免疫功能的影响.方法用环磷酰胺(CTX,100 mg/kg)腹腔注射制备小鼠免疫低下模型,给药组和阳性对照人参皂苷(TSPG)组剂量均为300 mg/kg·d,空白对照组和缺氧模型组给予同体积的蒸馏水,灌胃给药,共7 d.分别从外周血象、免疫器官指数、巨噬细胞吞噬功能和血清溶血素水平等方面进行评价.结果锁阳水提物Part Ⅲ可使CTX免疫抑制小鼠的免疫器官指数、巨噬细胞吞噬功能和血清溶血素水平不同程度的升高.结论锁阳水提物Part Ⅲ能够增强CTX免疫抑制小鼠的非特异性和特异性免疫功能,对免疫失衡机体具有一定的保护作用.  相似文献   

The immunomodulatory activities of an Indian Ayurvedic medicinal preparation, i.e. extracts from Ashwagandha, Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal (Solanaceae), namely WST and WS2, were studied in mice for immune inflammation: active paw anaphylaxis and delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH). Immunomodulatory effect was assessed in If IgE-mediated anaphylaxis as reduction of ovalbumin-induced paw edema, in animals treated with WS2 at doses of 150 and 300 mg/kg, and the results were compared with the standard drug disodium chromoglycate. In the DTH model, the modulatory effect was assessed as potentiation or suppression of the reaction, revealing an increase or decrease in mean foot pad thickness, respectively. Potentiation of the DTH reaction was observed in animals treated with cyclophosphamide at a dose of 20 mg/kg, WST at a dose of 1000 mg/kg and WS2 at a dose of 300 mg/kg. On the other hand, cyclophosphamide-induced potentiation of DTH reaction was suppressed in animals treated with WST and WS2. A significant increase in white blood cell counts and platelet counts was observed in animals treated with WST. A protective effect in cyclophosphamide-induced myelosuppression was observed in animals treated with WST and WS2, revealing a significant increase in white blood cell counts and platelet counts. Cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppression was counteracted by treatment with WS2, revealing significant increase in hemagglutinating antibody responses and hemolytic antibody responses towards sheep red blood cells.  相似文献   

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