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目的筛选衰老评估初始量表(AES-2)条目,形成中国人衰老评估量表。方法同时采用频数分析法、离散趋势分析法、相关分析法、探索性因子分析法、克朗巴赫系数法和区分效度分析法进行条目筛选。结果保留6种方法选中的条目,形成中国人衰老评估量表。结论应同时采用多种方法从不同角度筛选量表的条目,以提高量表的质量,全面反映衰老的内涵。  相似文献   

[目的]研制适合我国脂肪肝患者的生命质量测定量表(QLICD-FLD)的特异模块,以结合共性模块形成完整量表。[方法]采取结构化决策方式由议题小组和核心小组提出条目形成初步量表,对20例医患人员进行访谈和预调查,对110例脂肪肝患者进行测试版调查,采用变异度法、相关系数法、因子分析法、克朗巴赫系数法、患者重要性评分、医生重要性评分6种方法进行分析,结合核心小组讨论对条目进行筛选。[结果]采用上述6种方法最终筛选出11个条目作为脂肪肝患者生命质量量表特异模块的条目。[结论]脂肪肝生命质量测定量表特异模块严格按程序执行,具有较好的代表性和内容效度。  相似文献   

目的建立适用于老年痴呆人群,对其失能严重程度进行评定的正式量表。方法采用失智失能评估初始量表,对成都市老年痴呆患者进行调查,并采用临界比值法、相关系数法、Cronbach系数法、变异法和指标共线分析法筛选条目,最终形成失智失能评估正式量表。结果共对成都市150例痴呆患者进行调查,回收145份(96.67%)有效量表。根据统计分析结果,最终共删除3个条目,合并1个条目,形成包括23个条目,分属认知功能、日常生活能力,精神行为症状3个维度的失智失能评估正式量表。结论利用多种统计学方法,筛选出具有代表性、独立性、敏感度高、内部一致性和稳定性好的条目,建立正式量表。  相似文献   

[目的]建立中西医结合的胃食管反流病(GERD)PRO量表,以供临床疗效评价。[方法]以脾胃系疾病PRO量表条目为基础,在生理领域增加GERD相关的条目,严格按照国际通用的PRO量表制定的程序方法和步骤,确立量表结构、建立条目池、优化条目、编制量表、测试文化适应性,形成初量表,并进行临床预调查和条目筛选。[结果]对158例GERD患者和158例健康人进行了临床预调查,通过探索性因子分析法、逐步回归分析法、离散趋势法、克朗巴赫系数法、频数分布法、专家重要性评分法等多种统计方法对结果进行分析,最后删除了"面色、胸闷、口腔疼痛、声嘶、呼吸不畅、腹中重坠、腹部痉挛、大便夹黏液"等8个条目,确定了包括生理领域、独立性领域、心理性领域、环境领域在内的4个领域、8个方面、54个条目的终量表。[结论]本量表严格按照国际通用程序步骤和方法制定,适用于GERD临床疗效评价。  相似文献   

目的构建适合我国老年人的功能受损评估初始量表。方法通过检索和复习文献,选取与老年功能评估相关的量表,通过专家小组讨论形成条目池。采用德尔菲专家咨询法筛选条目,使用电子邮箱将功能受损评估量表专家咨询问卷发放给25名专家,专家对条目的重要性及可行性评分,并填写判断依据和熟悉程度。根据专家意见筛选条目,计算各指标得分平均值和变异系数,形成老年人功能受损评估初始量表。结果经文献检索和专家小组讨论,共筛选25个二级指标的条目池。两轮咨询专家积极系数为80%和100%,权威系数为0.94和0.90。第一轮条目的重要性Kendall协调系数为0.26(P<0.001),可行性Kendall协调系数0.28(P<0.001)。第二轮条目重要性Kendall协调系数为0.39(P<0.001),可行性Kendall协调系数0.37(P<0.001)。根据得分情况及专家修改意见,最终形成3个一级指标和18个二级指标。结论通过德尔菲专家咨询法构建了包含3个一级指标和18个二级指标的老年人功能受损评估初始量表。  相似文献   

目的检验中文版自我超越量表(CSTS)在中国老年人群中的信效度。方法采用方便抽样法对太原市2个社区150位老年人进行问卷调查,考评CSTS的信效度。结果主成分分析得出该量表存在3个潜在的因子,各因子所组成的分量表及总表的克朗巴赫α系数分别为0.817、0.806、0.745、0.892,各因子与其所包含条目之间的相关系数r为0.5160.854,各因子总分与总量表得分之间的相关系数r为0.8260.854,各因子总分与总量表得分之间的相关系数r为0.8260.870,差异均有统计学意义。结论从总体上看,CSTS在老年人群中具有较好的信效度,可以作为中国老年人自我超越水平的测量工具。  相似文献   

目的 初步编制中国老年人死亡态度的评估量表并对其进行信效度检验.方法 查阅相关文献初步拟定量表条目,经专家商询及20例小样本访谈调查修正后确定量表内容,对110名老年人进行调查,采用项目分析、因子分析、相关分析及信效度分析等统计方法评价该量表的信效度.结果 老年人死亡态度测评量表包括25个条目,因子分析产生5个因子,可解释总方差的54.669%,且各条目在其相应维度上均有较高的因子负荷;各条目与所属维度的Pearson相关系数为0.515~0.854(P<0.01);各维度的Cronbach α系数为0.604 ~0.834,总量表Cronbachα系数和分半信度系数分别为0.841和0.783.结论 老年人死亡态度量表的信效度指标较好,可作为中国老年人死亡态度的有效测评工具.  相似文献   

《血吸虫病防治知识与行为题库》的信度、效度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价《血吸虫病防治知识与行为题库》预试验调查问卷的信度、效度。方法基于该问卷在血吸虫病流行区283人的调查资料和150人的重测资料,计算了该问卷的内部信度、重测信度、客观信度和结构效度。结果各条目客观信度和重测信度的Spearman相关系数均>0.6,P均<0.01;Cronbach’Sα系数=0.7761;对15个条目进行因子分析,产生2个公因子,它们总共能解释总体方差的61.24%,而且所有条目在相应因子上的因子负荷均>0.4。结论该问卷信度、效度良好,具较好的可靠性和有效性,可为题库在全国范围的进一步应用提供参考。  相似文献   

目的编制具有普适性的基于心血管疾病病人报告的临床疗效评价量表,并对其信度和效度进行检验。方法筛选条目,优化条目,形成条目池和域体系,将条目转化成量表,小样本预调查,进一步完善量表并形成初始量表,采用多种统计方法对其信度和效度进行检验。结果初步形成一个具有3个域体系(躯体症状、社会t心理因素和满意度)、28个条目的量表。该量表总克朗巴赫系数α(Cronbach's lpha)为0.897。折半信度(Split-Cronbach's Alpha)分析,第1部分(条目1~14)和第2部分(条目15~28)折半信度分别为0.890和0.798,两部分阅的相关系数为0.536。量表KMO(Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy)统计量为0.809,经Bartlett检验,各变量间信息的重叠程度较高(χ^2=2200.924,P〈0.0001),适合做因子分析,表明该量表具有较高的效度。结论该量表可作为心血管疾病病人报告的临床疗效评价的初级量表。  相似文献   

目的编制护士对安宁疗护相关知识、态度、行为以及培训需求的调查问卷,并检验其信度、效度。方法通过参考相关文献及教材、专家访谈、护士沟通及德尔菲两轮专家咨询法,形成最初版护士安宁疗护知信行及培训需求调查问卷。采用便利抽样法选取204名临床护士进行调查,采用区分度分析法、相关系数法、因子分析法对条目进行分析与筛选,并运用内部一致性分析、分半信度和重测信度检验问卷信度,用内容效度、结构效度评估问卷效度,形成最终调查问卷。结果量表由4个维度组成,包括护理知识类4个条目、态度类6个条目、行为类9个条目、培训需求类10个条目。量表Cronbach’sα系数为0.938,分半信度为0.703,重测信度为0.868。量表水平内容效度(S-CVI)为0.919;探索性因子分析提取4个公因子,累计方差贡献率为72.335%。结论编制的护士安宁疗护知信行及培训需求调查问卷具有较好的信度和效度,可用于评价护理人员安宁疗护知信行的水平以及培训需求。  相似文献   



To translate the functional index for hand osteoarthritis (FIHOA) into Italian and to evaluate its reliability and validity in Italian patients with hand osteoarthritis (HOA).


The original French FIHOA was translated into Italian according to the guidelines for cross-cultural adaptation and then administered to 72 outpatients with HOA, together with the visual analogue scale of pain (VAS), the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) and the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). Test–retest reliability was verified by having all patients fill out the Italian version of FIHOA again 1?week later. Item–item analysis was performed. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient were calculated to compare test and retest responses and to evaluate the degree of correlation. Internal consistency reliability was evaluated by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, and internal structure validity was appraised through factor analysis, also taking a varimax rotation into consideration. Construct validity was assessed by correlating FIHOA with other measures of functional impairment and pain using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.


Internal consistency was high (Cronbach’s α?=?0.87). Test–retest reliability showed a Spearman’s rho of 0.942 (p?p?Conclusions The Italian version of FIHOA is a reliable and valid instrument for evaluating functional disability in Italian-speaking HOA patients.  相似文献   


Objectives To translate the functional index for hand osteoarthritis (FIHOA) into Italian and to evaluate its reliability and validity in Italian patients with hand osteoarthritis (HOA).

Methods The original French FIHOA was translated into Italian according to the guidelines for cross-cultural adaptation and then administered to 72 outpatients with HOA, together with the visual analogue scale of pain (VAS), the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) and the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). Test–retest reliability was verified by having all patients fill out the Italian version of FIHOA again 1 week later. Item–item analysis was performed. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient were calculated to compare test and retest responses and to evaluate the degree of correlation. Internal consistency reliability was evaluated by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, and internal structure validity was appraised through factor analysis, also taking a varimax rotation into consideration. Construct validity was assessed by correlating FIHOA with other measures of functional impairment and pain using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.

Results Internal consistency was high (Cronbach’s α = 0.87). Test–retest reliability showed a Spearman’s rho of 0.942 (p < 0.001). A significant correlation (p < 0.001) between FIHOA, VAS and HAQ and a significant negative correlation between FIHOA and SF-36 subscales were observed. FIHOA was confirmed to be a non-unidimensional scale, but in addition to the total score of the index, three subtotals of item scores were considered to provide better evaluations of finger functionality (items 3, 6, 8 and 10), wrist functionality (items 2 and 7) and hand strength (items 4 and 5) in single individuals.

Conclusions The Italian version of FIHOA is a reliable and valid instrument for evaluating functional disability in Italian-speaking HOA patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Impaired inhibition of conditioned response plays a significant role in relapse in addictive behaviors. Although patients and their relatives frequently discuss this behavioral deficit when seeking treatment, no instrument is yet available to measure its severity. The aim of this study was to develop the Impaired Response Inhibition Scale for Alcoholism (IRISA) to assess this impairment in alcohol-dependent patients. METHODS: A preliminary version of the IRISA was administered to a group of 151 patients under treatment at our center. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted using principal component analysis. The validity and reliability of the IRISA were examined. RESULTS: Factor analysis and item refinement led to a definitive 16-item IRISA that accounted for 61.6% of the total variance and revealed Impaired Response Inhibition as a single factor. Psychometric properties of this version of the IRISA scale showed excellent internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha: 0.96), good test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient: 0.81), and satisfactory convergent, discriminant, and predictive validity. The IRISA has a good correlation with alcohol craving, the severity of alcoholism, and alcohol consumption during the recovery process. CONCLUSIONS: Our initial results with the IRISA suggest that it is a reliable and valid tool to measure impairment in response inhibition to drinking behavior. The IRISA assesses a potentially important aspect of treatment process and outcome.  相似文献   



Few useful patient-reported outcomes scales for functional dyspepsia exist in China.


The purpose of this work was to translate and cross-culturally adapt the Functional Digestive Disorders Quality of Life Questionnaire (FDDQL) from the English version to Chinese (in Mandarin).


The following steps were performed: forward translations, synthesis of the translations, backward translations, pre-testing and field testing of FDDQL. Reliability, validity, responsiveness, confirmatory factor analysis, item response theory and differential item functioning of the scale were analyzed.


A total of 300 functional dyspepsia patients and 100 healthy people were included. The total Cronbach’s alpha was 0.932, and split-half reliability coefficient was 0.823 with all test–retest coefficients greater than 0.9 except Coping With Disease domain. In construct validity analysis, every item correlated higher with its own domain than others. The comparative fit index of FDDQL was 0.902 and root mean square error of approximation was 0.076. Functional dyspepsia patients and healthy people had significant differences in all domains. After treatment, all domains had significant improvements except diet. Item response theory analysis showed the Person separation index of 0.920 and the threshold estimator of items was normally distributed with a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1.27. The residuals of each item were between ?2.5 and 2.5, without statistical significance. Differential item functioning analysis found that items had neither uniform nor non-uniform differential item functioning in different genders and age groups.


The Chinese version of FDDQL has good psychometric properties and is suitable for measuring the health status of Chinese patients with functional dyspepsia.  相似文献   

We aimed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the adapted Korean version of the Quality-of-Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis (QUALEFFO-26). Translation/retranslation of the English version of QUALEFFO was conducted, and all steps of the cross-cultural adaptation process were performed. The Korean version of the visual analog scale measure of pain, QUALEFFO-26 and the previously validated Short Form-36 (SF-36) were mailed to 162 consecutive patients with osteoporosis. Factor analysis and reliability assessment by kappa statistics of agreement for each item, the intraclass correlation coefficient and Cronbach’s α were conducted. Construct validity was also evaluated by comparing the responses of QUALEFFO-26 with the responses of SF-36 using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Factor analysis extracted 3 factors. All items had a kappa statistics of agreement greater than 0.6. The QUALEFFO-26 showed good test/retest reliability (QUALEFFO-26: 0.8271). Internal consistency of Cronbach’s α was found to be very good (QUALEFFO-26: 0.873). The Korean version of QUALEFFO-26 showed good significant correlation with SF-36 total score and with single SF-36 domains scores. The adapted Korean version of the QUALEFFO-26 was successfully translated and showed acceptable measurement properties and, as such, is considered suitable for outcome assessments in the Korean-speaking patients with osteoporosis.  相似文献   

目的编制中国精神疾病预测量表并进行信度、效度检验。方法通过预测验构建初问卷,并采用探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析、相关分析等方法分析数据,检验其信效度。结果根据因子分析结果,提取11个因子,另含一个掩饰因子,正式量表含有96个条目,累计方差贡献率为55.23%。总量表的Cronbach'sα系数为0.844,各个因子的Cronbach'sα系数为0.640~0.788;总量表的分半系数为0.892,各个因子的分半系数为0.617~0.742(均P0.01)。验证性因素分析模型拟合优度指数显示:CMIN=3 915.815,DF=957,CMIN/DF=4.092,GFI=0.920,TLI=0.878,IFI=0.930,CFI=0.847,RMSEA=0.058。总量表的重测相关系数为0.803,各个因子重测相关系数为0.601~0.737(均P0.01)。中国精神疾病预测量表各个因子之间存在显著相关,相关系数为0.512~0.948(均P0.01),总分及各因子存在显著相关,相关系数为0.673~0.961(均P0.01)。除神经症和应激源因子外,中国精神疾病预测量表与中国军人心理健康量表各因子分呈显著正相关,相关系数为0.362~0.618(P0.05或P0.01)。结论中国精神疾病预测量表的信度、效度符合心理测量学要求,可作为中国人精神疾病预测的评估工具。  相似文献   

The population of above 65 years of age is increasing fast in societies, as the life expectancy is increasing and it leads to high demands for health care service. Health care service for the elderly should be provided by trained team in this field. Success of health care service to be rendered is related to knowledge, skill and attitudes of team members in different profession group (doctor, nurse, social worker, psychologist, etc.) about health of elderly. The aim of this study is to establish the Turkish validity and reliability of 14-question UCLA-GA scale, validity and reliability of which was proven and used the most frequently among the scales that assess attitudes of health care providers toward elderly. A total 256 people, 150 of them were post-graduates, 106 of them were pre-graduates were involved in the study at Ege University, medical faculty between the dates of December 2010 and February 2011. Majority of the participants (63.67%) were women and in the age group of 18-29 (58.3%). The ratio of the ones undergoing geriatric education is 38.2%. It was found out that the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) sampling adequacy test presented high correlation among the items in both single adult households of 14 items of the scale was 0.72. Cronbach alpha value of the scale was found as 0.67 and satisfying. As a result of examination with Tukey's test of additivity, it was seen that items of the scale have additive quality (F=85.25, p<0.0001). When we calculated the correlation of each item with total score, it was found that correlation coefficient varied between 0.32 and 0.68. Test-retest reliability was defined by use of Pearson correlation analysis. It was determined that test-retest consistency of correlation scale between two measurements was r=0.51. As a result of test-retest application, the correlation between the first and second application scores of each item was analyzed to determine the internal consistency of each item of the scale. Based on this analysis it was found as p<0.01 between r=0.22 and 0.65. As a conclusion, Turkish validity and reliability of UCLA-GA scale was demonstrated in this study. Since Turkish version of UCLA-GA scale is short and clear, it is recommended to use it for determining attitudes of health care providers toward elderly in geriatrics.  相似文献   

目的 筛选安全简易的方法对老年人下肢肌力进行测评,旨在更全面地评价老年人体质状况,并有利于引导老年人进行合理的下肢肌力练习.方法 对64名老年人进行30 s连续坐椅测试,同时进行Cybex等动肌力测试以及利用Inbody身体成分仪测试肌肉含量,进行相关性分析和信度效度检验;在此基础上,对249名老年人进行30 s连续坐椅测试,初步建立老年人评价参考值.结果 30 s连续坐椅次数与膝关节60°/s、180°/s屈、伸峰力矩、平均功、总功均呈显著性相关,与60°/s的相关性系数为0.479~0.850;与180°/s的相关性系数为0.602~0.905;30 s连续坐椅次数与下肢肌肉含量的相关系数为男0.724,女0.751;60~69岁老年人30 s连续坐椅次数为男(16.5±4.7)次,女(15.3±4.0)次.结论 30 s连续坐椅次数与下肢肌肉力量、耐力呈线性相关关系,其测试方法安全简便,能较好地评价老年人下肢肌肉力量,该研究建立的评价参考值可用于老年人下肢肌肉力量评价.  相似文献   

Background: Quality of life (QOL) in patients with functional dyspepsia in South Korea has never been studied, mostly due to the lack of a psychometrically validated disease‐specific instrument for measuring the QOL. The aim of the present study was to develop and validate a QOL scale for patients with functional dyspepsia. Methods: A Functional Dyspepsia‐Related QOL (FD‐QOL) scale was developed and validated as follows: item generation, pilot test, and psychometric test. Patients with functional dyspepsia (n = 220) were recruited from seven university hospitals. The participants were asked to complete the preliminary item‐generated FD‐QOL, the Short Form‐36 (SF‐36), and the Index of Dyspepsia Symptoms‐Korean (IDS‐K). The data were analyzed using factor analysis, correlation, anova , and Cronbach’s alpha. Results: Twenty‐three items were generated based upon content validity. Factor analysis extracted a four‐factor solution, and two items were deleted because they were not loaded significantly on any factor. The FD‐QOL was correlated with the SF‐36 subscales, of which scores were differentiated according to the levels of dyspepsia symptoms. Cronbach’s alpha of the FD‐QOL was 0.94. Conclusions: The FD‐QOL scale is a rapid and easily applicable instrument with excellent psychometric properties of content, factorial, convergent, and known‐groups validity, and internal consistency reliability in Korean patients with functional dyspepsia.  相似文献   

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