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目的 探讨家族史在致心律失常性右心室心肌病(ARVC)危险分层中的地位.方法 根据1994年ARVC诊断标准,纳入34例ARVC先证者,男性26例,女性8例,平均年龄(38±15)岁.对其家族成员行临床筛查,项目包括:(1)心电图V1~V3导联QRS≥110 ms、V1~V3导联S波升支≥55 ms、Epsilon波、T波倒置(V1~V3导联倒置)、(V1+V2+V3)/(V4+V5+V6)QRS≥1.2、V1~V3导联与V6导联QRS差值≥25 ms,QRS离散度≥40 ms,QT离散度≥65 ms;(2)动态心电图记录室性早搏≥2000个/24 h或室性心动过速(VT);(3)超声心动图记录双心房、双心室及右心室流出道、流人道内径大小.比较ARVC家族史和上述各项临床参数的关系.分类变量用Fisher检验,连续变量使用t检验.P≤0.05为差异有统计学意义.结果 34例ARVC先证者中55个家族成员接受评估,男性28例(6例诊断ARVC)、女性27例(3例诊断ARVC),平均年龄(35±16)岁.8例先证者有家庭成员受累,其中5例有左束支阻滞形室性心动过速(LBBB-VT,63%);26例先证者家庭成员无受累,其中20例有LBBB-VT(77%),P=0.649.家族史和室性心动过速的发生筹异无统计学意义.结论 家族史并不能反映ARVC的危险程度.  相似文献   

目的评价碎裂QRS波(fQRs波)在致心律失常性右心室心肌病(ARVC)诊断中的价值。方法43例符合ARVC诊断标准的患者,男性33例,平均年龄(40.4±13.9)岁。采集临床资料,记录静息状态下标准12导联心电图,描述fQRs波的心电图特征,判断是否存在fQRs波、epsilon波和右胸前导联T波倒置(TWI)并比较其阳性率之间的差异。结果本组患者fQRs波以下壁导联(44.3%)和右胸前导联(24.2%)最为多见。QRS波中,fQRs波见于R波者多于S波者(58.4%对32.9%,Z=4.30,P〈0.01)。共31例患者判断为fQRS波阳性,2~9(4.6±1.7)个/例。fQRs波阳性率较epsilon波(73.8%VS30.2%,Z=3.67,P〈0.01)和TWI(73.8%对41.9%,Z=2.61,P〈0.01)显著增高。结论fQRs波阳性是ARVC患者常见的心电图异常,常见于下壁和右胸前导联,可作为提示诊断的无创心电指标。  相似文献   

目的:探讨主动脉窦部室性早搏(简称“室早”)和右心室流出道间隔部室早心电图特征的差别。方法选取12例右心室流出道间隔部室早( A组)心电图作为对照,分析12例主动脉窦部室早( B组)的心电图特征。结果与A组相比,B组V1、V2导联的R波时间指数增大[V1导联:(0.23±0.10) vs.(0.49±0.28);V2导联:(0.24±0.12) vs.(0.57±0.23);P均<0.05]。 V1、V2导联的R/S波幅指数A组小于B组[ V1导联:(0.10±0.02) vs.(0.87±0.55);V2导联:(0.21±0.14) vs.(1.13±1.49),P均<0.05]。 A组胸前导联R波移行在V3导联或其后,B组胸前导联R波移行在V1或V2导联。 A组V1、V2导联的R波移行指数小于B组[V1导联:(0.25±0.15) vs.(1.30±0.68); V2导联:(0.31±0.20) vs.(1.71±1.14), P均<0.05]。结论主动脉窦部室早与右心室流出道间隔部室早在V1、V2导联R波时间指数、R/S波幅指数、胸前导联R波移行位置及移行指数上有明显的差别。  相似文献   

目的介绍致心律失常性右心室心肌病(ARVC)室性心动过速(室速)的三维标测方法及其消融策略。方法21例ARVC室速患者,因1—4种抗心律失常药物治疗无效,临床上呈反复发作、无休止发作或植入型心律转复除颤器(ICD)植入后频繁放电治疗,接受导管消融治疗。其中,男性19例,女性2例,平均年龄(32±12)岁。9例患者接受电解剖(Carto)标测,12例患者接受非接触标测(EnSite—Array)。在首先明确病变基质的基础上,通过激动标测、拖带标测及起搏标测,分析心动过速的起源、可能的传导径路及其出口以及它们与病变基质的关系。通常于心动过速的出口处及其周边行局灶消融,术中病变基质周边的延迟激动电位应一并消融。结果21例患者,2例呈无休止发作,1例患者表现为频繁室性早搏及加速性室性自主心律,余18例患者消融中共诱发出34种心动过速。所有心动过速均呈左束支阻滞形,平均心动过速周长为(289±68)ms。16例患者(28种室速)消融治疗即刻成功,3例患者(7种室速)部分成功,2例患者(2种室速)消融失败,即刻消融成功率76.2%。所有患者消融术后继续服用抗心律失常药物。平均随访6~30(1d±7)个月,成功患者中2例复发,其中1例再次消融成功;未达即刻成功的5例患者,经抗心律失常药物治疗后,均无室性心律失常事件发生,其中包括1例消融后植入ICD者。结论三维标测系统可首先明确ARVC患者的病变基质,在此基础上结合激动标测和心内各种电刺激技术,可直观显示心动过速的起源、缓慢传导区出口及折返环路,以此制定消融策略可成功治疗ARVC室速。心动过速起源于心肌深部或ARVC病变进展,是消融失败和复发的常见原因。  相似文献   

刘娟  陈芳  周纪宁  刘炜 《心脏杂志》2014,26(6):687-689
目的:分析微伏级T波电交替(Microvolt T wave alternans,MTWA)值和患者焦虑状况的关系。方法:随机选择武汉大学人民医院2012年8月~2013年10月行平板运动试验(treadmill exercise test,TET)的患者136(男59,女77)例,年龄(53±10)岁。采用GE公司提供的Marquette MTWA分析程序,进行标准时域运动试验,记录胸前V1~V6导联的MTWA值,其中最大值以Max Valt表示,并对其进行焦虑自评量表(SAS)的问卷调查,按SAS评分将患者分为焦虑组(38例)和非焦虑组(98例),进行组间比较和相关分析。结果:在峰值心率V3导联两组MTWA值有显著差异(P0.01)。焦虑评分与峰值心率V3导联时的MTWA值呈负相关(r=-0.245,P0.01)。结论:行TET时峰值心率情况下V3导联MTWA与焦虑情绪有相关性。  相似文献   

31例致心律失常性右室心肌病的临床研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的对致心律失常性右室心肌病(ARVC)作回顾性临床分析。方法根据1994年欧洲心脏病协会的诊断标准选择确诊ARVC患者31例,分析临床表现、心电学特征及治疗方式,随访疗效。结果31例中男性27例,女性4例,首次确诊年龄为19~58(34.7±9.4)岁。28例(90.3%)临床症状为心悸、头晕,13例(41.9%)具有晕厥史,3例(9.7%)以晕厥为首发症状,1例有猝死家族史。超声心动图和(或)核磁共振检查,29例表现为右心室扩大,其中2例合并左心室扩大。静息心电图表现为不同程度的T波倒置,主要发生在胸前导联;17例(54.8%)可见e~ilon(8)波;26例(83.9%)平均QRS时程≥110ms,右胸导联QRS时程大于左胸导联,平均QRS波在V1-3和V4-5导联分别为(120.8±13.7)ms和(99.4±13.7)ms(P〈0.05);肢体导联低电压和Ⅰ度房室传导阻滞分别为13例(41.9%)和7例(22.6%)。在31例患者中均记录到持续性室性心动过速(VT),其中15例(48.4%)为单形性,16例(51.6%)为多形性。经导管射频消融治疗者14例,即刻成功11例(78.6%),随访(18.3±10.2)个月,6例VT复发(54.5%);药物治疗17例,其中7例在置人心脏除颤器情况下用药,随访(35.6±19.0)个月,11例VT复发(64.7%),1例猝死。结论ARVC青、中年起病,胸前导联T波倒置、ε波、V1-3导联平均QRS时程≥110in8是其特征性心电图表现,经导管射频消融远期复发率高,药物预防远期效果不佳,心脏除颤器是值得选择的防治措施。  相似文献   

目的 探讨S波升支时限在致心律失常性右心室心肌病(ARVC)诊断中的适用性.方法 根据我院所收集的ARVC患者资料,按照1994、2006年两个标准分别纳入患者,对比分析各个诊断参数在确诊组和可疑组间的差异.结果 根据1994年诊断标准,确诊ARVC患者45例,可疑ARVC患者17例,V1~V3导联S波升支时限≥55ms在两组中的检出率分别是40%和5.88%(P=0.009),并且其特异性和阳性预测率分别是94.12%和94.74%.根据2006年诊断标准,确诊ARVC 47例,可疑ARVC 15例,V1~V3导联S波升支时限≥55 ms在两组中的检出率分别是38.3%和6.67%(P=0.025),并且其特异性和阳性预测率分别是93.33%和94.74%.结论 V1~V3导联S波升支时限作为ARVC的诊断指标之一是适合的.  相似文献   

目的 通过收集致心律失常性右心室心肌病 (arrhythmogenicrightventricularcardiomyopathy ,ARVC)的散发人群资料和随访ARVC家系 ,提供ARVC的流行病学资料并发现病情变化 ,寻找疾病规律。方法 统计就诊 33例ARVC患者的流行病学资料。分别随访 2个ARVC家系 3 5年和 4 5年。询问随访前后每一家系成员病史 ,做心电图、二维超声心动图和心室晚电位 ,必要时进行 2 4h动态心电图检查 ,了解病情变化。根据欧洲心脏病学会诊断标准作出诊断。结果  33例ARVC患者中男性 18例 ,女性 15例 ,平均诊断年龄 (4 2 8± 14 9)岁 ,2 0~ 6 0岁者占 88%。随访的第 1个家系共有 2例患者 ,均猝死。另 1个家系随访结束后共发现 11例患者。随访中患者症状无明显变化 ,但 2名家系成员新确诊患病 ;1例患者心室晚电位变为阳性 ;1例患者心电图右胸前导联T波倒置导联数增加 ,3例T波倒置由右胸前导联向左胸前导联扩展 ,3例T波异常累及右胸前导联和左胸前导联 ;1例患者Epsilon波增宽 ,1例患者新出现Epsilon波 ;4例患者V1 导联QRS时限增加。扩展调查此家系又发现 2例患者和高度怀疑的 1例患者 ,先证者外祖父母为近亲结婚。结论 ARVC男女发病率相似 ,好发于青壮年 ;是一进展性疾病 ,虽是右心室疾病 ,可能多有侵犯左心室 ,易致猝死  相似文献   

目的探讨心室流出道频发室性早搏和/或室性心动过速的心电图特征及射频消融治疗的有效性及安全性。方法对14例(13例右心室流出道频发室性早搏和/或室性心动过速,1例左心室流出道频发室性早搏)的心电图特征进行分析并行射频消融治疗。结果右心室流出道室性早搏及室性心动过速体表12导联心电图QRS波特征:Ⅰ导联呈rs、m、QS及R型,aVRa、VL均呈QS型,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF、V5-6导联均呈单向R波型,胸前导联R波移行区常在V3、V3导联之后,V1、V2导联R高度/S高度比值常<0.3。左心室流出道频发室性早搏和/或室性心动过速的QRS波特征与右心室流出道频发室性早搏和/或室性心动过速类似,但其胸前导联R波移行区常在V2导联之前,V1、V2导联(尤其V2导联)R高度/S高度比值常≥0.8。13例消融成功,手术操作时间45~156min,X线曝光时间8~28min。术后随访2~36个月,无复发病例。结论起源于心室流出道的频发室性早搏和/或室性心动过速有其独特的心电图表现,射频消融治疗能安全、有效地根治此类心律失常。  相似文献   

目的探讨单导管标测及射频消融治疗右心室流出道室性心律失常的临床疗效。方法96例症状严重的未发现器质性心脏病的右心室流出道室性心律失常患者,男性36例,女性60例,年龄14-73岁。96例中单纯频繁发作室性早搏(室早)53例,其他为室早和室性心动过速(室速)并存。动态心电图记录术前早搏(23834.6±13064.6)次/24h。所有病例均采用起搏标测,以起搏与自然发作室早、室速12导联心电图QRS波形至少有11个导联相同作为消融靶点。结果消融即刻成功率94.8%,X线曝光时间为(7.0±4.6)min,消融时间为(48.0±20.9)min。成功消融靶点位于间隔部73例,游离壁18例。消融后早搏(452.9±909.1)次/24h,与术前比较两者间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001)。平均随访(20.7±11.9)个月,复发率为10.9%(10例)。其中行再次消融8例,成功5例。所有患者均未观察到急性及远期并发症的发生。结论单导管射频消融治疗右心室流出道室性心律失常安伞有效.并能减少操作及X线曝光时间。  相似文献   



Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia (ARVC/D) is a genetic cardiomyopathy that most commonly affects young adults. The most commonly observed reason of death in patients suffering from ARVC/D is sudden cardiac death (SCD). On the other hand, idiopathic right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia (RVOT VT) usually has a benign course. Both of the entities may have ventricular tachycardia (VT) with left bundle branch block (LBBB) pattern and inferior axis. We tried to propose new discriminating electrocardiographic indices for differentiation of foretold entities.

Material and method

This was a retrospective study. We reviewed records of patients admitted between 2003 and 2012 with the diagnosis of either ARVC/D or RVOT VT that presented with VT (LBBB morphology).


A total of fifty nine patients (30 RVOT VT and 29 ARVC/D) were enrolled. In ARVC/D group, men were dominant while the reverse was true of RVOT VT. Palpitation was more common in the RVOT VT group (90% vs. 66.7%), but aborted SCD and sustained VT were more common in ARVC/D group. The new ECG criteria proposed by us mean QRS duration in V1–V3, QRS difference in right and left precordial leads, S wave upstroke duration, JT interval dispersion, QRS and JT interval of right to left precordial leads were all significantly longer in ARVC/D when compared to RVOT VT patients (p < 0.001).


The proposed ECG criteria can be used for non-invasive diagnosis of ARVC/D and incorporation in the future updates of ARVC/D task force criteria.  相似文献   

目的探讨致心律失常性右室心肌病(ARVC)的心电图特征和临床表现。方法回顾分析符合欧洲心脏病协会ARVC诊断标准的36例患者的心电图参数、临床表现、超声心动图、腔内电生理检查等临床资料。结果36例中男26例、女10例,年龄37±13岁;33例表现为心悸、胸闷,11例同时伴有晕厥,2例有家族性猝死史。心电图研究发现10例(28%)出现Epsilon波,29例(81%)右胸(V1~V3)导联QRS波时限≥110ms;在29例无右束支传导阻滞的患者中,右胸导联分别有16例(55%)出现T波倒置、18例(62%)出现S波升支时间≥55ms;17例(47%)QRSd1/QRSd2(V1~V3导联与V4~V6导联QRS波时间平均值之比)≥1.2;24例(67%)出现室壁阻滞;27例(75%)记录到持续性或非持续性室性心动过速。29例超声心动图表现为严重的右室受累。25例行腔内电生理检查,20例诱发出右室起源的室性心动过速,即刻射频消融成功11例。结论ARVC好发于青年男性,是引起晕厥、室性心律失常和室壁运动异常的重要原因,Epsilon波、右胸导联QRS波时限≥110ms与T波倒置、右室起源的室性心律失常为其特征性的心电图改变,QRSd1/QRSd2≥1.2、室壁阻滞、右胸导联S波升支时间≥55ms有助于该病的诊断,经导管射频消融治疗室性心动过速成功率低。  相似文献   

目的评估微伏极T波电交替(MTWA)能否预测急性心肌梗死早期患者恶性心律失常的发生。方法起病7d内的急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死患者175例入选,根据起病12h内有无行直接经皮冠脉介入治疗(PCI)分为两亚组:Ia组(n=68行直接PCI),Ib组(n=107未行直接PCI)。另选无心肌梗死来我院健康体检者82例作为对照组。所有入选者均做动态心电图用时域分析法检测MTWA最大值,用超声心动图检测左心室射血分数(LVEF),用心室晚电位分析仪检测心室晚电位,观察住院期间有无恶性心律失常发生,并比较上述这些指标组间有无差异,用Logistic回归分析筛选恶性心律失常的预测因子。结果心肌梗死组合并糖尿病者高于对照组,Ib组合并糖尿病者高于Ia组。急性心肌梗死组恶性心律失常发生率、心室晚电位阳性率和MTWA最高值均高于对照组,而LVEF值低于对照组。急性心肌梗死两亚组间比较,Ib组恶性心律失常发生率、心室晚电位阳性率和MTWA最大值均高于Ia组,而LVEF值低于Ia组。Logistic回归分析结果显示MTWA最大值、LVEF、心室晚电位阳性率和有无糖尿病是患者是否发生恶性心律失常的独立预测因子,相关系数R分别为0.34、0.29、0.21、0.13,相对危险度(OR)分别为2.82、1.55、1.36、0.87,MTWA的相关性最强(R=0.34),相对危险度最高(OR=2.82)。当LVEF和心室晚电位进入回归方程时,决定系数R^20.448,增加MTWA最大值进入回归方程后,决定系数R^2显著增加至0.628。结论MTWA最大值、LVEF和心室晚电位是早期急性心肌梗死患者恶性心律失常发生的预测因子,MTWA的预测价值优于LVEF和心室晚电位。如果三者联合运用能更好地预测早期急性心肌梗死患者恶性心律失常发生。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ventricular tachycardia (VT) resulting from arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) may be difficult to differentiate from idiopathic right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) VT. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that QRS characteristics would be different in ARVC because of altered conduction through abnormal myocardium. METHODS: In 24 RVOT VT patients (18 women and 6 men; age 42 +/- 10 years) and 20 ARVC patients (12 women and 8 men; age 38 +/- 14 years), mean QRS duration, frontal plane axis, and precordial R-wave transition were measured in 12-lead ECGs recorded during VT. RESULTS: Mean QRS duration was longer in all 12 leads in ARVC patients. A significant difference was noted in leads I, III, aVL, aVF, V(1), V(2), and V(3) (P <.05). Leads I and aVL had the largest mean difference between ARVC and RVOT VT patients of 17.6 +/- 4.7 ms and 15.8 +/- 7.5 ms, respectively (P <.0001). Lead I QRS duration > or =120 ms had a sensitivity of 100%, specificity 46%, positive predictive value 61%, and negative predictive value 100% for ARVC. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was 0.89. The addition of mean QRS axis <30 degrees (R相似文献   

童鸿 《心电学杂志》2011,30(3):287-291
The original 1994 International Task Force criteria for the clinical diagnosis of arrhythmogenic right yen tricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia (ARVC / D) were based on structural, histological, ECG,  相似文献   

To compare the modified precordial leads MCL1 and MCL6 with the conventional precordial leads V1 and V6 and assess the diagnostic accuracy of selected leads for continuous bedside electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring, 121 wide QRS complex tachycardias were recorded from 92 patients during cardiac electrophysiologic study. As ascertained from intracardiac recordings, 86 tachycardias were ventricular and 35 were supraventricular with aberrant conduction. Early or late peaking of the predominant QRS deflection in lead MCL6 or V6 proved valuable in diagnosing wide complex tachycardia. An interval of less than or equal to 50 ms from the onset of the QRS complex to the predominant peak (or nadir) indicated supraventricular tachycardia; an interval of greater than or equal to 70 ms indicated ventricular tachycardia. The QRS complexes in leads MCL1 and MCL6 were comparable to those in leads V1 and V6 during sinus rhythm. Significant discrepancies in QRS configuration occurred between the modified and conventional precordial leads during ventricular tachycardia, especially between leads MCL1 and V1; however. these differences did not affect diagnostic accuracy. A single MCL1, V1, MCL6 or V6 lead was equally valuable in the diagnosis of wide complex tachycardia and far superior to a single lead II. A combination of leads (MCL1 + MCL6), (V1 + V6), (V1 + I + aVF) or (V1 + V6 + I + aVF) was superior to a single lead or the routinely monitored lead V1 + II combination.  相似文献   

目的 分析致心律失常性右心室心肌病(ARVC)患者的病变程度与心电图表现之间的关系.方法 分析61例已确诊的ARVC患者,根据心脏核磁共振成像(MRI)检查结果,将其按病变侵犯部位分为右心室局部病变组、右心室弥漫病变组、双心室病变组,分析比较三组的心电图特征.结果 心脏MRI结果显示右心室局部病变组19例(31%),右心室弥漫病变组28例(46%),双心室病变组14例(23%).心电图正常者3例,三组中各1例.伴有Epsilon波的患者24例(39%)、V1~V3导联的QRS波时限≥110 ms的患者21例(34%)、V1~V3导联S波升支≥55 ms的患者17例(28%)、完全右束支传导阻滞的患者10例(16%)、病理性Q波的患者9例(15%),这些指标的发生率均随病变程度的加重而增高(右心室局部病变组<右心室弥漫病变组<双心室病变组).Epsilon波、V1~V3导联的QRS波时限≥110 ms、完全性右束支传导阻滞(RBBB)、病理性Q波的发生率在双心室病变组中要高于右心室局部病变组,且两组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).V1~V3导联S波升支≥55 ms的发生率在双心室病变组中要高于右心室局部病变组,且两组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);在双心室病变组要高于右心室弥漫病变组,且两组间比较差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05).一度房室传导阻滞的发生率在双心室病变组中要高于右心室弥漫病变组,且两组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).右心室局部病变组患者心电图T波倒置多局限于V1导联,右心室弥漫病变组和双心室病变组T波倒置多数表现于胸前导联V1~V3或超过V3导联的胸前导联、以及下壁导联.结论 心电图正常并不能排除ARVC.ARVC患者T波倒置在12导联心电图上具有很高的发生率,并且T波倒置在胸部导联的延伸与病变程度是相关的,T波倒置的范围可以提示ARVC病变累及的程度.
Objective To analyze the relationship between electrocardiographic (ECG) features and disease severity in patients with the arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Method The study group consisted of 61 subjects with a definite diagnosis of ARVC on the basis of published guideline criteria and patients were divided into 3 subgroups according to the extent of diseased myocardium defined by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Group A: local involvement (n = 19, 31% ), Group B: diffuse involvement of whole right ventricle ( n = 28, 46% ) and Group C: involvement of both right and left ventricles ( n = 14, 23% ). Results Normal electrocardiogram was shown in 1 patient in each group.Epsilon wave was detected in 24 (39%) patients, QRS duration was prolonged [≥ 110 ms( V1 -V3 )] in 21 (34%) patients, S-wave upstroke was prolonged (≥55 ms) in 17 (28%) patients, complete right branch bundle block was evidenced in 10 ( 16% ) patients and pathologic Q waves was found in 9 ( 15% ) patients. The incidence of above abnormal ECG changes was increased in proportion to the degree of disease severity (group A < group B < group C). Incidence of Epsilon wave and prolonged QRS duration [≥ 110 ms (V1 - V3 )] were significantly higher in Group C than in Group A. Incidence of prolonged S-wave upstroke ( ≥55 ms) was significantly higher in Group C than in Group A and Group B. T-wave inversion in V1 leads was often found in Group A. T-wave inversion in inferior leads ( V1 - V3 leads or beyond V3 ) was often presented in Group B and Group C. Conclusions Normal ECG does not exclude the possibility of diagnosis of ARVC. The extent of T-wave inversion in the precordial leads and incidence of Epsilon wave, prolonged QRS duration [≥ 110 ms (Vt -V3 )] and prolonged S-wave upstroke ( ≥55 ms) were related to degree of disease severity in patients with ARVC.  相似文献   

The arrhythmogenic right ventricle. Dysplasia versus cardiomyopathy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Twenty-four patients presenting with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy (ventricular tachycardia of right ventricular origin associated with structural abnormalities of the right ventricle) were divided into two groups with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) above or below 45%. The distribution of LVEF in the group with LVEF below 45% was comparable with the distribution in 6 patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy who had ventricular tachycardia originating in the left ventricle (P = 0.2). They also had the same unfavorable long-term prognosis. Therefore, it is suggested that the term, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), be restricted to patients with a LVEF below 45%. Histological data obtained in the ARVC group showed signs of acute or chronic myocarditis (in the right and left ventricles). It can be hypothesized that patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) may be prone to develop infectious myocarditis. In patients in whom an abnormal host immune response had been seen, progressive deterioration of right and left ventricular function could be observed. This pattern may be superimposed on the genetically determined background of ARVD. This could explain the wide spectrum of clinical presentation observed in patients with tachycardia originating in an abnormal right ventricle.Presented at the ISFC International Symposium on Cardiomyopathies, Warsaw (Poland) October 1993  相似文献   

To study the relationship between clinically silent right ventricular infarction and the incidence of a-v block, atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, 100 patients with inferior wall myocardial infarction underwent equilibrium gated radioisotopic angiocardiography. Fifty-four of them had radioisotopic evidence of right ventricular involvement and 43 (80%) of them had a-v block and/or supraventricular arrhythmias during the acute phase of the infarct, while only 10 (22%) of the 46 patients without right ventricular involvement did. As regards the incidence of ventricular tachyarrhythmias, 14 (26%) patients with right ventricular involvement had ventricular tachycardia and/or fibrillation, while only one patient without right ventricular involvement had ventricular tachycardia, and no patients had ventricular fibrillation. Moreover, V4R-precordial lead showed a sensitivity in predicting the risk of developing a-v block/supraventricular arrhythmias and ventricular tachyarrhythmias of 0.84 and 0.79, respectively. Therefore, right ventricular involvement should be suspected when atrial arrhythmias, a-v block and ventricular tachyarrhythmias are found in early acute inferior wall myocardial infarction. On the other hand, when right precordial lead V4R in early acute inferior infarction shows ST-elevation and/or a QS pattern, the sudden occurrence of these arrhythmias should be suspected, and possibly prevented.  相似文献   

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