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结论:非后极部多发裂孔性视网膜脱离多为视网膜广泛变性或合并玻璃体牵拉引起。复杂病例宜选择玻璃体切割术,但需多次手术,而巩膜扣带术远期效果稳定。两种手术方法各有利弊,应综合考虑,不应盲目扩大玻璃体切割术适应证。对于年轻或独眼等特殊群体,如有可能应尽可能优先选择巩膜扣带术。  相似文献   




结论:视网膜静脉阻塞、视网膜裂孔及孔源性视网膜脱离、年龄相关性黄斑变性是非外伤非增生性糖尿病视网膜病变玻璃体积血的主要原因。  相似文献   

目的探讨早期玻璃体切除联合硅油填充术治疗开放性眼外伤合并视网膜脱离的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析我科治疗的26例(26只眼)开放性眼外伤合并视网膜脱离的临床资料,所有患者均于伤后72 h内行常规三通道玻璃体切除联合硅油填充术,根据病情联合其它术式。观察术后视网膜状态、视功能及并发症。结果术后随访末次最佳矫正视力0.12~0.3者3例(11.54%),指数~0.1者16例(61.54%),光感~手动者5例(19.23%),无光感者2例(7.69%)。所有患者第1次玻璃体切除术后随访复发性视网膜脱离4例(15.38%),再次手术治疗后视网膜复位。眼球萎缩1例(3.85%)。术后无眼内炎及严重增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(PVR)并发症发生。结论早期玻璃体切除联合硅油填充术治疗开放性眼外伤合并视网膜脱离可有效的控制眼球萎缩,复位视网膜,挽救一定的视力,且术后并发症少。  相似文献   

玻璃体切除术治疗合并脉络膜脱离的孔源性视网膜脱离   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨玻璃体切除术治疗合并脉络膜脱离的孔源性视网膜脱离的临床疗效。方法对连续治疗的12例(12只眼)合并有脉络膜脱离的孔源性视网膜脱离眼,进行玻璃体切除联合长效气体或硅油填充治疗,所有患者术前、术后均用激素治疗,对视网膜的复位率进行评价。结果术后平均随访10.42个月。单次手术视网膜解剖复位率为91.67%(11/12),再次手术后视网膜解剖复位率为100%。结论玻璃体切除术是治疗合并脉络膜脱离的孔源性视网膜脱离的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨玻璃体切除联合曲安奈德(TA)玻璃体腔内注射治疗合并脉络膜脱离的孔源性视网膜脱离的临床疗效和安全性.方法 观察采用玻璃体切除联合曲安奈德玻璃体腔内注射治疗合并脉络膜脱离的孔源性视网膜脱离15例患者(15眼),术后不再全身应用糖皮质激素,仅给予激素眼液点眼.结果 术后随访时间6~30个月,平均(19±9.5)个月.一次手术视网膜复位率100%.术后3个月硅油取出后,2例视网膜脱离复发,1例再次剥膜充填硅油后视网膜复位;另1例放弃治疗.视网膜总复位率为93.3%(14/15).术后并发症包括:4例术后眼压升高,均局部用药控制,5例出现晶状体后囊下皮质局限性混浊.结论 玻璃体切除联合(TA)玻璃体腔内注射治疗合并脉络膜脱离的孔源性视网膜脱离,可以明显减轻术后葡萄膜炎症反应,从而减少PVR的发生,显著提高手术的成功率.  相似文献   

目的 分析孔源性视网膜脱离玻璃体手术后增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(PVR)形成的危险因素。方法 孔源性视网膜脱离110例(112眼)行玻璃体切割术,术后随访6—32个月(平均8.4个月)。结果 112眼中34眼(30.4%)形成术后PVR。多因素逐步回归分析显示,术前PVR为影响术后PVR形成的重要危险因素(P=0.001),而硅油填充、巨大视网膜裂孔、合并脉络膜脱离等因素与术后PVR的形成无显著相关。术前PVR者手术成功率明显降低。结论 影响术后PVR形成的重要危险因素为术前PVR。对于有术前PVR可能导致术后PVR形成的高危人群可行预防性治疗。  相似文献   

目的研究硅油下玻璃体视网膜手术治疗硅油填充眼复发性视网膜脱离的方法和效果。方法对32例(32眼)硅油填充眼复发性视网膜脱离的原因、手术方式、解剖复位和视功能恢复结果进行分析。结果视网膜脱离复发的原因由PVR引起者21眼,周边未封闭裂孔所致3眼,巨大裂孔后瓣滑脱5眼,黄斑裂孔未贴伏3眼,手术后均获得解剖复位,视力达0.05以上者共15眼,随访0.5a5眼复发。结论保留硅油的玻璃体视网膜手术操作简单、安全,取得较好的解剖复位和视功能恢复。  相似文献   


增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(proliferative vitreoretinopathy,PVR)描述孔源性视网膜脱离(rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, RRD)等疾病后玻璃体和/或视网膜表面特异细胞增殖形成纤维膜继而收缩、牵拉引起相关疾病的过程。玻璃体切割手术是目前临床治疗PVR的标准方法。基于对各种细胞和生长因子在PVR致病过程中作用的逐渐了解,涌现出很多新兴的药物治疗方法,主要包括抗炎药物、抗肿瘤药物和抗生长因子药物等。  相似文献   

预期眼硅油取出术后视网膜再脱离的危险因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李惠玲  朱晓华  姜德咏 《眼科学报》2005,21(2):92-94,98
目的:探讨预期眼硅油取出术后视网膜再脱离的临床危险因素。方法:回顾性分析临床资料。入选病例(104例,105只眼)符合以下条件:因复杂的孔源性视网膜脱离、行玻璃体切割联合硅油填充术;硅油眼内填充期间视网膜复位良好;预期将硅油取出;手术由同一术者完成。结果:硅油取出术后平均随访310d,视网膜完全平复94只眼,再脱离11只眼,总复发率为10.4%。无晶状体眼术后视网膜脱离复发率为21.1%(8/38),明显高于有晶状体眼(包括人工晶状体眼)(4.5%)(OR5.69,P<0.05)。术后视网膜再脱离与术前巨大裂孔、增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(PVR)-C3级以上、有视网膜脱离手术失败史、高度近视等因素无显著相关性(Ps>0.05)。硅油取出前予以预防性360°光凝治疗的77只眼中4只眼(5.2%)再脱离,优于非光凝治疗组(OR0.16,P<0.05)。结论:无晶状体眼可能是硅油取出术后视网膜再脱离的危险因素;硅油取出前行预防性360°视网膜光凝治疗可有效防止再脱离。  相似文献   

硅油填充治疗儿童复杂性视网膜脱离   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的评价硅油填充治疗儿童复杂性视网膜脱离的效果及其影响因素方法回顾分析1993年6月-1997年9月行玻璃体切除联合硅油填充术治疗的14岁以下儿童复杂性视网膜脱离34例36只眼术后随访3-21个月的临床资料。结果视网膜完全复位19只眼,占52.7%;限局脱离10只眼,占27.8%;完全脱离6只眼,占16.7%,1只眼眼底不清,占2.8%。术后视力0.05以下者12只眼,占33.3%;0.05-0.2者20只眼,占55.6%;不会查视力者4只眼,占11.1%。结论硅油填充是治疗儿童复杂性视网膜脱离的有效方法,术后增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(proliferative vitreoretinopathy, PVR)的复发和前PVR的发生时手术失败的主要原因。(中华眼底病杂志,1999,15:7-8)  相似文献   

Silicone oil tamponade in 23-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PURPOSE: To describe 20 consecutive patients treated with 23-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy and silicone oil tamponade for retinal detachments (RD) of different etiologies. METHODS: Prospective case series. Twenty patients with complex retinal detachment were submitted to a primary 23-gauge transconjunctival pars plana vitrectomy: rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy (RRD + PVR) in 7 cases, diabetic tractional retinal detachment (DTRD) in 5 cases, giant retinal tear (GRT) in 2 cases, RRD with multiple tears in 2 cases, GRT + uveitis in 1 case, RRD + uveitis in 1 case, DTRD + RRD in 1 case, and RRD + PVR with intraocular foreign body (IOFB) in 1 case. Length of postoperative follow up ranged from 3 to 14 months. RESULTS: Final visual acuity ranged from 20/25 to hand motion. Postoperatively, none of the 20 eyes had hypotony or leakage of silicone oil through the sclerotomies. Seventeen out of 20 (85%) had improved vision. CONCLUSION: Silicone oil tamponade was demonstrated to be a feasible option in conjunction with 23-g transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy to treat complex retinal detachment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study aims to evaluate the outcome of primary vitrectomy/gas for pseudophakic retinal detachment (RD) located inferiorly or associated to inferior breaks. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We performed a retrospective, non-randomised study comprising 18 pseudophakic RD eyes with inferior RD (group A) and 19 pseudophakic RD eyes with inferior breaks (group B) treated with primary vitrectomy and gas tamponade (SF (6) 20 %). Pre- and postoperative characteristics were analysed, focusing on RD recurrences. RESULTS: In group A, RD recurred in 2/18 eyes (11 %) and was associated to proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) both at first intervention and on recurrence. In group B, RD recurred in 4/19 eyes (21 %). One eye presented PVR at first intervention and all at re-intervention. Anatomic reapplication was achieved after second vitrectomy/gas in 2/4 eyes of group B, whereas long-term silicon oil tamponade was needed in 2 eyes of each group. CONCLUSIONS: This series shows a high success rate of primary vitrectomy/gas in pseudophakic RD patients with inferior RD or detachment associated to inferior breaks. Recurrences after vitrectomy are most often related to the presence of PVR.  相似文献   

Silicone oil for the treatment of severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Although silicone oil is being used with increasing frequency for proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), few studies have reported on its use for severe forms of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Vitreous microsurgery with silicone oil tamponade was performed on 34 patients (37 eyes) with refractory severe neovascular glaucoma and/or recurrent retinal detachment (RD) from PDR that failed to respond to conventional techniques including vitrectomy, membrane peeling, gas tamponade and photocoagulation. With all patients followed a minimum of 6 months (mean, 13 months), anatomic attachment was maintained in 26 (70%) of the eyes. At the last follow-up examination, a final visual acuity of at least 5/200 was found in 9 (24%) of 37 eyes and 9 (35%) of 26 anatomically successful cases. Regression of iris neovascularization occurred in 8 (36%) of 22 eyes with rubeosis and the silicone oil was removed in 3 (8%) eyes. Significant complications included band keratopathy in nine (24%) eyes, corneal decompensation in three (8%) eyes, and recurrent retinal detachment in seven (19%) eyes.  相似文献   

目的: 评价玻璃体手术中保留前囊膜的临床效果。方法: 选取 2004- 02/2005- 02 在我院行保留前囊膜的玻璃体晶状体联合切割手术患者 15 例, 其中巨大裂孔源性视网膜脱离患者 4 例, 糖尿病性视网膜病变(Ⅵ期)患者 2 例, 裂孔源性视网膜脱离患者 9 例(复发性裂孔原性视网膜脱离患者 3 例)PVR分级均在 C级以上。眼内注气者 6 例, 硅油填充者 9 例。追踪观察至少3mo, 根据其手术前后的视力及并发症对手术效果做出评价。结果: 所有患者术后视力都高于术前或与术前相等, 平均视力提高 3±3 行。有 8 例患者在术后 2mo 成功植入后房型人工晶状体( PCIOL) , 其中 2 例为硅油取出的同时植入, 另外 6 例为眼内注气患者。术后随访期间未发现角膜失代偿、瞳孔阻滞和视网膜再次脱离等并发症。结论: 完整保留前囊膜可以避免复杂性视网膜脱离患者在玻璃体联合晶状体切割术中和术后由于眼内注气或硅油填充而产生的并发症, 并有利于 PCIOL的植入,保留了虹膜的正常形态, 是一种理想的手术方式。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess the long-term success rates and complications of heavy silicone oil tamponade (Oxane HD) in the management of complicated retinal detachment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). METHODS: Twenty-one eyes of 21 patients with complicated retinal detachment and PVR were included in this study. Vitreoretinal surgery with heavy silicone oil (Oxane HD) tamponade was performed in all patients. Heavy silicone oil was injected by perfluorocarbon liquid-air-silicone oil exchange, and was removed after 3 months. The main outcomes of the surgery including the success and complication rates were evaluated during the mean follow-up period of 11.4+/-0.88 months. Wilcoxon signed ranks test was used for statistical analysis of visual acuity changes. The outcomes of our study were compared with those of the previous studies. RESULTS: All eyes had complicated retinal detachment with PVR Grade C3 or worse. Retinal detachment was rhegmatogenous in 6 eyes, secondary to previous detachment surgery in 11 eyes, secondary to proliferative diabetic retinopathy in 3 eyes, and secondary to perforating eye injury in 1 eye. The overall anatomic success rate was 80.9% at the end of the follow-up period. The overall visual success rate was 42.8%, with no statistically significant difference from baseline (p>0.05). Postoperative complications included severe reproliferation (4 eyes), intraocular pressure rise (3 eyes), anterior dislocation of silicone oil (2 eyes), posterior subcapsular cataract formation (4 eyes), vitreous hemorrhage (1 eye), rubeosis iridis (3 eyes), optic atrophy (1 eye), and ocular pain and photophobia (21 eyes). CONCLUSIONS: According to the results of this study, vitreoretinal surgery with temporary heavy silicone oil tamponade appears to increase the anatomic success rates with minimal complication rate in cases with complicated retinal detachment and PVR.  相似文献   

AIMS: For rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, reattachment with a single procedure is associated with better visual outcomes. In the past, silicone oil has been used mostly as a last resort following failed primary surgery. This study evaluates a novel approach to patients at high risk of primary failure, using silicone tamponade as the primary stage of a planned two-stage procedure. METHODS: We report a series of 140 eyes that underwent primary surgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Patients at higher risk of surgical failure (eg giant retinal tear, inability to posture, poor view, uncertainty of location of primary break, primary proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), multiple tears with rolled posterior edges, retinoschisis/detachment, staphyloma with macular hole) were managed by a planned staged procedure using primary silicone oil tamponade. This was followed by silicone removal at a later date. RESULTS: Fifty-four eyes underwent scleral buckling alone, with primary success in 52/54 (96%). Fifty-three eyes underwent vitrectomy and gas, achieving primary success in 50/53 (94%). Thirty-three eyes were classified high risk and managed with primary silicone. Silicone was safely removed in 22/25. In eight eyes, silicone was retained without attempt at removal. In total, primary retinal reattachment was achieved in 128 of 140 eyes (91.4%). Of these, 124 (97%) did not require long-term tamponade. Only four eyes (2.9%) developed PVR. DISCUSSION: A planned two-stage approach to highrisk cases of retinal detachment using primary silicone oil tamponade followed by silicone removal can achieve a high primary reattachment rate with less than 3% incidence of PVR.  相似文献   

目的 观察玻璃体手术中应用内界膜剥除术治疗视网膜脱离合并增生性玻璃体视网膜病变的效果.方法 回顾性分析视网膜脱离合并严重增生性玻璃体视网膜病变行玻璃体视网膜手术40例(40只眼)的临床资料.以术中是否联合内界膜剥除分为两组:剥膜组19例,未剥膜者为对照组21例.术毕均填充硅油.于玻璃体手术后3个月及硅油取出术后3个月应用OCT观察两组黄斑区视网膜水肿及视网膜前膜情况,并记录最终随访视力.结果 随访6 ~ 12个月.玻璃体切除术后3个月,OCT见黄斑视网膜前膜形成者剥膜组0眼,对照组6眼(28.57%)(Fisher确切概率法,P=0.021);出现黄斑水肿者,剥膜组1眼(5.26%),对照组5眼(23.81%) (x2=1.433,P =0.231).硅油填充下视网膜复位率剥膜组为89.47%,对照组为90.48% (x2 =0.011,P=0.916).硅油取出术后3个月,两组病例均未再发生新的视网膜前膜;出现黄斑水肿者,剥膜组为5.3%,对照组为14.30%(x2=0.178,P=0.673).最终随访视网膜均复位.两组患者术后视力均较术前视力明显提高,且两组间差异无统计学意义.结论 在玻璃体切除术中应用内界膜剥除术治疗视网膜脱离合并增生性玻璃体视网膜病变,可以降低术后黄斑前膜的发生率,对术后视力、黄斑水肿情况及视网膜复位成功率无明显影响.  相似文献   

From 1983 to 1986, silicone oil injections were used to treat 31 patients with retinal detachment (RD) and advanced proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). In 19 eyes (61%), perisilicone proliferation (PSP) developed causing recurrent RDs in 15 eyes (49%). At an average of 5 weeks after surgery, PSP occurred and was characterized by extensive transparent preretinal membranes with denser focal areas. Microscopic examination of five preretinal membranes showed droplets of silicone oil and necrotic cells on the silicone side and glial or retinal pigment epithelial cells, or both, on the retinal side, often in layers separated by extracellular matrix. Silicone oil was present in periretinal membranes removed several months after the intraocular silicone had been evacuated indicating that silicone within cells may persist despite the removal of silicone. The use of silicone oil to provide tamponade in eyes with recurrent PVR is associated with a high incidence of periretinal proliferation that frequently leads to recurrent RD and visual failure.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study sought to determine the influence of relaxing retinotomy (RR) incisions upon surgical outcomes in the repair of recurrent retinal detachment (RD) attributable to proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). DESIGN: Retrospective, consecutive, nonrandomized, single-center series. METHODS: Eighty-one eyes with recurrent RD attributable to PVR were retrospectively reviewed. Exclusion criteria were giant retinal tear, uveitis, trauma, proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and age under 18 years. A total of 52 eyes underwent RR at the time of surgery (64.2%); 29 eyes were repaired without this technique. Perfluorocarbon gas (n = 34) or silicone oil (n = 47) was used as postoperative tamponade. Statistical analyses were performed using the Fisher exact test. RESULTS: Eyes that received RR had significantly higher rates of anterior PVR (P = .009). Eyes receiving silicone oil for postoperative tamponade had worse baseline characteristics compared with those receiving gas. The use of RR in eyes receiving gas tamponade had no marked influence on the initial anatomic outcomes, with recurrent retinal detachment occurring in five of 14 eyes that received an RR and seven of 20 eyes that did not receive an RR (P = .62). Eyes in which silicone oil was used as a postoperative tamponade had a significantly lower rate of recurrent RD requiring additional surgery when RR was employed (one of 38 eyes) when compared with eyes that did not receive an RR (three of nine eyes, P = .02). Ultimately, surgical reattachment was attained in all eyes except one. Eyes that received gas tamponade without RR had significantly better median vision (P = .008). CONCLUSIONS: Surgical management of PVR often results in ultimate retinal reattachment. An RR incision does not appear to influence initial anatomic repair when gas tamponade is used after vitrectomy surgery for PVR. However, RR may increase the initial surgical success rate in eyes receiving silicone oil tamponade for PVR. In eyes undergoing RR for the treatment of severe PVR, the use of silicone oil may increase the initial rate of reattachment compared with the use of gas tamponade.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of high-density silicone oil (HDSO) as an internal retinal tamponade after vitrectomy for complicated retinal detachment.Design: Retrospective, non-randomized study.Participants: Forty-one eyes of 41 patients who were 5–73 years of age.Methods: Medical records of patients with retinal detachment (RD) complicated with inferior proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) requiring internal tamponade with HDSO were reviewed. Eyes with retinal vascular diseases and inflammatory diseases were excluded from the study. Follow-up examinations were scheduled at 1 week and 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after the initial surgery.Results: Median value of follow-up was 8 months (range, 3–40 months). Twenty-five patients had rhegmatogenous RD with significant PVR and the remaining patients had complicated RD secondary to trauma. Preoperative visual acuity was 2.55 ± 0.75 logMAR, which became 1.89 ±0.91 at the last follow-up visit (p < 0.05). Complications included increased intraocular pressure (9.7%), hypotony (2.4%), cataract (57.1%), silicone oil in anterior chamber (17%), persistent total corneal edema (7.3%), band keratopathy (7.3%), and significant inflammation (2.4%). Intraretinal or subretinal fibrosis was found in 12 eyes (29.2%). HDSO removal was performed after a mean period of 5.7 months (range, 3–34 months) in 34 patients. The anatomical success was 87.8%.Conclusions: The high anatomical success rate of 87.8% is a satisfactory result for these complicated RD cases. Subretinal proliferations and early emulsification limit the results. Further studies, with longer follow-ups and more patients, are needed to be conclusive.  相似文献   

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