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羟基磷灰石义眼台Ⅱ期眶内植入术术式的探讨   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
目的 探讨羟基磷灰石义眼台Ⅱ期眶内植入术的最佳手术方式。方法 对18例(18眼)眼球摘除(或眼内容摘除)术后1周至33年的患者采用羟基磷灰石义眼台Ⅱ期眶内植入,观察其疗效。其中无自体巩膜者15例中的7例采用异体巩膜包裹义眼台植入肌锥内;另8例不用异体巩膜包裹而直接将义眼台植入肌锥内。有自体巩膜者3例,在剪断外直肌及视神经后,将义眼台从颞侧植入肌锥内(巩膜壳后)。结果 术后眼眶及眼睑外观满意,义眼活动度良好,义眼台眶内固定,术后随访5~36月,除异体巩膜包裹的1例发生排斥反应而取出义眼台外,其余无发生义眼台移位、脱出或眶内感染者。结论 Ⅱ期羟基磷灰石义眼台直接植入眶内,比用异体巩膜包裹植入眶内,操作简便、术后无排斥反应、效果更好。  相似文献   

目的观察巩膜瓣下肌锥内羟基磷灰石义眼座一期植入的临床效果。方法眼内容摘除50例,剪断视神经,剪开巩膜壳,制作巩膜瓣,植入羟基磷灰石义眼座于肌锥内,缝合巩膜瓣及结膜筋膜组织。结果追踪观察1年,观察眼外形,眼球运动,结膜愈合及义眼座位置。所有义眼矫正的外形美观,活动度良好,无结膜愈合不良或巩膜瓣暴露者。义眼座无移位、固定或感染。结论巩膜瓣下肌锥内羟基磷灰石义眼座一期植入术并发症少,眼球运动、眼部外观与健眼基本相同,可达到美容效果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨如何预防羟基磷灰石义眼胎植入暴露问题。方法:眼球摘除或眼球内容物去除,并/或II期羟基磷灰石义眼胎植入术46例。对于可利用巩膜瓣,严格清除眼内容物,视神经切断,后部巩膜放射状切开,将义眼胎植入巩膜腔内,巩膜前部严密缝合;对于不能利用巩膜瓣的眼球摘除,或II期植入,将义眼胎植入肌锥内,直肌对位缝于义眼胎缝线孔处。筋膜囊严密双层错位褥式缝合,结膜间断缝合。结果:术后随访6~24(平均11.4)mo,46例均未发生义眼胎暴露,眼片安装合适,眼片活动度水平位可达15°~30°。结论:筋膜严密双层错位褥式缝合,手术简单,能有效地预防义眼胎的暴露。  相似文献   

目的观察眼球摘除后羟基磷灰石眶内一期植入与二期植入的效果。方法一期植入为眼球摘除同时用自体巩膜包埋羟基磷灰石作眶内植入,共11例。二期植入为眼球摘除后7天到35年异体巩膜包埋羟基磷灰石作眶内植入,共6例。结果所有植入物均未发现眶内感染、排出和移位现象。一期植入患者11例均获得良好的义眼运动。二期植入患者6例中4例获得良好义眼运动,2例直肌纤维化,找不到直肌,义眼运动欠佳。一期植入手术并发症少,效果满意,二期植入,直肌难找,手术难度相对较大,术后义眼运动有差的可能性,并与眼球摘除后到眶内植入的时间相关。结论眼窝成形术最好一次完成。二期手术术前严密观察各直肌的结膜牵引点有否,否则术后义眼运动不满意。  相似文献   

目的观察不同术式羟基磷灰石义眼台Ⅰ期植入的临床效果。方法对23例患者采用两种不同术式Ⅰ期植入羟基磷灰石义眼台,植入方法分别为眼球摘除联合自体巩膜包裹义眼台植入术及眼内容物剜除联合巩膜花瓣状成形义眼台植入术。结果23例患者术后均无义眼台脱出及暴露等严重并发症,但术式一的术后反应偏重,义眼活动性稍差,术式二的眼球较术前偏小。结论两种术式各有其优缺点及适用范围,均能取得较满意的临床效果;但术式二对眶内结构损伤轻,术后义眼片活动性更佳。  相似文献   

羟基磷灰石眼台应用手术的疗效观察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的观察羟基磷灰石义眼台植入术的临床效果。方法本组共36例(36眼)。其中外伤致眼球破裂19例,绝对期青光眼5例,眼球萎缩3例,角膜溃疡穿孔3例,化脓性眼内炎3例,角膜葡萄肿3例。眼球摘除巩膜包裹植入28例,眼内容摘除义眼台植入8例。结果2例术后出现上睑下垂,1周后水肿消退而好转,未手术。3例出现眼窝凹陷,再次手术填充植入物矫正,效果良好。26例伤口愈合好,眼窝饱满,无眼台脱出。义眼活动度好,转动自然。结论眼窝内植入羟基磷灰石眼台,增加了义眼的活动度,防止上直肌退缩引起的上凹陷。  相似文献   

目的 设计Ⅰ期义眼台植入术的一种新术式。方法 将30例Ⅰ期义眼台植入术患者随机分入2组,带线义眼台组和板层巩膜瓣组。板层巩膜瓣术的关键是以直肌止端剥离板层巩膜瓣使肌肉与眼球分离代替常规的直肌剪断缝合。对比观察2种术式的术后反应、义眼台活动度和义眼片配戴情况。结果 带线义眼台组14名患者术后均有恶心、呕吐和胀痛,板层巩膜瓣组14名患者仅有疼痛;板层巩膜瓣组义眼台和义眼片运动度明显好于带线义眼台组(P=0.0075,P=0.0017)。结论 与带线义眼台术相比,板层巩膜瓣术减轻了对眼外肌的牵拉,术后无胃肠反应;术中注意保护肌肉与肌筋膜,远期运动度良好;结膜囊弧度好,义眼片的跟随运动好。板层巩膜瓣术可以作为I期义眼台植入术的又一选择术式。  相似文献   

目的观察改良式肌锥内羟基磷灰石(HA)义眼台植入的临床效果。方法96例眼球摘除和眼内容摘除术后采取HA义眼台植入肌锥内,义眼台前部采用巩膜或阔筋膜完全包埋。结果术后随访3~24个月,无发生义眼台感染、暴露及脱出者,活动度达到预期目的。外观饱满,双眼对称性好。结论采取HA义眼台植入肌锥内,前部采用巩膜或阔筋膜包埋固定的方法,并发症少、疗效良好。  相似文献   

眼球明显萎缩的近原位HA植入术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨眼球明显萎缩的羟基磷灰石义眼座植入方法。方法:常规眼内容摘除,于直肌间将巩膜放射状剪至视神经处,呈4瓣,沿视乳头环形切开巩膜,形成4个带直肌的游离巩膜瓣,将眼座置入眼肌锥内,分组对合巩膜瓣,分层缝合筋膜与结膜。共植入25例。结果:追踪观察3-10月,患者外形矫正满意,义眼活动自如,改善了眼部外观,未见严重并发症与后遗症。结论:此手术方法操作简单,术后效果良好。  相似文献   

目的 探讨眼球摘除后自体巩膜包裹羟基磷灰石义眼座反向植入并斜肌缝合术的临床效果.方法 对64例眼球摘除自体巩膜包裹羟基磷灰石义眼座反向植入并斜肌缝合术.结果 64例术后结膜均Ⅰ期愈合,结膜囊宽阔光滑,义眼活动良好,外观良好.结论 羟基磷灰石具有良好的生物相容性,排斥反应低,自体巩膜包裹羟基磷灰石义眼座反向植入并斜肌缝合使义眼座得以双层巩固,提高了手术成功率.  相似文献   

羊膜包裹的羟基磷灰石义眼座植入   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
目的:观察羊膜包裹的羟基磷灰石义眼座植入的临床效果。方法:7例眼球摘除术后,以库存的人羊膜缝合包裹选定的合适直径的义眼座,后段覆盖羊膜多处开窗后将义眼座植入肌椎内,再通过义眼座前1/3处穿出4条缝线将4条直有肌椎内,再通过义眼座前1/3处穿出4条缝线将4条直肌缝合固定在义眼座上,然后分层缝合筋膜,结膜。结果:追踪观察8-39wk,除1例因局部放疗后眼结膜,筋膜萎缩,义眼座暴露,库存异体巩膜修补失败后,将义眼座取出外,其余6例外观饱满,义眼活动良好,结论:羊膜包裹的羟基磷灰石义眼座效果良好,羊膜可成为新的义眼座包裹物。  相似文献   

The coral derived hydroxyapatite sphere is a popular, integrated orbital implant designed to provide improved motility of the ocular prosthesis following enucleation. Although the implant has rapidly become widely used by ophthalmologists, little information is available regarding the problems of this technique in a large series of cases. Experience with 250 consecutive cases of hydroxyapatite orbital implant use was reviewed and the problems of the implants and their management investigated specifically. The reasons for enucleation included uveal melanoma (157 cases), retinoblastoma (70 cases), blind painful eye (22 cases), and intraocular medulloepithelioma (one case). Earlier treatment to the eye was performed before enucleation in 47 cases and included repair of ruptured globe (17 cases), plaque radiotherapy (18 cases), external beam radiotherapy (six cases), and others (six cases). During a mean of 23 months' follow up (range 6-40 months), there have been no recognisable cases of orbital haemorrhage related to the implant, and no cases of implant extrusion or implant migration. There was one case of presumed orbital infection (culture negative) that resolved with intravenous antibiotics and the implant was retained within the orbit. Other problems included conjunctival thinning in eight cases managed by observation and prosthesis adjustment, and conjunctival erosion in four cases managed by combinations of scleral patch graft, conjunctival flap, and prosthesis adjustment. The conjunctival erosion was caused by a poorly fitting prosthesis in three cases and wound dehiscence in one case. The problem rate in eyes receiving prior radiotherapy or surgery was not increased. The hydroxyapatite integrated orbital implant is a well tolerated motility implant without the high rate of extrusion and infection seen with other motility implants. The prosthesis fit may contribute to the tolerance of the implant.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Hydroxyapatite orbital implants are buried implants that may be integrated into the overlying prosthesis after enucleation. We report problems encountered using these implants during a 14-year period in a pediatric population. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of a pediatric population from 1987 through 2001. RESULTS: Indications for enucleation (N = 19) included retinoblastoma (n =17), persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (n =1), and painful blind eye (n =1). Conjunctival erosion (36.84%) and consequent implant exposure (15.70%) were the main problems identified in this study. There were no cases of orbital infection. Management included resuturing and scleral patching. CONCLUSION: Conjunctival erosion of hydroxyapatite implants contributed to significant morbidity in 19 children who underwent enucleation and hydroxyapatite orbital implant.  相似文献   

眼球摘除188例原因分析及义眼台植入的效果   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的对188例眼球摘除的原因进行分析,评价义眼台植入的效果。方法采用回顾性研究的方法,分析了眼球摘除的原因,并对眼球摘除的适应证及其并发症进行了讨论。结果眼球摘除的188例中,眼外伤93例,占49.47%;恶性肿瘤41例,占22.81%;失明伴眼痛、眼球萎缩及眼内炎等其他原因54例,占28.72%。其中义眼台植入76例,出现并发症者5例,包括2例结膜息肉,3例义眼台暴露。结论眼外伤是眼球摘除占首位的原因。眼球摘除后义眼台的及时植入,能改善外观,手术并发症少。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Orbital implants are used as fillers following enucleation or evisceration surgeries to replace the lost volume for better cosmesis and motility of the artificial eye. Over the last decade porous hydroxyapatite (HAp) implants derived from the naturally occurring corals, are increasingly used. Recently synthetic HAp-based implants have been introduced. After fibrovasculrisation they have the added advantage of being directly integrated with the artificial shell, thereby increasing the motility to a great extent. The current study, evaluated the efficacy of two different models of synthetic HAp with 75% porosity and pore sizes ranging from 100 to 300 mm. METHODS: Synthetic HAp powders were prepared with a novel wet chemical route. Two models of porous orbital implants with the characteristic designs for both evisceration and enucleation surgery were developed, characterised and implanted to consecutive 25 human subjects, 17 following evisceration, and 8 following enucleation. The postoperative performances of these implants were evaluated in respect to the degree of volume replacement (implant + prosthesis), presence/absence of lagophthalmos and lower eye-lid laxity, status of socket and fornices. Magnetic resonance imaging assessed the stability of the implants within the socket and progressive fibro-vascularisation within the porous scaffold as a function of time. Finally, motility of the implants as well as the prostheses (horizontal movements by Lister Perimeter) and subjective cosmetic results (qualitative) were also evaluated. RESULTS: During the 2.5 years of follow-up study, no significant postoperative complications were noticed. One case, showed an anterior implant exposure of 3-4 mm, and was managed with donor scleral patch graft and one case of conjunctival thinning was corrected by re-suturing the conjunctival dehiscence. Fourteen of the 25 patients had a very good movement of the prostheses (> 20 degrees horizontal movement) and the other 11 patients had a fair motility (10 - 20 degrees). The degree of volume replacement (with prosthesis) was found to be very good in 21 patients and fair in other 4 patients. All patients reported cosmetic satisfaction. CONCLUSION: Synthetic HAp-based integrated orbital implants with this modified design were found clinically safe and cosmetically acceptable.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Orbital implants are used to prevent post-enucleation-syndromes and to improve prosthesis motility. PATIENTS AND METHOD: 20 patients without and 32 patients with orbital implants were examined 6 to 14 years after enucleation. Maximum prosthesis motility in 4 directions, width of the palpebral fissure and vertical difference of the eye axis were measured using Kestenbaum glasses. The apex of the prosthesis was measured with a Hertel exophthalmometer. The post-enucleation-syndrome was assessed by a 4 point scale by the investigators. RESULTS: Post-enucleation-syndromes are significantly (p < 0.01) less pronounced in patients with orbital implants, also prosthesis motility is significantly (p < 0.05) larger. The width of the palpebral fissure and the vertical difference of the eye axis is not significantly (p > 0.05) altered. CONCLUSION: Primary orbital implants allow for prevention of a post-enucleation-syndrome and a better functional and cosmetic outcome.  相似文献   

目的:探讨羟基磷灰石义眼台(HA),Ⅰ期植入花瓣状巩膜壳内的手术效果。方法:对有眼球内容物剜除术适应证的病例,实施眼球内容物剜除术,依据眼B超和钢球模检测所需羟基磷灰石义眼台型号,将羟基磷灰石义眼台Ⅰ期植入花瓣状巩膜壳内,其表面双层巩膜覆盖。随访6~15mo,观察术后效果。结果:患者48例48眼均成功植入羟基磷灰石义眼台,并获得较满意的外观美容效果。结论:羟基磷灰石义眼台Ⅰ期植入花瓣状巩膜壳内术式,保留了眼球六条附属肌肉及其功能,义眼台前方自体巩膜双层覆盖防止眼台暴露,改善眼内容物剜出术后眼窝塌陷等畸形,达到较为理想的一种眼部整形效果。  相似文献   

C T Yu 《中华眼科杂志》1989,25(3):146-147
The authors embedded orbital implants wrapped up in autogenous sclera into 11 patients after enucleation, with sutures to fix the sclera to external ocular muscles. Tenon's capsule, and conjunctiva. The total volume of the implant was about 6 cm3 and the weight less than the eyeball. A shell was placed into the cul-de-sac after the operation to be replaced by a prosthesis 6 weeks later. No extrusion or displacement of the implants occurred in follow-ups of 6 months to 2 years and the cosmetic effect was good. Tissue tolerance and ample motility could have resulted from the scleral wrapping and suture fixation to the muscles.  相似文献   

We report on two patients (38 and 52 years old) suffering from severe post-enucleation socket syndrome (PESS) after enucleation of the bulbus with postoperative irradiation of the orbit due to malignant eye tumors. The secondary reconstruction of the contracted eye socket was performed by a free vascularized radial forearm flap to create a permanent eye socket with augmentation of the content of the orbital space. In the follow-up period of 12 months the patients were able to wear a cosmetically acceptable ocular prosthesis without notable secondary graft contracture. The free vascularized radial forearm flap is an alternative procedure to a dermis fat graft for the secondary reconstruction of the orbit in patients with a severe PESS.  相似文献   



To present a new technique using autologous dermis graft at the time of enucleation or evisceration to replace the ocular surface area lost when the corneal scleral button is excised.


A retrospective, interventional, non‐comparative case series of patients who had an autologous dermis graft placed to assist in closure of Tenon''s capsule and conjunctiva at the time of enucleation or evisceration. Medical records were reviewed and the following variables were recorded: age, sex, history of previous ocular surgery or radiation treatment, indication for surgery, type of surgery, laterality, type of orbital implant, size of implant, length of follow up, and complications.


Nine patients were identified (three male, six female) Five had enucleation with implant placement and four had evisceration with implant placement. Four individuals received unwrapped porous polyethylene spherical implants, three received silicone implants, and two received hydroxylapatite implants. Follow up ranged from 30 to 112 weeks (mean (SD), 61 (28) weeks). No operative or early complications were observed. One patient who had enucleation after two rounds of brachytherapy for uveal melanoma developed subsequent late exposure of the implant. There were no complications involving the graft donor site.


This small series shows that the use of a dermis graft is a safe and effective new technique to facilitate orbital rehabilitation. It is hypothesised that the extra surface area produced with a dermis graft preserves the fornices and allows a larger implant. It may also allow the implant to be placed more anteriorly which assists with both implant and prosthesis motility.  相似文献   

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