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目的了解普陀区便利店预包装食品营养标签的标示率与合格率。方法调查区内两家便利店内现场在售的全部预包装食品。结果共调查预包装食品15类合计1,043种,标示营养标签、营养成分表、营养声称和功能声称分别为1,039(99.6%)、1,039(99.6%)、103(9.9%)和11(1.1%)。营养成分表中,能量、蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物和钠的标示率均达到了100%,其中,营养成分表、营养声称和功能声称的标示合格率分别为96.3%、72.8%和63.6%。结论两家便利店预包装食品的营养标签标示率较高,但标示的规范性,特别是营养声称和功能声称的规范性还有待改善。执法部门需要加强食品包装的管理,制止部分企业以广告语诱导消费者混淆为营养声称或功能声称的行为。  相似文献   

目的了解四川省农村市场预包装食品营养标签标示现状。方法对营养标签进行拍照,采集农村市场预包装食品的营养标签内容,并评价其是否符合《预包装食品营养标签通则》(简称《通则》)的规定。结果共调查275种预包装食品,其中标有营养成分表、营养声称和营养成分功能声称的食品百分比分别为100.00%(275/275)、10.91%(30/275)和1.82%(5/275)。营养声称和营养成分功能声称主要涵盖维生素、钙、碳水化合物(糖),但是标示的食品种数较少,且部分声称不符合《通则》规定。结论四川省农村预包装食品营养标签的强制性标示内容标示情况较好,可选择标示内容标示情况极差。  相似文献   

目的了解我国预包装食品标签中营养声称的标示情况,为修订《预包装食品营养标签通则》提供科学依据。方法在全国各地大中型超市采样或拍照,收集预包装食品营养标签信息并录入Excel,对各类食品及各营养成分的营养声称使用情况进行统计。结果共纳入5348个样本,营养声称总体标示率为15.22%,标示合格率为100%。各类食品中乳与乳制品中营养声称标示率最高,为26.57%;蛋制品、茶叶及其相关制品标示率为0%。各营养成分中,钙、膳食纤维和铁的实际含量声称标示率最高,高达30%,部分营养成分如生物素、铜和氟的实际标示率为0%。比较声称使用频次较少,主要集中在"减少脂肪"、"增加蛋白质"和"减少钠(盐)"方面。结论我国预包装食品营养声称使用较为规范,但企业实际使用率相对较低,且关注的营养成分比较集中。建议在标准修订时考虑营养声称的实用性并进一步加大标准宣贯力度和消费者教育工作。  相似文献   

目的了解7大类623种预包装食品营养标签的标示情况,并对结果进行分析。方法在济南市的各型超市和商品零售点,现场调查或购买符合调查条件的预包装食品,将营养标签等相关信息输入调查表中,用SPSS 18.0软件进行统计分析。结果在调查的7大类623种预包装食品中,营养标签的标示率为94.1%,标示规范率为95.7%;进行营养声称的有58份,占9.31%;进行营养成分功能声称的有71份,占11.40%;营养声称和功能声称频次较高的营养素均为钙。豆制品的强制性标示规范率为100.0%;谷类制品的营养标签强制性标示之间的差异具有统计学意义。结论济南市预包装食品营养标签标示率和规范性较高,但仍存在一定的标示不规范、可选择标示率较低的问题。相关部门应加强对企业的教育监管,扩大营养标签在防治慢性非传染性疾病中的影响。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市售食用植物油标签对《预包装食品标签通则》和《预包装食品营养标签通则》的符合情况。方法通过超市、市场和网上购买的方式采集食用植物油样品,对标签通则规定的条款逐项调查,并对全部样品检测油脂抗氧化剂TBHQ(特丁基对苯二酚),根据国家标准对标示情况进行符合性判断。结果共调查了91个食用植物油,其中10个产品检出TBHQ,其标签均标示添加了该抗氧化剂。91个标签应标示内容的标示情况基本符合规定,90个标签标示了营养成分表,标示符合率为97.8%。17个标签(涉及6个品牌)有营养声称,标示率18.9%,但植物甾醇等有营养声称却在营养成分表中无相应数值标示。1个标签有营养成分功能声称,但功能声称用语不是标准规定的用语。结论建议监督部门对生产企业要加大监督力度,技术部门要提供一定技术咨询和指导。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 了解于2013年1月1日起正式施行的《预包装食品营养标签通则》实施初和实施1年后营养标签标识情况的变化。方法 2013年5月和2014年5月,选择在广州市4家大、中、小型的连锁超市现场进行营养标签拍照调查,并判断其规范性。结果 2013 年预包装食品中标示营养成分表、营养声称和营养成分功能声称的分别为973种(93.7%),160种(15.4%),89种(8.6%),2014 年分别为854种(96.2%)、47种(5.3%)、26种(2.9%),差异有统计学意义(χ2值分别为5.261,51.225,27.234,P=0.022,P<0.001,P<0.001)。被调查预包装食品,符合《通则》标准的营养声称和功能声称的前三位营养素均为钙及其他矿物质、维生素、蛋白质。结论 《通则》实施后,广州超市食品营养标签总体标示率显著提高,《通则》的实施有利于引导消费者选择更为健康的食品,但仍需要进一步的监督与实施。  相似文献   

目的了解郑州铁路局站车销售预包装食品标签营养声称现况,为开展预包装食品标签网络识别与评估提供科学依据。方法采用分层抽样方式,现场对郑州铁路局站车销售的预包装食品标签进行拍照,组织专人依据国家标准对营养声称进行判定,对结果进行统计分析。结果共识别12类649个预包装食品营养标签,营养声称总体标示率为7.24%,标示合格率为100.00%。各类食品中乳制品营养声称标示率最高,为35.29%,糖果制品及焙烤食品的营养声称标示率为0.00%;强制标示的能量和核心营养素中,符合声称要求数最高的为蛋白质,占52.70%,而蛋白质实际声称率仅为1.17%;其他非强制标示的营养素中,膳食纤维的标示率最高,为2.16%(14/649);比较声称未见使用。结论郑州铁路局站车销售预包装食品营养声称较规范、准确,但食品生产企业实际声称使用率偏低。建议有关部门细化营养标签标准,加强对企业的宣贯和指导,鼓励企业积极使用营养声称。  相似文献   

目的了解烟台市预包装食品营养标签的标示情况。方法通过现场调查,在烟台市利用自行设计的调查表记录标签标示状况。结果共调查12类1 376份食品,营养标签的标示率为95.06%,标示齐全率为97.93%。各类营养成分的标示率均在99%以上,NRV%的标示率为84.63%。儿童食品营养标签的标示率为98.61%,标示齐全率为88.73%。结论烟台市预包装食品营养标签的标示率相对较高,也存在部分营养标签不规范情况,营养标签标示工作丞待加强。  相似文献   

目的了解预包装食品营养标签标示的营养成分含量值与实际检测值的差异是否符合《通则》规定的允许误差范围以及符合率。方法在郑州超市内随机采集60种预包装食品,对标示的营养成分进行含量检测,建立数据库进行数据录入,用SPSS 17.0软件进行统计分析,依据《通则》判定符合性。结果共调查并检验了60种预包装食品,全部标示营养标签,73.33%的预包装食品的营养成分标示值与检测值的差异不符合《通则》规定的允许误差范围。检测了384个指标,307个指标符合,符合率为79.95%。能量和核心营养素中蛋白质符合率最高,为96.67%;钠的符合率最低,为66.67%。结论预包装食品营养标签的标示还不能完全符合《通则》要求,首先标示规范性还不够,另外营养成分含量标示值和实际检测值的符合率还不够,有关部门应继续加强营养标签的监管工作。  相似文献   

儿童食品营养标签标示现状的市场调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]对兰州市售儿童食品"营养标签"的标示现状及其存在的问题进行调查分析,为完善儿童食品营养标签的标示及管理提供科学依据.[方法]参考国家<食品营养标签管理规范>,设计调查表对兰州市主要大中型超市消费量较大的4类儿童食品营养标签标示状况进行记录,与<食品营养标签管理规范>比对分析.[结果]调查的4类儿童食品营养标签的总体标示率为86.31%.不同食品营养素标示率差异有统计学意义(X2=27.962,P<0.05).儿童食品营养标签突出存在的问题有:营养素及其标示值标示与标准比较不规范且标识的含量范围模糊,营养声称表述随意,全部食品缺乏营养素参考值(NRV)的标示,对非营养物质(食品添加剂等)也无含量或安全摄入范围的标示,部分食品生产日期和保质期的标示位置隐蔽.[结论]目前国内主要儿童食品营养标签与规范之间差距较大,标识的随意性是主要问题.提示社会各界应加快加强<食品营养标签管理规范>的施行,更要规范市场监督、督促生产厂家增强自律意识,对民众及管理人员普及营养标签知识的教育,尽快使营养标签真正成为人们获取营养知识的快捷途径和选购食品的参考.  相似文献   

目的了解杭州市场上常见包装食品营养标签标识现状和消费者对营养标签的认知度。方法通过现场调查方法,对杭州市某大型超市7大类262种包装食品的营养标签标识状况进行记录;同时随机抽取280名消费者进行营养标签认知度的问卷调查;结果输入计算机,用EXCEL软件进行分析。结果食品营养标签的标识率为57.6%,不同类食品间标识率存在较大差别;标识一种营养素的食品居多,占26.0%;标识营养素的名称和单位不统一;15.0%的消费者将食品营养信息作为选择食品的首要考虑因素,88.9%的消费者认为国家需要对食品包装上的营养信息进行统一规定。结论目前国内食品的营养标签标识尚不规范,国家应加快营养标签的立法工作;消费者对食品营养标签的认知度不高,政府和媒体需加强对消费者的宣传教育。  相似文献   

BackgroundToddler milk (ie, a nutrient-fortified milk-based drink marketed for children aged 12 to 36 months) has been marketed increasingly in the United States with structure/function claims on product packaging that are potentially misleading.ObjectiveThis study examined how structure/function claims impact parents’ beliefs and perceptions about a toddler milk product.DesignThis was a 3-arm between-subjects randomized experiment.ParticipantsA diverse sample of 2,190 US parents of children aged 1 to 5 years were chosen to take an online survey.InterventionParticipants were randomly assigned to view a toddler milk package with either an unrelated claim (“new and improved,” ie, control condition), a “brain development” claim (ie, “brain” claim), or an “immunity-related” claim (ie, “immunity” claim).Main outcome measuresOutcomes included perceptions, intentions, and beliefs about the toddler milk product.Statistical analyses performedLinear regression for continuous outcomes and logistic regression for dichotomous outcomes.ResultsParents who were exposed to the “brain” claim or the “immunity” claim were more likely to incorrectly believe that the toddler milk was as healthy or healthier than cow’s milk compared with those who saw the control claim (89% for brain claim, 87% for immunity claim, and 79% for control; P < .001 for both comparisons). Parents exposed to either the brain or immunity claim had higher intentions to give the toddler milk to their child, higher perceived product healthfulness, and stronger beliefs that pediatricians would recommend the product compared with parents exposed to the control (all, P < .001).ConclusionsThese findings suggest that structure/function claims on toddler milk packaging may mislead parents and increase the appeal of toddler milk. Our findings support calls for public health policies to regulate marketing on toddler milk packaging.  相似文献   

目的了解河南省2013年本地预包装传统食品的营养标签标识现况。方法在河南省18个市的大型超市和食品零售点统一购买满足调查对象纳入范围的本地产预包装传统食品,拍照记录后将商品名称、营养标签等信息输入调查表中,以卡方检验进行统计分析。结果共调查样品565份,分为5大类13小类,营养标签整体标识率为91.9%。强制标识成分标识齐全的占98.8%。营养标签强制标识内容的错误有7类。可选择标识的营养素标识率普遍很低。营养声称和功能声称标识率不到4%。结论河南省本地传统预包装食品的营养标签标识呈现强制性内容标识情况良好,可选择标识内容普遍不予重视的情况。  相似文献   

哈尔滨市包装食品营养标签标识状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解黑龙江省哈尔滨市大型超市销售的预包装食品营养标签标识情况,为识别营养标签的宣传教育提供依据.方法 自行设计调查表对常见的国产饼干、乳制品、饮料类包装食品和进口原装饼干、饮料类包装食品进行基本状况调查和营养标识状况调查.结果 240种国内生产的包装食品上食品标签强制标示内容均予以标识,营养标签总体标识率为61.25%;58种国外进口原装食品的食品标签对我国规定的强制标示内容均予以标识,营养标签标识率为63.8%.国内外饼干类食品营养标签在营养素种类标识方面存在差异,营养标识率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 目前国内食品标签的标识尚不规范,需加强对营养标签的监督和管理.  相似文献   

Australia and New Zealand are currently reviewing the regulations governing nutrition function, health and related claims on foods. Health claims currently are not permitted on food labels, with one exception. The aim of this study was to describe the use of such claims on packaged food for sale in Australia (excluding nutrient content claims) prior to any changes to the regulations, and measure compliance with existing regulations. A survey was conducted of the labelling of 7850 products (including multiple pack sizes of individual foods) in 47 different food categories on sale in New South Wales in 2003. A total of 2098 nutrition function, health or related claims and 12 therapeutic claims were recorded. Fourteen percent of products carried some sort of claim. If nutrient function and general health maintenance claims are excluded, 8.1% of products carried a health or related claim. Using the claims categorisation proposed by Food Standards Australia New Zealand for a new standard on claims, general-level claims were found on 9.8% of products and high-level and therapeutic claims (illegal at the time) on 1.2%. The food categories with the highest proportion of products carrying claims were sports drinks (92%), energy drinks (84%), sports bars (57%) and breakfast cereals (54%). 118 high-level and therapeutic claims did not conform to current food standards and there were many general-level claims for ingredient benefits that were unlikely to be able to be scientifically substantiated. The results of this survey suggest that more than 5% of claims were not complying with the current regulations and that the standards were not being fully enforced. To be effective, the new standard will need to be accompanied by clear guidelines for manufacturers on requirements for substantiating claims. Comprehensive education and enforcement frameworks also will be needed, to reduce the number of illegal or apparently unsubstantiated claims.  相似文献   

The food label is an important tool for improving the public's understanding of the health benefits of following a nutritious diet. The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has continued to study food labels with its Food Label and Package Survey (FLAPS). Data from the 2000-2001 FLAPS characterize various aspects of the labeling of processed, packaged foods, including nutrition labeling and various types of label claims. The FDA used a multistage, representative sample of food products from the Information Resources Inc (IRI) 1999 supermarket database as the basis for the FLAPS sample. The final FLAPS database consists of 1281 foods. An estimated 98.3% of FDA-regulated processed, packaged foods sold annually have nutrition labels, with an additional 1.7% of products exempt from nutrition labeling requirements. Health claims (4.4%), structure/function claims (6.2%), and nutrient content claims (49.7%) were identified on food labels. In addition to the resource this survey provides to CFSAN in assessing health and nutrition information on the food label, registered dietitians and other health professionals can use FLAPS data to assist consumers in choosing a more nutritious diet to improve their health and well-being.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the use of nutrition and related claims on packaged food for sale in Australia and measure the compliance of such claims with regulations governing their use. A survey was conducted of the labelling of 6662 products in 40 different food categories on sale in New South Wales in 2001. Levels of compliance were assessed by comparing the claims on the label and data in the nutrition information panel with requirements of the Foods Standards Code and the Code of Practice on Nutrient Claims. Half of the products (51.3%) carried some type of nutrition related claim and 36.2% made at least one nutrient claim, with an average of 1.2 nutrition related claims on every food product. The foods with the highest use of nutrient claims were sports drinks, breakfast cereals, meat substitutes, pretzels and rice cakes, muesli bars and yoghurt. The most common nutrient claims were for fat, cholesterol, vitamins, minerals, and sugar. More than 20% of products carried claims related to additives. Many nutrient claims (12.9%) did not comply with current regulations, especially those in the voluntary Code of Practice. Adoption of mandatory requirements for all claims within the Food Standards Code may improve the levels of compliance. Implications for the regulation of nutrition and related claims are discussed. The impact of nutrition claims on consumer purchasing and consumption behaviour deserves further study.  相似文献   

Health claims are authorized for the labeling of foods when there is significant scientific agreement among qualified experts on the evidence for a relationship between a food or food component (substance) and a disease. Qualified health claims are permitted when there is less scientific evidence for a substance-disease relationship, therefore requiring qualifying language. The evidence for a relationship between vitamin E and heart disease and selenium and cancer was reviewed by the U.S. FDA. It was determined that there was insufficient evidence to permit a qualified health claim for vitamin E and cancer, whereas there was some evidence for permitting a qualified health claim for selenium and cancer. The rationale for these conclusions is discussed below.  相似文献   

目的 了解杭州市超市消费者对预包装食品营养标签的认知、态度、行为的现状及其影响因素.方法 采用自行拟定的调查量表,选取杭州市某大型超市,随机抽取顾客进行面对面访谈.结果 在访谈的586(男202、女384)人中,平均年龄(41.6±17.23)岁.消费者对6种营养素的模拟购物题应答正确率依次为膳食纤维(71.84%)、脂肪(70.99%)、钙(60.75%)、盐(58.36%)、能量(50.85%)和糖(39.42%);对标识营养成分表、营养声称和希望了解相关知识的3个态度指标中,认同率分别为90.44%、87.03%和77.13%;对首次购买某食品阅读营养成分表和营养标签的2个行为指标中,阅读率分别为58.36%和80.03%.经logistic建模分析,男性、青少年、低教育人群是营养标签阅读行为的危险因素.结论 消费者营养标签阅读、理解和正确应用营养标签的能力不高,亟待改进营养标签与声称的可读性和权威性,应制定全国营养知识健康教育规划.
Objective To study the prevalence rates of knowledge,attitudes and use of the nutrition labeling and related influential factors in Hangzhou supermarket consumers.Methods Using a self-developed survey questionnaire,randomly selected customers were conducted a face-toface interview program in a large supermarket of Hangzhou city.Results 586 people were interviewed,including 202 males and 384 females,with the mean age as 41.6±17.23 years.The Facts Labels'were as follows:dietary fiber(71.84%),fat(70.99%),calcium(60.75%),salt (58.36%),energy(50.85%)and sugar(39.42%).The support rates of the three attitudes indicators were"support marking the Nutrition Facts Label"(90.44%)."support marking the nutrition claims"(87.03%)and"want to know more relative knowledge"(77.13%).There were 58.36% and 80.03%first-time buyers who would read the Nutrition Facts Food Labels and the Nutrition Claims.Through logistic model analysis,male,youth,low-educated people were found to be the risk factors related to the nutrition label reading behavior.Conclusion The capacity of the reading,understanding and correct application of nutrition labeling among consumers was not satisfactory.Improvement on the readability and the authority of nutrition labeling and the development of the national nutrition knowledge and health education programs were in urgent needs.  相似文献   

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