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本文介绍一种便携式数字心率计,它由单电源供电,结构简单,体积小。心率测量范围为30~199次/分,精度为2%。  相似文献   

目的研究观察冠心病患者的心率变异及比较冠心病心肌梗死患者与非心肌梗死患者的心率变异。方法应用24小时动态心电图对126例冠心病患者与65例正常人进行心率变异检查,对冠心病组心肌梗死组与非心肌梗死组心率变异指标进行对比分析。结果冠心病组心率变异指标(时域、频域指标)较对照组升高(P<0.01)。冠心病心肌梗死组心率变异指标较非心肌梗死组升高(P<0.01)。结论冠心病患者心脏自主神经系统功能受损害,且心肌梗死患者更为显著。  相似文献   

基于Internet与无线通信的远程心电实时监护系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种便携式的可对患者进行远程心电实时监护的系统,完成了硬件及软件包的开发。该系统运用了无线射频和Internet技术。实现了便携式和远程的设计要求,可实现从医院到患者家中的远程集中监护。监护中心接收到心电数据,并在服务器端实时显示波形的同时,通过R点标定实现了心率计算。临床实验表明,该系统可实现远程实时监护。具有重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

目的:研制一种能够在平原模拟低氧环境的便携式低氧呼吸器。方法:根据重复呼吸原理,设计制作便携式低氧呼吸器。健康青年男性志愿者分别在静息和踏车运动中应用该装置,并检测受试者心率(HR)、血氧饱和度(SaO2)和吸入气氧含量的变化。结果:应用该装置进行训练,可以显著提高静息和运动状态下的心率,显著降低血氧饱和度和吸入气氧含量。结论:所研制的便携式低氧呼吸器能有效模拟低氧环境状态,可用于缺氧预适应训练,以提高机体对缺氧的耐受性。  相似文献   

张利夏 《现代医院》2006,6(3):45-46
目的了解老年人急性心肌梗死时心率变异特点。方法对24例平均64岁住院急性心肌梗死患者与同年龄健康人分组监测心率变异参数并进行对比分析。结果心肌梗死组心率变异和各项参数较对照组降低,平均心率及最大心率两组之间无明显差异,心肌梗死组最慢心率增快。结论老年急性心肌梗死患者自主神经损伤,应早期干预治疗,防止危险事件发生。  相似文献   

目的:研制一种用于监测水下作业潜水员实时心率参数的便携式装置。方法:硬件系统设计为2个部分,包括心率检测单元和心率接收单元。心率检测单元位于潜水服之内,心率接收单元位于潜水服之外,2个单元之间采用无线通讯方式,心率接收单元与船上计算机之间采用有线的485传输方式,可进行长距离传输。结果:样机完成后经过反复测试,基本达到设计要求,成功实现陆上心率实时传输和水下模拟心率信号实时传输功能。无线传输模块水下可靠传输的最大距离可达10 m,且无线信号的传输距离和深度、压力无关。结论:硬件装置改进耐压和防水性能后,完全可以实现潜水员水下心电、心率信号的实时监测,并可扩展到其他生理信号的实时监测。  相似文献   

目的:及时、准确、方便地显示心率。方法:采用内嵌蓝牙模块的心率采集装置采集心率,并使用无线方式传送至智能手持终端,智能手持终端接收、保存、判断并在显示屏上显示心率数值。结果:佩戴心率采集仪的使用者可以随时知道自己的心率数值,同时,在心率数据不正常情况下能够及时发出报警求救短信。结论:基于蓝牙技术的便携式心率采集仪能够及时发现持有者的心率不正常现象,为挽救生命提供了宝贵时间,在心血管疾病患者以及独居老人等人群中具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

心率监测系统设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
阐述了单兵便携式心率监测系统的总体设计方案,介绍了系统的硬件和软件设计。系统基于AVR系列单片机ATmega64(L),用于心率监测系统的MCU,实时性好,体积小,功耗低,携带方便,适用于单兵训练强度的心率监测。  相似文献   

飞行员陆地和飞行活动中心率变异分析任建华熊一力姚晓宙邬堂春贺涵贞飞行人员心脏自主神经对心血管活动的调节情况及其应激反应是否适度,是影响飞行技能的重要因素。心率变异分析是近年来发展起来的一项无创、定量评价体内自主神经(迷走神经、交感神经)活动的方法,本...  相似文献   

便携式生理参数监测仪是一种可对人体基本生理参数及消耗的能量进行实时监测的仪器。本设计使得该仪器具有实时监测及显示人体脉搏和体袁温度及运动耗能等功能。本文围绕便携式生理参数监测仪的实现和应用两个方面,介绍本设计的软硬件实现方法,最后介绍此设计的应用和发展前景。  相似文献   

一种能实现QRS波群参数测量的心电监护仪设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以研究适合我国国情、利用现有的常规心电图仪设计出一种能进行QRS波群测量的便携式液晶显示心电分析监护仪。该系统采用80C196KB单片微型计算机为中央处理器,对实时心电信号进行数据处理和分析。它除了具有一般心电监护仪的性能外,还具有心律失常分析、心率变异分析、报警、手动测量、以及自动冻结、自动走纸记录等功能,能交、直供电,携带方便。在硬件上注重稳定性、低功耗和低成本;在软件上实行从顶至下的结构化设计。所实现的监护仪通用性强、成本低,尤其为开拓我国监护仪事业有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Dietary fish oil supplementation and regular physical activity can improve outcomes in patients with established CVD. Exercise has been shown to improve heart rate variability (HRV), a predictor of cardiac death, but whether fish oil benefits HRV is controversial. Obese adults at risk of future coronary disease have impaired HRV and may benefit from these interventions. We evaluated the effect of DHA-rich tuna fish oil supplementation with and without regular exercise on HRV in sedentary, overweight adults with risk factors for coronary disease. In a randomised, double-blind, parallel comparison, sixty-five volunteers consumed 6 g fish oil/d (DHA 1.56 g/d, EPA 0.36 g/d) or sunflower-seed oil (placebo) for 12 weeks. Half of each oil group also undertook regular moderate physical activity (3 d/week for 45 min, at 75 % of age-predicted maximal heart rate (HR)). Resting HR and the HR response to submaximal exercise were measured at weeks 0, 6 and 12. In forty-six subjects, HRV was also assessed by power spectrum analysis of 20 min electrocardiogram recordings taken supine at baseline and 12 weeks. Fish oil supplementation improved HRV by increasing high-frequency power, representing parasympathetic activity, compared with placebo (P = 0.01; oil x time interaction). It also reduced HR at rest and during submaximal exercise (P = 0.008; oil x time interaction). There were no significant fish oil x exercise interactions. Dietary supplementation with DHA-rich fish oil reduced HR and modulated HRV in keeping with an improved parasympathetic-sympathetic balance in overweight adults with risk factors for future coronary disease.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) concentrations differ across seafood types. Our aim was to investigate the association of Hg, EPA, and DHA, as well as avid consumption of diverse seafood types, with cardiovascular variables heart rate variability (HRV) and QT interval duration (QTc) in a contemporary population. We measured HRV and QTc by Holter monitor, EPA and DHA in plasma, total Hg in whole blood, and possible confounders in 94 avid seafood consumers from Long Island, NY. Participants had mean Hg of 8.4 mcg/L, mean EPA of 1.2%, and mean DHA of 3.7% of total fatty acids. Adjusted for possible confounders, EPA+DHA, Hg, and total seafood consumption were not associated with HRV or QTc. Associations with consumption of specific seafood types were suggested (eg, tuna steak with QTc and anchovies with HRV) but require verification.  相似文献   

To analyze motion artifact’s affect on HRV measures, the age/gender related autonomic changes were investigated by using different HRV measures from wearable medical devices under ambulatory home-monitoring condition. Twelve healthy undergraduates and 20 healthy elderly subjects participated in the research. The electrocardiogram data was collected by using waist-worn device developed by us. Ten HRV measures were used to analyze the age-related automatic change including linear and nonlinear HRV indexes. Many linear HRV indexes were seriously contaminated by motion artefact, and did not reflect the age-related autonomic change. The approximate entropy (p < 0.001) was the best indicator among 10 HRV indexes. However, the approximate entropy was also contaminated by motion artefact and did not reflect the gender-related autonomic change. The study verified the hypothesis that the HRV measures could be contaminated under ambulatory monitoring condition. It is importance for ambulatory home-monitoring to study the robustness of HRV measures.  相似文献   

Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis is widely used to investigate autonomous cardiac drive. This method requires periodogram measurement, which can be obtained by an electrocardiogram (ECG) or from a heart rate monitor (HRM), e.g. the Garmin 920 XT device. The purpose of this investigation was to assess the accuracy of RR time series measurements from a Garmin 920 XT HRM as compared to a standard ECG, and to verify whether the measurements thus obtained are suitable for HRV analysis. RR time series were collected simultaneously with an ECG (Powerlab system, AD Instruments, Castell Hill, Australia) and a Garmin XT 920 in 11 healthy subjects during three conditions, namely in the supine position, the standing position and during moderate exercise. In a first step, we compared RR time series obtained with both tools using the Bland and Altman method to obtain the limits of agreement in all three conditions. In a second step, we compared the results of HRV analysis between the ECG RR time series and Garmin 920 XT series. Results show that the accuracy of this system is in accordance with the literature in terms of the limits of agreement. In the supine position, bias was 0.01, ??2.24, +?2.26 ms; in the standing position, ??0.01, ??3.12, +?3.11 ms respectively, and during exercise, ??0.01, ??4.43 and +?4.40 ms. Regarding HRV analysis, we did not find any difference for HRV analysis in the supine position, but the standing and exercise conditions both showed small modifications.  相似文献   

徐蔷  陈莉明 《职业与健康》2008,24(16):1690-1693
心率变异性(HRV)是反映自主神经功能状态的一种稳定、可靠、敏感度高的无创性指标,HRV的昼夜节律(CR)有助于对更轻微的自主神经病变作出判断。HRV及其CR用来评价交感和副交感神经系统的动态平衡具有广阔的前景。检测2型糖尿病患者的HRY及其CR,能较直观、定量地反映2型糖尿病患者交感及迷走神经各自的功能状态,是一种提高糖尿病患者自主神经病变早期诊断率的有效途径。  相似文献   

目的探讨冠心病患者心绞痛,心脏性猝死(SCD)与心率变异性(HRV)、窦性心率振荡(HRT)、QT离散度(QTcd)、心室晚电位(VLP)的相关性,给于极化液,美托洛尔治疗,观察其对自主神经功能失衡与SCD的疗效。方法选择冠心病患者300例,行24h动态心电图检查,测定心率变异性(HRV),窦性心率振荡(HRT)参数,振荡起始(TO)和振荡斜率(TS),心电图测量校正QT离散度(QTcd),多信息心电检测心室晚电位(VLP),超声心动图检测左心室射血分数(LVEF)。对HRT与HRV、LVEF、QTcd、VLP等进行比较分析及治疗前后对照研究。结果①冠心病心绞痛患者HRV指标昼夜变化比较,对照组HRV表现出昼夜节律性变化,夜晚较白昼夜高,觉醒前达峰值,醒后迅速下降。冠心病心绞痛患者HRV昼夜规律被破坏,表现为昼夜变化消失。以冠心病组(UA)145例更为明显(p<0.01)。②发生SCD 21例,HRV分析值均明显下降(p<0.01),HRT减低、QTcd延长、VLP阳性率增高(p<0.01),同时心率明显增快(p<0.01)。③GIK联合美托洛尔治疗后心率变异频域指标明显改善,p<0.01。治疗组不稳定性心绞痛、室性心律失常、心脏性死亡及心力衰竭的发生率较对照组减少(p<0.01)。结论冠心病不稳定性心绞痛患者存在自主神经功能紊乱,是发生SCD的高危人群,HRV、HRT、QTcd、VLP是的对冠心病患者进行危险度分层及病死率的预测的良好指标。极化液、美托洛尔能阻断交感活性对心脏的不良作用,纠正冠心病患者的自主神经失衡,有效地改善心功能,降低病死率,从而减少心律失常及猝死的发生。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although studies have documented the association between heart rate variability (HRV) and ambient particulate exposures, the association between HRV, especially at night, and metal-rich, occupational particulate exposures remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: Our goal in this study was to investigate the association between long-duration HRV, including nighttime HRV, and occupational PM(2.5) exposures. METHODS: We used 24-hr ambulatory electrocardiograms (ECGs) to monitor 36 male boilermaker welders (mean age of 41 years) over a workday and nonworkday. ECGs were analyzed for HRV in the time domain; rMSSD (square root of the mean squared differences of successive intervals), SDNN (SD of normal-to-normal intervals over entire recording), and SDNN(i) (SDNN for all 5-min segments) were summarized over 24-hr, day (0730-2130 hours), and night (0000-0700 hours) periods. PM(2.5) (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter 相似文献   

本文利用小波变换方法对心率变异性(HRV)信号进行研究,有效地排除了非分析因素的干扰,取得了常规方法具有描述特性的时域分析结果和更加铁频域分析效果。并提取出对于心率变异性研究具有重要价值的超低频部分分量,这部分信号分量利用常规滤波方法是难以取得的,而对于这部分成分与生理变化之间关系的研究又是目前医学界进行心率变异性分析的重要课题。  相似文献   

【目的】 观察心率变异 (heartratevariability ,HRV )在躯体形式自主神经紊乱患儿组的改变。  【方法】 对 41例躯体形式自主神经紊乱患儿、40例正常儿童行 2 4h动态心电图分析 ,观察HRV时域、频域十项指标参数 ,2 4h内清醒期和睡眠期的改变 ,并以其主要症状系数为因变量 ,HRV 2 4h、清醒期、睡眠期各测值为自变量进行相关分析及多因素回归分析。 【结果】 躯体形式自主神经紊乱患儿的HRV升高 ,以睡眠期最为明显 ,睡眠期与清醒期HRV差异幅度昼夜波动增大 ,以相邻RR间期差值 >5 0ms的个数所占的百分比 (pNN50 )最为显著 ;低频带 /高频带 (LF/HF)清醒期比对照组增高 ,而睡眠期则低于对照组。心悸的发生与睡眠期 pNN50 呈正相关 ,疲劳与HF、LF和清醒期HF有关 ,胸痛与清醒期相邻正常RR间期差值的均方根 (rMSSD)呈正相关。 【结论】 躯体形式自主神经紊乱患儿的自主神经活动较正常儿童的稳定性差 ,其常见症状与HRV测值有相关关系。HRV分析有助于其自主神经功能状态的研究以及临床诊断  相似文献   

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