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目的了解以十九大精神为指导的护理教学科研开展现状,为进一步在护理队伍中深入贯彻十九大精神,并以十九大精神为指导更好地开展护理教研工作。方法调查云南省第二人民医院护理学教研室2017年1月—2018年12月的护理教研工作现状,并进行整理、分析描述。结果在十九大精神的指导下该院护理实习生总人数增长93人,本科实习生人数占比提高7.6%,针刺伤发生率降低1.7%,课堂教学课时数增加1112学时,护理人员论文发表数量增加79篇,专著发表增加3部,科研立项项目增加3项。结论在该院深入贯彻十九大精神后,护理教研工作百花齐放,护理人员仁心仁术,护理质量显著提升,有利于和谐医院的构建、有助于和谐社会的建设。  相似文献   

从病区感染控制的角度谈中央空调的设计使用和管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨医院中央空调的设计、使用、管理与病区感染控制的关系。方法根据医院病区室内微生物污染与感染的现状,结合医院中央空调设计、使用、管理中存在的问题及相关文献资料,研讨空调设计、使用、管理与感染控制的关系,结果,医院中央空调的设计体现“以病人为中心”的人性化设计,满足医院对污染与感染控制的要求,中央空调的使用、管理必须规范化,建立长效的设备维保与消毒机制。结论医院中央空调设计、使用、管理的科学性、安全性、规范性、与病区感染控制有直接关系,是减少污染、控制感染、提高医疗质量、保障医疗安全的有效手段之一。  相似文献   

The study presents some reflections on the possibilities and limitations of the rationalization and flexibilization of the management process of the health services under the economic perspective, focussing on the introduction of mechanisms and instruments centred in the economic and organizational responsibilization of the resources and nursing participation in these processes. Authors discuss the adoption of a system of economic control in order to coordinate the interests of the several subjects involved; to privilege the results of the processes and to improve the economic combination of the resources. Under this perspective, two concepts are considered relevant in the elaboration of the budget of the Nursing Services: the controllability of the resources and the negotiation in the processes of allocation and utilization of these resources. The use of these concepts in the organization of health services, especifically in nursing area, creates new possibilities of participation in the processes of services production, enabling more transparency in the decision processes and restructuring new modalities of management for the nursing services.  相似文献   

目的 探讨武汉地区中医发展综合效益状况方法 选取20个指标组成指标体系,采用主成分综合评价法,对武汉地区2003-2008年的中医发展现状进行综合评价研究结果 中医人员构成比、中医高级职称人员构成比、中医本科以上人员构成比、中医住院量构成比、中医治疗有效率、中医病床使用率、中医病床周转次数、职工人均业务收入、每床日平均收费水平、每职工平均完成住院床日数、中医重点专科数以及中医每床位占用固定资产等指标在第一主成分上有较高的载荷,说明第一主成分基本反映了这些指标的信息;每出院人次平均住院业务收入在第二主成分上有较高载荷,说明第二主成分基本反映了这类指标的信息,所以提取的2个主成分可以基本反映全部20个指标的信息.2003-2008年武汉地区中医发展态势良好,并能从综合得分中看出医疗质量的提高程度,2008年为最高,排名情况依年份往前推,以2003年为最低结论 中医发展的主要决定因素有中医人员队伍建设状况、中医住院床位工作效率、中医职工工作效益及中医学科发展水平等,各大医院要寻求中医事业的发展,必须从以上几方面着手搞好中医建设发展工作,促进中医事业的进一步提高.  相似文献   

Research with the purpose of understanding the limits/possibilities of the implementation of mental health actions in the services of the basic health system of the municipal district of Cabedelo-PB, in the perspective of the Psychiatric Reform proposed in the country. It has theoretical-methodological reference in the Historical Materialism and Dialectics. The empiric material was analyzed by the technique of speech analysis. The results indicated that the work process of the nurses identifies with the work process to Attend (Care/Making). It preserves aspects of the traditional model, but it incorporates other focuses of the Collective Health, in a movement that requests the understanding of the presuppositions of the movement for the Psychiatric Reform for the transformation of the work process of nursing, in the sense of the social inclusion and of the integrality of the assistance.  相似文献   

陈红 《中国校医》2020,34(6):429-431
目的 探讨护理干预对地诺前列酮栓治疗足月引产的临床疗效。方法 选取2017年3月—2018年8月在我院进行治疗的足月引产产妇86例,参照随机数字表法的分组方法,分为对照组和观察组,每组各43例。对照组产妇采用地诺前列酮栓治疗,观察组产妇在对照组产妇的治疗基础上联合护理干预,观察分析两组产妇的临床指标(用药至临产时间、第一产程时间、第二产程时间、第三产程时间)及妊娠结局状况。结果 观察组用药至临产、第一产程、第二产程及第三产程时间显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组产后2 h及24 h的出血量显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组不良妊娠结局发生率显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 采用护理干预对地诺前列酮栓治疗足月引产的产妇进行护理,能够促进产妇产程进展,降低不良妊娠结局发生率。  相似文献   

[目的]了解新生儿乙肝疫苗接种情况,分析影响接种率的相关因素。[方法3z005年8~10月,在光山县15个乡(镇)按容量比例概率抽样方法抽取2004年出生的1000名本地户口新生儿进行调查。[结果]调查新生儿1000名,乙肝疫苗首针及时接种率、全程及时接种率和全程接种率分别为59.40%、58.10%、68.10%。新生儿首针及时接种率、全程及时接种率、全程接种率,医院出生的高于家中出生者,父母文化程度高者高于文化程度低者,家长乙肝相关知识知晓率高者高于知晓率低者。未接种乙肝疫苗的原因占55.85%是不知道要接种;家长获得乙肝疫苗接种信息86.70%来源于接生医生。[结论]光山县乙肝疫苗接种工作存在较大差距。  相似文献   

Studies on medical geography about leprosy discuss the role of the detailed report of the occupation of the territories as a basis of the permanence of leprosy focus. In Brazil, the states that present the highest rates of detection historically are in the Amazon region, which shows an uneven regional evolution of the disease. This paper analyzes the evolution of leprosy contextualizing the migratory processes that occurred in the State of Mato Grosso since the second half of the 20th century. The economic dynamism that occurred in the State in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s caused population growth rates higher than the national average. The data analyzed permitted an association between the evolution of leprosy and the process of occupation of the mato-grossense territory. However, the permanence of leprosy in the municipalities of the Baixada Cuiabana, as well as in other municipalities that lost population, seem to point to the existence of geographic contexts of different vulnerability to the social production of the disease in the tate. The migration would explain the appearance and evolution of leprosy. However, we consider that the maintenance of the endemic can be associated to contextual factors related to environment.  相似文献   

生态环境的改变对并殖吸虫中间宿主滋生的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:调查分析生态环境的变化对并殖吸虫中间宿主攻感染度影响的程度和主要原因,方法:定期对中间宿主滋生环境和中间宿主的密度进行观察,同时检查中间宿主感染情况。结果:滋生环境的改变使并殖吸虫中间宿主的密度和溪蟹的感染明显下降,结论:人类活动使并殖吸虫中间宿主滋生的微生态环境发生改变,特别是植被破坏,造成野生动物活动范围的迁移,是导致中间宿主密度和感染率下降的主要原因。  相似文献   

Studies of the circulation of mercury in various objects of the environment (water of reservoirs, bottom-reservoir sediment, flood-plain soil and the soil of agricultural lands irrigated with the water from the river and canal, water organisms, products of plant-growing etc.) in areas located downwards from the points of long-term discharge into the ecosystem of mercury with industrial wastes have been carried out, with the aim to establish real stress on the organism of people living within the basin of the reservoir. Discharge of mercury into water sources has been found with the warmed-up and industrial waste waters following mechanical and biological treatment at the plant producing synthetic rubber, with filtration waters from slime tanks and also secondary contamination of the water with mercury coming from bottom--reservoir sediment, and quantitative parameters of circulation of the chemical in the ecosystem of the reservoir basin. Intake of mercury into human organism under the conditions of formation of biogeochemical provinces in the reservoir basin (through water, fish, agricultural products) leads to the increase of the level of morbidity of the nervous system and a number of other diseases, which is associated both with the specific effects of the element and with the non-specific influence it produces as a result of decrease of general resistance of the organism.  相似文献   

In order to investigate into whether the large amount of inorganic lead excreted into the feces following intravenous injection of tetraethyl lead to rabbits is derived from the diethyl lead excreted into the bile, we administered 12 mg/kg of tetraethyl lead to rabbits which had been fistulated into the bile duct for taking the bile out of the body. The total lead excreted into the bile during the first 24 hours after the injection of tetraethyl lead amounted to about 8% of the injected amount of lead (with 97% of the excreted lead made up of diethyl lead). The amount of total lead contained in the cecal contents of unfistulated rabbits 24 hours after the injection of tetraethyl lead was equivalent to about 12% of the injected amount of lead (with inorganic lead accounting for about 90% of the excreted lead), but the counterpart of the fistulated rabbits was equivalent only to about 0.6%. The amount of lead excreted into the bile, when measured in terms of the total lead content of the liver, was slightly less in the fistulated rabbits than in the unfistulated ones. These findings indicated that the amount of total lead excreted into the bile of the fistulated rabbits was almost the same as that contained in the cecal contents of unfistulated rabbits, and that the major portion of the lead contained in the cecal contents or feces was composed of inorganic lead. From these results, we came to the conclusion that the large amount of inorganic lead detected in the feces after the injection of tetraethyl lead is derived from the diethyl lead excreted into the bile.  相似文献   

The objective of this essay was to reflect about the naturalization of the breastfeeding, inserting the field of the breastfeeding in the range of the women rights, seeking to destroy the paragon that biologizes the female body to the maternal functions, in special to the breastfeeding in the range of the reproductive rights. In discussion we protrude the importance of the actions which estimulate the breastfeeding are embrased in the notion of the reproductives rights, which will allow the health professionals to comprehend the meaning of the breastfeeding in the women's mark of life and their everyday. By the end, we propose that the reproductive rights drive the actions of breastfeeding incentive developed by the health professionals, in the perspective of to redeem the view of the women while the main subject of this practice.  相似文献   

The present essay has as objective to critically analyze the current limitations of the family planning applied in public health and to consider changes considering the model of social sciences applied to health and the perspective of the family development. The proposal of this work appeared because of the high number of women who requested maternity assistance in the region of the Rec?ncavo of Bahia in the year of 2006. By analyzing the variables and methods involved in the family planning, it was possible to verify the following fault: responsibility and exclusive participation of the women, focus in the individual, the number of children as main goal of the planning, biological model, disrespect of the cultural aspects of the partner. In this essay we present the proposal of family planning of the perspective of the development that will be tested as a model of intervention in a future study.  相似文献   

目的:明确京沪妇保各部门职责明确程度变化对各要素指标的影响程度。方法:分析2000~2017年京沪妇保业务部门、支撑部门职责明确程度的演变趋势,运用相关分析职责明确程度与工作改善之间的关系。结果:京沪两地业务部门通过发布政策文件等明确和细化妇保机构、医院等职责分工,北京业务部门职责明确程度的变化主要集中在2008~2011年间,从17.9%逐步提升至55.7%;上海则有2个明显跳跃阶段,2001~2002年从26.6%上升至48.4%,2010~2011年从53.5%提升至71.6%;而两地支撑部门的职责明确程度始终为0%。业务部门职责明确程度的变化带来了组织体系、管理运行等要素适宜程度不同幅度的提升,且均呈现了显著正相关(相关系数均超过0.6)。结论:业务部门重视下,能够提升专业机构职责明确程度,并带来体系内部要素的改进;但无法影响支撢部门,资源配置等体系外部要素几乎未变。  相似文献   

论医院管理学科的发展   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
本文综合描述了医院管理学科的历史沿革、国内外医院管理学科的训练水平及要求。从内部管理和外部管理两个系统提出了加强医院管理学科体系的建设。着重阐述了医院管理学科研究进展,即医院宏观管理体制和循证医学已成为医院管理研究的重点。“以人为本”的服务观和“以病人为中心”的医疗观已成为医院管理研究的主旋律。随着改革的不断深入,围绕实现医疗服务的社会目标,医院管理学科已形成由内部管理到外部管理、由微观机制研究到宏观体制改革的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to discuss the Brazilian Federal participation in the financing health sector from 1995 to 2004, having the basis the resources of the institutional initiatives related to the indexation of expenses, considering the macroeconomic adjustment practiced in that period and the institutions role to protect the cash flow. Examining the performances of the institutional mechanism actually adopted with the purpose of guarantee the flow regularity and extension of the values, by the analisys of the Temporary Contribution on the Financial Movement (TCFM) and the Constitutional Amendment Number 29 (CA 29) whose initiatives has their efficiency questioned. It demonstrates the impact of the destination of such measures from the statistics analysis of the use of the resources of the TCFM regarding its levies and the indexation of Union resources effects measures from the CA 29 before and after the application of its determinations.  相似文献   

中国医疗质量效益时期的卫生经济学思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对当前中国正全面步入的医疗质量效益时期,越来越多的中国人把自己的安全、健康、快乐以及生活质量置身于医疗质量的防护大堤之下,并将医疗质量预期目标与现实经济状况有要地联系起来思考,从医疗质量效益目标的有机统一,互动发展和双重实现等三个方面论述了中国医疗质量效益时期的经济学特征;阐述了质量效益时期中国卫生体制改革和医疗管理理念变革的经济学内涵,并从医院医疗质量绩效评价体系,医疗价值工程,药物经济学方法和医疗技术性能价格比等方面论述了中国质量效益时期医院管理新技术应用的经济学意义。  相似文献   

Loss of hearing seriously affects individual development. Especially, a profound loss of hearing has effects in the evolution of a child's verbal language. Keeping in mind the level of the loss of hearing, a specific educational and recovering methodology has been adopted: on one hand, the stimulation of the hearing potential and the achieving of the verbal language with the implication of the mimic language or, on the other hand, the development of the communication, making use of the dactylleme and of the mimic language. The acceptance of children with big differences between the level of additive reception in the same educational group stands in the way of the optimum evolution of the most adequate communicational style for each one of them.  相似文献   

The involvement of the future nurse in the construction of the Management Report of the Actions of Health of a city in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul was the main objective of this study. The methodological strategy consisted of meetings with coordinators and technicians responsible for the sanitary units, the General Director Group and planning team of the health of the city, participation in the collection of data and elaboration of the related report. The literature revision contemplated: politics of health, a management report as an instrument of health planning, continued education and the role of the nurse on SUS improvement. This work contributed to the improvement of the report of health management, with sights to the planning and implementation of resolute and effective actions.  相似文献   

The Public Health Association emerged from the proletarian nature healing movement developing in the late 19th century and united organizations that were interested in the preservation of health of the working people. As against the bourgeois nature healing movement, the Association searched for the reasons of the absolutely unsufficient protection of health of the working class in the capitalist society. The fall of this system and the setting-up of socialism were - in the opinion of the Association - the preconditions of social safety and protection of the health of all people. As a self-help organization of the working class, the Association strove for education in the field of health and a healthy life-style and for the application of natural cures. Progressive physicians supported the work of this organization.  相似文献   

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