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医院信息化呼唤CIO   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
CIO,是信息化发展到一定程度的必然趋势,标志着组织机构信息化程度。在我国企业积极推进CIO机制时,把CIO机制引入医院,是医院信息化建设发展的客观需要。本文通过介绍CIO的相关概念,阐述医院设立CIO的必要性和意义,界定医院CIO的地位和职能,目的是加快推进医院信息化建设。  相似文献   

我国医院信息主管的现状与发展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
20世纪50年代,由于现代技术在企业信息管理中的应用,西方经济发达国家信息管理人员开始进入企业管理层,并由最初基层管理者的职位向中、高层管理者的职位发展,首席信息官(chief information officer,CIO)应运而生。随着我国医院信息化的进程,医院CIO也逐渐进入人们的视线,引起人们的关注和讨论。  相似文献   

浅谈医院设立首席信息技术主管的必要性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
针对医院信息化工作的进展,提出设立首席信息技术主管(CIO)的必要性,明确了CIO在医院信息系统建设和管理中的作用,指出CIO不但要负责信息网络平台的技术支持,还应行使对医院信息的组织管理职能。医院应重视信息系统的开发和利用,重视CIO的作用。CIO也应努力提高自身的水平,成为具有医学、管理、计算机等跨学科的复合型人才。  相似文献   

论医院信息系统建设中CEO与CIO的关系与作用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
论述医院CEO(首席行政执行官)与CIO(首席信息技术主管)在医院信息系统建设中的关系和作用。指出CEO对信息系统的需求欲望是医院信息化建设的原动力。CIO应直接受控于CEO,以便更好地领会和理解CEO的管理思路及其对系统目标的要求,选择适合本院的解决方案,有效地组织和提供信息。CEO应给予CIO一个良好的开发环境,包括CIO的职权、开发经费、技术队伍等。只有CEO和CIO在理念上达到共识,并在实践中支持与配合,才能保证 HIS成功地开发与应用。  相似文献   

随着信息化在医药卫生领域应用的深入.迫切需要在医院建立信息主管制度(CIO制度)。文章简单介绍了CIO制度在国内外的发展现状、建立CIO制度的必要性以及目前建立CIO制度面临的一些主要难题,对如何在我国建立医院信息主管制度进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

该文讨论了信息化建设对构建和谐医院的推动作用。通过信息系统建设,实现人性化的医疗服务;通过信息公开,为患者提供便利的就诊环境;通过信息化平台,加强与患者的沟通和交流,信息化建设为医院提供优质高效的服务提供了有力的工具和手段。该文介绍了利用信息化推动构建和谐医院的做法和效果。  相似文献   

该文讨论了信息化建设对构建和谐医院的推动作用。通过信息系统建设,实现人性化的医疗服务;通过信息公开,为患者提供便利的就诊环境;通过信息化平台,加强与患者的沟通和交流,信息化建设为医院提供优质高效的服务提供了有力的工具和手段。该文介绍了利用信息化推动构建和谐医院的做法和效果。  相似文献   

在数字化和信息化飞速发展的时代,随着卫生改革的深化,为了促进健康中国战略发展,推进我国医院现代化的进程,医疗机构的智慧建设成为客观需要.目前我国已有不少医院与信息企业开始着手研究,并取得一定的成效,提高了医院管理水平,同时也方便了患者就医.但是智慧医院的建设不仅仅局限于硬件建设,还应加强软件上的智慧建设.医院是为患者就医服务,其中患者的主观感受也应是医院管理中的一部分.因此,提高医院管理水平和现代化水平,人文化是智慧医院建设必不可少的内容.针对目前我国智慧医院建设存在的问题,本文提出几点建议.  相似文献   

我国医院信息化建设的若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖杰  郭云仙 《卫生软科学》2010,24(2):109-110
从对医院信息化的认识、资金的支持情况、总体发展水平、信息标准化、人才需求等方面分析了我国医院信息化建设面临的问题;并从政策环境、信息标准化、临床管理信息系统应用方面探讨了我国医院信息化建设发展趋势。  相似文献   

周文杰  王凤枝 《医疗装备》2007,20(12):31-32
信息技术和管理科学的发展推动着医院管理信息系统的建设,医院管理信息系统正朝着规范化、系统化和网络化的方向发展。我国的医院信息化建设经过近十年的建设和发展,已经初具规模,开发出了一些适应我国医院情况的管理系统。医院要发展信息化,信息科人员起着非常关键的作用。  相似文献   

This study examined whether information technology (IT) governance, a term describing the decision authority and reporting structures of the chief information officer (CIO), is related to the financial performance of hospitals. The study was conducted using a combination of primary survey data regarding health care IT adoption and reporting structures of Florida acute care hospitals, with secondary data on hospital financial performance. Multiple regression models were used to evaluate the relationship of the 3 most commonly identified reporting structures. Outcome variables included measures of operating revenue and operating expense. All models controlled for overall IT adoption, ownership, membership in a hospital system, case mix, and hospital bed size. The results suggest that IT governance matters when it comes to hospital financial performance. Reporting to the chief financial officer brings positive outcomes; reporting to the chief executive officer has a mixed financial result; and reporting to the chief operating officer was not associated with discernible financial impact.  相似文献   

Despite the continuing interest in the importance of health care information technology adoption, very little is known about chief information officers (CIOs), the individuals who manage this effort. The present study surveyed hospital CIOs to understand their backgrounds, their organizational status, and their influence in hospital health care information technology adoption. Survey responses from 98 organizations suggest that the CIO position varies significantly according to the profit status of the hospital. Further, regression analyses suggest that CIO tenure is associated with greater health care information technology adoption, whereas the reporting structure of the CIO is not. Management implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The advent of managed care has helped forge new roles for healthcare professionals. Competitive pressures, the profile of the member community, and provider network design drive healthcare delivery via the managed care model. Careful analysis and design of the managed care model charts the success or failure of the health care delivery system--usually an integrated delivery system (IDS). Therefore, those healthcare organizations that have chosen to get on the managed care bandwagon must re-invent themselves, both culturally and technologically. The chief information officer (CIO) leads this technological revolution. To work effectively, the technological infrastructure of the IDS must be closely in line with enterprise goals and objectives. In the managed care environment the old information system (IS) approach of supporting the operational needs of individual departments simply will not work. The CIO's new role will be to master the concept of managed care to ensure that enterprise-wide needs for operational, clinical, and financial information are met, and that IS and enterprise goals are aligned. CIOs who have an intuitive grasp of the managed care environment--although their numbers are growing as managed care mushrooms--make up a minority group. They are a special breed with clearly definable qualities such as business savvy and an affinity for big-picture thinking. To an IDS, a CIO with these qualities is a rare gem indeed. This article introduces Don Winschel, the associate administrator and CIO of Johnson City Medical Center (Johnson City, TN) as an example of one such modern CIO.  相似文献   

Today's chief information officer has a dual role. As a technical expert, the CIO must stay atop rapid changes and strategically plan, implement, and build an organization's technological backbone to support better patient-care delivery, quality, and cost-containment efforts. As an executive, the CIO must possess the management know-how to lead organizational change and work processes.  相似文献   

When a hospital's bondholders hear that their facility is struggling financially, they want information. When a facility's chief executive officer doesn't let them talk to decisionmakers, such as board members and the medical staff chief, they feel like they're being denied information. This can come back to haunt the hospital that has to sell more debt in the future.  相似文献   

以山东省二、三级医院410位医院财务主管为样本进行问卷调查,了解目前在岗医院财务主管队伍的发展现状,调查显示医院财务主管队伍整体配置比较合理,在医院财务管理中承担财务收支管理、会计监督管理和成本核算等基本职能,对医院的有序运行发挥了重要作用,但这支队伍也存在一些问题。  相似文献   

As the impact of managed care increases and capitation becomes all pervasive, healthcare providers' attention to cost control will intensify. For integrated delivery networks (IDNs) to be competitive, today's CIO must leverage managed care as a catalyst for change, and use a sophisticated information system toolset as the means to an integrated end. An area many CIOs target for fast results and maximum cost savings in resource management. This article reviews how Dick Escue, chief information officer at Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation (Memphis, TN), uses electronic information management systems to integrate and conserve the resources of Baptist's widespread healthcare organization.  相似文献   

At CHIME's CIO boot camp, seasoned chief information officers give their newer colleagues an intensive, three-day "immersion" in the new realities of their profession.  相似文献   

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