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目的 探讨孕妇孕前体质指数(BMI)及孕期增重对新生儿出生体重、分娩方式等的影响.方法 监测582例单胎产妇孕前的身高、体重和孕期体重增加情况.并调查孕妇健康状况.结果 巨大儿发生率、剖宫产发生率均随孕前BMI的升高而升高.但低体重儿发生率与孕前BMI关系的趋势不显著;巨大儿发生率随孕前增重的增加而升高.低体重儿发生率...  相似文献   

目的:探讨孕前体重、孕期增重对新生儿出生体重及身长的影响。方法:于孕12周内建立围产期保健基线资料,随访观察新生儿的出生体重与身长。结果:新生儿出生体重、身长与孕妇孕前体重、孕期增重均存在正相关关系。结论:孕前BMI、孕期增重对新生儿出生体重及身长具有一定的影响。重视并适时提供咨询和干预,维持适宜的孕期增重可以降低母婴并发症,减少低出生体重儿和巨大儿的发生率。  相似文献   

目的探讨孕期体重变化、胎盘重量与新生儿出生体重间的关系,从而进一步探讨影响新生儿出生体重的相关因素,为孕期体重管理提供科学有效的参考依据,推进我市孕期合理体重增加模式的构建,降低低体重儿、巨大儿及妊娠期、分娩期并发症的发生率,提高母婴健康水平。方法收集2016年5月—12月间在高安市中医院住院分娩单胎活产且保健手册记录完整的产妇120例,通过卡方检验、方差分析等,分析不同孕前BMI组,孕期体重增加、新生儿出生体重及胎盘的差异及关系。结果按美国医学研究所推荐的体重控制自身体重的孕妇占54.16%,体重增加不足的孕妇占18.33%,体重增加超标的孕妇占27.5%。随着孕前BMI指数增加,孕妇体重增加逐渐降低,新生儿体重、胎盘重量均逐渐升高,差异均有统计学意义。新生儿出生体重与胎盘重量存在显著正相关,差异有显著统计学意义。胎盘重量大的孕妇分娩的新生儿体重高于胎盘重量低的孕妇。结论孕前BMI指数越低孕期增重越容易增长不足,孕前BMI指数越高孕期体重增长越容易超标。孕前BMI指数与新生儿出生体重呈正相关,故控制好孕前BMI指数可减低巨大儿的发生率。  相似文献   

目的探讨母亲孕前体质指数(BMI)、孕期增重与新生儿出生体重的关系。方法回顾性调查2013年10月1日—2014年9月30日期间分娩的宁海户籍产妇4 197人,根据孕前BMI分为低体重组、正常体重组、超重组和肥胖组,分析各组孕期体重增长幅度、新生儿出生体重及与分娩方式的关系。结果 4 197名孕妇孕期平均增重(14.38±4.14)kg,新生儿平均出生体重(3 253±412)g,巨大儿发生率6.58%。随着母亲孕前BMI增加,新生儿平均出生体重增加,巨大儿发生率增加(P均0.05)。不同BMI孕妇孕期平均增重不同,低体重组增加最多,肥胖组增加较少,各组比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论孕前肥胖与孕期增重过多增加巨大儿的风险。  相似文献   

目的探讨孕前体重指数与孕期体重增加和新生儿体重的关系。方法收集湖南省岳阳县2015年8-12月住院分娩单胎活产且保健手册记录完整的产妇401例,通过卡方检验、方差分析、直线相关分析,分析不同孕前BMI组与孕期体重增加和新生儿出生体重的差异及关系。结果 40.39%孕妇能够按照美国医学会(IOM)推荐的体重控制自身体重,35.66%的孕妇体重增加不足,23.94%的孕妇体重超标。孕前BMI指数越低孕期增重越容易增长不足,孕前BMI指数越高孕期体重增长越容易超标。孕前BMI超重组巨大儿发生率为25.00%(95%CI:12.00%~44.90%),高于其他孕前BMI组。孕前BMI消瘦组、BMI正常组、BMI超重组与新生儿体重的皮尔森相关系数r值分别为0.317(P0.05),0.217(P0.05)和-0.067(P0.05)。结论孕前BMI消瘦及超重的孕妇为孕期体重重点管理对象。孕前BMI、孕期体重增加与新生儿体重呈一定正相关性,孕前BMI是巨大儿的预测指标,合理控制孕前BMI是降低巨大儿发生率的重要措施。  相似文献   

目的:了解乌鲁木齐市维吾尔族和汉族妇女孕期体重增加现状,并探讨其对新生儿出生体重的影响。方法:以乌鲁木齐市维吾尔族、汉族产妇为调查对象,采用问卷调查的形式,对714例孕产妇进行既往生育史、孕前体重、孕期增重、新生儿体重的调查,比较分析不同民族孕妇孕期增重及新生儿出生体重。结果:乌鲁木齐市产妇孕前BMI指数为(21.63±3.68)kg/m2;孕期增重(16.89±5.82)kg;新生儿出生体重(3.30±0.51)kg;维吾尔族和汉族之间的孕前BMI、孕期增重、新生儿出生体重差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);维吾尔族低体重儿和巨大儿发生率高于汉族(P<0.05);汉族新生儿体重分组不同,产妇的孕期增重及孕前BMI差异有统计学意义,Pearson相关分析显示新生儿出生体重与孕期增重有关。结论:孕期增重对新生儿出生体重有影响,孕前控制体重、孕期控制适宜的体重增长有利于母婴的健康。  相似文献   

目的探讨孕妇孕前体重指数和孕期增重对新生儿出生体重和身长的影响。方法采用问卷调查正常足月生产单胎的乳母,记录孕前身高和体重、产前体重、新生儿出生体重、身长等数据,分析孕前体重指数、孕期增重与新生儿出生体重及身长的关系。结果孕前低体重组巨大儿发生率及新生儿出生体重明显低于其他组;孕期增重过多组巨大儿出生率、出生体重和身长显著大于增重不足和正常组;随着孕期增重过多,巨大儿发生率、出生体重和身长明显增大。结论孕前体重指数和孕期增重对新生儿出生体重有重要的影响作用,孕期妇女应根据自身情况将孕期增重控制在适宜范围,以获得良好的妊娠结局。  相似文献   

目的:探讨孕妇孕前体质指数(BMI)及孕期增重对新生儿出生体重和分娩方式的影响。方法:选取474名身体健康的孕晚期妇女作为调查对象,于分娩前后对孕妇及新生儿进行追踪调查,获得有效问卷442份。按孕前BMI及孕期增重分组进行整理分析。结果:调查对象孕期平均增重(15.80±4.60)kg,孕前超重及肥胖者孕期增重低于孕前低体重者(F=3.87,P<0.01)。新生儿平均出生体重(3 240.30±377.60)g,其中低出生体重儿10例(2.26%),巨大儿16例(3.62%)。剖宫产者占48.20%。Logistic回归分析显示,妇女孕前超重及肥胖是分娩巨大儿及剖宫产的危险因素;孕期增重>21.00 kg是分娩巨大儿的危险因素;增重>18.00 kg是剖宫产发生的危险因素。结论:孕前体质指数和孕期增重是巨大儿和剖宫产的重要影响因素,保持适宜的孕前体重及孕期合理增重对于改善出生结局有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨育龄期女性孕前体重及孕期体重增加与新生儿出生体重的关系。方法选取2016年1月至2019年1月于北部战区总医院和平分院单胎分娩的产妇14 543例为研究对象,依据孕前体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)、孕期增重指南推荐体重增重值和新生儿出生体重情况进行分组。采用Logistic回归模型分析孕前BMI及孕期体重增加对新生儿出生体重的影响。结果①孕前不同BMI和孕期体重增加异常对新生儿出生体重结局有相关性,孕期体重增加不足和过多是早产儿[OR 1.30(95%CI:1.09-1.56)、2.45(95%CI:1.99-3.01)]和小于胎龄儿[OR 1.76(95%CI:1.13-2.48)、OR 2.14(95%CI:1.32-3.47)]出生风险高危人群。②孕期体重增加不足低体重孕妇,早产儿出生风险是正常体重孕妇2.77倍。而孕期体重增加过多的超重孕妇,早产儿出生风险是正常体重孕妇4.03倍。孕期体重增加适宜的超重孕妇,小于胎龄儿出生风险是正常体重孕妇2.62倍。③孕前低体重孕妇更容易发生孕期体重增加不足(OR 2.94,95%CI:2.30-3.75),孕前肥胖更容易导致孕期体重增加过多(OR 1.05,95%CI:0.94-1.61)。结论为合理控制孕前体重及孕期体重增长,减少新生儿不良结局发生,应将控制孕前体重及孕期体重增加作为孕前保健及围产期保健的重要内容,并根据孕前BMI制定个性化的营养计划。  相似文献   

目的分析孕妇孕期体重增长对巨大儿发生的影响,为合理管理孕期体重提供参考依据。方法利用我国5个省区县监测点的孕妇孕晚期及儿童满月随访数据,招募孕晚期孕妇并填写孕晚期调查问卷,前瞻观察至孕妇分娩满1个月并填写新生儿满月调查问卷,问卷中儿童分娩孕周、出生体重、性别信息主要通过摘录医疗记录获取;根据是否发生巨大儿分为巨大儿组(192例)和对照组(2 405例),最终采用病例对照研究设计方法进行分析。采用χ~2检验或Fisher确切概率法比较两组差异,采用多因素Logistic回归模型分析孕期增重与巨大儿发生的关系;以孕前BMI为分层因素,进一步分析孕期增重与巨大儿发生的关系。结果本研究共随访孕产妇2 731例,随访率为100%。经数据清洗后纳入分析2 597例。控制孕妇年龄、孕妇文化程度、家庭年收入、妊娠期糖尿病、分娩孕周、新生儿性别协变量后,孕妇孕前超重或肥胖(OR=2.43, 95%CI:1.65~3.56)、孕期增重过多(OR=2.18, 95%CI:1.46~3.27)是巨大儿发生的独立危险因素;以孕前BMI为分层因素,进一步分析显示:孕前BMI正常(18.5 kg/m~2≤BMI 24.9 kg/m~2)的孕妇孕期增重过多(OR=2.07, 95%CI:1.27~3.37)、孕前超重或肥胖(BMI≥25.0 kg/m~2)的孕妇孕期增重过多(OR=2.63, 95%CI:1.07~6.47)均会增加巨大儿发生风险。结论孕期增重过多是巨大儿发生的独立危险因素,孕前体重正常但孕期增重过多,以及孕前超重或肥胖的人群孕期增重过多均会增加巨大儿发生的危险。  相似文献   

王燕  胡传来  张勤  陶兴勇 《中国妇幼保健》2011,26(12):1806-1808
目的:探讨孕妇孕前体重、孕期增重对新生儿出生体重的影响。方法:选取1 419例单胎妊娠孕妇作为研究对象。问卷调查孕妇的基本情况,定期产前检查时记录孕周并测量体重,随访研究对象妊娠结局。并采用LMS法分别建立孕妇不同孕前BMI组孕期不同周次增重的百分位数曲线。结果:超重组孕妇的新生儿出生体重最高,正常组次之,低体重组最低,三组间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。孕前BMI<18.5的低体重组孕妇小于胎龄儿的检出率要高于其他两组的孕妇,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。LMS曲线示三组孕母孕期体重增加呈逐渐上升趋势,孕早期三组体重增重甚少,孕中期体重增加小于孕晚期。孕前低体重组孕妇孕期总增重较正常体重组和超重组多。结论:孕前体重和孕期增重与新生儿的出生体重有密切关系,应采取有效措施进行合理控制。  相似文献   

Alcohol and body weight   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In 1977, in the evaluation of the prevention programme for cardiovascular diseases, 11,880 persons in Eastern Finland were asked to report their own weight on a questionnaire. Each participant was weighted during the following clinical examination. The data of the self-reported body weight were analysed according to sex, age, measured weight and body-mass index (BMI). The results showed that older people underestimated their weight to a greater extent than did younger people of both sexes. The error between measured and self-reported weight was greater in heavier subjects than in thinner individuals. In both sexes weight estimate error (measured weight minus self-reported weight) correlated more strongly with high BMI than with measured weight. Associations between weight estimate error and other variables were studied using a multiple regression model. Men whose annual family income was low were more likely to underestimate their weight than the men with a high annual income. In general, women reported their weight more correctly than men did. Older women were more likely to report their weight less than younger women, whereas women who visited their doctor frequently or who had higher annual family incomes were more aware of their actual body weight than those who had few doctor's consultations or whose family income was low. In men 5.2% and in women 8.3% of the variation in the weight estimate error was explained by the regression model.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Evaluation of energy requirements of normal individuals and hospitalized patients is most often accomplished using an energy equation. Energy equations attempt to measure resting metabolic rate (RMR), the largest factor in total daily energy expenditure. Components of most energy equations include height, weight, age, and gender. These factors are related to energy expenditure; however, each factor has individual characteristics that affect energy expenditure. Body weight is a major factor in RMR and total daily energy expenditure. For obese individuals, estimation of energy expenditure may be a challenge due to the increased body weight. Therefore, some equations attempt to minimize the effect of body weight on energy expenditure assessment by adjusting the obese individual's body weight. Data do not support adjustment of body weight in normal individuals. In hospitalized patients, there are several equations that are used to estimate energy expenditure of obese patients, which include adjusting the body weight and modifying the overall energy requirements. Measurement of RMR can obviate the need for estimating energy expenditure. It is important to evaluate any energy-expenditure equation that is used to estimate energy needs in normal people and hospitalized patients before applying it to patient care.  相似文献   

Dietary fiber and body weight   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
OBJECTIVE: This review provides an update of recent studies of dietary fiber and weight and includes a discussion of potential mechanisms of how dietary fiber can aid weight loss and weight maintenance. METHODS: Human studies published on dietary fiber and body weight were reviewed and summarized. Dietary fiber content of popular low-carbohydrate diets were calculated and are presented. RESULTS: Epidemiologic support that dietary fiber intake prevents obesity is strong. Fiber intake is inversely associated with body weight and body fat. In addition, fiber intake is inversely associated with body mass index at all levels of fat intake after adjusting for confounding factors. Results from intervention studies are more mixed, although the addition of dietary fiber generally decreases food intake and, hence, body weight. Many mechanisms have been suggested for how dietary fiber aids in weight management, including promoting satiation, decreasing absorption of macronutrients, and altering secretion of gut hormones. CONCLUSION: The average fiber intake of adults in the United States is less than half recommended levels and is lower still among those who follow currently popular low-carbohydrate diets, such as Atkins and South Beach. Increasing consumption of dietary fiber with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes across the life cycle is a critical step in stemming the epidemic of obesity found in developed countries. The addition of functional fiber to weight-loss diets should also be considered as a tool to improve success.  相似文献   

The number of Americans who are overweight or obese has reached epidemic proportions. Elevated weight is associated with health problems and increased medical expenditures. This paper analyzes Waves 1 and 2 of the National Epidemiological Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions to investigate the role of alcohol consumption in weight gain. Alcohol is not only an addictive substance but also a high‐calorie beverage that can interfere with metabolic function and cognitive processes. Because men and women differ in the type and amount of alcohol they consume, in the biological effects they experience as a result of alcohol consumption, and in the consequences they face as a result of obesity, we expect our results to differ by gender. We use first‐difference models of body mass index (BMI) and alcohol consumption (frequency and intensity) to control for time‐invariant unobservable factors that may influence changes in both alcohol use and weight status. Increasing frequency and intensity of alcohol use is associated with statistically significant yet quantitatively small weight gain for men but not for women. Moreover, the first‐difference results are much smaller in magnitude and sometimes different in sign compared with the benchmark pooled cross‐sectional estimates. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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