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目的 分析中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)人群文化程度与成年人不同阶段体格测量指标及其长期变化之间的关系。方法 本研究在参加第2次重复调查的研究对象中,剔除调查时年龄>65岁者、体格测量指标缺失或极端值者、基线或重复调查时自报患有重大慢性病者。分析研究对象的文化程度与25岁、基线调查时(2004-2008年)和重复调查时(2013-2014年)BMI和腰围、及每5年体重与腰围的变化值的关系。结果 纳入分析3 427名男性和6 320名女性。研究对象的体重和腰围都随年龄增长逐渐增加。从25岁到基线调查[年龄(45.2±6.5)岁],男性和女性每5年体重变化值分别为(1.70±2.63)和(1.27±2.10)kg。从基线到重复调查[年龄(53.2±6.5)岁],男性和女性每5年体重变化值分别为(1.12±2.61)和(0.90±2.54)kg,每5年腰围变化值分别为(3.20±3.79)和(3.83±3.85)cm。无论是25岁、基线还是重复调查时,文化程度低的女性BMI和腰围都更大。而在男性中,25岁时文化程度越低的男性BMI略大;到了基线和重复调查时,不同文化程度者间的BMI差异消失,但初、高中文化程度者的腰围及其增幅略高于其他文化程度者。结论 无论男性或女性,随年龄增长,体重和腰围都在不断增加。文化程度与BMI和腰围的关系存在性别差异。  相似文献   

目的 分析山西省农村地区18~59岁居民血压水平及其变化情况,为探索我国农村地区血压水平及防控措施提供参考。方法 研究对象来自山西营养与慢性病家庭队列,剔除2002年基线调查时年龄<18岁或年龄≥60岁研究对象、基线时患有高血压的个体和2015年随访调查时近2周正在服用降压药物者,共纳入1 629名基线调查时18~59岁的调查对象,分析2002年基线调查和2015年随访调查时的血压水平及变化情况。结果 2002年18~59岁人群的SBP由(122.7±10.4)mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)增长至2015年的(132.8±17.6)mmHg,DBP由(72.7±6.9)mmHg增长至(78.8±10.3)mmHg,男性和女性SBP增长率分别为6.7%和9.5%。男性和女性DBP增长率分别为9.3%和7.8%。18~、30~、40~和50~59岁年龄组人群SBP增长率分别为5.0%、6.7%、9.4%和11.8%。而DBP增长率分别为12.2%、8.2%、8.2%和6.5%。结论 山西省农村地区18~59岁居民SBP和DBP均值水平均呈现明显的增长趋势,SBP增加水平呈现女性高于男性,随年龄增加而递增趋势,DBP增加水平呈现男性高于女性,随年龄增加而递减的趋势。  相似文献   

目的 了解中国成年人群生存质量及其影响因素。方法 纳入2010年中国慢性病及其危险因素监测所有调查对象共83 666名。应用问卷收集调查对象的年龄、性别、相关疾病患病情况等信息。并使用WHO生存质量测定简表(WHOQOL-BREF)测定其生存质量。采用t检验和方差分析比较不同组间各维度得分的差异。运用基于多阶段复杂抽样设计的多元线性回归模型,分析生存质量的影响因素。结果 中国成年人生理、心理、社会关系和环境4个维度的得分为73.97±13.84、66.65±14.21、65.76±14.08和56.59±15.15。年龄越大文化程度越低,4个维度的得分越低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);农村人群得分高于城市,已婚或同居人群得分高于其他人群,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。女性生理和心理两个维度的得分低于男性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。除环境维度外,慢性病患病状况对其他3个维度的得分影响较大,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 年龄、性别、城乡、文化程度、婚姻状况和慢性病患病状况是中国成年人群生存质量得分的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

中国10个地区成年人跟骨骨密度的描述性分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)10个地区人群跟骨骨密度的地区和人群分布差异。方法 在参与第二次重复调查的研究对象中,剔除重要指标缺失者后,分析10个地区38~87岁24 677人经定量超声骨密度仪测定的跟骨骨密度的地区和人群差异。结果 研究人群中,跟骨骨密度指标平均水平:宽带超声衰减(109.7±12.6)dB/MHz,超声声速(1 554.7±45.6)m/s,强度指数(88.3±18.8),T值(-0.74±1.28)。城市人群跟骨骨密度高于农村;男性高于女性。跟骨骨密度随着年龄增加而降低,女性随年龄降低的幅度比男性更为明显。吸烟者、绝经后妇女的跟骨骨密度更低;常饮牛奶和/或酸奶者、高体力活动水平者的跟骨骨密度更高。结论 CKB的10个项目地区人群的跟骨骨密度存在明显的地区和人群差异。  相似文献   

目的 探讨≥50岁人群握力水平对认知功能及其变化的影响。方法 数据来源于WHO“全球老龄化与成人健康研究”(SAGE)上海现场基线及两次随访调查,对其中参加全部3轮调查、排除自报脑卒中或抑郁症患者后共计3 600人进行分析,评估基线时不同水平的握力状况对认知功能及其变化的影响。认知功能通过评估词语回忆、语言流畅度及数字跨度测试结果,并采用因子分析方法进行综合,得到认知功能总分。使用线性混合效应模型分析基线握力水平对认知功能变化的影响。结果 研究对象中男性1 668人(46.3%),女性1 932人(53.7%),基线年龄为(61.2±8.1)岁、握力为(28.19±12.18)kg、认知功能得分为58.93±14.56。研究对象认知功能得分在随访中呈下降趋势,且不同年龄组、文化程度和家庭经济水平者,其认知功能得分随时间下降幅度不同。在调整年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、家庭经济水平、慢性病共患情况、吸烟、饮酒、体力活动、蔬菜水果摄入和BMI等后,未发现基线握力水平与基线及第一次随访认知功能相关,但与基线握力较低者相比,握力水平较高的调查对象,其第二次随访认知功能较好,且其认知功能的下降速度较慢(男性:β=1.938,95%CI:0.644~3.231,P=0.003;女性:β=2.192,95%CI:0.975~3.409,P < 0.001;50~64岁:β=1.652,95%CI:0.646~2.659,P=0.001)。结论 较高的握力水平,能减缓认知功能的衰退,可作为中老年人认知状况的预测因素。  相似文献   

目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)队列人群的健康生活方式状况及其三间分布。方法 CKB项目于2004-2008年在全国10个地区募集30~79岁队列成员并完成基线调查,于2013-2014年随机抽取5%的队列成员进行了第2次重复调查。本研究剔除调查当时自报患有冠心病、脑卒中和恶性肿瘤的个体,分别纳入参加基线和重复调查的487 198名和22 604名研究对象。健康的生活方式定义为当前不吸烟、不过量饮酒、健康的饮食习惯、积极体力活动、BMI 18.5~23.9 kg/m2、腰围男性 < 85 cm/女性 < 80 cm;每符合一项计1分,合计即为健康生活方式得分,分值范围为0~6分。结果 基线调查时,上述健康生活方式因素(除积极体力活动外)的比例依次为70.6%、92.6%、8.7%、52.6%和59.0%。全部研究对象的健康生活方式得分均值为(3.1±1.2)分,81.4%的研究对象同时具有2~4项健康的生活方式因素,6种生活方式因素均健康的比例为0.7%。女性、较年轻者、农村人群和高文化程度者的生活方式相对更健康;相比于城乡差异,项目地区间的差异更加明显。利用重复调查数据发现,随着年龄增长,人群总体的健康生活方式水平略有下降。结论 成年人群中多种慢性病相关生活方式均健康的比例极低,健康生活方式水平存在人群和地区差异。  相似文献   

目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)队列10个地区不同种类腌制蔬菜摄入的地区、时间和人群分布特征。方法 CKB项目分别在2004-2008年、2008年和2013-2014年开展了基线调查、第一次和第二次重复调查。根据10个地区第二次重复调查对象的咸菜和酸泡菜平均摄入频率,将调查地区分为摄入咸菜为主地区、摄入酸泡菜为主地区和几乎不摄入腌制蔬菜地区。然后分别在前两组地区中运用logistic回归描述腌制蔬菜摄入的时间变化趋势和人群分布特征,并分析其他膳食特征的分布情况。结果 摄入咸菜为主地区包括青岛、哈尔滨、苏州、浙江项目点,而摄入酸泡菜为主地区包括甘肃、四川项目点,两类地区分别纳入204 036和105 573名基线调查对象。摄入咸菜为主地区在基线调查、第一次和第二次重复调查腌制蔬菜的平均摄入频率分别为3.1、3.3、1.8 d/周;摄入酸泡菜为主地区相应的频率为2.8、2.7、1.6 d/周,均呈下降趋势(P<0.001)。基线调查时两类地区的已婚、文化程度较低者腌制蔬菜摄入频率均更高;摄入咸菜为主地区年龄较大者腌制蔬菜摄入频率更高,而摄入酸泡菜为主地区相反(P<0.001)。随着腌制蔬菜摄入频率的增加,两类地区经常摄入辣食、口味偏咸等人群比例也呈增加趋势(P<0.05)。结论 CKB项目人群的腌制蔬菜摄入种类和水平存在明显的地区和人群分布差异,摄入频率呈下降趋势,且与其他膳食特征存在相关。  相似文献   

目的 了解广西壮族自治区柳州市艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病患者(HIV/AIDS)抗病毒治疗后BMI变化的动态趋势及相关因素。方法 选择2013年1月1日至2014年12月31日柳州市开始抗病毒治疗、年龄≥ 15岁、治疗基线、第(6±2)个月和(12±2)个月BMI值均有体重记录的HIV/AIDS作为研究对象,收集研究对象体重、身高数据计算BMI。采用PASW Statistics 18.0.0软件进行统计学分析,采用一般线性模型重复测量方差分析方法,进行BMI随时间变化趋势分析和多因素分析。结果 2 871例研究对象治疗基线、第(6±2)个月和(12±2)个月BMI值分别为(20.65±3.32)、(20.87±3.22)和(21.18±3.20),3个时段的BMI值差异有统计学意义(F=18.86,P<0.001)。治疗后BMI随时间推移而提升(F=37.25,P<0.001),相关因素主要为年龄、性别、婚姻状态、基线CD4+T淋巴细胞计数和WHO临床分期。结论 柳州市HIV/AIDS抗病毒治疗前BMI诊断营养不良所占的比例较高,接受抗病毒治疗后BMI的变化受多种因素影响,针对不同患者采用不同的治疗措施,有利于患者身体营养状况的恢复。  相似文献   

目的 分析中老年人群衰弱状态随时间的变化以及衰弱恶化的影响因素。方法 利用美兆健康体检中心的人群体检数据,纳入2008-2019年至少参加过2次体检且间隔>3年者,共13 689人。采用28个变量(包括疾病、症状、体格测量指标等)构建衰弱指数,衰弱指数≥ 0.25定义为衰弱,衰弱指数>0.10且<0.25为衰弱前期。按照首次体检时的衰弱状态进行分层分析,采用logistic回归模型探究社会人口学因素和生活方式特征对衰弱状态恶化的影响。结果 研究对象首次和末次体检时的年龄分别为(42.3±9.2)岁和(47.9±9.3)岁,首末次体检间隔时间为(5.7±1.9)年。首次体检时人群衰弱率和衰弱前期率分别为2.5%和50.3%,末次体检时分别上升至3.9%和55.4%。67.3%的研究对象在首末次体检时的衰弱状态保持不变,21.2%恶化,12.5%改善。在首次体检衰弱状态为健康的人群中,年龄大、女性、低文化程度、戒烟和每天吸烟、BMI定义的肥胖、以及腰臀比定义的中心性肥胖是衰弱状态恶化的危险因素。在首次体检为衰弱前期的人群中,年龄大、女性、BMI定义的肥胖、以及腰臀比定义的中心性肥胖是衰弱状态恶化的危险因素。结论 低文化程度、吸烟和肥胖等会增加个体衰弱恶化的风险。  相似文献   

目的 描述中国10个地区成年人骨骼肌质量和手握力的地区和人群分布特征。方法 对来自中国慢性病前瞻性研究项目第2次重复调查的24 533名研究对象进行分析。采用生物电阻抗分析法测量四肢和躯干的肌肉质量,通过Jamar手持握力计测量手握力来衡量肌肉力量水平,并根据亚洲肌少症工作组(AWGS)推荐的标准判断人群低肌肉质量和力量的比例。分地区和人群特征,报告肌肉质量和手握力的均值及标准误,以及低肌肉质量和力量的百分比。结果 男性的四肢和全身肌肉质量分别为(22.0±0.02)kg和(49.7±0.05)kg,高于女性的(15.9±0.02)kg和(37.2±0.04)kg;男性手握力为(32.6±0.06)kg,高于女性的(19.9±0.05)kg。绝对肌肉质量和手握力均呈现北方高于南方、城市高于农村的地区差异(P<0.001)。而身高和体重调整的肌肉质量的地区差异规律相反。随着年龄的增加,肌肉质量各项指标和手握力均呈线性下降趋势(线性趋势P<0.001),且手握力下降幅度更大。进一步按照AWGS判断,低肌肉质量和力量的比例随年龄增加而不断上升,≥ 80岁的老年男性低肌肉质量和力量的比例分别达到56.2%和74.5%,女性分别达到35.7%和66.0%。结论 中国成年人肌肉质量和手握力的分布存在明显的地区和人群差异,尤其以老年人低肌肉质量和手握力的比例最高。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo examine the association between the baseline number of chronic diseases and multimorbidity with regard to the incidence of all and injurious falls over 3 years among European community-dwelling older adults.DesignObservational analysis of DO-HEALTH, a double-blind, randomized controlled trial.Setting and participantsMulticenter trial with 7 European centers: Zurich, Basel, Geneva (Switzerland), Berlin (Germany), Innsbruck (Austria), Toulouse (France), and Coimbra (Portugal), including 2157 community-dwelling adults aged 70 years and older without any major health events in the 5 years prior to enrollment, sufficient mobility, and good cognitive status.MethodsThe main outcomes were the number of all falls and injurious falls experienced over 3 years. The number of chronic diseases and multimorbidity, defined as the presence of 3 or more chronic diseases at baseline, were assessed with the Self-Administered Comorbidity Questionnaire by Sangha et al.ResultsAmong the 2155 participants included in the analyses (mean age: 74.9 years, 62% were women, 52% were physically active more than 3 times a week), 569 (26.4%) had multimorbidity at baseline. Overall, each 1-unit increase in the baseline number of chronic diseases was linearly associated with a 7% increased incidence rate of all falls [adjusted incidence rate ratio (aIRR) 1.07, 95% CI 1.03-1.12, P < .001] and a 6% increased incidence rate of injurious falls (aIRR 1.06, 95% CI 1.02-1.11, P = .003). Baseline multimorbidity was associated with a 21% increased incidence rate of all falls (aIRR 1.21, 95% CI 1.07-1.37, P = .002) and a 17% increased incidence rate of injurious falls (aIRR 1.17, 95% CI 1.03-1.32, P = .02).Conclusions and ImplicationsBaseline number of prevalent chronic diseases and multimorbidity in generally healthy and active community-dwelling older adults were associated with increased incidence rates of all and injurious falls over 3 years. These findings support that multimorbidity may need consideration as a risk factor for falls, even in generally healthy and active older adults.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study aimed to provide population-level data regarding trends in multimorbidity over 13 years.MethodsWe linked provincial health administrative data in Ontario, Canada, to create 3 cross-sectional panels of residents of any age in 2003, 2009, and 2016 to describe: (i) 13-year trends in multimorbidity prevalence and constellations among residents and across age, sex, and income; and (ii) chronic condition clusters. Multimorbidity was defined as having at least any 2 of 18 selected conditions, and further grouped into levels of 2, 3, 4, or 5 or more conditions. Age-sex standardized multimorbidity prevalence was estimated using the 2009 population as the standard. Clustering was defined using the observed combinations of conditions within levels of multimorbidity.ResultsStandardized prevalence of multimorbidity increased over time (26.5%, 28.8%, and 30.0% across sequential panels), across sex, age, and area-based income. Females, older adults and those living in lower income areas exhibited higher rates in all years. However, multimorbidity increased relatively more among males, younger adults, and those with 4 or 5 or more conditions. We observed numerous and increasing diversity in disease clusters, namely at higher levels of multimorbidity.ConclusionOur study provides relevant and needed population-based information on the growing burden of multimorbidity, and related socio-demographic risk factors. Multimorbidity is markedly increasing among younger age cohorts. Also, there is an increasing complexity and lack of common clustering patterns at higher multimorbidity levels.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.17269/s41997-021-00474-y.  相似文献   

IntroductionMultimorbidity – the coexistence of ≥2 chronic conditions in same individual is usually associated with older age. There is an increase in its prevalence at a much younger age, however with very limited research specifying that.ObjectiveTo identify age breaking points for the occurrence of multimorbidity.MethodsThe study included patients, who used any healthcare services between the 01/01/2012 and 30/06/2014. Patients were divided into two groups – with single chronic condition and with multimorbidity. Age-specific proportion of multimorbidity, rate of primary and outpatient visits, number of hospitalizations and prescribed reimbursed medications between these groups were analyzed.ResultsThe study included 452578 patients, 94.63% of them had more than one chronic condition. The risk increase with every consecutive year for developing multimorbidity was between the age of 28 and 39 years. The age breaking point for the rapid increase in hospitalizations was about 29 years in multimorbidity group. The proportion of patients with multimorbidity using expensive medications starts to increase at the age of 41.ConclusionsThe risk of acquiring an additional chronic condition rises exponentially from the age of 29 years and platos between the age of 51 and 57. Patients with multimorbidity require increasing amounts of primary healthcare resources, where patients with single chronic condition require decreasing primary care usage, possibly attributed to successful patient empowerment.  相似文献   

Zhang  L.  Ma  L.  Sun  F.  Tang  Zhe  Chan  Piu 《The journal of nutrition, health & aging》2020,24(3):269-276

Multimorbidity is common in older hospitalized adults. To date, however, few studies have addressed multimorbidity in the older population of Chinese inpatients. We aimed to investigate the multimorbidity rate and associated risk factors in older adult inpatients in China.

Design, Setting, Participants

This study was conducted in the medical wards of a tertiary-care hospital from. The patients were recruited aged between 60 to 101 (74.14±8.46) years.


Data were obtained from the China Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Study, conducted in 2011–2012 in China. A total of 4,633 inpatients older than 60 years was recruited from 12 hospitals in 7 cities throughout China. The prevalence of comorbidity, distribution of common chronic diseases, and the associated risk factors were studied.


A total of 4,348 people aged 60 to 101 (74.14±8.46) years completed questionnaires. The average frequency of multimorbidity was 69.3% (95% CI, 67.9% to 70.6%). The prevalence of multimorbidity increased with age and was higher in men (71.6%; 95% CI, 69.9% to 73.3%) than in women (65.3%, 95% CI 63.0% to 67.6%), and higher in the northern region (71.7%, 95% CI 69.9% to 73.5%) than in the southern region (66.0%; 95% CI, 63.8% to 68.1%). The most frequent chronic diseases were hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, cataract, and stroke. Area (OR=0.556; 95% CI, 0.465 to 0.666), region (OR=0.834; 95% CI, 0.723 to 0.962), body mass index (BMI) (OR=1.124; 95% CI, 1.017 to 1.242), and impairment of activities of daily living (OR=0.911; 95% CI, 0.855 to 0.970) were independent factors associated with multimorbidity.


Multimorbidity is common in older Chinese inpatients with a national prevalence of 69.3% that increases in line with age. Age, region, area, BMI, and daily activities were independent factors significantly associated with multimorbidity in older inpatients. Clinicians should therefore focus more attention on multimorbidity.


目的 了解人群慢性病共病罹患现状、不同共病模式的全因死亡风险及运动对共病相关死亡风险和寿命损失的影响。方法 研究纳入我国台湾地区美兆健康管理中心437 408名体检者,采用分类决策树对高血压、糖尿病、慢性肾功能不全(CKD)和慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)4种疾病进行组合,使用Cox比例风险回归模型计算共病模式的危险比(HR)及其95%CI,采用蒋式寿命表法计算人群预期寿命。结果 人群中共病检出率为8.7%,二元、三元、四元共病组合中检出率最高的分别为“高血压+CKD”(3.6%)、“高血压+糖尿病+CKD”(1.1%)、“高血压+糖尿病+CKD+COPD”(0.1%);与健康人群相比,全因死亡风险最高的组合分别为“糖尿病+CKD”(HR=3.80,95%CI:3.45~4.18)、“糖尿病+COPD+CKD”(HR=4.34,95%CI:3.43~5.49)、“高血压+糖尿病+CKD+COPD”(HR=4.75,95%CI:4.15~5.43)。与不运动人群相比,进行低强度运动和中高强度运动均降低了由共病升高的死亡风险。单一疾病和共病带来4.6、13.4年的人群寿命损失,运动可分别挽回2.3、4.6年的寿命损失年,低强度和中高强度运动分别挽回1.5、3.7年由慢性病造成的寿命损失。结论 基于“糖尿病+CKD”的共病模式死亡风险最高。运动能降低共病患者的死亡风险。运动强度越大,降低效果越显著。  相似文献   



Little information is available on multimorbidity in primary care in India. Because primary care is the first contact of health care for most of the population and important for coordinating chronic care, we wanted to examine the prevalence and correlates of multimorbidity in India and its association with health care utilization.


Using a structured multimorbidity assessment protocol, we conducted a cross-sectional study, collecting information on 22 self-reported chronic conditions in a representative sample of 1,649 adult primary care patients in Odisha, India.


The overall age- and sex-adjusted prevalence of multimorbidity was 28.3% (95% CI, 24.3–28.6) ranging from 5.8% in patients aged 18 to 29 years to 45% in those aged older than 70 years. Older age, female sex, higher education, and high income were associated with significantly higher odds of multimorbidity. After adjusting for age, sex, socioeconomic status (SES), education, and ethnicity, the addition of each chronic condition, as well as consultation at private hospitals, was associated with significant increase in the number of medicines intake per person per day. Increasing age and higher education status significantly raised the number of hospital visits per person per year for patients with multiple chronic conditions.


Our findings of higher prevalence of multimorbidity and hospitalizations in higher SES individuals contrast with findings in Western countries, where lower SES is associated with a greater morbidity burden.  相似文献   

《Women's health issues》2022,32(6):607-614
IntroductionMultimorbidity, the presence of two or more chronic disease diagnoses, is associated with an increased risk of mortality and high health care costs in the general population and older adults. However, little evidence is available about the prevalence and impact of multimorbidity in obstetric populations. The goal of this analysis was to estimate the association between multimorbidity and severe maternal morbidity (SMM) and 90-day postpartum readmission in an obstetric cohort in Atlanta, Georgia.Study DesignWe conducted a retrospective cohort study of livebirths and stillbirths at Grady Memorial Hospital, from October 2015 to April 2021. To determine preexisting chronic conditions, we linked information on births to inpatient diagnoses within the prior year. Multimorbidity was defined as the presence of two or more chronic disease diagnoses at birth or within the prior year. We conducted multivariable log binomial regression to estimate risk ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the crude and adjusted (for age, race/ethnicity, parity, and insurance) association between multimorbidity (two or more chronic conditions vs. zero or one) and SMM (at or within 42 days after birth) or 90-day postpartum readmission for any reason.ResultsOf 14,225 included births, 10.1% were to patients with multimorbidity. Overall, SMM complicated 7.5% of births, and the 90-day readmission rate was 2.4%. Both SMM and readmission were more common among women with multimorbidity (SMM, 18.6% among women with multimorbidity compared with 6.3% without; 90-day readmission, 5.4% compared with 2.1%). Adjusting for potential confounders, multimorbidity was associated with increased risk of SMM (adjusted risk ratio, 2.9; 95% confidence interval, 2.5–3.0) and readmission (adjusted risk ratio, 2.2; 95% confidence interval, 1.7–2.9).ConclusionsIndividuals entering pregnancy with two or more chronic diseases were at an increased risk of SMM and postpartum readmission compared with individuals with one or zero chronic disease diagnoses.  相似文献   

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