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对近年来国内外肿瘤患者接种流感疫苗、肺炎球菌疫苗和新型冠状病毒疫苗的免疫原性、安全性和有效性等相关研究进行分析。通过对检索文献进行梳理和分析, 结果显示, 接种流感疫苗和肺炎球菌疫苗可显著降低肿瘤患者的感染性疾病的发病率、住院率, 还可降低其心血管事件风险和死亡风险, 显著改善生存预后。接种新型冠状病毒疫苗亦可对肿瘤患者起到保护作用, 尤其是完成全程疫苗接种的患者。国内外权威学会指南、共识均建议肿瘤患者接种流感疫苗、肺炎球菌疫苗和新型冠状病毒疫苗。建议积极开展相关研究, 并采取有效措施加强患者教育, 让肿瘤患者充分获得疫苗给这个特殊群体带来的健康保护。  相似文献   

目的 了解慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者联合接种23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗(PPV23)和流感病毒裂解疫苗(流感疫苗)安全性.方法 选择近一年在东阳市人民医院住院过的COPD患者,经预检无接种禁忌症者同时在左、右臂分别接种PPV23和流感疫苗,于接种后30 min、3d、30 d进行主动观察不良反应发生率、不良反应类型和严重程度.结果 共观察644例,发生不良反应174例,不良反应发生率为27.02%,其中一般反应172例,偶合反应2例.172例一般反应中局部反应132例,全身反应37例,局部反应和全身反应同时发生3例;PPV23和流感疫苗的局部反应发生率分别为16.46%(106/644)和13.51%(87/644),差异无统计学意义(x2=2.200,P=0.140),局部反应主要为接种部位的疼痛和红肿,全身反应以发热、疲倦乏力和食欲下降为主,所有患者均在一周内恢复.结论 COPD患者联合接种PPV23和流感疫苗具有较高的安全性.  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市2型糖尿病患者接种流感疫苗知识、态度和行为情况及影响因素,为开展社区2型糖尿病患者健康管理服务提供基础依据。方法于2018年1-3月,采用多阶段随机抽样方法,在深圳市常住居民中抽取2 896例2型糖尿病患者进行问卷调查,内容包括基本情况、流感疫苗知晓情况、流感疫苗接种情况和接种意愿。用SAS 9.4统计软件进行X~2检验,采用多因素logistic回归分析流感疫苗接种的影响因素。结果 1 484例(51.24%)2型糖尿病患者愿意接种流感疫苗,307例(10.6%)2型糖尿病患者接种过流感疫苗,其中176例(6.08%)患者近1年接种过;1 295例(44.72%)2型糖尿病患者认为慢性病患者是流感的易感人群,877例(30.38%)患者认为慢性病患者接种流感疫苗能降低门诊、住院和死亡风险,860例(29.70%)患者认为糖尿病患者是流感疫苗的优先接种对象。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,离退休患者,认为接种流感疫苗能降低门诊、住院和死亡风险的患者,认为糖尿病患者是流感疫苗的优先接种对象的患者更加愿意接种流感疫苗(OR值分别为1.539、1.734和1.665,P0.05);离退休患者,文化程度较高的患者,认为接种流感疫苗能降低门诊、住院和死亡风险的患者以往流感疫苗接种率更高(OR值分别为2.444、1.550、和1.481,P0.05)。结论深圳市2型糖尿病患者对流感疫苗接种的认知、接种意愿和接种率均较低,应加强对慢性病患者流感防治和流感疫苗接种的健康教育。  相似文献   

目的观察肺炎球菌疫苗与流感疫苗联合接种对反复呼吸道感染(RRTI)患儿体液免疫及疗效的影响。方法80例RRTI患儿随机分为4组:对照组(仅使用安慰剂)肺炎球菌疫苗组、流感疫苗组,联合疫苗接种组(接种肺炎球菌疫苗1月后再行流感疫苗接种),每组20例。末次接种后治疗12周后,测定患儿体液免疫功能指标,6月后观察临床疗效。同时选取2013年2月-2014年5月在本院治疗的非RRTI的急性呼吸道感染患儿30例。结果治疗12周后,RRTI组血清IgG、IgA和IgM水平明显低于非RRTI组(P0.01)。治疗12周后,与对照组比较,肺炎球菌疫苗组、流感疫苗组和联合接种组患儿血清IgG、IgA和IgM水平、治疗总有效率明显上升(P0.01),并且联合接种组明显优于单纯肺炎球菌疫苗组、流感疫苗组(P0.05)。肺炎球菌疫苗组与流感疫苗组比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05),治疗期间无药物不良反应事件。结论肺炎球菌疫苗与流感疫苗联合接种可更有效地改善RRTI患儿的体液免疫功能。  相似文献   

目的观察肺炎球菌疫苗与流感疫苗联合接种对反复呼吸道感染(RRTI)患儿体液免疫及疗效的影响。方法80例RRTI患儿随机分为4组:对照组(仅使用安慰剂) 肺炎球菌疫苗组、流感疫苗组,联合疫苗接种组(接种肺炎球菌疫苗1月后再行流感疫苗接种),每组20例。末次接种后治疗12周后,测定患儿体液免疫功能指标,6月后观察临床疗效。同时选取2013年2月-2014年5月在本院治疗的非RRTI的急性呼吸道感染患儿30例。结果治疗12周后,RRTI组血清IgG、IgA和IgM水平明显低于非RRTI组(P<0.01)。治疗12周后,与对照组比较,肺炎球菌疫苗组、流感疫苗组和联合接种组患儿血清IgG、IgA和IgM水平、治疗总有效率明显上升 (P<0.01),并且联合接种组明显优于单纯肺炎球菌疫苗组、流感疫苗组(P<0.05)。肺炎球菌疫苗组与流感疫苗组比较,无统计学意义(P>0.05),治疗期间无药物不良反应事件。结论肺炎球菌疫苗与流感疫苗联合接种可更有效地改善RRTI患儿的体液免疫功能。  相似文献   

目的评估台州市实施免费政策后老年人流感疫苗(Influenza vaccine,InfV)和23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗(23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine,PPV23)接种率。方法通过浙江省免疫规划信息平台获取台州市所有≥60岁老年人2018-2020年InfV和2020年PPV23接种信息,分析InfV和PPV23接种率。结果台州市≥60岁老年人2018年、2019年、2020年InfV接种率分别为42.36%、44.21%和43.15%(趋势Z=146.51,P<0.001),年均增长率为0.62%;2020年PPV23接种率为26.28%。女性两种疫苗接种率均高于男性(OR=1.11,95%CI:1.11-1.12;OR=1.04,95%CI:1.03-1.05);70-79岁两种疫苗接种率均高于60-69岁(OR=1.51,95%CI:1.50-1.52;OR=1.13,95%CI:1.12-1.15),而≥80岁InfV接种率低(OR=0.81,95%CI:0.81-0.82)、PPV23接种率高(OR=0.47,95%CI:0.46-0.48)。结论台州市实施免费政策后老年人InfV和PPV23接种率仍处于低水平;需加强老年人InfV和PPV23免费接种政策宣传并提高接种可及性。  相似文献   

流感是由流感病毒引起的一种急性呼吸道传染病,严重危害人群健康。流感病毒其抗原性易变,传播迅速,每年可引起季节性流行,在学校、托幼机构和养老院等人群聚集的场所易发生暴发疫情。每年季节性流感流行在全球可导致300万~500万重症病例,29万~65万呼吸道疾病相关死亡。孕妇、婴幼儿、老年人和慢性基础疾病患者等高危人群,患流感后出现严重疾病和死亡的风险较高。尤其是全球新型冠状病毒肺炎(新冠肺炎)疫情严重流行态势仍在持续,今年我国南方部分省份出现夏季流感流行高峰,今冬明春可能会出现新冠肺炎与流感等呼吸道传染病叠加流行的情况。接种流感疫苗是预防流感、减少流感相关重症和死亡的有效手段,可以减少流感相关疾病带来的健康危害及对医疗资源的挤兑。我国现已批准上市的流感疫苗有三价灭活流感疫苗(IIV3)、四价灭活流感疫苗(IIV4)和三价减毒活流感疫苗(LAIV3),IIV3包括裂解疫苗和亚单位疫苗,IIV4为裂解疫苗,LAIV3为减毒疫苗。流感疫苗在我国属于非免疫规划类疫苗,居民自愿接种。2018年以来,中国疾病预防控制中心每年印发当年度的《中国流感疫苗预防接种技术指南》。一年来,新的研究证据在国内外发表,为更好地指导我国流感预防控制和疫苗接种工作,国家免疫规划技术工作组流感疫苗工作组综合国内外最新研究进展,在2021年版指南的基础上进行了更新和修订,形成了《中国流感疫苗预防接种技术指南(2022-2023)》。本指南更新的内容主要包括:第一,增加了新的研究证据,尤其是我国的研究结果,包括流感疾病负担、疫苗效果、疫苗安全性监测、疫苗预防接种成本效果等;第二,更新了一年来国家出台的有关流感防控政策和措施;第三,更新了2022-2023年度国内批准上市及批签发的流感疫苗种类;第四,更新了本年度三价和四价流感疫苗组分;第五,更新了2022-2023年度的流感疫苗接种建议。本指南建议:原则上,接种单位应为≥6月龄所有愿意接种流感疫苗且无接种禁忌的人提供接种服务。≥18岁的人群可在一次接受免疫服务时,在两侧肢体分别接种灭活流感疫苗和新型冠状病毒疫苗(新冠疫苗);<18岁的人群,建议流感疫苗与新冠疫苗接种间隔仍>14 d。对可接种不同类型或不同厂家疫苗产品的人群,可由受种者自愿选择接种任何一种流感疫苗,无优先推荐。结合今年新冠肺炎疫情形势,为尽可能降低流感的危害和对新冠肺炎疫情防控的影响,优先推荐以下重点和高风险人群及时接种:①医务人员,包括临床救治人员、公共卫生人员、卫生检疫人员等;②大型活动参加人员和保障人员;③养老机构、长期护理机构、福利院等人群聚集场所脆弱人群及员工;④重点场所人群,如托幼机构、中小学校的教师和学生,监所机构的在押人员及工作人员等;⑤其他流感高风险人群,包括≥60岁居家老年人、6月龄至5岁儿童、慢性病患者、6月龄以下婴儿的家庭成员和看护人员以及孕妇。对于IIV,6月龄至8岁儿童首次接种流感疫苗的应接种2剂次,间隔≥4周;2021-2022年度或以前接种过1剂次或以上流感疫苗的儿童,建议接种1剂次;≥9岁儿童和成年人仅需接种1剂次。对于LAIV,无论是否接种过流感疫苗,仅接种1剂次。建议各地在疫苗供应到位后尽早开展接种工作,尽量在当地流感流行季前完成接种。同一流行季,已按照接种程序完成全程接种的人员,无需再次接种。孕妇在孕期的任一阶段均可接种灭活流感疫苗。接种单位在整个流行季节都可以提供接种服务。本指南适用于疾控机构、医疗机构、妇幼保健机构和接种单位等从事流感防治相关的专业人员。根据国内外研究进展,本指南今后亦将定期更新、完善。  相似文献   

肺炎球菌是导致慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者感染性急性加重的主要病原体之一。世界卫生组织等权威机构均推荐COPD患者接种肺炎球菌疫苗,但肺炎球菌疫苗对COPD患者的保护作用尚存在争议。本文通过检索国内外截止到2020年7月发表的最新文献资料,梳理和综述COPD患者接种23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗(PPSV23)的免疫原性和效果,为制定我国应用疫苗预防COPD急性加重的免疫策略提供依据。  相似文献   

目的 了解2017—2018年北京市丰台区小学生流感疫苗接种情况,分析流感疫苗接种在发生流感聚集性疫情时的保护作用。方法 选取2017年北京市丰台区小学集中接种免费流感疫苗资料和2017—2018年流感流行季发生的流感聚集性疫情调查资料,进行疫苗接种率和流感疫苗保护效果分析。 结果 2017年北京市丰台区107所小学及其分校集中接种免费流感疫苗,在册学生共71 103人,接种人数35 721人,疫苗接种率为50.24%。2017—2018年流感流行季期间,全区共23所小学上报经实验室检测确认的流感聚集性疫情39起,共报告408例病例,发生流感聚集性疫情数量越多、规模越大、疫情发生后产生续发病例的学校,疫苗接种率越低。接种组小学生在流感聚集疫情发生时发病率为22.70%,未接种组发病率为30.30%,疫苗保护率为25.11%,效果指数为1.34。 结论 接种流感疫苗可减少流感聚集性疫情的发生和扩散,在流感聚集性疫情发生时对学生有一定的保护作用,应加强健康教育和公众交流,进一步提高流感疫苗的接种率。  相似文献   

目的 了解2020年河南省≥40岁慢性阻塞性肺疾病(慢阻肺,COPD)患者流感疫苗和肺炎球菌疫苗接种情况,分析影响接种的因素,为采取积极有效的个性化防控措施提供依据。方法 从河南省居民慢性阻塞性肺疾病监测信息收集与管理平台,用随机分层整群抽样法,筛查出2020年符合支气管舒张试验后肺功能测试FEV1/FVC<70%的≥40岁慢阻肺患者。通过问卷调查,了解慢阻肺患者流感疫苗和肺炎球菌疫苗接种情况及影响因素。结果 2020年河南省≥40岁居民调查有效人数为10 222人,筛查出慢阻肺患者952人。经复杂加权后,慢阻肺患病率为9.17%,慢阻肺患者流感疫苗和(或)肺炎球菌疫苗总接种率为4.29%,流感疫苗接种率为3.63%,肺炎球菌疫苗接种率为1.41%,流感疫苗和肺炎球菌疫苗联合接种率为0.75%。年龄40~<60岁、高中以下文化程度、无呼吸道疾病史、有吸烟史、肺功能Ⅱ级以下的慢阻肺患者接种率较低(P均<0.05)。其中,年龄≥60岁(OR=2.758,95%CI:1.180~6.444)、有呼吸道疾病史(包括肺癌)(OR=2.391,95%CI:1.144~4.996)...  相似文献   

Kyaw MH  Wayne B  Holmes EM  Jones IG  Campbell H 《Vaccine》2002,20(19-20):2516-2522
A national survey was carried out to determine the coverage of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines, policies, reasons for receipt, non-receipt of vaccine and strategies to improve vaccine coverage in Scottish nursing homes. Of the 550 nursing homes, 72% (394) participated in the study. Overall coverage was 85% for influenza vaccine in 2001-2002 season and 11% for pneumococcal vaccine in the last 5-year period. Only 6% (23/394) of homes were reported to have a systematic immunization record. The most frequently stated reasons for improved coverage of both vaccines were clear immunization policies (76%), awareness and education for staff and residents (68%), and consent on behalf of the incompetent residents (66%). The presence of vaccination policies was higher for influenza vaccine than pneumococcal vaccine expressed as verbal agreement (27% versus 3%), written policies with set target (24% versus 5%) and written policies without set target (17% versus 2%). Advice from the members of the community health care team was the principal reason for the receipt of both vaccines. The predominant reasons for non-receipt of vaccine were refusal by residents and family members (both vaccines) and lack of advice from general practitioners (pneumococcal vaccine). The substantial disparity in coverage of influenza and pneumococcal vaccine reflects the lack of national recommendations and policies for reimbursements for pneumococcal vaccination. These data suggest that greater efforts are needed to improve prevention behaviors of health care professionals and the public, organized vaccine delivery strategies and systematic vaccination documents to increase influenza and pneumococcal vaccination rates in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.  相似文献   

For the influenza pandemic of 2009–2010, countries responded to the direct threat of influenza but may have missed opportunities and strategies to limit secondary pneumococcal infections. Delivering both vaccines together can potentially increase pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) immunization rates and prevent additional hospitalizations and mortality in the elderly and other high-risk groups.We used PubMed to review the literature on the concomitant use of PPV23 with seasonal influenza vaccines. Eight of 9 clinical studies found that a concomitant program conferred clinical benefits. The 2 studies that compared the cost-effectiveness of different strategies found concomitant immunization to be more cost-effective than either vaccine given alone.Policymakers should consider a stepwise strategy to reduce the burden of secondary pneumococcal infections during seasonal and pandemic influenza outbreaks.On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the first influenza pandemic of the 21st century and escalated the global health alert to the highest possible level, phase 6.1 The heightened alert resulted in countries implementing preventive and treatment strategies for influenza management including expanded recommendations for influenza immunization and antiviral coverage in children and adults, and for the increased use of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23).2Every year, Streptococcus pneumoniae infections account for approximately 1.6 million deaths worldwide.3 The incidence of pneumococcal infections rises and falls seasonally with the incidence of influenza. Pneumococcal infections secondary to influenza place a significant burden on health systems, which can be strained or overwhelmed during influenza epidemics, as evidenced by the 2009–2010 H1N1 influenza pandemic.4,5 The 2009–2010 H1N1 influenza pandemic also highlighted the importance of secondary pneumococcal infections6 and their association with adverse outcomes, including death.7Current pneumococcal disease–control strategies include immunization of elderly populations (≥ 65 years) and other high-risk groups (including cigarette smokers) with PPV23 and immunization of infants with conjugate pneumococcal vaccine (PCV). In the absence of pneumococcal immunization, these groups are particularly susceptible to infection.Although routine pediatric pneumococcal immunization strategies have reduced the overall burden of pneumococcal disease in children, the remaining burden has shifted to older age groups, particularly the elderly.8–12 In the United States, 85% of invasive pneumococcal disease now occurs in adults.13In general, adults and high-risk groups are known to have lower immunization coverage than the pediatric population, and can be harder to reach. Therefore, specific strategies to increase PPV23 immunization coverage are needed. One proposed strategy is to integrate a PPV23 program with seasonal influenza programs. Unlike influenza vaccine, which is administered annually, PPV23 is typically recommended to be repeated after 5 years in high-risk groups or the elderly who were immunized when younger than 65 years, but influenza immunization would nevertheless afford an ideal opportunity to access the elderly and other high-risk groups for initial and follow-up PPV23 administration.  相似文献   

BackgroundWhile herd effects and serotype replacement by childhood pneumococcal protein conjugated vaccines (PCVs) continues to accumulate worldwide, direct effectiveness of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) against pneumococcal diseases in the elderly has been challenged. We estimated the direct effectiveness of PPV23 in the elderly population.MethodsFor a hospital-based case-control study, cases of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) and non-bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia (NBPP) (adults ≥ 65 years) were identified in 14 hospitals participated in the pneumococcal surveillance program from March 2013 to October 2015, following implementation of PPV23 national immunization program (NIP) for the elderly in the Republic of Korea. Controls matched by age, sex, and hospital were selected at ratios of 1:2 (IPD) or 1:1 (NBPP). Clinical data and vaccination records were collected. Vaccine effectiveness was calculated as (1-adjusted odds ratio) × 100.ResultsWe enrolled 148 IPD and 557 NBPP cases, and 295 IPD and 557 NBPP controls for analyses. Overall effectiveness of PPV23 against IPD was 28.5% [95% confidence interval (CI) −5.8%–51.6%] and against NBPP was 10.2% (-15.1-30.6) in all patients ≥ 65 years. However, in subgroup analysis of patients aged 65–74 years, PPV23 was protective against IPD [effectiveness 57.4% (19.4–77.5)] and against NBPP [effectiveness 35.0% (2.3–56.7)]. Furthermore, serotype-specific effectiveness of PPV23 against IPD was 90.6% (27.6–98.8) for PPV23-unique serotypes and 81.3% (38.6–94.3) for PPV23 serotypes excluding serotype 3.ConclusionsThis study indicates that PPV23 with broad serotype coverage might be beneficial in preventing IPD and NBPP due to non-PCV13 serotypes in the young-elderly, with potentially increasing effectiveness in the setting of childhood PCV NIP.  相似文献   

目的 探析老年糖尿病患者肺炎球菌多糖疫苗接种意愿及影响因素。方法 以2019年4月至2020年4月上海市某医院健康服务中心定期体检的老年糖尿病患者为调查对象。设计《PPV23肺炎疫苗接种意愿调查表》,调查老年患者基本情况及PPV23肺炎疫苗接种意愿,采用多因素Logistic回归分析老年患者PPV23肺炎疫苗接种意愿的影响因素。结果 本研究共调查1 240例老年患者,平均年龄(68.35±5.13)岁,其中546例(占44.03%)愿意接种PPV23肺炎疫苗。多因素分析结果显示年龄越小(OR=4.346)、家人最高学历越高(OR高中或中专=2.269,OR大专及以上= 2.173)、有慢性呼吸道疾病史(OR=2.548)、认为肺炎为严重疾病(OR=1.756)、担心自身患肺炎疾病(OR=1.861)、知晓PPV23肺炎疫苗接种可预防肺炎(OR=2.085)、家人患有慢性呼吸道疾病(OR=4.166)、家人或朋友推荐接种PPV23肺炎疫苗(OR=3.572)、医生建议接种PPV23肺炎疫苗(OR=2.604)的老年糖尿病患者愿意接种PPV23肺炎疫苗的可能性越大。结论 老年糖尿病患者PPV23肺炎疫苗接种意愿较低,年龄、慢性呼吸道疾病史、肺炎及疫苗相关知识与医生建议是影响其接种意愿的相关因素。建议加强肺炎疫苗预防效果、安全性的宣传教育,提高老年糖尿病患者对PPV23肺炎疫苗的认知度。  相似文献   

BackgroundPatients with Crohn's disease (CD) have a higher risk of infectious diseases including pneumococcal infections, and the risk increases with immunotherapy. The primary endpoint of this study was to investigate the specific antibody response to two pneumococcal vaccines in CD patients with and without immunosuppressive treatment four weeks post vaccination.MethodsIn a randomized trial of the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) and the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugated vaccine (PCV13), a group of CD patients treated with immunosuppressive drugs (IS) alone or in combination with TNF-α antagonists were compared to a group of CD patients not treated with any of these drugs (untreated). Specific pneumococcal antibody concentrations were measured against 12 serotypes common to the two vaccines before and 4 week after vaccination.ResultsPCV13 induced a significantly higher antibody response for one serotype (23F) in IS treated patients and for two serotypes (9V and 23F) in untreated patients compared to CD patients vaccinated with PPV23. Untreated PPV23 recipients had higher responses for serotypes 9V and 18C compared to IS + TNF-α treated PPV23 recipients. Comparison between treatment groups showed that immunosuppressive treatment impaired the antibody response to both vaccines and that TNF-a treatment further conveyed additional impairment of the response.ConclusionPCV13 induces higher antibody response for some serotypes compared to PPV23. In addition, CD patients treated with immunosuppressive drugs alone or in combination with TNF-α antagonists had an impaired antibody response to both PPV23 and PCV13 compared to patients not receiving any of these treatments.The study has been registered in the European Clinical Trials Database (EudraCT, record no 2012-002867-86) and ClinicalTrials.gov (record no. NCT01947010).  相似文献   

The current recommendations for active immunization after stem cell transplant (SCT) include 3 doses of 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7) from 3 months after transplant, followed by a 23-valent polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine (PPV23). However, until now, the immune response to PPV23 after PCV7 has not been assessed after SCT. In the EBMT IDWP01 trial, 101 patients received 1 dose of PPV23 at 12 or 18 months, both after 3 doses of PCV7. The efficacy of PPV23 was assessed 1 month later and at 24 months after transplant by the pneumococcal serotype 1 and 5 antibody levels. Serotype 1 and 5 are not included in PCV7. Although the geometric mean concentrations were significantly higher 1 month after PPV23, for both antigens, the response rates (≥0.15 μg/mL), in the range of 68–94%, were not different between groups independent of the assessment date. One PPV23 dose after 3 PCV7 doses, already known to increase the response to PCV7, also extends the serotype coverage given 12 or 18 months after transplant.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the uptake of influenza and pneumococcal vaccination based on provider records of the hospitalised elderly, a group at high risk of influenza and pneumococcal disease. The study used a random sample of 3,204 admissions at two Victorian teaching hospitals for patients, aged 65 years or more who were discharged between 1 April 2000 and 31 March 2002. Information on whether the patient had received an influenza vaccination within the year prior to admission or pneumococcal vaccination within the previous five years was ascertained from the patient's nominated medical practitioner/vaccine provider. Vaccination records were obtained from providers for 82 per cent (2,804/2,934) of eligible subjects. Influenza vaccine coverage was 70.9 per cent (95% CI 68.9-72.9), pneumococcal coverage was 52.6 per cent (95% CI 50.4-54.8) and 46.6 per cent (95% CI 44.4-48.8) had received both vaccines. Coverage for each vaccine increased seven per cent over the two study years. For pneumococcal vaccination, there was a marked increase in 1998 coinciding with the introduction of Victoria's publicly funded program. Influenza and pneumococcal vaccine coverage in eligible hospitalised adults was similar to, but did not exceed, estimates in the general elderly population. Pneumococcal vaccination coverage reflected the availability of vaccine through Victoria's publicly funded program. A nationally funded pneumococcal vaccination program for the elderly, as announced recently, should improve coverage. However, these data highlight the need for greater awareness of pneumococcal vaccine among practitioners and for systematic recording of vaccination status, as many of these subjects will soon become eligible for revaccination.  相似文献   

A survey of the coverage, distribution and the factors associated with use of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines among general practitioners (GPs) in primary care and in hospital settings was carried out in 53 general practices in Scotland taking part in the 'Continuous Morbidity Recording' (CMR) programme. The annual vaccine distribution increased substantially among 53 general practices from 1993 to 1999 and in Scotland as a whole from 1984 to 1999. From the questionnaire, overall coverage was 43% (95% CI 38-48) for influenza vaccine in the 2000-1 season and 13% (95% CI 9-16) for pneumococcal vaccine in the last 5 year period, in high-risk patients recommended for these vaccines by the Department of Health (DoH). Influenza vaccine coverage was highest in the elderly (65 years of age and above) at 62% (95% CI 59-74). Although pneumococcal vaccination is not currently recommended for all elderly, coverage of this vaccine was also higher in this group (22%, 95% CI 16-29). In the majority of patients (influenza vaccine, 98% and pneumococcal vaccine, 94%), vaccination was carried out in general practice. Only 2% of patients had received pneumococcal vaccination in a hospital setting. The level of influenza and pneumococcal vaccination varied with the level of deprivation. Most GPs considered that the responsibility for influenza and pneumococcal vaccination lay with them. Forty-five percent of GPs reported having a written policy with set target for influenza vaccination and 11% for pneumococcal vaccination.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国疫苗管理法》和其他相关法律法规对受种者或其监护人的疫苗和预防接种工作知情提出了要求,对预防接种告知方式和内容作出了规定。本共识以该法和《预防接种工作规范》为基础,借鉴国内外经验,阐述了预防接种知情告知的发展和形式,制定了预防接种知情告知理论框架、标准流程和信息、非免疫规划疫苗知情告知原则以及各疫苗知情同意书格式,为疾病控制和预防保健人员在预防接种服务中参考。本部分共识包括流感病毒疫苗、肺炎球菌疫苗、含b型流感嗜血杆菌成分疫苗、肠道病毒71型灭活疫苗、轮状病毒疫苗、水痘减毒活疫苗、带状疱疹疫苗、人乳头瘤病毒疫苗、人用狂犬病疫苗、肾综合征出血热疫苗、钩端螺旋体疫苗、炭疽疫苗、戊型肝炎疫苗、霍乱疫苗、伤寒疫苗、森林脑炎疫苗预防接种知情告知内容。  相似文献   

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