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目的:分析居民对普惠险购买行为与购买意愿的影响因素。方法:通过问卷及访谈,对宁波市居民购买普惠险的行为、意愿进行调研,并采用二元Logistic回归分析等方法分析购买行为与购买意愿的影响因素。结果:居民对普惠险购买行为与购买意愿的影响因素不尽相同,对普惠险的认知度和接受度影响购买行为与购买意愿,而年龄影响购买行为,学历和家庭年收入则影响购买意愿,完善相关因素可促进形成购买意愿。建议:加大宣传,提高首次购买率;优化定价,提高赔付率;拓展产品责任范围及完善结算方式,增加购买期望值;发挥好政府“引导者”作用,为普惠险发展护航。  相似文献   

普惠险特药目录的制定可根据政府参与程度,分为纯商业运作、政府指导下的商业运作、纯政府承办三种类型.特药遴选应遵循临床价值、药物经济学价值、基金可承担以及城市定制性等原则,并根据投保情况、基金运行情况、与医保目录的紧密性等因素,不断调整普惠险特药目录.整体而言,为促进普惠险特药保障责任,在平衡产品保障效率与可持续性的同时...  相似文献   

目的:厘清我国普惠型商业医疗保险对罕见病用药保障的现状与发展趋势。方法:系统收集2021—2022年全国各省份实施的普惠型商保方案及其特定药品目录,进行定性描述与定量分析。结果:2021—2022年,保障罕见病用药的普惠型商保方案数量有所增加,普惠型商业医疗保险覆盖的罕见病特药数量也有所增加;2022年,更多普惠型商业医疗保险为罕见病特药单独设置了保障水平,该水平低于一般特药保障。结论:普惠型商业医疗保险对罕见病用药的保障不断优化,但罕见病用药保障水平的提高仍需多层次保障体系中各方共同努力。  相似文献   

罕见病,又称“孤儿病”,顾名思义,主要是指较为少见或人群发病率极低的疾病。世界卫生组织(WHO)将“罕见病”定义为患病人群占总人口的0.65‰~1‰之间的疾病或病变。在欧洲,一般发病率低于1/2000,即可认定为罕见病;在美国,发病人数少于20万的疾病,即可认定为罕见病。我阁对罕见病的定义为患病率低于1/5000000,或新生儿发病率低于1/10000。  相似文献   

目的:分析城市普惠型商业医疗保险的保障情况,为完善我国多层次医疗保障体系提供参考。方法:基于118款城市普惠型商业医疗保险产品,对政府参与度、产品定价和报销情况等进行全面分析;选取部分产品从赔付情况、参保率、既往症设定和罕见病保障情况等方面进行对比分析。结果:城市普惠型商业医疗保险产品数据披露不够透明,“补充”保障作用尚未充分发挥,对特殊群体的保障不到位,可持续经营能力存疑。结论:发挥政府作用,完善运营和监督机制;优化产品设计,提高保障水平;控制运行风险,延伸服务链条。  相似文献   

目的分析陕西省某三甲综合医院2015年-2019年罕见病住院病例特征,为开展罕见病研究提供依据。方法根据《第一批罕见病目录》,收集医院2015年-2019年罕见病住院病例资料,进行回顾性分析。结果2015年-2019年医院共收住院罕见病患者1 055例次,占住院患者总例数的0.15%。罕见病病例数男女性别比为1.14:1;不同年龄段病例数分布依次为中年组>青年组>老年组>儿童组;涉及21个疾病系统分类中的10个分类,其中神经系统疾病患者最多;共覆盖42种罕见病,前10位病种人数占患者总数的84.55%,前3位分别为肌萎缩侧索硬化、视神经脊髓炎、重症肌无力;从费用构成来看,前10位病种诊断费及药品费占比普遍较高,少数病种耗材费占比较高。重复住院率前10位的病种中,重复住院率在25%~64%。结论该院罕见病发病年龄跨度大、疾病类型多样、住院费用较高、个体差异较大,具有一定代表性,可为推动陕西省乃至西北地区罕见病研究提供参考。  相似文献   

欧盟在2008年正式从全欧洲的战略层面开展罕见病保障专项工作,已经形成的罕见病相关工作经验,非常值得中国借鉴。通过总结欧盟罕见病概况及孤儿药目录、罕见病组织结构与战略计划、罕见病筹资支付体系和服务提供等情况,分析欧盟罕见病保障体系的优缺点,提出我国开展罕见病保障工作的实施建议,如统一罕见病的合理定义、编码与目录;建立罕见病保障工作的组织架构,制定罕见病国家(地区)计划或政策,优化罕见病服务提供,建立可持续性的罕见病筹资体系,注重罕见病工作的综合全面性和地区差异性,为提高我国罕见病防治工作的保障力度和可持续性提供参考。  相似文献   

罕见病保障是我国社会关注的热点话题。近年来,随着医疗保障体系的不断完善,罕见病保障能力得到提升, 医保目录已纳入多种罕见病用药,但在立法、制度建设等方面仍存在不足,患者治疗负担较重。哥伦比亚通过立法建立了独立于公共医保的“最高预算”基金,对罕见病患者进行保障。文章在构建罕见病政策分析框架的基础上,从“制度目标、制度设计、制度效能”3个层面剖析了哥伦比亚罕见病保障制度,基于保障经验,建议我国从优化登记系统、完善立法体系与探索专项基金保障3个方面完善罕见病保障体系。  相似文献   

目的 分析2007-2017年浙江省24 388例罕见病住院病例特征,为制定罕见病防控策略提供依据。方法 收集2007-2017年浙江省10家三级甲等(三甲)医院罕见病住院病例资料和各年度住院数,进行描述性统计分析。结果 罕见病病例共24 388例,占住院总例数的2.69‰(24 388/9 054 201),病例数居前3位的疾病类型依次为"血液和造血器官疾病以及某些涉及免疫机能的异常"(占32.81%,8 001/24 388)、"先天性畸形、变形和染色体异常"(占24.87%,6 065/24 388)和"神经系统疾病"(占19.01%,4 635/24 388);2007-2017年罕见病病例数呈逐年增长趋势,年均增幅19.69%,而罕见病例数占同期住院总例数比例仅在2016-2017年明显上升,各类型罕见病时间分布呈不同特征;罕见病的病例数男女性别比为1.35:1(13 990/10 398),男女性别比最高的3类疾病依次为"消化系统疾病"(4.45:1,1 180/265)、"损伤、中毒和外因的某些其他后果"(3.51:1,281/80)和"神经系统疾病"(2.26:1,3 213/1 422);各年龄段罕见病类型、各类型罕见病年龄分布均呈不同特征;病例数居前10位的疾病占全部罕见病例数的53.55%(13 060/24 388),其中前3位疾病分别为成人粒细胞缺乏症(14.41%,3 515/24 388)、皮质基底核退化症(7.60%,1 854/24 388)和亨诺克-舍恩莱因紫癜(6.01%,1 466/24 388)。结论 本研究分析的浙江省2007-2017年24 388例罕见病住院病例的特征资料,是推动我国罕见病的研究、监测或登记数据库构建、制定防控策略的参考依据。  相似文献   

目的 建立罕见病诊疗协作网内医疗机构视角下的罕见病诊疗协作评价指标体系,为促进罕见病诊疗协作工作的发展提供指导依据。方法 通过文献研究法选取初始评价指标,然后开展专家咨询完善评价指标,进而采用层次分析法计算各级指标的权重。结果 创建了涵盖制度协作、组织协作、专业协作、服务协作、功能协作和价值规范协作6个维度下的18个二级指标和61个三级指标的评价体系。专家权威系数为0.75。所有指标重要性和可操作性的综合评分均大于3.5分,变异系数均小于0.25。权重最高的一级指标是制度协作(0.242),最低的是价值规范协作(0.063)。结论罕见病诊疗协作指标评价体系具有科学性和可靠性,可为协作网内罕见病诊疗协作机制的完善提供指引。  相似文献   

目的通过了解国外罕见病患者医疗保障现状,为国内罕见病患者医疗保障改进提供借鉴,为完善我国罕见病立法及政策提出初步构想。方法检索2006年-2016年国外关于罕见病患者医疗保障的文献,对文献观点及结论进行统计分析。结果国外对于罕见病患者的医疗保障主要以界定罕见病内涵、提高罕见病药品可及性与医疗保险报销比重等方面作为讨论重点。结论罕见病患者医疗保障在不同国家和地区存在差异,本研究涉及鼓励罕见病科学研究、规范罕见病药物管理、增加罕见病在医疗保险体系中的占有率等若干策略  相似文献   

In Germany, the Federal Committee of Physicians and Health Insurance Agencies is responsible for assessing which medical procedures are covered by the insurance agencies (therapeutic/economic value). The failure to evaluate certain medical procedures which promise therapeutic benefit may be considered a failure in the system of statutory health insurance as decreed by the German Federal Social Court. In cases of system failure the assessment of medical procedures is taken over by social courts. Evidence of therapeutic value will continue to be the decisive criterion of evaluation. In special cases, however, it may be replaced by the particular procedure's rate of incidence in everyday medical practice, as reflected by a widespread resonance in medical discussion and its use by a considerable number of physicians. Medical experts may face various difficulties in handling these alternative criteria. They usually lack reliable data on the frequency of the procedure, i.e. its distribution. Even if such data and data on secondary factors--such as disease incidence etc.--were available to them, they would still not be able to come up with a definite conclusion on the degree (widespread, considerable) of dissemination, as defined by the German Federal Social Court. Nevertheless, on request of statutory health insurances, social medical experts may investigate facts in order to establish basic knowledge for later decisions that are to be done by others. Factual investigation includes clarification of etiology, incidence, importance and natural history of the particular disease processes. Potential deficiencies in the medical services rendered for specific diseases as well as the characteristics of the procedure under scrutiny, and special requirements for evaluating the outcome have to be investigated as well. Additional attention needs to be paid to the quality of related publications (analysis of statistical data), possible recommendations for therapy (e.g. guidelines and their scientific basis), as well as to economic aspects. The result of such an investigation has to be stated without use of court criteria (widespread/considerable).  相似文献   

目的:探究在多层次医疗保障体系视角下,提出优化我国普惠型商业健康补充保险发展路径的措施。方法:通过分析我国普惠型商业健康补充保险发展情况,梳理其产品、保险公司以及第三方管理平台情况;并基于典型地区的实践经验,剖析现存的问题。结果:目前我国普惠型商业健康补充保险正处于"井喷式"发展阶段,然而发展路径尚未成熟,仍旧存在产品服务同质化、基础风险数据缺乏、补充作用不突出的问题。结论:建议我国可采用"三步走"发展模式,优化我国普惠型商业健康补充保险的发展路径。具体可通过协调部门职责,完善配套政策及监管措施,建立医保数据共享机制,以及差异化产品设计的方式进行落实。  相似文献   

医疗保险作为社会保障的重要组成部分,其法律体系建设依然存在立法滞后、层次较低、执法主体不协调、程序不规范和司法救济严重错位等诸多问题。因此,应抓住全面推进依法治国的重要机遇,推动我国医疗保险法律体系的发展与改革。本文在梳理我国医疗保险法律体系发展历程的基础上,提出了立法层次向上集中、加快单项专项立法进程、探索建立个人信用体系和明确并公开司法工作等对策建议,以促进医疗保险法律体系的完善。  相似文献   

STUDY AIMS: (1) To develop indexes measuring the degree of managedness and the covered benefits of health insurance plans, (2) to describe the variation in these indexes among plans in one health insurance market, (3) to assess the validity of the health plan indexes, and (4) to examine the association between patient characteristics and the health plan indexes. Measures of the "managedness" and covered benefits of health plans are requisite for studying the effects of managed care on clinical practice and health system performance, and they may improve people's understanding of our complex health care system. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: As part of our larger Physician Referral Study, we collected health insurance information for 189 insurance product lines and 755 products in the Seattle, Washington metropolitan area, which we linked with the study's data for 2,277 patients recruited in local primary care offices. STUDY DESIGN: Managed care and benefit variables were constructed through content analysis of health plan information. Principal component analysis of the variables produced a managedness index, an in-network benefits index, and an out-of-network benefits index. Bivariable analyses examined associations between patient characteristics and the three indexes. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: From the managed care variables, we constructed three provider-oriented indexes for the financial, utilization management, and network domains of health plans. From these, we constructed a single managedness index, which correlated as expected with the individual measures, with the domain indexes, with plan type (FFS, PPO, POS, HMO), with independent assessments of local experts, and with patients' attitudes about their health insurance. For benefits, we constructed an in-network benefits index and an out-of-network benefits index, which were correlated with the managedness index. The personal characteristics of study patients were associated with the managed care and benefit indexes. Study patients in more managed plans reported somewhat better health than patients in less managed plans. CONCLUSIONS: Indexes of the managedness and benefits of health plans can be constructed from publicly available information. The managedness and benefit indexes are associated with the personal characteristics and health status of study patients. Potential uses of the managed care and benefits indexes are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 对2014年成都市不同级别医院不同病种的费用、治疗效果等方面进行综合评价,为分级诊疗下各级别医院的病种难易程度定位及病人就医流向提供数据支持。 方法 利用因子分析法构建不同级别医院不同病种的指标评价体系,得到相应得分及排序。 结果 在保证医疗质量与安全的前提下,各级别医院的优势病种显示出显著不同。 结论 不同级别医院应探索质效评价排名靠前的病种,明确医院定位,医保政策制定者应以病种分级管理为基础,制定差别化支付政策,从而引导病人理性就医。  相似文献   

The workplace is a powerful setting to reach large numbers of at-risk adults with effective chronic disease prevention programs. Missed preventive care is a particular problem for workers with low income and no health insurance. The costs of chronic diseases among workers — including health care costs, productivity losses, and employee turnover — have prompted employers to seek health promotion interventions that are both effective and cost-effective. The workplace offers 4 avenues for delivering preventive interventions: health insurance, workplace policies, health promotion programs, and communications. For each of the avenues, the evidence base describes a number of preventive interventions that are applicable to the workplace. On the basis of the evidence and of our work in Washington State, we present a public health approach to preventing chronic diseases via the workplace. In addition to relying on the evidence, this approach makes a compelling business case for preventive interventions to employers.  相似文献   

The treatment of patients with rare diseases is a challenge for all those involved, since it frequently requires decisions on the basis of uncertainty. Uncertainty is of particular importance for the risk/benefit assessment of therapeutic interventions which "normally" imposes extensive requirements on the quality of evidence through explicit specifications. These requirements concern the assessment of potential benefit within the framework of statutory health insurance as well as the proof of efficacy and safety within the framework of pharmaceutical law. As a consequence drugs prescribed to patients with rare diseases are often applied outside approved indications, with immediate effects regarding reimbursement and drug safety. Another concern is that patients with rare diseases may be deprived of potential therapies as the requirements for clinical evidence are not fulfilled because of the rareness of the disease. The Federal Social Court takes this into consideration, but at the same time imposes strict requirements for the proof of efficacy. In contrast, the procedure of the Federal Joint Committee appears more adequate for the special requirements of rare diseases. Using some decisions of the Federal Social Court and of the Federal Court of Justice as examples, it is discussed how the uncertainty associated with the treatment of patients with rare diseases is dealt with and how this might be improved are discussed.  相似文献   

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