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通过问卷调查及斑贴试验对常见环境接触因素在48例手部皮炎患者发病中的作用进行了研究。结果确诊接触性皮炎7例(14.6%),其中5例为职业性接触性皮炎;其余41例为可疑接触性皮炎。手部皮炎患者斑贴阳性率偏低(51%);洗涤剂引起或加重患者病情的占41.7%。水引起或加重患者病情的占39.6%;说明刺激因素在手部皮炎中也很重要。可疑接触性皮炎患者斑贴阳性率为46.3%,接触过敏因素在这部分患者发病中的作用仍不能忽视。明确斑贴试验阳性结果与疾病的联系是进一步必须研究的课题。  相似文献   

镍接触性皮炎的斑贴试验及其组织病理学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 探讨斑贴试验在金属过敏等环境与职业性皮炎中的诊断价值,了解镍接触性皮炎的组织病理学特征。方法 应用欧洲标准抗原系列斑贴试验检测110例疑诊为接触性皮炎患者,并对13例硫酸镍(5%)斑贴试验不同时段阳性反应皮肤进行活检。结果 39例接触性皮炎患者对硫酸镍敏感(占35.5%),其中阳性反应皮肤组织学特征为:24h时表皮轻度海绵变性和灶状空泡变性,少许嗜酸性粒细胞外渗;48-72h时表皮和真皮炎症达高峰,主要是CD45RO^ T细胞和CD68^ 巨噬细胞分布于炎症表皮及真皮血管周围。916h-5d时表皮轻度增生,不同细胞成分参与修复过程。结论 硫酸镍是引起湿疹皮炎类疾病的主要接触变应原,镍皮炎病理学改变符合变应性接触性皮炎的特征。  相似文献   

80例皮炎湿疹患者斑贴试验观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皮炎湿疹病因不易确定,许多皮炎湿疹是接触了各种外界因素,特别是对各种化学物质过敏所致,即所谓的变态反应性接触性皮炎.斑贴试验是确定化学性致敏原一个较为简单可靠的方法.我们观察了80例皮炎湿疹患者斑贴试验结果,报告如下.  相似文献   

187例湿疹、接触性皮炎等医务人员患者斑贴试验结果分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨湖南地区医务人员湿疹、接触性皮炎等皮肤病的致敏因素。方法 对长沙市部分医院及湖南省部分地区医院患该种皮肤病的工作人员进行斑贴试验。结果 187例患者对1种或1种以上变应原呈阳性反应者共122例,阳性率65.2%,其中湿疹患者斑试阳性55/102(53.9%),接触性皮炎患者斑试阳性41/57(71.9%)。结论 湿疹皮炎患病与环境、职业有关,医务人员应加强在工作中的自我防护,防止湿疹皮炎的发生。  相似文献   

深圳市宝安地区151例斑贴试验结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析与研究深圳市宝安区接触性皮炎和湿疹患者主要的接触性致敏原及其特点。方法用瑞敏牌斑贴试验试剂对确诊为皮炎和湿疹的患者做斑贴试验。结果 151例患者中阳性者100例,阳性率66.22%。结论斑贴试验有助于明确慢性湿疹和皮炎患者的接触性致敏原及其性质,对临床治疗有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

面部接触性皮炎的病因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面部接触性皮炎的病因分析广东省珠海市人民医院皮肤科(香洲康宁路,519000)黄惠新接触性皮炎在职业性皮炎中占有一定比例,斑贴试验是公认的鉴定接触性皮炎致敏原的方法。为了解本地区面部接触性皮炎的常见病因,我们对门诊76例面部接触性皮炎患者进行了斑贴试...  相似文献   

接触性皮炎及湿疹斑贴试验结果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 通过斑贴试验能较为准确地确定皮炎湿疹类疾病的致病因素。提供正确的防治方法。方法 随机选择门诊接触性皮炎和湿疹患者126例进行斑贴试验。结果 对斑贴试验所用抗原出现1种阳笥反应者81例(78.6%),2种以上阳性者35例(33.9%)。接触性皮炎与湿疹均可由不同种类的过原引起,差异有非常显著性(X^2=187.35,P〈0.01,X^2=137.75,P〈0.01)。结论 接触性皮炎与湿疹具有  相似文献   

[目的]通过斑贴试验能较为准确地确定皮炎湿疹类疾病的致病因素,提供正确的防治方法.[方法]随机选择门诊接触性皮炎和湿疹患者126例进行斑贴试验.[结果] 对斑贴试验所用抗原出现1种阳性反应者81例(78.6%),2种以上阳性者35例(33.9%).接触性皮炎与湿疹均可由不同种类的过敏原引起,差异有非常显著性(χ2=187.35 ,P<0.01;χ2=137.75,P<0.01).[结论]接触性皮炎与湿疹具有各自不同的常见致敏原,与地区及从事的职业有直接关系.  相似文献   

胡凯 《中国校医》2023,37(1):25-28
目的 分析探讨某高校大学生常见面部皮炎发病情况与相关影响因素。方法 参与研究的面部皮炎患者以体格检查和调查问卷方式获得详细病史,部分患者行斑贴试验。结果 入选病例174人,男女比例为1∶4.44,平均年龄(20±19.22)岁。分类诊断为接触性皮炎(29.9%)、激素依赖性皮炎(21.3%)、特应性皮炎(12.1%)、季节性皮炎(14.4%)、脂溢性皮炎(8.0%)、日光性皮炎(4.6%)、其他类型皮炎(9.8%)。其中激素依赖性皮炎、特应性皮炎患者性别分布与总样本的比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=10.590,P=0.001;χ2=6.178,P=0.030)。患者皮肤油型最多(42.2%),皮损以红斑丘疹为主(87.1%),瘙痒症状最明显(84.2%)。睡眠时间、心理因素与面部皮炎的发病无关(P均>0.05)。斑贴试验总阳性率为72.4%,性别间阳性率差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.882,P=0.089)。十二醇硫酸钠(20.09%)、脂肪酸硫酸钠(18.13%)、香料混合物(11.85%)是最常见的变应原。结论 某...  相似文献   

为探讨桃红生产过程中工人患接触性皮炎的病因,对同一车间136个职工进行皮肤科检查。结果检出接触性皮炎患者56名(41%)。男女发病无差异,发病与工作时间长短无差异。密切接触可疑致病物质者68人,发病36人(64%)。对5种物质进行斑贴试验,结果冰醋酸阳性串者最高(33.33%),认为该物质是造成接触性皮炎的致病物质。皮炎好发于面部、额部、眼周暴露的部位,可能与接触车间空气中有害物质有关。作者提出了预防和治理措施。  相似文献   

Over the past 60 years, dose-response patch test studies by various methods have been conducted in an attempt to identify the minimum elicitation threshold (MET) concentration of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) that produces an allergic response in Cr(VI) sensitive subjects. These data are not adequate, however, to provide an accurate estimate of the MET because of the variability in the patch testing techniques and the variability in diagnostic criteria used. Furthermore, the data were not reported in terms of mass of allergen per surface area of skin (mg Cr/cm2-skin), which is necessary for conducting occupational or environmental health risk assessments. Thus the purpose of this study was to determine the MET (mg allergen/cm2) for Cr(VI) and trivalent chromium (Cr(III)) by patch testing techniques. A patch test method that delivers a controlled amount of allergen per surface area of skin was used. A group of 54 Cr(VI) sensitised volunteers were patch tested with serial dilutions of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) to determine the cumulative response rate at several concentrations. The results indicate that the 10% MET for Cr(VI) based on the cumulative response was 0.089 micrograms Cr(VI)/cm2-skin. Only one of the 54 volunteers may have responded to 33 micrograms Cr(III)/cm2-skin, otherwise Cr(III) was unable to produce allergic contact dermatitis in these highly sensitive volunteers. Two supplemental studies were also conducted to assess whether the surface area of the patch and the concentration of Cr(VI) in the patch (related to patch thickness) were likely to influence the results. The data from these studies were used to assess the risk of developing allergic contact dermatitis due to contact with Cr(VI) and Cr(III) in soil. The findings indicated that soil concentrations at least as high as 450 ppm Cr(VI) and 165,000 ppm Cr(III) should not pose an allergic contact dermatitis hazard for at least 99.99% of the people in the community who might be exposed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Paper mill workers have frequent and prolonged exposure to skin irritants and allergens and may have a higher risk of developing occupational dermatitis. Aims The aim of this study was to determine the extent of skin problems in a paper mill and how much was attributable to contact with allergens. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 80 paper mill workers having daily exposure to skin irritants and allergens. They all completed a questionnaire, underwent a standard interview and physical examination. Workers whose history indicated possible contact allergy were patch tested and prick tested. RESULTS: Workers reported a high exposure to skin irritants, especially when carrying out tasks that caused the hands and feet to become wet from perspiration and having contact with process water. Atopic dermatitis was seen in 3% of the workers. Contact dermatitis was seen in 26% of the workers and 36% were diagnosed with mycosis of the feet. All cases of contact dermatitis and mycosis could be attributed to occupational exposure to skin irritants. No cases of relevant contact allergy were seen. CONCLUSION: Occupational dermatitis in paper mills is primarily related to the exposure to skin irritants. Occupational physicians should be aware of the risk of occupational dermatitis in paper mill workers.  相似文献   

目的:探讨面部皮炎的致敏原及其特点。方法:采用欧洲标准筛选变应原对62例面部皮炎患者进行斑贴试验。结果:列前10位的常见致敏原分别是芳香混合物,对苯二胺、重铬酸钾、松香、硫酸镍。结论:斑贴试验是面部皮炎患者寻找致敏原的有效方法。  相似文献   

The electronics industry is becoming an important mainstream in the workforce in some developed countries and in Taiwan. Among patients with occupational hand dermatitis in northern Taiwan, workers from electronics industries were one of the most important groups. We conducted a field investigation to determine the prevalence, patterns and risk factors of occupational hand dermatoses among electronics workers. The survey was conducted in five electronics plants using a self-administered questionnaire on skin symptoms and risk factors. Skin examination and patch testing were followed for those with symptoms compatible with hand dermatitis. A total of 3070 workers completed the questionnaire. Among them, 302 (9.8%) reported to have symptoms (itching and with either redness/scaling) compatible with contact dermatitis on hands. Hand dermatitis was associated with working in the fabrication unit and personal history of atopy and metal allergy, as well as the following job titles: wafer bonding, cutting, printing/photomasking, softening/degluing, impregnation and tin plating. Among those with reported hand dermatitis, 183 completed skin examination and patch testing, 65/183 (35.5%) were diagnosed as having irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) and 7/183 (3.8%) allergic contact dermatitis. The most important allergens were nickel, cobalt and phenylenediamine. In conclusion, Taiwanese electronics workers have a high risk of having hand dermatitis, especially ICD. Preventive efforts should be focused on the workers with risk factors or at certain worksites.  相似文献   

目的:应用精细化分级对肿瘤患者PICC置管处及其周围皮肤的接触性皮炎实施护理并评价其效果。方法:选取2012-2014年留置PICC管并在中山大学肿瘤防治中心放疗三区住院的患者326例,运用精细化分级护理处理PICC置管处及其周围皮肤接触性皮炎,并记录护理效果。结果:326例患者中74例发生接触性皮炎,发生率为22.7%。其中接触性皮炎为1级50例,2级21例,〉2级有3例,分别占接触性皮炎的67.6%、28.4%、4.1%;启用精细化分级护理,1级接触性皮炎2~4 d皮疹消退,2级7 d内皮疹消退,无复发,〉2级7~14 d皮疹消退,无复发。结论:精细化分级护理防止接触性皮炎进一步加重,促进已发生的接触性皮炎尽早痊愈,值得在临床推广。  相似文献   

目的探讨溧水地区常见变应原种类,以更好地预防和治疗过敏性皮肤病。方法应用"瑞敏"牌斑贴试剂盒对180例(面部皮炎106例,手部湿疹47例,外阴湿疹27例)过敏性皮肤病患者进行皮肤斑贴试验,并以36例健康者为对照。结果过敏组斑贴试验阳性率74.44%,高于对照组(2.78%)(χ2=66.58,P0.01),3组病例间差别无统计学意义。常见过敏原依次为硫酸镍(23.89%)、卡巴混合物(20.00%)、芳香混合物(19.44%)、重铬酸钾(17.22%)、对苯二胺基质(13.89%);3组病例中均有超过半数的病例存在2种及以上的阳性变应原;男女性患者斑贴试验阳性率差异有统计学意义的变应原,分别为卡巴混合物(33.33%,13.82%)、芳香混合物(12.28%,22.76%)。结论硫酸镍、卡巴混合物、芳香混合物、重铬酸钾、对苯二胺基质是引起溧水地区皮炎湿疹类患者的主要变应原。  相似文献   

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