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目的 探讨长期低剂量慢性辐射对特殊环境工作人员口腔健康的影响,客观分析其口腔健康状况,为进一步提高防护能力提供依据.方法 XD-685分析仪采用离子选择性电极外标法来测量唾液中K+、Na+、Ca2+等离子浓度.利用FoxPro 6.0软件建立数据库,SPSS 16.0软件进行统计分析.结果 唾液K+平均浓度为17.33±2.56 mmol/L,唾液Na+平均浓度为3.10±1.08 mmol/L,唾液Ca2+平均浓度为0.51±0.18 mmol/L.结论 长期小剂量慢性电离辐射打破机体生理平衡,唾液钾、钠与钙离子浓度发生改变,有必要做好特殊环境工作人员口腔健康监护,提高个体防护意识,加强放射监测与防护措施,完善各项规章制度,减少电离辐射对特殊环境工作人员健康损害.  相似文献   

目的 为了探讨长期低剂量慢性电离辐射对特殊环境工作人员口腔健康的影响,客观分析特殊环境工作人员的口腔健康状况,为进一步提高防护能力提供依据。方法 此次检测采用常规硫脲新试剂探针测定法,其是基于N-戊基-N-(对氨基苯磺酸钠)硫脲(APT)与HSA相互作用引起H SA的同步荧光发生特异性变化,且体系的同步荧光强度和溶液中HSA的浓度呈良好的线性关系,建立了以APT为分子探针,运用固定波长同步荧光光谱分析测定唾液总蛋白、白蛋白、球蛋白含量的方法。获得数据利用FoxPro6.0软件建立数据库,SPSS16.0软件进行统计分析。结果 总蛋白(Total Protein)平均浓度为(3.904±1.369)g/L,其最小浓度为0.30 g/L,最大浓度为7.50g/L;白蛋白(Albumin)平均浓度为(0.965±0.665)g/L,其最小浓度为0.09 g/L,最大浓度为3.98g/L;球蛋白(Globulin)平均浓度为(2.895±0.947)g/L,其最小浓度为0.01g/L,最大浓度为5.81g/L。白蛋白与球蛋白(A/G)平均比值为0.327。结论 长期小剂量慢性电离辐射打破机体生理平衡,TP、ALB和GLO浓度发生明显改变,对特殊环境工作人员的健康影响不容忽视,有必要做好特殊环境工作人员口腔健康的监护,提高个体防护意识,加强放射监测与防护措施,完善各项规章制度,切实减少电离辐射对特殊环境工作人员健康损害。  相似文献   

史晓红 《现代保健》2011,(10):97-98
目的 探讨手术室工作环境对工作人员的职业危害及防护.方法 通过工作观察认识到手术室工作人员长期在受有害气体污染、生物性危害、噪音污染、电离辐射、身体疲劳与心理危害的环境中工作,针对性地采用了加强室内空气流通,避免意外损伤及疾病感染、减少噪音、避免电离辐射、防止身心疲劳等一系列防护对策.结果 增强了手术室工作人员的自身保护意识,对人们的健康素质有了很大提高,并在工作中得到了很好的认定.结论 减少或消除造成职业危害的各种因素是防护措施的关键.  相似文献   

目的:探讨手术室工作环境对工作人员的职业危害及防护措施。 方法:通过临床观察和分析,认识到手术室工作人员长期工作在 受空气污染、生物感染,电离辐射、心理危害的环境中,采用了加强 室内空气流通,避免生物感染、避免电离辐射、防止身体疲劳等一系 列防范措施。 结果:增强了手术室工作人员的自身保护意识,对人们的健康素 质有了很大提高,减少了环境污染。 结论:减少或消除造成职业危害的各种因素是防范措施的关键。  相似文献   

200例放射工作人员外周血淋巴细胞畸变率及微核率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭瑾 《河南预防医学杂志》2010,21(5):389-389,393
目的探讨低剂量电离辐射对外周血淋巴细胞染色体等方面的改变,为采取有效措施,保护放射工作者健康提供依据。方法采用微量全血培养法。结果放射组工作人员淋巴细胞微核率、染色体畸变率均显著高于对照组。结论低剂量电离辐射对放射工作人员细胞遗传学造成一定损伤,放射防护工作中必须重视减少电离辐射剂量。  相似文献   

刘春香 《现代保健》2011,(28):76-77
目的探讨手术室工作环境对工作人员的职业危害及防护措施。方法通过对手术室环境的评估及分析认为,手术室工作存在空气污染、生物感染、电离辐射等,是一个职业危害较为严重的工作场所之一。结果通过加强手术室工作人员自身保护意识的培训,同时采用加强室内空气流通,避免生物感染、避免电离辐射、防止身体疲劳等一系列防范措施,降低了环境污染,降低手术室护士的职业危害,使工作人员健康素质有了很大提高。结论减少或消除造成职业危害的各种因素,加强工作人员防护意识是降低职业危害的关键。  相似文献   

电离辐射对人体的损伤效应包括血液系统、免疫系统等方面,随着科学技术的发展,低剂量电离辐射对人体生物效应越来越受到人们的关注。为了解长期低剂量电离辐射对人体健康产生的影响,国内外学者做了大量的调查和研究工作。有资料表明长期低剂量电离辐射有可能对放射工作人员的健康产生一定的影响。所以,只有加强射线防护工作,普及放射防护知识,不断强化放射工作人员的自我防护意识及健康体检意识,才能有效地保护放射工作人员的身体健康,有效预防放射性疾病的发生。  相似文献   

目的研究探索职业性慢性小剂量照射对人体健康的危害,为保障沧州市放射工作人员的健康提供科学依据。方法采用外周血淋巴细胞常规培养法,利用χ2检验分别对放射工作人员进行染色体畸变与微核率的统计学分析。结果放射工作人员染色体畸变率与微核率和对照组相比,放射组明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.01);并且微核率有随放射工龄增加而增加的趋势,差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论长期小剂量电离辐射对放射工作人员的健康具有损伤效应,因此培训防护知识,改善工作环境,提供防护措施是一项非常艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

目的 研究长期小剂量电离辐射对放射工作人员健康影响,为放射人员的卫生防护工作提供依据。方法 对全市医用X射线诊断放射工作人员进行了外周血淋巴细胞染色体畸变率与微核率的检查。结果 染色体畸变率和微核率放射人员与对照组两组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 说明长期低剂量照射对人体有一定影响,应进一步提高放射工作人员的防护意识,改善放射防护工作条件,减少电离辐射接触剂量,使放射工作人员的受照剂量及放射损伤减少到最低限度。  相似文献   

消毒供应室工作人员应明确职业危害,增强自身防护意识,制定安全防护措施,加大防护力度,以达到减少危害,保护健康的目的. 1 常见的职业危害 1.1 物理性损伤 工作人员长期处于高温高湿及噪音的环境中,对神经系统及心血管系统造成一定的影响.  相似文献   

张占江 《职业与健康》2010,26(17):1994-1995
医疗照射是不断增加的最大人工电离辐射来源,加强医疗照射防护已成为国际放射防护领域新进展的突出特点。加强医疗照射防护知识的教育及增强临床医生的责任意识,严格执行标准,通过加强一些相应环节的措施,能有效减少对医疗照射工作人员、患者、公众等造成危害,提高医疗诊断质量和放射治疗水平。  相似文献   

目的 分析放射工作者外周血象、淋巴细胞微核及染色体畸变情况,为放射工作者职业防护和健康监测提供依据。方法 对2015年、2017年和2019年连续3次接受健康检查的127名放射工作者进行淋巴细胞微核、染色体及血象分析,将其设为放射组。另外选取133名无射线接触史的医务人员设为对照组;结果 放射组中淋巴细胞微核率和染色体畸变率高于对照组,白细胞和血小板计数低于对照组,均具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。127名放射工作者外周血白细胞总数随着接触电离辐射时间的增长逐渐降低,染色体畸变率逐渐增加,均具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。损害工龄大于20年的放射工作者染色体畸变率高于低工龄组,不同损害工龄之间比较无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。核医学与介入治疗工种染色体畸变率高于其他工种,具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。结论 长时间接触低剂量电离辐射可使放射工作者白细胞总数降低和淋巴细胞染色体畸变率增加,应加强放射工作者防护措施以备降低电离辐射损伤程度,特别要加强核医学和介入治疗放射工作人员的职业防护。  相似文献   

随着核能的发展及电离辐射的广泛应用,接触低剂量电离辐射的职业人群和公众越来越多,低剂量电离辐射接触对人群健康效应包括致癌、非致癌等研究成为公共卫生领域研究的热点。低剂量电离辐射引起的各种生物效应主要取决于辐射的物理性质、接触时间、剂量和剂量率等。目前关于低剂量电离辐射长期接触对人群的健康效应研究结论尚无一致共识。本文就国内外关于低剂量电离辐射长期接触的健康效应研究进行回顾,为低剂量电离辐射长期接触人群的健康效应、影响机制及防护策略研究等提供科学基础。  相似文献   

Despite much research over the last few decades, there still remains considerable uncertainty as to the genetic impact of ionizing radiation on human populations, particularly at low levels. The aim of the present study was to provide data on the genetic hazards due to occupational exposure of low doses of ionizing radiation in nuclear medicine departments. The assessment of primary DNA damage in peripheral blood leukocytes of medical staff was performed using the alkaline comet assay and the data obtained were compared with the results of conventional cytogenetic biodosimetry using the chromosome aberration (CA) test. Altogether 120 subjects (60 exposed and 60 controls) participated in the study. Statistically significant increases in primary DNA damage and increased frequencies of CAs compared to controls were observed. Within the exposed population, significant inter-individual differences in DNA damage were found, indicating differences in genome sensitivity. Age and gender were not confounding factors, while smoking enhanced the levels of primary DNA damage only in control subjects, as revealed by both biomarkers studied. The present study suggests that genotoxic damage results from exposure to chronic low doses of ionizing radiation in nuclear medicine departments. Therefore, the exposed medical personnel should carefully comply with the radiation protection procedures and should minimize radiation exposure where possible to avoid potential genotoxic effects. The results obtained in this study point to the significance of biological indicators providing information on the actual risk to the radiation exposed individuals. According to our results, the alkaline comet assay and CA test are sensitive biomarkers that can be used as additional complements to physical dosimetry for assessing exposure to radiation in nuclear medicine personnel.  相似文献   

目的:调查研究在仿真排粪造影检查中受检者接受电离辐射的剂量。方法:使用美国GE公司产RXI型数字胃肠机上实施仿真排粪造影时,用热释光剂量计,TLD材质为LiF(Mg、Cu、P)测定、分析50例消化道出口梗阻型便秘患者仿真排粪造影过程中透视、点片时X射线皮肤入射处及靶器官(直肠)的辐射剂量。结果:成功记录了50例便秘患者仿真排粪造影透视、点片X射线曝光全过程,统计分析受检者的辐射剂量。结论:仿真排粪造影受检者接受的辐射剂量及个体差异均较大,需谨慎应用;仿真排粪造影技术应用的防护最优化管理有可研究改进之处。  相似文献   

The present concept of radiation protection emphasizes the protection of man against ionizing radiation from manmade sources. But the overwhelming radiation exposure in a given population results from the natural radiation environment (NRE) and the use of radiation in medicine, while less than 2% of the total dose is due to occupational exposure, fallout, releases from nuclear industries, etc. Nevertheless, ICRP recommendations do not apply to, or include, "normal" NRE exposure, nor do they deal with medical exposure of patients by applying risk/benefit considerations. The increasing problems associated with various types of NRE exposures (recycling of waste materials, energy-efficient dwellings) and the continuously increasing use of ionizing radiation in medical practices (x-ray and nuclear diagnostic examinations) require a revision of the present radiation protection concept. In this paper suggestions are made concerning the applicability of a unified concept for controlling all sources of ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

The effects of radiation on biological systems have been studied for many years, and it is now accepted that direct damage to DNA from radiation is the triggering event leading to biological effects. In the present study, DNA damage induced by acute or chronic irradiation was compared at the cellular (zebrafish [Danio rerio] cell line ZF4) and developmental (embryo) levels. Zebrafish ZF4 cells and embryos (at 3 h postfertilization) were exposed within ranges of acute doses (0.3-2 Gy/d) or chronic dose rates (0.1-0.75 Gy/d). DNA damage was assessed by immunodetection of γ-H2AX and DNA-PK (DNA double-strand breaks) and the alkaline comet assay (DNA single-strand breaks). Zebrafish embryo development and DNA damage were examined after 120 h. At low doses, chronic irradiation induced more residual DNA damage than acute irradiation, but embryo development was normal. From 0.3 Gy, a hyper-radiosensitivity phenomenon compared to other species was shown for acute exposure with an increase of DNA damage, an impairment of hatching success, and larvae abnormalities. These results suggest a dose-dependent correlation between unrepaired DNA damage and abnormalities in embryo development, supporting the use of DNA repair proteins as predictive biomarkers of ionizing radiation exposure. This could have important implications for environmental protection.  相似文献   

电离辐射引起的出血,涉及原因多,机制较复杂,救治困难;出血更是电离辐射后患者死亡的主要原因之一。本文从血小板异常、凝血障碍、血管受损等方面,综述了电离辐射出血综合征的病理生理机制;从出血程度、出血时间、出血部位等方面,阐述了电离辐射出血综合征的临床特点;结合实验研究结果,提出了治疗电离辐射出血综合征的思路与可能途径,关键因素是尽快促进巨核细胞的恢复和快速产生血小板。  相似文献   

目的:对多层螺旋CT电离辐射进行评价,提出合理化防护措施建议,保障各类人员的健康与安全。方法:采用相关的放射卫生规范规定的方法,对多层螺旋CT电离辐射的特性、剂量、危害等进行总结归纳。结果:在人类接受到的电离辐射中,医疗辐射占48%,而CT的辐射剂量占所有医疗辐射的49%,CT辐射致癌的可能性比以往认为的可能性更大。结论:通过各种安全防护功能和扫描模式降低辐射剂量,重视合理化防护措施,同时更重视过量使用CT的风险。  相似文献   

The outcome of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (CNPP) accident was that a huge number of people were exposed to ionizing radiation. Previous studies of CNPP clean-up workers from Latvia revealed a high occurrence of age-associated degenerative diseases and cancer in young adults, as well as a high mortality as a result of cardiovascular disorders at age 45–54 years. DNA tandem repeats that cap chromosome ends, known as telomeres, are sensitive to oxidative damage and exposure to ionizing radiation. Telomeres are important in aging processes and carcinogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the long-term effect of protracted ionizing radiation exposure on telomere length in CNPP clean-up workers. Relative telomere length (RTL) was measured in peripheral blood leukocytes of 595 CNPP clean-up workers and 236 gender- and age-matched controls using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR). Close attention was paid to participation year and tasks performed during the worker''s stay in Chernobyl, health status, and RTL differences between subgroups. Telomere shortening was not found in CNPP clean-up workers; on the contrary, their RTL was slightly greater than in controls (P = 0.001). Longer telomeres were found in people who worked during 1986, in those undertaking ‘dirty’ tasks (digging and deactivation), and in people with cancer. Shorter telomeres appeared frequently in those with cataract, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, or coronary heart disease. We conclude that the longer telomeres revealed in people more heavily exposed to ionizing radiation probably indicate activation of telomerase as a chromosome healing mechanism following damage, and reflect defects in telomerase regulation that could potentiate carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

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