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鼻中隔软骨游离移植矫正鼻尖圆钝肥大   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨以自体鼻中隔软骨移植在鼻尖圆钝螯形术中的应用.方法 取1整块自体鼻中隔软骨片,移植于鼻中隔软骨前端,作为鼻中隔延伸支架,将两侧鼻翼软骨收拢缝合固定于支架上.同时,剪除部分外侧脚近端软骨,修剪鼻尖过多的软组织,以突出鼻尖轮廓.结果 126例,术后随访1年,118例(94%)效果满意,8例因鼻尖皮肤过厚,效果未达到患者满意程度.结论 临床实践证明,所介绍的方法 是治疗鼻尖圆钝肥大的良好可行方法.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用鼻中隔软骨行鼻尖塑形,并联合采用自体真皮组织隆鼻的临床疗效。方法本组36例求美者均采用鼻小柱开放式切口,应用自体鼻中隔软骨,根据需要做鼻小柱支撑物、鼻尖移植物或鼻中隔延伸移植物;于臀下皱襞处取真皮组织瓣,去除表皮及皮下脂肪,切开真皮,缝合成多层置于鼻背筋膜下,妥善固定。结果36例求美者术后无切口感染裂开及软骨外露,鼻外形自然饱满,鼻尖表现点明显,侧面观弧线圆润。术后随访3个月至2年,切口无明显瘢痕增生,鼻外形无显著变化,效果满意。结论鼻中隔软骨联合自体真皮组织移植是综合鼻整形中的有效方法,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

改良自体软骨移植矫正鼻尖塌陷   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
陈勇  陈守正  袁磊 《中国美容医学》2005,14(2):184-185,i006
目的:改良的自体软骨塑形移植矫正鼻尖塌陷畸形。方法:取右侧第7肋软骨或鼻中膈软骨、耳廓软骨,自体肋软骨(同时进行鼻背充填)塑形成柳叶形假体、鼻小柱支架和“子弹头”状软骨块、或鼻中隔软骨修戍鼻小拄支架、耳廓软骨塑形戍“子弹头”状充填鼻尖矫正鼻尖塌陷畸形。结果:应用自体软骨塑形后组合移植填充治疗鼻尖塌陷7例,取得良好效果,随访1年,无不良反应。结论:通过对自体软骨改良塑形进行移植是一种矫正鼻尖塌陷的良好方法。  相似文献   

Correction of a short nose has been regarded as one of the most challenging and at times vexing procedures in rhinoplasty. One surgical option used to prolong nasal length is the freeing of the alar cartilages from adjacent structures by dividing the nasal tip supporting tissues. Five fibrous connections are known to be important in maintaining the nasal tip shape: fibrous tissues between the upper lateral and lower lateral cartilages; the lateral border of the lower lateral cartilages at the pyriform aperture; the interdormal ligament and anterior septal angle; the footplate of the medial crus and septal cartilage; and the dermocartilaginous ligament. This study was designed to determine which of the fibrous connections providing nasal tip support offer the most effect of lengthening when these structures are divided. We performed 10 open rhinoplasties on fresh cadavers, and we sequentially divided the previously mentioned tip-supporting structures, except the dermocartilaginous ligament. The mucoperichondrium of the upper lateral and septal cartilages was also elevated, in accordance with the usual order of being released in a short-nose correction procedure. We measured the distance between the anterior septal angle and tip-defining points by using calipers while the middle crura of the lower lateral cartilages were stretched with a skin hook. We found that the most effective length was gained by severing the lateral crus from the upper lateral cartilages, and moderate gain was noted from the release at the pyriform aperture and mucoperichondrium of the upper lateral cartilage. Release of other tip-defining structures was not statistically effective.  相似文献   

自体鼻中隔软骨移植在鼻尖成形术中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨自体鼻中隔软骨移植在鼻尖成形术中的应用。方法在双侧眶下神经阻滞麻醉下,采用“飞鸟形”切口显露鼻尖部。充分游离鼻翼软骨,切取2cm×1cm的鼻中隔软骨备用。将鼻中隔软骨切取1条移植于鼻翼软骨内侧脚之间,相互缝合后延长鼻小柱并抬高鼻尖。将剩余的鼻中隔软骨修剪塑形后,移植于鼻尖和鼻翼软骨表面。结果15例患者中,13例经3个月至1年半的初步随访,鼻尖形态均有不同程度的改善,效果满意。结论自体鼻中隔软骨是鼻尖成形术中较好的充填材料,没有排斥反应,值得进一步推广。  相似文献   

Successful rhinoplasty depends on nasal tip support and its influence on nasal tip projection. It is generally agreed that the components of nasal tip support include the attachment between the upper and lower lateral cartilages, the attachment between the lateral crus of the lower lateral cartilage and the pyriform aperture, the attachment between the paired domes of the lower lateral cartilages, and the medial crural attachment to the caudal septum. However, these structures are still not clearly determined, and there was no anatomic study of nasal tip supporting structures in Asia. The purpose of this study was to determine the nasal tip supporting structures and find out the differences in these structures between white and Asian people. Ten noses of fresh cadavers were investigated. Dissection was performed and the previously mentioned nasal tip supporting structures were observed and excised. Histologic examination was done with hematoxylin and eosin stain and Van Gieson elastin stain. Macroscopic study showed that there were dense fibrous tissue between the upper and lower lateral cartilages, dense fibrous tissue and sesamoid cartilages between the lateral crus and the pyriform aperture, loose connective tissue between the paired domes of lower lateral cartilages, and no identified specific tissue between the medial crus and the caudal septum. Microscopic investigation allowed a more detailed analysis of these structures. Between the upper and lower lateral cartilages, dense collagen fibers were running in one direction and anchoring firmly to each cartilage, which meets the histologic criteria of a ligament. Between the lateral crus and the pyriform aperture, there were intermingled collagen fibers and muscular fibers, which meets the histologic criteria of fibromuscular tissue. Between the paired domes of lower lateral cartilages, there were few fibers with abundant amorphous ground substances, which meets the histologic criteria of loose connective tissue. Based on our results, we recommend that the previously mentioned nasal tip supporting structures should be named intercartilaginous ligament, sesamoid fibromuscular tissue, and interdomal loose connective tissue, respectively. In addition, we consider that the loose connection between the domes of middle crura and the absence of an attachment of the medial crura to the caudal septum can be one of the reasons why the nasal tip of Asian people is broad and unprojected and the base is wide.  相似文献   

耳软骨整体再造鼻侧软骨的可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:以耳软骨为供区,探索整体再造鼻侧软骨的方法。方法:20具(40侧)尸体标本,取下耳软骨40枚,鼻侧软骨40枚。CT扫描后重建三维图像,测量鼻侧软骨各解剖分区的相关数据。设计耳软骨3个供区可整体移植再造同侧鼻侧软骨,测量相关的形态数据。结果:耳软骨3个供区的相关形态数据大于同侧鼻侧软骨的相应数据。结论:耳甲腔、耳屏及两者之间连接的峡部(CVIT区域),三角窝、耳轮及两者的连接部(TFH区域),耳甲艇、耳轮及两者之间的连接部分(CBH区域)可整体取下,修整后整体再造同侧鼻侧软骨。  相似文献   

目的:探讨以鼻中隔软骨为鼻小柱支撑移植物在东方人鼻尖整形中的应用。方法:在50例鼻尖整形患者中,均以鼻中隔软骨为鼻小柱支撑移植物,使用固定悬浮型移植27例,延伸型移植13例,鼻中隔延伸型移植10例。结果:除1例因术后鼻尖突出度不足,经二次手术纠正外,余49例鼻尖成形良好,患者对手术效果满意。结论:根据不同情况,以鼻中隔软骨的不同植入形式进行鼻小柱支撑移植是鼻尖整形中一项良好的手术技术。  相似文献   

目的:通过应用自体鼻中隔软骨和耳软骨及膨体聚四氟乙烯解决鼻部美容整形的问题,以形成较理想的鼻形。方法:以鼻小柱飞鸟形切口加鼻翼软骨缘切口,切开分离鼻背皮肤,显露两侧鼻翼软骨及侧鼻软骨,中线分离弓形取出深部鼻中隔软骨,鼻中隔软骨雕刻塑形后插入两鼻翼软骨之间,并贯穿缝合形成中隔软骨+鼻翼软骨为新的鼻小柱。将取下的耳软骨雕刻成杏仁状固定缝合于鼻小柱前端,雕刻好的膨体聚四氟乙烯插入鼻背固定,缝合切口。结果:20例美容就医者鼻部整形术后效果良好,自然美观,手感良好,无不良并发症发生,术后恢复时间略长。结论:应用自体鼻中隔软骨和耳软骨及膨体聚四氟乙烯行鼻部美容整形,能从根本上改变外鼻形态,是较理想的手术方法。  相似文献   

目的 为鼻亚单位整形的结构和功能重建提供显微应用解剖学依据.方法 在12例新鲜的成人头部标本上,解剖并数字化测量鼻的皮肤、肌肉筋膜系统、软骨及骨支架系统.观察神经及血管走行,软骨间的连接.结果 皮肤最薄的地方在骨软骨结合部,最厚的地方在鼻根点和鼻间上点.皮肤、软骨骨支架结构和血管肌肉筋膜支撑系统组成鼻的轮廓;鼻亚单位分为鼻根区、鼻背区、鼻尖区、鼻翼区及鼻小柱区;鼻阀是保持正常呼吸的重要解剖结构;上颌骨鼻突截骨可以改变鼻骨高度和宽度2 mm,鼻翼软骨与侧鼻软骨间连接可以松解6~8 mm,鼻翼软骨中间脚的弧度变化可以抬高鼻尖2 mm,中隔软骨切除范围为15 nnn×20 mm,厚度为1 mm;鼻的血液供应主要来源于面动脉和眼动脉,同名静脉伴行,淋巴回流位于肌肉筋膜浅层.结论 解剖上鼻骨截骨可以使鼻梁增高,鼻尖的延长与增高可以通过侧鼻软骨与鼻翼软骨间彻底的松解、鼻翼软骨外侧脚和中间脚弧度的旋转缝合实现;鼻部皮肤有丰富的血液供应和静脉回流,交织成网,手术应该注意解剖层次,避免血管网损伤或者立体结构混乱导致的鼻部挛缩畸形.  相似文献   

目的:通过应用自体肋软骨重塑鼻尖软骨支架结构,形成稳定的鼻尖软骨复合体,来达到完美、立体的鼻尖外形,同时应用膨体聚四氟乙烯或硅胶假体支架抬高鼻背,从而达到理想的鼻部整形美容效果。方法:以鼻小柱基底部"几"字形切口和鼻孔内鼻翼软骨外侧缘切口,彻底分离皮肤达鼻翼基底部,对鼻尖短小朝天者可松解到达梨状孔边缘,显露两侧鼻翼软骨及侧鼻软骨,同时暴露鼻中隔软骨游离端;雕刻自体肋软骨,移植、固定到鼻中隔软骨上,贯穿缝合鼻翼软骨、移植的软骨,形成鼻尖软骨支架结构,构建鼻尖软骨复合体。雕刻膨体聚四氟乙烯或硅胶假体支架放置到鼻背鼻骨骨膜下抬高鼻背。结果:本组96例手术者均采用自体肋软骨移植构建鼻尖软骨复合体行鼻整形,术后7天拆线,切口Ⅰ/甲愈合。随诊6~12个月,95例术后鼻尖表现点明显,鼻形立体、挺拔,自然美观,鼻尖活动度好,效果满意。1例术者感觉鼻小柱下垂,通过修复移植软骨,达到满意效果。结论:应用自体肋软骨重塑鼻尖软骨支架结构,构建鼻尖软骨复合体,同时应用膨体聚四氟乙烯或硅胶假体支架抬高鼻背,可以达到理想的鼻部整形美容效果。  相似文献   

李永忠 《中国美容医学》2014,23(18):1520-1522
目的:探讨鼻尖和鼻小柱整形中双侧耳屏软骨的应用。方法:切取双侧耳屏软骨,将一侧软骨沿长轴从中央不全层切开,翻转重叠形成Y形支撑杆,将另一块耳屏软骨盖在Y形杆上方,行成伞状软骨冒。飞鸟形切口切开鼻翼及鼻小柱,根据情况在鼻小柱下方可设计成V-Y切口。植入已做好的伞状软骨架,如鼻梁较低可同时植入假体隆鼻。结果:27例患者鼻尖均得到抬高,鼻小柱均有不同程度的延长。耳屏切口隐蔽,外形无明显改变,满意率达100%。结论:采用双侧耳屏软骨鼻尖成形,具有形象逼真,效果好,取材简单等特点,是鼻尖整形较好的软骨供体。  相似文献   

The long nose with a “plunging” tip is a deformity that involves an inferiorly rotated nasal tip, leading to an increase in the length of the nose. The anatomic basis of the long nose with a plunging tip may be divided into two types. Type 1 presents a normal alar–cartilage complex inferiorly displaced by a long nasal septum and long upper lateral cartilages. Type 2 is caused by a dislocation of the alar cartilages downward from the aponeurotic attachments to the septal angle. During the study period, the authors identified 60 patients with long noses and plunging tips. For 22 patients with type 1 long noses, the high septal incision technique was used in 12 cases and the step technique in 10 cases. The invagination procedure alone was used for 22 of 38 patients with type 2 plunging noses. Also, an extension graft with the invagination procedure was used for 6 patients, and a columellar strut graft was used for 10 patients. A high septal incision increased tip rotation without significantly changing the amount of tip projection. However, the step procedure, the invagination technique alone, septal extension graft with the invagination technique, and columellar strut grafts increased nasal tip rotation and projection. During the study period, 38 patients were identified as having a smiling deformity, which was improved using the authors’ modification procedure. On the basis of the results, the authors recommend that the appropriate treatment for each patient with a long nose and a plunging tip must be determined by preoperative and intraoperative examination findings with the patient at rest and while smiling.  相似文献   

目的:探讨鼻翼软骨缝合与自体鼻中隔软骨移植并用,纠正女性鼻头宽大低垂的整形手术方法。方法:设计鼻小柱开放式切口,自体鼻中隔软骨做鼻小柱支柱和盾形移植,同时进行鼻翼软骨内侧脚顶缝合。结果:本组就医者22例,术后随访3~24个月,全部就医者术后鼻部美学效果明显改善,形态自然。结论:自体鼻中隔软骨做鼻小柱支柱和盾形移植,同时进行鼻翼软骨内侧脚顶缝合,是纠正女性鼻头宽大低垂有效的手术方法。  相似文献   

Background Resection of the cephalic or middle portion of lateral crura of alar cartilages is a method for correcting bulbous nose in which the resected cartilages usually are discarded, resulting in a waste of autologous tissues. A silastic implant usually is used to correct saddle nose in Asian countries, but implant extrusion, a severe complication, sometimes occurs. Cartilage flaps were first reported by José to increase the projection of the nasal tip. In this study, the authors used cartilaginous flaps of the lateral crura to wrap the tip of the nasal implant for patients with bulbous and saddle noses. This study aimed to investigate the application of cartilaginous flaps of lateral crura. Methods A flap was created from the cephalic portion of the lateral crus of the alar cartilage, leaving the caudal portion intact. The cartilage flap remained attached at the level of the original domal segment of the middle crura. It was rotated over to wrap the tip of the silastic implant, then sutured to the other side flap. Results From March 2003, 19 patients were treated with this technique. The results were satisfactory without implant extrusion or any other complications except for nonobvious scars. Conclusion The cartilage flap can reduce the incidence of implant extrusion and help to reduce the size of the bulbous tip.  相似文献   

Open rhinoplasty     
Open rhinoplasty provides visualization, which for many is essential for the best sculpturing. The indications for its use include every primary and secondary rhinoplasty candidate unless tip grafts are going to be under tension or if the deformity is minor. The technique of opening the nose has been described. Emphasis is placed on (1) suturing the medial crura together, (2) suturing the medial crura to the septum, (3) resecting a portion of the lateral crus, and (4) leaving as much cartilage in the supratip and cephalic parts of the lateral crus as possible. The result is (1) greater tip projection with fewer tip grafts, (2) improved correction of tip convexity, (3) fewer supratip deformities, and (4) fewer Weir excisions. The columella scar is usually inconspicuous and has not been a significant problem in any case.  相似文献   

自体耳及鼻中隔软骨在鼻尖整形中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨自体耳甲软骨或鼻中隔软骨对鼻尖圆钝、鼻尖低平上旋的求美者的美容效果以及对隆鼻术后鼻尖发生并发症患者的修复效果。方法:采用自体耳甲软骨或鼻中隔软骨对鼻尖圆钝、鼻尖低平上旋的求美者以及对鼻尖处皮肤张力过大,鼻尖外形不良,假体外形显露,鼻尖皮肤发红萎缩变薄甚至穿孔者行鼻尖整形术。结果:2005年9月~2010年1月,采用自体耳甲软骨或鼻中隔软骨行鼻尖整形满足求美者需求同时又防治了并发症,鼻尖角度改善明显,效果满意。结论:采用自体耳甲软骨或鼻中隔软骨行鼻尖整形能有效改善鼻尖美学缺陷并防治隆鼻术后并发症。  相似文献   

A technique is described to reconstruct the normal degree of projection of the alar dome of the unilateral cleft lip nose by leapfrogging the spreadeagled alar cartilage up onto the back of the sturdy septum and upper lateral cartilage arch. The medial crus enclosed in a hemiforked flap slides along the membranous septal incision; the lateral crus slides along the intercartilaginous incision; they join each other as the stem of a Y, where they are secured in their new relationship to the septum and upper lateral cartilage. As the limbs approach each other, a standing cone creates the dome projection externally and a fornix within. The dipped rim rises and the charming nasal dimple reappears. Almost 200 primary cases of unilateral cleft lip nose have been treated by this technique over the past 12 years by the author. Alar dome and alar rim relapse have been infrequent. Less than 5 per cent of patients (or parents) have requested revision up to puberty. Final assessment of the effect of this radical surgery may well require a further 10 years' follow-up.  相似文献   

When the entire septum as well as the cartilaginous vault are exposed to direct vision by degloving the nasal covering, the complete extent of the deformities in cleft lip nose can be clarified. The septal cartilage is hollowed out leaving an L-shaped anterosuperior portion, whereas the intranasal structures are simultaneously altered to ensure the patency of the nasal airway. An adequate-sized piece is cut from the removed cartilage and is fitted to the anterior part of the remaining cartilage to enforce the columella, which acts as a strut to keep both lower lateral cartilages symmetrical and to create a nasal tip. Thus, a new cartilaginous pyramid with symmetrical nostrils is reconstructed. If the anterosuperior portion of the cartilage is deviated, the concave surface is scored to allow it to be straightened before the strut is fitted. Satisfactory cosmetic and functional results were obtained in most patients with adult cleft lip nose, including those associated with deviation, without any major complications.  相似文献   

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