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目的计算芬太尼或瑞芬太尼复合七氟醚诱导在无肌松条件下插管的半数有效量(ED50),比较抑制气管插管反应的效果。方法择期短小手术患者49例,ASAⅠ或Ⅱ级,年龄20~50岁。按照入室顺序随机分为芬太尼组(F组,n=23)和瑞芬太尼组(R组,n=26)。8%七氟醚肺活量诱导,眼睑反射消失后,维持呼气末七氟醚浓度(CETSev)为3%。按照改良Dixon序贯法调整芬太尼(剂量梯度为0.05μg/kg)或瑞芬太尼的剂量(剂量梯度为0.1μg/kg),静脉注射芬太尼或瑞芬太尼4min后气管插管。记录患者眼睑反射消失时间及气管插管反应。结果芬太尼ED50为1.30μg/kg(95%CI1.25~1.35μg/kg),瑞芬太尼ED50为0.47μg/kg(95%CI0.39~0.53μg/kg)。F组声带活动、呛咳和体动的发生率均明显高于R组(P<0.05)。结论无肌松条件下瑞芬太尼较芬太尼能更好地抑制气管插管反应。  相似文献   

目的 确定复合七氟烷吸入用于患儿无肌松药气管插管时瑞芬太尼的半数有效剂量(ED50).方法 择期手术患儿25例,年龄4~9岁,ASA Ⅰ或Ⅱ级.吸入5%七氟烷行麻醉诱导,维持呼气末二氧化碳分压30~35 mm Hg.吸入七氟烷3 min后静脉注射瑞芬太尼,注射时间30 s,瑞芬太尼注射完毕后90 s时行气管插管.采用序贯法进行试验,瑞芬太尼初始剂量为1.2 μg/kg,相邻剂量比值为1.2.采用Viby-Mogensen评分法评价气管插管条件,气管插管失败时,静脉注射罗库溴铵0.3 mg/kg,待肌肉松驰后再行气管插管.计算瑞芬太尼的ED50及其95%可信区间.结果 复合5%七氟烷吸入用于患儿无肌松药气管插管时瑞芬太尼的ED50及其95%可信区间为0.68(0.65~0.71)μg/kg.结论 复合5%七氟烷吸入用于患儿无肌松药气管插管时瑞芬太尼的ED50及其95%可信区间为0.68(0.65~0.71)μg/kg.  相似文献   

目的测定七氟醚全麻诱导时舒芬太尼为小儿提供满意气管内插管条件的ED50与ED95。方法选择2~8岁择期行气管内插管全麻患儿100例,ASAⅠ级,随机均分为五组,七氟醚诱导后分别给予不同剂量舒芬太尼0.1μg/kg(S1组)、0.2μg/kg(S2组)、0.3μg/kg(S3组)、0.4μg/kg(S4组)、0.5μg/kg(S5组)行气管内插管。同时记录插管前1min(T1)、插管即刻(T2)、插管后1min(T3)、3min(T4)、5min(T5)、10min(T6)BP、HR及Narcotrend麻醉深度数值变化。在Viby-Mogensen气管内插管条件评价法评价气管内插管条件基础上使用概率单位分析法计算舒芬太尼为小儿提供满意气管内插管的ED50及ED95。结果在七氟醚呼气末浓度3%,Viby-Mogensen气管内插管条件评价为"优秀"时,结合患儿气管内插管心血管反应阴性作为满意气管内插管条件,舒芬太尼为小儿提供满意气管内插管的ED50为0.305μg/kg[95%可信区间(CI)为0.239~0.354μg/kg],ED95为0.598μg/kg(95%CI为0.484~1.019μg/kg)。结论在七氟醚呼气末浓度3%时,小儿气管内插管舒芬太尼静注ED50与ED95分别为0.305μg/kg和0.598μg/kg。  相似文献   

目的 确定七氟醚麻醉下瑞芬太尼抑制小儿气管插管心血管反应的半数有效血浆靶浓度(Cp<50).方法 择期全麻手术患儿,年龄2~5岁,ASA Ⅰ或Ⅱ级.初始七氟醚吸入浓度为8%,氧流量3 L/min,待患儿意识消失后调整七氟醚吸入浓度,使呼气末七氟醚浓度为2.5%(1 MAC),2 min后采用Minto药代动力学模型靶控输注瑞芬太尼,10 min后进行气管插管.瑞芬太尼血浆靶浓度按序贯法确定,瑞芬太尼血浆靶浓度从6μg/L开始,相邻浓度的比值为1.2,气管插管心血管反应的标准:插管后2 min内MAP和/或HR较插管前升高≥15%.结果 瑞芬太尼抑制气管插管心血管反应的Cp50为3.6μg/L,95%可信区间为3.1~4.0μg/L.结论 七氟醚1 MAC麻醉下瑞芬太尼抑制小儿气管插管心血管反应的Cp50为3.6 μg/L,95%可信区间为3.1~4.0μg/L.  相似文献   

目的探讨早产儿气管插管无体动反应时的七氟醚最低肺泡有效浓度(MACEI)。方法选择择期吸入全麻下行眼科手术的早产儿27例,矫正胎龄37周,ASAⅠ或Ⅱ级。吸入6%七氟醚进行全麻诱导,至患儿意识消失后,将呼气末七氟醚浓度调整至预定值,维持15min,然后行气管插管。根据序贯法进行研究,初始呼气末七氟醚浓度为3.0%,如气管插管时发生体动反应,下一例升高一个浓度梯度,如气管插管时未发生体动反应,下一例降低一个浓度梯度,相邻浓度梯度为0.2%。将无体动反应时呼气末七氟醚浓度到体动反应时呼气末七氟醚浓度的中点设为一个平衡点,计算所有平衡点七氟醚浓度的平均值即为MACEI。结果患儿气管插管无体动反应的七氟醚MACEI为2.55%±0.20%,MAC95是2.81%(95%CI 2.67%~3.58%)。结论早产儿平稳气管插管的七氟醚MACEI为2.55%,低于足月产儿的参考值。  相似文献   

目的 探讨七氟醚肺活量法吸入诱导和丙泊酚静脉诱导对顺式阿曲库铵起效时间的影响.方法 择期行胸外科或普外科手术的全麻患者60例,ASA Ⅰ或Ⅱ级,年龄18~65岁,随机均分为七氟醚组(S组)和丙泊酚组(P组).麻醉诱导:P组静脉注射咪达唑仑0.05 mg/kg、芬太尼2μg/kg、丙泊酚1 mg/kg;S组采用肺活量吸入法,七氟醚吸入浓度8%.两组患者意识消失后均给予顺式阿曲库铵0.15 mg/kg.监测肌松药起效时间,意识消失时间,血流动力学指标,并评价气管插管条件.结果 患者意识消失时间、顺式阿曲库铵起效时间S组明显短于P组(P<0.05或P<0.01).插管引起的心血管反应S组小于P组(P<0.05).结论 七氟醚吸入诱导能明显缩短顺式阿曲库铵的起效时间,且循环功能稳定.  相似文献   

目的 评价听觉诱发电位指数(AAI)监测幼儿吸入七氟醚麻醉深度的准确性.方法 择期全麻手术患儿50例,年龄1~3岁,ASA分级Ⅰ或Ⅱ级,异丙酚-顺阿曲库铵-瑞芬太尼麻醉诱导气管插管后行机械通气,维持PETCO2 35~ 45 mm Hg.随后高氧流量6 L/min洗入七氟醚,15 min后氧流量降低为3 L/min,调节呼气末七氟醚浓度(CETSev)依次为2.5%、2.8%、3.0%、3.5%、3.7%、4.0%,每个CETSev维持稳态3 min.分别于麻醉诱导前、诱导后、吸入七氟醚前即刻和不同CET Sev稳态时监测AAI.结果 AAI与CETSev呈明显负相关(r=-0.872,P<0.01).结论 单纯吸入七氟醚1.0~ 1.6MAC时AAI可准确监测幼儿的麻醉深度.  相似文献   

目的 观察右美托咪定(dexmedetomidine,Dex)1μg/kg降低小儿Ambu AuraOnce喉罩(Ambu喉罩)置入所需七氟醚呼气末半数有效浓度(median effective concentration,EC50)作用. 方法 4~10岁全身麻醉下行择期整形外科手术患儿50例,ASA分级Ⅰ级,计算机随机抽样表格法分为Dex组(D组,26例)和对照组(C组,24例).患儿入室后均采用8%七氟醚和50%氧化亚氮(nitrous oxide,N2O)吸入行麻醉诱导,建立静脉通路后停止N2O吸入,调节七氟醚吸入浓度使七氟醚呼气末EC50达到预定浓度.同时D组开始静脉输注Dex 1 μg/kg,C组注射生理盐水,10 min注射完毕后置入一次性Ambu喉罩.两组首例患儿的七氟醚呼气末EC50均设定为1.8%,采用改良Dixon up-down法确定下一例喉罩置入的七氟醚呼气末EC50,相邻七氟醚的浓度梯度值为0.2%. 结果 小儿置入Ambu喉罩时所需七氟醚呼气末EC50值(95%CI)D组和C组分别为1.44%(1.17%,1.60%)和1.77%(1.52%,2.01%). 结论 Dex 1 μg/kg可有效降低小儿置入Ambu喉罩所需七氟醚呼气末EC50.  相似文献   

目的 评价七氟醚-咪达唑仑-瑞芬太尼麻醉诱导用于纵膈巨大肿瘤患者无肌松药气管插管的可行性.方法 纵膈巨大肿瘤拟在全麻下手术患者22例,年龄22-64岁,体重48 ~ 76 kg,ASA分级Ⅰ-Ⅲ级.静脉注射咪达唑仑0.03 mg/kg,面罩吸入8%七氟醚,每30 s递减2%,直至4%,睫毛反射消失后,经1 min静脉注射瑞芬太尼2 μg/kg,30 s后停止吸入七氟醚,气管插管后行机械通气.于 麻醉诱导前、气管插管前即刻及插管后1 min时记录MAP和HR,记录睫毛反射消失时间,采用VibyMogensen评分法评价气管插管条件.结果 睫毛反射消失时间(110±14)s,一次气管插管成功率为86%,喉镜置入顺利,声门暴露基本良好,2例患者声门位置偏高,借助纤支镜引导下插管成功,气管插管条件优良率为86%.与麻醉诱导前比较,气管插管即刻、插管后1 min MAP、HR明显降低(p<0.05),所有患者SpO>95%,气管插管前至气管插管后1 min BIS值45 ~ 55.结论 七氟醚-咪达唑仑-瑞芬太尼麻醉诱导平稳,可提供良好的气管插管条件,适用于纵膈巨大肿瘤患者无肌松药气管插管,安全可行.  相似文献   

七氟醚在新生儿全身麻醉中的应用   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
目的 研究七氟醚在新生儿伞麻中的应用.方法 60例年龄1~27 d新生儿患儿随机均分为两组接受气管插管全麻:Ⅰ组使用8%七氟醚诱导、4%浓度维持;Ⅱ组采用8%七氟醚、芬太尼3 μg/kg、罗库溴铵0.5 mg/kg诱导,3%七氟醚维持.监测术前、切皮时、手术开始后15、30、60min及缝皮时的心率、血压.记录诱导至插管时间、停药至自主呼吸恢复时间和术毕至拔管时间.结果 Ⅰ组诱导至插管时间长于Ⅱ组(P<0.05),停药至自主呼吸恢复时间以及术毕至拔管时间明显短于Ⅱ组(P<0.01).与术前相比,Ⅱ组切皮时、手术开始后15 min的心率减慢、血压降低(P<0.05);与Ⅱ组比较,Ⅰ组切皮时、手术开始15 min的心率明显增快、血压明显升高(P<0.05).结论 七氟醚全凭吸入麻醉较七氟醚静吸复合麻醉安全性高.  相似文献   

Background: The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal bolus dose of alfentanil required to provide successful intubating conditions following inhalation induction of anaesthesia using 5% sevoflurane and 60% nitrous oxide without neuromuscular blockade in adult day-case anaesthesia.
Methods: Twenty-four adults, aged 18–60 years, undergoing general anaesthesia for short ambulatory surgery were enroled into the study. After vital capacity induction, with sevoflurane 5% and 60% nitrous oxide in oxygen, pre-determined dose of alfentanil was injected over 30 s. The dose of alfentanil was determined by modified Dixon's up-and-down method (2 μg/kg as a step size). Ninety seconds after the end of bolus administration of alfentanil, the trachea was intubated. Systolic blood pressure, heart rate and SpO2 were recorded at anaesthetic induction, before, 1 min and 3 min after intubation.
Results: The bolus dose of alfentanil for successful tracheal intubation was 10.7±2.1 μg/kg in 50% of patients during inhalation induction. From probit analysis, 50% effective dose (ED50) and ED95 values (95% confidence limits) of alfentanil were 10.7 μg/kg (8.0–12.9 μg/kg) and 14.9 μg/kg (12.9–31.1 μg/kg), respectively.
Conclusions: Using the modified Dixon's up-and-down method, the bolus dose of alfentanil for successful tracheal intubation was 10.7±2.1 μg/kg in 50% of adult patients during inhalation induction using 5% sevoflurane and 60% nitrous oxide in oxygen without neuromuscular blocking agent in day-case anaesthesia.  相似文献   

Min SK  Kwak YL  Park SY  Kim JS  Kim JY 《Anaesthesia》2007,62(5):446-450
The optimal dose of remifentanil needed to produce successful intubating conditions following inhalation induction of anaesthesia using 5% sevoflurane without the use of neuromuscular blocking drugs, was investigated in 25 children aged 3-10 years. Sixty seconds after inhalation induction of anaesthesia using sevoflurane 5% in 100% oxygen, a predetermined dose of remifentanil was injected over 30 s. The dose of remifentanil was determined using the modified Dixon's up-and-down method (0.2 microg x kg(-1) as a step size). The first patient was tested at 1.0 microg x kg(-1) remifentanil. Ninety seconds following the bolus administration of remifentanil, the child's trachea was intubated. The optimal bolus dose of remifentanil required for successful tracheal intubation was 0.56 (0.15) microg x kg(-1) in 50% of children during inhalation induction using 5% sevoflurane in the absence of neuromuscular blocking drugs. Using probit analysis, the 95% effective dose (ED(95)) of remifentanil was 0.75 microg x kg(-1) (95% confidence limits 0.63-1.38 microg x kg(-1)).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum bolus dose of propofol required to provide excellent conditions for tracheal intubation following inhalational induction of anaesthesia using 5% sevoflurane without neuromuscular blockade. Twenty-eight children, aged three to seven years, requiring anaesthesia for short duration surgery were recruited. Two minutes after beginning the inhalational induction with 5% sevoflurane and 60% nitrous oxide, a predetermined dose of propofol was injected over 10 seconds. Propofol dose was determined using the Dixon's up-and-down method, starting from 3 mg/kg (0.5 mg/kg as a step size). Laryngoscopy was performed 50 seconds after propofol injection. The optimum dose of propofol required for excellent intubating conditions was 1.39 +/- 0.37 mg/kg in 50% of children during inhalation induction using 5% sevoflurane and 60% nitrous oxide in the absence of neuromuscular blocking agents. From probit analysis, the 95% effective dose of propofol was 2.33 mg/kg (95% confidence interval 1.78 to 6.21 mg/kg).  相似文献   

目的 探讨静脉注射利多卡因对七氟醚复合瑞芬太尼无肌松药条件下气管插管效果的影响.方法气管插管全麻病人75例,年龄18~64岁,ASA分级Ⅰ或Ⅱ级.采用随机数字表法,将病人随机分为3组(n=25),A组:七氟醚+瑞芬太尼1 μg/kg;B组:七氟醚+瑞芬太尼1 μg/kg+利多卡因1 mg/kg;C组:七氟醚+瑞芬太尼2 μg/kg.吸入8%七氟醚2 min时,A组静脉注射瑞芬太尼1μg/kg,B组静脉注射瑞芬太尼1 μg/kg和利多卡因1 mg/kg,C组静脉注射瑞芬太尼2 μg/kg.瑞芬太尼注射完毕后行气管插管.从置入喉镜、声带位置、声带活动、咳嗽反射和体动反应5个方面评价气管插管条件,分为满意、良好和欠佳3个级别,记录各项满意的发生情况.于麻醉诱导前、气管插管前即刻和气管插管后即刻记录MAP和HR.结果 病人均完成气管插管.与A组相比,B组和C组咳嗽反射的满意率升高,C组气管插管前即刻和气管插管后即刻MAP、HR降低(P<0.05),B组气管插管前即刻和气管插管后即刻MAP和HR差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);B组咳嗽反射的满意率较C组升高(P<0.05).气管插管期间,C组有3例发生低血压,1例心动过缓,A组和B组均未见低血压或心动过缓发生.结论 七氟醚复合瑞芬太尼用于无肌松药条件下气管插管时,静脉注射利多卡因1mg/kg不仅可优化气管插管条件,还可降低瑞芬太尼用量.
Objective To investigate the effect of intravenous lidocaine on the efficacy of sevoflurane combined with remifentanil for tracheal intubation without neuromuscular relaxants. Methods Seventy-five ASA Ⅰor Ⅱ patients, aged 18-64 yr, scheduled for elective surgery, needing tracheal intubation under general anesthesia, were randomly divided into 3 groups ( n = 25 each) : sevoflurane + remifentanil 1 μg/kg group (group A) ;sevoflurane + remifentanil 1 μg/kg + lidocaine 1 mg/kg group (group B); sevoflurane + remifentanil 2 μg/kg group (group C) . Two minutes after inhalation of 8% sevoflurane for anesthesia induction, remifentanil 1 μg/kg, remifentanil 1 μg/kg + lidocaine 1 mg/kg, and remifentanil 2 μg/kg were injected intravenously in groups A, B and C respectively. Tracheal intubation was performed after completion of remifentanil injection. Intubating conditions were assessed based on ease of laryngoscopy, position of vocal cords, activity of vocal cords, degree of coughing and limb movement. MAP and HR were also recorded before induction and immediately before and after intubation. Results Tracheal intubations were successful in all patients. The satisfactory rates of coughing were significantly higher in groups B and C, and MAP and HR were significantly lower immediately before and after intubation in group C than in group A ( P < 0.05) . The satisfactory rate of coughing was significantly higher in group B than in group C ( P < 0.05) . During intubation, 3 cases developed hypotension and 1 case bradycardia in group C. Conclusion When sevoflurane combined with remifentanil is used for tracheal intubation without neuromuscular relaxants, intravenous lidocaine 1 mg/kg can not only improve intubating conditions, but also decrease the consumption of remifentanil.  相似文献   

Study ObjectiveTo determine the optimal remifentanil dose required to provide acceptable intubating conditions following induction of anesthesia with propofol without using neuromuscular blockade.DesignDose-response study.SettingOperating room of a university hospital.Patients50 ASA physical status 1 men, aged between 20 and 40 years, who were scheduled for general anesthesia.InterventionsIntubating conditions were evaluated according to the scoring system described by Viby-Mogensen et al. Successful intubation was defined as excellent or good.MeasurementsFor induction of anesthesia, an intravenous (IV) bolus dose of propofol 2.0 mg/kg was given over 30 seconds followed by the administration of predetermined IV remifentanil over 30 seconds; intubation was performed 90 seconds after completion of the remifentanil administration. The dose of remifentanil used for each patient was determined by the response of the previously tested patients, using the modified Dixon's up-and-down method (using 0.2 μg/kg as a step size). The first patient was tested with remifentanil 1.0 μg/kg. If intubation failed, the remifentanil dose was increased by 0.2 μg/kg; if intubation was successful, the dose was decreased by 0.2 μg/kg. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), and peripheral oxygen saturation were recorded during the study period.Main ResultsAccording to probit analysis, the effective dose of remifentanil in 50% (ED50) and 95% (ED95) of patients were 1.40 μg/kg and 2.40 μg/kg, respectively. Preintubation and postinduction HR and MAP values were lower than preinduction values (P < 0.001).ConclusionThe optimal bolus dose of remifentanil for acceptable intubating conditions was 2.40 μg/kg (95% confidence interval, 1.90-9.0 μg/kg) in 95% of patients during induction of anesthesia with propofol 2.0 mg/kg without neuromuscular blocking agents.  相似文献   

瑞芬太尼抑制患者清醒气管插管反应的半数有效剂量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 确定咪达唑仑镇静下瑞芬太尼抑制患者清醒气管插管反应的半数有效剂量(ED50).方法 择期全麻下行整形外科手术的成年女性患者36例,ASAⅠ级,采用改良Dixon序贯法进行试验,静脉输注咪达唑仑0.1 mg/ks 10 min后,第1例快速静脉输注瑞芬太尼1 μg/kg后以0.1μg·min-1·kg-1静脉输注,若未发生气管插管反应,则下一例瑞芬太尼降低0.1μg/kg,速率降低0.01μg·min-1·kg-1,直至第n例发生气管插管反应.将第n例和第n=1例剂量的平均值作为初始剂量,以0.05μg/kg和0.005μg·min-1·kg-1为梯度进行调整.根据对直接喉镜显露声门及气管插管操作的反应及镇静评分评价是否发生气管插管反应.采用改良Dixon序贯法计算瑞芬太尼抑制清醒气管插管反应的ED50,并采用logistic回归模型进行概率单位转换分析ED50及其95%可信区问.结果 采用改良Dixon序贯法计算瑞芬太尼抑制清醒气管插管反应的ED50为0.62 μg/ks,概率单位转换法计算的ED50及其95%可信区间分别为0.63(0.54~0.70)μg/kg.未发生气管插管反应的19例患者中,有18例对气管插管耐受良好,并可对言语指令作出正确反应.术后随访患者对气管插管操作均无不良记忆.结论 咪达唑仑0.1 mg/kg镇静下,快速静脉输注瑞芬太尼0.62 μg/kg后以0.062 μg·min-1·kg-1静脉输注可为50%的患者提供较好的清醒气管插管条件,且无气管插管反应发生.  相似文献   

目的 评价七氟烷-咪达唑仑-瑞芬太尼麻醉诱导用于患者无肌松药气管插管的效果.方法 择期全麻手术患者30例,年龄20~55岁,体重50~80 kg,ASA Ⅰ或Ⅱ级.麻醉诱导:静脉注射咪达唑仑0.03 mg/kg,调节七氟烷挥发罐刻度至3%,氧流量5 L/min,预充呼吸环路30 s后,面罩吸入七氟烷,指导患者行肺活量呼吸,每呼吸3次,七氟烷挥发罐刻度增加1%,直至6%.待患者睫毛反射消失时,1 min内缓慢静脉注射瑞芬太尼2 μg/kg,30 s后停止吸入七氟烷,气管插管后行机械通气.于给药前、睫毛反射消失时、气管插管前即刻和气管插管后即刻,记录MAP、HR、SpO2和BIS;记录从开始吸入七氟烷到睫毛反射消失的时间;评估气管插管条件.结果 所有患者一次性顺利完成气管插管,气管插管条件达优率为80%,从开始吸入七氟烷到睫毛反射消失的时间为(210±12)s.气管插管后即刻MAP、HR和SpO2与气管插管前即刻比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).气管插管前、后维持BIS 45~55.结论 七氟烷-眯达唑仑-瑞芬太尼麻醉诱导平稳,可用于患者无肌松药气管插管.  相似文献   

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