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目的分析老年无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤的成因及损伤机制,探讨MRI表现、治疗方法选择,并对围手术期管理提出指导。方法回顾2003年3月~2013年10月收治的〉60岁的无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤296例,对发生机制、伤后MRI片脊髓信号改变、治疗手段对神经恢复的影响进行分析,对伤后MRI上脊髓T2加权像高信号变化进行分型。结果 236例患者MRI T2加权像有信号变化,其中Ⅰ型125例、Ⅱ型79例、Ⅲ型27例、Ⅳ型5例。296例患者中,手术治疗222例,非手术治疗74例。2组神经功能恢复率有明显区别(P〈0.05);且伤后早期(〈72 h)手术患者的症状改善率高于稍晚手术患者。伤后颈脊髓内MRI的T2加权像异常信号可以分为4型。结论老年颈脊髓损伤患者有明显神经损伤症状者应尽早手术治疗。患者术前应戒烟、行呼吸功能练习和体位训练,术后应早期离床活动,以促进神经功能恢复及减少并发症发生。  相似文献   

目的:23例急性脊髓损伤病人在伤后一周内行MRI检查,表现为脊髓受损区T2加权高信号T1加权等或低信号。方法:同时对不同损伤程度及不同预后的患进行比较。脊髓损伤程度、水肿范围、脊髓受压、髓内出血及预后有关,认为MRI检查对判断脊髓损伤程度、指导治疗及判断预后有一定作用。结果:认为在脊髓损伤中MRI是一种很有价值的检查手段。通过MRI检查可将脊髓损伤分为两类:脊髓受压型和非受压型。T2加权高信号范围大小是估计预后的简便方法,治疗上以脊髓内外联合减压以及防止脊神经进一步损害。结论:早期诊断、早期固定牵引及手术是重要的。  相似文献   

目的23例急性脊髓损伤病人在伤后一周内行MRI检查,表现为脊髓受损区T2加权高信号T1加权等或低信号.方法同时对不同损伤程度及不同预后的患者进行比较.脊髓损伤程度、水肿范围、脊髓受压、髓内出血与预后有关,认为MRI检查对判断脊髓损伤程度、指导治疗及判断预后有一定作用.结果认为在脊髓损伤中MRI是一种很有价值的检查手段.通过MRI检查可将脊髓损伤分为两类脊髓受压型和非受压型.T2加权高信号范围大小是估计预后的简便方法,治疗上以脊髓内外联合减压以及防止脊神经进一步损害.结论早期诊断、早期固定牵引及手术是重要的.  相似文献   

创伤性颈脊髓损伤的早晚期手术疗效比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]评价创伤性颈脊髓损伤早期手术的效果及MRI揭示预后的价值. [方法]2001年9月~2004年8月,对36例创伤性颈脊髓损伤患者行手术治疗,伤后72 h内为早期手术,72 h后为晚期手术.术前MRI T2加权像髓内信号改变长度>20 mm为长变化,信号改变≤20 mm或无明显信号改变为短变化.随访时间为24~48个月,平均32个月.采用日本骨科学会(JOA)标准进行入院时和随访时脊髓功能评分,通过计算恢复率评价神经改善状况. [结果]术后24个月随访时,早期手术组恢复率高于晚期手术组(P<0.01);MRI T2加权像信号短变化组恢复率高于信号长变化组(P<0.01),差异均有统计学意义.不同手术时机与MRI T2加权像脊髓信号改变间存在交互作用. [结论]创伤性颈脊髓损伤后,手术时间越早,MRI T2加权像脊髓信号变化越短,术后神经功能恢复率越高.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用颈椎动力位MRI在无骨折脱位型脊髓损伤治疗方案选择中的价值。方法自2014年6月至2015年12月,11例颈椎外伤后出现肢体麻木无力的患者,通过X线及CT未发现明显骨折脱位,中立位MRI发现可疑损伤节段20个,再次行过屈位及过伸位MRI,判断椎管狭窄程度变化以及脊髓高信号损伤出现的情况,从而辅助制定治疗策略。结果中立位MRI上20个可疑损伤节段中,90%(18/20)节段颈椎过伸位MRI上椎管狭窄程度加重,55%(11/20)节段在颈椎过伸位MRI上椎管狭窄程度加重1级,35%(7/20)节段加重2级,10%(2/20)节段无变化(但其中包含一个在中立位即表现为3级椎管狭窄的);过屈位上,25%(5/20)节段椎管狭窄程度减轻1级,75%(15/20)节段无变化。70%(14/20)可疑损伤节段在任何体位均未出现T2像上颈脊髓高信号,10%(2/20)可疑损伤节段仅在过伸位上出现T2像上颈脊髓高信号,20%(4/20)可疑损伤节段在任何体位均出现T2像上颈脊髓高信号。根据中立位MRI,30%(6/20)节段明确脊髓受压具有手术指证,且均考虑行颈椎前路手术;根据过伸位MRI,60%(12/20)可疑损伤节段因明确脊髓受压具有手术指证,且有3个患者共因出现多节段椎管狭窄由原计划的前路手术改为后路手术。结论颈椎动力位MRI可以进一步揭示颈脊髓的动态压迫,是对常规中立位MRI的重要补充,对颈椎无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤患者治疗方案的制定具有重要意义,对于手术方法及手术节段的选择具有重要的辅助参考价值。  相似文献   

颈椎MRIT2WI像颈髓高信号对脊髓型颈椎病预后的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
脊髓型颈椎病MRI脊髓局限性T2WI像高信号(Increased signal intensity,ISI)是指在颈髓病变部位及(或)相邻部位,MRI T2WI像出现一个有(或无)明显边缘的高密度区,有时可同时伴有T1WI像低信号,临床上一般称之为脊髓水肿或脊髓囊性改变。现将近年来对ISI与脊髓型颈椎病患者预后关系的研究综述如下。1MRI T2WI像颈髓高信号出现的病理机制一般认为颈椎病患者在颈椎伸屈运动时会造成脊髓的慢性压迫、损伤而出现脊髓高信号。颈椎前屈活动时随着颈椎生理弧度的减小,椎体后缘增生骨赘、退变突出的椎间盘组织和增厚骨化的后纵韧带等将进一…  相似文献   

目的探讨创伤性无骨折脱位型脊髓硬膜外血肿(TSEH)的MRI表现特点及其鉴别诊断。方法对12例TSEH常规行T1WI矢状位,T2WI矢状位及横轴位MRI扫描。结果12例TSEH中,9例位于椎管腹侧,3例位于椎管背侧,呈新月状或长条带状,分别累及2~6个脊髓节段,平均3.5个脊髓节段。血肿位于颈段4例,颈胸段3例,胸段3例,胸腰段2例。7例血肿T1WI上为等信号,T2wI低信号;2例血肿T1WI为稍高信号,T2WI呈不均质性高信号,3例于T1WI及T2WI均为高信号。血肿于T1WI及T2WI与脊髓之间有一低信号带相隔,尤以T2WI显示最佳。结论MRI是诊断TSEH的最佳检查方法,不仅可以清楚地显示血肿的部位及范围,而且可以清楚地显示血肿新旧程度及脊髓受损的情况。  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的:探讨无骨折脱位型颈脊髓中央损伤综合征患者椎间隙前缘MRI异常信号的影像学表现及临床意义。方法:纳入2016年1月~2021年12月无骨折脱位型颈脊髓中央损伤综合征且伴单一椎间隙前缘T2加权像高信号患者50例(男34例、女16例),年龄26~83岁(57.2±12.4岁)。根据对应区域T1加权像信号分为单高信号组(T2加权像高信号、T1加权像等/低信号)和双高信号组(T2、T1加权像均高信号)。收集两组病例一般资料,通过CT矢状位重建图像观察局部高密度灶及对应椎间盘和脊髓T2加权像信号变化,并对椎间隙前缘信号异常区域及邻近节段对应区域进行CT值测量比较。结果:本研究中单高信号组27例,男20例、女7例,平均年龄52.7±10.4岁(26~71岁),受伤至影像学检查平均时间9.5±4.8d,致伤原因以交通伤(15/27,55.6%)最为常见;双高信号组23例,男14例、女9例,平均年龄62.6±12.7岁(32~83岁),受伤至影像学检查平均时间8.9±4.6d,致伤原因以交通伤(9/23,39.1%)和跌倒伤(7/23,30.4%)相对常见。双高信号组年龄显著大于单高信号组(P=0.004),两组受伤时间、椎间隙前缘异常信号分布节段均无统计学差异(P=0.455;P=0.975)。两组局部高密度灶的出现率虽未达到明显的统计学差异(P=0.052),但单高信号组的出现百分比(9/27,33.3%)明显低于双高信号组(14/23,60.9%)。单高信号组对应椎间盘异常高信号出现率为55.6%,远高于双高信号组的21.7%(P=0.031);对应层面脊髓异常高信号出现率两组分别为70.4%、30.4%,存在明显的统计学差异(P=0.005)。单高信号组椎间隙前缘信号异常区域CT值为125±66HU,显著低于双高信号组的232±163HU(P=0.003);两组病例组内对比显示椎间隙前缘信号异常区域CT值均显著大于邻近椎间隙前缘CT值(P=0.038;P<0.001);两组椎间隙前缘信号异常区域CT值与邻近椎间隙前缘CT值比值,单高信号组(1.3±0.7)显著低于双高信号组(2.7±2.7)(P=0.013)。结论:无骨折脱位型颈脊髓中央损伤综合征患者椎间隙前缘异常信号在MRI上可以分为单高信号(T2加权像高信号、T1加权像等/低信号)和双高信号(T2、T1加权像均高信号)改变。单高信号改变与椎间盘损伤、脊髓损伤更具相关性;而双高信号改变则提示局部存在以钙化为主的病理变化。  相似文献   

目的 探讨MRI检查在判断急性颈椎损伤患者脊髓损伤程度中的作用。方法 对 82例急性颈椎损伤患者在受伤 2 4h内行MRI检查 ,并进行早期连续的临床检查 ,分析MRI表现与脊髓损伤程度之间的相关性。结果 急性颈椎损伤的 10种MRI表现中 ,髓内出血提示完全性脊髓损伤 (FrankelA级 ) ;脊髓肿胀及脊髓水肿多见于FrankelA -C级的病人 ,同时 ,脊髓肿胀及水肿的程度与脊髓损伤程度成正比 ;脊髓受压多见于FrankelA级和FrankelB级的患者 ;颈椎脱位多见于脊髓损伤程度较重 (FrankelA -C级 )的患者 ;椎管狭窄与脊髓损伤程度之间无明确相关性 ,但多见于老年患者 ;颈椎间盘突出、颈椎椎体骨折、颈椎附件骨折及韧带损伤与脊髓损伤程度间无明显相关性。结论 急性颈椎损伤患者早期行MRI检查 ,可以帮助判断脊髓损伤的程度 ,对治疗方法的选择及准确判断预后具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

脊髓型颈椎病患者脊髓MRI T2WI高信号的临床意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着MRI技术在临床上的广泛应用,人们对于脊髓型颈椎病(cervical spondylotic myelopathy,CSM)的认识日益加深。MRI不仅可直接显示脊髓受压迫的部位,还可灵敏地反映病变性质和受累程度,如脊髓水肿、出血等。1985年,Gebarski等[1]首先发现脊髓损伤患者MRI T2加权像(T2-weighted images,T2WI)上存在高信号(increased signal intensity,ISI),并提出脊髓高信号是一种脊髓水肿或髓内出血的表现。CSM患者MRI T2W  相似文献   

Aoyama T  Hida K  Akino M  Yano S  Iwasaki Y  Saito H 《Spinal cord》2007,45(10):695-699
STUDY DESIGN: Case report. SETTING: Department of Neurosurgery, Sapporo Azabu Neurosurgical Hospital and Department of Neurosurgery, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan. CASE REPORT: A patient presented to us with complete C4 tetraplegia after a 3-m fall. MRI performed 120 min after his fall showed spinal canal stenosis due to disk protrusion at the C3/4 level without spinal cord signal changes on T1- and T2-weighted images. He underwent laminoplasty between C2 and C6. Intraoperative ultrasound, performed 6 h after his fall, disclosed a hyperechoic lesion at the C3/4 level of the cervical cord; postoperative T2-weighted MRI, obtained at 8 h after his fall, showed high intensity at the same level. CONCLUSION: In patients with cerebral infarction, approximately 6 h between the insult and the acquisition of T2-weighted MRI are required to detect signal changes. We postulate that the time course on MRI scans obtained immediately after spinal cord injury is similar in patients with spinal cord injury and cerebral infarction and suggest that the absence of spinal cord abnormalities in the ultra-early post-injury stage is not always predictive of a good prognosis.  相似文献   

非手术治疗无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤预后的多因素分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
陈启明  陈其昕 《中国骨伤》2016,29(3):242-247
目的 :探讨影响非手术治疗无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤预后的因素。方法 :回顾性分析2009年1月至2012年12月接受非手术治疗的122例无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤患者的临床资料,其中男84例,女38例;平均年龄(52.37±13.27)岁(18~83岁)。选择年龄、性别、受伤原因、受伤至治疗时间、脊髓损伤ASIA分级、MRI脊髓损伤类型、脊髓损伤范围、有效颈椎管率、椎间盘突出Pfirrmann分级、椎间盘突出节段、椎间盘韧带复合体损伤、大剂量甲基强的松龙冲击治疗12个可能对非手术治疗预后产生影响的因素,应用单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析,研究其对预后的影响。结果:单因素分析显示MRI脊髓损伤类型、脊髓损伤范围、有效颈椎管率、椎间盘突出Pfirrmann分级、椎间盘突出节段及脊髓损伤ASIA分级均对预后有显著影响(P均0.05)。进一步行多因素分析,按照其作用强度,影响预后的主要因素依次为:MRI脊髓损伤类型、脊髓损伤范围、有效颈椎管率、椎间盘突出Pfirrmann分级、脊髓损伤ASIA分级(P均0.05)。结论 :影响非手术治疗无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤预后的主要因素是MRI脊髓损伤类型及范围,同时与有效椎管率、椎间盘突出程度及脊髓损伤ASIA分级相关。对于选择非手术治疗需谨慎,仅适用MRI检查提示脊髓信号无改变或水肿程度轻且范围局限者,其余则建议积极手术治疗。  相似文献   

A 63 year-old male, who sustained anterior cervical cord injury in a fall on his back during skiing, was consecutively examined by MRI from acute, up to the chronic stage. Right after the fall (2.5 hours later) the injured cord showed high intensity in T2 weighted images. This high intensity area stayed the same up to the chronic stage (6 months later). T1 weighted SE images showed no parenchymal change in the acute stage, but 3 months later a low intensity area appeared in the damaged cord. Thereafter, the injured cord exhibited localized low intensity on T1 weighted images, and high intensity on T2 weighted images, at subsequent MRI examinations. During the course of the examinations no significant neurological recovery was observed. Referring to the findings of our experimental cord injury studies, the high intensity in the T2 weighted images of the acute stage represents hemorrhagic necrotic tissue with edema, while those of the chronic stage suggest myelomalacia, and surrounding gliotic tissue. The low intensity in the T1 weighted images of the chronic stage reflects also this myelomalacia itself. We conclude that MRI of cervical cord injury is a useful diagnostic tool, not only delineating the level of the cord injury, but also aiding in the prognosis.  相似文献   

目的探讨无颈椎骨折脱位的急性颈髓损伤的特征和机制.方法对33例无颈椎骨折脱位的急性颈髓损伤病例进行回顾性研究,分析其神经学、X线和MRI检查结果.结果颈髓完全性损伤者8例,不完全性损伤者25例;21例患者有颈椎变性改变(椎间盘间隙狭窄伴有骨赘形成者15例,后纵韧带骨化者6例),3例C5颈椎管Pavlov率小于0.8;30例可见颈髓受压,25例表现为椎旁软组织损伤.结论无颈椎骨折脱位的急性颈髓损伤的重要诱因为颈椎变性改变和发育性颈椎管狭窄,致病原因主要为颈髓受压;MRI检查有利于查明脊髓损伤的部位和机制.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Intramedullary signal intensity changes on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in cervical spondylotic myelopathy are thought to be indicative of the prognosis. However, the prognostic significance of signal intensity changes remains controversial. PURPOSE: To determine the radiographic and clinical factors that correlate with the prognosis after surgery in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy and to investigate the factors affecting the outcome of intramedullary signal changes on MRI. STUDY DESIGN: A prospective study evaluating clinical parameters and MRI in consecutive patients operated on for cervical spondylotic myelopathy. PATIENT SAMPLE: A total of 146 consecutive patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy operated on during a 2-year period (September 1999 to September 2001) formed the study group. OUTCOME MEASURES: Age, duration of symptoms, number of cervical prolapsed intervertebral discs, surgical approach, preoperative signal changes, residual compression and postoperative outcome of signal changes; clinical outcome (motor, sensory, autonomic and disability improvement). METHODS: The participants in this study underwent anterior cervical discectomy/corpectomy or laminectomy/laminoplasty for cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Clinical features and MRI findings were studied in detail and compared with postoperative clinical and radiological status. The spinal cord signal intensity changes were evaluated before and after surgery. The multifactorial effect of such variables as age, duration of symptoms, number of prolapsed intervertebral discs, surgical approach (anterior/posterior), preoperative cord changes on T1- and T2-weighted sequences and persistence/regression of cord changes on clinical outcome (motor/sensory/autonomic/disability improvement) was studied using stepwise logistic regression. The highlight of the study is the analysis of the factors affecting regression of cord changes and their effect on postoperative outcome. RESULTS: Preoperative intramedullary signal changes were present in 121 of 146 patients (82.9%); of these 121 patients, T1- and T2-weighted images were present in 81, and T2-weighted images were present in 40 (no patient had isolated T1 change). Postoperative MRI could be obtained in 44 of 121 patients (36.4%) with preoperative intramedullary signal changes; 14 had regression of cord changes. There was no significant difference in the clinical presentation of patients with and without cord changes. There was a significant correlation between the surgical outcome of patients and their age, duration of symptoms, number of cervical prolapsed intervertebral discs, surgical approach, preoperative signal changes, residual compression and postoperative outcome of signal changes. The patients with no intramedullary signal changes and signal changes only on T2-weighted images had a better outcome than patients with signal changes on both T1- and T2-weighted images. The patients with regression of intramedullary signal changes had significantly better outcome. There was no significant correlation between regression of signal changes and other factors. However, chronicity of disease, multiplicity of discs and postoperative residual compression relatively affect persistence of intramedullary signal changes. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of intramedullary signal changes on T1- as well as T2-weighted sequences on MRI in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy indicates a poor prognosis. However, the T2 signal intensity changes reflect a broad spectrum of spinal cord reparative potentials. Predictors of surgical outcomes are preoperative signal intensity change patterns of the spinal cord and their postoperative persistence/regression on radiological evaluations, age at the time of surgery, multiplicity of involvement and chronicity of the disease and surgical approach (anterior/posterior).  相似文献   

李洪  蒋成 《中国骨伤》2020,33(2):158-165
目的:探讨影响无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤手术疗效的相关因素。方法:对2010年11月至2016年11月被诊断为无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤且接受手术治疗69例患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,其中男37例,女32例;年龄32~76(51.6±7.3)岁。选择年龄、性别、脊髓损伤ASIA分级、MRI中脊髓损伤长度、Pavlov比值、后纵韧带骨化、椎间盘突出、MRI中脊髓损伤类型、受伤至手术时间、大剂量激素冲击治疗、手术时间、术中出血量12个因素,应用SPSS 22.0软件对数据进行Logistic单因素和多因素分析,筛选出影响手术疗效的各因素,并确定主要影响因素。结果:单因素分析显示脊髓损伤ASIA分级、MRI中脊髓损伤长度、Pavlov比值、后纵韧带骨化、椎间盘突出、MRI中脊髓损伤类型均与手术疗效相关(P<0.05)。对筛选出的因素行多因素分析显示:按照作用强度,影响手术疗效的因素依次为MRI中脊髓损伤类型、MRI中脊髓损伤长度、Pavlov比值、脊髓损伤ASIA分级(P<0.05)。结论:影响无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤手术疗效的因素为MRI中脊髓损伤类型、MRI中脊髓损伤长度、Pavlov比值、脊髓损伤ASIA分级,其中最主要的因素为MRI中脊髓损伤类型和长度。相较于其他患者,术前MRI提示脊髓损伤类型为水肿+出血或者损伤长度≥ 45 mm的患者,手术疗效欠佳的风险更高,术前需与患者及家属充分沟通。  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: An experimental study was conducted to evaluate MRI signal changes within the spinal cord after the injury in rats. OBJECTIVES: To clarify the significance of MRI signal changes in the injured cervical cord. SETTING: Tokyo, Japan. METHODS: Cervical spinal cord injury was produced in rats by placing a 20-g, or 35-g weight on exposed dura at the C6 level for 5 min (20 g- or 35 g-compression group). Motor function was evaluated by the inclined-plane method at 2, 7 and 28 days after the injury. T1- and T2-weighted images were produced by the spin-echo method with a static magnetic field strength of 2.0 tesla, at 2 and 28 days after the injury, and then the histopathological examinations were performed. RESULTS: In the 20-g compression group, which recovered from the paralysis at 28 days, MR images were T1 iso signal/T2 high signal 2 days after the injury and T1 iso signal/T2 high signal after 28 days. The changes in MRI signal 2 and 28 days represented edema and gliosis, respectively. In the 35-g compression group, which incompletely recovered from paralysis at 28 days. MR images were T1 iso-signal/T2 low signal surrounded by high signal 2 days after the injury and T1 low/T2 high signal at 28 days. The MRI signal changes 2 and 28 days reflected hemorrhage with edema and cavities, respectively. CONCLUSION: T2 low signal of the spinal cord observed early after injury reflects hemorrhage and may serve as an indicator of a poor prognosis. T1 low/T2 high signals from the subacute to chronic period indicated persistence of paralysis and limited recovery of function.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed on 37 patients with acute spinal injury using T1- and T2-weighted images. Three different types of MRI signal patterns were detected in association with these spinal cord injuries. A classification was developed using these three patterns. Type I, seen in ten (27.0%) of the patients, demonstrated a decreased signal intensity consistent with acute intraspinal hemorrhage. Type II, seen in 16 (43.2%) of the patients, demonstrated a bright signal intensity consistent with acute cord edema. Type III, seen in three (8.1%) of the patients, demonstrated a mixed signal of hypointensity centrally and hyperintensity peripherally consistent with contusion. The remaining eight patients had normal cords by MRI. All 37 patients had an admitting neurologic assessment and classification of their spinal injury according to the Frankel classification and the Trauma Motor Index (TMI). At an average of 12.1 months postinjury, their neurologic function was reassessed. Patients with Type I patterns showed no improvement in their Frankel classification and minimal improvement in their TMI, 32.1 to 42.4. In comparison, all of the Type II and III patterns improved at least one Frankel classification. The Type II TMI increased from 70.8 to 91.9 and Type III from 37.3 to 75.7. This preliminary report indicates a distinct correlation between the pattern of spinal cord injury as identified by MRI and neurologic recovery. It appears that the ability of MRI to aid in examination of the condition of the spinal cord will offer a means of predicting neurologic recovery following acute spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

无骨折脱位型颈髓损伤的临床研究进展   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
梅盛前  陈其昕 《中国骨伤》2006,19(2):124-126
无骨折脱位型颈髓损伤是指没有骨折或脱位的颈部创伤所导致的急性颈脊髓损伤。通常多见于儿童,具体损伤机制至今仍不明了。X线、CT检查提示颈椎无骨折脱位,MRI检查有脊髓损伤的表现。临床表现多种多样,以脊髓中央型损伤综合征常见。临床治疗可分为保守治疗和手术治疗,如何选择合适的治疗方法仍存在争议。本文就无骨折脱位型颈髓损伤的病因、损伤机制、临床治疗等方面的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Morio Y  Teshima R  Nagashima H  Nawata K  Yamasaki D  Nanjo Y 《Spine》2001,26(11):1238-1245
STUDY DESIGN: Magnetic resonance images of cervical compression myelopathy were retrospectively analyzed in comparison with surgical outcomes. OBJECTIVES: To investigate which magnetic resonance findings in patients with cervical compression myelopathy reflect the clinical symptoms and prognosis, and to determine the radiographic and clinical factors that correlate with the prognosis. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Signal intensity changes of the spinal cord on magnetic resonance imaging in chronic cervical myelopathy are thought to be indicative of the prognosis. However, the prognostic significance of signal intensity change remains controversial. METHODS: The participants in this study were 73 patients who underwent cervical expansive laminoplasty for cervical compression myelopathy. Their mean age was 64 years, and the mean postoperative follow-up period was 3.4 years. The pathologic conditions were cervical spondylotic myelopathy in 42 patients and ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament in 31 patients. Magnetic resonance imaging (spin-echo sequence) was performed in all the patients. The transverse area of the spinal cord at the site of maximal compression was computed, and spinal cord signal intensity changes were evaluated before and after surgery. Three patterns of spinal cord signal intensity changes on T1-weighted sequences/T2-weighted sequences were detected as follows: normal/normal, normal/high-signal intensity changes, and low-signal/high-signal intensity changes. Surgical outcomes were compared among these three groups. The most useful combination of parameters for predicting prognosis was determined using a stepwise regression analysis. RESULTS: The findings showed 2 patients with normal/normal, 67 patients with normal/high-signal, and 4 patients with low-signal/high-signal change patterns before surgery. Regarding postoperative recovery, the preoperative low-signal/high-signal group was significantly inferior to the preoperative normal/high-signal group. There was no significant difference between the transverse area of the spinal cord at the site of maximal compression in the normal/high-signal group and the low-signal/high-signal group. A stepwise regression analysis showed that the best combination of surgical outcome predictors included age (correlation coefficient R = -0.348), preoperative signal pattern, and duration of symptoms (correlation coefficient R = -0.231). CONCLUSIONS: The low-signal intensity changes on T1-weighted sequences indicated a poor prognosis. The authors speculate that high-signal intensity changes on T2 weighted images include a broad spectrum of compressive myelomalacic pathologies and reflect a broad spectrum of spinal cord recuperative potentials. Predictors of surgical outcomes are preoperative signal intensity change pattern of the spinal cord on radiologic evaluations, age at the time of surgery, and chronicity of the disease.  相似文献   

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