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目的探讨Hoffa骨折的手术方式选择及其临床疗效。方法回顾性分析自2017-01—2018-12采用手术治疗的11例Hoffa骨折,LetenneurⅠ、Ⅲ型骨折采用膝前外侧或前内侧入路,LetenneurⅡ型骨折采用膝后外侧或后内侧入路。6例选用2~4枚皮质骨螺钉或松质骨螺钉内固定,3例选用锁定钢板内固定,2例选用锁定钢板联合空心钉内固定。结果11例均获得随访,随访时间平均14(8~18)个月。术后无感染、内固定松动、骨折不愈合、膝关节僵硬等并发症发生。骨折愈合时间平均13(11~17)周。末次随访时根据Letenneur等的评分标准进行功能评估:优6例,良2例,可2例,差1例。结论因Hoffa骨折特殊的解剖位置及其在X线片上难以清晰显示容易导致漏诊,临床医师应熟悉此类骨折的影像学特点,了解患者的损伤机制,并根据骨折的具体分型采用不同的手术入路,制定更加合理的治疗方案,目前Hoffa骨折采用锁定钢板联合空心钉内固定可获得满意的疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨空心拉力螺钉内固定治疗Hoffa骨折的临床疗效。方法空心拉力螺钉内固定治疗Hoffa骨折19例,观察切口、骨折愈合情况及并发症,术后按Letenneur膝关节评分标准评定膝关节功能。结果 19例获得随访12~23个月,骨折均愈合,无并发症发生;末次随访时功能恢复情况按Letenneur膝关节评分标准:优9例,良7例,可2例,差1例,优良率84.21%。结论空心拉力螺钉内固定治疗Hoffa骨折临床疗效满意,适合于所有类型的Hoffa骨折。  相似文献   

目的 探讨后路空心加压螺钉结合抗滑动钢板内固定治疗Letenneur Ⅰ型Hoffa骨折的临床疗效.方法 2006年8月至2009年10月共收治10例Letenneur Ⅰ型Hoffa骨折患者,男7例,女3例;年龄22~61岁,平均40.1岁;左侧6例,右侧4例;均为外髁骨折.受伤至手术时间为3~12 d,平均6.4 d.10例患者均采用后侧人路,以2枚空心加压螺钉由后向前固定,同时使用抗滑动钢板固定,术后进行功能锻炼.结果 10例患者术后获10~18个月(半均12.7个月)随访.所有患者骨折均获骨性愈合,愈合时间为2~5个月,平均3.6个月.按照Letenneur等的Hoffa骨折术后功能恢复评估系统评定疗效:优6例,良3例,差1例.结论 后路空心加压螺钉配合抗滑动钢板内固定治疗Letenneur Ⅰ型Hoffa 骨折具有固定可靠、可早期功能锻炼及膝火节功能恢复好的优点.  相似文献   

目的 探讨空心拉力螺钉结合钢板内固定治疗LetenneurⅠ、Ⅲ型Hoffa骨折的方法及临床疗效。方法 自2009-03—2012-08共诊治9例(10髁)Hoffa骨折,其中内侧3髁,外侧7髁,按Letenneur分型:Ⅰ型6髁,Ⅲ型4髁。其中7髁(Ⅰ型骨折6例,Ⅲ型骨折1例)行空心钉结合后方防滑钢板或侧方支撑钢板内固定,3髁(Ⅲ型骨折)行空心钉结合侧方支撑钢板内固定。术后按照Letenneur功能恢复评估系统评定疗效。结果 所有患者均获得随访6~47个月,平均16.7个月。骨折均骨性愈合,愈合时间12~30周,平均18.3周。无内固定松动断裂、感染及股骨髁坏死等并发症发生。术后疗效:优良9髁,差1髁。结论 Hoffa骨折行切开解剖复位空心拉力螺钉结合后方防滑钢板或侧方支撑钢板内固定术,可达到固定坚强可靠、术后能早期功能锻炼、术后功能恢复良好、术后并发症少的治疗效果。  相似文献   

空心拉力螺钉治疗Hoffa骨折   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的:探讨空心拉力螺钉治疗Hoffa骨折的手术方法及临床疗效。方法:2001年2月至2009年5月采用空心拉力螺钉治疗Hoffa骨折13例,男8例,女5例;年龄23~45岁,平均34.2岁;左侧6例,右侧7例。按Letenneur分型:股骨外髁,Ⅰ型3例,Ⅲ型2例;股骨内髁,Ⅰ型3例,Ⅱ型2例,Ⅲ型3例。根据骨折类型,按不同入路应用松质骨空心拉力螺钉内固定治疗。结果:13例均获随访,时间12~23个月,平均16.5个月。所有患者未发现腘窝动脉、胫神经或腓总神经等并发症。术后半年根据Letenneur膝关节功能评分,优10例,可3例。术后半年X线片示骨折骨性愈合,未发现空心螺纹钉松动、断裂及骨折不愈合等。结论:空心拉力螺钉治疗Hoffa骨折临床疗效满意,手术入路及内固定方式应根据骨折类型、骨折线的位置及骨折块的大小等因素综合判断。  相似文献   

目的探讨异型锁定钢板结合空心加压螺钉内固定治疗Hoffa骨折的疗效。方法手术治疗14例新鲜Hoffa骨折,术中先应用空心加压螺钉从前至后固定骨折,然后于外髁应用异型锁定钢板内固定。结果 14例获平均13.6(8~21)个月随访,骨折均获骨性愈合。无内固定松动、断裂及骨折继发移位等并发症。疗效按Letenneur评估系统评价:优9例,良4例,差1例。结论该方法治疗Hoffa骨折入路简单、操作方便、固定牢固、疗效满意,是目前可供选择的理想术式。  相似文献   

目的探讨后侧入路空心拉力螺钉联合Herbert钉内固定治疗LetenneurⅠ型Hoffa骨折的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析自2007-01—2013-12采用后外侧或后内侧入路切开复位空心拉力螺钉联合Herbert钉内固定治疗LetenneurⅠ型Hoffa骨折9例。结果 9例术后均获得12~30(18.56±6.15)个月随访。骨折均一期愈合,无内固定物松动、断裂。末次随访时疗效按Letenneur等关于Hoffa骨折术后功能恢复评估标准评定:优7例,可1例,差1例。结论及时明确诊断、早期手术,选择合理的术式及内固定方式达到解剖复位,并在坚强内固定的基础上进行早期功能锻炼是治疗LetenneurⅠ型Hoffa骨折的关键,采取后侧入路切开复位空心拉力螺钉联合Herbert钉内固定切实可靠、疗效满意。  相似文献   

背景:目前,Hoffa骨折的治疗多采用2枚直径较大的空心拉力螺钉切开复位内固定手术,而越来越多的医师开始采用多枚Acutrak空心无头加压螺钉治疗Hoffa骨折,但对其临床疗效的研究报道仍较少。目的:探讨多枚Acutrak空心无头加压螺钉内固定治疗Hoffa骨折的临床疗效。方法:2007年l月至2013年12月采用多枚Acutrak空心无头加压螺钉治疗Hoffa骨折12例,术后随访膝关节功能、骨折愈合情况及并发症,并按Letenneur评分标准评定术后膝关节功能恢复情况。结果:全部获得随访,随访时间为6~40个月,平均26.2个月,骨折均愈合,无并发症发生,末次随访时膝关节功能恢复情况按Letenneur评分标准:优良10例,可2例,差0例,优良率为83.3%。结论:多枚Acutrak空心无头加压螺钉内固定术操作简单安全,骨折复位固定良好,临床疗效满意,是治疗Hoffa骨折较理想的方法。  相似文献   

目的观察侧方支持钢板联合空心钉内固定治疗LetenneurⅢ型Hoffa骨折的临床疗效。方法自2011-01—2013-12诊治25例(28髁)闭合性LetenneurⅢ型Hoffa骨折,在膝关节前后方向置入2枚空心钉,并采用侧方支持钢板固定。术后观察骨折愈合、并发症发生情况,并采用Letenneur评分标准评价膝关节功能。结果 25例术后均获随访6~12(14.23±4.53)个月。28髁均骨性愈合,愈合时间11~21(15.71±2.12)周。无内固定物断裂、松动、移位及股骨髁缺血性坏死等并发症发生。25例均于术后9~16(12.34±4.27)个月取出内固定物。末次随访时采用Letenneur评分标准评价膝关节功能:优15例,良10例,可3例,优良率89.29%。结论侧方支持钢板内固定治疗LetenneurⅢ型Hoffa骨折操作简便,附加2枚空心钉可增强内固定的稳定性,骨折愈合良好,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

徐毅  李恒  杨红航 《中国骨伤》2016,29(12):1146-1149
目的 :探讨髁间窝螺钉联合钢板固定治疗LetenneurⅢ型Hoffa骨折的临床疗效。方法:自2005年3月至2014年12月采用髁间窝螺钉联合钢板固定治疗Hoffa骨折7例,男5例,女2例;年龄27~68岁,平均42.6岁。外侧髁5例,内侧髁2例。均为闭合骨折。按照Letenneur骨折分型,均为Ⅲ型骨折。观察其骨折愈合及术后并发症情况,并采用Letenneur标准对其疗效进行评价。结果:7例患者获得随访,时间13~26个月,平均17.8个月。所有骨折获得骨性愈合,愈合时间9~15周,平均12.4周。术后无感染、骨折不愈合及骨坏死发生。膝关节功能参照Letenneur评估标准,优6例,可1例。结论:髁间窝螺钉联合钢板固定治疗LetenneurⅢ型Hoffa骨折是一种安全、有效的治疗方法,可以增加骨折固定稳定性,促进骨折愈合,有利于早期功能锻炼,改善膝关节功能。  相似文献   

《Surgery (Oxford)》2016,34(9):440-443
A fracture of the proximal femur (or hip fracture) is a devastating injury to an elderly patient. Nearly all patients require surgery as part of their treatment but their care necessitates complex multidisciplinary involvement. In the last ten years there have been a number of initiatives to help improve care for this challenging patient group, as well as establishment of The National Hip Fracture Database, to allow us to audit the care provided. With this focus, we have seen both mortality and length of stay decrease. The aim of this article is to summarize the current recommendations for patients who suffer a hip fracture.  相似文献   

A fracture of the proximal femur (or hip fracture) is a devastating injury to an elderly patient. Nearly all patients require surgery as part of their treatment but their care necessitates complex multidisciplinary involvement. In the last few years there have been a number of initiatives to help improve care for this challenging patient group, as well as establishment of National Hip Fracture Databases, to allow us to audit the care provided. With this focus we have seen both mortality and length of stay decrease. The aim of this article is to summarize the current recommendations for patients who suffer a hip fracture.  相似文献   

Summary A total of 218 talar injuries were studied with particular attention to the nature and extent of associated injuries. In 96 patients (44%) there was a fracture of one of the neighbouring bones, viz. 59 fractures of the ankle, 27 of the calcaneum, and 11 of the navicular. Talar injury, ankle fracture, and calcaneal fracture co-existed in 7 patients. Among the cases complicated by ankle fractures 15 were open (25%) and many affected the trochlea (37%). Thirty-six (61%) of the ankle fractures associated with talar injuries were of the supination type, 8 of the pronation type, 5 of the pronation-external rotation type, and 2 of the supination-external rotation type. Of the talar injuries occurring in a supinated foot about half were shearing fractures of the talar neck. Of the 27 calcaneal fractures 11 were compression fractures with depression of the joint surface, whereas the others were non-displaced shearing fractures or avulsion fractures. It is concluded that as a rule the talar injury is not isolated, but associated with a more extensive regional injury and that a supination force is the decisive factor causing a talar injury.
Résumé Les auteurs ont étudié 218 traumatismes de l'astragale en tenant particulièrement compte de la nature et de l'étendue des lésions associées. Chez 96 blessés (44%), il existait une fracture d'un os voisin, à savoir: 59 fractures du cou-de-pied, 27 du calcanéum et 11 du scaphoïde tarsien. Sept fois, la lésion astragalienne était associée à une fracture du cou-de-pied et du calcanéum. Parmi les cas compliqués de fractures bimalléolaires, 15 étaient ouverts (25%) et plusieurs (37%) siégeaient au niveau de la poulie astragalienne.Trente-six (61%) des lésions associées du cou-de-pied étaient des fractures par supination, 5 étaient des fractures par pronation et 2 par supination-rotation externe. La moitié environ des traumatismes astragaliens survenus sur un pied en supination étaient des fractures par cisaillement du col de l'astragale. Parmi les 27 fractures du calcanéum, 11 étaient des fractures par compression, avec enfoncement thalamique, tandis que les autres étaient des fractures sans déplacement, par cisaillement, ou des fractures par avulsion.Les auteurs concluent qu'en règle un traumatisme de l'astragale n'est pas isolé mais associé à des lésions régionales plus étendues et qu'une force s'exerçant en supination constitue le facteur déterminant des lésions traumatiques de l'astragale.

B. Lund  J. H  gh  U. Lucht 《Acta orthopaedica》1981,52(6):645-648
The clinical and social status of 110 patients with trochanteric and subtrochanteric fractures was evaluated in a prospective and comparative study 1 year after Ender or McLaughlin osteosynthesis.

In both groups the mortality rate during the first year was 21 per cent. There were no significant differences between the two groups concerning pain, hip movement, walking ability or the social status of the patients. Of the 110 patients surviving the first year, 35 per cent were unable to walk, 20 per cent walked with a cane or crutches and 30 per cent had periodic pains in the hip or knee. About 20 per cent of the patients admitted from their own home now lived in nursing homes.  相似文献   

目的探讨严重Pilon骨折的不同手术方法、手术时机及治疗效果。方法对1999年5月至2006年6月间46例严重Pilon骨折分别采用有限内固定、有限内固定结合外支架固定及三叶草钢板内固定等方法进行手术治疗。按AO分类方式,所有患者均为C型,C1型10例,C2型22例,C3型14例。开放性骨折11例。闭合性骨折35例。结果所有患者术后均获得8~48个月的随访,平均20个月。踝关节功能按Mazur评价,优21例,良12例,可8例,差5例。主要并发症包括2例皮肤坏死,2例皮肤软组织感染,1例骨感染。5例钉道感染。结论 严重Pilon骨折根据不同的骨折类型、软组织损伤程度及医疗条件选择不同的手术方式和手术时机,均可取得良好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

The most common site of injury to the spine is the thoracolumbar junction which is the mechanical transition junction between the rigid thoracic and the more flexible lumbar spine. The lumbar spine is another site which is more prone to injury. Absence of stabilizing articulations with the ribs, lordotic posture and more sagitally oriented facet joints are the most obvious explanations. Burst fractures of the spine account for 14% of all spinal injuries. Though common, thoracolumbar and lumbar burst fractures present a number of important treatment challenges. There has been substantial controversy related to the indications for nonoperative or operative management of these fractures. Disagreement also exists regarding the choice of the surgical approach. A large number of thoracolumbar and lumbar fractures can be treated conservatively while some fractures require surgery. Selecting an appropriate surgical option requires an in-depth understanding of the different methods of decompression, stabilization and/or fusion. Anterior surgery has the advantage of the greatest degree of canal decompression and offers the benefit of limiting the number of motion segments fused. These advantages come at the added cost of increased time for the surgery and the related morbidity of the surgical approach. Posterior surgery enjoys the advantage of being more familiar to the operating surgeons and can be an effective approach. However, the limitations of this approach include inadequate decompression, recurrence of the deformity and implant failure. Though many of the principles are the same, the treatment of low lumbar burst fractures requires some additional consideration due to the difficulty of approaching this region anteriorly. Avoiding complications of these surgeries are another important aspect and can be achieved by following an algorithmic approach to patient assessment, proper radiological examination and precision in decision-making regarding management. A detailed understanding of the mechanism of injury and their unique biomechanical propensities following various forms of treatment can help the spinal surgeon manage such patients effectively and prevent devastating complications.  相似文献   

All perilunate fracture-dislocations combine ligament ruptures, bone avulsions, and fractures in a variety of clinical forms. The most frequent is the dorsal trans-scaphoid perilunate dislocation. In rare cases, however, these dislocations also have been associated with capitate fractures, triquetral fractures, or lunate fracture. We report a combined scaphoid and lunate fracture of the wrist that was not associated with perilunate dislocation.  相似文献   

DT Fufa  CA Goldfarb 《Hand Clinics》2012,28(3):379-388
Most metacarpal fractures are minimally displaced and are treated without surgery. Markedly displaced fractures, fractures causing finger rotation, and displaced intra-articular fractures require surgical intervention. The challenge with the elite athlete is achieving an early return to play without compromising fracture position. Casts, splints, and surgery each have a role in getting the athlete back into action as soon as possible.  相似文献   

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