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目的退变性腰椎椎间盘突出、黄韧带肥厚、关节突关节增生内聚引起神经根管狭窄,利用椎间孔镜对神经根管进行减压。方法对20例退变性神经根管狭窄症患者行腰椎椎间孔镜下神经根管扩大成形术,记录术前术后腰腿痛疼痛视觉模拟量表(visual analogue scale,VAS)评分,采用Macnab标准评价疗效。结果 20例患者术前平均腰痛VAS评分为5分,术后即刻为1.5分,术后3个月为0.5分。术前平均腿痛VAS评分为7分,术后即刻为0.3分,术后3个月为0.1分。18例患者术后3个月的改良Macnab疗效评定为优,2例患者为良。结论对腰椎退变性神经根管狭窄症,椎间孔镜可对突出的腰椎椎间盘、关节突关节以及黄韧带进行减压,有效地扩大神经根管,可获得很好的疗效。  相似文献   

屈曲旋转腰椎牵引对人腰神经通道的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
岳寿伟  刘树伟 《中国骨伤》2000,13(10):583-584
目的 观察屈曲旋转腰椎牵引对人腰神经通道的断面解剖学影响。方法 青壮年男尸8具,应用断层解剖学技术制作脊柱区L1 ̄S1矢状面和冠状面断层标本,将得到的断层标本固定于模拟屈曲旋转牵引器上,每一标本摄像观察。结果 在屈曲旋转腰椎牵引时,椎间隙增宽;椎间孔上2/3增大,下1/3减小;关节突关节面上下滑动、切向旋转、间隙增宽;黄韧带紧张;神经根在神经通道内被牵伸滑动,这骨动在行旋转时以对侧神经根为显著。结论 屈曲旋转腰椎牵引可通过增加椎间隙、扩大椎间管、纠正小关节功能紊乱、松解神经根粘连而起到治疗腰椎间盘突出的效果。  相似文献   

腰椎运动时黄韧带的原位应变测量   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在腰椎黄韧带解剖学观察的基础上,以新鲜尸体完整腰椎为标本,采用平行光三维运动测量系数,测量腰椎不同方向运动时,右侧黄韧带上、下端附着部中点的空间位置和三维位移量,获得二点间距离的变化值以及最大载荷时黄韧带应变的均值和标准差。前屈时黄韧带应变最大,右旋时应变最小。后伸和右弯时黄韧带应变为负值,提示韧带长度短缩。该研究方法也适用于人体其他韧带的生物力学研究。  相似文献   

目的 观察单节段脊柱后部结构对腰椎三维运动稳定性的影响。方法 选用6具成人新鲜尸体脊柱标本腰1-骶1(L1~S1),采用单节段逐步切除腰椎后部结构的方法,形成7种状态,通过脊柱三维运动试验机施加10N.m的载荷,使脊柱产生前屈/后仲,左/右侧屈和左/右轴向旋转运动。结果 切除脊柱的后部结构后,在脊柱的三维稳定性中,前屈及轴向旋转运动的稳定性最易受到破坏,前屈平均运动范围增加5.1度,旋转增加3.4度。结论 除小关节骨性结构及关节囊外,后部结构对维持腰椎的稳定性具有重要作用,特别是对前屈及轴向旋转运动。  相似文献   

后路斜向腰椎关节固定术治疗腰椎退行性不稳   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
[目的]探讨应用后路斜向腰椎关节固定术(POLAr)治疗腰椎退行性不稳并神经根管狭窄的治疗效果。[方法]采用后路腰椎侧后方对神经根管彻底减压,后路斜向腰椎关节固定术,治疗腰椎退行性不稳并神经根管狭窄患者80例,男28例,女52例;平均年龄58.5岁;其中融合2个节段者56例,3个节段者20例,4个节段者4例。[结果]全部患者均安全完成手术,未出现神经系统并发症,术前症状完全缓解。经6个月~6a(平均2a)随访,除5例患者外都获得了牢固的椎间骨性融合;临床疗效:优62例,良15例,可3例,优良率95%。[结论]采用后路斜向腰椎关节固定术(POLAr)治疗腰椎退行性不稳,能够恢复椎问高度,重建腰椎轴向排列和载荷,能尽可能地保留脊柱后部结构,保持了脊柱的稳定性,植骨融合牢固,POLAr术式是一种有效治疗退变性腰椎不稳神经根管狭窄的手术方法。  相似文献   

从理解腰椎间关节强硬的理论、发病机理、初步诊断的角度出发,为了明确腰椎骨组织,韧带组织和神经组织的关系,本文对25例腰椎骨和25例完整的尸体椎骨进行了质与量的研究。发现在不同的椎体平面,椎弓根间尺寸是外侧隐窝外形与尺寸重要骨性因素,并且,外侧隐窝的尺寸往下逐步增加。在不同腰椎水平,骨韧带神经根管的长度和吡邻的变化是下腰段神经根渐渐地更早一些从硬膜囊发出的一个功能。骨韧带神经根管和它们的末端椎间管在椎间盘和小关节囊所对的水平,表现了明显的正常狭窄,这使得正常的神经根管呈串珠样外观,而骨韧带的椎间管呈长颈葫芦一样,正常的狭窄区与椎间关节强硬的神经受压点有密切关系。腰椎间盘间隙的狭窄是腰椎管内许多独立退变的一个重要原因,因此,椎间盘间隙的重建,将是椎间关节强硬外科手术的一个主要目标。  相似文献   

目的采用有限元分析法分析腰椎经皮内镜双侧椎间孔一次成形对腰椎生物力学的影响。方法选取1例健康成年男性志愿者,通过腰椎CT三维重建检查获取腰椎CT数据,通过Solidworks 15.0软件建立椎间盘及关节软骨模型,建立正常L4,5椎体三维有限元模型(A模型)。模拟双侧椎间孔入路经皮内镜腰椎间盘切除术过程,在A模型的基础上通过软件上圆柱体切割工具模拟环锯作用,切除上关节突部分骨质行椎间孔扩大成形术,建立双侧椎间孔一次成形模型(B模型)。比较两种模型在左旋、右旋、左屈、右屈、前屈、后伸等运动状态下的最大位移变化和椎间盘受力情况。结果与A模型相比,在前屈、后伸、左屈、右屈、左旋、右旋运动状态下,B模型的最大位移和椎间盘受力均增大。侧屈、旋转取左侧和右侧平均值时,B模型最大位移变化为前屈>侧屈>旋转>后伸;椎间盘受力变化为侧屈>前屈>旋转>后伸。结论通过建立有效的腰椎经皮内镜双侧椎间孔一次成形的有限元模型,发现在6种运动过程下,L4,5节段的运动幅度均增大,椎间盘的应力均增加,推测双侧关节突损伤可造成脊柱的活动范围增大,加重脊柱不稳的趋势,增加腰椎椎间盘退变的风险。  相似文献   

腰椎椎管狭窄症是脊柱外科临床工作中常见的疾病之一,以腰椎间盘退变为基础而产生的椎间盘突出、腰椎小关节增生以及黄韧带肥厚增生等是该病的典型病理表现,椎管或神经根管容积减少继发于上述病理变化,继而压迫硬膜囊或神经根,导致患者出现间歇性跛行、腰痛、下肢麻木疼痛等症状。高尿酸血症如果没有经过良好控制,可以导致痛风及局部尿酸盐结晶沉积。尿酸盐结晶物可以沉积到滑膜、韧带等部位,临床上最常沉积的是手部、足部、膝关节、肘关节等部位。脊柱作为三关节复合体结构,同样存在大量的韧带、滑膜,理论上同样可以在这些部位发生尿酸盐的沉积,而导致椎管(神经根管)容积减少,造成或者加重椎管狭窄的病情。但是可能因为椎管深在,难以直接观察到;且少量的尿酸盐沉积也不一定造成症状等原因,临床上相关报道多为个案报道。我们回顾性总结并分析2017年5月~2022年8月遇到的腰椎椎管狭窄症合并椎管内痛风石沉积病例,分享笔者的经验和认知。  相似文献   

目的:研究胸腰段脊柱韧带逐级切断对脊柱节段稳定性影响的三维运动变化。方法:采用7 具新鲜胸腰段脊柱通过脊柱三维运动试验机施加最大载荷为10.0N.m 的6 种力偶,使脊柱产生前屈、后伸、左/右侧屈和左/右轴向旋转运动。经立体摄像计算机图像处理得到T12 ~L1 节段的运动范围。先对完整标本进行测量,其结果为自身对照组(Ⅰ组)。然后在T12~L1 节段依次切断棘上韧带(Ⅱ组),棘间、黄韧带(Ⅲ组),关节囊韧带(Ⅳ组)后纵韧带、椎间盘后1/3(Ⅴ组)。结果:切除棘上、棘间韧带后活动范围均有增加,但和对照组相比差异无显著性(P> 0.05)。切除关节囊韧带后前屈运动和左/右旋转运动范围显著增大和对照组相比差异有显著性(P< 0.05),切除后纵韧带、椎间盘后1/3,在Ⅳ组基础上活动范略有增大和正常组相比差异有显著性(P< 0.05)。结论:胸腰段脊柱关节囊韧带可提供该节段的前屈,左/右旋转运动的内在稳定性。  相似文献   

目的 探讨脊柱后路显微内窥镜治疗腰椎间盘突出症的基本概念,手术要点,临床应用,适应症及并发症,方法 采用脊柱后路显微内窥镜椎间盘切除术(microendoscopic discectony,MED)行腰椎间盘摘除和神经根管扩大术,术中用C型臂X线机定位,在荧屏监视显微内窥镜下显露病变椎板间隙,咬除少量椎板下缘及黄韧带。扩大椎间隙,显露硬膜囊,神经根,摘除突出的腰间盘组织,必要时行神经根管扩大术,结果 本组80例,随访1-7个月,按Nakai分级,优68例,良11例,可1例,差0例,结论 经脊柱后路显微内窥镜腰椎间盘摘除术具有创伤小,出血少,恢复快的特点,同时保持脊柱后柱完整性,不破坏脊柱的生物力学结构,疗效肯定。  相似文献   

脊柱旋转手法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的实验研究   总被引:62,自引:6,他引:56  
采用模拟手法对3具新鲜尸体的脊柱标本,进行了L4.5、L5S1椎间盘后外缘应力变化的测定,和脊柱不同位置变化下腰椎小关节突相互关系改变的观察。结果发现前屈侧弯旋转法对腰椎小关节突的活动幅度最大,直立旋转法次之,向左侧旋转时小关节突作切面的旋转滑动,右侧小关节间隙增大;向右侧旋转时反之。做前屈侧弯旋转法时,当脊柱向左侧旋转时,椎间盘左后外侧压力增高,同时右后外侧压力减低;向右旋时则反之。而当旋转动作结束复原时,出现负压的一侧均出现一个微小的正压,这种正负压力多次反复的变化,可以使突出的髓核变位或变形,从而使受压的神经根减张。  相似文献   

Ayberk G  Ozveren F  Gök B  Yazgan A  Tosun H  Seçkin Z  Altundal N 《Neurologia medico-chirurgica》2008,48(7):298-303; discussion 303
Nine patients treated surgically for lumbar spinal synovial cyst were reviewed. Four patients had synovial, two had ganglion, one had posterior longitudinal ligament, and two had ligamentum flavum cyst. Synovial cysts had a single layer of epithelial cells in the inner layer of the cyst with continuity with the facet joint. Ganglion cyst had no continuity with the facet joint and epithelial lining was present in one and absent in one case. Posterior longitudinal ligament and ligamentum flavum cysts had no continuity with the facet joint and no epithelial lining. Magnetic resonance imaging showed the cysts better than computed tomography. All patients treated for nerve root compression or lumbar spinal canal narrowing. One patient suffered recurrence 1 year later and was reoperated. Operative results were excellent in six and good in three patients. Lumbar spinal synovial cysts should be considered in differential diagnosis of lumbar radiculopathy/neurogenic claudication and is surgically treatable.  相似文献   

手法治疗脊柱滑脱症的临床与实验研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
应用位移传感器测量新鲜尸体标本模拟运动及旋转复位时位移情况,可见腰椎下关节突产生向上及侧方位移,使椎间孔扩大,椎体产生相应向后回位趋势;肉眼观察峡部裂脊柱标本在手法作用下出现峡部裂间距加大。对35例腰椎滑脱症病人手法治疗,效果较为满意,尤对退变型滑脱为佳;仰卧屈膝,屈髋腰起坐锻炼和等张肌力锻炼是治疗该病的重要措施。  相似文献   

Most synovial cysts of the lumbar spine appear as intraspinal extradural masses adjacent to the facet joint. Almost all symptomatic synovial cysts are located within the spinal canal and or the neural foramen. To our knowledge, only 6 cases of symptomatic extraspinal synovial cysts have been described in the literature. The authors report a case of lumbar radiculopathy caused by a synovial cyst located in the far lateral extraforaminal area. The patient underwent decompression of the L5 nerve root with recapping right isthmectomy and facetectomy. Postoperative recovery was uneventful, and the patient was totally pain free with no motor deficit. Symptomatic synovial cysts are uncommon lesions that are associated with degenerative disease of the spine. Juxtafacet cysts should be considered in the differential diagnosis of space-occupying lesions at the extraforaminal areas. Recapping isthmectomy and facetectomy are useful procedures for a synovial cyst located in the far lateral extraforaminal area.  相似文献   

Background Lumbar facet joint tissue has inflammatory cytokines. However, no reports have shown whether inflammatory cytokines in the facet joint leads to pain. This study was designed to characterize the correlation between inflammatory cytokines released from facet joint tissue and symptoms in degenerative lumbar spinal disorders. The purpose of this study was to seek involvement of inflammatory facet joint for radiculopathy in lumbar spinal canal stenosis with clinical and anatomical studies. Methods Lumbar facet joint cartilage and synovial tissues in 40 cases of posterior lumbar surgery were harvested to measure tumor necrotizing factor-α (TNFα), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) during operation. The visual analogue scale (VAS) and Roland-Morris disability questionnaire (RDQ) were used to examine the correlation between cytokine concentration and symptoms. Coloring agent was injected into facet joints of fresh cadavers to find leakage of pigment from the facet joint into the spinal canal. Results Inflammatory cytokines were detected in the joint tissues in the lumbar spinal canal stenosis (LSCS) and lumbar disc herniation (LDH) groups. A positive reaction rate of IL-1β was significantly higher in the LSCS group than in the LDH group. IL-1β-positive cases in the LSCS group showed higher VAS scores for leg pain and higher RDQ scores. Intraspinal canal tissues including lumbar nerve root were stained by injection of methylene blue into the facet joints. Conclusions IL-1β in facet joint cartilage in LSCS was associated with leg pain and a decline of quality of life. Inflammatory cytokines produced in degenerated facet joint may leak into the intraspinal space through the lateral part of the ventral facet joint capsule. These results suggest the involvement of inflammatory cytokines in degenerated lumbar facet joints regarding the genesis of pain production.  相似文献   

腰椎管潜行扩大桥式椎管成形术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统的全椎板切除减压术治疗腰椎管狭窄症,不仅影响脊柱的稳定性,还可能并发腰椎管继发狭窄.作者采用腰椎管潜行扩大桥式椎管成形术治疗15例,优良率为93.4%。本术式特点:1.充分扩大椎管,包括神经根管。2.不破坏脊柱稳定性。3.保持原腰椎活动范围、4.不再形成新的压迫.  相似文献   

L Penning  J T Wilmink 《Spine》1987,12(5):488-500
In 12 patients with myelographic evidence of bilateral root involvement at the L3-L4 or L4-L5 levels postmyelographic computerized tomography (CT) studies were performed in flexion and extension. They showed concentric narrowing of the spinal canal in extension and widening with relief of nerve root involvement in flexion. This could be attributed to the presence of marked degenerative hypertrophy of the facet joints, narrowing the available space for dural sac and emerging root sleeves. In extension of the lumbar spine, bulging of the disc toward the hypertrophic facets causes a pincers mechanism at the anterolateral angles of the spinal canal with the risk of bilateral root compression. This mechanism is enhanced in these cases by marked dorsal indentation of the dural sac because of anterior movement of the dorsal fat pad in extension. The authors believe that the radiologically described mechanism forms the anatomic basis of neurogenic claudication and posture-dependent sciatica.  相似文献   

Ligamentum flavum hematoma, a rare cause of spinal nerve root and canal compression, typically occurs in the mobile lumbar spine segments. A thoracic ligamentum flavum hematoma is extremely rare--only one such case of a thoracolumbar (T11-12) lesion has been reported. The thoracolumbar region with its floating ribs, however, is structurally and biomechanically similar to the lumbar spine and its mobility is greater than the higher thoracic levels. To the best of their knowledge, the authors report the first case of a ligamentum flavum hematoma in the region of the rigid thoracic spinal segments with the contiguous rib cage. A symptomatic T9-10 ligamentum flavum hematoma is described in the case of a 66-year-old woman with compensatory thoracic lordosis secondary to the lumbar degenerative kyphosis. The hematoma was removed and the diagnosis was histologically confirmed. The authors speculate that thoracic lordosis might have contributed to the development of the hematoma because the ligamentum flavum and the facet joint were subjected to greater axial stress than in individuals with normal spinal alignment.  相似文献   

IntroductionSynovial cyst in the cervical spine is a very rare pathology that develops from the facet joint. When a synovial cyst emerges into the surrounding space, it can compress the nervous tissue and cause neurological symptoms. In the cervical area there is additionally the risk of spinal cord compression comparing to the more common presentation of synovial cysts in the lumbar spine.Presentation of caseHere, a cervical synovial cysts from the left facet joint grew into the spinal canal and compressed the C8 nerve root which led to root compressing symptoms. Interestingly we found this synovial cyst with congenital fusion. We identified only nine similar cases in the literature. The cyst was removed surgically and the patient discharged without complications.DiscussionNumerous theories have been established to explain the pathogenesis of synovial cyst. Biomechanical alterations of the spine play a significant role in the development of synovial cyst. However, the etiology is still unclear.ConclusionSurgical treatment should be considered in cervical synovial cysts with neurologic deficit or with cord compression or when the conservative treatment is ineffective.  相似文献   

腰后关节紊乱症的病机和手法治疗生物力学研究   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:19  
用微型传感器埋入法,测定腰椎后关节在不同姿势下的位移和受力情况,结果表明:其位移程度和方向受关节突形态的影响,脊柱活动时关节内压力集中在小关节的上端和下端,当某段关节失稳时,较邻近的小关节内压力增大8倍左右。对模拟旋转手法测定表明:后关节内压力呈波浪状变化,其下关节突出现向上→前→下→后的全方位移动。作者从生物力学的角度对腰后关节紊乱症的病机和手法治疗原理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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