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二氧化氯(ClO2)是英国科学家Humpheny Davey于1811年发现的.ClO2具有强大的氧化作用,其氧化能力是氯气的2.63倍.因其抗菌广谱、高效、无毒、环保,被世界卫生组织(WHO)列为AI级消毒剂.ClO2最早仅用于造纸与纺织等工业的漂白脱色.  相似文献   

目的:通过分析鲜红斑痣增厚结节与年龄、性别的关系,了解鲜红斑痣增厚结节形成的过程,为临床治疗提供参考.方法:对193例确诊为鲜红斑痣的患者,按其临床表现分为无增厚结节组、增厚组、增厚结节组3组.按年龄分为0~19岁和≥20岁2段,然后对与增厚结节形成相关的年龄、性别等因素进行统计学分析.采用SAS6.12软件包.分别对数据进行Fisher确切概率计算和Kruskal-Wallis检验.结果:无增厚结节组165例,占85.49%,增厚组10例,占5.18%;增厚结节组18例、占9.33%.3组之间的年龄分布有统计学差异(P<0.01).0~19岁段94例,≥20岁段99例,增厚结节鲜红斑痣的分布有年龄差异(P<0.01),但无性别差异(P>0.01).结论:随年龄增加,部分鲜红斑痣患者形成增厚、结节病灶,且发生年龄有差异.  相似文献   

有必要发展牙体牙周显微治疗吗?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
某些外科手术,在显微镜下可直接吻合微细血管等,使移植的皮瓣或某些器官可以存活,从而发展了显微外科.不用显微镜,显微外科就无从谈起.这可以说是外科学中的一次革命.100多年前,在牙体制洞时,就已用放大镜或用观剧镜来检查所做洞壁的情况,它可起到某些协助作用.  相似文献   

《国际口腔医学杂志》大量刊登原创性论著,欢迎广大作者踊跃投稿。  相似文献   

《国际口腔医学杂志》大量刊登原创性论著,欢迎广大作者踊跃投稿。  相似文献   

牙本质过敏是牙齿在受到外界刺激,特别是化学刺激和机械刺激所引起的酸痛症状,其特点是发作迅速,疼痛尖锐,时间短[1]。牙本质过敏是口腔科常见病和多发病,因磨损而刚刚外露的牙本质,对酸和甜的食物、温度改变以及探触刺激可能发生酸痛感,影响患者进食。这种牙本质过敏症,可在数  相似文献   

比喻就是打比方,是利用一事物来说明有相似之处的另一事物的修辞手法.撰写医学论文时如能巧妙地运用比喻修辞格,就能把抽象的事物变得具体,把深奥的道理变得浅显,从而大大增强书面语言的表现力.比喻的基本结构分为三部分:本体(被比喻的事物)、喻词(表示比喻关系的词语)和喻体(打比方的事物),根据上述基本结构的不同,比喻可分为明喻、暗喻、借喻三种基本类型,此外饰喻、博喻这两种比喻变式在医学类文章中也时有出现.  相似文献   

最终修复体与长期暂冠(LTP)之间的区别一直没有界定。自凝塑料暂冠虽可直接在临床制作,但只能在短时间内使用.而技工室制作的带有或不带有金属支架的暂时修复体虽经久耐用,但价格较贵。计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制作(CAD/CAM)技术的应用提供了一种可靠.价廉.美观的暂时修复体制作方法。本文讨论了应用CAD/CAM技术制作LTP的多种选择。  相似文献   

目的:研究不同浓度蜂胶醇封闭牙本质小管的效果,为蜂胶脱敏治疗提供形态学依据. 方法:将35个新鲜上颌前磨牙随机分为A、B、C、D、E、F、G7组,制作3㎜×3㎜×2㎜牙本质磨片,清洁,酸蚀.A、B、C组分别涂10、20、30 g/L的蜂胶醇,D组涂含氟涂膜,E组作为空白对照组,扫描电镜观察牙本质小管封闭情况,筛选蜂胶最佳浓度(记作X).F组涂抹浓度为X的蜂胶,G组涂含氟涂膜,用牙刷刷洗标本表面,扫描电镜观察牙本质小管封闭情况.结果:30 g/L的蜂胶醇能够完全封闭牙本质小管,且渗入沉淀达一定深度,经过刷牙后封闭效果没有明显减弱.结论:蜂胶对牙本质小管具有良好的封闭作用,在治疗牙齿感觉过敏症方面具有进一步研究价值.  相似文献   

由中华医学会批准,福建省口腔医学会和厦门市医学会联合主办、厦门市口腔医院承办的"第二届海峡西岸(海西)口腔内科学术论坛"将于2009年7月17-21日在厦门召开。授予国家级继续教育学分8分。届时将有全国(包括台湾)三门学科(牙体  相似文献   

目的评价显微CT(MCT)对下颌活髓第一磨牙疑难牙根纵裂的诊断价值。方法对本院牙片未能诊断、经MCT确诊的疑难牙根纵裂的下颌活髓第一磨牙56颗患牙的病史、临床表现等进行回顾性分析。并按MCT所显示纵裂根形态、患牙牙根总数、纵裂位置及纵裂根根管数对患牙进行统计分析。结果56颗疑难患牙中绝大多数仅有轻中度松动、[牙合]面磨耗和牙周炎的症状;54颗(93.1%)下颌第一磨牙所有近中根均为双根管扁根,其中42颗(77.8%)除具有上述特征外且只有两个牙根,此类牙发生牙根纵裂有显著统计学差异(P〈0.00)。结论牙根纵裂与慢性咬合创伤、牙周疾病和牙根解剖变异密切相关。  相似文献   

255例牙冠折裂的临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的分析长期咀嚼过程中牙冠折裂的发生情况,并初步探讨冠折发生的相关因素。方法以2005年12月-2007年12月在兰州市第一人民医院口腔科就诊的255颗冠折牙为研究对象,对折裂牙的患者性别、年龄、牙位、折裂位置及形态等进行分析。结果255颗冠折牙中,1)上颌第一磨牙76颗(29.8%),下颌第一磨牙45颗(17.6%),上颌第二磨牙41颗(16.1%),下颌第二磨牙37颗(14.5%),上颌第二前磨牙32颗(12.5%),上颌第一前磨牙15颗(5.9%),下颌第二前磨牙9颗(3.5%);2)折裂位置与窝沟重叠者158颗(62.0%),发生于牙尖斜面者97颗(38.0%)。3)正常者85颗(33.3%),面形态异常者55颗(21.6%),型异常者115颗(45.1%)。结论牙位及形态等与牙冠折裂的发生具有一定的关系。力是牙冠折裂的基本因素,但不是唯一因素。  相似文献   

目的 探讨牙折裂的原因,提出预防和治疗的方法。方法 对89例患者89颗折裂牙的发病年龄、性别、牙位及病史进行分类比较。结果 89例患者中,男46例,女43例,男女之比为1.07∶1。31~60岁71例,占79.78%,其中41~50岁比例最高,达40.70%。第一磨牙折裂牙最多见。牙折前无治疗史的57个,有治疗史的32个,包括牙髓干尸治疗25个,根管治疗7个。结论 牙折裂多见于磨牙区,且第一磨牙发病率最高,这与牙本身组织结构的缺陷、咬合创伤有关,也与牙本质中有机质、无机质相对含量随年龄变化有关。有效的牙体牙髓治疗与修复,包括充填体的选择,根管治疗后作全冠修复,以及严格的备洞原则及治疗后调牙合,具有早期治疗和预防牙折裂作用。?  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Identifying posterior teeth that are at heightened risk of developing cusp fracture is an inexact science. Risk indicators based on controlled observations are not available, and dentists' assessments vary. METHODS: The authors conducted a case-control study of cusp fracture in restored posterior teeth. They evaluated 39 potential risk indicators identified in previous uncontrolled studies for an association with fracture in 200 patients with fractures and 252 patients without fractures. These risk indicators delineated patients' clinical characteristics and behaviors, as well as clinical characteristics of individual teeth. The authors used logistic regression to develop models identifying risk indicators associated with fracture, both between case and control subjects and between case and comparison teeth in case subjects. RESULTS: Two risk indicators appeared in both models. The presence of a fracture line and an increase in the proportion of the volume of the natural tooth crown occupied by the restoration substantially increased the odds of fracture (P < .001). Additional risk indicators were unique to the case subject-control subject model, including subject age and other measures related to the relative size of the restoration or to loss of dentinal support. Neither patient behaviors such as clenching, grinding and biting hard objects nor occlusal characteristics such as guidance, cusp anatomy and general wear patterns were strong predictors of fracture risk. CONCLUSIONS: Among posterior teeth with restorations, two clinical features were strongly associated with the risk of cusp fracture: presence of a fracture line in the enamel and proportional volume of the restoration. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Dentists assessing the risk of fracture should consider a detectable fracture line or a high ratio of restoration-to-total-crown volume as important indicators of elevated risk.  相似文献   

The mobility of the upper and lower premolars under load was investigated in relation to the interproximal contact and occlusal facets. The mobility was measured on ten subjects with the molars missing in the bucco-lingual and mesio-distal direction, using a non-contact sensor system, when a 500 gram load was applied in the horizontal direction, during hard biting in intercuspation and biting of foods. The ratio of the tooth movement in the bucco-lingual direction to the mesio-distal direction was larger in the upper premolars than in the lower ones. As the total mobility increased, the tooth movement was larger on the buccal side than on the lingual side of the upper jaw, on the lingual side than on the buccal side of the lower jaw, and on the mesial side than on the distal side of both jaws. The direction of the movement did not coincide with the direction of the load, due to the horizontal rotation. When biting, the first premolars showed a mesial movement and the second premolars showed a more distal movement than the first premolars. A correlation between the direction of the tooth movement during hard biting and that of the facets was observed.  相似文献   

Abstract A total of 356 patients with mandibular condyle fractures were studied regarding associated dental injuries. One third of the patients had injured teeth, on average, 3.7 teeth had been injured per accident. Dental traumas were distributed equally between the anterior (incisors and canines) and posterior teeth (premolars and molars) in both jaws. In unilateral condylar fracture cases maxillary dental injuries involved more often premolars and/or molars of the fracture side than those of the non-fracture side. The mean number of dental traumas in the mandible was higher in cases of simultaneous mandibular body fracture than without, whereas the presence of mandibular body fracture did not affect number of associated dental injuries in the maxilla. The dental injuries were mostly to hard tissue (78%), which were commonest in men, 20 to 29 years of age, and in victims of violence or fall accidents. Severe dental injuries in association with mandibular condyle fractures were more common in accidents due to traffic and miscellaneous causes than in those due to violence. Severe dental injuries were more often encountered when simultaneous mandibular body fracture was present than when it was not and more so in bilateral than unilateral condylar fracture cases. The most important factor correlating with the severity of dental injuries was the presence of bilateral condylar fracture.  相似文献   

目的评价E-max铸瓷高嵌体修复磨牙和前磨牙牙体缺损的临床效果。方法使用E-max铸瓷高嵌体修复根管治疗后牙体缺损患牙共173颗,其中磨牙128颗,前磨牙45颗,并于修复后即刻及修复后1年、2年、3年进行临床随访,采用改良美国公共卫生机构评价标准进行临床效果评价。结果修复后1年、2年、3年的累计失访牙数为3颗、3颗、8颗。第3年时,复诊病例中无1颗发生高嵌体脱落;继发龋的发生率仅为0.6%(1/165);牙体完整性也较为理想,除7颗边缘釉质崩裂外,无牙体折断发生;崩瓷或瓷裂发生率为3.0%(5/165);颜色匹配性评级,与邻牙的颜色及半透明性一致、少许不一致的比例分别为90.3%(149/165)和9.7%(16/165);边缘适合性和邻接点正常的比例均为97.0%(160/165)。结论采用E-max铸瓷高嵌体是修复根管治疗后牙体缺损较为可靠的一种方法。  相似文献   

A survey of cusp fractures in a population of general dental practices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to expand the knowledge on the incidence of complete cusp fractures of posterior teeth in Dutch general practices. MATERIALS AND METHODS: During a 3-month period, data were obtained from 28 general practitioners, representing 46,394 patients. For each new case of complete cusp fracture, clinicians recorded information using a standard form with questions relating to location of the fracture, cause of fracture, and restorative status of the tooth prior to the cusp fracture. RESULTS: There were 238 cases of complete cusp fracture recorded. The results of this study indicate an incidence rate of cusp fractures of 20.5 per 1,000 person-years at risk. Molars were more frequently registered with cusp fractures than premolars (79% vs 21%). Maxillary molars presented more fractures of buccal cusps (66% vs 34%), while mandibular molars presented more fractures of lingual cusps (75% vs 25%). Almost 77% of the cases had been restored on three or more surfaces. Statistical analysis revealed a positive correlation between history of endodontic treatment and subgingival fracture location. Mastication was most frequently reported as the cause for fracture (54%), although one can argue whether the occlusal force was the cause or the immediate reason. CONCLUSION: This study revealed that complete cusp fracture is a common phenomenon in dental practice and has shown differences in cusp fracture with respect to tooth type and restorative status of the tooth. Teeth with a history of endodontic treatment are susceptible to unfavorable subgingival fracture locations.  相似文献   

目的 应用锥形束CT(cone-beam CT,CBCT)对多生牙进行新的临床分类,并分析新分类方法的临床意义。方法 收集2016—2019年首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院口腔科的CBCT影像资料5100例,其中多生牙患者209例,共计多生牙278颗。应用CBCT对多生牙进行新的临床分类,包括萌出型、骨埋伏高位型、骨埋伏低位型、骨埋伏复杂型和牙弓外型,并分析其临床意义。结果 (1)临床资料分析:多生牙发生率为4.1%,其中有1颗多生牙的患者占76.6%,有2颗多生牙的患者占19.1%,有3颗及以上多生牙的患者占4.3%。多生牙好发部位依次为:上颌切牙区、上颌磨牙区、下颌尖牙及前磨牙区、上颌尖牙及前磨牙区、下颌磨牙区。34.9%的多生牙对邻近恒牙产生了继发影响,以萌出错位及阻生为主,主要发生在上颌切牙区。(2)新分类方法的临床意义分析:上颌切牙区多生牙以骨埋伏低位型及萌出型为主,尖牙、前磨牙及磨牙区多生牙以萌出型为主。不同类型多生牙对邻近恒牙产生继发影响的发生率不同或不全相同(χ2 = 26.057,P < 0.001),提示对邻近恒牙易产生继发影响的多生牙类型依次为:萌出型、骨埋伏复杂型、骨埋伏高位型、牙弓外型、骨埋伏低位型。结论 基于CBCT的多生牙新分类方法简单实用,其中萌出型、骨埋伏复杂型及骨埋伏高位型多生牙更易产生错牙合畸形,建议尽早拔除多生牙、定期随访,必要时正畸治疗。  相似文献   

目的:介绍一种新的牙齿记录法,以达到简便而准确地描述和记录牙齿的目的。方法:T或t作为记录牙齿的标识字符,T代表恒牙,t代表乳牙。用数字1~8和1~5从牙弓中线向远端对恒牙和乳牙编号。用"字母加数字"的方式对恒牙和乳牙、上颌牙和下颌牙、前牙和后牙以及牙位进行记录。结果:恒牙标记为T1~T8,乳牙标记为t1~t5。上、下颌恒牙分别标记为UT1~UT8和LT1~LT8。上、下颌乳牙分别标记为Ut1~Ut5和Lt1~Lt5。前牙、前磨牙和磨牙分别标记为T(1-3)、T(4、5)和T(6-8)。乳前牙和后牙分别标记为t(1-3)和t(4、5)。恒牙牙位用上下标牙位记录法或"UR、UL、LR、LL"加"T1~T8"标记。乳牙牙位用上下标牙位记录法或"UR、UL、LR、LL"加"t1~t5"标记。结论:新的牙齿记录法能简便而准确地标记牙齿、上下颌牙齿、前牙和后牙以及牙位。  相似文献   

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