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Providing culturally appropriate care to Chinese people in the United States can be greatly facilitated by understanding some of the values and practices commonly associated with the Chinese, more specifically, the Chinese elderly who may hold more traditional views. Before implementing actions based on the client's Chinese ethnicity, however, the health care provider must assess the client's individual background and degree of association with being "Chinese" because this designation covers a wide spectrum. This article provides a brief overview of some of the more commonly held Chinese values and beliefs and suggests taking several actions, as well as a few cautions, in working with Chinese clients.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined Chinese nursing students' attitudes toward and use of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Survey questionnaires were distributed to 439 nursing students, 263 of whom (60%) returned them. Of the respondents, 92% had used TCM, while 48% had used TCM at least once during the previous year. Forty-five percent of respondents reported positive attitudes toward TCM use, 52% had neutral attitudes, and only 3% reported negative attitudes. The majority of respondents (76%) reported no change in their attitude toward TCM after studying nursing. Mean scores related to the adequacy of the current curriculum in TCM training and the state of respondents' TCM knowledge were generally low. Of the respondents who had used TCM during the past year, the most common use was for upper respiratory tract infection. The most common type of TCM used by respondents was herbal tea or soup. Final-year nursing students were more likely to have used TCM during the previous year, report they would like more courses on TCM, and consult Western medicine physicians before using TCM; they were also less likely to develop more negative attitudes toward TCM after studying nursing.  相似文献   

目的:规范中药材(饮片)名称,使处方名称大众化、科学化、合理化,减少因因人、因地而异发生的中药材(饮片)名称差异。方法:参考《中国药品通用名称命名原则》,以《中药学》教材记录的中药材(饮片)品种为基数,与《中国药典》中药材(饮片)进行统计、对比、分析,整理《中药学》教材与《中国药典》收录中药材(饮片)描述不一致的现象。结果:通过对比,本文总结出9方面存在不一致现象。结论:统一中药材(饮片)名称,可使中药更好的服务于临床,减少处方应付差错率,提高中医药疗效,有利于推进我国中药处方的合理化、规范化、统一化,为走向世界奠定基础。  相似文献   

A Sonn 《Nursing mirror》1977,144(23):25-27

汉字表征的中央凹分割:来自汉字左半错读患者的证据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
摘要 目的:从认知神经心理学角度验证汉字的中央凹表征是分割的还是双重的。 方法:对1例脑梗死病灶累及左腹内侧枕颞区和胼胝体压部左侧导致右视野同向偏盲但保留右半中央凹视野的患者KY,进行一系列中央凹范围内的汉字朗读检查,包括:注视左右结构合体字中点的中央注视速视朗读,左右半中央凹视野的分视野速视朗读。 结果:KY对于注视合体字中点的汉字,朗读时出现左半错读现象,表现为左半部件的替代或遗漏。对于呈现在左、右半中央凹视野的汉字朗读,则出现左视野失读现象。 结论:中央凹内汉字的表征是分割的,即左中央凹内汉字信息仅在右枕表征,右中央凹内汉字仅在左枕表征。实验结果无法用中央凹双重表征理论解释。  相似文献   

According to an article by Wald in the November 2000 issue of Strategic Healthcare Marketing, through physician education, integrated medicine shall continue to be adopted by conventional medical establishments in the United States. With many leading medical schools now adding courses on alternative medicine and hospital administrators recognizing this growing trend, responding to the patients' needs and demands remains paramount. According to a study of 3200 physicians conducted by Health Products Research, physicians expect to offer and embrace therapeutic alternatives outside of the traditional pharmaceutical realm. Greater than 50% will begin or increase using alternative medicine in the next 12 months. Physicians also believe that patient acceptance is greater for alternative therapies, resulting in therapeutic compliance. Most physicians continue to be skeptical about certain treatments, citing a lack of clinical information. With these factors understood, more clinical research to be completed in a teaching hospital environment becomes paramount.  相似文献   

A艾国平AI Guo-P ing(1):147艾辉胜AIHu i-Sheng(1):116;(2):350艾效曼AI X iao-Man(6):1455安?云AN Jing-Yun(6):1361B巴荣BA Rong(4):755白霞BAI X ia(4):871包萃华BAO Cu i-Hua(2):447包宇实BAO Yu-Sh i(3):618;(5):1111;(6):1325鲍立BAO L i(2):442鲍文BAO W en(1):61,65,1  相似文献   

本文针对2010年中医医院管理年活动中四川省县级中医医院护理工作中存在的护理人力资源不足、护理人员中医药知识技能掌握较差、中医特色护理实施较差、中医特色护理质量标准缺失或可操作性差等问题进行了分析、讨论。呼吁建立、发挥具有中医药特色和优势的长效机制,推动中医护理工作扎实开展,促进中医护理工作健康、可持续发展,进而推动中医护理学科的发展。  相似文献   

Important Chinese herbal remedies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review presents seven examples of effective drugs derived from the ancient Chinese therapeutics. They are artemisinin (qinghaosu) and its derivatives for malaria, henbane drugs for microcirculatory and other disturbances, tetrahydropalmatine as a dopamine receptor antagonist, yuanhuacine and yuanhuadine for abortion, trichosanthin for abortion, moles, and choriocarcinoma, indirubin for leukemia, and Tripterygium plants for autoimmune and various other diseases.  相似文献   

A middle-aged man presented with joint pain and muscle weakness that had begun 2 months before presentation. Three months before presentation, he had begun to take the herbal preparation Chinese red rice. Laboratory testing revealed a moderately elevated creatine phosphokinase level. Symptoms and laboratory abnormalities resolved with discontinuation of the Chinese red rice. Eight months later, he resumed the product and his creatine phosphokinase level rose again. Lovastatin is a naturally occurring component of Chinese red rice and was the probable cause of his myopathy.  相似文献   

张萍 《当代护士》2010,(6):22-26
在这半年的关键时期,我遇到了一个让我最头痛的医生--费希尔医生。费希尔医生是个犹太人,美国著名的哥伦比亚大学口腔外科专业的高材生,以治疗牙周病见长。毕业后,她一边在哥伦比亚大学教书,一边开私人诊所。  相似文献   

江静 《中国临床护理》2013,5(2):142-143
护理工作是医疗卫生保健工作中的重要组成部分。无论是中医或西医治疗中,都是不可缺少的重要环节。护理工作如何,直接关系到防病、治病工作的效果。  相似文献   

目的 采用基于体素的形态学测量(VBM)方法探讨中国人脑图谱Chinese2020检测中国人群帕金森病(PD)患者灰质体积改变的价值。方法 收集15例PD患者(PD组)和15名性别和年龄匹配的健康志愿者为对照组。分别采用基于中国人群的脑图谱Chinese2020和基于高加索人群的脑图谱MNI152进行空间标准化,比较配准到这2种标准空间所引起的脑结构形变差异,并采用VBM方法比较2种图谱检出PD患者灰质体积萎缩的脑区以及萎缩脑区灰质占比的差异。结果 采用MNI152脑图谱发现PD患者灰质萎缩脑区包括双侧颞叶并扩展至同侧脑岛/海马/海马旁回、左侧枕上回/楔叶/楔前叶及右侧壳核;采用Chinese2020图谱后,除上述脑区外,右侧额中回亦可见灰质体积萎缩。PD组和对照组受试者脑结构配准到Chinese2020空间发生形变小于配准到MNI152空间,且基于Chinese2020检测灰质萎缩脑区灰质占比高于采用MNI152图谱(t=2.502,P=0.037)。结论 基于中国人群的神经影像学研究应该采用中国人脑图谱进行空间标准化,其脑结构形变更小、所识别出的脑区灰质占比更高,从而提高检测的准确性。  相似文献   

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