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核医学科Mini-PACS的设计思路与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
PACS是医院用于采集、管理、传输和综合使用医学图像信息的系统.本文在介绍PACS在当今世界发展现状的基础上,重点介绍用于医院核医学科的mini-PACS,因为在科室一级核医学科更需要PACS.跨入21世纪之后的医学影像领域中,发展最快的是诸如分子影像和反义核酸成像的领域,因为这是弄清基因和生物大分子功能的关键.该领域的发展不仅是临床诊疗,也是新药开发和满足人体科学基础研究的需要.PET/SPECT是目前开展分子水平成像最合适的成像模态.在核医学科建立mini-PACS有助于发扬核医学的优点,克服核医学的缺点,使得病人、医院都能从mini-PACS的建立中受益.把发展中国的PACS技术放在科室内部,需要建立医生、医学物理工作者和工程技术人员的合作机制,需要解决当前核医学科诊疗中迫切希望解决的问题,而让IT行业的人完成科室之间的、基于web的信息整合,就有可能找到一个发展中国PACS的新路.基于这个思想,本文介绍了建立核医学mini-PACS的技术路线和关键技术.希望从这个例子得到启发,使得我国PACS技术得到更快的发展.  相似文献   

随着医学影像技术近几十年的不断发展,DR、CT、磁共振以及分子成像等技术与设备研发取得十足的发展。结合pacs系统,数字医学影像设备在医学临床中的应用进入数字化、智能化时代。快速、清晰的图像获取,辅助医生更好地判断患者的疾病类型,并准确找到病因,从而进行精准治疗。提升诊断水平的同时,推动医学的发展,为人类的健康做出极大贡献。  相似文献   

医学超声成像技术、X—CT、MRI及ECT是现代医学成像技术的四大医学影像技术,已广泛应用于心脏科、产科、眼科、肝、肾、胆囊及血管系统等。超声成像技术与其他成像技术相比,具有实时性好、无电离辐射及低成本等独特优点,在临床得到广泛应用。超声成像技术是利用超声换能器发出的超声波进入人体组织后,在人体不同声特性阻抗的分界处形成反射回声,而进行成像处理的技术。作为医用超声发射和回声接受器件的换能器,始终是医学超声成像系统中最为关键的声学部件。医学超声成像换能器的不断发展使超声图像更清晰,显示更直观.  相似文献   

医学影像学是物理学和工程技术科学在与医学交叉发展的产物,医学影像是人体信息的载体,体现了医学发展的时代特征,是多学科交叉、融合的产物,包含了多学科的知识交叉成果。当前医学影像的世界前沿是功能成像。形态与功能并重已成为医学影像发展的原则。  相似文献   

近几年来 ,随着社会对医学影像专业高学历人才的迫切需要 ,国内好多医学院校相继增设了医学影像专业。虽然各校建设影像专业的专业方向可能有所不同 :有侧重培养高学历医学影像临床诊断专业人才的 ,有侧重培养高学历医学影像工程技术人才的。但是 ,在专业课程设置过程中 ,都强调了开设医学影像物理学基础 (以下简称影像物理学 )这门课程的重要性和必要性。影像物理学是影像专业的一门非常重要的专业基础课。教学目的是让学生掌握医学成像理论的物理学基本原理、规律 ;了解医学成像的物理理论知识 ;为深刻理解成像过程、评价图像以及读识图像…  相似文献   

医学影像技术正从结构成像向功能成像发展,分子成像逐渐成为研究的热点领域。由于生物自发光具有显示探针深度信息、成本低廉、对肌体无电离辐射等众多优点,生物自发光断层成像现已成为分子成像领域的研究热点,用来研究疾病的治疗、疗效的评估以及新药物的开发。本文系统地综合介绍了自发光断层成像的最新研究,如模型的建立、成像系统及平台、前向和逆向问题、重建算法研究以及模拟实验等。  相似文献   

医学影像技术是70年代兴起的一门诊断新技术,它包括传统放射线学、X线CT、超声显像、磁共振成像、核素成像、电子显微镜、医学图像处理、电子内镜、超声内镜等新的医疗技术,它已广泛用于临床,为临床各科诊疗工作不可缺少的重要手段。医学影像技术水平高低已成为衡量各医院医疗质量水平的标志,医学影像仪器设备、专业医务人员技术水平、  相似文献   

三维印刷技术包括立体光刻(SLA)、选择性激光烧结(SLS)、喷墨和熔融沉积模型(FDM)。三维打印模型已用于复杂的术前计划手术,定制假体的制作,以及医生的教育和培训。三维打印医学模型的数据可以通过计算机断层扫描(CT)、磁共振成像(MRI)和超声(US)获得医学成像与通信(DICOM)数据图像的分割处理和网格生成工具,并转换为标准细分语言(STL)文件以进行打印。当前,3D打印技术在医学影像中的应用已经成功地解决许多复杂的医疗问题。随着技术的进步,3D打印技术在医学影像中的应用将在未来继续增长,本文旨在回顾近年来在医学影像中3D处理和应用方面的创新。  相似文献   

《纳米生物分析化学和分子生物学》讲述了纳米生物分析材料与仪器、纳米分析技术在生物医学中的应用、纳米技术在生物大分子以及基因转运与基因工程等多方面研究中的应用。本书将纳米技术在生物分析和分子生物学研究中的实践和应用呈现在读者的面前,希望能为广大从事化学和生命学领域的研究和教务人员提供有益的帮助,为医学、生物学、化学、生物医学工程等专业的硕士、博士研究生了解和学习纳米生物技术提供参考。 《纳米生物材料学》研究的是纳米生物技术的核心内容。纳米生物材料是指用于对生物体进行诊断、治疗、修复或替换其病损组织、…  相似文献   

医学影像存档与通信系统(PACS)的发展和意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着医学事业的迅猛发展,对影像诊断提出了更高的要求。医学影像的数字化是当今医学影像技术中最新、最热门、最重要的技术,PACS(picture archiving and communication sys-tems,医学影像存档与通信系统)是近年来随着数字成像技术、计算机技术和网络技术的进步而迅速发展起来的、旨在全面解决医学图像的获取、显示、存贮、传送和管理的综合系统。PACS实现了医学图像的存储共享,更重要的是实现医学影像的量化诊断、图像融合、存备份、各种图像转换、三维仿真等功能,PACS的数字量化诊断基础、各种数字化技术及信息整合处理手段的应用,带…  相似文献   

数字人体及其遗传模型的研究与仿真方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍数字人体中可视人、物理人、生理人的研究情况,提出建立数字人体遗传模型的必要性,从信息学的角度论述数字人体遗传模型的研究内容与方法、探讨通过基因芯片、DNA数据库、遗传算法,以及数学仿真、数字仿真、物理仿真研究和模拟数字人体遗传特性的方法等问题.  相似文献   

Purpose. The purpose with this paper is to make an analysis of some different ways of putting questions in the field of medical psychology.

Method. Four questions are raised regarding the scientific development of knowledge related to human beings, with special emphasis on the fields of psychology and medical psychology. Such questions concerning the world differ from one another and are consequently investigated and answered in different ways.

Conclusions. Psychology includes aspects of how and why human beings feel, think, act and appraise as they do, and the extent to which they do so. Two complementary pairs of concepts are introduced to aid in understanding this scientific development of knowledge: nomothetic versus ideographic knowledge and synchronic versus diachronic knowledge. These dimensions of special interest are combined in a figure which can be used as a tool for analysis. Psychology concerns not only finding explanations for psychological phenomena or psychological explanations for physiological, social or cultural phenomena. It also concerns describing, characterising and understanding the content of these phenomena and the meaning they have for the individual. Through these kinds of questions we learn more about the general, specific and unique aspects of persons, as well as of scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

This is part three of a four-part series reviewing the evidence on how humor influences physiological and psychological well-being. The first article included basic background information, definitions and a review of the theoretical underpinnings for this area of research. The second article discussed use of humor as a complementary therapy within various clinical samples, as well as evidence concerning how a sense of humor influences physiological and psychological wellbeing. This third article examines how laughter influences health outcomes; including muscle tension, cardio-respiratory functioning and various stress physiology measures.  相似文献   

Diffusion weighted imaging in osteoradiology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diffusion weighted imaging gained attention as an imaging modality, which provides information on the microstructure of a tissue, which can be used for tissue characterization. This is of importance in patients where other diagnostic tools provide equivocal or unspecific information. In addition quantitative diffusion measurements provide objective parameters for unbiased comparison of treatment response, which is mandatory for therapy monitoring. Technical restriction limited the use of Diffusion Weighted Imaging to the brain. However, with the improvement in scanner technology and the availability of new MR sequences investigation of the Muskulo Skeletal System was made possible. We describe the potential of Diffusion Weighted Imaging as a non-invasive technique to evaluate pathological, inflammatory and physiological processes in osteoradiology.  相似文献   

Family physicians often treat patients who are experiencing psychological or medical crises. Any event perceived as overwhelming by the patient may trigger a crisis reaction consisting of psychological and physiological symptoms. Physicians are encouraged to assist patients who are experiencing a crisis by: (1) providing reassurance and support; (2) evaluating the nature of the problem and determining the patient's mental, psychiatric, suicidal or homicidal, and medical statuses; (3) ensuring the safety of the patient and others; (4) assisting the patient in developing an action plan that minimizes distress, and obtaining patient commitment to the plan; and (5) following up with the patient and other relevant persons to ensure follow-through, assess progress, and provide additional assistance and support. Medication or referral for psychiatric or psychological counseling may be necessary for patients with continuing problems.  相似文献   

Purpose.?The purpose with this paper is to make an analysis of some different ways of putting questions in the field of medical psychology.

Method.?Four questions are raised regarding the scientific development of knowledge related to human beings, with special emphasis on the fields of psychology and medical psychology. Such questions concerning the world differ from one another and are consequently investigated and answered in different ways.

Conclusions.?Psychology includes aspects of how and why human beings feel, think, act and appraise as they do, and the extent to which they do so. Two complementary pairs of concepts are introduced to aid in understanding this scientific development of knowledge: nomothetic versus ideographic knowledge and synchronic versus diachronic knowledge. These dimensions of special interest are combined in a figure which can be used as a tool for analysis. Psychology concerns not only finding explanations for psychological phenomena or psychological explanations for physiological, social or cultural phenomena. It also concerns describing, characterising and understanding the content of these phenomena and the meaning they have for the individual. Through these kinds of questions we learn more about the general, specific and unique aspects of persons, as well as of scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

2例幼儿糖尿病患者动态血糖监测的护理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报告2例1型糖尿病患儿进行动态血糖监测期间的护理.入院后为患儿进行全面的心理护理、饮食指导及胰岛素治疗的护理外,积极、主动与患儿及家属沟通,介绍动态血糖监测系统(CGMS)的基本工作原理和优点,使患儿和家属能配合医护人员做好CGMS的维护.并根据患儿的特点将CGMS安装部位由常规的下腹部改为臀部外上方,最终顺利完成动态血糖监测,为调整治疗方案提供了依据.  相似文献   

Cardiac transplantation (HTx) remains one of the most important options for the management of end stage heart failure which is treated with optimal medical therapy. Evolving surgical techniques (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT)) and mechanical device-therapie (ventricular assist devices (VAD)) and medical therapies have yielded incremental improvements in outcomes. These alternatives to HTx, however, usually only postpone the occurrence of the final end stage situation. This explains why HTx remains the last option for a substantial number of especially younger severe heart failure patients with upcoming renal failure. It is very recommendable to refer such kind of patients to university-based and specialized advanced heart failure and cardiac transplant centers, in time. This allows the introduction of optimal medical therapy, the careful medical and psychological evaluation and preparation of the considered HTx, as well as the full information procedure which has to be delivered to HTx candidates. HTx candidates should be aware about outcome numbers, medication toxicities, complications of immunosuppression, as well as the ever-present threat of cardiac allograft vasculopathy, infections and neoplasias after HTx.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors determined whether mental health status affects the use of general medical services, with and without adjustment for the correlated effects of general health perceptions and physical health status on such use. Data were used from the RAND Health Insurance Experiment, which has information on up to 5 years of use of medical services by a nonelderly, civilian, general population. Health status and other covariates were assessed by self-administered questionnaires at enrollment. In the absence of statistical control for general and physical health status, worse mental health status-whether assessed by a global self-report measure or its two component parts, psychological well-being and psychological distress-significantly increased the use of both inpatient and outpatient general medical services. After controlling for general health perceptions, physical health status, demographic factors, and insurance plan coverage, the effects of mental health status on use are reduced, but not eliminated. Psychological distress and psychological well-being retained independent effects on total medical expenses.  相似文献   

当前,伴随着痴呆患者群体的日益庞大,痴呆患者主要照顾者的照顾负担和睡眠障碍问题也愈发突出,严重影响到了照护质量,并可能导致照顾者本人出现焦虑、抑郁、心血管疾病等一系列近期和远期健康问题。本综述将重点探讨痴呆患者主要照顾者睡眠障碍的发生现状、影响因素和干预措施,结果发现照顾者的睡眠障碍问题受生理、心理、社会及痴呆患者的疾病进展等多种因素的综合影响,主要的治疗措施包括针对生理因素的光照疗法、针对心理因素的正压减压疗法、针对社会因素的社会支持疗法以及运动锻炼的综合治疗干预方案等。未来,研究者应考虑将多种睡眠障碍测量工具进行整合应用并相互验证,建立一套完善的诊疗评估体系,创造性的开发针对照顾者生理、心理、社会的综合干预治疗方案,并与社区医疗服务协调配合,探索开发整合跨医疗团队、社会医疗服务机构的综合医疗保健系统,为痴呆患者主要照顾者提供全面系统的医疗护理保障。  相似文献   

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