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目的:评价含马齿苋及水溶性甘草提取物护肤品(商品名:薇诺娜舒敏保湿修复霜及薇诺娜舒敏控油凝露)辅助治疗敏感性皮肤的有效性及安全性.方法:采用多中心、治疗前后对照的临床试验方法,对110例敏感性皮肤受试者(干、中性敏感性皮肤受试者80例,油性敏感性皮肤受试者30例)面部分别外用薇诺娜舒敏保湿修复霜及薇诺娜舒敏控油凝露,每日2次,连续使用1个月.在治疗前及治疗后7 d、15 d、30 d分别对受试者皮肤进行皮肤生理功能测试,同时对乳酸试验、皮损恢复情况、受试者对该产品的满意度及安全性进行评价.结果:治疗30d后,干性、中性敏感性皮肤组受试者角质层含水量由治疗前71.53%±3.34%增加至74.49%±2.87%,油脂含量由治疗前(74.30±29.19)μg/cm2增加至(90.01±11.45)μg/cm2.油性皮肤组受试者含水量由治疗前71.95%±2.34%增加至75.09%±1.67%,油脂含量由治疗前(247.13±41.90)μg/cm2下降至(223.23±40.19)μg/cm2,治疗前后比较(P<0.001),差异具有统计学意义,而皮肤弹性相比差异无统计学意义;乳酸试验分值由治疗前4.39±0.82降至2.58±0.40(P<0.001),差异具有统计学意义;皮肤改善者87例,占79.09%;与使用前相比(P<0.001),差异具有统计学意义;试验中未出现不良反应.结论:薇诺娜舒敏保湿修复霜及薇诺娜舒敏控油凝露对于、湿性敏感性皮肤有辅助治疗作用,有助于恢复皮肤屏障功能,安全性好.  相似文献   

目的观察超音波导入薇诺娜舒敏保湿特护霜治疗面部脂溢性皮炎的疗效。方法在药物治疗的基础上,治疗组予外搽和超音波导入薇诺娜舒敏保湿特护霜,外搽2次/d,导入1次/w,对照组只予药物治疗和外搽药膏,治疗2周后观察疗效。结果治疗组痊愈率为71.93%,总有效率为92.98%;对照组痊愈率为48.28%,总有效率为79.31%,两组间总有效率比较有统计学差异(P0.05)。结论在药物治疗的基础上,外搽和超音波导入薇诺娜舒敏保湿特护霜的治疗,比单纯药物治疗效果好,且无明显副作用。  相似文献   

目的:评价射频导入舒敏保湿特护霜治疗面部敏感性皮肤的有效性和安全性。方法:将40例敏感性皮肤患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组20例。两组均口服枸地氯雷他定片8.8 mg/d,治疗组外用舒敏保湿特护霜,对照组外用凡士林霜,每日两次,联合射频导入治疗,1次/周,持续治疗4周。分别于0周、4周做疗效判定,使用CK无创皮肤检测仪检测,包括经皮水分丢失值、红斑值、角质层含水量。结果:治疗组有效率80%,对照组有效率40%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗组皮肤经皮水分丢失下降值和角质层含水量升高值分别为6.1和6.6,均高于对照组的0.92和0.99,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。两组均未见明显不良反应。结论:射频导入舒敏保湿特护霜治疗面部敏感性皮肤安全有效,可以改善皮肤屏障。  相似文献   

目的研究含有透明质酸和白藜芦醇的安特柔产品对于干性皮肤屏障功能的影响及保湿效果。方法入选皮肤中度干燥的女性受试者32例,采用自身左右对照的方法,比较安特柔沐浴洗发露与普通洁肤香皂清洁后皮肤屏障功能的差别,遂后使用安特柔保湿霜,观察6 h后及连续试用产品1周后皮肤屏障功能指标的变化。结果相比普通洁肤香皂清洁,安特柔产品清洁后皮肤经皮水分丢失(TEWL)不但没有升高反而下降(P0.05),pH值升高程度低于普通洁肤香皂(P0.05),角质层含水量轻微增加但差异无统计学意义(P=0.480);安特柔保湿霜单次使用后6 h,身体左右两侧皮肤角质层含水量均明显提高、TEWL下降,与基线相比P0.05,皮肤p H值均恢复到基线水平(P=0.094)。连续使用安特柔沐浴洗发露和保湿霜1周后,角质层含水量较基线进一步增加,较单次使用后6 h也有轻度的增加(P0.05);TEWL继续下降,p H值继续维持在偏酸范围内。连续使用1周后干性皮肤者皮肤的光滑度、干燥度和脱屑等均有显著改善;受试者自我评价50%的人认为皮肤的光滑度、干燥度、瘙痒和鳞屑有中度以上改善。结论安特柔系列产品具有很好的保湿效果和帮助屏障功能恢复的作用,单次使用后6 h仍有效,长期使用能很好地改善皮肤干燥。  相似文献   

目的研究纳米微针处理对面部皮肤屏障功能及红斑的影响。方法募集16例临床受试者,随机分为2组,每组8例。1组受试者随机一侧面颊部使用针长为0.25 mm的纳米微针处理6遍,另一侧使用针长为0.25 mm的传统微针处理6遍;另1组受试者随机一侧面颊部使用针长为0.5 mm的纳米微针处理6遍,另一侧使用针长为0.5mm的传统微针处理6遍。在处理前、处理后即刻、处理后4、8、24、48、72 h分别检测经皮水分丢失(Trans-epidermal water loss,TEWL)、角质层含水量及红斑量。结果经针长为0.25 mm的纳米微针和传统微针处理后,两侧面颊部TEWL、角质层含水量和红斑量数值均无显著性差异。针长为0.5 mm的纳米微针和传统微针处理后,在处理后即刻、4、8、24 h时点上,纳米微针侧TEWL数值显著低于传统微针侧;在处理后8 h时点上,纳米微针侧红斑量数值显著低于普通微针侧。不同针长的纳米微针在处理后4~8 h内TEWL、角质层含水量、红斑量均能恢复至基线水平。而传统微针侧,皮肤处理后48~72 h内TEWL、角质层含水量、红斑量才能恢复至基线水平。结论与相同针长的传统微针治疗相比,纳米微针处理后对皮肤屏障功能的影响较小,并且恢复更快。  相似文献   

目的:比较不同主观皮肤类型(油性、中性和干性皮肤)屏障功能指标的差异。方法:利用无创性方法对自评为油性、中性和干性皮肤的20~25岁北京城市女性(各30例)进行皮脂分泌率(SER)、角质层含水量、p H值和经皮肤水分丢失(TEWL)值的检测,并采用胶带连续粘脱后监测TEWL值变化的方法评价角质层完整性,采用角质层取样蛋白定量的方法评价角质层黏合力和丝氨酸蛋白酶活性。结果:主观皮肤类型为中性皮肤者具有最佳的屏障功能;干性皮肤和油性皮肤者面颊部的屏障功能均有不同程度的受损,表现为TEWL值明显升高、p H值升高、丝氨酸蛋白酶活性增加;但二者也有区别,油性皮肤者角质层完整性下降更明显,而干性皮肤主要是角质层黏合力明显减弱。结论:自评为油性和干性皮肤者与中性皮肤者相比,屏障功能均存在一定程度的缺陷,油性皮肤与干性皮肤均具有不同特点,且与其屏障受损的机制不同有关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨一种含牛油果树果脂等植物成分的保湿产品改善皮肤干燥的临床有效性和安全性。方法:采用前瞻性多中心自身前后对照试验进行研究,共收集196例受试者。受试者在双侧小腿胫前皮肤使用该保湿产品,每日1次,共14 d。分别在使用前、使用后1 h、4 h、24 h、7 d及14 d进行受试区皮肤生理指标检测及干燥程度的主观评分。结果:受试者单次使用研究产品后1 h、4 h及24 h,受试区皮肤角质层含水量较基线水平显著增加,分别升高17.11±6.72、13.98±6.36、10.79±6.28(P<0.001),保湿时效≥24 h。使用7 d和14 d后,角质层含水量分别为41.18±8.70和43.48±8.84,较基线水平(26.53±8.68)明显升高;经皮水分丢失分别为(6.48±2.33)g/h/m2和(6.46±3.43)g/h/m2,较基线水平[(7.36±3.96)g/h/m2]减少;pH值改变分别为5.28±0.60和5.37±0.53,较基线水平(5.51±0.70)降低并保持稳定;皮肤干燥程度主观...  相似文献   

目的:探讨痤疮、激素依赖性皮炎、特应性皮炎和干燥性湿疹等不同原因导致敏感性皮肤的皮肤生理功能特点,指导敏感性皮肤的护理和治疗.方法:选取各种原因导致的敏感性皮肤受试者154名,均为女性.运用无创性皮肤生理功能测试仪测量受试者的皮肤皮脂含量、角质层含水量和经表皮水分丢失(TEWL).结果:与单纯敏感性皮肤比较,痤疮组皮脂含量较高(P<0.05),激素依赖性皮炎组TEWL值较高(P<0.05),特应性皮炎和干燥性湿疹组皮脂含量、角质层含水量较低,而TEWL值较高(P<0.05),其余参数比较差异无统计学意义;与痤疮导致的敏感性皮肤比较,激素依赖性皮炎组皮脂含量较低(P<0.05),TEWL值较高(P<0.05),特应性皮炎和干燥性湿疹组皮脂含量、角质层含水量较低(P<0.05),而TEWL值较高(P<0.05),其余参数比较差异无统计学意义;与激素依赖性皮炎导致的敏感性皮肤比较.特应性皮炎和干燥性湿疹组皮脂含量较低(P<0.05),其余参数比较差异无统计学意义.结论:不同原因导致敏感性皮肤的皮肤屏障功能状态不完全一致,应根据不同病因对敏感性皮肤进行治疗和护理.  相似文献   

目的:观察薇诺娜激光术后而膜(简称面膜)、薇诺娜舒敏倍润修复保湿霜(简称保湿霜)、薇诺娜舒敏控油修复凝露(简称控油凝露)对激光治疗后皮肤敏感性等症状的改善情况及安全性.方法:采用受试者自身对照观察,给予30例激光术后患者使用面膜、保湿霜或控油凝露,于首诊日及第7、15、30日用无创性皮肤测试仪检测皮肤水分、油脂含量及皮肤弹性,并观察皮肤敏感性、瘙痒、红斑等症状的改善情况.结果:30例患者激光术后使用面膜前后皮肤含水量分别为62.4和75.1(P<0.05),油脂含量为23.0和22.8(P<0.05).皮肤含水量自第7天开始升高,第30天时升高最为明显(P<0.05),皮肤弹性第15天升高,第30天时升高最为明显(P<0.05).患者使用保湿霜或控油凝露后,皮肤有舒适感,皮肤整体光滑度、油性度、干燥度、皮肤红斑和丘疹均改善,皮肤刺痛、瘙痒改善各指标取值随时间推移均有增大趋势(P<0.05).30例患者未出现明显不良反应.结论:薇诺娜面膜、保湿霜和(或)控油凝露能够改善激光术后皮肤的敏感性及瘙痒、红斑等症状,安全性较好.  相似文献   

目的:评价含马齿苋及牛油果树提取物的护肤品(商品名:薇诺娜舒缓柔润保湿霜)辅助治疗乏脂性湿疹的疗效和安全性.方法:乏脂性湿疹患者躯体一侧外用薇诺娜舒缓柔润保湿霜2周,于第0、3、7、14天进行随访,并以使用前后及身体的另一侧作为对照.采用研究者总体评估(IGA)及患者自身评价观察皮损改善情况;评价内容包括皮肤干燥程度、角质层含水量及经皮水分丢失(TEWL)值来反映皮肤的干燥程度和屏障功能.结果:8个中心共入选200例患者,使用保湿霜后IGA评分、患者自评及皮肤干燥程度评分均较使用前和对照侧显著改善(P<0.01),且随着使用时间的延长效果更好.角质层含水量试验侧明显高于对照侧(P<0.05);靶皮损治疗后高于治疗前(P<0.01).治疗后靶皮损TEWL值明显降低(P<0.05).试验过程中不良反应发生率<10%.结论:含马齿苋及牛油果树提取物护肤品可辅助治疗乏脂性湿疹,其疗效、安全性均较高.  相似文献   

People with sensitive skin (SS) are those who state their skin is more sensitive than that of average persons. The stratum corneum is responsible for maintaining skin barrier function. Ceramides, major constituents of stratum corneum lipids, have been shown to predominantly contribute to the role. It has been suggested that barrier function in SS is decreased. However, we could find very few reports about stratum corneum ceramides in SS. This study was done to find out differences in stratum corneum ceramides between SS and non-SS groups. Fifty individuals (20 with SS and 30 with non-SS) were recruited. Lactic acid sting test (LAST) was performed on the left cheek. On six sites including the right cheek, arm, thigh, leg, back and palm, transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and erythema index (EI) were measured. On the above six sites, stratum corneum sheets were obtained by stripping with cyanoacrylate resin and stratum corneum lipids were extracted, then, analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. LAST scores were higher in the SS group, but not statistically significant. There were no differences in TEWL and EI values between the two groups. The mean value of the quantity of stratum corneum ceramides on the face was significantly lower in the SS group. On other sites, mean values were also lower in the SS group, but not statistically significant. The quantity of ceramides was significantly decreased in the face of the SS group compared to that of the non-SS group. These results suggest that the decrease in stratum corneum ceramides on facial skin could be related to SS development.  相似文献   

Dry skin and eczema only seldomly occur in workers in the Danish fish-processing industry (FPI) during work, when their fingers and palms have a low skin surface temperature, low transepidermal water loss (TEWL), and a high capacitance. However, shortly after work, when the skin temperature has become normal, TEWL levels increase to above normal, and capacitance decreases to below normal, followed by the development of dry skin or chapping, which subsequently revert to normal over a period of hours. These observations suggest that workers in the FPI may have a delect in skin barrier function, which is, however, masked by a low skin temperature, resulting in misleadingly low TEWL levels during work. To test this hypothesis, we disrupted the permeability barrier in hairless mice with topical acetone, and exposed the treated skin to ice for 3–5h. Although TEWL rates immediately after cold exposure were low, suggesting normal barrier recovery, TEWL increased to levels slightly above pre-cold exposure levels (i.e. levels just after the barrier was disrupted with acetone) when the skin temperature reverted to normal (≥ 15min). The changes in TEWL were paralleled by equivalent changes in percutaneous penetration of the electron-dense tracer lanthanum nitrate. This indicates that cold masks a defective barrier, and inhibits barrierrepair. After a few hours at ambient temperatures, normal barrier recovery was observed. Electron microscopy revealed empty or partially empty lamellar bodies during the first 30 min post-cold exposure. After 1 h the majority of nascent LBs displayed normal morphology. Moreover, histochemical studies showed a delayed reappearance of stratum corneum intercellular lipids following cold exposure. These results demonstrate that cold exposure prevents barrier recovery after acetone disruption, and provide an explanation for the occupatonal dermatosis observed in the fish-processing industry and related occupations.  相似文献   

Dermatophytes have the ability to form molecular attachments to keratin and use it as a source of nutrients, colonizing keratinized tissues, including the stratum corneum of the skin. Malassezia species also affect the stratum corneum of the skin. Therefore, dermatophytosis and pityriasis versicolor of the skin are thought to be important factors of profound changes in skin barrier structure and function. We aimed to describe the changes in transepidermal water loss (TEWL), stratum corneum hydration, and skin pH in the lesions of the dermatophytosis and pityriasis versicolor. Thirty-six patients with dermatophytosis (14 with tinea cruris, 13 with tinea corporis and nine with tinea pedis or tinea manus) and 11 patients with pityriasis versicolor were included in this study. TEWL, stratum corneum conductance and skin pH were determined by biophysical methods to examine whether our patients exhibited changes in barrier function. Dermatophytosis and pityriasis versicolor except tinea pedis and tinea manus showed highly significant increase in TEWL compared with adjacent infection-free skin. Hydration was significantly reduced in lesional skin compared with adjacent infection-free skin. From this study, infections with dermatophytes and Malassezia species on the body can alter biophysical properties of the skin, especially the function of stratum corneum as a barrier to water loss. On the contrary, infections with dermatophytes on the palms and soles little affect the barrier function of the skin.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: We aimed to evaluate whether prolonged occlusion can induce stratum corneum barrier damage, alterations in stratum corneum hydration or water-holding capacity (WHC) lasting longer than the occlusion time. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 12 subjects were occluded on the forearm for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. Two hours after occlusion removal, transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and skin hydration were measured and a sorption-desorption test performed. RESULTS: TEWL showed an increase reaching a plateau on day 2. Hydration and WHC did not show significant changes. Hygroscopicity showed the highest level on day 1, decreasing during the following days. A highly significant correlation between capacitance values and the WHC could be detected (p < 0.0001, r = 0.8206). No correlation could be detected between hygroscopicity and TEWL. CONCLUSIONS: Prolonged occlusion induces barrier damage without skin dryness. Occlusion also induces an increased hygroscopicity. A correlation between these two findings could not be proven.  相似文献   

Background: The sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) irritation test is a well-established model for irritant contact dermatitis after the effects of surfactants.
Aim of the study: The course of changes in corneometric measurements (stratum corneum hydration), in transepidermal water loss (TEWL), in laser Doppler measurements (epidermal perfusion) and in colorimetric measurements (skin redness), after a single SLS irritation, should be studied over time.
Methods: Twenty healthy volunteers were studied. Irritation with 1% SLS solution was applied to the side of one forearm for 24 h under occlusive conditions, while the symmetrical experimental site remained untreated. Measurements were made for 9 days after completion of SLS irritation.
Results: Stratum corneum hydration was reduced immediately after irritation, and subsequently a hyper-hydration was observed. The increase in TEWL, laser Doppler measurements and skin redness persisted for 7–9 days. With regard to skin redness, a mild blanching effect was noticeable after 9 days.
Discussion: The evidence of very short-term exsiccation of the stratum corneum with persistent barrier damage, as well as reactive hyper-hydration and blanching of the skin, is remarkable. These first findings suggest that exsiccation of the stratum corneum is not caused by a damage to barrier lipids.  相似文献   

Skin-surface water loss (SSWL) and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) were studied after a plastic occlusion stress test (POST) in visually non-damaged skin treated with 7% sodium lauryl sulphate for 3 days (open application). After removal of the 24-h plastic occlusion, SSWL and TEWL were recorded continuously for 25 min. SSWL decay curves show significant differences between control and treated areas. The total amount of water trapped within the stratum corneum and released after 1 min is significantly reduced (P less than 0.01) in the treated site. Higher TEWL (P less than 0.02) in visually non-irritated skin is noticeable in the terminal part of the curve reflecting the damage of the water barrier in irritated skin. The data suggest that clinically normal skin exposed to subliminal irritant stimuli is less capable of storing water within the stratum corneum resulting in decreased hydration. The POST appears to be a simple and reliable tool to investigate non-visible but biologically relevant changes in stratum corneum function.  相似文献   

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), a surfactant frequently used in the induction of experimental irritant contact dermatitis in animals and in humans, characterstically induces a dose-related increase in TEWL (transepidermal water loss). Ceramides are considered to be important in the regulation of the skin barrier. We therefore examined the relationship between initial ceramide content of stratum corneum and induced changes in skin color (erythema) and barrier function, after SLS application under occlusion (1% and 3% in water) to the forearm of 14 volunteers. Stratum corneum sheets were removed, stratum corneum lipids extracted, and ceramide composition determined from chromatograms (TLC) using densitometry. After determining baseline skin color and TEWL at each area. 2 samples of stratum corneum were obtained from each volunteer. Clinical and instrumental controls of the SLS-induced irritation were performed at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. Erythema was evaluated by colorimetry; barrier impairment by changes in TEWL. We found inverse correlations between baseline ceramide 61 (weight) and the 24 h erythema score for SLS: between ceramide I and 24 h TEWL, and between ceramide 611 and 72 h TEWL for SLS 3%. Our findings suggest that low levels of these ceramides may determine a proclivity to SLS-induced irritant contact dermatitis.  相似文献   

目的 了解昆明地区成年女性皮肤屏障功能在年龄及部位上的差异.方法 将150名昆明地区(18 ~70)岁的女性志愿者分为3个不同年龄组,分别为:青年组(18~ 34岁)、中年组(35 ~ 49岁)及老年组(50~70岁),每组50人.采用无创性皮肤检测仪对志愿者的左侧面颊部及额中部进行水分、油脂及TEWL的检测.结果 青年组面颊部水分(38.46±5.70)、油脂(60.70±35.78)及额中部水分(39.57±5.08)、油脂(104.56±45.40)含量最高,老年组面颊部水分(31.00±6.09)、油脂(26.87±16.71)及额中部水分(32.54±5.84)、油脂(39.67±24.44)含量最低.而面颊部TEWL(10.76±3.95)及额中部TEWL(10.13±3.76)均在青年组检测值最低.各年龄组女性额中部的油脂明显高于面颊部,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),每个年龄组面颊部水分与额中部水分比较,面颊部TEWL与额中部TEWL比较均无明显差异(P>0.05).结论 昆明地区成年女性面颊部及额中部水分、油脂随年龄增长而逐渐减少,而TEWL值随年龄增长逐渐增大.  相似文献   

【摘要】 有学者认为,皮肤干燥是表皮通透屏障功能受损的表现,但目前尚没有足够的证据证明这一观点。实际上,皮肤干燥是角质层含水量降低的表现。角质层含水量主要由角质层天然保湿因子的量决定,而表皮通透屏障功能则主要由角质层脂质的质和量以及结构蛋白决定。如果皮肤干燥是由表皮通透屏障功能降低所致,那么,角质层含水量应当与透皮失水率呈负相关性。但是研究表明,无论是正常人皮肤、鱼鳞病皮损或皮脂腺缺乏的小鼠皮肤,角质层含水量与透皮失水率均无负相关性。相反,有研究显示,人角质层含水量与透皮失水率呈正相关性。因此,皮肤干燥似乎不是表皮通透屏障功能受损的表现。  相似文献   

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