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报告1例儿童大疱性类天疱疮,患儿女,8岁,2月前躯干、四肢皮肤出现红斑、水疱、大疱,尼氏征阴性。皮损组织病理检查示:表皮下水疱,疱腔内有嗜酸性粒细胞、中性粒细胞浸润;直接免疫荧光示:IgG、C3线状沉积于基底膜带。诊断为儿童大疱性类天疱疮,静注甲强龙治疗后效果良好,随访至今未复发。  相似文献   

报道1例儿童大疱性类天疱疮。患儿男.1岁8个月。全身泛发大疱生皮损,疱壁紧张,不易破裂,疱液清澈,尼氏征阴性。皮肤组织病理检查见表皮下水疱,真皮层见以嗜酸粒细胞为主的浸润。皮肤免疫病理检查见表皮基膜带有IgM及C3沉积,患儿经皮质类固醇治疗,疗效满意。  相似文献   

患者女,35岁,全身泛发红斑水疱8 d。皮肤科情况:全身泛发红斑,其上可见大小不等的水疱,部分水疱基底不红,为正常肤色,外阴及四肢部分水疱破溃渗出,水疱疱壁较厚,尼氏征(-),双下肢轻度肿胀。皮损组织病理及直接免疫荧光符合大疱性类天疱疮。患者30年前于外院确诊为特纳综合征。诊断:特纳综合征合并大疱性类天疱疮。给予糖皮质激素等常规治疗后效果不佳,加用静脉注射人免疫球蛋白治疗2周后病情好转。  相似文献   

报告1例婴儿大疱性类天疱疮。患儿女,6个月。皮肤科检查:躯干及四肢多发红斑、水疱和大疱。皮损组织病理检查:真皮浅层血管及胶原间大量嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,直接及间接免疫荧光均可见基膜带免疫球蛋白(Ig)G带状沉积,疱病自身抗体提示抗大疱性类天疱疮(BP)180抗体明显升高。诊断:婴儿大疱性类天疱疮,予糖皮质激素治疗有效。  相似文献   

患者女,34岁。全身皮疹伴瘙痒1个月。皮疹在外用精油1周后出现,初始发生在接触部位,继而泛发全身,皮损以浮肿性红斑及水疱为主。皮肤组织病理提示表皮下水疱,真皮上层及水疱内可见嗜酸性粒细胞和中性粒细胞炎性浸润。直接免疫荧光:基底膜带线状连续的IgG,C_3沉积。诊断:大疱性类天疱疮。予糖皮质激素联合丙种球蛋白治疗的效果满意。  相似文献   

患者,女,73岁。全身散在红斑水疱、弥漫性色素斑伴瘙痒1年。查体:躯干弥漫性条索状和漩涡状黑褐色色素沉着斑及散在绿豆至蚕豆大小不等的水疱,四肢有丘疹、结节样皮损,腹股沟淋巴结肿大。嗜酸粒细胞计数21.63×10~9/L,病理支持大疱性类天疱疮诊断。给予糖皮质激素、甲氨蝶呤同时联合干扰素α治疗后,病情得到明显缓解。  相似文献   

婴儿男,6月大时出现全身红斑、水疱和大疱,皮损组织病理可见真皮内嗜酸性细胞浸润,直接及间接免疫荧光显示:IgG基底膜带线状沉积。诊断:婴儿大疱性类天疱疮。糖皮质激素治疗有效。1岁以内婴儿大疱性类天疱疮国内报道少见。  相似文献   

报告1例由左氧氟沙星诱发的大疱性类天疱疮.患者女,82岁.因发现躯干、四肢起红斑、水疱伴瘙痒7 d来诊.患者半年前曾有服用左氧氟沙星过敏史,该次服药后次日即引起红斑水疱性皮疹.组织病理检查提示表皮下水疱,疱内含有较多嗜酸性粒细胞;直接免疫荧光报告IgG、C3在表皮与真皮交界处呈线状沉积.结合皮疹特点诊断为大疱性类天疱疮.患者经糖皮质激素治疗,疗效满意.  相似文献   

患者女,23岁,孕33周。躯干及四肢出现红色皮疹,伴瘙痒2周。皮肤科情况:躯干及四肢广泛分布轻度水肿性红色斑疹和斑丘疹,双手及双足有较多张力性水疱。右前臂皮损组织病理示:真皮乳头高度水肿,水疱形成,疱液及真皮浅层少量嗜酸粒细胞和淋巴细胞浸润。直接免疫荧光检查示:皮肤基底膜带处C3呈线状沉积。诊断:妊娠性类天疱疮。予小剂量强的松口服9d后好转。  相似文献   

患者女,33岁,反复面部红斑、水疱伴痒1年,泛发全身12 d。皮损组织病理示:(左小腿皮损)表皮下水疱形成,疱腔内见纤维素样坏死及较多嗜酸性粒细胞,疱下真皮浅层中等量淋巴细胞、少量嗜酸性粒细胞浸润。免疫荧光结果:基底膜线性C3(+)。HLA-B8、HLA-DRB1、HLA-DQB1基因检测阴性。诊断:小疱性类天疱疮。予米诺环素、烟酰胺及复方甘草酸苷口服治疗后皮疹减轻。  相似文献   

An 18-year-old girl presented with multiple itchy hyperpigmented papules and plaques, along with tense blisters over the lower limbs and buttocks for last 3 months. These papules, plaques, and bullae were mostly localized to preexisting scars. The histopathological findings from papule and bulla were consistent with lichen planus (LP) and bullous pemphigoid, respectively. Direct immunofluorescence (DIF) of perilesional skin around bulla showed linear deposition of IgG and C3. Considering clinical, histopathological and DIF findings, diagnosis of LP pemphigoides (LPP) was made. The preferential localization of LPP lesions over preexisting scars was a very interesting finding in our case an extremely rare instance of the isotopic phenomenon.  相似文献   

Bullous pemphigoid is a common autoimmune skin disease characterized by the presence of subepidermal blisters. It has been associated with underlying neoplasia in isolated reports. A 78-year-old man with generalized blisters was diagnosed as bullous pemphigoid on clinical, histopathological and direct immunofluorescence grounds. His free and total prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels were high and histopathological examination of a prostate specimen revealed prostate adenocarcinoma. We present this rare case to discuss the possible association between bullous pemphigoid and prostate adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

A patient with lichen planus pemphigoides first developed multiple pruritic papules and subsequently, tense blisters on trunk and extremities. Histopathologic examination of a skin biopsy demonstrated both the typical changes of lichen planus and subepidermal blisters as in bullous pemphigoid. Direct immunofluorescence microscopy revealed both cytoid bodies and linear C3 deposits at the dermal-epidermal junction. By indirect immunofluorescence microscopy on 1 M NaCl-split-skin, circulating autoantibodies labeled the epidermal side of the split. Immunoblot analysis showed binding of the antibodies to the cell-derived soluble 120 kD domain of the 180 kD bullous pemphigoid antigen and to a recombinant form of the immunodominant NC16A region of this protein. When treated with pulsed intravenous corticosteroids, the patient continued to develop new papules and blisters, but when oral acitretin was added, the skin lesions cleared. The immunoblot reactivity of the patient's autoantibodies well reflected disease activity, while the indirect immunofluorescence microscopy titers did not.  相似文献   

A wide range of clinical manifestations may be seen in scabies, from classic pruritic papules and burrows to secondary features such as impetigo. Bullus lesions are a less frequent. Twenty cases of scabies presenting with bullae have been reported so far in the medical literature. Differentiating this subtype of scabies from the immunobullous disease bullus pemphigoid is a diagnostic challenge. A 42-year-old man was referred to our dermatology outpatient clinic with 3-month history of severe pruritus and tense blisters affecting mainly the lower trunk, arms and legs. An initial biopsy was suggestive for bullous pemphigoid. Close physical examination revealed small excoriated papules and a few burrows on borders of the hands and wrists. Skin scraping of the lesions on wrists was positive for Sarcoptes scabiei. Another biopsy specimen from a recent blister revealed subepidermal bullae with fibrin and inflammatory cells, particularly eosinophils. Direct immunofluorescence exam was negative. The patient was treated with lindane lotion followed by crotamiton cream with near complete resolution of the lesions. Scabies must be considered in patients presenting with recent onset of unexplained pruritic bullous lesions. Biopsy and immunofluorescence studies together with skin scrapings for Sarcoptes scabiei could help to differentiate these cases from bullous pemphigoid. Antiscabietic treatment results in resolution of bullous lesions in the affected patients.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Clinical features and extent of bullous pemphigoid lesions differed widely among patients. The pathogenic role of anti-BPAG2 antibodies has been recently demonstrated. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between clinical features of bullous pemphigoid patients and the antigens recognized by their serum. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One hundred and twelve bullous pemphigoid patients were included in this prospective multicenter study. Inclusion criteria were the following: 1) diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid established on the presence of 3 of the 4 clinical features of bullous pemphigoid, histological picture of bullous pemphigoid and positive direct immunofluorescence; 2) serum available for immunoblotting studies. The clinical and biological findings were prospectively recorded on standard forms. Sera were collected and analyzed using indirect immunofluorescence and immunoblotting on human epidermal extracts. RESULTS: Analysis of patient's clinical features depending on the antigens recognized by their serum showed that patients whose serum contained anti-BPAG1 antibodies had more frequently pruritus, blisters on the lower limbs and a positive indirect immunofluorescence. Patients whose serum contained anti-BPAG2 antibodies had blisters more frequently localized on the head, and a more frequently negative indirect immunofluorescence. Patients whose serum was negative by immunoblotting had less frequently urticarial and/or eczematous lesions, bullae less frequently localized on the lower part of the trunk, abdomen and lower limbs, lower eosinophilia and a more frequently negative indirect immunofluorescence. CONCLUSION: Patients with circulating anti-BPAG1 antibodies exhibited the most typical, clinical and biological features of bullous pemphigoid.  相似文献   

【摘要】 患者女,58岁,头颈、胸背起皮疹伴痒痛20 d,于2010年2月入院,皮疹表现为红斑基础上浅表糜烂,尼氏征阳性。组织病理检查示颗粒细胞层及棘细胞层上方裂隙,并可见游离角化不良细胞,直接免疫荧光(DIF)示棘细胞间IgG和C3沉积,诊断为落叶型天疱疮,予以曲安西龙 24 mg/d,雷公藤多苷片60 mg/d,烟酰胺300 mg/d和四环素2 g/d 治疗,皮疹逐渐消退。2017年6月,患者头颈、胸背及手部起皮疹伴瘙痒15 d再次入院,皮疹为红斑基础上紧张水疱,尼氏征阴性。组织病理检查见表皮下水疱,疱内及真皮浅层见嗜酸性粒细胞及淋巴细胞浸润,DIF示IgG和C3沿基底膜带沉积,ELISA 检查示 BP180 抗体阳性,Dsg1和Dsg3抗体阴性,诊断为大疱性类天疱疮,予以曲安西龙12 mg/d、烟酰胺300 mg/d和四环素2 g/d口服,皮损逐渐消退。  相似文献   

Immunohistologically linear IgA disease presents with unambiguous features, whereas clinical manifestations are variable. It sometimes shows similarity to other bullous dermatoses such as bullous pemphigoid and dermatitis herpetiformis. A 73 year old female patient was referred with the diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid. One day after admission clinical examination revealed the classical features of Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS): widespread confluent atypical target lesions, partly raised, partly flat with central blisters, and erythematous spots, but few typical targets, as well as blisters and large areas of skin detachment on her back and buttocks, accompanied by erosions of the oral and genital mucosa. Direct immunofluorescence performed on peri-lesional skin showed linear deposition of IgA along the basement membrane zone, leading to the diagnosis of linear IgA disease of adults. Our case report shows that linear IgA disease may present with the clinical pattern of SJS.  相似文献   

A 35 year old black man presented with a generalized eruption of lichen planus; subsequently tense blisters appeared within the lichenoid lesions and on clinically normal skin. Histopathological characteristics of lichen planus were present in the papules, and those of bullous pemphigoid were seen in the bullae taken from non-lichenoid skin. Direct immunofluorescence studies revealed immunological characteristics of lichen planus in skin and mucosal lesions of L. P. Bound IgG and beta1 C/beta1 A with tubular patterns were detected at the dermo-epidermal junction in all the skin fragments (clinically normal skin, bullous lesions lichenoid skin and mucous lesions). Indirect immunofluorescence studies showed at several intervals that the patient had circulating antibasement membrane zone antibodies (IgG; titres 1/50). This is the third published case in which immunofluorescence studies have established the "pemphigoid" nature of some bullous lichen planus. These findings are in favour of an immune disorder in lichen planus.  相似文献   

【摘要】 患者女,89岁,因腹股沟、外阴、臀间沟皮疹10个月、水疱3周就诊。皮肤科检查:腹股沟、外阴、臀间沟红白色增生性斑块,斑块部位散在绿豆至豌豆大小的糜烂面及水疱,右腋下及右小腿正常皮肤上散在数个类似水疱,部分破溃结痂。臀间沟皮损组织病理检查:棘层增生肥厚,无棘刺松解,部分区域可见表皮下裂隙和水疱,局灶性真皮浅层水肿,伴嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,真皮浅层血管周围可见淋巴细胞为主的浸润。直接免疫荧光:IgG、C3基底膜带线状沉积,IgM真皮簇状小体阳性,IgA阴性。盐裂皮肤间接免疫荧光:IgG、C3沉积在表皮侧。酶联免疫吸附试验检测血清抗体:BP180抗体26.92 U/ml、BP230抗体68.17 U/ml,桥粒芯蛋白1抗体、桥粒芯蛋白3抗体正常。诊断:增殖型类天疱疮。予口服甲泼尼龙,联合外用卤米松软膏及0.03%他克莫司软膏,皮疹逐渐消退。  相似文献   

Circulating and bound IgA antibodies can be found in the autoimmune blistering diseases, but their prevalence, clinical relevance and target antigens remain unknown. Thirty-two patients with pemphigus, 73 with bullous pemphigoid and 28 with mucous membrane pemphigoid were studied retrospectively. Direct immunofluorescence (DIF) analysis of IgG, IgA, IgM and C3 was carried out for all cases. Sera were studied by standard indirect immunofluorescence, indirect immunofluorescence on salt-split skin, immunoblotting for bullous pemphigoid and mucous membrane pemphigoid and ELISA for pemphigus. With DIF, we found IgA autoantibodies in 22 of all 133 cases. Circulating IgA antibodies to skin were detected in 2 of 3 IgA-DIF-positive patients with pemphigus, in 3 of 6 with bullous pemphigoid, and in 6 of 13 with mucous membrane pemphigoid. We confirm that the IgA reactivity is more frequently associated with mucous membrane involvement, especially in cases without critical involvement (5/8). The role of IgA and its antigenic specificity in these diseases remain unclear.  相似文献   

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