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为了解广西蚊种类及分布的动态,按中泰科技合作协议,于广西南宁市郊、龙胜县、桂平县及环江县开展了本项工作。从蚊虫孳生地采集蚊幼虫并带回实验室饲养,分别制备蚊幼虫、幼虫蜕皮、蛹皮、成蚊及雄蚊尾器标本并进行鉴定。采集到308只标本,共查见7属20种蚊虫,结果表明广西主要的能传播疾病的蚊媒如中华按蚊、嗜人按蚊、致倦库蚊、三带喙库蚊、白纹伊蚊等依然存在,提示主要蚊媒孳生条件没有消失;此外结果显示风景区内白纹伊蚊是主要的优势蚊种,如何防治白纹伊蚊的吸血骚扰是提高旅游质量的重要环节。  相似文献   

分别采用人帐诱法和CO2灯诱法对新疆北湾地区不同生境的蚊虫种类组成及构成进行调查并对两种调查方法进行比较.新疆北湾地区蚊虫种类有4属8种,刺扰伊蚊为各种生境优势蚊种,米赛按蚊、里海伊蚊、背点伊蚊以及凶小库蚊为常见种,环跗曼蚊、赫坎按蚊和尖音库蚊为少见种,不同生境蚊虫密度及种类组成不同;灯诱和人帐诱两种方法比较结果显示,...  相似文献   

本文比较环境治理与化学方法防治蚊虫的效果。2012年8月20日至10月14日在珠海市香洲区的居民区选取7个区域,其中2个作为环境治理实验区,3个作为化学防治实验区,2个作为对照区。使用诱蚊灯和诱蚊诱卵器连续监测蚊密度8周,第4周分别在环境治理实验区清除外环境蚊虫孳生地和发放宣传资料,在化学防治实验区采用低容量喷雾技术喷洒高效氯氟氰菊酯微囊悬浮剂。诱蚊诱卵器监测结果显示,环境治理实验区前后4周存在统计学差异,处理后诱蚊诱卵指数明显高于处理前;化学防治实验区前后4周存在统计学差异,处理后诱蚊诱卵指数明显低于处理前。采用适当的化学防治方法可以明显降低白纹伊蚊成蚊密度,并有持效性。白纹伊蚊的孳生地分布较为广泛,仅仅清除部分孳生地,并不能明显降低白纹伊蚊成蚊密度。  相似文献   

埃及伊蚊和白纹伊蚊是登革热的主要传播媒介,蚊虫孳生情况的持续调查和分析,有助于对种群变化进行实时监控,从而为登革热的防治提供理论依据.2017-2020年,每年9-10月在云南省西双版纳州(勐腊县、景洪市、勐海县),临沧市(镇康县南伞镇、耿马县孟定镇),德宏州(瑞丽市)共6个市(县)调查埃及伊蚊和白纹伊蚊孳生地类型并捕捞幼虫,对4龄幼虫分类鉴定以观察两种伊蚊特征.结果 显示,此次在所调查的6个市(县)均发现两种伊蚊孳生地,共560个.孳生地类型以家用水桶类最多,占比44.82%.边境各地区居民区调查发现埃及伊蚊孳生地占比33.64%,商业区埃及伊蚊占比48.89%,两种调查地埃及伊蚊数量差异存在统计学意义,在商业区埃及伊蚊占比高于居民区.2017年西双版纳州和瑞丽市白纹伊蚊孳生地占比分别为75.51%和67.44%,2020年为36.67%和38.10%,说明两地白纹伊蚊构成比下降.两地区埃及伊蚊孳生地占比由2017年的18.37%和16.28%增长为2020年的43.33%和42.85%,说明埃及伊蚊构成比上升.结果 表明,由于埃及伊蚊比白纹伊蚊传播登革热的能力更强,2020年的西双版纳州和瑞丽市较2017年,商业区较居民区暴发登革热的潜在风险更高.  相似文献   

为明确任务区蚊媒种类、密度及其与环境因素的关系,笔者采用人诱法和容器指数法对苏丹瓦乌地区蚊媒的成虫和幼虫开展了密度监测。结果表明,在瓦乌维和任务区,主要蚊种为淡色库蚊、冈比亚按蚊和阿拉伯按蚊,由旱季进入雨季,蚊虫组成由单一的淡色库蚊变化为3种蚊虫共存的状态。其中阿拉伯按蚊偏好于干燥环境,而冈比亚按蚊则选择湿润环境。同时研究发现,按蚊幼虫选择弱酸性、低盐度、较清澈的积水孳生,水藻和植物有利于其孳生繁衍。库蚊则选择酸性、较浑浊的积水进行孳生。按蚊幼虫的孳生特点和成虫的活动生态特点,为开展任务区疟疾防治工作提供了基础资料和技术支持。  相似文献   

广州地区农村登革热旧疫点白纹伊蚊密度消长特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索广州农村登革热旧疫点白纹伊蚊密度特点及消长规律。方法在农村设立监测点对自然环境中白纹伊蚊幼虫及成蚊密度进行长期连续监测。结果农村中白纹伊蚊幼虫孳生地以室外环境为主,全年皆可在积水容器中检出幼虫,白纹伊蚊幼虫和成蚊密度消长与季节密切相关。结论以室外孳生地为主的农村地区白纹伊蚊种群易受气候因素影响,幼虫密度高峰与成蚊密度高峰之间存在一定的时间差,其规律性有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

为明确中越河口-老街双边边境地区蚊虫种类及其分布情况,2008年11月在云南省河口县及越南老街省老街市4个地点的畜圈,于夜间用电动诱蚊灯采集蚊虫,并对雌蚊进行分类鉴定。结果显示,在中国河口采集库蚊、按蚊、阿蚊、伊蚊、小蚊共5属19种678只,在越南老街采集到库蚊、按蚊、伊蚊、阿蚊、曼蚊、蓝带蚊6属20种1334只。骚扰阿蚊和三带喙库蚊是河口、老街夜间畜圈数量最多的蚊种;河口的骚扰阿蚊构成比比20年前有所增加;致倦库蚊在老街蚊虫中构成比仅次于骚扰阿蚊和三带喙库蚊,与河口不同。  相似文献   

为全面掌握上海中心城区三带喙库蚊Culextritaeniorhynchus种群动态新变化并开展相应的科学有效的防治,选取城区成蚊较容易出现的公园和绿化区域环境类型(人民广场及人民公园地区),采用24h连续性成蚊动态监测与蚊幼孳生地调查相结合的方法,对上海市中心城区三带喙库蚊种群动态变化进行研究。研究结果显示三带喙库蚊高峰出现在7月份;人民广场及人民公园地区的三带喙库蚊构成比最高达到32.79%,人民公园2号监测点的三带喙库蚊构成比达到52.6%,并在人民公园1号监测点周边发现2处三带喙库蚊孳生地,而历年监测中三带喙库蚊间断性捕获,多出现在8月份。本研究在上海中心城区首次报道三带喙库蚊的孳生地,且该蚊种已成为公园和绿化区域的优势蚊种。随着气候变化与城市环境的改变,三带喙库蚊对城市环境的适应性不断提高,除淡色库蚊和白纹伊蚊外,三带喙库蚊也应成为上海市城区的重点防治蚊种。  相似文献   

对汕头市主要旅游景点(学石)石风景区进行蚊虫调查,采集到11种蚊虫,分别为伊蚊属中复蚊亚属的白纹伊蚊,纷蚊亚属的东乡伊蚊;库蚊属中路蚊亚属的贪食库蚊和褐尾库蚊,库蚊亚属二带喙库蚊、三带喙库蚊、致倦库蚊、拟态库蚊,真黑蚊亚属的马来库蚊,库状蚊亚属白胸库蚊.按蚊属中按蚊亚属的嗜人按蚊.其中白纹伊蚊为登革热的重要媒介,嗜人按蚊为疟疾和马来丝虫病的重要媒介,致倦库蚊为班氏丝虫病的重要媒介,三带喙库蚊为日本乙型脑炎的重要媒介.其它蚊种是鸟类和野生动物疾病的媒介或可能媒介.由于汕头地区蚊虫资料甚少,蚊虫种类及其分布还需深入调查.  相似文献   

目的对龙岗区蚊虫种群和密度进行监测,为深圳大运会期间有效控制蚊媒传播疾病奠定基础。方法 2009年3-12月,在龙岗区10个街道中,每月中旬布放诱蚊灯,对医院、绿化地和居民区等环境进行成蚊密度监测。结果龙岗区10个街道共布放诱蚊灯98个,诱蚊诱卵器600个,入户调查369户,检测室内外容器730个,监测到3属6种1082只成蚊,平均成蚊密度为1.4只/h。其中,致倦库蚊为优势蚊种(71.3%),容器指数为25.8,布雷图指数达50.7。结论龙岗区蚊虫密度及布雷图指数大大超过国家标准,提示有蚊媒传播疾病如登革热、乙型脑炎等流行的可能。  相似文献   

Entomological surveys were conducted in the forest region of western C?te-d'Ivoire from November 1998 to December 1999 in order to study the ecology of mosquito breeding sites and bioecology of Culicidae. Three following agro-systems were considered: landscaped lowland (R0), the lowland with one growing season of rice per year (R1) and the lowland with two seasonal production of irrigated rice field per year (R2). Two villages were selected by agro-system, and cross-sectional entomological surveys were conducted every six weeks in each village. A total of 5,839 larvae of mosquitoes were collected in the different categories of breeding sites surveyed. From these larvae, 2,199 imagos emerged, giving an emergence rate equal to 37.7%. Nine species belonging to three genera were identified. The genus Anopheles with 1,828 larvae represented 83.1% of the total. Five anophelinae species were identified. An. ziemanni was the most abundant species with 751 larvae (32.5% of the total). An. funestus with 531 larvae represented 24.1% of the total. Larvae from this species were collected in river with raised vegetation and in irrigated rice field at transplanting and cut stages. About 559 larvae of An. gambiae representing 25.4% of the total were collected from artificial breeding sites, particularly in rice fields after the planting stage. Additionally, 38,626 anthropophilic mosquitoes were collected on 936 mannight catches in the study area. Thirty species belonging to seven genera were identified in the three agro-systems. In the villages of the agro-system R0, 2,675 mosquitoes were collected on landing catches. In the villages of the agro-ecosystem R1, 11,311 mosquitoes were collected, which was 4.2 higher than the number collected in the village of agro-system R0 for the same sampling effort. In the village of the agro-system R2, 24,640 mosquitoes were collected, which was 9.2 higher than the number collected in the agro-system R0 and 2.2 higher than the number collected in the agro-system R1. In the villages of agrosystems R0, R1 and R2, An. gambiae represented respectively 72.1%, 56% and 58.3% of anophelinae species collected, whereas An. funestus represented 25.6%, 40% and 31.9% of anophelinae species collected, in the same agrosystems, respectively. These results showed that areas of irrigated rice fields favoured the development of larvae from An. gambiae and An. funestus.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to investigate the role of waste stabilization ponds (WSP) and wastewater-irrigated sites for the production of mosquitoes of medical importance. Mosquito larvae were collected fortnightly from July 2001 to June 2002 in Faisalabad, Pakistan. In total, 3,132 water samples from WSP and irrigated areas yielded 606,053 Culex larvae of five species. In addition, 107,113 anophelines, representing eight species were collected. Anopheles subpictus (Grassi) and Culex mosquitoes, especially Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) and Culex tritaeniorhynchus (Giles), showed an overwhelming preference for anaerobic ponds, which receive untreated wastewater. Facultative ponds generated lower numbers of both Anopheles and Culex mosquitoes, whereas the last ponds in the series, the maturation ponds, were the least productive for both mosquito genera. An. subpictus and Anopheles stephensi (Liston) were the dominant Anopheles species in wastewater-irrigated sites, with Anopheles culicifacies (Giles) recorded in low numbers. This was also the pattern in nearby sites, irrigated with river water. Among the Culex species, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus was by far the most frequently recorded in both wastewater- and river water-irrigated sites with Cx. quinquefasciatus as the second most abundant species but restricted to wastewater-irrigated areas. Univariate logistic regression analysis showed that presence of An. subpictus and Culex mosquitoes was significantly associated with emergent grass vegetation and low salinity. Regular removal of emergent grass along the margins of the anaerobic ponds and changes in the concrete design of the ponds are likely to reduce the mosquito production, especially of Culex species.  相似文献   

Malaria incidence has markedly declined in the Mbour, Fatick, Niakhar and Bambey districts (central and western Senegal) thanks to a scaling up of effective control measures namely LLINs (Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Net), ACTs (Artesunate Combination Therapy) and promoting care seeking. However malaria cases are now maintained by foci of transmission called hotspots. We evaluate the role of anopheles breeding sites in the identification of malaria hotspots in the health districts of Mbour, Fatick, Niakhar and Bambey. Surveys of breeding sites were made in 6 hotspot villages and 4 non-hotspot villages. A sample was taken in each water point with mosquito larvae by dipping method and the collected specimens were identified to the genus level. Additional parameters as name of the village and breeding sites, type of collection, original water turbidity, presence of vegetation, proximity to dwellings, geographic coordinates, sizes were also collected. Sixty-two water collections were surveyed and monitored between 2013 and 2014. Temporary natural breeding sites were predominant regardless of the epidemiological status of the village. Among the 31 breeding sites located within 500 meters of dwellings in hotspots villages, 70% carried Anopheles larvae during the rainy season while 43% of the 21 breeding sites located at similar distances in non-hotspot villages carried Anopheles larvae during the same period (P = 0.042). At the end of the rainy season, the trend is the same with 27% of positive breeding sites in hotspots and 14% in non-hotspots villages. The breeding sites encountered in hotspots villages are mostly small to medium size and are more productive by Anopheles larvae than those found in non-hotspot area. This study showed that the high frequency of smallest and productive breeding sites around and inside the villages can create conditions of residual transmission.  相似文献   

云南丽江市自然风景区居民点蚊类多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为调查和了解云南省丽江市主要自然风景区蚊类多样性状况,应用灯诱法对丽江市虎跳峡、石鼓、黎明、宁蒗、拉市海、文笔海、程海、泸沽湖共8个自然风景区居民点夜间活动的成蚊进行调查取样,分类整理和统计分析. 结果共捕获蚊类 45 346只,发现蚊类2亚科4属28种. 其中, 库蚊属(Genus Culex)14种,按蚊属(Genus Anopheles)7 种,伊蚊属(Genus Aedes)6种,阿蚊属(Genus Armigeres)1种. 三带喙库蚊Culex tritaeniorhynchus为优势种(占83.80%),中华按蚊Anopheles sinensis为常见种(占8.09%),其余26种蚊子的数量相对较少(合计占8.12%). 在8个风景区中,泸沽湖物种多样性(多样性指数1.7863)最高, 其次是虎跳峡(多样性指数1.6178),而生态优势度和密度均都较低;反之,物种多样性最低为石鼓(多样性指数0.3649),而其生态优势度指数和密度为最高. 结果表明丽江市自然风景区蚊类的组成较为丰富,三带喙库蚊和中华按蚊是优势种和常见种,优势种三带喙库蚊主导了当地风景区蚊类的生态优势度和物种多样性的变化趋势. 各风景区气候环境条件和周边耕作地类型对蚊类的群落结构、密度和物种多样性具有重要影响.研究认为,保护自然环境,改变周边农耕区耕作和种植类型,提高环境异质性,对抑制蚊类密度、提高蚊类群落和物种多样性具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Mosquito abundance and bionomics were studied intensively during summer and spring at two residential communities of contrasting economic status. Culex quinquefasciatus was the most abundant adult and immature mosquito collected in both communities, followed by Culiseta incidens, Culex stigmatosoma, and Culex tarsalis. Cx. stigmatosoma and Cx. tarsalis were more abundant in CO2 traps hung in tree canopy than at ground level and fed most frequently on birds. Cx. quinquefasciatus was abundant in both ground level and tree canopy CO2 traps and fed on both mammals and birds. Cs. incidens was collected most frequently by ground level CO2 traps and fed primarily on dogs. Cx. quinquefasciatus and Cs. incidens readily exploited peridomestic breeding sources, and resting adults were aggregated at houses with positive breeding sources. Although Cx. stigmatosoma and Cx. tarsalis larvae were collected primarily at peripheral breeding sources, the dispersion of resting adults was still clumped at houses within both communities. Mosquitoes were most abundant in the more affluent community due to an increased number of breeding sites created by automatic watering devices and poorly managed peripheral drainage channels. Resident opinion of recent mosquito annoyance was not related to the presence of mosquito breeding sources or the abundance of either resting or host-seeking mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Understanding mosquito dispersal is critically important for vector-borne disease control and prevention. Mark-release-recapture methods using various marking techniques have made substantial contributions to the study of mosquito biology. However, the ability to mark naturally breeding mosquitoes noninvasively and with life-long retention has remained problematic. Here, we describe a method to mark naturally breeding mosquitoes with stable isotopes. Culex pipiens f. molestus mosquitoes were provisioned as larvae in laboratory experiments with 15N-labeled potassium nitrate and 13C-labeled glucose. Larval enrichment was sufficient to differentiate marked adult mosquitoes from unmarked control mosquitoes and the natural source population from Chicago Illinois, using either delta 15N or delta 13C. Isotopic retention lasted for at least 55 d for adult male and females mosquitoes. There were no consistent effects of isotopic enrichment on immature mosquito survival or adult mosquito body size. We then applied this marking technique to naturally breeding Culex pipiens mosquitoes in suburban Chicago, IL, and for the first time, report successful isotopic enrichment of mosquitoes in the field. This stable isotope marking technique will facilitate studies of mosquito dispersal.  相似文献   

Prompted by four autochthonous cases of malaria in 1994 and 1995 in Evros Province, northern Greece, we conducted an entomological study between 1997 and 1999 in Nipsa and Chandras, rural locations where two of the four cases had occurred, and in Feres where two additional autochthonous malaria cases had been diagnosed in 1998. In Nipsa and Chandras, we identified 29 Anopheles breeding sites and characterized them by physicochemical parameters. Larvae were collected both at these sites and in a brackish water breeding site near Feres in the Evros River delta. Adults were caught in sheds at all three locations. Morphology was used to classify larvae and adults as A. superpictusor as species belonging to the A. claviger or A. maculipennis species complexes. The latter were further identified by PCR as being A. maculipennis s.s., A. melanoon and A. sacharovi. Of the A. maculipennis complex larvae collected inland, approximately 94% were A. maculipennis s.s. and 6% A. melanoon, whereas all larvae collected in the coastal region were A. sacharovi. In contrast, the A. maculipennis adults were A. maculipennis s.s. and A. melanoon (both 47%), and A. sacharovi (6%). In the coastal region, no A. maculipennis s.s. adults were caught. The ratio of A. melanoon adults collected to A. sacharovi was about 3:1. As shown by a bloodmeal ELISA, only 5 of 266 fed females (1.9%) had ingested human blood, whereas 232 (87%) had fed on goats. Of the mosquitoes containing human blood, two were A. melanoon, one A. sacharovi and one A. maculipennis s.s. One human blood specimen could no longer be assigned to a particular mosquito.  相似文献   

Malaria vectors control is essentially based on the use of insecticides against adult mosquitoes. However because of the development of resistance to insecticides, there is now a renewed interest in the management of larval sources. The aim of the present study was to map and characterize the breeding sites of Anopheles coluzzii in the Wouri river estuary in Cameroon. Larval surveys were carried out between December 2013 and August 2014 in rural areas on the island of Manoka and urban area in Youpwe at Douala. Culicidae breeding sites identified were georeferenced and mapped. Their larval productivity was evaluated by the method of “dipping” and their physicochemical parameters measured by spectrophotometry and oximetry. Culicidae collected larvae were reared in the insectarium to the adult stage. Adult mosquitoes were subjected to morphological identification and those belonging to the Anopheles gambiae complex have subsequently been subjected to molecular identification by the PCR-RFLP technique. A total of 240 breeding sites were geo-referenced in the two sites, including 10 types. Abandoned containers and pools were the most frequent breeding sites respectively in Manoka and in Youpwe. After morphological and molecular identification, eleven mosquito species have been identified. Anopheles coluzzii and Culex quinquefasciatus were the most frequent species respectively in Manoka and in Youpwe. Mosquito density was higher in managed gutters and canoes respectively in Manoka and in Youpwe. Culex and Aedes genus were more frequent in the hollow palm and water wells respectively in Manoka and Youpwe. The productivity of breeding sites varied according to the physicochemical parameters. Species richness varied according to the type of breeding site. Anopheles coluzzii was observed for the first time in Cameroon in water storage containers, tires, discarded containers and canoes. This study highlighted diversity in the type of breeding site of An. coluzzii in the Wouri estuary, suggesting the adaptation of this species in its environment. These results could be used to develop an antilarval control strategy in Manoka and in Youpwe.  相似文献   

本文调查和探讨我国西南山地蚊类物种多样性与多度的空间分布格局及其关系.以滇西北“三江并流”自然遗产地金沙江流域(北纬26°00′~28°30′;东经99°00′~101°00′和海拔1 500~3 500 m之间)为调查研究的空间范围,应用灯诱法对16个乡镇居民区蚊类多样性进行调查取样、统计和分析.结果共捕获蚊类2亚科...  相似文献   

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