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目的 介入治疗股骨头缺血性坏死提供解剖学基础.方法 选用经乳胶灌注防腐成人下肢标本20侧及新鲜成人下肢标本2侧,观察股深动脉的起点方位及分支类型,测量股深动脉及各分支长度和外径以及各分支起始部的角度.结果 股深动脉主要从股动脉后方(36.4%)和后外侧方(36.4%)发出,旋股内侧动脉从股深动脉发出(72.7%),从股动脉发出(27.3%).各主要血管的长度为:股深动脉(19.22±10.19) mm,其根部距腹股沟韧带的距离为(38±11.78)mm;旋股内侧动脉(12.56±6.17) mm;旋股外侧动脉(13.93±11.04) mm.各主要血管的外径为:股深动脉(5.20±1.57)mm,旋股内侧动脉(3.64±0.99) mm,其升支(2.66±0.99)mm;旋股外侧动脉(4.48±1.19) mm,其升支(2.12±0.59) mm.旋股内侧动脉升支以与主干成接近90°的夹角;旋股外侧动脉与其升支间约呈115.82°夹角.结论 熟悉股动脉应用解剖,有利于完善这种治疗方法.  相似文献   

目的探讨下肢深静脉血栓形成药物治疗的方法、疗效。方法回顾分析2005年5月至2010年7月对150例LDVT患者药物治疗资料,发病时间1d~1个月,均为单肢发病,周围型60例,髂股型85例,混合型5例,全部病例经下肢血管彩超及静脉造影检查证实。治疗期间均未置放下腔静脉滤器,予抗凝、溶栓等治疗,时间10~14d。结果130例患者治疗期间患者水肿完全消退,2周后复查Doppler超声基本全程通畅;20例患者患肢轻度肿胀,Doppler超声复查存在髂股静脉短段闭塞,给予华法林维持治疗及弹力袜保护治疗6个月至1年。所有病例均获随访12-18个月,患肢肿胀明显消退,均无肺栓塞并发症。结论下肢深静脉血栓形成药物治疗安全、效果肯定。  相似文献   

It is known that different ramification patterns can be seen during the development of the aa. of the lower extremities. There are numerous reports on the congenital anomalies of the lower limb arteries. We have found two rarely reported variations of the deep femoral a. From 100 lower extremities studied, one case of a duplicated deep femoral a. was observed in the right lower limb of a male newborn cadaver (1%). In another case, a deep femoral a. passing in front of the femoral v. was found in the left lower limb of a male newborn cadaver (1%). These two variations were explained on the basis of embryologic development and variations discussed in reports.  相似文献   

A case of the persistent sciatic artery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the dissecting practice of students at Gifu University School of Medicine in 1989, a rare developmental anomaly showing the sciatic artery was found in the left lower limb of a cadaver of 88-year-old Japanese female. The left sciatic artery (5 mm in diameter) arose from the internal iliac artery and appeared at the buttock between the piriformis and superior gemellus muscles through foramen infrapiriforme. The femoral artery (6 mm in diameter) of the left lower limb was normal in distribution and belonged to the type III by Adachi's classification (1928). The terminal vessel of the femoral artery was joined to the sciatic artery at the popliteal fossa.  相似文献   

目的:探讨腔静脉滤器置入联合胫后静脉途径置管直接溶栓治疗急性下肢深静脉血栓形成的临床应用价值。方法:18例急性下肢深静脉血栓形成患者,先行患肢血管造影明确诊断后,在下腔静脉滤器置入的基础上采用胫后静脉置管微泵持续推注尿激酶直接溶栓治疗,对其中髂静脉狭窄5例和闭塞1例患者在拔除溶栓导管后实施髂静脉球囊扩张成形术。结果:18例患者置管溶栓治疗后症状均得到明显改善,1例术前合并肺动脉栓塞者症状消失。溶栓后的健、患侧大腿周径差及小腿周径差比治疗前明显减小,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.001)。治疗期间,无一例围手术期死亡,无肺动脉栓塞发生,无置管处渗血或血肿形成、神经损伤等置管相关并发症发生。术后17例获随访,随访时间1~12个月,平均5个月。15例肢体肿胀基本消退、肌张力减低、恢复正常劳动力;2例活动后肢体出现轻微肿胀伴沉重感,能进行正常家务劳动;17例均未出现患肢浅静脉曲张及静脉营养性障碍。结论:腔静脉滤器置入联合胫后静脉置管直接溶栓治疗急性下肢深静脉血栓形成具有疗效好、创伤小、安全性高、适应证宽,便于护理等优点,是一种安全、有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

Persistent sciatic artery (PSA) is a rare embryologic abnormality and can sometimes be bilateral. It may be discovered because of a gluteal aneurysm or ischemic or embolic complications in the lower limb. The case we report was a unilateral type III aneurysm-associated PSA. Since the abnormal artery may be the only source of blood supply to the lower limb, a thorough knowledge of the artery and its embryologic origins is essential.  相似文献   

The sciatic artery is the major arterial supply to the lower limb bud at an early embryological stage. It primarily originates from the dorsal root of the umbilical artery. After the 22 mm embryological stage, the sciatic artery involutes and the femoral artery system develops as the major inflow source to the lower limb. In the adult, remnants of the sciatic artery persist as the proximal portion of the inferior gluteal artery, the popliteal and peroneal arteries (Williams et al. 1989). It is suggested that either failure in development of the femoral system or failure in regression of the sciatic artery results in persistence of this artery (Arey, 1965). We report a rare example of persistent sciatic artery (PSA) accompanied by arterio-arterial and arteriovenous anastomoses.  相似文献   

目的 提出一种利用CT影像数据自动获取股骨轴线的方法,利用该方法可以在计算机上获取精准的股骨三维解剖轴线与机械轴线。方法 对人体下肢进行CT扫描,然后对CT图像进行二维阈值分割、三维数据体重建、骨骼分组、数据平滑填充及三维数据体旋转等预处理,获得三维股骨表面模型;通过对股骨头与股骨远端形态特征的分析,根据股骨头近似球形的特点,对判断断层扫描数据梯度变化来计算股骨头中心位置,另外,逐层搜索膝关节断层图像上闭环区域的方法自动求得股骨远端中心的坐标,从而获得股骨长轴。结果 建立了一种基于CT图像简便快捷的自动获取股骨头中心与膝关节骨中心三维空间坐标的方法。结论 通过此方法可较为精确获得人体下肢的三维股骨机械轴线和股骨解剖轴线。  相似文献   

Using 600 bilateral femoral angiographies (300 male lower extremities and 300 female lower extremities), we observed configurations of the femoral origins of the medial circumflex femoral artery (MCFA), lateral circumflex femoral artery (LCFA) and the deep femoral artery. The distinct intergender difference was found in the incidence of direct origin of the MCFA from the femoral artery (17.8% and 80.0% in male and female limbs, repsectively). The LCFA also exhibited a marked difference between genders in the incidence of direct origin. The Turkish population seemed to be characterized by an intergender difference in specific somatic arterial morphology.  相似文献   

背景:目前各种方法诱导下肢深静脉血栓的动物模型缺乏统一的标准。 目的:建立髋部骨折后下肢深静脉血栓形成兔模型。 方法:采用专用击打装置,用位于28 cm高度的击打物击打家兔后下肢左侧大腿根部;建立兔髋部骨折模型,另一侧兔后下肢不击打设为对照侧。4周后选取下肢髂静脉行彩色多普勒超声以及凝血功能的检查血栓形成情况。 结果与结论:家兔经打击后经彩色多普勒超声检查存在下肢深静脉血栓,血栓长度(124±37) mm。对照侧无下肢深静脉血栓形成。血栓形成率81.8%,死亡率为9.1%。结果证实,实验成功建立的兔髋部骨折后下肢深静脉血栓形成模型,简单可行。  相似文献   

 目的:探讨建立兔动脉粥样硬化血管成形术后再狭窄模型的有效方法。方法:30只雄性新西兰大白兔,随机分成3组,即空白对照组、下肢动脉切开组及下肢动脉穿刺组,每组10只。空白对照组仅行高脂饲料喂养,另外2组高脂饲料喂养1周后行下肢动脉穿刺或切开行髂动脉内膜剥脱术,继续高脂饲料喂养4周,下肢动脉穿刺组再次穿刺股动脉行髂动脉球囊成形术,下肢动脉切开组经颈动脉切开行髂动脉球囊成形术。3组均普通饲料喂养4周,计算每天进食饲料量,采血化验血脂,取病变段血管行苏木精-伊红染色及图像工作站对血管造影结果行血管狭窄分析。结果:下肢动脉切开组进食饲料量减少,血清总胆固醇和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇显著低于对照组。3组动物均出现下肢动脉粥样硬化,其中下肢动脉穿刺组及下肢动脉切开组内膜显著增厚,管腔狭窄。动脉穿刺组与动脉切开组血管面积狭窄率及直径狭窄率与对照组相比差异显著(P<0.01)。结论:下肢动脉穿刺与球囊损伤、球囊血管成形术结合可成功建立兔动脉粥样硬化血管成形术后再狭窄模型,方法简单,可重复性强,较下肢动脉切开术更适合血管成形术后再狭窄模型的建立。  相似文献   

目的 探讨收肌管下口处隐神经的精细解剖和体表定位。 方法 采用12具尸体标本20侧下肢对收肌管及其下口部位进行精细解剖和测量。 结果 收肌管下份隐神经在前内侧、股动脉居中、股静脉在后。在收肌管下口和稍上位置,膝降动、静脉和隐神经分别穿大收肌腱板出收肌管并伴行下行,隐神经在膝内侧缝匠肌腱和股薄肌腱之间穿深筋膜,伴大隐静脉下降至小腿和足内侧。收肌管下口分别距髌骨上缘(5.85±0.15)cm、髌骨底内侧缘(2.72±0.60)cm、股内侧皮肤表面(4.08±0.66)cm。 结论 髌骨上缘上5.85 cm、髌骨底内侧缘内2.72 cm、股内侧皮肤表面4.08 cm深处为收肌管下口隐神经阻滞的体表定位;股动脉是收肌管下口上隐神经阻滞的定位标志;膝降动脉的隐支是收肌管下口下隐神经阻滞的识别标志。  相似文献   

目的 探讨动脉插管造影CTA活体显影股前外侧穿支皮瓣穿支血管的可行性。 方法 选取拟定切取股前外侧穿支皮瓣移植患者15例。实验组运用选择性动脉插管技术将导管置入旋股外侧动脉开口处,证实导管达到预定位置并固定可靠后将患者转移至CT室。经导管注入造影剂20 ml,同时手动触发CT扫描。选取普通CTA作为对照组。将两组获得的二维图像以CT-DICOM输入到Mimics 17.0软件,收集两组旋股外侧动脉主干及其分支的解剖学参数。采用SPSS22.0统计软件对数据进行统计处理,P值≤0.05认为差异有统计学意义。 结果 本组15例患者中,1例患者导管脱落至股深动脉,予以排除。其余14例患者中,旋股外侧动脉起源于股动脉3例(占21.43%),起源于股深动脉11例(占78.57%)。实验组旋股外侧动脉及其分支内径大于对照组。实验组升支、横支及降支长度均大于对照组,升支、横支及降支的末端最小内径均小于对照组。实验组显影穿支数目多于对照组。 结论 动脉插管造影CTA可清楚的显示旋股外侧动脉分支及其穿支,效果优于普通CTA。  相似文献   

目的 探讨股腘动脉人工血管旁路术中膝周肌瓣构建对下肢动脉硬化闭塞症(ASO)患者术后人工血管闭塞后膝下血供的代偿作用。方法 回顾性描述性研究。选取皖南医学院附属弋矶山医院血管外科2012年6月—2020年7月ASO患者31例,其中男22例、女9例,年龄52~87(72.3±3.6)岁。均为单侧肢体病变,左侧14例、右侧17例,Rutherford分期3级以上,踝肱指数(ABI)为0.32±0.13。均行股腘动脉人工血管旁路术治疗,术中将离断的腓肠肌内侧头与同侧的半膜肌、半腱肌及缝匠肌瓦合叠加缝合,以膝周肌瓣构建侧支血管。术后,在超声检查人工血管闭塞(无血流信号)后,观察患者肢体缺血情况,同时观察并比较患者手术前后ABI;出院时按照Rutherford标准评价患者手术疗效;随访期间观察并统计患者截肢率,观察成功保肢患者的生活状态。结果 31例患者手术均顺利完成,无围术期死亡患者。术后1周ABI为0.58±0.19,高于术前的0.32±0.13,差异有统计学意义(t=3.02, P=0.002)。出院时手术疗效评价:显著有效15例、有效10例、无效4例、恶化2例。术后随访6~60个月,平均24.6个月。患者在人工血管闭塞后,下肢虽有一过性疼痛、发凉等缺血症状,但经抗凝治疗症状缓解。术后2、24个月分别有1例患者死于心肌梗死,术后3年1例死于脑梗死,生前均无下肢静息痛症状,可作室内活动;2例因股深动脉多节段闭塞、膝下组织血供不足,分别于术后6、15个月行截肢术,余26例患者成功保肢,随访6个月~5年,均无需行临床再干预,均无静息痛。结论 股腘动脉旁路术治疗的ASO患者,采用腓肠肌肌瓣在膝周构建侧支血管,在人工血管闭塞后,下肢缺血无明显加重,说明肌瓣构建对缓解患者膝下肢体缺血状态有一定的作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨收肌管下口处隐神经的精细解剖和体表定位。方法采用12具尸体标本20侧下肢对收肌管及其下口部位进行精细解剖和测量。结果收肌管下份隐神经在前内侧、股动脉居中、股静脉在后。在收肌管下口和稍上位置,膝降动、静脉和隐神经分别穿大收肌腱板出收肌管并伴行下行,隐神经在膝内侧缝匠肌腱和股薄肌腱之间穿深筋膜,伴大隐静脉下降至小腿和足内侧。收肌管下口分别距髌骨上缘(5.85±0.15)cm、髌骨底内侧缘(2.72±0.60)cm、股内侧皮肤表面(4.08±0.66)cm。结论髌骨上缘上5.85 cm、髌骨底内侧缘内2.72 cm、股内侧皮肤表面4.08 cm深处为收肌管下口隐神经阻滞的体表定位;股动脉是收肌管下口上隐神经阻滞的定位标志;膝降动脉的隐支是收肌管下口下隐神经阻滞的识别标志。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the terminology of the femoral artery and recommended alternative terminology that satisfies both anatomy and clinical arenas.The femoral artery (FA) is often defined as the continuation of the external iliac artery. Specifically, when the external iliac artery reaches directly beneath the inguinal ligament, it becomes the FA. Currently, Terminologia Anatomica (TA) records the profunda femoris or deep femoral as a terminal branch. Clinicians often use superficial femoral artery (SFA) rather than FA and profunda or deep FA. SFA is actually very deep and well protected for most of its journey. On observation, the terminology in current use is not intuitive. The objective of this study was to investigate the terminology associated with the anatomical and clinical anatomical interpretations of the FA and its terminal branches and to suggest a more appropriate terminology that addresses the points of view of the macro anatomist, as well as that of the clinician. Literature search was conducted regarding the nomenclature of the FA and its terminal branches. Dissection of 89 embalmed cadavers (49F, 40M, ages 47–89) was conducted to analyze the morphology of the FA and its branches. Perusal of the literature revealed a difference in terminology between anatomical and clinical textbooks/atlases/journals regarding the FA and its terminal branch. Our dissections suggested that the FA may be better defined vis‐à‐vis its relationship to the anterior and posterior compartments of the thigh. A difference in terminology exists between the anatomical and clinical arenas. A need for a standardized terminology is necessary because clinicians and their publishers have not adopted TA. This study suggests that the current FA be considered the common FA and the continuation of the FA, the SFA be renamed the anterior FA and the current profunda (the deep FA) be renamed the posterior FA, respectively. The proposed terminology mirrors the lower limb anterior/posterior tibial artery terminology. Clin. Anat. 27:1085–1088, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

目的为设计逆行缝匠肌皮瓣转位修复小腿皮肤缺损提供解剖学基础。方法解剖观测40侧缝匠肌的动脉来源、走行、外径、分布及吻合。取4侧新鲜成尸下肢标本进行动脉造影,观察缝匠肌内动脉吻合。结果营养缝匠肌的动脉为6~7支,呈节段性分布,缝匠肌的上1/5段动脉来源于旋髂浅动脉、旋股外侧动脉或股深动脉,中2/5段动脉来源于股动脉,下2/5段动脉来源于隐动脉。隐动脉起点位于内收肌结节上(10.2±1.0)cm处,外径(1.5±0.2)mm,向下发出3~5个分支入缝匠肌,隐动脉终末支在膝下内侧参与膝关节网。缝匠肌的各节段动脉在肌内分为4~7支沿缝匠肌纵轴走行,相邻动脉的分支在肌内形成链型吻合,吻合处外径0.3mm左右。深筋膜表面有皮动脉和肌皮动脉形成的链式血管吻合网,营养缝匠肌表面的皮肤。结论缝匠肌内动脉链型吻合为逆行缝匠肌皮瓣供血,扩大了该肌皮瓣的切取长度,故以隐动静脉为血管蒂的逆行缝匠肌皮瓣可修复小腿中下段软组织缺损。  相似文献   

The bifurcation of the common femoral artery (CFA) into superficial and profunda femoris arteries (PFA) and the branching pattern of the PFA are subject to considerable normal anatomical variation. These variation patterns were assessed on normal lower limb angiograms of 94 adult patients. The main pattern (in 81% of patients) consisted of both medial and lateral circumflex arteries arising directly from a PFA situated lateral or posterolateral to the femoral artery. Previous studies of arterial variations in this region and the relevant embryology are reviewed. Relevance to angiographic procedures of the lower limb is discussed.This study was conducted at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK  相似文献   

The arterial supply to the sciatic nerve was investigated in 20 human lower limbs (10 right, 10 left) from 20 cadavers (14 females, aged 84 +/- 9.6 years, range 66-95 years: 6 males, aged 80 +/- 8.2 years, range 70-90 years). In all limbs examined at least 1 sciatic artery could be identified supplying the sciatic nerve in the gluteal region. In total 28 sciatic arteries were identified, of which 14 arose from the medial circumflex femoral artery, 11 from the inferior gluteal artery, 2 from the first perforating artery, and 1 from the internal pudendal artery. In 5 limbs, 2 sciatic arteries were observed, being independent branches from the medial circumflex femoral and inferior gluteal arteries in 4 limbs and separate branches of the medial circumflex femoral artery in 1 limb. In 1 limb, 4 sciatic arteries were observed: 1 from the inferior gluteal artery, 2 from the medial circumflex femoral artery, and 1 from the first perforating artery. In the remaining 14 limbs a single sciatic artery was observed, which in one case arose from the internal pudendal artery, a previously unreported observation.  相似文献   

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