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湖北省1994至2003年疟疾发病与媒介分布   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的了解传疟媒介在湖北省的分布规律及范围以及与疟疾发病的关系。方法调查各县(市)疟疾发病情况及当地传播媒介种类和分布规律。结果湖北省疟疾流行的媒介有单纯中华按蚊疟区以及兼有嗜人按蚊疟区,通过人血指数调查,嗜人按蚊的媒介能量平均高出中华按蚊的44.47倍。嗜人按蚊区疟疾发病数占全省发病数的81.38%~93.84%。结论湖北省疟疾近10年流行主要是在有嗜人按蚊的地区。其特点是发病率高、波动大,有些已形成顽固的疫点,目前防制重点应放在有嗜人按蚊的地区。  相似文献   

和春桐 《现代预防医学》2008,35(23):4670-4671
[目的]摸清云南省贡山县独龙江河谷地带主要传疟媒介,制订科学有效的防疟措施。[方法]于1994~1995年在不同场所以定时定点的方式对独龙江河谷地带按蚊相、人房成蚊密度及季节消长、按蚊幼虫密度及季节消长、人房按蚊栖息习性、按蚊幼虫孳生习性、传疟作用等进行了调查研究。[结果]发现按蚊2亚属5种,多斑按蚊为优势按蚊种,占按蚊捕(捞)获总数的91.5%;疟原虫自然感染率为0.05%;间日疟、恶性疟原虫人工感染率分别为53%和60%;密度与当地(独龙江河谷地带)疟疾流行程度呈正比。[结论]经过较全面系统的检查研究证实多斑按蚊是独龙江河谷地带的主要传疟媒介,并提示了有效控制当地多斑按蚊传疟机会的对策。  相似文献   

舟山海岛基本消灭疟疾后传疟媒介的监测研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的:通过1994-1999年舟山市基本消灭疟疾后传疟媒介的监 研究,预测疟疾发病潜势。方法:对按蚁种群生态观察。结果:未发现嗜人按蚊,中华按蚊为舯山市唯一传疟媒介,且为非优势蚊种。中华按蚁传播间日疟的媒介能量与发病情况较为一致。自1994年以来,其能量稳定地处在低水平,结论:在目前本地疟疾病例极少情况下,若无大量传染源输入,蚊媒密度不发生大幅度上升,则不会造成疟疾流行。  相似文献   

广西疟疾媒介的地理分布、生态习性和传疟作用研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的研究广西壮族自治区疟疾传播媒介的地理分布、生态习性和传疟作用。方法采用普查和定点调查结合的方法对广西疟疾流行区的传疟媒介进行研究,同时收集相关的历史资料进行回顾性分析。结果广西有78个县(市)发现微小按蚊,15个县发现嗜人按蚊,中华按蚊是全区广泛分布的蚊种;人血指数:微小按蚊在0.0458~0.1390之间,嗜人按蚊在0.2912~0.6330之间。子孢子自然感染率:微小按蚊为0.08%~8.11%,嗜人按蚊为0.25%~1.85%,中华按蚊为0.005%~0.32%,日月潭按蚊为0.06%~3.22%。结论广西传疟媒介有4种,微小按蚊、嗜人按蚊分别是山区和低山丘陵区疟疾的主要媒介,中华按蚊是平原区的媒介,日月潭按蚊是山区疟疾的次要媒介。  相似文献   

贵州省1980~1995年不同媒介地区疟疾流行的差异比较贵州省寄生虫病研究所(贵阳550004)王小力周年潮陈兆义邹迅中华按蚊、嗜人按蚊和微小按蚊是贵州省重要的传疟媒介,由于3种按蚊生态习性、传疟作用不同,在其所分布地区的疟疾流行程度互有差异。本文根...  相似文献   

[目的]掌握辖区内传播疟疾媒介按蚊种群数量,为制订疟疾防治策略提供科学依据.[方法]以县为单位,以东西南北设点.在媒介繁殖高峰季节每点捕人房按蚊50只或50顶蚊帐内全部按蚊;牛房按蚊50~100只,分别单个饲养.产卵后结合成蚊鉴定蚊种,对主要传疟媒介的分布、密度、季节消长、媒介能量以及对杀虫剂敏感性的研究.[结果]共发现按蚊属13种,中华按蚊为优势蚊种,其次为嗜人按蚊、微小按蚊,帕氏按蚊等其余按蚊数量相当少.40个区县.共调查37个,有嗜人按蚊分布的20个,占54.05%,主要分布于渝西南面的远郊县和近郊区.以壁山、江津、永川、铜梁密度最高.人房嗜人按蚊构成比依次为83.33%、49.49%、30.69%、30.21%;均为较平坦的浅丘地形,海拔高度在200~290 m之间,有溪流、池塘、稻田.嗜人按蚊媒介能量江津、铜粱分别为3.54和4.09.嗜人按蚊对常用杀虫剂敏感,中华按蚊已产生抗性.[结论]嗜人按蚊和中华按蚊是该市的传疟媒介,前者为主要媒介,媒介能量在3.54~4.09之间,嗜人按蚊对常用杀虫剂敏感,虽然中华按蚊已产生抗性,但是轮换使用杀虫剂仍然有效.  相似文献   

嗜人按蚊(An.anthropophagus)主要分布在我国南方。该蚊偏家栖、嗜吸人血,其传播能量20倍于中华按蚊,是我省西南大部份地区的主要传疟媒介之一。斯氏按蚊(An.stephensi),是东南亚等地区的主要传疟媒介,为实验室最常用蚊种之一。迄今,关于这两种按蚊对溴氰菊酯敏感性测定的报道较少,为此,我们进行了本项实验的观察研究。  相似文献   

嗜人按蚊分布于我国北纬33°以南地区,其偏吸人血,对疟原虫敏感,自然感染率高,是重要传疟媒介之一。1985年在深圳市发现有嗜人按蚊分布,随后在1987年解剖出子孢子阳性蚊子,进一步证实是当地的主要传疟媒介。我市邻近深圳,地理、气候等自然条件与之相似,为了解是否有嗜人按蚊,我们于1987、1989和1990年对我市部分疟区进行了嗜人按蚊分布调查。现将调查结果报告如下:  相似文献   

溴氰菊酯是1974年合成的第三代拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂。具有高效、低毒、残效长和广谱杀虫作用。嗜人按蚊主要分布在我国南方,偏家栖、嗜吸人血,其传播能量20倍于中华按蚊,是我国西南大部分地区的主要传疟媒介之一。斯氏按蚊是东南亚等地区的主要传疟媒介,为实验最常用的蚊种之一。迄今,尚未见有溴氰菊酯对这两种按蚊的毒性测定的报道。为此,进行了本实验,结果如下。  相似文献   

广东省媒介按蚊的子孢子自然感染率调查   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
近几年,在广东省疟疾流行区的23市县区166个疫点(村)中,以人诱半通宵捕蚊方法进行媒介按蚊调查,共捕获按蚊7种,其中有我省传疟媒介嗜人按蚊、中华接蚊、微小按蚊和日月潭按蚊,分别占捕获按蚊总数的24.0%、48.8%、14.1%和8.1%,其余按蚊占5.0%。而在12个市县36个点(村)中,以牛房全捕法共捕获按蚊11种,上述4种媒介按蚊分别占捕蚊总数的0.3%、26.4%、42.4%和9.5%,其他按蚊占21.4%。全省有11个市县发现嗜人按蚊。历年媒介按蚊及其传疟作用的调查结果表明,我省4种传疟媒介的子孢子自然感染率嗜人按蚊为0.35~0.54%,中华接蚊为0.15~0.93%,微小按蚊为0.23~5.94%,日月潭按蚊为0.05%。  相似文献   

媒介按蚊防控:中国疟疾消除的关键措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
疟疾是严重危害人类健康的全球性虫媒传染病,是联合国千年发展目标中重点防控的传染病之一,与艾滋病、结核病一起被世界卫生组织列为全球急需控制的三大公共卫生问题。该文就全球特别是我国疟疾的流行形势、主要疟疾媒介按蚊种类及分布特点、疟疾消除任务提出的背景、疟疾防治的主要内容及方法进行概括,强调了媒介生物监测与控制是疟疾消除不可取代的必要工具,并对当前消除疟疾媒介按蚊控制工作存在的主要问题、挑战及今后的重点研究方向做一评述。  相似文献   

Only the Anopheles mosquitoes are implicated in the transmission of malaria. Among the numerous species of anopheles, around fifty are currently involved in the transmission. 20 are responsible for most of the transmission in the world. The diversity of behavior between species and in a single species of anopheles as well as climatic and geographical conditions along with the action of man on the environment condition the man vector contact level and the various epidemiological aspects of malaria. The anopheles are primarily rural mosquitoes and are less likely to be found in city surroundings in theory. But actually, the adaptation of some species to urban surroundings and the common habit of market gardening in big cities or in the suburbs is responsible for the de persistence of Anopheles populations in town. Except for South-East Asia, urban malaria has become a reality. The transmission risk of malaria is heterogeneous and varies with time. There is a great variation of risk within a same country, a same zone, and even within a few kilometers. The transmission varies in time according to seasons but also according to years and to the level of climatic events. For the traveler, prevention at any time relies on the strict application of individual protection, as well in rural than in urban surroundings.  相似文献   

Although spraying with insecticides has caused a spectacular regression in malaria in many parts of Africa, it cannot be said that the transmission of the disease has been definitely interrupted in any large area on the mainland. There is therefore some uneasiness regarding the methods so far adopted and doubts as to whether the very considerable expenditure involved is justified. There is, moreover, acute anxiety about the possible development of resistance to insecticides by the vector anopheles. Fortunately, so far there does not appear to be any in Africa, and the author considers that logical aim should be complete eradication of malaria before resistance does appear to the powerful insecticides now available. Control measures must inevitably be continued indefinitely, but if the aim of eradication is achieved, operations could cease and it would be possible for anopheles to co-exist with man without transmitting malaria. The author points out that before any continent-wide campaign can be begun, there are, in addition to the problem of funds, a number of other problems which must be carefully studied. Among these are the lack of trained specialized staff at all levels, transport difficulties, shortage of water over vast areas in the dry season and floods during the rains, the differing habits of the various African populations, and the biology of the vector mosquitos. Despite these problems, however, the time for concerted action to achieve eradication in Africa draws nearer with each succeeding day.  相似文献   

本文报告用现场观察的媒介能量定量地分析黄淮平原疟疾流行趋势。现场观察点位于江苏省邳县岱山乡。1979和1980两年疟疾发病率分别为7.4%和18.1%,两年媒介能量分别为1.5和4.2.传播季节开始,随着媒介能量的急剧上升,发病率相应地上升,并在媒介能量高峰之后20天出现发病率高峰。通过媒介能量估算的发病率,与实际发病率亦相一致。1980年从居民原虫血症阴阳性转换而推算的寄生虫学接种率为0.00125,同年从媒介能量推算的昆虫学接种率为0.00191,这两种方法推算的接种率所反映的传播强度约当每晚毎千人有1~2人受到传染性接种。调查结果表明主要由中华按蚊叮人率所决定的媒介能量左右着疟疾发病高峰,在当前条件下媒介能量作为这类地区疟疾流行病学定量评价指标是合理的。  相似文献   

BackgroundManagement of malaria transmission relies heavily on vector control. Implementation and sustenance of effective control measures require regular monitoring of malaria vector occurrences, species abundance and distribution. The study assessed mosquito larval species composition, distribution and productivity in Kakamega County, western Kenya.MethodsA cross-sectional survey of Anopheline larvae was conducted in various aquatic habitats and land use types in Kakamega County, highlands of western Kenya between the month of March and June 2019.ResultsOne thousand, five hundred and seventy six aquatic habitats were sampled in various land use types. The mean densities of An. gambiae s.l (46.2), An. funestus (5.3), An. coustani (1.7), An. implexus (0.13) and An. squamosus (2.0) were observed in fish ponds, burrow pits, drainage ditches, and tire tracks, respectively. High mean densities of An. gambiae s.l was reported in farmland (20.4) while high mean abundance of An. funestus s.l (8.2) and An. coustani s.l (4.0) were observed in artificial forests.ConclusionThe study revealed that the productivity of anopheles larvae varied across various habitat types and land use types. Therefore, treatment of potential breeding sites should be considered as an additional strategy for malaria vector control in Kakamega County, western Kenya.  相似文献   

A longitudinal epidemiological study was carried out in a hyperendemic malarious area of East Pakistan. Transmission of malaria was observed with two peaks, one in the premonsoon period, the other in the pre-winter period. New infections occurred in 51.7% of the infants surveyed who were 2 months old or under when first examined: there were frequent superinfections. The maternal immunity passively transferred to the infants did not play a significant role in restricting the development of the asexual erythrocytic stage or that of gametocytes, as indicated by the fact that the average parasite density and the gametocyte counts were highest in the 0-2-month age group and declined with increasing age. Mosquitos were collected for identification and for dissection to determine parity, the sporozoite rate, the vectorial capacity, and other basic indices. An. minimus was the principal vector, but An. leucosphyrous was also found to be positive.  相似文献   

目的了解泸州市基本消灭疟疾达标后疟疾流行特征及防治效果,为防治策略和措施的调整提供依据,以便如期实现消除疟疾目标。方法采用描述流行病学方法对泸州市2005-2012年疟疾疫情资料进行分析。结果 8年间共报告疟疾95例,无死亡,年均报告发病率为0.03/万,无继发二代病例和暴发疫情发生。其中间日疟56例,恶性疟32例(混合感染1例),未分型7例,各年度报告发病率呈波动下降趋势;本地病例31例(无恶性疟),输入性病例64例(恶性疟32例),输入性疟疾构成比逐年上升。中华按蚊为唯一传疟蚊种,平均雌蚊密度为0.13只/(台.h)。结论泸州市实现基本消灭疟疾达标后采取的以消灭传染源、控制传播途径、加强疫情监测、及时发现和治管现症患者的综合性防治措施成效显著。由于疟疾传播媒介客观存在,输入性疟疾已成为泸州市的主要危险因素,加强流动人口的监测管理及媒介控制工作是巩固疟疾防治成果,实现消除疟疾的关键。  相似文献   

目的掌握本地区按蚊的种类及消长规律,分析疟疾流行潜势和危险性,为制定防制措施提供科学依据。方法选取有代表性的2个监测点,用1头黄牛进行诱蚊,采用人工小时,蚊帐全捕法。结果2004年3-12月共捕获按蚊678只。经鉴定为6种:中华按蚊为优势种占66.37%,调查结果显示3月和7月的按蚊密度最高,12月最低。蚊虫密度的变化与当地雨量及湿度变化有一定的关系。结论大亚湾地区传疟媒介保持着一定的蚊虫密度,具有一定传播疟疾能力,有引发疟疾流行的可能性,应加强防制。  相似文献   

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