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Eyebrow Transplantation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
BACKGROUND: Reconstruction of the eyebrow has historically been accomplished with temporal scalp pedicle flap formation or free composite scalp grafts. These two techniques may be associated with substantial morbidity and a false, overly dense eyebrow appearance. Hair transplantation of the eyebrows has been described with excellent results, but is relatively underreported in the literature. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether modern techniques of micrograft hair transplantation can suitably re-create an aesthetic eyebrow in a case of iatrogenic eyebrow alopecia. METHODS: A 33-year-old woman with iatrogenic eyebrow alopecia underwent four sessions of eyebrow micrograft hair transplantation to re-create both eyebrows. RESULTS: Suitable aesthetic eyebrows were re-created in a symmetric fashion with proper hair orientation. The process was time consuming and tedious, but highly effective. CONCLUSION: Eyebrow transplantation is a suitable alternative to pedicle flap formation and composite scalp grafting. It is a straightforward procedure that can be performed in the office under local anesthesia with minimal attendant morbidity. The result may be superior to that seen with more involved eyebrow replacement procedures.  相似文献   

谢祥  李东 《中国美容医学》2011,20(4):559-560
目的:探讨应用毛发移植技术治疗小面积眉缺损的疗效。方法:18例小面积眉缺损患者,均为单侧眉缺损,眉毛缺损面积为0.5×0.5cm~1.0×1.0cm。在局麻下从耳后发际内或颞部获取单体毛囊,按照原有眉毛的生长方向植入眉毛缺损处。结果:18例患者术后随访3~10个月。未见移植的眉毛明显脱落,植入的眉毛生长良好,需要7天左右修剪一次。两侧眉毛对称。所有患者对术后效果表示满意。结论:应用单体毛囊移植治疗小面积眉毛缺损,能再造出与对侧健康眉毛相似的眉毛,效果良好。  相似文献   

自体毛发移植的临床应用   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
目的:探索应用自体毛发移植术治疗各种原因引起的秃发及眉毛、睫毛和阴毛缺损。方法:切取后枕部适量条形头皮组织,根据需要将其制备成单株及多株(4-10株)移植物。然后,将这些移植物以缝隙切开多株植入加单株法植入脱发区,以单株法植入眉、睫毛缺损区及阴阜部。结果:自1997年6月至2001年10月,完成修复秃发31例,眉缺损192例(384侧),睫毛缺损67例(134侧),阴毛缺失12例,共302例,均取得满意的美容效果。毛发成活率可达70%-90%。一年后,随访观察毛发生长自然。结论:自体毛发移植根据缺损部位采用不同方法可取得较为满意的临床疗效,并且操作简便、安全,恢复快。  相似文献   

目的寻求一种治疗头发、眉毛缺失或稀疏的简单有效的方法。方法在枕后发际内切取一条带毛发的完整头皮,制备成微小单位毛发移植物,用16号空心针头在头发、眉毛缺失或稀疏区皮肤上行简易打孔,以显微镊辅助,把制备好的毛发植于孔隙内。术后7d植发区开始外喷米诺地尔酊,连用3~6个月。结果25例34处头发、眉毛缺失或稀疏患者,通过本方法治疗均取得良好疗效。结论用16号空心针头行简易打孔,移植微小单位毛发,治疗毛发缺失或稀疏,方法简单,取材方便,适合推广;辅助外搽米诺地尔酊,可使毛发成活率更高,毛发生长更为自然。  相似文献   

目的探讨在眉毛缺损修复手术中选择性应用不同直径单根毛发植入的临床效果。方法49例眉毛缺损患者,其中先天性眉毛稀疏37例,外伤后引起的瘢痕性眉缺损12例。在局部麻醉下从枕部靠近后发际线和耳后发际线内获取单体毛囊,粗细毛发分开摆放,应用22G或23G注射针头按正常眉毛方向打孔后将单根毛发植入。在眉头、眉尾和眉毛上缘应用较细的头发,眉中央用较粗的头发。结果术后随访3~10个月,植入的眉毛生长良好,需要5~7d左右修剪1次。两侧眉毛对称。12例患者因移植的眉毛有局部成活不良,在术后6~12个月进行二次手术补植加密。所有患者对术后效果表示满意。结论选择性植入不同直径单根毛发的眉毛缺损修复术,能再造出外观自然、形态逼真的眉毛,效果良好。  相似文献   

显微单株毛发缝合式移植治疗眉毛缺损   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
李琳  金红 《中国美容医学》2001,10(2):123-124
目的:寻求一种简单的毛发移植修复眉毛缺损的方法。方法:先在枕后发标内切取一条带毛发的完整头皮,在显微镜下,用显微器械把每一扰毛发连同毛囊完整分离出;用普通的缝合针或特制的植毛针把带完整毛囊的毛发缝植于眉毛缺损处。结果:所有18例29只眉毛通过本方法移植 均取得成功。结论:因每根移植的毛发的带完整的毛囊,成活率高;并控制毛发生长的方向及疏密度,取得近似真眉毛的效果。  相似文献   

自体单株毛囊种植修复眉毛部分缺损   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探索应用自体单株毛囊种植修复眉毛部分缺损的效果。方法:对35例女性患者,采用枕后安全区头皮,制成毛干长1cm的单株移植物,利用针头穿刺打孔将毛发移植到缺损处以修复形态,为了使形态协调一致,每侧眉毛中部种植30~40根毛发。结果:植入毛发生长良好,方向形态满意,移植毛发成活率在90%以上。结论:自体单株毛囊移植修复眉毛部分缺损是一个适宜的方法。  相似文献   

提高毛发移植的覆盖率   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的探讨显微外科技术自体毛发移植的特点和方法,提高毛发移植成活的覆盖率。方法在较低温度(20°C)环境下,采用边切边缝方法取耳后或枕后毛发,在显微镜下分离成保留周围少量脂肪组织的毛囊族或单株,按需要移植部位不同进行不同的毛囊族或单株并套插的显微外科技术移植共31例。结果31例移植毛发后随访21例,随访时间6~38个月,移植后的毛发能基本覆盖无毛发区的皮肤和瘢痕,移植覆盖率较原来的移植方法提高33%,且外形自然,效果稳定。结论显微外科技术自体毛囊族状(微株小株)或单株移植,具有操作快、损伤小、低温保湿等特点,能较好地保留毛囊周围少量脂肪,在孔与孔的皮肤间隙内再用毛发移植针植入单株毛坯的“套插”移植,更有助于增加毛发覆盖率。  相似文献   

Expanded temporal hair-bearing scalp as a pedicled flap was used to reconstruct the upper lip with a moustache and also the ipsilateral eyebrow, on a patient with an old chemical burn of the face. It is a relatively simple method of providing cover of the upper lip and eyebrow with a good density of hair and a natural hair flow. The results were satisfactory and the donor site morbidity was minimal.  相似文献   

目的 探讨实施自体毛发移植术对眉缺损的修复效果。方法 选取我院2021年1月-2022年12月收 治接受修复手术的150例眉缺损患者为研究对象。150例患者均接纳自体毛发移植术治疗,记录毛囊数量、 手术时间并发症发生率、成活率、毛发脱落率以及再植次数以及患者满意度。结果 150例患者中,所钻取 毛囊数量50~600个毛囊;35~180 min完成修复术;二次眉毛接种者有14人;受区眉毛成活率70%~90%;全 部病例的供区组织恢复效果良好,术区无并发症发生;满意度为99.33%。结论 对眉缺损患者实施自体毛 发移植术的整体修复效果良好,且具有较强的安全性,成活率较高,值得临床应用。  相似文献   

目的:探索专项护理在眉再造同期治疗瘢痕性秃发术中的应用效果。方法:根据手术过程分两期进行专项临床护理。扩张器一期置入术后进行扩张器相关专项护理,严密监测扩张注水情况,密切观察扩张部位,防止扩张皮瓣坏死或感染;眉再造和瘢痕性秃发修复二期术后密切观察再造眉毛头皮条的颜色,避免静脉回流不畅发生。结果:本组12例患者进行了眉再造的全方位密切护理,岛状头皮瓣全部存活,头皮瘢痕全部修复,无一例皮瓣坏死。随访6~24个月,再造眉毛毛发密度与健侧非常接近,眉形自然逼真,手术效果满意。结论:在可调控眉毛密度的眉再造同期治疗瘢痕性秃发术中进行全方位护理是手术成功的重要保障。  相似文献   

Harvesting of beard and body hair follicles for transplantation can be an effective form of treatment for appropriate patients. These patients may have had prior scalp transplantation and require repair but do not have sufficient scalp donor follicles remaining. Other patients will have these hairs mixed with scalp hairs to produce a greater density of hair on the bald scalp. Follicular unit excision (FUE) is preferred for body and beard follicle harvesting. Not all body hair is suitable for transplantation. Only hairs that are similar in appearance and behavior to scalp hair are suitable for transplantation to the scalp. The best nonscalp sources are the beard and anterior torso. Hairs from other body sites may be used for transplantation to the eyebrows. The standard techniques of FUE harvesting and anesthesia must be modified from those used in scalp harvesting to be safe and effective. With proper patient selection and technique, a significant cosmetic benefit can be achieved from these procedures.  相似文献   

瘢痕上自体毛发移植782例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 运用自体毛发移植术将头发毛胚在头部瘢痕上进行移植。观察在瘢痕上头发移植的特点及移植后的效果。方法 1998~2002年对782例因不同原因引起头部瘢痕的患者运用自体毛发移植术进行修复。结果 移植的头发均生长良好。但因形成瘢痕原因的不同,所造成的瘢痕深度的不同和血运状态的不同,引起头发生长的速度及状态亦不同。结论 自体毛发移植术可以应用于头部瘢痕性脱发的修复,对感染、烫伤及火轻中度烧伤而引起的瘢痕均可实施手术,且术后效果均较理想;对于头皮撕脱伤、电击伤及火深度烧伤者,手术后,头发生长速度较慢。  相似文献   

眉缺损是临床上常见的一种面部畸形。造成眉缺损的原因很多,最常见的是由于烧伤而引起。回顾了眉缺损修复方法的历史,介绍了游离耳后头皮片移植再造眉的手术方法,对各种眉缺损的修复方法进行了比较。对79例眉缺损病人的治疗进行了总结。认为头皮片游离移植修复眉毛的手术方法,具有简单、易行、外观自然、有立体感、毛发生长密度适宜、毛发生长较缓慢等优点,是首选的植眉方法。  相似文献   

In cases of the bilateral eyebrow reconstruction in men, two superficial temporal artery (STA) flaps are usually designed for both temporal regions according to the flap movable range and the direction of hair growth. Recently, the authors have successfully reconstructed bilateral eyebrows with normal directions of hair growth using a unilateral STA flap, extended by anastomosis of the STA and the occipital artery, with two hair-bearing skin islands. Using this method, the direction of the hair growth can be optimally selected by changing the direction of the skin islands for each eyebrow. The authors were able to reconstruct symmetric eyebrows with the hair growing laterally and a little upward. The invasiveness, bleeding, and operating time required for this method are less than those for the bilateral STA flap method. For cases in which one temporal scalp could not be used, bilateral eyebrow reconstruction remains possible with this method.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recently donor dominance has been emphasized in autologous hair transplantation while the influence of the recipient site has been considered negligible. In fact, there have been few studies that show this. OBJECTIVE: This study was performed to examine the influence of the recipient site on transplanted hairs. A clinical study of 19 leprosy patients was performed. These patients had received single hair transplantation due to madarosis and were admitted to The Leprosy Mission, Jesus Hospital, Taegu, Korea, or had visited its outpatient clinic. METHODS: In this study, the rate of growth, thickness of shaft, and graying rate between the transplanted eyebrow hair in the recipient site and scalp hair near the donor site were compared to observe the changes in the growth pattern of the hairs after transplantation. RESULTS: For most of the patients, the growth rate and graying rate of transplanted hairs were lower than those of hairs in the donor site. CONCLUSION: It seems that the recipient site may have an influence on the transplanted hairs. Further studies are needed, including clinical, histopathologic, and molecular biological methods.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recently hair transplantation has been widely applied not only to correct androgenetic alopecia, but also to correct hair loss on other parts of the body such as the eyebrows and pubic area. It is believed that the transplanted hairs will maintain their integrity and characteristics after transplantation to new nonscalp sites. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether the transplanted hairs maintain their hair growth characteristics after transplantation to a new anatomic site other than the scalp. METHODS: Three study designs were used. Study I: Hair transplantation from the author's occipital scalp to his lower leg was performed and clinical evaluations were made at both 6 months and at 3 years after the transplantation. Study II: After finding changes in hair growth characteristics, transplanted hairs were harvested from the leg and retransplanted to the left side of the nape of the neck (group A). As a control study, occipital hairs were transplanted to the opposite side (group B). Observations were made at 6 months after the operation. Study III: An observational study was done in 12 patients with androgenetic alopecia about 1 year after transplantation of occipital hair to frontal scalp. At each step, survival rates were documented and the rate of growth and the diameter of the shafts were measured for both recipient and donor sites. RESULTS: Study I: Surviving hairs on the lower leg showed a lower growth rate (8.2 +/- 0.9 mm/month), but the same diameter (0.086 +/- 0.018 mm) compared with occipital hairs (16.0 +/- 1.1 mm/month, 0.088 +/- 0.016 mm). The survival rate 3 years after transplantation was 60.2%. Study II: There was no significant difference in the growth rate, shaft diameter, and survival rate between retransplanted hairs (group A) and controls (group B). Groups A and B showed a lower growth rate, but the same diameter, compared with occipital hairs. Study III: There was no significant difference in the growth rate and shaft diameter between the transplanted hairs on the frontal scalp and the occipital hairs. CONCLUSION: These results strongly suggest that the recipient site affects some characteristics of transplanted hairs, such as their growth and survival rates.  相似文献   

吴志贤  梁杰  景伟明 《中国美容医学》2013,22(12):1273-1276
目的:观察单株毛发移植在植皮区的存活情况及再造眉毛的效果。方法:选择植皮区皮下软组织的厚度在3mm以上的患者,在枕后毛发安全供区(SDA)内局麻下切取一条带毛发的完整头皮。助手利用刀具分离出单株毛发,种植区肿胀麻醉后,术者用注射器针具按眉毛生长方向在植皮区上打孔,15~25孔/cm^2,将单株毛发种植于毛发缺损区。结果:2007~2009年间4例眉区植皮患者6只眉毛通过本方法治疗,术后随访9个月~2年,4只眉毛一次手术效果满意,2只眉毛需二次加密。所有毛发存活良好,毛发单次种植存活率接近90%,眉毛形态自然、美观。结论:在植皮区皮下软组织厚度3mm以上,密度15~25孔/cm^2的情况下,单株毛发移植在植皮区上的存活率接近90%,再造眉毛形态自然、美观。近似于真实眉毛效果。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Up until now there has existed no precise, agreed-upon terminology for referring to the areas of the balding scalp. OBJECTIVE: A standardized nomenclature system for the areas of the balding scalp is proposed so that physicians and other paraprofessionals can have a common, precise language for communicating with each other. METHODS: The following, in its initial form, was proposed to the surgical hair restoration community in the Hair Transplant Forum International in 1998. This final proposal includes feedback and input from those physicians. RESULTS: The balding scalp is divided into three major areas: the frontal region, the midscalp, and the vertex. Additional "subregions" are also defined, and long-standing landmarks of the scalp and its borders are reviewed. A new landmark, the "vertex transition point," is proposed, to designate that point in the posterior midscalp where the plane begins to change from horizontal to vertical. CONCLUSION: It is hoped that a universal nomenclature system for the scalp will facilitate communication between hair surgeons, other medical specialties, nonsurgical hair replacement personnel, and hair stylists.  相似文献   

眉缺损的美容修复   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨眉缺损修复的方法和治疗效果。方法:分别应用同侧颞浅动脉顶支岛状头皮瓣转移、同侧颞浅动脉顶支岛状筋膜-头皮瓣转移加中厚植皮、应用自制的植毛导向器行单毛囊株毛发种植三种方法修复眉缺损21例共29只眉。结果:所有病例中,2例行二次手术,其余均I期愈合。随访6个月至1年,术后3个月眉毛稀疏2例3只眉,其余外观满意。结论:眉缺损的修复应根据眉缺损的原因、缺损的性质、范围以及患者的要求不同而采用合适的方法;单毛囊株种植可使修复后的眉逼真、自然,成活率高,临床值得推广应用。  相似文献   

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