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Medical education is increasingly laying emphasis on a curriculum based on cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains of learning which were originally proposed nearly 50 years ago. These reforms are framed around best standards of care, error management and patient safety, patient autonomy, and resource allocation. There is a worldwide shift in the method of medical education towards experiential (‘hands-on’) medical learning; however, applying this concept to real patients is less acceptable to society and is subject to legal and ethical issues.Simulation is the artificial representation of a complex real-world process with sufficient fidelity with the aim to facilitate learning through immersion, reflection, feedback, and practice minus the risks inherent in a similar real-life experience. Medical simulation offers numerous potential strategies for comprehensive and practical training, and safer patient care. It is a technique, rather than just a technology that promotes experiential and reflective learning. It is also a key strategy to teach crisis resource management skills. Simulation can benefit the individual learner, the multidisciplinary team, and the hospital as a whole. In this review, the authors discuss the role of simulation in five situations namely undergraduate teaching, postgraduate training, continuing medical education, disaster management, and military trauma management and dwell upon the experience of medical simulation in the Armed Forces.Key Words: medical education, simulation  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The urgent need for patient safety education for healthcare students has been recognised by many accreditation bodies, but to date there has been sporadic attention to undergraduate/graduate medical programmes. Medical students themselves have identified quality and safety of care as an important area of instruction; as future doctors and healthcare leaders, they must be prepared to practise safe healthcare. Medical education has yet to fully embrace patient safety concepts and principles into existing medical curricula. Universities are continuing to produce graduate doctors lacking in the patient safety knowledge, skills and behaviours thought necessary to deliver safe care. A significant challenge is that patient safety is still a relatively new concept and area of study; thus, many medical educators are unfamiliar with the literature and unsure how to integrate patient safety learning into existing curriculum. DESIGN: To address this gap and provide a foothold for medical schools all around the world, the WHO's World Alliance for Patient Safety sponsored the development of a patient safety curriculum guide for medical students. The WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide for Medical Schools adopts a 'one-stop-shop' approach in that it includes a teacher's manual providing a step-by-step guide for teachers new to patient safety learning as well as a comprehensive curriculum on the main patient safety areas. This paper establishes the need for patient safety education of medical students, describes the development of the WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide for Medical Schools and outlines the content of the Guide.  相似文献   

医德教育是临床进修医生教育的重要一环,直接关系到医院医疗质量及医疗水平的提高.作者强调培养进修医生与患者沟通的能力,换位思考,注重对患者的人文关怀,教育进修医生尊重患者的权力,保护患者的隐私权,在与病患交流时采用规范用语,并通过在临床实践中教育进修医生遵循循证医学原则,调动进修医生的积极性,在提高临床诊断治疗水平的同时,使进修医生在医德医术上有所提高.  相似文献   

医学伦理学应贯穿于医学教育全过程,坚持医学伦理学的终身教育,在医学成人和继续教育中加入医学伦理学内容是提高在职医疗工作人员医德素养的重要途径。针对成人教育《医学伦理学》课程传统教学模式教学效果欠佳的情况,探讨深化《医学伦理学》课程教学研究与改革的措施,构建适合医学成人学员的新型教学模式,充分调动医学成人在职学员的学习积极性,优化教学效果,最终达到提高各级各类医疗在职人员的医德修养,构建和谐医患关系的目的。  相似文献   

标准化病人(Standardized Patient,SP)是临床医学教育改革的趋势。在低视力学教学过程中,一直存在着找不到低视力患者供医学生学习的矛盾,导致学生学习兴趣不强,教学效果差。通过让学生模拟标准化病人,很大程度上解决了临床教学资源不足的问题,提高了学生的临床操作技能,也提高了学生的学习兴趣,沟通技巧和学习效率,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

终身教育是指教育系统为个人提供一生参与有组织的学习机会,使其进行不断学习、提高素质,以适应社会发展的需要。终身教育体系有三个特点:一是教育体系的开放性;二是教育体系结构的有机联系和协调一致;三是教育体系内部不同教育形式和教育类型之间具有包容性。医学院校的特有社会职能就是对医务人员实施医学终身教育,履行这一社会职能的有效措施有三条:一是构建多层次的继续医学教育培训网络;二是选择切合医疗工作实际的培训项目;三是利用专业学位、国家职业资格证书、岗位培训证书和继续医学教育学分证书来激劢医务人员的医学终身教育“消费”。  相似文献   

通过对医德情感内涵及其在医疗实践过程中的重要性的叙述,指出了医学院校医德情感教育中存在的重专业知识,轻医德教育;重理论,轻实践;重专业技能,轻医德情感;情感教育方法单一,教学手段及内容陈旧等问题.并针对这些问题提出了采用ESP手段培养医学生医德情感的对策:通过英语课堂活动,播放相关视频;开展辩论赛;开展英语课外活动,组织编排有关医患关系的情景剧;利用校园网络在线学习平台;利用图书馆书籍、期刊;去附属医院实习;参加社会实践活动等教学手段,全方位培养医学生的医德情感.  相似文献   

基于“三早”教育理念,以佳木斯大学为例,从地方高校角度分析医学生自主学习能力培养的必要性及“三早”与自主学习的关系。采取培训以问题为基础的学习(PBL)指导教师、创办“三个课堂”、建立网络自主学习平台、推进实践教学改革、开展整合医学教育五类措施,通过早期接触临床、科研及社会实践,培养低年级医学生自主学习能力。根据“三早”教育和医学教育认证目标要求,从医学教育利益相关方视角梳理目前存在的具体问题,提出把自主学习能力培养成效作为地方高校医学教育质量自我监测的一项重要指标等思路。  相似文献   

试论医学院校的医学终身教育职能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
终身教育是指教育系统为个人提供一生参与有组织的学习机会,使其进行不断学习、提高素质,以适应社会发展的需要。终身教育体系有三个特点:一是教育体系的开放性;二是教育体系结构的有机联系和协调一致;三是教育体系内部不同教育形式和教育类型之间具有包容性。医学院校的特有社会职能就是对医务人员实施医学终身教育,履行这一社会职能的有效措施有三条:一是构建多层次的继续医学教育培训网络;二是选择切合医疗工作实际的培训项目;三是利用专业学位、国家职业资格证书、岗位培训证书和继续医学教育学分证书来激劢医务人员的医学终身教育“消费”。  相似文献   

全科医师作为全科医学服务的提供者,需要具备系统全面的全科医学相关理论和公共卫生服务能力,达到全科医师岗位的基本要求。循证医学教育模式是一种以问题为导向的自我教育学习模式,培养医生从被动的“要我学习”到发现临床问题,并寻找最佳科学证据以解决临床问题中“我要学习”的主动学习意识和能力,养成终身学习习惯,是传统经验教学的有益补充和发展方向。本文在全科医师规范化培训中引入循证医学教育新模式是将全科医学教育与临床实践有机地融为一体,是实现高效终身学习的医学教学模式,培养这些学员具备循证医学思维能力和自主学习能力,以期培养出合格、优秀的具备岗位胜任力的全科医师。  相似文献   

Continuing medical education is an essential feature of the practice of modern medicine since it furnishes the means to maintain the doctor's ability to provide quality patient care.

To ensure that continuing medical education is provided efficiently and in the best quality, and utilized fully, it is necessary that: (1) the medical faculty inculcate in the student the concept of lifelong learning; (2) the practitioner adopt less time-consuming patterns of practice, to free more of his time for learning; (3) community hospital-based clinical teaching be provided universally; and (4) research be conducted to determine the best of current teaching methods and develop better ones. Conflicting efforts to meet these needs by practitioners (whose primary responsibility it is) and by organized medicine, specialty societies, voluntary health agencies and others have led to inefficient use of medical faculty teachers. The key parties in continuing medical education—practitioner and teacher—can learn best in medical school-administered programs, which need be supported by all other interested organizations.


标准化病人和学生双重角色在眼科验光学教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
标准化病人(standardized Patient,SP)是临床医学教育改革的一个方向。在学习验光中,学生自身担当标准化病人,具有学习者、被检查者、评估者和指导者四种作用。在很大程度上解决了临床教学资源不足的矛盾,提高了学生的各项临床技能、沟通技巧、学习效率和医德水平,取得了较好效果。为标准化病人运用于相关临床诊断学教学提供一种有效的教学模式。  相似文献   

整合医学教育即整合理念下的医学教育,是全球医学教育发展的重要趋势,也是国内医学院校改革的重要任务。国外整合医学教育起源于欧美,发展较为成熟;国内起步较晚,局限于部分学科课程整合,尚有较大发展空间。当前推进国内院校整合医学教育改革,仍面临着教学观念滞后、改革内容局限、师资能力不足,学生的学习习惯难改、学习目的有偏差、整合学习乏力,体制缺乏、机制不畅、保障薄弱等问题和挑战。今后应“教、学、管”三位一体努力,充分发挥“教”的主导作用、切实提高“学”的主体地位、不断完善“管”的保障功能。  相似文献   

以《糖尿病专题学习网站》为基础探索临床教学新模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据广东省高等学校现代教育技术"151工程"项目《糖尿病专题学习网站》构建的目标、服务对象、网站的功能设计、特点、关键技术和技术路线,来探索临床教学新模式,重点突出在线教育及教学改革,探索基于网上环境医学教育、医学继续教育和病人教育的新模式。新模式能够发挥网络资源共享的优势,引导学生综合地运用网站知识资源解决问题,学会自主学习、发现学习和自主探索;发挥网络通讯功能,使学习者在网络环境下进行协商讨论式的学习及经验、学术交流;发挥网络信息技术工具的作用,使学习者能利用网上工具重构知识,创造性地学习。  相似文献   

目的 探讨医学生对基于安宁疗护理念的职业素养教育教学模式的学习体验。方法 采用质性研究中描述性质性研究方法对参加本选修课的12名医学生进行半结构式深入访谈,运用Colaizzi 7步分析法对资料进行整理分析,提炼主题。结果 对参与培训医学生的学习体验提炼出5个主题,即利他主义增强、职业价值观增强、增加知识和提高学习能力、死亡观念的再认知、培养共情能力。结论 基于安宁疗护理念的职业素养教育有利于提高医学生的职业价值观、增强学习能力和主动性,进而提升医学生的职业素养。  相似文献   

线上线下混合式教学是转变高等教育授课模式的关键环节,作为一种新型的教学模式应用于医学教育中,面临诸如过多强调学生自主学习能力、对学生监管不到位和难以构建医学系统整体观等问题。本研究为推动医学院校混合式教学改革,提出了精心设计课程内容,科学安排线上授课时长;采取多种方式全方位跟进,构建"全课程"监督体系;混合式教学始终贯穿医学整体观,培养综合型人才等措施。  相似文献   

Currently, mobile learning is a new trend in medical education. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine the use of m-learning in medical education and discuss its effect on student learning process in order to help future medical professionals deliver better care for patients and populations. This was done by conducting a literature search in the databases Web of Science, Scopus, and MEDLINE, and consequently by evaluating the findings of the selected studies. The results of this study confirm that mobile learning is efficient, especially in the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Nevertheless, so far, the role of mobile learning has been perceived as an appropriate complement to traditional learning. Therefore, more research should be conducted on the efficacy of the use mobile learning in medical education, as well as to explore the unique features of mobile devices for the enhancement of learning outcomes.  相似文献   

建立基于结果或基于胜任力的教育是当今课程计划的重要特点。本文梳理了基于结果的教育(outcome-based education,OBE)在医学教育中的发展应用,并利用基于结果的教育理念对《高等医学教育》课程框架体系进行改造和优化,重新设计和确定了课程学习结果框架、课程教学主题内容、课程胜任力要求等内容。基于结果再设计...  相似文献   

翟高峰  仇永贵 《实用全科医学》2010,8(11):1410-1410,1412
目的探讨加强医患沟通在构建和谐医患关系中的应用。方法加强医患沟通教育,增强医患沟通意识,提高医患沟通技能;建立和完善医患沟通制度,实施全方位沟通;突出重点病例与重点环节的医患沟通。结果通过加强医患沟通,增强了医生的沟通意识,提高了沟通技能,医生能够积极进行良好有效的沟通,缓和了医患关系,减少了医疗纠纷。结论加强医患沟通尤其是通过加强教育,增强法律意识与沟通意识,不断学习医患沟通技巧,强化医患沟通技能训练,不断完善医患沟通制度,突出重点沟通等实践,能够有效地减少医疗纠纷,在构建和谐医患关系方面具有一定的实效价值。  相似文献   

将循证医学引入新形势下的传染病学教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循证医学是一种新的医学模式,也是一种新的医学教育模式。面对21世纪新形势下的传染病学教学特点,引入循证医学的理念、原则和方法,形成以问题为中心,变学生被动学习为主动学习的教学模式,帮助医学生掌握自我更新医学知识和临床技能的方法和技巧,将大大提高传染病学教学的效果和医学生的能力。  相似文献   

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