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目的:探讨交通事故导致颅脑损伤后智能损害程度与损伤部位、损伤性质、昏迷时间、治疗方法等因素的关系。方法采用自编的调查表、简易智力状态量表(MMSE)结合临床表现对因交通事故致脑损伤后智能损害的51例司法鉴定案例进行分析。结果边缘智力7例(13.7%),轻度智能损害12例(23.5%),中度智能损害19例(37.2%),重度智能损害13例(25.6%)。结论颅脑损伤所致智能损害的程度与大脑损伤部位、昏迷时间呈明显正相关( P<0.01),与脑损伤性质呈明显负相关(P<0.05),与MMSE呈明显负相关(P<0.01),可作为司法神医学鉴定客观、有效的参考指标。  相似文献   

道路交通事故导致颅脑损伤后智能损害影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨颅脑损伤所致智能损害程度与损伤部位、损伤性质、昏迷时间、治疗方法等因素间的关系。方法 对228例颅脑损伤所致智能损害患者的司法鉴定进行分析。结果 228例中,边缘智力30例,轻度智能损害51例,中度智能损害81例,重度智能损害66例。结论 颅脑损伤所致智能损害的程度与损伤部位、损伤性质、昏迷时间、脑电图、简易智力状态量表(MMSE)显著相关,可作为司法精神医学鉴定客观、有效的参考指标。  相似文献   

目的探讨交通致颅脑损伤患者智能损害情况厦评估中伪装情况。方法以2004年1~12月交通事故致颅脑损伤204例存活者为研究对象,进行韦氏智能测定、二项迫选数字记忆测定厦临床评估。结果204例颅脑损害患者有智能损害者149例(73.04%),其中边缘智力47例,轻度智力损害88例,中度智力损害12例,重度智力损害2例,无智力损伤者55例;二项迫选数字记忆测定有伪装倾向者70例(34.31%),其中边缘智力厦轻度智能障碍者42例,中度智能障碍者1例。无智能障碍者27例。结论交通事故致颅脑损伤患者多有不同程度的智力损害,但交通事故后智力评估中夸大智能缺损问题明显存在。  相似文献   

所谓中度脑损伤是指外伤造成意识丧失并有1~24小时的记忆力丧失。长期以来对脑震荡后症状是心理原因还是器质性原因所致一直有争论。近来越来越多的人认为轻微的脑损伤即能致器质性损害。神经生理发现轻微脑损伤能引起血脑通透性增加、脑循环减慢、脑干功能障碍及对光刺激敏感等。  相似文献   

目的:探讨交通事故类司法精神医学鉴定案例的特点。方法:对95例交通事故类鉴定案例,自拟内容逐一统计。结果:智能损害67例(70.5%),精神障碍29例(30.5%),癫13例(13.7%),符合伤残标准76例(80.0%)。受伤情况和精神伤残等级精神障碍的发生及文化程度与智能状态均无对应关系。结论:颅脑损伤后精神障碍和精神伤残的发生以及智能损害程度受多因素的影响。  相似文献   

目的探讨颅脑外伤后精神障碍的临床类型及相关因素。方法收集180例颅脑外伤后司法鉴定案例资料,并对精神障碍的临床类型及相关因素进行分析。结果精神障碍的鉴定诊断类型为:器质性遗忘综合征、器质性人格改变、器质性智能损害、器质性神经症样症状和器质性精神症状。以颞叶、额叶、弥漫性损伤多见,共163例,且CT显示多有颞叶、额叶软化灶等异常,共123例。影响智能损害的因素为颞叶或额叶损伤、外伤程度严重,CT及EEG异常。器质性神经症样症状多见于女性,外伤程度轻,多无弥漫性损伤,CT未见明显异常。结论颅脑外伤后精神障碍多见于颞叶、额叶、弥漫性损伤;智能损害者外伤程度严重,EEG异常率高;器质性神经症样症状与轻度脑损伤有关。  相似文献   

脑是人体的生命中枢,脑功能损害将严重影响人的生存与健康.脑损伤是造成脑功能损害的直接原因,具有发病率高,致死、致残率高的特点.无论是脑创伤、脑部缺血或出血,其共同病理特点都是神经元严重受损、缺失或死亡,造成神经功能障碍,患者出现偏瘫、失语、视力丧失、智力及意识障碍等症状,严重影响患者生活质量.在临床上,脑损伤主要包括颅脑损伤和卒中,前者因机械性损伤所致,后者因脑血管梗死或出血引起,其中缺血性卒中(缺血性脑损伤)最为多见,占80%[1].  相似文献   

脑是人体的生命中枢,脑功能损害将严重影响人的生存与健康.脑损伤是造成脑功能损害的直接原因,具有发病率高,致死、致残率高的特点.无论是脑创伤、脑部缺血或出血,其共同病理特点都是神经元严重受损、缺失或死亡,造成神经功能障碍,患者出现偏瘫、失语、视力丧失、智力及意识障碍等症状,严重影响患者生活质量.在临床上,脑损伤主要包括颅脑损伤和卒中,前者因机械性损伤所致,后者因脑血管梗死或出血引起,其中缺血性卒中(缺血性脑损伤)最为多见,占80%[1].  相似文献   

脑损伤修复与功能重建干预策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
脑是人体的生命中枢,脑功能损害将严重影响人的生存与健康.脑损伤是造成脑功能损害的直接原因,具有发病率高,致死、致残率高的特点.无论是脑创伤、脑部缺血或出血,其共同病理特点都是神经元严重受损、缺失或死亡,造成神经功能障碍,患者出现偏瘫、失语、视力丧失、智力及意识障碍等症状,严重影响患者生活质量.在临床上,脑损伤主要包括颅脑损伤和卒中,前者因机械性损伤所致,后者因脑血管梗死或出血引起,其中缺血性卒中(缺血性脑损伤)最为多见,占80%[1].  相似文献   

目的探讨颅脑损伤所致智能损害患者的司法精神病学鉴定特征。方法回顾分析2013年-2015年在泸州科正司法鉴定中心进行鉴定的431例颅脑损伤案例的鉴定资料,根据智能损害的鉴定结论将431例被鉴定者分为轻度及以下组和中度及以上组,对两组数据进行比较分析。结果两组在昏迷时长(χ~2=1.034,P=0.596)、格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GCS)(t=1.942,P=0.054)和颅脑损伤性质(χ~2=2.265,P=0.687)方面差异均无统计学意义;两组在住院天数(t=4.344,P0.01)、有无开颅手术(χ~2=9.094,P0.05)、大脑损伤位置分布(χ~2=13.156,P0.01)、智商值(t=18.997,P0.01)和智商与鉴定结论的一致性(χ~2=63.350,P0.01)方面差异均有统计学意义。结论颅脑损伤所致智能损害的程度可能与住院天数、有无开颅手术和大脑损伤位置分布等有关;轻度及以下智能损害患者的智商与鉴定结论的一致性优于中度及以上智能损害患者。  相似文献   

颅脑外伤所致智力障碍研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:了解车祸所致颅脑外伤患者智力受损情况,探讨其影响因素。方法:对105例颅脑损伤患者进行回顾性分析。结果:智力受损99例,占94.3%,左半球受损比例高于右半球,中重度智力受损组颞叶受损、额叶受损、颅骨骨折、脑干损伤、3个以上脑叶同时受损,均明显高于轻度智力受损组。结论:颅脑外伤引起智力受损发生率较高,智力损害与受伤种类、严重程度和部位有明显关系。  相似文献   

目的:探讨车祸导致颅脑外伤后智力受损情况及其影响因素. 方法:对190例颅脑外伤患者资料进行回顾性分析. 结果:智力受损者177例(93.2%).中重度智力受损组颅内血肿、颅骨骨折、脑干损伤以及≥3个脑叶同时受损的发生率均明显高于轻度智力受损组(P<0.05或P<0.01). 结论:颅脑外伤所致智力障碍发生率较高,智力受损与颅脑外伤严重程度和受伤部位有明显的相关性.  相似文献   

目的探讨脑电图在儿童脑损伤中的应用价值及脑电图诊断标准与儿童伤后智力障碍的相关关系。方法对86例儿童脑外伤后行脑电图检测并给予儿童韦氏智力量表进行评分。结果中、重度异常脑电图的脑外伤患儿有显著的智力下降(P<0.05);对脑电图分级与智力评分采用Spearman秩相关分析,二者呈负相关。结论脑电图可以作为间接了解儿童脑外伤后智力水平的辅助指标。  相似文献   

目的探讨颅脑损伤所致精神障碍类型,以及颅脑受损程度、范围及鉴定时间与智力障碍程度的关系。方法对85例颅脑损伤患者的司法精神医学鉴定资料进行回顾性分析。结果85例颅脑损伤所致精神障碍中,以智力障碍为首位,共70例(82.4%);伤残等级评定为Ⅶ—Ⅹ级共81例(95.3%);智力障碍程度与损伤时间及鉴定时间无相关性(χ^2=0.53,P〉0.05),但与脑损伤的程度有相关性(P〈0.05);有智力障碍组脑干损伤(30.0%)、脑内血肿(29.1%)的比例高于无智力障碍组(分别为20.0%和13.3%;P〈0.01),≥2个脑叶损伤的比例(62.5%)高于无智力障碍组(36.4%,P〈0.05)。结论颅脑损伤所致智力障碍占第一位,颅脑损伤程度与智力障碍有明显相关性,伤残等级以Ⅶ-Ⅹ级为高。  相似文献   

重型颅脑损伤患者精神障碍的临床分析   总被引:44,自引:1,他引:43  
目的 探讨重型颅脑损伤后精神障碍的发生率、表现形式及影响因素。方法 以深圳市1999年10月1日至2000年9月30日因交通事故所致重型颅脑损伤的183例幸存者为研究对象,在颅脑损伤治疗后(平均6个月),由2名精神科副主任医师根据中国精神疾病分类方案与诊断标准第2版修订本对这些伤者的精神状态进行评估。结果 (1)在183例中,罹患各类精神障碍者共165例,发生率为90.2%,其中智能障碍者为142例(77.6%)。(2)在183例,中度及其以上智力损伤者为29例(15.8%)。(3)有智力损伤组的脑干损伤、颅内血肿及≥3个脑叶损伤的比例高于无智力损伤组(P<0.01);伴有精神障碍组的平均年龄(P<0.05)、脑干损伤(P<0.05)及≥3个脑中损伤(P<0.01)的比例高于无精神病性障碍组;有人格改变组额叶损伤、开颅清除血肿并减压治疗的比例高于无人格改变组(P<0.01)。结论 重型颅脑损伤后精神障碍的发生率较高,应引起有关临床学科的重视。  相似文献   

Memory is an intellectual function that is initially and consistently impaired in patients with vascular dementia. Experimental approaches to vascular dementia have so far been confined to investigations of memory impairments in rodent ischemic models. Unilateral middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion, multiple small embolization or transient four-vessel occlusion in rats produced acute single or multiple infarctions. In such rats, significant memory impairments occurred during the subacute or chronic phases, but were partially reversible. Permanent stenosis of both common carotid arteries in gerbils caused no ischemic changes at 1 day after stenosis but induced multiple infarctions after 1 week of stenosis, probably due either to chronic recurrent ischemia resulting from transient repetitive obstruction of the carotid arteries or to chronic low perfusion. The memory impairments in this model were persistent. Permanent bilateral common carotid artery occlusion in rats produced multiple infarctions plus white matter changes after 1 week of occlusion. Marked memory impairment was also observed in this model. The results of the above studies suggest that memory impairments due to ischemic causes may be partially reversible provided that the infarctions occur only once and are followed by flow recovery. Memory impairments, however, appear to persist if the brain is exposed to chronic recurrent ischemia or chronic moderately low perfusion. A repetitive or persistent low-flow state appears to be an important factor in determining the irreversibility of cognitive impairments.  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in children younger than 15 years of age. To evaluate the role of subcortical lesions on neurodevelopmental outcomes, long-term outcomes of 50 children with severe traumatic brain injury before 4 years of age (accidental injury, n = 21, nonaccidental injury, n = 29) were reviewed retrospectively and compared with late magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings: no visible lesions, cortical lesions, or subcortical lesions. Subcortical lesions occurred in both accidental and nonaccidental traumatic brain injuries. Traumatic brain injury severity (initial Glasgow Coma Scale or coma duration) was significantly associated with subcortical lesions. Long-term motor or visual deficiencies occurred in one third of patients and cognitive deficiencies in 52.1%. Although deficiencies occurred without visible MRI lesions, global outcome scores, motor delay, visual impairment, head growth slowing, global intellectual quotients, and planning performances were significantly worse in patients with subcortical lesions. An alarming deterioration in intellectual quotient over time was noted. It was concluded that neurodevelopmental outcomes are worrisome after severe traumatic brain injury in young children, and subcortical lesions affect the prognosis.  相似文献   

Survivors of traumatic brain injury (TBI) often experience cognitive and physical impairments. The aims of this study were to: 1) build an internet-based, "Virtual Rehabilitation Center" (VRC) that provides rehabilitation, education and support services to individuals with TBI; and 2) to determine the relationships between the nature and severity of the participants' cognitive impairments and their ability to use the VRC. Eight individuals with brain injuries (Age: M=43, SD=15.4; Years of Education: M=13.8, SD=3.15) participated. The Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Exam (NBCSE) was used to assess intellectual functioning. The VRC modules consisted of reaction time, functional modules, and communication capabilities. All participants learned how to use the VRC. However, those requiring more "trials to acquisition" showed greater cognitive impairment than those requiring fewer trials in: Construction (p=0.02), Reasoning-Similarities (p=0.01) and in calculation and language repetition.(i.e., a non-significant trend). Importantly, all participants learned how to use the system although learning rates varied. Moreover, one case-study demonstrated that learning on the VRC generalized to the community. Overall, impairments on the NBCSE in visual-constructional integration and executive-type functions, as well as language processing appeared to be related to how effectively participants learned how to use the VRC.  相似文献   

Childhood traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common, acquired disability, which has significant implications for subsequent development, and for later quality of life. To date few studies have documented outcomes in these children into adolescence, when academic, social and personal demands increase. The objective of this study was to document functional outcomes at 10 years post-injury, and to identify predictors of outcome including injury, socio-demographic and pre-injury characteristics. The study employed consecutive recruitment to a prospective, longitudinal study. Children with a diagnosis of TBI between 2 and 12 years were initially recruited and divided according to injury severity (mild, moderate, severe). The sample was reviewed at 10 years post-injury and intellectual, adaptive, executive and social domains were investigated. Results indicated that, at 10 years post child TBI, survivors' functional abilities fell overall within the low average to average range regardless of injury severity, suggesting no extreme impairments at a group level for any of the domains under investigation. Significant group differences were identified, though, for adaptive abilities and for speed of processing, with more severe injury associated with poorer performances in each instance. Further, a similar trend was identified for measures of intellectual ability and executive functions. Individual rates of impairment were considerably higher than population expectations across all severity groups for these domains. Although rates of social impairment were also elevated, they were less related to injury factors, suggesting that cognitive/adaptive outcomes and social consequences of TBI may have different bases.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated the nature and extent of clinical outcomes using various classifications and analyzed the relationship between brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings and the extent of clinical outcomes in children with cerebral palsy (CP) with deep gray matter injury. The deep gray matter injuries of 69 children were classified into hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) and kernicterus patterns. HIE patterns were divided into four groups (I–IV) based on severity. Functional classification was investigated using the gross motor function classification system-expanded and revised, manual ability classification system, communication function classification system, and tests of cognitive function, and other associated problems. The severity of HIE pattern on brain MRI was strongly correlated with the severity of clinical outcomes in these various domains. Children with a kernicterus pattern showed a wide range of clinical outcomes in these areas. Children with severe HIE are at high risk of intellectual disability (ID) or epilepsy and children with a kernicterus pattern are at risk of hearing impairment and/or ID. Grading severity of HIE pattern on brain MRI is useful for predicting overall outcomes. The clinical outcomes of children with a kernicterus pattern range widely from mild to severe.What this paper addsDelineation of the clinical outcomes of children with deep gray matter injury, which are a common abnormal brain MRI finding in children with CP, is necessary. The present study provides clinical outcomes for various domains in children with deep gray matter injury on brain MRI. The deep gray matter injuries were divided into two major groups; HIE and kernicterus patterns. Our study showed that severity of HIE pattern on brain MRI was strongly associated with the severity of impairments in gross motor function, manual ability, communication function, and cognition. These findings suggest that severity of HIE pattern can be useful for predicting the severity of impairments. Conversely, children with a kernicterus pattern showed a wide range of clinical outcomes in various domains. Children with severe HIE pattern are at high risk of ID or epilepsy and children with kernicterus pattern are at risk of hearing impairment or ID. The strength of our study was the assessment of clinical outcomes after 3 years of age using standardized classification systems in various domains in children with deep gray matter injury.  相似文献   

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