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广州不同性质学校初中生吸烟KAP比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 比较广州地区公立、厂办和民营3类学校初中生吸烟相关KAP的异同,为有针对性地开展控烟健康教育提供依据。方法 用自制问卷对广州市黄埔区6所公立、厂属和私立中学的3957名初中生进行横断面调查,内容包括一般人口学特征、吸烟相关知识、态度和行为。结果 调查应答率为95.6%。3类学校学生的性别、年龄和户口地分布有统计学差别;吸烟与健康相关知识得分民营〉公立〉厂办,差异均有显著性;吸烟与健康相关态度得分,正向态度为厂办〉公立〉民营,负向态度为公立〉厂办〉民营,态度总分为厂办〉公立〉民营,其中正向态度得分在3类学校学生中的差异无显著性。而负向态度得分和态度总分在3类学校学生中的差异有显著性。所调查初中生的尝试吸烟率为20.5%,每周吸烟率为5.1%,每日吸烟率为3.5%,尝试吸烟率、每周吸烟率和每日吸烟率均为民营〉公立〉厂办.且尝试吸烟率的差异有显著性。结论 民营学校初中生吸烟与健康知识相对缺乏、态度趋向负面且吸烟行为发生率明显偏高,应成为目前学校控烟工作的重点对象。  相似文献   

目的了解安徽师范大学学生吸烟现状及烟草相关知识和态度,为今后健康教育和控烟措施提供科学理论依据。方法整群抽取该师范大学1—3年级在校学生1100名,调查学生的一般特征和吸烟相关的知识、信念、行为。结果1100名调查对象中总吸烟率为11.4%,其中男生吸烟率为21.8%,女生吸烟率为2.2%,男生吸烟率高于女生(P〈0.01)。吸烟者与不吸烟者在年级和专业上差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。学生吸烟的主要原因依次是好奇、社交需要、周围朋友影响等。结论师范生虽然对吸烟危害健康的认识程度较高,但吸烟现象不容忽视,社会和学校必须采取积极有效的综合干预策略,以控制师范生的吸烟行为。  相似文献   

同伴教育对中学生吸烟行为干预效果的评价   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
目的:评价中学生吸烟行为健康教育综合干预的效果。方法:采用小样本定量(knowledge attitude practice,知识、态度、行为)和定性RAP(repid assessment procedure,快速评估方法)相结合的方法。结果:通过18个月的干预实施,中学生有关吸烟危害健康的知识知晓率由基线调查时的39.2%上升到64.4%;态度正确率由43.0%上升到53.7%;中学生习惯吸烟率由4.3%下降到0;尝试吸烟率(29.3%)与基线调查(29.1%)相比未见增加。试点学校的学校社会环境、健康政策、学校所在社区与家庭的环境得到改善。结论:同伴教育是干预学生吸烟行为行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

通过对1268名初中学生开展“拒抽第一支烟”健康教育行动(以下简称“拒烟行动”)前后调查,结果显示:“拒烟行动”前吸烟率为0.87%,“拒烟行动”后吸烟率为0.16%,吸烟学生中因好吸烟者达72.7%,说明在中学生中开展“拒抽第一支烟”行动是必要的,也是有一定现实价值的。  相似文献   

玉溪市中学新生尝试吸烟行为及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的了解玉溪市中学新生尝试吸烟的情况及其影响因素,为采取相关干预措施提供依据。方法对4所学校的初一和高一年级学生以班级为单位进行整群抽样,共抽取的1240名学生进行问卷调查,采用Logistic回归分析法对影响因素进行分析。结果尝试吸烟率为53.1%,学生得到第1支烟的方式多为朋友给(52.5%),吸第1支烟的地点多在一卜学或放学路上(23.4%),吸第1支姻时的同伴多为朋友或同学(70.7%),吸第1支烟的原因多为好奇(69.0%),吸烟后的感觉多为不舒服(61.0%)。影响尝试“及烟的因素经非条件Logistic回归分析为性别、兄弟姐妹中有人吸烟、年级和父亲吸烟。结论玉溪市中学生较其他地区的中学生具有更为普遍的尝试吸烟的行为,说明了在学校开展控制吸烟活动的必要性。  相似文献   

目的了解不同职业人群的吸烟行为、对吸烟相关知识的认知和对公共场所禁烟的态度。方法于2007年在江苏省南通市和张家港市医疗机构、学校、政府机关、公共交通场所、餐馆和网吧6类公共场所采取方便抽样的方法对516名相关工作人员进行调查,内容包括现在吸烟和被动吸烟暴露情况以及对吸烟相关知识认知和对公共场所禁烟的态度,并对吸烟相关知识和态度进行评分。结果男性现在吸烟率为51.2%,高于女性(0.3%),差别有统计学意义(P〈0.001),而女性被动吸烟暴露率(56.9%)与男性(65.7%)相比,差别无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。不同人群对吸烟或被动吸烟有害的正确认知率较高(均高于90%),但对被动吸烟具体危害的认知相对较低(均低于90%)。对各类场所全部或部分禁烟的支持率均较高,最低为网吧(83.7%),最高为学校(100.0%),但对与自身相关场所全面禁烟的支持率均低于其他职业人群。对男性职业、认知和态度与吸烟行为的非条件Logistic回归分析表明,服务行业人员吸烟危险高于其他职业人群(OR=3.40.95%CI:2.10~5.50),对吸烟相关知识和公共场所禁烟态度的评分越高。越可减少吸烟行为。结论服务行业人员的吸烟行为高于非服务行业人员,而对吸烟相关知识的正确认知和对禁烟的支持率却较低。应大力加强吸烟和被动吸烟危害的宣传.以改变不同职业人群对控烟的态度。  相似文献   

合肥市部分中学生吸烟相关知识·态度·行为   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 比较合肥市部分中学生吸烟相关知识、态度与行为情况,为制定控烟干预措施提供依据。方法整群抽取合肥市6所中学的初二年级学生726名和高二年级学生2091名,进行问卷调查。结果高二组学生对于烟草中含有的有害物质知晓率高于初二组;2组获取吸烟有害健康知识的途径差异有显著性;高二组认为吸烟不是不良习惯的比例(7.10%)高于初二组(4.97%);高二组希望社会开展戒烟运动的比例(76.58%)低于初二组(84.83%);高二组尝试吸烟率(20.49%)高于初二组(15.72%)。结论应针对不同年级中学生开展相关健康教育,寻求更有效的干预手段。  相似文献   

中学生吸烟状况及心理因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解泰安市中学生吸烟状况。方法 采用横断面随机抽样调查方法对泰城四所中学1824名学生进行不记名问卷调查。结果 中学生吸烟率为14.47%(264/1824),其中男生25.70%;女生3.75%。吸烟者中吸第一支烟年龄50%分布在10-14岁。高中吸烟率比初中上升了11个百分点。学生吸烟场主要主要是娱乐场所。促进放弃吸烟的主要因素是懂得吸烟危害健康。结论 抓好青少年控烟工作,必须学校家庭和社会一起努力,加强吸烟危害健康的教学,学校探烟的重点时期应放在小学4-6年级和初中阶段。  相似文献   

长沙市望月湖社区控烟效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解社区居民在开展控烟干预前后对吸烟和戒烟的知识、态度、行为变化情况。方法对干预社区的20—60岁居民采用单纯随机抽样,两次共调查2068人。结果吸烟及被动吸烟危害健康的知晓率分别提高17.97%和21.01%,社区居民主动向医护人员寻求戒烟服务、看到朋友或家人吸烟时经常进行劝阻的比例明显提高。但项目实施前后,吸烟率分别为39.62%、38.96%,戒烟率分别为8.60%和8.30%,均无显变化。结论成人控烟难度大,控烟工作的重点应该是创造无吸烟环境,防止被动吸烟。因此,控烟工作应从小抓起,从拒吸第一支烟抓起。  相似文献   

广西两所中学开展学校及烟项目活动已有一年,本次对两校的活动效果进行了调查评学生有关吸烟的知识、态度、行为比基线调查均有显著改变(P〈0.05),吸烟率(15.0%)比基线调查(25.2%)下降10.2%,对某些知识还存在认识不足、模糊、错误,尚有待提高,。提示使用《不吸第一支烟》教材,结合有关课程开展作文和绘画比赛、墙报制作、创作歌曲、瞳等活动适合学校开展预防吸烟工作,值得推广运用。  相似文献   

珠海市青少年吸烟行为现况及影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 了解珠海市青少年吸烟行为及其影响因素,为制定有效的控烟措施提供科学依据。方法 采取多阶段分层整群抽样法、应用世界卫生组织(WHO)/中国卫生部提供的《全球青少年烟草调查中国问卷》,对珠海市25所中学初二至高一年级的学生2480名进行问卷调查。结果 尝试过吸烟(包括只吸1口)的学生占29.4%,其中男生为42.0%,女生为14.6%,差异有显著性;第一次吸烟时年龄小于12岁的学生占49.7%;吸烟的学生中62.9%的香烟来自于商店或烟摊,84.9%的学生能从商店或烟摊买到香烟;父母都吸烟或其中一人吸烟的高达65.5%,父母吸烟的子女吸烟的比例明显高于父母不吸烟的子女,差异有显著性(X^2=21.576,P〈0.01);44.5%的学生认为学校没有组织过控烟活动;96.2%的学生对吸烟有害健康有正确的认识,但呈现出知识、信念、行为的分离。结论 珠海市青少年尝试吸烟现象较为普遍,父母吸烟对子女吸烟行为产生严重影响。应在家庭、学校、社区形成良好的控烟支持环境。  相似文献   

Family values regarding appropriate attitudes and behaviors are communicated to children from birth. Society's values begin to affect the child at an early age and as these change, so do children's beliefs and attitudes. A change in society's values toward smoking has been evidenced in the last decade by increased social sanctions against smoking and increased militancy of nonsmokers. This longitudinal Primary Grades Health Curriculum Project investigates the relationship between an activity-centered experiential health education program and: 1) positive health attitudes; 2) experimentation use and future expectancy to engage in cigarette smoking; and 3) changes in smoking behavior among the children's parents. Six hundred students in two New York school districts were pretested in their kindergarten year in 1977 on entry level of knowledge and attitudes about health. The results reported here from data collected at the end of third grade indicate that the experimental group possessed more positive attitudes about health, showed less exposure to experimentation with alcohol among their friends and less engagement in smoking cigarettes. A significant number of parents of experimental group students reported that they had changed their smoking habits since their child had entered school as a result of their children's health program.  相似文献   

目的探索家长参与青少年控烟积极性的影响因素。方法设计自填式问卷对初中生及其家长进行横断面调查,Ordinal回归法筛选家长参与的影响因素。结果2617套有效问卷中,家长参与程度Ⅰ~Ⅴ级的构成比分别为1.9%、4.9%、13.4%和33.4%和46.4%,母亲的参与程度显著高于父亲(P<0.05)。筛选出10个有统计学意义的影响家长参与的变量,其中8个为促进因素(按OR值排序)较高的家长文化程度>尝试过戒烟>对“吸烟的形象与心理作用”的正确态度>“吸烟引起的呼吸系统疾病和癌症”的认知水平>对“禁烟相关的措施”的正确态度>学生为男性>对“吸烟与人际交往”的正确态度>对“吸烟对健康的危害”的正确态度;而2个阻碍因素为家长现在吸烟>家长年龄。结论文化程度低、年龄较大的、女生的以及现在吸烟的家长参与学生控烟的积极性较差,健康促进家庭可提高其参与积极性,从而预防和控制青少年吸烟。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence of cigarette smoking and to identify risky behaviors associated with smoking among adolescents attending high schools in a district of La Paz, Bolivia. METHODS: The Youth Risk Behavior Survey was administered to a sample of 394 males and 182 females, from 13-18 years of age, at six, randomly-selected schools in District II of La Paz. Frequencies, chi-square tests, and logistic regression were employed to identify factors associated with cigarette use during the 30 days prior to the survey. RESULTS: Approximately 40% of the sample (39.4% of males and 33.7% of females) had smoked cigarettes in the 30 days prior to interview. For both males and females, consumption of alcohol was the single greatest risk factor associated with cigarette use. The males and females who reported consuming at least one alcoholic beverage on three or more occasions in the previous 30 days were 22.3 and 58.5 times (95% CIs: 6.7, 74.1 and 6.8, 502.6, respectively) more likely to smoke tobacco than those who reported no alcohol consumption. Additional risk factors included having participated in a physical fight, having carried a weapon, having had sexual intercourse, and having used illicit drugs during the previous 30 days. CONCLUSIONS: Because teenagers who smoke are also likely to engage in a variety of other risky behaviors, parents, school administrators, and health educators may wish to use smoking to identify at-risk individuals. Among Bolivian teenagers, interventions should focus on preventing cigarette use and associated risk behaviors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The prevalence of smoking among Chinese adolescents has dramatically increased in recent years. The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in smoking-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors among Chinese students in 3 types of secondary schools. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 3,957 students of seventh, eighth, and ninth grades and 2,870 student parents from 3 public, 1 factory, and 2 general-paid private secondary schools at Guangzhou in 2004. Participants were asked to complete self-administered questionnaires about sociodemographic characteristics, smoking-related family and school environments, smoking-related knowledge and attitudes, and smoking behaviors. RESULTS: The average scores of students' smoking-related knowledge and attitudes (higher score, more against smoking) were highest in the factory school, followed by public schools and private schools. The differences among them were statistically significantly (P < .05). The lifetime smoking prevalence was also significantly different (P < .001) among 3 types of schools: 35.4% in private schools, 17.4% in public schools, and 13.2% in the factory school. The prevalence of students' weekly smoking was also higher in private schools (6.2%) than in public schools (4.9%) or the factory school (4.0%). Similar disparity was observed in the prevalence of daily smoking (3.9% private, 3.5% public, and 2.7% factory). However, differences in weekly and daily smoking were not statistically significant (P > .05). CONCLUSIONS: Compared with students in public and factory schools, those in general-paid private schools had poorer smoking-related knowledge, more supportive attitudes toward smoking, and more popular smoking behaviors. Therefore, more intensive smoking prevention programs should be implemented among them.  相似文献   

目的了解中学教师吸烟行为以及与吸烟相关的健康知识和态度的关系。方法用自行设计的问卷对广州市黄埔区全体初中教师进行调查,内容包括一般情况、吸烟行为、吸烟相关的健康知识和态度。结果被调查的700名初中教师中从未吸烟者占59·1%,以前尝试吸烟者占18·1%,以前每日吸烟者占1·86%,现吸烟者占10·1%。在总分为14分的吸烟相关健康知识调查中,平均得分为8·53分,其中“吸烟可以引起的疾病”5·73分(满分10),“烟草中的有害成分”2·40分(满分4)。吸烟相关的态度平均得分,“吸烟的交际作用”33·21分(满分45),“吸烟的形象作用”21·76分(满分25),“教师与医务人员对吸烟的表率作用”20·96分(满分25),“吸烟危害健康”9·20分(满分10),“控烟措施”26·73分(满分30)。不同吸烟行为教师之间吸烟相关的健康知识得分差异无统计学意义,但是吸烟相关的态度得分差异有统计学意义。结论中学教师不同吸烟行为与吸烟相关的态度有关,而与吸烟相关的健康知识无关。  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about risk behaviors of elementary school children. A recent evaluation of a comprehensive school health education curriculum provided an opportunity to survey elementary school children about their perceived health status, knowledge, attitudes, health self-efficacy, and health and risk behaviors. For the evaluation, a total of 4273 surveys were completed by 2 cohorts of school children, grades 2 and 4, in 24 schools in a large urban school district during the spring semesters of 2002; the cohorts were surveyed a second time when they were in third and fifth grade in spring 2003. Older children scored higher than younger ones on factors generally associated with improved health behaviors (such as health knowledge and refusal skills); yet, they scored lower than younger children on healthy behaviors, especially risk behaviors and those things presumed to be associated with later adolescent risk taking. The interrelationships among behavior, knowledge, age, and school-level attributes are explored. As health knowledge, refusal skills, and other protective factors increase, health behaviors improve slightly, but the most important factor in explaining health behaviors is grade level. This article points to the need to study the development of risk behaviors throughout elementary school and the need for additional work on the measurement of risk behaviors during the elementary school years.  相似文献   

健康促进学校干预模式对学校和家庭控烟环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解健康促进学校模式预防和控制青少年吸烟对学校和家庭环境的影响,为评价干预效果提供参考。方法在广州市4所中学开展为期1a的初中生吸烟干预试验,评价指标为与吸烟相关的学校物质环境和社会环境、对学生家庭的辐射作用和父母参与学生控烟的积极性。结果52.7%的学生能感觉到拒烟的校风在过去1a中增加,46.1%报告教师当面吸烟的情况减少,40.2%报告厕所内烟蒂减少,39.2%报告后勤人员吸烟减少,38.4%报告校道操场烟蒂减少,35.5%报告来访人员在校内吸烟减少,而报告班上吸烟同学减少和学校吸烟同学减少的分别为35.0%和32.7%。62.2%的学生家长报告“孩子在家提及了学校控烟工作”,71.5%报告“孩子携带控烟资料回家”,68.4%“阅读了孩子带回的资料”,69.8%和孩子“签订了无烟家庭协议书”。干预后,家长“教育孩子不要吸烟”的比例有所上升,“向孩子讲述吸烟危害健康知识”的也有所增加。家长“自己参与控烟的意愿”在干预后有明显的上升(P<0.05)。结论干预项目的实施对吸烟相关的学校环境产生了积极的作用,还部分辐射到学生家庭,一定程度上提高了父母参与控烟的积极性。  相似文献   

广州市初中男生尝试戒烟和戒烟成功的影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解初中男生的尝试戒烟率、戒烟成功率及其影响因素。方法用自填式问卷对4658名初中男生进行横断面调查,收集人口学资料、学校情况、有关吸烟与健康的知识和态度以及个人吸烟和戒烟行为等信息。结果初中男生的规律吸烟率为7·6%,68·6%的规律吸烟男生在过去12个月中尝试过戒烟,戒烟成功率为17·2%。前两位的戒烟动机是“吸烟会影响健康”和“有人劝我戒烟”。筛选出4个有统计学意义的影响尝试戒烟的因素,促进戒烟的有“曾经被人劝戒烟”、“健康缘故”、“心情不好时才吸烟”和“父母反对吸烟”等。另外,有2个影响因素与戒烟成功有统计学关联:“曾接触过反烟宣传”能促使戒烟成功,而“经常在校外吸烟”是阻碍因素。结论大部分规律吸烟者尝试过戒烟,但成功率低。应根据青少年的生理和心理特点,整合学校、家庭和社会等多方力量来帮助其成功戒烟。  相似文献   



Although cigarette smoking is known to be related to the exacerbation of asthma symptoms, several studies have indicated that the prevalence of cigarette smoking among asthmatic adolescents is similar to or even higher than that among non-asthmatic adolescents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between asthma and cigarette use behaviors and whether or not the presence of suicidal ideation modifies this relationship among Korean adolescents.


We analyzed data from the 2008 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, which included a nationally representative sample of middle and high school students. Multiple logistic regression models were used to calculate odd ratios and 95% confidence intervals of cigarette use behaviors among current asthmatics, former asthmatics, and non-asthmatics, after adjusting for gender, grade, school records, socioeconomic status, current alcohol use, and suicidal ideation.


Of 75 238 study participants, 3.5% were current asthmatics and 4.5% were former asthmatics. Compared with non-asthmatics, asthmatics were more likely to report current cigarette use, frequent and heavy cigarette use, and cigarette use before 13 years of age. There were statistically significant interactions between asthma and suicidal ideation in cigarette use behaviors.


This study demonstrated that asthmatic adolescents are more likely than non-asthmatic adolescents to engage in cigarette use behaviors and the presence of suicidal ideation is an effect modifier of the relationship between asthma and cigarette use behaviors. Particular attention should be paid to the awareness of health risks of cigarette smoking and mental health problems among asthmatic adolescents.  相似文献   

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