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背景:侧向跨步切入动作是运动领域最常见的进攻技术,这显著增加了运动员膝关节受伤的风险,但目前相关侧向跨步动作的生物力学表现策略及下肢关节负荷特征并不十分清楚。目的:选择大学女子甲组篮球、足球运动员进行侧向跨步切入下肢动作策略,进行生物力学测试,并分析下肢关节的运动学及动力学参数,从而为运动员及教练员预防下肢伤害,尤其是膝关节十字韧带损伤提供重要参考。方法:选择某高校女子甲组足球及篮球各12名运动员作为研究对象,利用三维测力台及运动图像拍摄系统同步获取其侧向跨步切入动作的相关运动学及动力学参数,并运用SPSS 21.0分析软件对相关数据进行处理分析。该试验方案经天津体育学院伦理委员会批准。结果与结论:①足球运动员有较大的着地瞬间踝关节跖屈角度及髋关节外展角度、最大踝关节外翻角度、膝关节屈曲及内旋角度、膝关节屈曲及内旋角度变化量;②足球运动员有较大的踝关节外旋与髋关节内收力矩峰值,篮球运动员则有较大的踝关节跖屈力矩峰值;③篮球运动员有较小的前后分力制动第一及第二峰值、垂直分力第一峰值及较大的前后分力推蹬力峰值;④结果表明,跨步切入动作过程中,足球运动员习惯于前足着地方式进行急停,进而产生较高的地面反作用力,并增加膝关节屈曲角度进行缓冲,同时有较大的踝关节外翻角度及膝关节内旋角度,而篮球运动员在切入过程中膝关节屈曲角度较少,不利于下肢关节对地面反作用力的缓冲,并进而增加前十字韧带损伤风险。  相似文献   

目的 量化非预期条件下前交叉韧带重建(anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, ACLR)术后运动员侧切动作中膝关节生物力学特征,探讨运动员前交叉韧带(anterior cruciate ligament, ACL)损伤潜在风险。 方法 应用红外运动捕捉系统和三维测力台同步采集 30 名 ACLR 男性运动员在预期和非预期条件下侧切动作中健侧、患侧下肢运动学和动力学数据。 应用双因素方差分析对关节角度、关节力矩、地面反作用力( ground reaction force, GRF)等测试指标进行统计分析。 结果 患侧肢体的膝关节屈曲角度、外翻力矩和屈曲力矩显著低于健侧肢体,内旋力矩和胫骨前剪切力显著高于健侧肢体。 与预期条件相比,非预期条件下膝关节屈曲角度、内旋力矩、胫骨前剪切力显著增加。 患侧肢体膝关节外旋角度在预期和非预期条件下均显著高于健侧,非预期条件下健侧肢体侧向 GRF 和前后 GRF 显著小于预期条件,患侧肢体侧向 GRF 显著高于预期条件。 结论 ACLR 运动员进行侧切动作时,相比于健侧,患侧表现出较小的膝关节屈曲角度,较大的膝关节内旋力矩和胫骨前剪切力的生物力学特征,可能存在较大的 ACL 潜在损伤风险;在非预期条件下,ACLR 运动员双侧下肢均表现出膝关节内旋力矩增大,侧向 GRF 增大和胫骨前剪切力增大的生物力学特征,提示 ACL 潜在损伤风险不仅限于患侧,健侧下肢也应加强侧切动作中 ACL 损伤预防。  相似文献   

为探索中医手法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的运动学规律和机制,选取上海交通大学附属瑞金医院魏氏伤科手法中的经典“悬足压膝”和“腰部提拉”手法动作作为研究对象。对10名健康青年男性施加手法动作,并通过三维运动捕捉系统采集手法作用时受试者的5次运动学数据,定义人体相对关节坐标系,并通过Visual3D软件建立人体三维运动模型。计算下肢髋关节、膝关节和踝关节的相对运动角度,并分解对应得到各关节的屈曲/伸展、外展/内收、轴向旋转运动,处理计算得到关节的平均运动角度和轨迹规律。统计各运动数据,分析运动的左右侧差异。结果表明,右侧髋关节的平均被动屈曲角度可达137.33°,被动伸展角度可达30.86°,这与解剖学上髋关节的被动最大角度以及其与膝关节位置相关的理论相一致,也验证了髋关节的极限屈曲/伸展角度与膝关节的位置有关,从而说明魏氏手法的运动学作用机理在于促进髋关节被动运动达到可达最大程度。同时发现,部分关节运动角度针对下肢惯用侧存在统计学上的左右侧差异(P<0.05)。该研究为手法的研究和定量评估提供新的研究方法。  相似文献   

目的研究水下海豚泳打腿过程中运动员周围的流场特性、净流向力变化,以及伸展打腿结束时髋关节屈曲角度对水下海豚泳打腿的影响。方法通过三维扫描得到游泳运动员的身体形态数据,对数据进行逆向重构得到游泳运动员模型,对运动员模型的各关节进行分离,将模型划分为各运动环节,通过控制各运动环节的运动模拟水下海豚泳打腿动作,并使用计算流体力学(computational fluid mechanics,CFD)软件包ANSYS Fluent作为求解器进行计算求解。结果流场中速度梯度较大的区域,涡结构从运动员的身体表面脱落,且伸展打腿阶段和屈曲打腿阶段脱落的涡结构不同;推进力主要产生于伸展打腿阶段;伸展打腿结束时,当髋关节的屈曲角度由20°增加至30°,运动员受到的阻力减小。结论在一定程度上增加伸展打腿结束时的髋关节屈曲角度能够减小运动员进行水下海豚泳打腿时受到的阻力,增加游进速度。  相似文献   

目的比较两种疲劳方案对人体落地动作下肢关节运动学及冲击力时/频域特征的影响。方法选取15名优秀跑、跳类专项男性运动员,利用Vicon运动捕捉系统和Kistler三维测力台比较两种疲劳方案(恒速跑、折返跑+垂直纵跳)前后落地时矢、额状面运动学和地面反作用力(ground reaction force,GRF)时/频域特征。结果(1)两种疲劳方案均会造成髋、膝关节在矢状面上的角度减小、屈曲活动度增加,且采用跑+跳方案时踝关节屈曲活动度、膝关节最大屈曲角速度增加(P0.05),髋关节外展活动度以及髋、膝关节最大外展角速度增加(P0.05);(2)两种疲劳方案前后,冲击力时域特征均无显著差异;采用跑和跑+跳方案,分别在3.51、8.20 Hz及1.17、3.51、7.03 Hz下表现出GRF频谱振幅减小(P0.05)。结论两种疲劳方案均会导致下肢在受到落地冲击时更多采用屈曲着地方式,但跑+跳方案表现更明显且干预时间更短,从实验方法学角度更具优势。研究结果可为研究疲劳后的力特征提供进一步参考。  相似文献   

背景:膝关节活动受限是一种比较常见的损伤后表现特征,但是对于膝关节活动受限下的肌肉协同有待研究。目的:研究单侧膝关节屈曲受限与正常运动下肢肌肉协同的异同。方法:招募20名健康成年人(男性12名,女性8名)作为受试者,分别采集屈曲受限条件下与无屈曲受限条件下自然行走的下肢表面肌电信号。通过非负矩阵分解算法从受限侧(右腿)的10块肌肉的表面肌电信号中提取肌肉协同,利用单因素方差分析研究在不同条件行走的步态参数显著差异。结果与结论:①屈曲受限条件下,受试者进行行走任务时肌肉协同数量减少,表现出不同的肌肉协调模式控制并且招募新的肌肉协同单元;随着协同模块的减少,内侧腓肠肌、外侧腓肠肌和比目鱼肌激活时间从支撑相向摆动相偏移的越明显;主要依靠股直肌、股内侧肌、股外侧肌和阔筋膜张肌进行代偿,使其在激活水平上表现的异常活跃,同时受限侧表现出划圈、提胯等动作,因此受限后主要以受限侧髋关节代偿;②屈曲受限条件下,受试者受限侧和非受限侧在步态参数(频率、步速、步态周期和支撑相占比)方面对比受限前均存在显著差异(P<0.05),同时非受限侧单腿支撑时间相较于受限前明显增大(P<0.01),受限侧支撑相占比和单腿支撑时间显著小于非受限侧(P<0.01);③因此,膝关节屈曲运动减弱可被认为是导致下肢肢体内协调受损的关键因素,研究结果对运动功能的定量分析以及人体下肢康复指导具有意义,并为了解运动功能受损背后的神经肌肉控制机制提供重要的见解。  相似文献   

目的针对我国男子越野滑雪运动员上坡双杖推进技术进行生物力学分析,确定不同水平运动员动作技术差异,明确运动员动作技术对运动表现的影响。方法选取2019年9月11~12日在吉林北山四季越野滑雪场15 km传统式越野滑雪比赛的24名运动员为研究对象,按比赛成绩分为高速组和低速组,通过三维拍摄方法获得运动学参数,分析两组运动员在周期特征、动作阶段以及关键技术指标上的差异。结果高速组周期速度显著大于低速组,滑幅与周期速度正相关,回摆距离与周期速度正相关;撑杖阶段的肘伸展平均角速度与回摆距离正相关,肘伸展时长与回摆距离负相关;回摆阶段的肩伸展平均角速度、肩外展活动范围与回摆距离正相关。以上指标在高、低速组间均表现出统计学差异。结论运动员上坡动作速度的差异主要由滑幅导致,滑幅的差异主要来自于回摆阶段,回摆距离越大,周期速度越大。影响运动员回摆距离差异的技术主要集中在上肢肩、肘关节。在今后训练中,我国低速组运动员应加强上肢肌肉力量,尤其是肩、肘关节力量,进一步充分发挥肩、肘关节活动的作用。同时在雪杖触地时刻,应注意增大的身体前倾角以及髋、膝关节的屈曲角度。  相似文献   

目的 分析太极拳转体与弓步动作中下肢关节活动顺序性、肌肉力表现和肌肉激活程度的差异,揭示太极拳转体动作的特征。 方法 募集 20 名练习时长超过 3 年的健康太极拳练习者,采用三维运动捕捉系统、测力台和表面肌电同步采集转体与弓步两种动作运动学、动力学和肌肉激活信息,并通过 OpenSim 仿真软件获取下肢肌力。结果 与弓步相比,转体动作髋、踝关节外旋幅度显著增大;膝关节外展和外旋力矩显著增大,股二头肌、半腱肌和内外侧腓肠肌峰值肌力显著增强,股二头肌、内外侧腓肠肌峰值肌力时刻显著提前,而股内外侧肌和胫骨前肌峰值肌力显著减小,胫骨前肌肌力最早达到峰值;股二头肌、股内外侧肌和内侧腓肠肌的平均激活水平和激活时间显著增加。 结论 太极拳转体动作由踝、髋关节依次转动组成,肌肉力表现的独特性在于重心两次转移致使支撑腿内外侧肌力曲线呈双峰型,因为全足着地延迟方式引发了腓肠肌与股四头肌激活顺序和肌肉平均激活水平改变。研究结果提示全足着地延迟方式具有调节肌肉激活顺序的作用,合理利用有助于提升临床康复效果。  相似文献   

目的 研究踝关节贴扎(限制踝关节内翻跖屈)在优势侧单腿落地动作中对膝关节生物力学特征的影响。方法 在踝关节未贴扎和贴扎两个条件下,18位业余运动员执行优势侧单腿落地动作,使用Vicon三维运动捕捉系统、Kistler测力台和Noraxon 表面肌电系统共同采集运动学、动力学、表面肌电数据,进行统计学分析。结果 与未贴扎相比,贴扎后触地时刻的膝关节屈曲角度和接触地面过程中膝关节最大屈曲角度显著性增加,而膝关节最大外翻角度显著性减小。结论 限制踝关节内翻跖屈贴扎可能会降低前交叉韧带损伤的风险。踝关节贴扎的干预方式能够改变在落地动作中膝关节生物力学指标。限制踝关节内翻跖屈贴扎可以作为预防大学生运动员前交叉韧带损伤的有效措施。  相似文献   

下肢姿势肌的肌电,特别论及腓肠肌   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以Ediswan脑电墨水描记仪,肌内电极,观察了15例健康青年男子在不同姿势和运动时的下肢姿势肌——股四头肌、股二头肌、半腱肌、腓肠肌及比目鱼肌的电位活动。分析的初步结果是:一、腓肠肌对膝关节的作用1.在下肢支撑体重时:如立正站立时的电位表明腓肠肌拉大腿下端向后,协同股二头肌及半腱肌对抗股四头肌以强固膝关节。在下蹲时膝关节屈曲和起立时膝关节伸展的运动中,腓肠肌都出现了电位活动。在站立位身体前倾时,腓肠肌与比目鱼肌亦都出现了明显的电位活动。腓肠肌内侧头和外侧头在小腿内旋和外旋时皆有电位活动。2.在站立时一个下肢支撑体重:另一个下肢和地面垂直,慢屈及伸小腿时以及在坐位,大腿和地面平行慢伸和屈小腿时,腓肠肌都未出现电位活动。二、腓肠肌对踝关节的作用腓肠肌协同比目鱼肌蹠屈足,当走步支撑腿后蹬及站立位时它可提足跟向上。在直立姿势中,腓肠肌和比目鱼肌都参加强固踝关节,并调节小腿在足骨上的位置关系。三、我们对于股四头肌、股二头肌及半腱肌在膝关节所起的作用上亦做了电位观察。  相似文献   

智能膝关节假肢是截肢患者恢复日常运动的重要辅具。对人体下肢运动意图的识别是实现下肢假肢控制的关键。该文针对此问题,提出了一种通过表面肌电信号预测膝关节角度的方法。对表面肌电提取时域特征,通过 BP 神经网络模型建立平地行走过程中表面肌电信号和膝关节角度的映射关系,预测膝关节角度。  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study was focused on the gait parameters of the knee extensor and hip abductor muscle groups, which are believed to contribute to knee joint function improvement in early postoperative TKA. The associations between patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) 6 months after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and the early postoperative internal knee extension moment, knee extension negative joint power, and internal hip abduction moment while walking were investigated.MethodsTwenty-one patients who underwent primary TKA for knee osteoarthritis were included. Three weeks after TKA, gait at a comfortable speed was measured by three-dimensional motion analysis. The lower limb joint angle, internal joint moment, and joint power parameters on the operated side while standing were calculated. The PROMs 6 months after TKA were assessed using the Japanese Knee Osteoarthritis Measure (JKOM). The relationship between each gait biomechanical parameter and the JKOM was determined.ResultsThe maximum internal knee extension moment and maximum knee extension negative joint power during the early stance showed moderate negative correlations with the JKOM scores. The maximum internal hip abduction moment was not correlated with the JKOM scores. The maximum internal hip extension moment during the early stance and internal hip flexion moment during the late stance showed moderate negative correlations with the total JKOM scores.ConclusionThe early postoperative internal knee extension moment, maximum knee extension negative joint power, and internal hip extension and flexion moment are associated with patient PROMs 6 months after TKA.  相似文献   

It was evaluated movements of lower limb in the double pulley system equipment on ten male volunteers during contraction of gastrocnemius (caput laterale) and gluteus maximus muscles in the following movements: 1) hip extension with extended knee and erect trunk, 2) hip extension with flexed knee and erect trunk, 3) hip extension with flexed knee and erect trunk, 3) hip extension with extended knee and inclined trunk, 5) hip abduction along the midline, 7) hip abduction with extension beyond the midline, 8) adduction with hip flexion beyond the midline, 8) adduction with hip flexion beyond the midline, and 9) adduction with hip extension beyond the midline. Myoelectric signals were taken up by Lec Tec surface electrodes connected to a 6-channel Lynx electromyographic signal amplifier coupled with a computer equipped with a model CAD 10/26 analogue digital conversion board and with a specific software for signal recording and analysis. We observed weak gastrocnemius muscle activity for all movements studied. In the case of gluteus maximus, the most important potentials were observed for movement 2, while for the remaining movements the actions were of reasonable intensity. Compared to gluteus, gastrocnemius was less required for all movements.  相似文献   

BackgroundLower limb strength asymmetry is associated with re-injury after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). This study investigated limb symmetry indices (LSIs) during isokinetic knee extensor and flexor assessment after ACLR.MethodsOverall, 25 patients underwent isokinetic knee extensor and flexor strength assessment, 9–12 months after ACLR with a semitendinosus autograft. While patients were included if they presented with peak knee extensor (PKET) and flexor (PKFT) torque LSIs ≥ 90%, LSIs were calculated at designated points throughout the isokinetic torque range of motion, including: 15°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 75° (from 90° of knee flexion) during PKET and 15°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 75° (from full knee extension) during PKFT. T-tests investigated limb differences for PKET and PKFT, as well as at the final 75° assessment point during knee extension and flexion, between: (1) males and females, (2) those that did, or did not, undergo meniscal surgery, and (3) those undergoing ACLR on their dominant or non-dominant limb.ResultsSignificant differences between limbs were observed for PKET at 15° (p = 0.040) and 75° (p = 0.002), and for PKFT at 60° (p = 0.001) and 75° (p < 0.0001). No comparative differences (p > 0.05) were seen based on gender, meniscal surgery or whether ACLR was on the dominant or non-dominant limb.ConclusionDespite 100% of patients demonstrating PKET and PKFT LSIs ≥ 90%, LSI differences existed at designated points throughout the knee extensor and flexor torque range of motion. Analysis of torques throughout full range should be considered in future studies, as comparison of isolated peak measures miss strength deficits.  相似文献   

The gastrocnemius was analysed in 10 male volunteers during knee flexion and extension with the foot in normal, plantar flexion and dorsal flexion positions. Hewlett-Packard surface electrodes, an electromyographic signal amplifier, a computer equipped with an A/D conversion plaque (Model CAD 10/26), a software specially designed to record and analyse the signals, a horizontal leg press, and electrogoniometers were used. The gastrocnemius muscle showed strong potentials at the end of knee extension and beginning of knee flexion. The muscle presented a similar activity both in the upper and lower platforms. As to bilateral action, the right gastrocnemius presented stronger potentials on the upper platforms, whereas the potentials were bilaterally similar on the lower platforms. As for foot position, the gastrocnemius presented strong potentials when the foot was in plantar flexion. The remaining positions had no effect on the work of the muscle.  相似文献   

This paper aimed at investigating the neuromuscular response of knee flexor and extensor muscles in elite karateka and karate amateurs (Amateurs) during isokinetic knee flexion/extensions and during the execution of a front kick (FK). Surface electromyograms (sEMG) were recorded from the right vastus lateralis (VL) and biceps femoris (BF) muscles with a four-array electrode during maximal isometric knee flexion and extension (maximal voluntary contraction), during isokinetic contractions (30°, 90°, 180°, 270°, 340°, 400°/s), and during the FK. The level of VL and BF agonist (ago) and antagonist (ant) activation during the isokinetic and FK protocols was quantified through normalized sEMG root mean square value (%RMSago/ant-ISOK/FK). VL and BF average muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) was computed for isokinetic and FK. Isokinetic flexion and extension torques and knee angular velocity during FK were also assessed. Analysis of variance was used to test the effect of group, angular velocity, and task on the assessed variables (P < 0.05). Elite karateka showed higher isokinetic knee flexion torque when compared with Amateurs. For all angular velocities, VL and BF %RMSant-isokinetic were lower in elite karateka, while their BF-CVisokinetic BF-CVfront kick and BF %RMSant-front kick values were higher. For VL and BF, %RMSago-front kick was lower than %RMSago-isokinetic in both groups. Elite karateka demonstrated a typical neuromuscular activation strategy that seems task and skill level dependent. Knee flexion torque and CV results suggest the presence of an improved ability of elite karateka to recruit fast MUs as a part of training induced neuromuscular adaptation.  相似文献   

目的分析痉挛型脑瘫患者功能性选择性脊神经后根切断(functional selective posterior rhizotomy,FSPR)手术前后的步态特征,客观量化评估手术疗效。方法选取15名将要进行FSPR手术治疗的痉挛型脑瘫患者,应用VICON三维运动捕捉系统结合AMTI三维测力台对患者进行手术前后的步态采集,分析手术前后步态的时空、运动学及动力学参数。结果手术后,左、右支撑时间均大于手术前,左侧步长明显大于手术前,步高、步速及冠状面重心偏移均小于手术前;着地时的膝关节矢状面角度(即屈伸角度)出现明显提高,髋、踝关节未见明显差异。手术后,步行过程中左右侧髋、膝、踝关节活动范围(range of motion,ROM)在矢状面均出现不同程度的提高,且有统计学差异;右踝关节冠状面ROM也出现明显提高。手术后,右膝关节最小屈曲角度及左、右踝关节最大跖屈角度均出现显著减小;左、右侧支撑相最大垂直力较手术前明显提高,而下肢关节力矩未见明显差异。结论三维步态分析可以在一定程度上评估痉挛型脑瘫患者FSPR手术的疗效。术后痉挛型脑瘫患者的痉挛得到缓解,对步态的时空参数及下肢关节运动学参数改善比较明显,而对于动力学参数改善相对不明显,需进行进一步康复治疗。  相似文献   

目的 为更好评价踝足矫形器(ankle-foot orthosis, AFO)的人机工效,提出一种 AFO 人机耦合仿真刚度对步态生物力学影响的评价方法。 方法 首先,评测两种 AFO 的力学特性并量化其刚度;其次,采集 30 名受试者在正常与穿戴两种不同刚度 AFO 行走条件下的运动学及动力学数据;最后,通过仿真计算,定量对比分析 AFO 刚度对 行走中下肢关节角度、关节力矩与肌肉力的影响。 结果 在穿戴两种刚度 AFO 情况下,支撑相踝关节背屈峰值角度、膝关节屈曲峰值角度和髋关节伸展峰值角度均显著增加(P<0. 05),比目鱼肌与腓肠肌峰值肌肉力呈现增加趋势。 踝关节跖屈峰值角度、髋关节屈曲峰值角度与髋关节屈曲峰值力矩均显著降低(P<0. 05)。 结论 本文所提出的 AFO 人机耦合仿真方法可以有效实现不同刚度对步态生物力学影响的定量评估,该方法同样也适用于评估和优化其他辅助器具的人机工效,可以为 AFO 的选配、适配、优化设计提供方法指导。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe purpose of this study was to identify sex differences in lower limb kinematics, kinetics, and muscle activation patterns between individuals with osteoarthritis and healthy controls during a two-legged squat.MethodThirty OA (15 females) and 30 healthy (15 females) participants performed three 2-legged squats. Sagittal and frontal plane hip, knee, and ankle kinematics and kinetics were calculated. Two-way ANOVAs (Sex X OA Status) were used to characterize differences in squatting strategies between sexes and between those with and without knee OA.ResultsA greater decrease in sagittal hip, knee, and ankle range of motion and knee joint power was observed in the OA participants compared to the healthy controls. Females with OA had significantly reduced hip and knee adduction angles compared to the healthy females and males with OA. Females also had decreased hip power, hip flexion, and hip adduction moments and knee adduction moments compared to their male counterparts, with the greatest deficits observed in the females with OA. Females with OA also had the highest magnitude of muscle activation for the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gastrocnemius throughout the squat, while males with OA showed increased activation of the vastus lateralis and medial gastrocnemius compared to the healthy males.ConclusionsOA significantly altered biomechanics and neuromuscular control during the squat, with males employing a hip-dominant strategy, allowing them to achieve a greater lower limb range of motion.  相似文献   

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