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目的了解出租车司机饮食行为和膳食结构的特点,为相关部门制定健康教育策略提供依据。方法以随机拦截的方法,对上海虹桥机场蓄车池中的1018名出租车司机进行问卷调查。结果出租车司机每日在外就餐以及1日3餐均在外就餐的比例分别为98.4%和44.6%;吃早餐的司机中96.6%的司机的早餐营养不充足,仅0.9%的司机早餐营养充足;司机中不吃早餐、午餐和晚餐的比例分别为3.0%、2.0%和2.4%;司机工作在外时,午餐和晚餐主要是"主食+荤菜+素菜"的膳食构成模式,较少选择水果;司机选择午餐和晚餐的就餐环境,干净卫生和能吃饱是主要考虑的因素,仅4%左右的司机会考虑营养的因素,其中市区司机选择午餐和晚餐时考虑营养的比例高于郊区司机。结论出租车司机存在饮食不规律,1日3餐分配和膳食结构不合理的现象,应加强出租车司机的营养知识宣传教育,降低超重和肥胖,预防高血压等慢性病的发生。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市出租车司机膳食模式及生活方式,为进一步开展干预提供基础资料和科学依据。方法于2017年在北京市某出租汽车公司随机招募出租车司机297名作为调查对象。问卷调查出租车司机的营养知识知晓情况、饮食行为、膳食生活方式及健康状况等,并进行体格检查。采用SAS 9.4软件进行t检验、秩和检验和χ2检验。结果北京市出租车司机《中国居民膳食指南》的知晓率为39.4%,"中国居民膳食宝塔"的知晓率为4.1%,成人每天盐的推荐摄入量的知晓率为11.4%,成人每天油的推荐摄入量的知晓率为1.0%。95.1%的出租车司机出车时在外就餐;16.4%的司机出车时3餐均在外就餐。出租车司机不吃早餐、午餐、晚餐的比例分别是9.2%、1.9%和2.6%,早餐营养质量充足者仅占8.4%。蛋类平均每天摄入量达到了《中国居民膳食指南》的推荐摄入量,蔬菜、水果、水产品、奶及奶制品平均每天摄入量未达到推荐量,谷薯类、大豆及坚果、畜禽肉平均每天摄入量超过了推荐量。仅21.6%的司机身体活动为高水平;通常1 d开车时长为(12.2±4.0)h;出车时睡眠不足率高达49.8%;超重肥胖患病率为80.0%,中心性肥胖率为68.7%,高血压患病率为62.0%。结论北京市出租车司机营养相关知识水平偏低,存在在外就餐率偏高、膳食结构不合理、身体活动不足、睡眠不足率偏高、超重肥胖及高血压患病率偏高等现象,应针对该职业人群加强营养健康教育。  相似文献   

目的研究北京市成年居民在外就餐人口特征、不同特征人群在不同餐次(早餐、午餐、晚餐)的在外就餐情况。方法从北京市参与2010—2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测的人群中,选取18岁及以上参加3天24小时膳食调查的居民作为研究对象进行分析。结果北京市成年居民在外就餐率为34.2%,男性高于女性;18~29岁人群高于其他年龄组;城区居民高于郊区居民;未婚者高于其他婚姻状态者;文化程度越高,在外就餐率越高;高收入人群高于低收入人群。北京市成年居民在外就早、午、晚餐率分别为20.0%、28.2%和11.3%。结论性别、年龄、地区、婚姻状况、文化程度和收入水平,均与是否选择在外就餐有关。居民在外就午餐率高于早餐和晚餐。  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市东城区(南)中小学生饮食行为及营养素摄人现状,为制定相关改善策略和营养干预提供依据.方法 采用多阶段分层整群抽样的方法,抽取小学、初中、高中、职高学校各1所,对439名学生进行了问卷调查.结果 在校期间,59.45%的学生每日均吃早餐,且42.96%的均能吃饱.午餐方式前3位的是:学校食堂,占54.44%;校外送餐,占33.94%;回家就餐,占4.1%.午餐能吃饱的学生占28.02%,吃不饱的主要原因:做得不好吃,占51.58%;不喜欢吃占25.63%;不够吃占17.09%.晚餐方式前3位是:回家就餐的占54.21%,学校食堂占36.45%,家里带饭占4.78%.64.92%的学生晚餐能吃饱,45.1%的偶尔剩饭,40.32%的从不剩饭.只有1.82%的学生平均每日肉类、蛋类、奶制品、豆制品、新鲜蔬菜和新鲜水果的摄入量均能达到《中国居民膳食指南》的推荐量.结论 东城区(南)中小学生膳食营养结构极不平衡,应加强学校食堂、送餐公司和家庭的平衡膳食知识的健康教育.  相似文献   

目的了解北京地区出租车司机饮食习惯和营养知识知晓情况。方法采用随机抽样的方法抽取北京市4个远郊区县200名出租车司机进行问卷调查,收集出租车司机基本情况、行为习惯、饮食习惯和营养知识知晓情况等方面信息,采用Epidata软件录入数据,使用SPSS 17.0统计软件对调查结果进行描述性统计分析。结果 73.3%的司机工作时间超过10个小时,86.7%的司机睡眠时间少于8个小时,57.9%的出租车司机缺乏体育锻炼。大部分司机缺乏一般的营养学知识,营养知晓率方面问卷调查合格率占总人数的44.6%。以价格便宜和口味好作为选择食物依据的比例分别为43.9%和38.1%。18.5%的司机不能保证正常的进餐时间,38.0%的司机从不吃早餐;70.9%的司机表示愿意改善目前不合理的饮食习惯。结论北京市出租车司机仍然存在膳食结构不合理、饮食不规律等问题,且普遍存在营养知识知晓率低的问题,但大部分出租车司机表现出对营养相关知识的重视和兴趣,今后应加强对出租车司机营养知识的宣教。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市出租车司机生活方式与健康现状,为改善出租车司机的健康状况提供科学依据。方法采用方便抽样的方法,在北京首都机场T3航站楼地下停车场候机排队的出租车中随机抽取1052人作为调查对象。采用问卷调查的方法收集司机的生活方式与健康状况等信息。结果北京市出租车司机的出车方式以单班为主(61.3%),出车时长每天平均(13.4±3.5)个小时,郊区司机的出车平均时长比城区多3个小时,睡眠时长每天平均(6.8±2.2)个小时。司机的BMI平均为(25.8±3.8)。仅有36.9%的司机在1周内参加过中等强度及以上的活动。48.4%的司机在最近1年参加过体检,城区司机的体检率(54.8%)高于郊区司机(45.4%)。68.4%的出租车司机吸烟,51.6%的司机饮酒,城区的吸烟率和饮酒率均高于郊区。20%的司机不能保证每天吃蔬菜,仅有22.5%的司机每天吃水果。每天平均吃蔬菜(347.1±212.4)g,常吃萝卜、黄瓜、西红柿。每天平均吃水果(204.2±150.0)g,常吃苹果、香蕉、西瓜。结论北京市出租车司机饮食起居无规律,工作时间偏长,存在许多不健康的生活方式,健康状况不容乐观。  相似文献   

目的分析我国不同地区成年人的就餐行为,为制定干预措施提供基础资料。方法利用2010年中国慢性病监测问卷调查数据,对97 016名18岁及以上居民的就餐行为进行分析,描述不同性别、年龄和城乡就餐行为差异。结果我国居民中92.9%是一日三餐,6.7%是一日两餐,一日中不吃早餐的比例最高,为3.4%,在家和在外用早餐的比例分别为85.1%和14.9%,在家和在外用午餐的比例分别为81.7%和18.3%,在家和在外用晚餐的比例分别为89.3%和10.7%。女性居民在家用早餐、午餐和晚餐的比例均高于男性,差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为978.56、1 922.68、1 515.95,P0.01),随着居民年龄增加,在家用早餐、午餐和晚餐的比例均逐步升高,农村居民在家用早餐、午餐和晚餐比例均高于城市居民,差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为3 814.42、2 965.02、1 328.71,P0.01),西部地区居民在家用餐比例较高。结论在家用餐仍是我国居民主要用餐方式,但在外就餐和不吃早餐日趋增多应引起关注。应该加强营养宣传教育,引导人们养成健康的饮食行为。  相似文献   

[目的]通过对广州市白领人群的午餐现状进行调查,了解该人群的营养知识和膳食行为,为白领人群营养教育提供依据。[方法]采用问卷调查法,在广州市白领人群中随机抽取100名,对其营养知识、饮食行为、膳食结构、对午餐的评价等进行调查。[结果]营养知识水平总体较高,回答正确率为61.86%~84.54%;营养知识得分高与低者比较,两者在进餐是否按时、选择食物种类是否丰富方面差异无统计学意义。营养知识主要获得途径是各种媒体,92.78%者能按时、基本按时吃午餐,约70%者不在家吃午餐。膳食结构方面,存在不合理之处,相当部分人肉类量较足,蔬菜、水果量较少;对含铁丰富食物如动物肝、动物血有摄取意识者较少,且偶尔吃及几乎不吃动物肝、动物血者比例高达62.89%。豆制品、粗杂粮常吃者比例较低。83.5%者对午餐现状还算满意,40.21%的白领选择午餐食物多依据个人口味和爱好,很少考虑营养。希望午餐在如下方面能够加以改进:食物的种类搭配、口味、营养、降低价格、提高送餐效率、食物卫生、少放油。[结论]广州市白领人群的营养知识尚可,膳食结构存在不合理之处,饮食行为有待纠正。  相似文献   

目的分析和掌握天津居民就餐饮食行为,为科学评价和指导就餐行为、制定干预措施提供基础资料和科学依据。方法随机选取全市不同类餐厅共计完成842人的就餐行为调查,分析人群就餐饮食行为。结果天津居民中89.9%是一日三餐,9.1%是一日两餐,城市、农村居民中一日三餐的比例相差不大(P>0.05),城区居民一日二餐的比例(11.2%)高于农村(6.6%);早晚餐就餐地点以在家就餐比例(51.3%、82.5%)最高,男性早午晚餐在家就餐的比例低于女性各年龄组中<15岁组及60岁及以上组早午晚餐在家就餐的比例较高,午餐就餐地点以在单位食堂就餐人群比例(42.0%)最高,一日中不吃早餐的比例最高(7.4%),城区居民不吃早餐的比例(9.9%)明显高于农村(4.2%)。结论天津居民的就餐行为存在不合理之处:一日两餐在城区高于农村,尤其是不吃早餐更加明显;午餐就餐地点以在单位食堂最多,这会大大增加在外就餐的比例,因此应加强营养教育,促使人们采取健康的饮食行为,重视早餐的重要性,养成一日3餐规律的进餐习惯。  相似文献   

目的针对北京市门头沟区学生午餐方式及食堂供餐现状进行分析,为相关部门提出合理化建议。方法选取北京市门头沟区全部学校进行学生午餐就餐方式及学校食堂供餐情况进行问卷调查。结果门头沟区中小学生午餐就餐方式,41%学校食堂用餐,33%吃外送营养餐,26%回家用餐;学校食堂19所均已取得餐饮服务许可证,食堂量化分级均在B级以上,仅6所城镇地区学校食堂有营养师,仅1所食堂按年级分别为学生制作午餐食谱。结论食品卫生状况得到了保证,但由于学校缺乏营养师,仅32%的学生食堂能提供营养餐,仅1所学校食堂按年级分别制作学生午餐食谱。因此,相关部门加大资金投入,有条件聘请营养师,同时加强营养知识宣传,使学生认识健康膳食、均衡营养对身体健康的重要性,使学生自觉养成合理膳食的饮食行为和良好的生活习惯。  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to describe eating patterns (e.g., breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacking, number of eating episodes, temporal patterns of eating across the 24-hour day, and the frequency of eating out) in a healthy U.S. population in order to provide a basis for future studies on the association between eating patterns and disease. Twenty-four hour dietary recalls were used to assess eating patterns, and cross-sectional analyses were conducted. Ninety-six percent of subjects usually consumed breakfast, 78% consumed lunch, 95% consumed dinner, and 60% consumed snacks. On average, participants ate 3.92 times daily (standard deviation(SD)=0.8). Caloric intake on weekend days was significantly greater than on weekdays. There was a tendency of participants to eat meals frequently outside of the home.  相似文献   

目的了解北京市中小学校自供营养餐的管理现状,为学生营养餐的健康持续发展提供依据。方法采用典型抽样方法抽取北京市东城区和海淀区10所自供营养午餐学校的管理人员10名、中小学生3 761名、家长3 529名,于2007年4月2-6日进行营养午餐管理及态度行为调查。结果学校自供营养餐管理者从事营养餐管理工作年限较长,但均毕业于非营养相关专业;10所学校食堂只有5所学校有营养师,规模小的学校食堂中营养师及高级别厨师严重缺乏;学校对营养餐进行了大量的宣传,但在提高营养知识、改善饮食行为上效果不佳,学生剩饭率仍接近30%。结论学校自供餐是学生营养餐工作的重要组成部分,应进一步加强管理,强化人员培训,提高营养质量,加强学生营养教育工作及健康饮食习惯的培养。  相似文献   



To describe the meals consumed by adults living in a midsize city in the South of Brazil, according to the place and preparation.


A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Pelotas, Southern Brazil, in 2012. The two-stage sampling design used the 2010 census tracts as primary sampling units. Data were collected on the place of meals (at home or out) and on the kind of preparations consumed at home (homemade, snacks, take away food) covering the two days prior to the interview, using a standardized questionnaire.


The study included 2,927 adults, of which 59.0% were female, 60.0% were below 50 years of age and 58.0% were in work. Data were collected on 11,581 meals consumed on the two days preceding the interview, 25.0% were consumed outside of the home at lunchtime, and 10.0% at dinnertime. Considering home meals, most participants reported eating food prepared at home at both lunch and dinner. The majority of out-of-home meals (64.0% for lunch and 61.0% for dinner) were consumed in the work place, mostly based on food prepared at home. Individuals eating out of home were mostly male, young and highly educated. The occupational categories that ate at restaurants more often were trade workers, businessmen, teachers and graduate professionals.


Despite the changes in eating patterns described in Brazil in recent years, residents of medium-sized towns still mostly eat at home, consuming homemade food.  相似文献   

目的了解北京市中小学校午餐供餐现状,为全面推广学校营养餐政策提供依据。方法采用方便抽样的方法,对北京东城、朝阳、通州、门头沟4个区县40所中小学校午餐供餐情况进行问卷调查和现场调查。结果城区提供营养餐的学校(包括自供和外送营养餐)占95.0%,郊区占45.0%;所有被调查学校均能做到食品卫生管理规范,食物荤素搭配;从外送餐运抵学校到学生开始用餐的时间平均为25.3 min,最长时间为65 min。结论学校营养午餐工作已得到北京市各区县的普遍重视,学校还应继续加强对学生餐营养质量和卫生安全的管理。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市中小学校自供营养餐的营养质量,为改善学生营养午餐提供依据。方法在对北京市东城区6所自供餐学校提供的营养食谱分析的基础上,对东城区自供餐的1所中学、1所小学采用记账法进行为期1周的膳食调查,并通过现场观察法调查用餐学生的剩饭情况;同时采用典型抽样的方式抽取东城区、海淀区10所自供餐学校的中小学生3 761名进行问卷调查,评价学校供餐的感官质量。结果学校自供营养餐中铁、锌、B族维生素供应量达到标准,能量、蛋白质严重超标,钙供给量不足;学生对午餐色、香、味满意度分别为42.1%,42.6%和42.4%,形的满意度最差(25.1%);总体剩饭率为29.8%。结论学校自供餐营养质量、感官质量均有待进一步提高,学校营养教育有待加强,学生饮食行为有待改善。  相似文献   

Meal and snack patterns are associated with energy and nutrient intakes and consequently health and nutritional status. The aim of this paper is to describe the percentage of daily energy intake from meals and afternoon snack among Malaysian adults. The study included a representative sample of adults aged 18-59 years (n=7349) from a nationwide Food Consumption Survey conducted by the Ministry of Health. Information on dietary intake was obtained using a one day 24-hour diet recall (24-HDR). Dietary data on 6886 adults were analysed using Nutritionist ProTM and statistical analysis was carried out using the SPSS 13.0. The median percentage of daily energy intake is reported only for adults consuming meals and afternoon tea and by socio-demographic characteristics as well as body mass index (BMI) status. More than 80% of Malaysian adults consumed morning meals, lunch and dinner and 54% reported having afternoon tea. The median percentage of energy intake from morning meals, lunch, dinner and afternoon tea was 29.9%, 30.5%, 32.4% and 17%, respectively. There were variations in the median percentage of energy from meals and snacks according to the socio-demographic variables and BMI status. It is important to understand the eating patterns of Malaysians as the information can assist in efforts to address obesity and diet-related chronic diseases among adults.  相似文献   

While several studies have explored nutrient intake and dietary habits associated with depression, few studies have reflected recent trends and demographic factors. Therefore, we examined how nutrient intake and eating habits are associated with depression, according to gender and age. We performed simple and multiple regressions using nationally representative samples of 10,106 subjects from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The results indicated that cholesterol, dietary fiber, sodium, frequency of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and eating out were significantly associated with depression (p-value < 0.05). Moreover, depression was associated with nutrient intake and dietary habits by gender and age group: sugar, breakfast, lunch, and eating out frequency in the young women’s group; sodium and lunch frequency among middle-age men; dietary fibers, breakfast, and eating out frequency among middle-age women; energy, moisture, carbohydrate, lunch, and dinner frequency in late middle-age men; breakfast and lunch frequency among late middle-age women; vitamin A, carotene, lunch, and eating out frequency among older age men; and fat, saturated fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acid, omega-6 fatty acid, and eating out frequency among the older age women’s group (p-value < 0.05). This study can be used to establish dietary strategies for depression prevention, considering gender and age.  相似文献   

BackgroundPrevious dietary studies and current dietary guidelines have mainly focused on dietary intake and food patterns. Little is known about the association between eating behaviors such as meal frequency, skipping and intervals, and mortality.ObjectiveThe objective was to examine the associations of meal frequency, skipping, and intervals with all-cause and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality.DesignThis was a prospective study.Participants/settingA total of 24,011 adults (aged ≥40 years) who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2014 were included in this study. Eating behaviors were assessed using 24-hour recall. Death and underlying causes of death were ascertained by linkage to death records through December 31, 2015.Main outcome measuresThe outcomes were all-cause and CVD mortality.Statistical analyses performedMultivariable Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) of all-cause and CVD mortality.ResultsDuring 185,398 person-years of follow-up period, 4,175 deaths occurred, including 878 cardiovascular deaths. Most participants ate three meals per day. Compared with participants eating three meals per day, the multivariable-adjusted HRs for participants eating one meal per day were 1.30 (95% CI 1.03 to 1.64) for all-cause mortality, and 1.83 (95% CI 1.26 to 2.65) for CVD mortality. Participants who skipped breakfast have multivariable-adjusted HRs 1.40 (95% CI 1.09 to 1.78) for CVD mortality compared with those who did not. The multivariable-adjusted HRs for all-cause mortality were 1.12 (95% CI 1.01 to 1.24) for skipping lunch and 1.16 (95% CI 1.02 to 1.32) for skipping dinner compared with those who did not. Among participants eating three meals per day, the multivariable-adjusted HR for participants with an average interval of ≤4.5 hours in two adjacent meals was 1.17 (95% CI 1.04 to 1.32) for all-cause mortality, comparing with those having a meal interval of 4.6 to 5.5 hours.ConclusionsIn this large, prospective study of US adults aged 40 years or older, eating one meal per day was associated with an increased risk of all-cause and CVD mortality. Skipping breakfast was associated with increased risk of CVD mortality, whereas skipping lunch or dinner was associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality. Among participant with three meals per day, a meal interval of ≤4.5 hours in two adjacent meals was associated with higher all-cause mortality.  相似文献   

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