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目的探讨后腹腔镜肾部分切除术治疗。肾肿瘤的手术方法及临床疗效。方法选择7例肾肿瘤患者行后腹腔镜肾部分切除术。其中T1期肾癌6例,肾错构瘤1例。术中阻断肾动脉主干4例,选择性阻断肾段动脉3例。距肿瘤约1.0cm处,整块剪除肿瘤和部分肾实质及其表面的脂肪组织,分层缝合集合系统和肾实质后,解除阻断。观察手术时间、肾动脉或肾段动脉阻断时间、术中出血量及围术期并发症。结果7例手术均成功完成,肿瘤包膜完整,术后切缘阴性。手术时间110~220min,平均155min;术中出血40-250mL,平均120mL。肾动脉阻断时间22~50min,平均35min,肾段动脉阻断时间16~28min,平均23min。术后随访1~9月,无继发出血,无漏尿,无肿瘤局部复发,总肾功能及分肾功能无异常。结论后腹腔镜肾脏部分切除术微创安全可行,控瘤效果好,保留的肾单位功能恢复好;选择性段动脉阻断的肾部分切除术,可期望得到最大限度的。肾功能保留。  相似文献   

不阻断或短时间阻断肾动脉行腹腔镜保留肾单位手术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨不阻断或短时间阻断肾动脉行腹腔镜保留肾单位手术的临床效果. 方法 2004年9月~2006年11月,采用不阻断或短时间阻断肾动脉对29例肾肿瘤行腹腔镜保留肾单位手术.25例采用经后腹腔途径,4孔法操作,游离出肾动脉,血管束带绕过肾动脉后经套管引出体外,暂不阻断肾动脉,切除肿瘤表面及周围的肾脂肪囊,超声刀沿瘤体边缘外0.5 cm处分离,由浅入深,边切割边止血,直到完全切除肿瘤.若切除肿瘤过程中肾脏创面出血过多影响操作,可暂时阻断肾动脉并计时,迅速切除肿瘤,双极电凝止血后,即可开放肾动脉.止血纱布块填压肾脏创面,2-0可吸收线间断全层缝合肾实质创面,表面喷洒生物蛋白胶.4例采用经腹腔途径,肾下极找出输尿管,挑起后向肾门处游离,找出肾动脉,余步骤同腹膜外途径. 结果 29例均完成腹腔镜保留肾单位手术,术中20例未阻断肾动脉,9例阻断肾动脉,平均阻断时间14 min(5~20 min),平均手术时间165 min(105~240 min),平均出血量90 ml(20~800 ml),2例输血,无尿漏等其他并发症.术后住院时间平均9 d(7~17 d).18例肾癌平均随访9个月(1~26个月),肿瘤无复发. 结论 不阻断或短时间阻断肾动脉行腹腔镜保留肾单位手术安全可靠,但应选择未侵及肾脏集尿系统的外周型肿瘤.  相似文献   

保留肾单位的腹腔镜肾肿瘤切除手术方法及技巧   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 介绍腹腔镜下钳夹法肾蒂阻断、锐性切除肿瘤以及创面直接缝合行保留肾单位的肾肿瘤切除术方法及手术技巧.方法 2003年6月至2005年6月,收治肾外生性实性肿瘤患者16例.男5例,女11例.年龄29~56岁,平均46岁.肿瘤位于左侧9例,右侧7例.肾细胞癌5例,肿瘤直径2.0~3.5 cm;肾错构瘤11例,肿瘤直径3.0~5.5 cm,其中1例肾错构瘤继发出血.经腹腔路径行保留肾单位的腹腔镜肾肿瘤切除术,手术在无损伤钳钳夹肾蒂控制血管后距肿瘤0.5~1.0 cm正常实质处锐性切除,创面缝合止血.结果 16例手术均成功.手术时间70~150 min,平均104min.肾蒂阻断时间14~32 min,平均21 min.术中出血量50~700 ml,平均158 ml.5例肾细胞癌患者病理检查示切缘阴性.16例术后无尿瘘、无继发出血,肾功能未见异常.2~4 d肛门排气,平卧1周出院.随访1~24个月,16例B超复查、11例CT检查肿瘤无复发,IVU复查肾显影良好.结论 可靠的肾血管控制是腹腔镜下行保留肾单位的肾肿瘤切除术的基本保证,无烟雾锐性切除肿瘤和创面的缝合处理能有效减少肾缺血时间,是保留、保护肾单位的有效手段,也是最有效的止血方法.本手术创伤小、出血少、痛苦少、并发症少、恢复快,能有效切除肿瘤和保留或保护肾功能.  相似文献   

目的:探讨阻断肾动脉主干对腹腔镜下保留肾单位术后患者肾功能的影响.方法回顾分析因肾肿瘤行腹腔镜下保留肾单位手术患者的临床资料,根据术中肾动脉阻断时间、出血量、肿瘤分期、肿瘤病理、术后随访及肾小球滤过率变化,分析肾动脉阻断对保留肾单位手术后肾功能的影响.结果82例患者中,肾透明细胞癌75例,乳头状肾细胞癌3例,嫌色细胞癌4例;肾动脉阻断时间平均(24.5±8.6)min,术中失血量(249.4±66.9)ml.热缺血时间在25 min 以内的患者与26~30 min 患者比较,术后患肾肾功能受损差异无统计学意义(P >0.05);热缺血时间为31~40 min 的患者与前两组比较,术后患肾肾功能受损差异有统计学意义(P <0.05).结论保留肾单位手术均会使患侧肾功能下降,但阻断肾动脉主干热缺血时间控制在30 min 内对肾功能影响相对较小.  相似文献   

腹腔镜下保留肾单位手术止血经验介绍   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 探讨腹腔镜下保留肾单位手术止血方法及临床效果.方法应用超声刀、双极电凝切除肾肿瘤,止血纱布块填压、生物黏合剂喷洒及肾实质创面缝合的方法对30例肾肿瘤患者行腹腔镜下保留肾单位手术,其中经腹腔途径4例.男22例,女8例.平均年龄50岁.局限性肾癌20例,肿瘤平均直径2.5(1.5~4.0)cm;肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤10例,肿瘤平均直径2.4(1.0~4.0)cm.观察手术时间、术中术后出血量、术后住院天数、并发症及手术疗效.结果 30例均完成腹腔镜下保留肾单位手术,20例未阻断肾蒂.平均手术时间169min,平均出血量100 ml,1例术中输血200 ml,另1例术后第3天发生继发性出血,腹膜后血肿,输血800 ml.未发生其他并发症.术后平均住院9 d.30例术后1个月肾功能均正常.19例肾癌患者随访1~26个月,平均9个月,肿瘤无复发. 结论 腹腔镜下保留肾单位手术时,应用超声刀、双极电凝切除肿瘤,止血纱布块填压、生物黏合剂喷洒及肾实质创面缝合法止血效果确实可靠.  相似文献   

目的探讨后腹腔镜下肾浅在小肿瘤(3cm)剜除术中不阻断肾动脉的可行性。方法 2005年4月~2009年4月对12例肾单发直径1.2~3.0cm的小肿瘤行后腹腔镜肿瘤剜除术。术中游离肾动脉,预置血管夹,以备肾动脉阻断;常规不阻断肾动脉情况下,距离肿瘤边缘1cm以上褥式外翻缝合1~2针,收紧缝线打结,预先缝线阻断肾肿瘤区血供;距离肿瘤边缘0.5~1cm,剜除肾肿瘤。结果 12例后腹腔镜手术均获成功,无中转开放手术。手术时间90~170min,平均130.3min;1例剜除肾肿瘤时出血较明显,需阻断肾动脉,时间约20min。术中出血量80~400ml,平均150.6ml,无大出血输血病例。3例术后出现肉眼血尿,均在术后3d内消失。住院时间5~7d,平均6.7d。术后病理:肾脏透明细胞癌10例,错构瘤2例,切缘均阴性。12例术后随访3个月~3年,平均15.5月,复查肾功能正常,B超、CT检查无肿瘤复发,无肾脏萎缩。结论后腹腔镜肾小肿瘤剜除术中预先缝线阻断肾局部肿瘤区血供,不阻断肾动脉是安全可行的。  相似文献   

目的探讨不阻断肾动脉的零缺血腹腔镜肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤(renal angiomyolipoma,RAML)剜除术的可行性及有效性。方法 2013年12月~2015年6月,行14例不阻断肾动脉的腹腔镜下RAML切除术,2例为孤立肾。右侧8例,左侧6例。单发11例,多发3例。肿瘤直径3.5~8 cm,平均4.5 cm。肿瘤位于肾脏上极5例,下极6例,肾窦内3例。10例经后腹腔途径,4例经腹腔途径。术中先游离肾动脉以备阻断。充分暴露肿瘤后,于肿瘤边缘标记切除范围,超声刀沿肿瘤边缘边切边用吸引器吸引,逐步切除肿瘤,用吸引器彻底吸除基底部残留肿瘤组织。小的肿瘤创面用V-Loc免打结缝线全层缝合,大的创面先缝合基底部止血并缩小创面,再缝合创面;肾窦内小的肿瘤切除后用止血材料填塞。结果 14例手术均成功,均未阻断肾动脉,无中转开放手术。手术时间54~87 min,平均67 min。术中出血30~350 ml,平均130 ml。术后无继发出血、漏尿及急性肾功能衰竭等并发症。随访5~12个月,平均8.3月,未见肿瘤残留及复发。结论不阻断肾动脉的状态下可以完成腹腔镜RAML剜除术。术前应完善影像学检查,了解肿瘤与肾脏血管的位置关系,术中要游离肾动脉做好阻断准备工作。  相似文献   

目的探讨后腹腔镜下不阻断肾动脉行保留肾单位肾脏肿瘤切除术的手术方法可行性及安全性,减少后腹腔镜下保留肾单位手术对肾脏功能的影响。方法对16例4 cm的肾脏周边型肿瘤行后腹腔镜下不阻断肾动脉方法保留肾单位肾脏肿瘤切除术。建立传统四通道后腹腔腔隙,寻找并游离肾动脉不予阻断,充分游离整个肾脏并暴露肿瘤,于肿瘤边缘0.3~0.5 cm用剪刀开始切除肿瘤,遇可疑血管及活动出血用双极电凝(PK刀)止血,助手用吸引器保持创面清晰;完整切除肿瘤后用结扎夹代替打结的方法连续缝合创面,最后创面喷洒生物蛋白凝胶。结果 14例手术取得成功,2例因出血难以控制采用暂时阻断肾动脉后完成手术,无中转开放。手术时间65~150 min,平均86 min;出血量50~550 ml,平均240 ml;术后住院时间7~10 d,平均9 d;术后无肾脏继发出血、漏尿等外科并发症。结论后腹腔镜下不阻断肾动脉行保留肾单位肾脏肿瘤切除术对肾周表浅T1a期肿瘤安全可行,有较好的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:初步评估后腹腔镜分支肾动脉阻断肾部分切除术的可行性和安全性。方法:回顾性分析2011年2月~2013年2月对13例肾癌患者行后腹腔镜分支肾动脉阻断肾部分切除术的临床资料(肿瘤直径≤4.0cm)。观察手术时间、术中出血量、分支肾动脉阻断时间、术后住院时间和围手术期并发症。结果:全部患者手术均成功完成。手术时间120~170min,平均135min;分支肾动脉阻断时间14~40min,平均26min;术中出血量50~190ml,平均95ml;术后住院时间8~10d,平均9d,围手术期无并发症。术后病理诊断:肾透明细胞癌10例,嫌色细胞癌2例,乳头状癌1例,肿瘤切缘均阴性。随访5~24个月,所有患者均未见肿瘤局部复发、转移。结论:后腹腔镜分支肾动脉阻断肾部分切除术术中出血少、损伤小,术后恢复快,并最大限度保留肾功能单位。初步观察该手术安全可行,是后腹腔镜下肾动脉主干阻断肾部分切除术与开放手术的有益补充。  相似文献   

介入超声在腹腔镜下保留肾单位手术中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨介入超声辅助后腹腔镜下保留肾单位手术治疗肾肿瘤的方法与疗效.方法 肾肿瘤患者20例.男11例,女9例.年龄33~73岁,平均53岁.肾癌12例,肿瘤平均直径2.9(1.4~4.6)cm,临床分期均为T1 N0M0;肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤7例,肿瘤平均直径4.5(1.8~8.0)cm;肾嗜酸细胞瘤1例,直径3.1 cm.行后腹腔镜下保留肾单位手术,术中以腹腔镜超声探头定位肿瘤,观察肿瘤血流及其周围是否存有小的肿瘤病灶.记录手术时间、肾动脉阻断时间及手术疗效.结果20例手术均顺利完成,无中转开放手术.平均手术时间115(85~270)min,平均肾动脉阻断时间28(22~50)min.12例肾癌患者平均随访16(4~30)个月,肿瘤无复发.结论 介入超声有助于腹腔镜下保留肾单位手术中肿瘤定位、判断血管阻断是否完全及彻底切除肿瘤.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Laparoscopic intracorporeal knot tying in minimally invasive surgery is an advanced skill. Mastering this skill is an arduous process with a long learning curve. While recent advances in instrumentation have allowed easier suturing and tying, until now, no attempts have been made to modify the suture material in order to facilitate this process. We present an evaluation of a novel modified suture material designed to allow inexperienced surgical residents to tie intracorporeal knots laparoscopically using conventional laparoscopic needle drivers. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Surgical residents with no prior experience in laparoscopic surgery were invited to take part in this investigation. Each of the 14 participants was given a 10-minute demonstration of laparoscopic intracorporeal knot tying and then allowed a mentored practice session of 10 minutes. In the first trial, they were then randomized to tie a laparoscopic knot with either a standard or a modified dry suture. Time and accuracy scores were recorded. They then performed the same task with the other type of suture. On the second trial, wet standard and modified sutures were used, and the order of the sutures used in the first trial was reversed. RESULTS: The average time taken to tie an intracorporeal knot laparoscopically was significantly less when the modified suture was used in both dry and wet conditions (162.71 +/- 10.79 seconds v 270.86 +/- 22.76 seconds; P = 0.0039, and 123.29 +/- 4.70 seconds v 247.57 +/- 23.17 seconds; P = 0.0032, respectively). No significant difference in accuracy scores was noted with the two sutures. CONCLUSIONS: Our modified suture design allowed inexperienced surgical residents to perform intracorporeal laparoscopic knot tying on average faster than the standard suture did. The concept of modifying suture design to facilitate laparoscopic suturing and knot tying deserves further investigation and development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: One of the most challenging aspects of laparoscopic surgery is intracorporeal suturing and knot tying. A loss of depth perception and tactile sense and visual obstruction make placing accurate and well-tied knots a difficult and time-consuming task. Two devices conceived to ease the task of suturing and knotting while presumably speeding performance are the Suture Assist (SA; Ethicon Endo-Surgery) and EndoStitch (ES; US Surgical/Tyco). We set out to objectively assess suture placement accuracy and knot speed and strength of these two suturing devices and conventional laparoscopic suturing (CS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: To date, six surgeons with laparoscopic experience were trained on the three suturing techniques. A pelvic trainer was set up with a freshly marked and incised swine renal pelvis and ureter. Each surgeon placed four sutures of 2-0 polyester suture with each technique (repeated on three separate occasions) with five half-hitches for a total of 216 knots. Time, strength, and accuracy were measured for each suture/knot placement. The knot distance was then measured from the marked target using calipers and carefully dissected from the tissue. Each knot was individually tested on a Monsanto Model 10 tensiometer, whereby slippage, strength, and breakage points were determined. RESULTS: The mean times (min:sec) and accuracy (millimeters) were as following: CS 5:08 and 0.457, ES 2:45 and 0.660, and SA 2:40 and 0.508. The difference in time was found to be statistically significant (P < 0.001), while the difference in accuracy was not. Only 182 of 216 knots were able to be included for analysis because of either a small knot lumen or device failure. Device failures necessitating intervention were encountered only with the SA, which had a misfire rate of 9.7% (7 of 72). The mean knot strength was measured at 41.1 N for CS, 57.3 N for SA, and 28.0 for ES. Knot break percentage (breakage) was calculated as 50.8% for CS, 20.7% for ES, and 95% for SA. CONCLUSION: Preliminary results show that each of the laparoscopic suturing devices has distinct advantages over conventional intracorporeal suturing and tying. Decreased times and comparable, if not greater, knot strengths may translate into improved laparoscopic suturing/tying performance for laparoscopic intracorporeal suturing devices.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic suturing evaluation among surgical residents   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic suturing is an integral part of advanced laparoscopic surgery training. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and preference of surgical residents performing intracorporeal and extracorporeal knot-tying techniques using conventional and Endo Stitch instruments. The residents were also evaluated on their suturing techniques using conventional instruments, the Endo Stitch, and the Suture Assistant. METHODS: Using an inanimate laparoscopic trainer model, 39 residents were evaluated as they performed laparoscopic knot tying exercises. Endpoints of the study were execution time and subjective preference of surgical residents with respect to the type of instrument used for knot tying. Forty-three residents were evaluated as they performed laparoscopic suturing exercises with three different types of suturing instruments using the same endpoints. RESULTS: The intracorporeal technique was the preferred (89%) method of knot tying among surgical residents. The time for completion of laparoscopic suturing was significantly (P < 0.05) shorter with the Endo Stitch (114 +/- 64 s) than with the conventional instrument (206 +/- 107 s) or the Suture Assistant (151 +/- 70 s). Residents preferred the use of the Endo Stitch in all three categories for suturing, knot tying, and handling. CONCLUSION: The Endo Stitch enhanced laparoscopic skills and was the preferred instrument for laparoscopic knot tying and suturing among surgical residents.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The endovascular stapler is the standard of care for renal-vein ligation during nephrectomy, but recently, some reports have addressed the need for lowering the costs in the operating room. The authors describe the first use of "boatman's knot" in renal-vein ligation during laparoscopic nephrectomy and tests of its safety and feasibility. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixteen bilateral laparoscopic nephrectomies were performed in female pigs. On the right side, the renal vein was ligated with the boatman's knot, and on the left side, the vein was ligated with conventional intracorporeal technique. The knots were performed by the same surgeon at initial laparoscopic training. The time required to tie the knots was measured. After bilateral nephrectomy, a midline incision was created, and the bursting pressure of the knots was measured with a manometer by saline infusion into the vena cava. RESULTS: The average knot-completion time was 45 seconds (range 30-50 seconds), and the average time needed to carry out the conventional suture was 202.5 seconds (range 186-228 seconds). After renal-vein transection, there was complete hemostasis in all cases. The mean bursting pressure was 179.9 mm Hg (range 126-304 mm Hg). In five cases, the rupture site was in a lumbar vein previously sutured, while in three cases, the rupture happened in the vena cava itself. CONCLUSION: The boatman's knot is feasible, safe, easy to learn, and faster than conventional intracorporeal suturing. This technique may replace the endovascular stapler. However, its clinical applicability remains to be determined.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We performed a nonrandomized retrospective comparison of 2 techniques for laparoscopic partial nephrectomy, that is without and with clamping the renal vessels. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between December 1997 and February 2002, 28 consecutive patients underwent transperitoneal laparoscopic partial nephrectomy for renal tumor. In group 1 (12 patients) partial nephrectomy was performed with ultrasonic shears and bipolar cautery without clamping the renal vessels, while in group 2 (16 patients) the renal pedicle was clamped before tumor excision. In group 2 patients intracorporeal kidney cooling was achieved by a ureteral catheter connected to 4C solution. Intracorporeal freehand suturing techniques were used to close the collecting system when opened and approximate the renal parenchyma. RESULTS: All procedures were successfully completed laparoscopically. Mean renal ischemia time +/- SD was 27.3 +/- 7 minutes (range 15 to 47) in group 2 patients. Mean laparoscopic operating time was 179.1 +/- 86 minutes (range 90 to 390) in group 1 compared with 121.5 +/- 37 minutes (range 60 to 210) in group 2 (p = 0.004). Mean intraoperative blood loss was significantly higher in group 1 than in group 2 (708.3 +/- 569 versus 270.3 +/- 281 ml., p = 0.014). Three patients in group 1 and 2 in group 2 required blood transfusions. Immediately postoperatively mean creatinine was 1.26 +/- 0.36 and 1.45 +/- 0.61 mg./dl. in groups 1 and 2, respectively (p = 0.075). Surgical margins were negative in all specimens. Pathological examination revealed renal cell cancer in 18 cases (stages pT1 in 17 and pT3a in 1), oncocytoma in 4, angiomyolipoma in 5 and renal adenoma in 1. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy represents a feasible option for patients with small renal masses. Clamping the renal vessels during tumor resection and suturing the kidney mimics the open technique and seems to be associated with less blood loss and shorter laparoscopic operative time.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We hypothesized that the Minimally Invasive Surgery Trainer (MIST-VR; VP Medical R, London, U.K.) would be as effective as the Yale Laparoscopic Skills Course in improving laparoscopic intracorporeal suturing skills. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Each student made six attempts to tie a knot laparoscopically. Students were then randomized to train on the MIST-VR for five sessions (six skills/session) or the Yale Skills for five sessions (three skills/session) over 5 days. On completion of training, all students were evaluated by a test consisting of six attempts to tie a laparoscopic knot. RESULTS: The percentage improvement in knot tying time did not differ significantly in the pelvic trainer group (30 +/- 21%) (from 443 +/- 135 to 311 +/- 137 seconds) and the MIST-VR group (39 +/- 21%) (from 409 +/- 109 to 256 +/- 140 seconds) (P = 0.308). CONCLUSIONS: The MIST-VR is equivalent to the Yale Skills Course for training in the advanced laparoscopic skill of intracorporeal suturing.  相似文献   

Teaching basic video skills as an aid in laparoscopic suturing   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Background There is a perception among surgeons that performing laparoscopic suturing is unduly difficult. The purpose of this study is to document a program which aides in learning laparoscopic suturing. Methods Fourteen volunteer medical students without prior experience were taught laparoscopic suturing. Videoscopic pelvitrainers were utilized for a 2-h training session. Extracorporeal and intracorporeal knot tying was demonstrated utilizing a three-throw square knot. After a 2-h practice session each student’s time to complete an extracorporeal and intracorporeal suture was recorded. Results The average times required for completion were: extracorporeal suture and knot 1 min 54 s; intracorporeal suture and knot 3 min 12 s. Conclusions Novice students were able to perform at extra and intracorporeal suturing with 2 h of practice, utilizing a systematic program of teaching basic video skills. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), Orlando, Florida, USA, 11–14 March 1995  相似文献   

Enabling trainees to acquire advanced technical skills before they begin the operating room experience benefits both trainee and patient. Whether medical students who had received exclusively simulation-based training could perform laparoscopic suturing and knot-tying as well as senior surgery residents was determined. Simulators were used to train 11 fourth-year medical students with no previous suturing experience to perform intracorporeal suturing and to successfully tie a free-hand intracorporeal knot. Students' skills were assessed by the performance of the fundal suturing portion of a Nissen fundoplication in a porcine model. Their operative performance was evaluated for time, needle manipulations, and total errors. Results were compared to those of 11 senior-level surgery residents performing the same task. The study concluded that trainees could learn advanced technical skills such as laparoscopic suturing and knot tying by using simulation exclusively. The trainees and senior level surgery residents had a similar number of needle manipulations.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Intracorporeal knot tying in laparoscopic surgery is time-consuming and difficult to learn. We present a new technique, that we call the pre-looped intracorporeal knot technique, which obviates the difficulties and saves time. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We devised a homemade suture ring that allows the introduction of the suture thread wrapped on the needle driver and ready for knot tying simply by pulling on both extremities of the thread. RESULTS: Our experience with this technique proved it to be easy to apply and to learn. CONCLUSIONS: The prelooped intracorporeal knot technique allies the sophistication of intracorporeal knot tying to the easiness and simplicity of the extracorporeal classic suturing. It renders intracorporeal knotting an easy and rapid task to achieve.  相似文献   

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