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论医务人员树立社会主义荣辱观的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,在医务人员中树立社会主义荣辱观,可以使其确立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,从而明白在社会主义社会的医院里,什么是真善关,什么是假恶丑,应当坚持什么、反对什么,提倡什么、抵制什么,这既是重塑医务人员良好形象的需要,又是纠正医疗行业不正之风的需要,还是和谐医患关系的需要。  相似文献   

一、什么是医德1.医德是医学伦理学研究的对象,是一种职业道德,是一般社会道德在医疗卫生领域中的特殊表现。社会主义医德是共产主义道德在社会主义医疗卫生事业中的要求和体现。它以马克思主义伦理学的一般原则为指导,具有自己职业道德的特殊性。2.医德是调整医务人员与病人、医务人员之间以及医务人员与社会之间关系的行为准则。二、为什么说自觉性是医德的一个重要特点?1.医德,从其主观方面讲,它是一种意识活动现象。解决精神世界的问题,一定要靠自觉。  相似文献   

社会主义的医德医风是社会主义精神文明建设重要组成部分,对于建设社会主义精神文明,促进社会风气的好转十分重要。要想在医院中盛开精神文明之花,必须加强思想政治工作对医务人员进行医德教育,使医务人员的医德素质进一步提高,端正服务方向.文明行医,保障医疗卫生实际活动的正常进行,促进医学科学的发展,促使社会主义  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国人民群众的自我保护意识和维权意识的逐步增强,被披露的基层医疗事故以及医疗纠纷越来越多。这就要求我们广大基层医务人员加强法律法规的学习,努力适应并推动医疗卫生事业的发展和进步。医疗事故和医疗纠纷产生的原因首先,我们应该清楚什么是医疗事故、什么是医疗纠纷。医疗事故是指医疗机构及其医务人员在医疗活动中,违反医疗卫生管理法律、行政法规、  相似文献   

树立社会主义荣辱观,加强思想道德建设,既是精神文明建设的基础性工程,也是当前一项重要而紧迫的工作。作为医院,树立社会主义荣辱观,利用思想政治工作引导医务人员树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,不断提升道德情操,提高医务人员的思想道德素质,是医院思想政治工作者值得探讨的重要课题。  相似文献   

出诊家庭病床,对于我们社区医务人员来说是重要的工作内容之一,每天都要到不同的患家里看看他们的病情如何,还存有哪些药物,什么药物需要增加,什么药物需要减少等。要说每天的上门次数,医生还少一些,有时候护士一天要去好几次,近的地方步行,远的地方就骑自行车,碰到刮风下雨就打出租车,总之,我们洁白的身影总能如约出现在患的病榻前。  相似文献   

社会主义初级阶段的职业道德建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会主义文化建设包括全方位的思想水平和道德水平的提高,包括教育、科学和文化的进步,包括全民族健康水平的提高。医务人员应以为人民服务为核心,以病人为中心,加强自身的职业道德建设。根据社会主义初级阶段的特点,职业道德建设应该将教育和法治有机地结合起来,要特别注意其深度和广度的协调,职业道德建设是一项复杂工程,需要长期坚持,这是其成功的关键  相似文献   

医学道德(以下简称医德)是医务人员应该具有的职业品德,它是规范医务人员与病人之间、医务人员相互之间以及医务人员与社会之间行为的基本准则。医院管理的最终目的是提高医疗质量和医疗服务工作的社会效益。而社会效益的提高需要通过每个医务工作者职业实践活动来体现。指导这一实践活动的思想和行为的规范,就是社会主义医德。开展医德教育,提高广大医务人员自身的医德素质是现代医院管理的灵魂。为了切实有效的搞好医  相似文献   

沈永宽 《现代保健》2008,(36):45-46
急诊病人到医院就诊,医务人员为病人治病是一种相互沟通、相互理解的过程。在诊疗过程中,常常因为急诊病人的着急心理和一些不当的作为、医务人员的服务态度和服务质量等原因相互之间产生误会、冲突等不快现象,特别是还有动手殴打医务人员的现象也时有发生,给医务人员造成严重的身心创伤,同时也给急诊病人带来了许多不利因素。所以,如何巧妙地进行医患沟通,处理两者关系显得尤为重要,一方面需要急诊病人理解、支持和配合医务人员的工作,  相似文献   

一、什么是医院院风在医院两个文明建设中,加强院风的建设具有重要意义。每一个组织都有它一定的气质特征和精神风貌,良好的组织风气,对其成员有着向上的激励和鼓舞作用,反之会给人以负性影响。社会主义医院应树立良好的院风,来鼓舞广大医务人员奋发向上的进取精神。什么是优良的院  相似文献   

论社会主义荣辱观对医疗执业观的指导   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
只有树立正确的荣辱观,才能树立正确的执业观。正确的医疗执业观对培养医务人员的职业道德素质、业务素质、科学文化素质和身体心理素质十分重要,是医务人员的立身之本。树立正确的医疗执业观必须以社会主义荣辱观为指导,从而培育正确的价值观,确立诚信服务观,构建和谐医学伦理观,弘扬廉洁行医观,提升医疗职业的崇高风尚。  相似文献   

医患关系作为社会系统的重要组成部分,在创建互助友爱的卫生环境中起着先导性和基础性作用。目前,我国医患关系紧张,产生这一问题的原因有政府、患方及医方等多方面的因素所构成。构建和谐医患关系,关键在于明确政府投入和监管职责;公立医院端正服务理念,转变内部运行机制,医务人员强化责任意识、职业精神。  相似文献   

一名好医生,不仅要考虑医学上的"技术参数",更要考虑病人的"幸福指数",这需要"人文系数"作保障。医学人文精神是医学的灵魂。因此,要加强医生人文素养的教育,培养医生的职业精神,与家属沟通中要认真听取他们的意见和建议,用眼睛学会观察,为患者着想,把先进的医学技术和人文关怀融合在一起,让病人安心、医者仁心、社会放心。  相似文献   

王丹虹 《现代医院》2010,10(12):125-126
医德医风是医务人员在医疗活动中所遵守的行为规范的总和,是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要组成部分,要构建和谐的医患关系就必须把医德医风常抓不懈,以崭新的精神面貌,在新的社会环境下,在竞争激烈的医疗市场上找准自已的位置,以优质的医疗服务和技术为患者服务,才能使医院在发展中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

目的:以江苏开展慢性病综合防控示范区建设的县城为例,借鉴DMIC整合医疗服务发展模型的9大维度对县、乡、村医务人员慢性病整合服务协作的工作现状进行分析,以期为医务人员跨机构慢性病协作提供改善方向。方法:采用典型抽样和多阶段随机抽样相结合,对278名医务人员进行问卷调查,并对结果进行统计学分析。结果:村医在整合协作工作中参与度最强,但人力年龄结构老化、文化程度低;县、乡、村医务人员均对开展跨机构协作工作表示高度认可,但实际协作水平低;县、乡、村连通的卫生信息平台尚未建立。  相似文献   

目的:医疗纠纷逐渐增多,使得医患关系日趋紧张,成为社会关注的焦点,有学者提出医院中的医务社工应该介入医疗纠纷,本文就医院医务社工在医疗纠纷中的职责进行探讨。方法通过文献回顾的方法,了解我国医务社工的职责以及在医疗纠纷中发挥的作用。结果在医疗行为进行过程中,医务社工的职责主要体现在,针对医患之间信息不对称的情况,通过调查、谈话等活动,弥补双方的信息不对称,预防可能发生的矛盾冲突,缓解医患关系。结论医务社工在医疗纠纷处理过程中,从专业的角度,运用个案工作、小组工作、社区工作等工作方法,在中间起到的是调和、缓冲的作用。医务社工坚持价值中立原则,理清自身的角色,明确自己的立场,从第三方的角度出发,不介入医学专业问题,使纠纷能得到合理合法的解决。  相似文献   

This paper contrasts three ways of conceptualizing emotional distress in general medical settings: high scorers on screening tests, 'cases' according to the doctor seeing them, and standardized research diagnoses. It is shown that distress as measured by screening test is very much more prevalent than research diagnosis, and yet doctors working in general medical settings need to be able to conceptualize disorders using a classification that is helpful for them. The proposed classification is based upon the patient's need for intervention, and it distinguishes the few who need to be thought of as having a formal mental disorder from the many who do not. It takes account of what is known about 'labelling' and compliance, and it is linked to the skills needed by primary care workers. The largest group consists of those whose emotional distress needs recognition and discussion; the next group also needs social interventions; while the final group benefits from recognition of a mental disorder which necessitates a medical or psychological treatment.  相似文献   

Japanese Industrial Health Organizations (IHOs) have been taking part in medical checkups for employees in accordance with the law of industrial safety and health in Japan. We carried out a questionnaire survey for each IHO in order to learn the actual number of full-time doctors and their proportion of work time. We sent a questionnaire to 112 IHOs (members of International Federation of Industrial Health Organizations) by mail, of which 77 replied (68.8%). In addition, we carried out an interview survey in 3 IHOs. The actual number of full-time doctors was 0 to 51, about half of IHOs have less than 5 doctors/each. Regarding the proportion of work time, among full-time doctors, half of them take part in general health checkups. About 70% of nurses' work time is taken up doing health checkups. The results revealed that the number and the proportion of work time of full-time doctors depends on the characteristics of the area and the background of the organization, for instance, what kind of hygiene services they provide. Depending on the doctors' work style (e.g. full-time or part-time) and their specialities and experience, their work may be shared. Japanese employers are required to report the number of workers with abnormal findings found by medical checkups to the Labor Standards Office. Many IHOs provide service to employers in filling out their reports. Thus, we also asked each IHO about this service. Forty out of the 77 IHOs (51.9%) answered that they are providing statistical analysis and the filling-out service. They count the number of workers with abnormal findings in each company and helped the employer to fill out the report form. Twenty-nine of those 40 IHOs responded that they decided which findings were "abnormal" by using only items that are set by law. However, 7 IHOs reported the fact that they also add some optional items when making the decision. The prevalence of workers with abnormal findings in annual medical checkups, which is one of the msot important indices of the state of occupational health, should be measured by using an objective definition and by being compatible with future systems of medical checkups for all Japanese workers. Although IHOs are endeavoring to improve their level, it will be difficult, and because of diversities in the way of periodical medical checkups among IHOs, there are still many problems to be solved.  相似文献   

医务人员接触患者后手卫生执行情况的调查分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
目的了解医务人员接触患者后的手卫生执行情况及不同条件对医务人员手卫生执行率的影响。方法对北京、上海、广州3城市8所三级医院不同职务、不同科室的医务人员进行现场观察。结果医务人员接触患者后的手卫生执行率为56.5%,医生为61.0%、护士为53.8%。在提供手套时医务人员手卫生执行率为52.8%,不提供手套为82.0%,差异有统计学意义;在提供醇类快速手消毒剂、肥皂和洗手液时医务人员手卫生执行率(58.7%、61.3%)比不提供的手卫生执行率(51.2%、48.4%)高(P〈0.05、P〈0.01)。医务人员接触患者后使用肥皂(洗手液)和流动水洗手时间≥15s的占74.6%。结论我国大城市、大医院医务人员接触患者后的手卫生执行情况相对较好,洗手时间和流程较为规范,但仍存在手卫生意识薄弱、硬件设施不足等缺陷,尚需加强手卫生教育,采取干预措施,提高医院感染控制水平。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The supervision of medical residents is a key responsibility of attending doctors in the clinical setting. Most attending doctors, however, are unfamiliar with the principles of effective supervision. Although inconsistent, supervision has been shown to be both important and effective for the professional development of medical residents. OBJECTIVE: To examine how medical residents perceive the supervisory roles of attending doctors, in terms of what they perceive as poor supervision and what they characterise as good supervisory practice. METHOD: We carried out a questionnaire survey of 38 medical residents at the Department of Paediatrics at the teaching hospital of the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Attending doctors directly involved with the supervision of medical residents participated in the study. The clinical settings where supervision occurred included the neonatal and paediatric intensive care units and the general paediatric wards. RESULTS: Medical residents rated the quality of supervision they received in all departments positively. A majority of the attending doctors were rated highly in 'overall supervision'. Creating pleasant learning environments and being stimulated to learn and function independently were aspects of supervision characterised positively. Coaching in clinical skills and procedures, effective communication skills and clinical decision making using principles of cost-appropriate care were aspects of supervision found to be deficient. DISCUSSION: This study shows that medical residents enjoy supervision from collaborative, understanding and patient attending doctors. Medical residents prefer to be treated as adult learners and enjoy feedback that is constructive, measured and adapted to their professional needs.  相似文献   

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