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目的探讨愤怒和恐惧两种不同情绪对青少年风险决策行为的影响。方法两组被试分别观看不同的影片以诱发愤怒和恐惧情绪,之后完成有关赌博任务的问卷。结果不同情绪对青少年风险决策行为具有显著的影响(F=4.668,P<0.05),并且青少年愤怒情绪状态下比在恐惧情绪状态下更倾向于冒险,而不同情绪状态下的男女青少年的风险决策行为没有显著差异。结论愤怒和恐惧两种不同情绪对青少年风险决策有不同的影响。  相似文献   

目的考察虚拟现实技术模拟高空场景对恐惧情绪的诱发效果及其所诱发的恐惧情绪对风险决策的影响。方法 2018年选取空军军医大学临床医学专业本科生作为调查对象,分为两组,恐惧情绪组和中性情绪组被测试对象首先填写情绪自评量表,分别在虚拟现实模拟高空及平地场景中诱发恐惧情绪或中性情绪后完成仿真气球冒险任务,并再次进行情绪自评。结果相对于中性情绪组,恐惧情绪组被测试对象在完成风险决策任务后体验到更高强度的恐惧情绪(t=4.390,P0.01),且未爆气球平均充气次数(BART)较少(t=2.037,P0.05),吹爆气球个数(t=2.203,P0.05)也明显较少,决策时的冲动性和冒险性显著降低。结论虚拟现实模拟高空场景是一种能有效诱发被测试对象恐惧的情绪诱发方法,被测试对象在恐惧情绪影响下的决策行为更加保守,更倾向于风险规避。  相似文献   

目的 了解新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情对普通民众恐惧、焦虑等应激状态的影响。方法 通过问卷网发放新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情对普通民众情绪和行为影响的问卷进行调查,回收有效问卷1 453份。结果 不同性别调查对象对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的关心程度得分差异无统计学意义(P0.05);而不同婚姻状态及家庭月总收入调查对象对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的关心程度得分差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。同时,不同性别调查对象在平静、自信、焦虑、恐惧和难过5种情绪上的得分差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),在愤怒情绪上的得分差异无统计学意义(P0.05);不同婚姻状态调查对象在焦虑、愤怒和恐惧3种情绪上的得分差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),而在平静、自信、难过3种情绪上的得分差异无统计学意义(P0.05);不同家庭月总收入调查对象在6种情绪状态上的得分差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间普通民众出现了一些典型的心理应激反应,需要引导民众正确认识应激反应的发生,学会自我调适,保持情绪稳定,从而平稳地度过疫情关键期。  相似文献   

目的 探索孤独症谱系障碍儿童面孔表情识别特点及情绪启动对其表情识别的影响。方法 以图片与声音相结合作为情绪启动刺激, 以表情图片作为靶刺激, 对不同启动条件下表情识别率进行4×3重复测量方差分析。结果 孤独症谱系障碍儿童对高兴、悲伤、愤怒、恐惧表情识别存在差异(P<0.01);四种表情在无启动与正启动下识别率差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05), 高兴、悲伤表情负启动与无启动差异无统计学意义(P>0.05), 愤怒、恐惧表情无启动识别率均高于负启动。结论 孤独症谱系障碍儿童对高兴、悲伤表情识别较好, 对愤怒、恐惧表情识别较差, 对高兴和悲伤表情识别没有产生情绪启动效应, 对愤怒和恐惧表情识别没有产生正启动效应, 但产生了负启动效应。  相似文献   

目的分析青少年愤怒情绪的发生和表达特点,为减少和避免青少年的恶性事件发生提供借鉴。方法采用自编的愤怒事件回溯调查问卷对保定市452名中学生进行调查,运用内容分析法提取愤怒情绪的诱发因素、愤怒发生的时间、地点、频率以及愤怒表达方式,根据频次分布特征分析青少年愤怒的发生与表达特点。结果引起青少年愤怒的前4位因素是不成熟的人格因素,他人的伤害,他人的行为不符合社会规范、守则,自我价值受到威胁。愤怒的诱发因素存在性别差异(2χ=55.1,P=0.000),男生由"被伤害事件"引发的愤怒多于女生,而女生的愤怒诱因更加多样化。青少年的愤怒主要发生在学校(49.0%)和家中(37.8%),指向的主要对象是同学(30.0%)和家长(29.8%)。结论加强青少年情绪疏导,指导青少年正确表达愤怒,有利于预防青少年伤害性事件的发生。  相似文献   

分析有暴力行为与正常青少年之间愤怒情绪特征及父母教养方式的差异,为制定科学有效的防制措施提供参考.方法 采用儿童青少年状态—特质愤怒表达问卷(STAEI-CA)、父母教养方式问卷(EMBU),对广东省少年犯管教所80名具有暴力行为青少年和80名普通中学生进行性别与年龄配对后开展对照研究.结果 暴力组青少年状态性愤怒、特质性愤怒、愤怒外投表达得分高于对照组,而愤怒对内控制和对外控制得分低于普通青少年(t值分别为9.741,9.958,5.238,5.395,7.486,P值均<0.05).在父母养育方式上的对比,暴力组青少年父惩罚、严厉和母惩罚、严厉上的得分高于对照组,父亲情感温暖得分低于对照组(t值分别为6.593,8.472,12.957,P值均<0.05).相关分析显示,青少年状态-特质愤怒表达与家庭教育方式存在密切联系.结论 改善父母对子女的教育方式,是培养青少年健康心理和健全人格,减少青少年违法犯罪的有效措施.  相似文献   

【目的】 探究不同情绪状态与场认知风格对儿童冒险行为的影响,为提出有效干预和教育措施,防范儿童因冒险而造成的意外伤害提供依据。 【方法】 根据北京师范大学辅仁应用心理发展中心编制的《镶嵌图形测验》筛选出50名场独立型与50名场依存型被试,再分别进行积极与消极情绪诱导,最后进行进行冒险行为任务,对不同条件下所得结果进行比较。 【结果】 场认知风格对儿童的冒险行为有显著影响(t=2.08,P<0.05),场独立型儿童更倾向参加冒险行为;儿童进行冒险行为时的情绪状态对儿童的冒险行为有显著影响(t=2.27,P<0.05),积极的情绪状态下更倾向于参与冒险。 【结论】 儿童的场认知风格与进行冒险行为时的情绪状态会影响儿童冒险行为,场独立型儿童更倾向参加冒险行为,积极的情绪状态下更倾向于参与冒险。  相似文献   

梁栋 《保健医苑》2003,(4):31-31
<正> 所谓情绪,就是人思想感情的流露,是大脑皮层兴奋、抑制过程所处的一种状态。情绪可分为两大类:一类是有利于身心健康的愉快情绪,如希望、快乐、恬静等;另一类是有损于身心健康的不愉快情绪,如焦急、抑郁、愤怒、恐惧、沮丧、悲伤、痛苦、紧张等。  相似文献   

石勇 《家庭医学》2011,(2):42-43
心理强大训练方法二 阻击他人的语言和行为进入你的心理结构 我们的心理强大与否,与情绪、情感息息相关。恐惧可以让你在心理上成为弱者,但愤怒却可以让你变得强大。  相似文献   

婴儿的情绪发展及情绪障碍   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
情绪和情感是客观事物是否符合人的需要而产生的态度体验。情绪是和有机体的生物需要相联系的体验形成 ,得到满足则产生积极的情绪体验 (满意、愉快、喜悦等 ) ,反之则产生消极情绪体验 (不满意、痛苦、忧虑、恐惧、愤怒等 ) ,这是人和动物共有的情绪状态。情感则同人的高级社会性需要相联系 ,如友谊感、道德感、美感和理智感等 ,这是人类独有的一种情绪状态。1 情绪的组成、层次和分类1 .1 情绪的组成 情绪是由多种成分组合成的心理现象 ,一般公认的情绪是由外显行为、内在体验和神经生理基础三个部分所组成 :情绪的外显行为是指面部表…  相似文献   

This research examines the effects of two incidental discrete emotions—fear and anger—on health risk perception (i.e., perceived susceptibility to a health problem) and persuasion. In two experiments, fear and anger were induced before participants were exposed to a public service announcement that advocated sun protection behaviors to prevent skin cancer (Experiment 1) or flossing to prevent gum diseases (Experiment 2). It was found that fearful participants perceived greater susceptibility to the health risk than angry participants and those who were in a neutral affective state. Angry participants did not differ from those in a neutral affective state in terms of perceived susceptibility. There was mixed evidence that fear exerted an indirect effect on attitude toward the recommended health behavior and intention to perform the health behavior through health risk perception. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, the paradigm of risk has become increasingly salient for understanding how health care is provided. In more recent years, we have seen an expanding body of literature raising concerns of possible harms that a focus on risk may carry. Despite considerable research interest in risk, relatively little is known about the construction of risk in contexts of allied health resource allocation decision-making. This article reports on qualitative research exploring how allied health leaders construct the concept of risk and how this influences resource allocation decision-making. Data are drawn from forums held in August and September 2014, with a total of 59 participants who occupied leadership roles in allied health in Australia. The findings highlight three domains of risk: resource, patient and organisational risk. Some domains of risk received more attention from participants and exerted greater influence on decision-making than others. Relative to the other domains, patient risk was not a core focus. Risk had a distinct emotive element and some domains of risk led participants to focus on catastrophic outcomes. Patient risk did not evoke emotive responses, whereas both resource and organisational risk did. It appears that perceived risk may be costly for health organisations, as it can be a primary driver underpinning resource allocation decisions. We explore the relative lack of attention to patient risk, the role of fear and anxiety in decision-making, and discuss implications of the impact of a focus on risk in wider society.  相似文献   


The study sought to determine the relationship between resilience and risk behaviours among early adolescents with decision-making acting as a mediator. Seventh and Eighth Grade students (N = 65) were recruited at a high-needs school in Penang, Malaysia. All participants responded to the Child and Youth Resilience Measure and completed the computerized Balloon Analogue Risk Task-Youth Version. Participants’ Disciplinary Demerit Records were obtained as the measure of risk behaviours. Resilience and its three dimensions–individual, family, and contextual level factors–were analysed using bootstrapping and macro codes for SPSS. The results indicated that decision-making significantly mediated the association between resilience and risk behaviours among early adolescents. The relationship between contextual level factors and risk behaviours could be partially explained by decision-making. The findings suggest that adolescents should be taught decision-making skills early to minimize risk behaviours in daily life.  相似文献   


Research suggests that adaptive functioning influences parents’ attributions for children’s social behaviours. However, the influence of adaptive functioning on parents’ attributions for children’s emotional expressions is yet to be examined. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between adaptive functioning of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and parents’ attributions for children’s negative emotional expressions. Participants included 68 parents of children with ASD ages 3–11 (Mage = 7.2; SD = 6.82). Parents completed two questionnaires: one measuring adaptive functioning and one measuring parents’ attributions for their children’s emotional expressions. Positive associations were found between: (1) parents’ internal modifiable attributions for overall negative emotions (i.e. fear, anger, sadness aggregate), fear, and anger; (2) parents’ external modifiable attributions for overall negative emotion, fear, and sadness; and (3) parents’ disability-based attributions and fear. Tentatively, these results indicate that attribution retraining may be an important focus for interventions with parents of children with ASD.  相似文献   

Anger has become a serious problem in today's schools. As children and youth carry their anger into the classrooms and onto the playing fields, educators experience increasing levels of stress, tension, helplessness, frustration and, at times, fear. Attempts to address this problem generally require introducing anger management programs into schools. This paper describes a study that explored the use of metaphor as a strategy for enhancing teachers' capacity to work with students as they express and learn to manage their anger. The participants reported that they found the process highly effective for themselves and, very frequently, for their students. Metaphors were used as an avenue for detachment which provided a clarity and lead to alternatives previously thought not to exist. Metaphors were also utilized by the educators as a means of reflecting on themselves as well as on their students, and in one case, as a communicative device. This process helped to transform the educators' relationships to anger and to their angry students.  相似文献   

Adolescence is a time of increased risk taking, and recent intervention strategies have included adolescents planning or producing antirisk messages for their peers. Although these projects may generate enthusiasm, we know little about message planning or production as a strategy for changing adolescent decision-making and behavior. This article articulates the Theory of Active Involvement (TAI) to describe and explain the processes through which these active involvement interventions influence adolescents. TAI is based on social cognitive theory's notion of self-regulation and examines multiple perspective taking and activating the self-reflection processes. The theory specifically describes the process of cognitive changes experienced by participants in active involvement interventions. The sequence is conceptualized as starting when engagement with the intervention (arousal and involvement) produces skill and knowledge gains (immediate outcomes) that lead to reflection (perceived discrepancy) and then other cognitions (expectancies, norms, intentions), with the ultimate outcome being behavior change. Engaging the target audience in a process of self-reflection is conceptualized as the crucial ingredient for meaningful and sustainable change in cognitions and behavior. This article provides valuable insight into how active involvement strategies function and how to best design these interventions, particularly those targeting adolescents.  相似文献   

Relationships between psychological factors and physical factors such as body mass, overweight, and blood pressure were examined in a sample of black and white adolescents enrolled in health science courses. Black female adolescents were significantly more overweight and obese than either other group. Psychological factors were not significantly associated with body mass (weight/ height2) for females. A small percentage of the variance in body mass for black (6%) and white (4%) males was explained by Trait Anger, the frequent experience of anger and the intensity of anger (S-Anger-Reaction/TP) in pressure situations. Trait Anger also significantly (p < 0.01) discriminated between black male adolescents who were normal weight and those 20% overweight for age and height. The relationships between traditional risk factors and blood pressure among adolescents who were 20% underweight, normal weight, and 20% overweight for age and height suggest that few traditional risk factors contribute significantly to the prediction of blood pressure in overweight adolescents. In contrast, psychological measures of suppressed anger (Anger-In, Anger Expression) were significantly (p < 0.001) associated with blood pressure among overweight adolescents. The findings regarding the associations between overweight and psychological factors are complex. Prospective studies using better measures of overweight are needed to clarify the processes involved.  相似文献   

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