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提供优质的计划生育服务 控制人口增长速度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在宁夏计划生育妇幼卫生项目开展的计划生育活动中,以美国人口理事会BruceJudith博士提出的计 划生育服务质量6要素框架为蓝本,从8个方面着手,努力改善计划生育服务质量,以高质量的计划生育服务,使群众真 正享有生殖健康的权利,提高了群众自觉采用节育措施的积极性,通过提高节育率降低生育率,达到控制人口增长速度 的计划生育目标。  相似文献   

在1994年国际人口与发展大会以前,世界各地计划生育工作的关注点主要是控制人口数量的宏观指标,却在一定程度上忽视了计划生育的服务质量。这种只重人口数量指标而轻服务质量的工作方法虽然在人口控制方面取得了一定的成绩,但是带来的负面影响亦显而易见。国际人口与发展大会和  相似文献   

随着计划生育工作职能的转换,优质服务被提到了人口和计划生育工作的重要位置。如何正确理解并全面深入开展人口与计划生育优质服务工作,对于创新工作机制,提升管理服务水平,优化队伍结构,提高群众满意程度,具有十分重要的意义。目前我市计划生育管理服务现状与新时期的优质服务要求还有很大差距,在工作机制、服务质量和思想认识上存在问题,制约了计划生育优质服务活动的开展和计生管理服务水平的提高。  相似文献   

采用陕西省1991年生育率、节育率抽样调查资料,分析了计划生育工作中有关的妇女保健问题,提出了相应的对策。如认真研究推广男性绝育术,改进宫内节育器的型号,提高放环技术等。  相似文献   

本文资料得自1992年开展的“中国计划生育管理信息系统首次调查”。该调查包括全国30个省、市(台湾省未包括在内),采用两阶段等比例抽样方法,总抽样比为3.29/万。调查总人口为385192人,其中已婚育龄妇女人数78873人。按已婚育龄妇女采用节育措施计算,全国总未节育率16.6%,其中汉族为16.5%。少数民族为31.4%。各省间未节育率差别很大,以西南和西北地区诸省最高。年龄别未节育率以15~19岁年龄组最高(72.2%),其次为20~24岁组(46.2%)。在无孩的已婚育龄妇女中未节育率最高(94.2%),其次为一孩妇女(14.8%)。未节育的主要原因是有指标待孕、哺乳和正在怀孕。因其他原因未避孕也是重要原因之一。农村社会经济发展状况对已婚育龄妇女采用节育措施有明显的影响,越是人均收入低的地区妇女未节育率越高,尤其是地处偏远和交通不便地区。同时,农村计划生育管理水平和服务可得性对妇女采用节育措施也有很大的影响。计划生育管理水平越差以及样本点距服务机构越远的地区妇女未节育率越高。因此,目前我国把计划生育工作的重点放在老、少、边、穷地区,并采取计划生育与当地脱贫致富相结合的方针无疑是一项极有远见卓识的人口学战略。  相似文献   

计划生育是我国的基本国策。计划生育服务机构肩负着控制人口数量、提高人口素质、改善人口结构的重任,因此,做好计划生育宣传,提高计划生育服务质量,是计划生育工作者的首要任务[1-2]。为了更好地服务于育龄妇女,保护育龄妇女的身心健康,规范避孕节育措施,完善避孕措施的知情选择,本站计划生育门诊对育龄妇女开展避孕节育、生  相似文献   

坚持计划生育基本国策,统筹解决人口问题,促进人的全面发展已成为当前人口和计划生育工作的重中之重.计划生育服务人员是进行计划生育技术服务的主力军,是开展计划生育工作的人力资源,他们的工作满意度和积极性必然影响计划生育服务质量和计划生育政策的实施,而目前针对计划生育服务人员工作满意度的研究较少.本文对县乡两级计划生育服务机构人员的工作满意度进行调查、比较和分析.  相似文献   

<正> 《中华人民共和国人口与计划生育法》(简称《人口与计划生育法》)的颁布实施是我国人口计划生育事业发展史上一个重要里程碑,它首次以国家法律的形式确立了计划生育基本国策的地位,构建了我国人口与计划生育法制体系的框架,从而结束了长期以来主要依据政策和地方法规开展工作的历史。对于维护计划生育工作人员依法行政,保护广大育龄群众合法权益,促进社会进步,全面提高人口与计划生育工作水平,促进人口、经济、社会、资源、环境协调发展必将产生重大而深远的影响。但随着  相似文献   

在计划生育优质服务中做好护理工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄芳 《中国计划生育学杂志》2006,14(10):605-605,629
开展计划生育优质服务是新时期做好人口和计划生育工作的重要内容。随着现代护理学及医学模式的转变,护理工作在计划生育优质服务中被赋予了新的任务,护理工作者为了更好地与不同年龄、职业、文化背景心理特质的育龄群众沟通,必须严格按照职业规范,加强自身修养,提高服务质量以促进计划生育优质服务工作的开展。  相似文献   

深圳市流动人口生殖健康服务的绩效评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:综合评价深圳市计划生育系统开展流动人口生殖健康服务的成绩和效果,为完善和改进服务提供依据。方法:采用资料收集和问卷调查方法,了解流动人口基本情况、生殖健康服务内容、服务量、人员配备、经费投入等服务开展情况;流动人口接受服务情况及对服务的评价。结果:①近50%流动人口在本地接受过计划生育部门提供的生殖健康宣教服务,60%左右知晓目前流动人口计划生育政策和相关服务信息,80%知道两种以上避孕方法和艾滋病预防知识;②已婚妇女70%得到查环查孕服务,60%得到避孕节育知情选择指导及随访、可以领到免费的避孕药具,得到生殖健康检查尚不足50%;③75%的对象对服务质量各方面表示满意;④全市流动人口综合节育率达90.3%,计划生育率达90.8%。存在不足是基本服务投入不足,服务投入不均衡,技术服务效率有待提高,投入与服务过程指标存在正相关,而与结果指标(综合节育率、计划生育率)相关不明显。结论:深圳市初步实现了流动人口计划生育的基本服务和管理目标,但仍需适当增加投入,同时注重服务效率;对流动人口计划生育工作评价时,在注重结果的同时更要侧重过程指标的评价。  相似文献   

阙珍  王娟  唐桂荣 《临床医学工程》2012,(10):1827-1829
目的了解流动人口避孕节育需求并探讨其影响因素,为进一步开展有针对性的干预措施提供依据。方法用问卷调查的方法,了解流动人口孕产妇避孕服务的需求以及对避孕知识的知晓程度。结果流动人口对避孕知识的知晓程度为57.96%~91.59%,不同文化程度、经济水平对产后避孕知识的知晓程度有差异。流动人口孕产妇对避孕方法的选择和使用等知识具有迫切的需求。42.0%认为产前检查为最合适的宣教时间,发放宣传册为最喜欢的宣教方式。结论针对不同需求,利用不同的平台,开展有针对性的避孕知识宣教,有利于提高流动人口对避孕节育知识的掌握。  相似文献   

农村已婚育龄妇女避孕选择及影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:分析农村已婚育龄妇女避孕现状及避孕选择影响因素。方法:在全国按省、县、乡、村分层整群抽样,调查发8个省20~50岁育龄群众的家庭和个人情况。结果:农村已婚育龄妇女避孕率为87.1%,已育者避孕率90.7%,未育者避孕率15.1%。可逆性方法如宫内节育器(IUD)、避孕套等占避孕方法构成的3/4以上。高龄、务农及文化水平低者绝育比例较高;低龄、非农职业及文化水平高者使用可逆避孕方法比例较高。不了解避孕方法副作用使用者占21.6%,由医生决定避孕方法比例最高(40%)。结论:年龄、工作、生育史、文化水平、避孕决定者等因素影响农村育龄妇女的避孕选择。农村避孕服务应加强可逆性避孕方法的服务能力建设和供应品种的多样化,为不同特征和需求的对象提供个性化服务。  相似文献   

目的:通过对避孕节育干预项目对上海市闵行区流动人口避孕行为的影响分析,为探讨流动人口避孕节育行为干预模式提供依据。方法:多阶段随机整群抽取上海市闵行区流动人口相对集中的工厂、建筑工地、服务娱乐场所,分干预组和对照组,通过倡导、动员、管理、培训、宣传教育、咨询服务、技术服务、随访服务、转诊机制等干预措施对研究对象进行干预。应用卡方检验及有序多分类Logistic回归分析方法对其影响进行分析。结果:1 791名研究对象中,采用避孕方法的占94.26%,干预组与对照组避孕方法使用比例差异无统计学意义。研究期间,干预组婚姻状况发生变化者避孕方法的使用率为100%(共51人),高于对照组(42.05%)。评估调查时干预组避孕方法由本人和双方决定的比例略有升高(干预前28.89%,干预后33.52%),但多因素Logistic回归分析未发现干预对避孕方法的决定者有统计学意义,OR为1.226(P=0.0662),95%可信区间为0.986~1.523。多因素分析发现学历高的对象,自主选择避孕方法的能力较强。结论:干预项目取得了一定的效果,提高了避孕方法的使用率和自主选择避孕方法的能力,但今后还应加强对学历低、收入低的流动人口的干预和服务。  相似文献   



Both availability and quality of family planning services are believed to have contributed to increasing contraceptive use and declining fertility rates in developing countries. Yet, there is limited empirical evidence to show the relationship between the quality of family planning services and the population based prevalence of contraceptive methods. This study examined the relationship between quality of family planning services and use of intrauterine devices (IUD) in Egypt.  相似文献   

Contraceptive discontinuation has been an important issue in low contraceptive prevalence countries like Yemen. Religious and cultural factors might play a large role in barriers against contraceptive acceptance. This study revealed the characteristics of women who accepted contraception and the factors related to the regularity of visits to a clinic in Yemen.Women perceived that accepting contraception was against neither Islam nor their husband's attitudes. They rather paid attention to mother and child health. Regularity of visits was not related to socioeconomic or demographic factors, but was related to satisfaction with family planning services. This implies that different approaches are needed to promote `continuation' and `regular visits'.A population policy which promotes birth spacing for maternal health in accordance with cultural contexts should be an effective and acceptable strategy in Yemen. Regular visits could be prompted by increasing the quality of services, including communication between clients and providers about side-effects and alternative choices of methods.  相似文献   

Meeting postpartum contraceptive need remains a major challenge in developing countries, where the majority of women deliver at home. Using a quasi‐experimental trial design, we examine the effect of integrating family planning (FP) with a community‐based maternal and newborn health (MNH) program on improving postpartum contraceptive use and reducing short birth intervals <24 months. In this two‐arm trial, community health workers (CHWs) provided integrated FP counseling and services during home visits along with their outreach MNH activities in the intervention arm, but provided only MNH services in the control arm. The contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) in the intervention arm was 15 percent higher than in the control arm at 12 months, and the difference in CPRs remained statistically significant throughout the 24 months of observation. The short birth interval of less than 24 months was significantly lower in the intervention arm. The study demonstrates that it is feasible and effective to integrate FP services into a community‐based MNH care program for improving postpartum contraceptive use and lengthening birth intervals.  相似文献   

This study examines the potential role of further increases in contraceptive prevalence and effectiveness in reducing abortion rates. The model used in this analysis links the abortion rate to its direct determinants, including couples' reproductive preferences, the prevalence and effectiveness of contraceptive practice to implement these preferences, and the probability of undergoing an abortion to avoid an unintended birth when a contraceptive fails or is not used. An assessment of the tradeoff between contraception and abortion yields estimates of the decline in the total abortion rate that would result from an illustrative increase of 10 percentage points in prevalence. This effect varies among societies, primarily because the tendency to obtain an abortion after an unintended pregnancy varies. For example, in a population with an abortion probability of 0.5, a 10 percentage-point increase in prevalence would avert approximately 0.45 abortions per woman, assuming contraception is 95 percent effective. If all unintended pregnancies were aborted, this effect would be three times larger. Eliminating all unintended pregnancies and subsequent abortions would require a rise in contraceptive prevalence to the level at which all fecund women who do not wish to become pregnant practice contraception that is 100 percent effective. A procedure is provided for estimating this "perfect" level of contraceptive prevalence.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We examined whether incarcerated women would substantially increase birth control initiation if contraceptive services were available within the prison compared with after their release back into the community. METHODS: During phase 1 of the study, a nurse educator met with women at the Rhode Island Adult Correctional Institute and offered them referrals for contraceptive services at a community health clinic after their release. During phase 2, contraceptive services were offered to women during their incarceration. RESULTS: The majority of the participants (77.5%) reported a desire to initiate use of birth control methods. Within 4 weeks of their release, 4.4% of phase 1 participants initiated use of a contraceptive method, compared with 39.1% of phase 2 participants (odds ratio [OR]=14.6; 95% confidence interval [CI]=5.5, 38.8). CONCLUSIONS: Provision of contraceptive services to women during their incarceration is feasible and greatly increases birth control initiation compared to providing services only in the community.  相似文献   

To assess the potential need, interest, and benefits of provision of contraceptive services in sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics, we surveyed 516 women attending an inner-city STD clinic regarding contraceptive and sexual practices, STD prevalence, knowledge of contraceptive-related STD prophylaxis, and interest in contraceptive services within the STD clinic setting. The study population was at high risk for unintended pregnancy and STDs; at time of interview 46 per cent of women were not contracepting and 59 per cent were treated for STD or STD exposure. Two-thirds of women had at least one prior pregnancy and 50 per cent had at least one living child. Only 26 per cent of women knew that some contraceptive methods may reduce the risk of STD acquisition; however, 62 per cent expressed interest in contraceptive methods which would reduce their risk of STD acquisition. This study suggests that provision of contraceptive services in STD clinic settings may address dual needs in a group at high risk for both unintended pregnancy and STD.  相似文献   

目的:调查广州市流动人口避孕节育现状和产后生殖健康服务需求,探索针对流动人口的计划生育服务模式。方法:对广州市妇女儿童医疗中心的流动人口产后妇女进行调查,调查方式为匿名封闭式问卷调查。结果:调查对象平均年龄(28.50±4.00)岁;职业以公司职员和无业人员为主(59.7%);文化程度以初中和高中为主(63.3%);既往有人工流产史的占28.03%。研究对象产后愿意接受避孕宣教的时间前三位依次为产后42d体检时、婴儿体检或免疫接种时、产后访视时,希望产后避孕宣教的来源依次为网络、科普宣传和展览、医生,希望通过宣教了解的内容依次是避孕药具的优缺点、避孕方法种类和性传播疾病。结论:产后是落实避孕措施的关键时期,应根据流动人口的特点,提倡加强产后医务人员提供的避孕指导,以提高流动人口妇女生殖健康水平。  相似文献   

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