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Objectives: Not enough is known about the HIV high-risk sexual behaviors of young men who have sex with men (YMSM), and this is especially the case among ethnic minorities. This study examined racial/ethnic differences in the prevalence of HIV risk behaviors among YMSM across the United States. Design: Face-to-face interviews were conducted among randomly selected participants in venues identified with large samples of ethnic minority YMSM. Methods: Participants (N = 2612) were systematically sampled from venues in 13 U.S. cities representing four ethnic strata (African American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and mixed ethnicity). Results: Twenty-two percent of the sample reported that their last sexual contact with their main sexual partner, someone other than a main sexual partner, or both involved unprotected anal intercourse. Participants from Asian/Pacific Islander sites, mixed sites, and Hispanic sites were more likely than participants from African American sites to report unprotected anal intercourse. Moreover, within the mixed sites, Hispanic participants, followed by Asian/Pacific Islander and White participants, were more likely than African American participants to report unprotected anal intercourse. Conclusions: Interventions are needed that are responsive to the racial/ethnic differences in HIV risk behaviors of YMSM throughout urban American cities.  相似文献   

目的 研究25岁及以下青少年男男性行为人群(YMSM)性感觉寻求与其艾滋病相关危险性行为的关系。方法 于2013年5-11月通过互联网宣传、外展活动以及例行的艾滋病自愿咨询检测服务招募403名YMSM, 采用匿名问卷调查, 回收375份(93.05%)有效问卷。结果 YMSM中有37.9%首次同性性行为未使用安全套, 最近6个月有55.7%发生多性伴行为, 51.7%有“419”(一夜情)行为, 5.6%有群交行为。性感觉寻求与首次同性性行为未使用安全套、多性伴行为、“419”行为、群交行为呈正相关(偏相关系数分别为0.247、0.218、0.296、0.252)。分别以首次同性性行为未使用安全套、多性伴行为、“419”行为、群交行为作为因变量进行logistic回归分析, 结果显示性感觉寻求高者更有可能发生以上危险性行为。结论 青少年性感觉寻求水平对危险性行为有影响, 应加强基于人群性感觉寻求分析的艾滋病相关知识及行为教育, 强化艾滋病相关危险性行为的风险意识, 从而更有效开展YMSM艾滋病干预。  相似文献   

PurposeScreening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is a crucial element of improving health and reducing disparities, and young men who have sex with men (YMSM) face high rates of both STIs and human immunodeficiency virus. We examined sexual health screening among a diverse sample of adolescent YMSM living in New York City.MethodsBetween 2009 and 2011, cross-sectional data were collected from 590 YMSM in New York City. Separate multivariable logistic regression models were used to assess the relationship between sociodemographic, psychosocial, and health and healthcare related factors and two main outcomes: having sought a recent sexual health screening (past 6 months) and having a rectal sexual health screening (lifetime).ResultsOverall, 46% reported a sexual health screening in the prior 6 months, but only 16% reported ever having a rectal screening for STIs. Rates were higher among ethnic minority YMSM and men who accessed care at clinics. Multivariable results indicated that gay community affiliation, recent unprotected anal sex, and number of lifetime male partners were also associated with seeking a recent screening.ConclusionsThough half of the sample reported recent general screening, rates of lifetime rectal screening are low. Efforts to increase screening may focus on improving provider knowledge and guideline adherence, and educating and encouraging YMSM to access sexual health check-ups.  相似文献   

目的 评价中国青年男男性行为人群(YMSM)艾滋病相关行为与感染状况。方法 检索中国知网、万方数据和PubMed,检索时限为2005年1月至2016年2月,2名评价员按照纳入与排除标准独立对文献进行筛选、提取和评价,采用R软件进行Meta分析。结果 共纳入文献37篇,样本含量32 110人。75.5%(95%CI:68.8%~81.2%)YMSM以互联网为结识性伴主要场所,多性伴行为发生率为65.5%(95%CI:60.0%~70.6%)。近6个月89.1%(95%CI:84.2%~92.6%)YMSM存在肛交性行为,安全套坚持使用率为42.0%(95%CI:37.4%~46.6%);11.4%(95%CI:8.4%~15.4%)YMSM存在阴道性行为,安全套坚持使用率为36.9%(95%CI:32.4%~41.6%)。YMSM艾滋病感染率为5.0%(95%CI:3.9%~6.5%),亚组分析显示,YMSM艾滋病感染率呈逐年递增趋势,且西部地区YMSM艾滋病合并感染率(6.3%,95%CI:4.7%~8.5%)显著高于东(4.2%,95%CI:2.6%~6.6%)、中部(1.9%,95%CI:0.8%~4.6%)地区(P<0.05)。结论 YMSM普遍存在多性伴与无保护性行为,艾滋病流行形势严峻,亟待针对该人群开展艾滋病干预工作。  相似文献   

[目的]了解青少年男男性接触者( young men who have sex with men, YMSM )性行为安全认知和社会状况,为进一步在YMSM中开展艾滋病( acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS ) 相关高危行为干预提供科学依据。[方法]采用无记名方式,运用自编的调查问卷、抑郁自填问卷(self-rating depression scale,SDS)、焦虑自填问卷(self-rating anxiety scale,SAS)和半结构式访谈提纲,对28名YMSM进行问卷调查和个人深入访谈。[结果]研究对象年龄16~19岁,平均(18.11±0.83)岁;22人近半年有肛交性行为,其中仅10人每次肛交均使用安全套;15人有过一夜情。研究对象对安全性行为认知较差,19人与性伴讨论过此问题;多数人认为安全套相对安全且购买方便,但主动购买者较少(11人),不喜欢使用安全套者占多数;对一夜情态度较开放。多数人认为自己行为是后天形成的,主要受性别认同环境、不愉快经历、同性恋信息和家庭教育方式4方面的影响。多数能感受到来自家人等方面的压力,抑郁和焦虑症状检出率分别为32.14%和25.00%。[结论]YMSM中同性性行为安全认知较差且心理压力较大,应加强AIDS健康教育,提倡单一固定性伴侣和安全性行为,推广使用安全套,提供有利于青少年健康成长的支持性环境,为YMSM健康营造和谐氛围。  相似文献   

This study examined the perceptions of risk by young men who have sex with men (YMSM) regarding meeting sexual partners through the Internet. Fifty-four YMSM ages 18–29 who reported engaging in bareback sex (“intentional unprotected anal intercourse in high-risk contexts”) completed a structured assessment and a face-to-face interview. Participants reported using the Internet to meet sexual partners at least once per week, having had multiple sexual partners in the past 2 months (M = 10.50, SD = 9.25), and engaging in occasions of unprotected receptive (M = 5.35, SD = 6.76) and insertive (M = 5.06, SD = 10.11) anal intercourse. A third of the sample reported having had unprotected sex with a partner who was serodiscordant or of unknown serostatus. Despite the obvious HIV risks, the most commonly perceived risks included threats to physical safety and difficulties trusting a stranger. Risk reduction strategies included leaving information about partner and whereabouts with a friend, meeting in a public place, and screening partner through online chatting. Those YMSM who meet partners online may be at risk for physical violence in addition to HIV or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Public health campaigns should increase awareness of safety concerns when meeting sexual partners online and support YMSM's self-protective actions.  相似文献   

Objectives. We assessed rates of childhood sexual abuse and its demographic and mental health correlates among HIV-positive men who reported unsafe anal intercourse with other men in the past year.Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from 593 HIV-positive men who have sex with men enrolled in the Positive Connections intervention.Results. Childhood sexual abuse was reported by 47% of participants; 32% reported frequency as often or sometimes. Men reporting abuse were more likely to be Latino (odds ratio [OR] = 2.6; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.6, 4.2; P < .001) or African American (OR = 1.8; 95% CI = 1.2, 2.7; P = .005) than White. Among those who were abused, more frequent abuse was associated with more sexual contacts (for each, rate ratio [RR] = 1.3; P < .001) and unsafe anal intercourse (often, RR = 1.5; sometimes, RR = 2.0; P < .001) compared with men who were not abused.Conclusions. History of childhood sexual abuse is highly prevalent among HIV-positive men who engage in risky sexual behavior with other men and appears to be more common among men of color. Our findings suggest that abuse is associated with a significantly increased risk of sexually transmitted infections.Considerable evidence suggests that men who have sex with men (MSM) and who experienced childhood sexual abuse are at heightened risk for HIV infection and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and associated sexual risk behaviors. Several publications have indicated that self-reported history of sexual abuse is indirectly associated with high-risk sexual behaviors among diverse samples of MSM, such as attendees at targeted events and members of support organizations for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adolescents.14These reports corroborate earlier studies that found that MSM who reported childhood sexual abuse were at higher risk of becoming HIV positive and engaged in higher rates of unprotected anal intercourse. Few of these studies have focused on whether a history of childhood sexual abuse among HIV-positive MSM is associated with unprotected anal intercourse with partners who are HIV negative.58 In a study of HIV-positive MSM recruited at gay venues in San Francisco and New York City, O''Leary et al. found an association between a history of childhood sexual abuse and unprotected anal intercourse with partners who were HIV negative or of unknown infection status.9 With little other research published on the effect of childhood sexual abuse on unsafe sexual behavior among HIV-positive MSM, the generalizability of this report is unknown.Few studies have had an adequate overall sample size to address differences in reported rates of childhood sexual abuse by race/ethnicity with precision. In a study of more than 1000 predominantly HIV-negative MSM, Doll et al. reported higher rates of childhood sexual abuse among African American and Latino than White MSM.10 Surveillance reports reveal very high rates of diagnosed and undiagnosed HIV infection among MSM of color11,12; therefore it is critical to identify risk factors that may contribute to higher rates of unsafe sex among racial/ethnic subgroups of HIV-positive MSM.We examined the prevalence of self-reported history of childhood sexual abuse and the demographic and behavioral correlates of such abuse in a group of racially diverse HIV-positive MSM who reported anal intercourse with other men in the past year and who were enrolled in a weekend sexual health intervention to reduce unsafe sexual behavior. We hypothesized that men who reported childhood sexual abuse would also report higher rates of unprotected anal intercourse with men of HIV serodiscordant or unknown HIV infection status.  相似文献   

Young men who have sex with men (YMSM) in the United States are experiencing an alarming increase in HIV incidence. Recent evidence suggests that the majority of new HIV infections in YMSM occur in the context of serious relationships, which underscores the importance of examining predictors of sexual risk behavior in the context of sexual partnerships, including relationship type, sexual partner characteristics, and relationship dynamics. The current study aimed to evaluate relationship and sexual partnership influences on sexual risk behavior in YMSM, including differentiating between multiple sexual risk variables (i.e., any unprotected anal or vaginal intercourse, unprotected insertive anal or vaginal intercourse, and unprotected receptive anal intercourse). More serious/familiar partnerships were associated with more sexual risk across all three risk variables, while wanting a relationship to last was protective against risk across all three risk variables. Some variables were differentially linked to unprotected insertive sex (partner gender) or unprotected receptive sex (partner age, partner race, believing a partner was having sex with others, and partners repeated across waves). Sexual risk behavior in YMSM is inconsistent across sexual partnerships and appears to be determined in no small part by sexual partner characteristics, relationship dynamics, and sexual role (i.e., insertive or receptive partner). These influences are critical in understanding sexual risk in YMSM and provide important targets for intervention.  相似文献   

目的探讨中国男男性接触者(MSM)中异性爱者与素质性同性爱者(gay)艾滋病高危性行为状况。方法采用定向抽样方法,对9城市2250例MSM进行匿名问卷调查,比较其中异性爱组与gay组的高危性行为。结果异性爱组累计同性性伴数(平均13.8个)、近6个月同性性伴数(平均3.8个)、累计同性口交性伴数(平均10.5个)和同性肛交性伴数(平均12.4个),均低于gay组;在婚异性爱组累计女性性伴数(平均4.9个)、近6个月女性性伴数(平均1.7个),均高于在婚gay组。异性爱组同性性交安全套使用率(68.8%)低于gay组;但最近1次同性肛交安全套使用率(91.3%)、与女性性交安全套使用率(63.7%)均高于gay组;两组最近1次同性肛交安全套使用率(分别为91.3%、71.0%)均高于最近1次同性口交安全套使用率。异性爱组最近1年曾参加群交百分率(9.9%)、性交时自己或对方出血过百分率(16.7%)、到外地并与当地男性性交百分率(11.4%),曾向同性买性百分率(4.6%)、16岁前遭遇过成年男性实施的强迫性交百分率(4.2%),均低于gay组。结论MSM中异性爱者与gay的高危性行为存在诸多差异,为有效阻断HIV传播,干预工作应选择重点亚人群进行。  相似文献   

Young men who have sex with men (YMSM) are among the highest risk groups for HIV, and the risk distribution varies by race/ethnicity. Prevalence rates are consistently higher for minority YMSM. Factors underlying these disparities are poorly understood. We examined disparities in HIV risk among a community-based sample of Black, Latino, and non-Hispanic Caucasian YMSM age 16–24. To address gaps in the literature, we examined factors between and within racial/ethnic groups across domains including: sexual and substance use behaviors, sexualized and other social contexts, psychological well-being, HIV attributes and prevention skills, and sexual minority stress.  相似文献   

Findings have been inconsistent regarding the association of obesity and sexual risk behaviors. The purpose of the current study was to assess the prospective nature of body mass index (BMI), depression, and their interaction in predicting condom use during anal intercourse among HIV-infected men who have sex with men (MSM). The sample (N = 490) was obtained from a large, HIV clinical cohort from four sites across the U.S. The following inclusion criteria were employed: identification as MSM and had completed at least one wave of patient-reported measures (e.g., depression, as measured by the PHQ-9) in the clinical cohort study. Longitudinal linear mixed-effects modeling revealed a significant BMI by depression interaction. Depressive symptoms were predictive of less frequent condom use for obese but not overweight men. Analogous results were found in regard to comparisons between normal weight and overweight men. Obesity, in the context of depression, is a risk factor for unprotected anal intercourse among HIV-infected MSM. Cognitive behavioral interventions to reduce HIV transmission risk behaviors among HIV-infected MSM should adopt an integrated perspective, combining sexual risk reduction with treatment for depression and body-related concerns.  相似文献   

The incidence of both eating disorders and sexually transmitted diseases (STD) is relatively high among men who have sex with men (MSM). Yet, only one study has explored the influence of body mass index (BMI) on sexual risk-taking behaviors in this population. The objective of this study was to reexamine the practice of anal intercourse among overweight and obese MSM and to assess the consistency with which condoms were used. MSM who had placed same-sex sexual advertisements were asked to complete a brief online survey. A total of 576 MSM completed the survey, which assessed: age, HIV-status, height, weight, rejection of sexual partners, number of anal intercourse partners, and condom use during anal intercourse. Increased BMI was associated with a lowered likelihood of rejecting sexual partners and decreased number of actual anal intercourse partners. Increased BMI was also associated with decreased condom use. In addition to cardiovascular disease, obese MSM may be at a higher risk for STDs relative to normal weight MSM. There was some evidence to suggest that inconsistent condom use in such men may be an expression of the overexcitement concomitant with the comparatively rare event of acquiring an anal intercourse partner.  相似文献   

目的 了解年轻男男性行为人群(YMSM)偶遇性行为及相关危险行为状况,并分析影响偶遇性行为的因素,为降低该人群感染和传播艾滋病的风险提出针对性的措施。方法 2013年5-11月在武汉市通过互联网宣传、外展活动的组织以及艾滋病自愿咨询检测服务招募年龄≤25岁的YMSM参加匿名式问卷调查,招募403名YMSM,收集其人口学、性行为等相关信息,分析YMSM偶遇性行为的相关因素。结果 实际调查398名YMSM中,48.99%(195/398)报告最近6个月发生过偶遇性行为。与未报告偶遇性行为的YMSM比较,报告偶遇性行为的YMSM肛交、口交坚持使用安全套的比例均较低[34.29%(60/175)比49.08%(80/163)(χ2=7.61,P=0.01)、38.85%(61/157)比28.65%(49/171)(χ2=3.82,P=0.05)]。报告偶遇性行为的YMSM中,多性伴的比例高于未报告偶遇性行为的YMSM[76.80%(149/194)比33.15%(60/181)(χ2=77.36,P<0.01)]。多因素logistic回归分析显示,经常使用互联网、存在吸毒行为是YMSM发生偶遇性行为的影响因素(OR=4.89,95% CI:1.90~12.54;OR=2.72,95% CI:1.60~4.63)。结论 YMSM有过偶遇性行为者更容易发生无保护性行为和多性伴等高危行为,应加强互联网针对YMSM的行为干预。  相似文献   

Criminal justice practices in the USA disproportionately affect sexual and racial/ethnic minority men, who are at higher risk of incarceration. Previous research demonstrates associations between incarceration and sexual risk behaviors for men who have sex with men (MSM). However, little of this work focuses on young MSM (YMSM), particularly HIV-infected YMSM, despite nearly one-third reporting engagement in sexual risk behaviors, such as transactional sex. We therefore explored the association between incarceration and transactional sex among HIV-infected YMSM. We recruited 97 HIV-infected YMSM across 14 clinical sites in urban centers from August 2015 to February 2016. We used multivariate logistic regression to examine the relationship between incarceration and transactional sex among YMSM. The majority was 24 years old (78%) and racial/ethnic minority (95%); over half were not in school and reported an annual income of <?$12,000. In the multivariate model, having ever been incarcerated (aOR?=?3.20; 95% CI 1.07–9.63) was independently associated with a history of transactional sex. Being 24 years vs. younger (aOR?=?9.68; 95% CI 1.42–65.78) and having ever been homeless (aOR?=?3.71, 95% CI 1.18–11.65) also remained independently associated with a history of transactional sex. This analysis fills a gap in the literature by examining the relationship between incarceration and transactional sex among HIV-infected YMSM. Facilitating youths’ engagement with social services available in their HIV clinic may serve as a key strategy in promoting health. Public health efforts need to address social-structural factors driving disproportionate rates of arrest and incarceration and related harms among this population.  相似文献   

The objective was to examine the association between circumcision status and self-reported HIV infection among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Britain who predominantly or exclusively engaged in insertive anal intercourse. In 2007–2008, a convenience sample of MSM living in Britain was recruited through websites, in sexual health clinics, bars, clubs, and other venues. Men completed an online survey which included questions on circumcision status, HIV testing, HIV status, sexual risk behavior, and sexual role for anal sex. The analysis was restricted to 1,521 white British MSM who reported unprotected anal intercourse in the previous 3 months and who said they only or mostly took the insertive role during anal sex. Of these men, 254 (16.7 %) were circumcised. Among men who had had a previous HIV test (n = 1,097), self-reported HIV seropositivity was 8.6 % for circumcised men (17/197) and 8.9 % for uncircumcised men (80/900) (unadjusted odds ratio [OR], 0.97; 95 % confidence interval [95 % CI], 0.56, 1.67). In a multivariable logistic model adjusted for known risk factors for HIV infection, there was no evidence of an association between HIV seropositivity and circumcision status (adjusted OR, 0.79; 95 % CI, 0.43, 1.44), even among the 400 MSM who engaged exclusively in insertive anal sex (adjusted OR, 0.84; 95 % CI, 0.25, 2.81). Our study provides further evidence that circumcision is unlikely to be an effective strategy for HIV prevention among MSM in Britain.  相似文献   

Young men who have sex with men (YMSM) are at alarming risk for HIV acquisition, demonstrating the highest rates of incident infection of any age-risk group. GRINDR is a global positioning service-based social networking application popular with YMSM for sexual partnering. To assess the characteristics of YMSM who use GRINDR, we conducted a computer-assisted self-interview-based survey of 375 YMSM using GRINDR in metropolitan Los Angeles, recruited using the GRINDR platform. The median age was 25 (interquartile range, 22–27) years old, 42.4 % caucasian, 6.4 % African American, 33.6 % Latino, and 14.1 % Asian/Pacific Islander. Participants reported high rates of sexual partnering and unprotected anal intercourse (UAI). The majority (70 %) of those reporting unprotected anal intercourse reported low perception of HIV-acquisition risk. Of the participants, 83.1 % reported HIV testing within the past 12 months; 4.3 % had never been HIV tested. Of the participants, 4.5 % reported HIV-positive serostatus; 51.7 % indicated that they would be interested in participating in a future HIV prevention trial. Latinos were more likely than either caucasians or African Americans to endorse trial participation interest (odds ratio, 1.9; 95 % confidence interval [1.1–3.3]). HIV-positive test results were associated with increased number of anal sex partners in the past 3 months (adjusted odds ratio (AOR), 1.53 [0.97–2.40]), inconsistent inquiry about partners’ serostatus (AOR, 3.63 [1.37–9.64]), reporting the purpose for GRINDR use including “friendship” (AOR, 0.17 [0.03–1.06), and meeting a sexual partner in a bookstore in the past 3 months (AOR, 33.84 [0.99–1152]). Men recruited via GRINDR were high risk for HIV acquisition or transmission and interested in clinical trial participation, suggesting potential for this method to be used for recruitment of YMSM to HIV prevention trials.  相似文献   

This study examined the prevalence of Internet use for meeting sexual partners among men who have sex with men. The study also examined HIV risk behaviors among men who reported meeting a sexual partner via the Internet. A sample of 609 men was surveyed while attending a gay pride festival in Atlanta, GA. Participants completed a questionnaire assessing demographic information, Internet use, gay acculturation, AIDS knowledge, attitudes about condoms, global substance use, and sexual behavior. A substantial majority of men (75%) reported using the Internet to access gay-oriented web sites. One third of the sample (34%) reported having met a sexual partner via the Internet. Men meeting sex partners online reported higher rates of methamphetamine use. Men meeting sexual partners over the Internet reported having sex with more male partners in the previous 6 months (M = 8.38, it SD = 19.39) compared with men not meeting partners in this manner (M = 3.13, SD = 4.99, p < .001). Men meeting partners via the Internet also reported higher rates of sexual risk behaviors including unprotected anal receptive intercourse (p < .05) and unprotected anal insertive intercourse (p < .01). The high prevalence of Internet use as a method of meeting sexual partners suggests that sexual networks may be forming over the Internet. The Internet therefore provides opportunities for new HIV primary prevention interventions.  相似文献   

Gay and bisexual men are often treated as a homogenous group; however, there may be important differences between them. In addition, behaviorally bisexual men are a potential source of HIV infection for heterosexual women. In this study, we compared 97 men who have sex with men only (MSM) to 175 men who have sex with men and women (MSMW). We also compared the 175 MSMW to 772 men who have sex with women only (MSW). Bivariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed to assess correlates of MSMW risk behaviors with men and with women as well as whether MSMW, compared with MSW, engaged in more risky behaviors with women. Compared with MSM, MSMW were less likely to be HIV-positive or to engage in unprotected receptive anal intercourse. In contrast, MSMW were more likely than MSW to be HIV-positive and to engage in anal intercourse with their female partners; however, rates of unprotected anal intercourse were similar. The study findings suggest that there may be important differences in HIV risk behaviors and HIV prevalence between MSM and MSMW as well as between MSMW and MSW.  相似文献   

Research examining the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and sexual risk outcomes among men who have sex with men (MSM) has yielded inconsistent results. Using a web-based survey, single-identified (e.g., not in a relationship) young MSM (N = 431) between the ages of 18 and 24 years who sought romantic partners online were asked to respond to items regarding their BMI, body image (e.g., attribution, dissatisfaction, and pride), and sexual risk behaviors. We used Poisson regressions to examine the relationships between BMI, body image, and the number of unprotected receptive anal intercourse (URAI) occasions and partners in the past 2 months. We found a curvilinear relationship between BMI and URAI occasions, and a linear relationship between BMI and URAI partners. These relationships persisted after accounting for body image. Further, we found that body attribution served as a protective factor whereas body pride served as a risk factor. We discuss the implications of our findings for sexual health education and HIV prevention.  相似文献   

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