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人性照护理论与人文关怀在护理中的体现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍人性照护理论概念以及人文关怀的内涵,提出人文关怀理念是人性照护理论的具体应用,体现在护理服务的全过程。通过更新服务理念,营造良好的人文氛围,提高护理人员素质,创建人性化的护理管理制度,真正建立以人为本的整体护理。  相似文献   

介绍了华生人性照护理论的基本内容及在艾滋病护理中开展人性照护的重要性,重点分析了该理论在艾滋病病人中的应用情况,提出人性照护理论结合评估、计划与干预、评价3步骤使艾滋病病人的护理科学化、系统化,以期为人性照护理论进一步指导艾滋病病人的临床护理实践提供依据。  相似文献   

介绍了华生人性照护理论的基本内容及在艾滋病护理中开展人性照护的重要性,重点分析了该理论在艾滋病病人中的应用情况,提出人性照护理论结合评估、计划与干预、评价3步骤使艾滋病病人的护理科学化、系统化,以期为人性照护理论进一步指导艾滋病病人的临床护理实践提供依据。  相似文献   

人性照护理论在精神分裂症患者康复应用中的效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人性照护理论是由美国护理理论家华生(Jean Watson)于1979年创立的,此理论强调人性照护是护理的本质和核心,描述人性照护的哲学与科学如何应用,以引导护理实践。随着生物医学模式向生物-心理-社会医学模式的转变和患者对护理要求的不断提高,人性化护理大势所趋。本研究应用华生人性照护理论,指导和实施了对住院精神分裂症患者的康复护理,并进行了效果评价。  相似文献   

黄双英  杨郁文  祝亚男  王筱萍 《护理研究》2007,21(13):1131-1133
人文关怀又称人性关怀、关怀照护、关爱.所谓关怀照护,Cohen和Leininger认为是为了改善及促进人类的健康而直接去协助、支持及促进个人或团体的一种护理行为,而且会因文化差异而有不同的表现.关怀照护包括心理、文化及社会等层面,将人文关怀融入临床护理实践中,可提供全人护理(整体护理)[1].人文关怀是护理学科的核心和精髓[2].近些年,国外对关怀照护概念的探讨、理论的形成及相关的研究较多,但国内则相对较少.  相似文献   

刍议我国关怀照护现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人文关怀又称人性关怀、关怀照护、关爱。所谓关怀照护,Cohen和Leininger认为是为了改善及促进人类的健康而直接去协助、支持及促进个人或团体的一种护理行为,而且会因文化差异而有不同的表现。关怀照护包括心理、文化及社会等层面,将人文关怀融入临床护理实践中,可提供全人护理(整体护理)。人文关怀是护理学科的核心和精髓。近些年,国外对关怀照护概念的探讨、理论的形成及相关的研究较多,但国内则相对较少。  相似文献   

目的:探讨关怀照护在创伤骨科患者护理中的应用效果.方法:将120例患者随机分为观察组和对照组各60例,对照组实施病房普通护理,观察组则制定护理关怀照护指南,实施为期4周的人性关怀照护.对两组用修正后的护士关怀照护质量评价表、自编的患者满意度/舒适度调查表、症状自评量表(SCL-90)作为评价工具,综合评定临床护理效果.结果:两组患者对护理关怀照护的质量评价比较、对护理工作满意度/舒适度的比较、治疗前后SCL-90评定结果比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论:实施关怀照护可提高骨科临床护理工作质量和患者满意度,密切护患关系,有利于临床护理工作顺利开展,促进患者身心康复.  相似文献   

目的 观察华生人性照护理论在住院精神分裂症患者护理管理中的应用效果.方法 将120例住院精神分裂症患者随机分为研究组和对照组各60例,研究组实施为期2个月的人性照护护理.采用关怀照护行为质量评价表、症状自评量表和护理工作满意度作为评价工具.结果 入组时,所有量表评分两组间均无显著性差异(P>0.05),2个月后,各量表评分研究组均优于对照组(P<0.01).结论 有效地应用华生人性照护理论指导精神分裂症患者的护理管理,不仅有利于患者的全面康复,而且有利于护患之间的沟通,提高患者的满意度.  相似文献   

应用人性照护理论开展"3H"护理服务   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为进一步转变护理服务理念,建立和谐统一的新型护患关系,充分体现以“患者为中心,以人的预防保健为核心”的新型医学模式,贯彻全员、全程、全面的优质服务理念,我院应用华生人性照护理论开展了“3H”(Hotel宾馆、Hosp ital医院、Hom e家庭,简称“3H”)规范化护理服务,效果满意,现报告如下。1理论简介1.1理论目的该理论描述人性照护的科学理论及如何应用理论指导护理实践,人性照护理论特别适用于当前护理实践,有理论指导的临床护理具有强大的生命力和深远的意义。1.2主要概念①形成人性-利他主义价值体系:护士通过检查一个人的观点、信仰、…  相似文献   

应用人性照护理论开展“3H”护理教育的体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用人性照护理论在护理专业学生实习过程中开展“3H”规范化护理教育,介绍照护理论的内涵以及“3H”规范化护理服务的目的、措施和实施效果。建议在临床护理工作中应用人性照护理论开展“3H”护理教育与服务。  相似文献   

Nurses are with people as they experience a variety of life situations that are paradoxical in nature. In other words, these life experiences hold happiness and sadness, opportunities and limitations all at once.  相似文献   

Caring behaviors displayed toward nurses by nurse managers and nurse peers play a significant role in establishing relationships that promote a healthy work environment. A qualitative study was done to identify behaviors perceived to be caring toward nurses. The theoretical background used for the study was Nursing as Caring by Boykin and Schoenhofer. Data were collected from focus groups consisting of registered nurses currently employed in the practice setting. Content analysis was used for the analysis. The overarching category that was identified was tending to a caring environment. The following emergent categories were also found: caring through helping and supporting, caring through appreciating, and acknowledging unappreciated caring. The findings suggest that nurses demonstrate caring behaviors toward their colleagues by coming to know them on both a professional and a personal level. These behaviors form the foundation for an environment that supports a consistent demonstration of caring.  相似文献   

Concepts of caring and caring as a concept   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
If caring is to be retained as the "essence" of nursing, and if research in this area is to advance, then the various perspectives of caring must be clarified, the strengths and the limitations of these conceptualizations examined, and the applicability of caring as a concept and theory to the practice of nursing identified. Examination of the concept of caring resulted in the identification of five epistemological perspectives: caring as a human state, caring as a moral imperative or ideal, caring as an affect, caring as an interpersonal relationship, and caring as a nursing intervention. Two outcomes of caring were identified: caring as the subjective experience and as the physiologic responses in patients. The authors concluded that knowledge development related to caring in nursing is limited by the lack of refinement of caring theory, the lack of definitions of caring attributes, the neglect to examine caring from the dialectic perspective, and the focus of theorists and researchers on the nurse to the exclusion of the patient.  相似文献   

Powerful caring     
The second article in our Heart of Nursing series looks at how nurses accompany patients on their journey. Through their skill and care, nurses move companionship to a level where it becomes therapeutic and healing.  相似文献   

Earth caring     
This article explores the interrelationships of environment, nursing, and caring and challenges the readers, particularly in light of the ecology crisis, to examine the apparent anthropocentric emphasis of current human care and caring theory. The intent is to engage all nurses in thoughtful study and reflection and in fruitful, friendly dialogue.  相似文献   

Intensive caring     
Middleton J 《Nursing times》2011,107(47):28-29

  • ? ‘Partnership caring’ emphasizes the current paediatric practices and their importance in paediatric nursing Today.
  • ? The importance in not compromising care in a rapidly changing health scene is described when shrinking resources and increasing constraints put pressure on the health services.
  • ? Important concepts such as pre-admission programmes, creating the right environment for the child, family-centred care, parent participation, family accommodation and supporting services, nursing documentation, the rights of the child and family, specialist and community nursing services as well as children's out-patient services providing the vital link in the continuum of care are all emphasized. They show how these became ideas 5–6 years ago but are now firmly established in the philosophy of family-centred care.
  • ? In the new health service today, paediatric nurses face new challenges which emanate from the children and parents served, but also from within new clinical directorate structures. ‘However, within our new world of clinical directorates and when the clinical director has the executive authority to make and influence decisions, and when segmentalization of paediatric services becomes a real threat (and in some places this is happening now!) paediatric nurses must remember the children. We must stand firm in our values and beliefs and above all we must not allow these changes to compromise the care we give to children and their families.’

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