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<正> 国内关于针灸作用原理的研究,通过第一、第二届全国针灸针麻学术会议的广泛交流和全面总结而进一步受到重视。不少针灸临床工作者,中医院校针灸专业的教师、研究生、理工院校或科研单位一些从事生物医学工程学的教学科研人员,都纷纷参加或转移到这一领域。选题在强化临床,坚持针灸医学传统特色和促进学科间的协作方面比以往更为自觉。一些空白领域或薄弱环节也得到了加强。因此,近三年来,针灸作用原理研究,不论是针灸作用和针灸作用规律的研究,还是经、穴-脏腑相关的探讨,均有一定进展。现从以下四个方面作一概述。  相似文献   

针灸作用原理研究的观念、思路与方法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以针灸作用是针灸刺激在机体产生的一种生命活动现象为出发点,就针灸作用原理研究的观念、思路与方法进行阐述。①针灸学研究不仅仅是针灸学的,更是生命科学的;②针灸作用原理研究就是把针灸作用当作一种生命活动现象,认定这一现象,并研究其产生、过程、结果间的相互关系与规律;③针灸作用原理研究的永恒主题是创新。  相似文献   

关于针灸-免疫研究思路的探讨   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
在简略分析针灸-免疫研究现状之后,认为今后应当进一步开展针灸-免疫作用规律与机理的探讨.在作用规律研究方面,首先宜借鉴药理学方法,加强针灸-免疫作用量效与时效关系的探究,尤其应重视针灸所诱导产生的生物活性物质在体内合成、分泌、分布、代谢和排泄过程的研究。其次要对影响针灸-免疫作用的因素进行分析研究,促进对针灸-免疫作用更全面、客观的了解。在机理研究方面,除应继续从免疫系统内部调控网络水平上进行探讨外,着重研究针灸-免疫作用的神经·内分泌机制。  相似文献   

韩燕 《中国针灸》2004,24(4):287-288
针对针灸在国内外不同的发展状况,反思针灸研究工作中存在的问题.只有系统学习中医针灸理论,才能掌握辨证论治的规律而实际应用于临床;只有真正地肯定疗效,才能进一步进行研究工作.对中医针灸在自身科学原理的基础上,进一步规范化、标准化,是目前研究的中心问题;对中医针灸疗法中"辨证论治"的规律探索是研究的最终方向和目的.  相似文献   

针灸是一种注重机体完整性和自然治愈能力为特征的治疗方法 ,针灸治病的确切疗效及其机理的实验研究有了重大进展。通过实验研究 ,针灸治疗这些病的机理已得到了不同程度的阐明。针灸的实验研究给古老的针灸学注入了新的活力。更值得注意的是 ,当前针灸学已成为世界医学的组成部分。针灸学日益受到各国科技界的重视 ,成为各国科学家们竞相研究的重点。把中医针灸学术与现代科学沟通起来 ,实现针灸诊疗技术现代化 ,并对针灸的作用、作用规律、作用原理进一步进行研究。所有这一切都要求我们培养新一代针灸专业人才 ,不仅应该系统掌握针灸学传…  相似文献   

针灸的应用与研究近十年来取得了新的进展,但在诊治肿瘤疾病中,由于受到主客观某些条件的限制,尚未能充分发挥一个方面的作用。在跨世纪的抗癌研究中,针灸学无疑应投入到这个世纪性医学难题中去。主动借鉴神经·内分泌·免疫系统调控网络的理论,探讨针灸治疗肿瘤的规律和机制;或借助分子生物学、遗传学、基因工程的某些理论和技术,从分子层次研究针灸抗肿瘤的规律和机理;或利用西医治疗肿瘤的成果,加强针灸配合西医综合治疗肿瘤的研究,以期进一步发挥针灸防治肿瘤的作用,推动针灸学术和进步。  相似文献   

上海市针灸经络研究所成立于1958年,是上海中医药研究院和上海中医药大学下属的研究机构,为我国最大的针灸医学研究机构之一。上海市针灸经络研究所拥有一支在临床、科研、教学等方面能力较强的针灸专业技术队伍,其主要任务是充分运用现代科学知识和方法,研究针灸治病的规律及其作用原理,继承和发扬我国传统针灸医学。  相似文献   

代飞  郭义 《辽宁中医杂志》2014,(11):2445-2446
为构建实验针灸学学科体系,对实验针灸学的发展和多年积累工作经验的归纳和总结,并结合教学实践及科研成果,该学科体系主要包括针灸基本理论、针灸作用规律及针灸作用原理3个方面。  相似文献   

目的探讨针灸效应物质基础研究在针灸作用原理研究的创新中的作用。方法回顾针灸作用原理研究和针灸效应物质基础研究的特点,分析针灸效应物质基础研究在针灸作用原理研究中的创新价值。结果针灸效应物质基础研究具备从整体出发,应用高通量技术与方法,不依赖已知知识为基本出发点,阐释整体效应机制的特征,符合针灸作用原理研究的思路和方法要求。结论将针灸效应物质基础研究引入针灸作用原理研究,对保持我国在针灸研究领域的国际领先地位,率先在针灸研究领域拥有原创性的自主知识产权具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

实验针灸学是应用现代科学技术与实验方法,研究针灸基本理论、针灸作用原理、针灸作用规律,指导临床实践的一门学科,是传统针灸学与现代科学相结合的产物。它的创建,  相似文献   

The2othcenturywillsoonbeover,andpeopleallovertheworldarepreparingforgreet-ingtheupcoming21stcenturywithanentirelynewpose.Formeetingthenewcentury,peopleworkinginvariousfieldsarelookingbackuponthecourseofthepast2Othcenturyandlookingforwardtothedevelopmentprospects.Inordertoacceleratethedevelopmentprocessofacupunctureintheworld,itisnecessaryforus,thecolleaguesworkingintheacupuncturemedi-calfield.,toanticipatethefutureofacupunc-ture,onthebasisofreviewingthepastandana-lyzingthecurrentsituation,soth…  相似文献   

1 INTERFERING ACTION OF ACUPUNCTURE ONIR DISEASES1·1 Effects on IRof diabetesLI U,et al .[1]find that the size of isletβ-cells enlarges ,secretory granules increase ,pallidumgranules reduce ,and the ratio of areas of the core granules andthe secretory granules alsosignificantlyincreasesinthe rat of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) ,indicatingthat extra-secretory cells of pancreaticislets caninducemetaplasia ofβ-cells . After acupuncture and moxibustion tre…  相似文献   

<正> 实验针灸学是我院根据针灸医学发展趋势和针灸专业培养目标的要求,于1983年新创建的一门专业课。这门课程的研究对象与任务及其在针灸教育中的意义简述如下。  相似文献   

肺纤维化是一种发病机制尚不明确的慢性炎症性肺疾病,中医药(包括针灸)等治疗方法在对其治疗上有着独特的优势。随着现代医学科学技术的发展,许多新的研究手段逐渐应用于肺纤维化的研究,本文查阅近十余年来应用透射电子显微镜研究肺纤维化的文献,总结了传统中医药及针灸治疗对肺纤维化超微结构的影响,以期获得临床用药的实验室基础。  相似文献   

论针刺补泻的相对特异性   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
高希言 《中国针灸》2002,22(9):10-18
为了探讨针刺补泻手法对人体的作用,通过古代文献记载,以现代临床、实验研究为依据,结合在针灸教学、临床上的体会,对针刺补泻的作用进行探讨,认为补泻作用产生的关键不是针刺补泻手法的本身,而是患者在针刺时机体的机能状况。补泻手法作用于人体,通过调气表现出补泻的效应,说明补泻效果的产生要具备一定的条件,不是任何条件下都有补泻效果,即对虚证病人可以产生补的作用,对实证病人可以产生泻的作用,补法和泻法对虚实病证均有治疗作用,但对虚证要首用补法,对实证要首选泻法。  相似文献   

For at least 2,500 years, acupuncture has been an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine. However, recently as more people in western countries are diagnosed with chronic disease poorly treated with modern medical therapies, many are turning to acupuncture and other forms of alternative medical treatments. Based on the theory of harmonious flowing qi being the basis of good health, acupuncture focuses on restoring qi by manipulation of the complementary and opposing elements of yin and yang. However, in the modern medical community we struggle to with the concept of qi, given a lack of anatomic and histological evidence supporting its existence. However, with the surge in public interest in acupuncture, the scientific community begun heavy investigation of acupuncture's efficacy, as well as the physiologic basis behind it. Thus far, evidence supports the use of acupuncture in post-operative nausea and vomiting, postoperative dental pain, chronic pain conditions such as lower back pain, and possibly also such psychologic conditions as addiction. It is possible that by affecting afferent nerve signaling, acupuncture may influence the release of endogenous opioids to promote pain relief. This effect may be augmented by release of ACTH and cortisol, as well as through down-regulation of signaling through pain fibers. When treating patients who may utilize alternative forms of medicine, it is important that medical practitioners be educated in regards to the basic fundamental beliefs behind acupuncture, as well as the scientific evidence supporting its use and revealing its efficacy. The purpose of this review is to give western trained physicians exposure to history, basic knowledge and its clinical applications of acupuncture to accommodate accelerating interests in acupuncture in modern society.  相似文献   

脉诊是中医诊断中的重要手段,针刺是中医治疗里的重要方法,为了解脉诊在近代针刺治疗中的运用情况,并了解近代临床针刺运用脉诊的适应范围及临床意义,检索“针刺+脉诊”相关文献后发现近代针刺治疗中配合诊脉的文献较少,然而诊脉对临床针刺的指导意义有理论依据可循,脉诊对针刺得气的重要性确有依据,脉诊指导针刺的原则多源于《黄帝内经》,针刺运用的脉法丰富多样,未涉及临床实践内容的文献占近1/3;针刺治疗配合诊脉有理论依据并具有临床意义,目前现代针刺治疗中诊脉不受重视是事实,《灵枢·九针十二原》所言之“凡将用针,必先诊脉”,是目前中医传承中被忽视的珍贵内容,亟需继续传承发展,利用现代科研技术与先进的设备,期望可促进脉诊的中医科学研究。  相似文献   

D Tang 《针刺研究》1991,16(1):76-8, 68
Experimental Acupuncturology is a new subject which probes the channel and principle of acupuncture with the help of modern scientific technique and experimental method. In channel research, the basic responsibility of Experimental Acupuncturology is to expand the essence of the channel. For nearly half a century, the research has been concentrated mainly on the channel detection, the phenomena of channels and the relationship between channel-point and viscera, etc. In the research on the principle of acupuncture, Experimental Acupuncturology has accumulated a lot of information to prove that therapeutic effect of acupuncture is credible. The effect of acupuncture is influenced by many factors. Thus, it is also one of the basic tasks for Experimental Acupuncturology to programme the experimental procedure according to the principles of diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of symptoms and signs, so that the best wiring scheme can be chosen out. Summarily, Experimental Acupuncturology has, at beast, three important significances in training modern specialists of acupuncture medicine. Firstly, it can make it possible for students to get deeper understanding on the thought of traditional acupuncture and realize the advantage of acupuncture, thus, encourage their faith on this medical means. Secondly, it can enrich the contents of acupuncture medicine and broaden the outlook of students, because it introduces modern science, technology and experimental method into traditional theory. Finally, it can train students' ability in scientific researches through strengthening the practicability of acupuncture. Therefore, its active significance in acupuncture education has been granted by acupuncture specialists in our country. Nowadays, more and more colleges of TCM has offered this subject which were welcome widely.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

常用实验动物穴位的标准化定位方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着针灸科研水平的逐渐提高和针灸标准化进程的不断加快,急需对常用实验动物穴位制定国家级标准,因此研究科学的实验动物穴位定位方法对于针灸学的发展具有重要意义。笔者结合近年来动物穴位的相关研究,对常用实验动物穴位定位方法进行了分析,总结出常见的4种方法:1)中国兽医针灸学是实验动物穴位定位的参考,参考家畜的穴位对实验动物穴位进行模拟定位。2)比较解剖学是实验动物穴位定位的基础,将人的腧穴模拟到实验动物身上。3)经络穴位特性的现代研究是实验动物穴位定位的科学依据,利用现代科学技术手段来进行检测定位。4)穴位的效应是实验动物穴位定位的关键因素,把发挥效应的检测点作为穴位。以上4种方法各有利弊,可以综合利用上述方法,从而提高动物穴位定位的准确性,使常用实验动物穴位的标准化成为可能。  相似文献   

Acupuncture, one of the primary methods of treatment in traditional Oriental medicine, is based on a system of meridians. Along the meridians lie acupuncture points or acupoints, which are stimulated by needling, pressure or heat to resolve a clinical problem. A number of methods have been used to identify meridians and to explain them anatomically. Thus, tendinomuscular structures, primo-vessels (Bonghan ducts), regions of increased temperature and low skin resistance have been suggested to represent meridians or as methods to identify them. However, none of these methods have met the criteria for a meridian, an entity that, when stimulated by acupuncture can result in clinical improvement. More recently, modern physiologists have put forward the “neural hypothesis” stating that the clinical influence of acupuncture is transmitted primarily through stimulation of sensory nerves that provide signals to the brain, which processes this information and then causes clinical changes associated with treatment. Although additional research is warranted to investigate the role of some of the structures identified, it seems clear that the peripheral and central nervous system can now be considered to be the most rational basis for defining meridians. The meridian maps and associated acupoints located along them are best viewed as road maps that can guide practitioners towards applying acupuncture to achieve optimal clinical results.  相似文献   

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