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目的探讨父母体力活动水平对子女的体力活动参与情况的影响。方法随机抽取达州市通川区小学3年级学生和家长参与调研,共发放问卷200份,回收有效问卷189份。问卷采用国际7天体力活动量表。结果 1在强有力的身体活动时间、中等强度、低强度以及总的体力活动时间之间,子女体力活动水平与父母参与情况呈正相关(P0.01);2当单独分析被调查的家长为父亲组的数据发现,体力活动水平在父亲和子女之间显著正相关(P0.05),总的睡眠时间正相关(P0.05);3当单独分析被调查的家长为母亲组的数据发现,体力活动水平在母亲和子女之间显著正相关(P0.05)。结论影响子女体力活动参与的因素是多样的,比如家庭收入、父母受教育程度以及工作等,体力活动结合其他因素是如何影响子女的,需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

国际体力活动问卷中体力活动水平的计算方法   总被引:21,自引:9,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
介绍国际体力活动问卷(IPAQ)长卷和短卷的结构、数据清理原则、体力活动水平计算方法和分组标准。通过实例分析,示范IPAQ长卷的具体计算过程。  相似文献   

目的调查慢性失眠患者的体力活动水平,调查并评价其体力活动咨询经历和质量,为临床工作提供指导。方法以386例门诊慢性失眠患者及154例健康对照为研究对象。采用国际体力活动问卷调查所有入组者体力活动情况,按照体力活动水平分为不充足和充足。采用5-As模型(评估、建议、达成共识、协助和随访安排)体力活动咨询框架调查并评价两组体力活动咨询经历及质量。结果失眠组体力活动充足者为22%(84/386),低于对照组(34%,52/154),差异有统计学意义(χ2=8.419,P〈0.01)。失眠组体力活动咨询经历调查结果显示,仅有19%(72/386)的患者接受过体力活动咨询,且主要咨询策略为"建议",其他咨询策略使用少,无随访,属低强度体力活动咨询。结论慢性失眠患者体力活动水平明显不足,所接受的体力活动咨询内容简单、质量低。  相似文献   

北京市西城区小学女生体力活动现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解北京市西城区小学女生体力活动现状,炒制定干预措施提供科学依据。方法:从北京市西城区小学中随机抽取9所小学的所有五年级女生共720人作为调查对象,使用问卷调查的方法对他们上学期课余时间参加体力活动情况调查。结果:五年级女生参加的主要体力活动依次为步行、骑车、跳皮筋、跑步和踢毽子、跳绳、游泳等;参加体育训练的比例29.3%,训练项目以舞蹈/体操和游泳所占比例最大;平均每星期参加课余体力活动、中等强度和高强度活动总时间分别为5.76、4.50、0.74h;平均每星期参加课余体力活动、中等强度和高等强度活动的频率分别为17.50、14.19、1.50次;平均每次参加课余体力活动、中等强度和高等强度活动的时间分别为0.35、0.33、0.38h。结论:北京市西城区五年级女生的体力活动水平相对较低,应采取措施促进小学生参加体力活动。  相似文献   

体力活动与心血管病危险因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索不同体力活动强度人群的心血管病主要危险因素水平的差异,采用分层随机抽样方法,对上海农村心血管病监测区35~64岁的男女共1197人进行心血管病危险因素和体力活动强度的调查。结果显示,体力活动能明显降低收缩压、舒张压、高血压患病率和体重指数,并可能有降低血清总胆固醇和升高高密度脂蛋白胆固醇的作用。提示通过体力活动能降低心血管病危险因素的水平,从而有利于心血管病的防治。  相似文献   

目的研究陕西省居民体力活动状况,为制定相关干预措施提供基线资料。方法本研究对象来源于2013年全国慢性病及其危险因素监测项目陕西省的样本人群。采用多阶段分层整群抽样法从陕西省17个监测点的样本人群中抽取调查对象,最终获得有效样本10 166人。采用全球体力活动调查问卷(GPAQ)对调查对象进行体力活动调查,按照全球体力活动调查问卷分析指南(GPAQ analysis guide)进行分析,同时利用WHO推荐标准评判体力活动的达标情况。用R 3.3.1软件进行t检验、方差分析和χ~2检验。结果陕西省居民从事高强度和中等强度工作、农业及家务性体力活动所占比例分别为27.46%和80.65%,高强度和中等强度休闲性体力活动比例分别为5.10%和21.21%,交通性体力活动比例为70.00%;日均总体力活动时间为(181.66±1.66)min,工作、农业及家务性体力活动,交通性体力活动,休闲性体力活动时间分别为(136.95±1.51)、(32.62±0.47)和(12.09±0.33)min,平均体力活动代谢当量为(6 264.33±67.05)MET-min/周[(14.92±0.02)MET-h/d],88.97%的居民达到了WHO推荐的每周达到或超过600 MET-min的体力活动标准。结论陕西省居民体力活动水平较好地达到WHO的推荐标准,但以工作、农业及家务性体力活动为主,仍需进一步增加休闲性体力活动的比例和时间。  相似文献   

体力活动对大学生心理应激状态干预效果评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 了解体力活动对大学生心理应激状态的影响及干预效果,为高校进行大学生心理健康教育提供依据.方法 利用青少年生活事件量表和国际体力活动量表,借鉴美国疾病预防控制中心和美国运动医学学院制定的体力活动评价标准,对120名男女大学生实施不同强度的体力活动干预并辅助心理健康教育,对体力活动强度与心理应激的关联度进行分析.结果 大强度、中强度、步行、对照组学生干预中期心理应激得分分别为(46.50±1.88),(47.55±2.65),(49.81±1.28),(50.61±1.85)分;干预后期分别为(44.67±1.75),(46.51±2.20),(49.37±1.15),(50.50±1.82)分;干预中、后期不同强度体力活动的大学生应激水平变化明显(P<0.05);干预后期建立了大学生心理应激线性回归模型,提示体力活动对大学生应激有一定的预测作用(95%CI=57.339~67.629).结论 大、中强度体力活动对减缓大学生心理应激具有积极作用.  相似文献   

社会生态模型是目前研究体力活动常用的理论模型,本文阐述了体力活动社会生态模型的理论发展进程,对现有的几种较系统的女性体力活动社会生态模型(非裔美国女性体力活动社会生态模型,女性体力活动社会环境因素生态模型和退休老年女性体力活动生态模型)进行了介绍和分析,讨论了女性体力活动社会生态模型的独特要素(社会经济地位、社会支持、...  相似文献   

目的 探讨体力活动模式与妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)发生风险的关系。方法 采用便利抽样的方法,选取2019年8月—11月在南方医科大学深圳医院产科门诊进行产检的孕妇为研究对象,采用自编一般资料问卷、中文版妊娠期身体活动问卷和电子病历系统回顾性收集人口学特征和妊娠早中期的体力活动情况和产检资料,通过logistic回归分析体力活动模式对GDM的影响,采用限制性立方样条分析体力活动模式与GDM发生风险的剂量-反应关系。结果 共710例孕妇参与调查,最终纳入669例孕妇(94.23%)。在校准混杂因素后,限制性立方样条分析得出总体力活动、居家照顾和低强度活动与GDM发生风险存在曲线相关。总体力活动和低强度活动与GDM发生风险的能量消耗阈值分别为79.800 MET - h/week和56.575 MET - h/week。结论 妊娠期总体力活动、居家照顾和低强度活动与GDM发生风险存在剂量 - 反应关系,总体力活动和低强度体力活动的能量消耗需要达到一定的阈值才能降低GDM的发生风险。  相似文献   

儿童少年体力活动的测量方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
体力活动是指通过骨骼肌群收缩引起能量消耗增多的任何形式的身体运动[1 ] 。大量研究表明 ,儿童少年时期经常参加体力活动不仅对促进他们的生长发育和健康起着十分重要的作用 ,而且这个时期形成的体力活动模式可持续到成年期[2 ] ,对预防以后生活中慢性疾病发生有极其重要的作用。体力活动对儿童少年健康的有益作用使测量他们的体力活动变得非常重要和富有挑战性 ,要证明体力活动对儿童少年健康的作用 ,就必须准确地测量他们的体力活动水平。在体力活动与健康关系研究中 ,有些结果不一致的一个主要原因是体力活动测量方法不同[3] 。而不同…  相似文献   

Activity intensity is a potential determinant of activity-induced energy expenditure. Tri-axial accelerometery is the most objective measurement technique for the assessment of activity intensity, in combination with doubly-labelled water for the measurement of energy expenditure under free-living conditions. Data on the effects of subject characteristics, including body size and age, and exercise training on the relationship between activity intensity and daily energy expenditure are reviewed. Average daily metabolic rate and non-basal energy expenditure are positively related to body size. The duration and intensity of physical activities do not need to be equivalent to the energy spent on activity. Obese subjects spend more energy on physical activity but can perform fewer activities, especially high-intensity (weight-bearing) activities, because of their higher body weight. Physical activity generally declines gradually from about 60 years of age onwards. Most subjects > 80 years have an activity level well below the level defined for sedentary middle-aged adults. Spending relatively more time on low-intensity activities has a negative effect on the mean physical activity level. To obtain a higher physical activity level does not necessarily imply high-intensity activities. In an average subject 25% of the activity-induced energy expenditure may be attributed to high-intensity activities. Exercise training, as a form of high-intensity activity, affects the physical activity level more in younger subjects than in elderly subjects.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This is a review on the measurement of physical activity under daily life conditions. The focus is on the doubly labelled water method and accelerometry. Doubly labelled water is a gold standard and the reference for the validation of field methods to assess physical activity. Accelerometry is the most objective and precise technique to assess activity patterns in terms of frequency, duration and intensity. Applications of the two techniques are illustrated with the limits of physical activity and energy expenditure and with activity intensity as a determinant of the physical activity level. RECENT FINDINGS: The upper limit of the physical activity index (total energy expenditure as a multiple of basal metabolic rate) of 2.5, as derived from cross-sectional data, is confirmed by training intervention studies. Exercise training, in which total energy expenditure was measured before and at the end of the training programme, showed no increase in physical activity index when training was combined with an energy restricted diet and in elderly subjects. In children, the distribution of time spent at activities with low and high intensity determines the physical activity index while in adults moderate-intensity activities are the main determinant. SUMMARY: In adults, within the normal physical activity index range, the distribution of time spent at activities with low and moderate intensity determines the physical activity level. High-intensity activity does not have much impact on daily energy expenditure. High-intensity activity is not required to increase the activity energy expenditure.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: In epidemiological studies information on physical activity is often obtained by self-report questionnaires, assessing the type of activities performed, the absolute metabolic demand (metabolic equivalents), and the duration and frequency of the activities. As health benefits from physical activity are coupled to the relative intensity of the physical effort, we wanted to relate perceived exertion to self-reported fitness. AIM: To use a questionnaire for obtaining information on perceived exertion of physical activity in a population sample and to evaluate whether perceived exertion is associated with self-reported fitness. METHODS: A total of 42 specific physical activities were included in a perceived exertion questionnaire that was sent by mail to 2,543 randomly selected men and women between 19 and 60 years of age. The participants were asked to rate activities by degree of perceived exertion on an 11-point box-scale. General linear regression analyses were undertaken with perceived exertion of the specific physical activities as outcome variables and age and self-rated fitness as determinants. RESULTS: The response rate was 61.7% (n = 1,568) and 54.3% of the respondents were women. In men and women both, the perceived exertion of 40 out of 42 specific physical activities of low, moderate, and high absolute intensity was negatively associated with self-rated fitness level. CONCLUSION: Perceived exertion is significantly associated with self-rated fitness level in both genders after adjustment for age. Self-rated fitness level seems to determine perception of exertion in leisure time, occupation, household, and transportation activities, whether of low, moderate, or high absolute intensity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The main determinants of daily energy expenditure are body size and physical activity. Activity energy expenditure is the most variable component of total energy expenditure. It was assessed whether the physical activity level in confined conditions is an indicator of free-living physical activity. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Activity energy expenditure was measured over 1 day in a confined environment of a respiration chamber (floor space, 7.0 m(2)), where activities were restricted to low-intensity activities of daily living, and over 2 weeks in a free-living environment using doubly labeled water. Subjects were 16 women and 29 men (age, 31 +/- 10 years; BMI, 24.2 +/- 2.7 kg/m(2)). RESULTS: The free-living activity level of the subjects, as a multiple of resting energy expenditure, was 1.76 +/- 0.13. Activity energy expenditure in the chamber was 47 +/- 13% of the value in daily life, and the two values were correlated (r = 0.50, p < 0.001; partial correlation corrected for age, gender, and BMI: 0.40, p < 0.01). The chamber value explained 25% of the total variance in free-living activity energy expenditure. DISCUSSION: The activity level of a subject under sedentary conditions is an indicator of activity energy expenditure in daily life, showing the importance of nonexercise activity for daily energy expenditure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Accelerometry was used to assess the relationship between the physical activity level (PAL) and time spent on activities of various intensities in children. DESIGN: A total of 20 children aged 8.6+/-3.3 y wore a triaxial accelerometer (Tracmor2) for 2 weeks. PAL was calculated with Tracmor2 output data. The fraction of time spent on activities with a given level of intensity (low, moderate, high) was calculated. The fractions of time spent on activities of different intensities were compared with previously obtained data for young adults and elderly persons. RESULTS: PAL showed an inverse relation with the percentage of time spent on low-intensity activities (r = -0.76; P < 0.0001) and a positive relation with the percentage of time spent on high-intensity activities (r = 0.93; P < 0.0001). The fraction of time spent on low-intensity activities was smaller in children than in young adults (P < 0.05) and elderly persons (P < 0.0001), while the fraction spent on high-intensity activities (P < 0.0001) was larger. CONCLUSIONS: The present data are important for a better understanding of physical activity in children, which is necessary for education and prevention about physical (in)activity in childhood. Our observations suggest that to obtain a higher PAL in children, they should be given the opportunities to perform high-intensity activities.  相似文献   

Low-to-moderate intensity physical activity thermogenesis is a highly variable and quantitatively important component of total energy expenditure that is difficult to assess outside the laboratory. Greater precision and accuracy in the measurement of this key contributor to energy balance is a research priority. We developed a laboratory-based protocol that simulated a range of low-to-moderate intensity physical activities. We characterized the bias and random (individual) error in estimating energy expenditure using combined accelerometry and heart rate (AHR) with branched-equation modeling and a simple motion sensor (pedometer) against an indirect calorimetry criterion. Twenty young adult subjects performed a 2-h laboratory-based protocol, simulating 6 low-to-moderate intensity physical activities interspersed with periods of rest. The physical activity level during the laboratory-based protocol reflected an energy expenditure toward the lower end of the active category. We found that AHR-derived energy expenditure showed no evidence of substantial fixed or proportional bias (mean bias 6%), whereas pedometer-derived energy expenditure showed both fixed and proportional bias (bias at minimum, mean, and maximum energy expenditure +11, -20, and -36%, respectively). It appears that AHR provides an accurate estimate of criterion energy expenditure whereas a simple motion sensor (pedometer) does not. It is noteworthy that AHR provides quantitative information about the nature and patterns of physical activity, such as the amount of time and/or energy spent engaged in physical activity above critical health-related thresholds.  相似文献   

Recreational physical activity and endometrial cancer risk.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To investigate the association between recreational physical activity and endometrial cancer risk, a population-based case-control study was conducted in Washington State. The study included 822 incident cases of endometrial cancer diagnosed between 1985 and 1991 and 1,111 randomly selected population-based controls. Detailed information on recreational physical activities as well as other endometrial cancer risk factors was obtained in structured, in-person interviews. Unconditional logistic regression, adjusted for age, county, energy intake, unopposed estrogen use, income, and, in separate models, body mass index (kg/m(2)), was used to estimate the odds ratios and their 95% confidence intervals, relating endometrial cancer to each level of physical activity. A greater proportion of controls (49.3%) than cases (40.5%) reported doing regular exercise (compared with no exercise: adjusted odds ratio = 0.62, 95% confidence interval: 0.51, 0.76) in the 2-year period prior to diagnosis date. There was little evidence of a trend of decreasing risk with increasing duration or intensity of recreational physical activities. These results provide support for an association between the lack of recent recreational physical activity and endometrial cancer risk. However, the absence of a difference by duration or intensity levels and the inconsistent results from other studies suggest caution before interpreting this association as causal.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rural children are at a particular high risk for obesity. Given the importance of exercise in obesity and chronic disease prevention, this study evaluated the level and relationship between physical activity and fitness in a sample of rural third graders. The second purpose of the study was to determine potential differences in physical activity and fitness level by weight status in this sample. METHODS: Twelve schools participating in a multidisciplinary research project were randomly selected for the study. Body mass index‐for‐age percentile, the modified Self‐administered Physical Activity Checklist, and the FITNESSGRAM battery tests were utilized to determine children's weight status, physical activity, and fitness level, respectively. RESULTS: Thirty‐eight percent of the 237 participating children (9.2 ± 0.4 years) were overweight or obese. Nearly 15% were extremely obese. Children spent 91.8 ± 83.8 and 32.2 ± 47.7 minutes in moderate‐ and vigorous‐intensity activities. Obese children spent less time in moderate‐intensity activity (p < .01) and combined moderate‐ and vigorous‐intensity activity more than other children (p < .05). Forty‐three percent of all children failed to meet the fitness standard for muscular strength and 36% failed to meet it for flexibility. CONCLUSIONS: Rural children in this sample had higher rates of obesity compared to the national average; they had poor fitness and 30% failed to meet the minimum physical activity recommendations on the previous day. Future interventions should focus on increasing physical activity, especially of moderate‐intensity, and improving physical fitness in order to reduce obesity and decrease the risk of future chronic diseases in this high‐risk population.  相似文献   

体力活动有利于提高儿童青少年身心健康,越来越多的研究表明体力活动对提高儿童青少年学习成绩有积极作用。本文对现有文献进行回顾分析,探究体力活动模式与儿童青少年学习成绩之间的关系,分析不同时长、频次、强度和类型的体力活动对儿童青少年学习成绩的影响,为提高儿童青少年体力活动的质量和效果提供依据。高质量证据支持长时间、高频次、中高强度有氧体力活动对儿童青少年学习成绩有积极影响,家庭、学校及社会可以此为参考,科学合理增加儿童青少年的体力活动。  相似文献   

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