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患者满意度测量纬度及指标体系探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了当前患者满意度研究的现状,根据医疗服务的特殊性提出适合我国国情的患者满意度模型,结合实证研究提出患者满意度评价的指标体系,包括患者需求结构、评价项目及项目的 权重、等级.  相似文献   

目的:分析社区卫生服务患者满意度调查研究中,第三方评价对社区卫生服务患者满意度研究的意义.方法:采用分层随机抽样的方法,利用自制的调查问卷,对潍坊市6个社区的502名居民进行了拦截式的调查.结果:科室设置、医疗设备完备性、人员配置、医生数量、老年人健康教育、慢性病康复六个服务项目差别有统计学意义,P值分别为0.034、0.019、0.004、0.050、0.039、0.035,其他项目差别无统计学意义.结论:社区卫生服务患者满意度实施第三方评价更有利于社区卫生服务质量的提高和基层卫生事业的发展.  相似文献   

目的:探讨人文关怀对重症监护室患者住院期间满意度的影响。方法:选取80例口腔肿瘤住院患者为研究对象,其中人文关怀组40例患者,对照组40例患者,根据自行设计调查问卷,评价实施人文关怀护理前后的患者满意度。结果:加强人文关怀护理后,患者对疼痛、恐惧感、孤独感、焦虑感明显低于对照组;对关爱患者、服务态度、健康教育、护理业务水平等项目满意度高于对照组;患者总体满意度高于对照组。结论:人文关怀对围手术期患者的不良心理状态有明显改善。  相似文献   

目的:应用满意度调查和项目管理方法提升医院服务质量。方法:根据满意度数据统计检验结果确立改善医院服务的关键点,对关键环节实施项目管理。结果:实施《集中式医技检查预约平台管理项目》、《以数据为依据的药房排班管理项目》、《对外服务窗口按键评价系统管理项目》三个管理项目后,门诊患者对于放射、超声诊断、药房服务、门诊收费的满意度以及整体满意度均较前提高。结论:科学应用满意度调查结果寻找改善医院服务的切入点,并以项目形式加以整改,能够使各项举措严格落实,逐步提升医院服务质量,提高患者满意度。  相似文献   

目的:以南京市社区卫生机构门诊患者为对象,研究其对基本药物制度的认知和评价,以及患者满意度评价的影响因素.方法:采用分层随机抽样的方法,调查社区门诊患者对基本药物制度认知和实施效果的评价情况等.共完成有效问卷587份.对分析结果采用Pearson卡方检验及Logistic回归分析.结果:患者制度知晓率41.91%;25.13%的患者认为药费负担较重;基本药物制度实施效果满意度40.88%,医保形式与药品费用负担是影响患者对基本药物制度满意度评价的统计显著性因素.建议:有针对性地开展宣传,提高患者知晓率;合理制定增补目录和用药指南,适应当前基本用药需求;进一步减轻患者药费负担,提高患者满意度;加强社区医生培训,调整医生用药习惯.  相似文献   

郑阳 《医疗卫生装备》2015,(3):61-63,66
目的 :研究并实施医院满意度评价系统,提高医院医疗服务质量。方法 :开发医院满意度评价系统,建立医院HIS与满意度评价系统之间的接口,将HIS基本信息和患者的评价信息一并上传至数据库,管理者从前台查询平台获得评价数据,通过分析数据掌握满意度情况从而做出相应的管理决策。结果:该系统能够与医院HIS无缝对接并成功地在医院实施运行,自动提示患者对医院服务进行评价,提高了医院的服务和管理水平。结论:该系统为患者提供了实时可靠的满意度评价平台,为医院提供了及时准确的患者满意度情况,提高了医院的工作效率,有助于改善医患关系和医院公众形象。  相似文献   

患者满意度测评是评价医疗服务质量与医护人员工作绩效的有力工具。随着医改的深入,为科学评价新医改前期实施成效,北京市医院管理局制定医院患者满意度评价方案,并且积极推动评价方案的实施。实施结果显示,患者满意度评价对于指导医院改进,完善服务,构建和谐医患关系有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

目的 采用TOPSIS法和Saaty's权重法评价某三级医院住院患者满意度.方法 本研究以某医院2008年539名住院患者为研究对象,采用TOPSIS法和Saaty's权重法对科室间住院患者满意度进行综合评价并排序.结果 各科室住院患者满意度从高到低的排序为:内三科、骨科、内二科、外三科、外一科、内四科、内五科、内一科、妇产科.结论 综合评价法中的TOPSIS法与Saaty's权重法相结合可以评价医院住院患者满意度.  相似文献   

目的:评价骨科护理当中实施品管圈护理的效果.方法:骨科护理人员当中实施品管圈护理,将实施品管圈护理前后护理不良事件发生率和患者满意度评分进行对比分析.结果:实施品管圈护理后护理不良事件发生率明显低于实施品管圈护理前,实施品管圈护理后患者满意度显著高于实施品管圈护理前的满意度,P<0.05.结论:在骨科护理过程中实施品管圈护理模式,能够有效提高护理服务的质量,降低护理不良事件的发生率,使患者更加满意,值得推广应用.  相似文献   

目的分析妇产科护士满意度测评与绩效挂钩前后住院患者的满意度结果。方法统计科室2012年9月2013年9月期间的病房护士优质服务满意度调查问卷,对比妇产科护士实施个人满意度测评与绩效挂钩前后的患者满意度。结果妇产科护士实施个人满意度测评与绩效挂钩后满意度为(94.42±0.56)较实施前的满意度评分(90.52±1.62)相比,差异有统计学意义(p<0.01),各对比项目测评项目均有所提升。结论妇产科护士实施个人满意度测评与绩效挂钩能够提高护理人员的工作积极性,提升妇产科住院患者的满意度。  相似文献   



It is possible to quantify the impact of medical care in specialised medical centers by measuring patient satisfaction. Modern quality management systems use this process as a part of result evaluation in the practice. This study describes an investigation of the influence of quality-management measures on patient satisfaction in ten specialist medical practices.

Subject and methods

One hundred patient questionnaires were issued between 2010 and 2011 in ten medical specialists practices before and after improvement of the quality management system. The evaluation of the patients were analysed using a Utest. By correlation analysis correlations between specific quality management activities and items of the patient questionnaire were identified.


The results of the study indicate a generally positive reaction of patients to the improvement in the quality management of selected items. But in the totality of all practices, no clear improvement in patient satisfaction could be measured. There were weak but statistically significant correlations between specific quality-management-measure improvements and improvement of the patient questionnaire items identified.


No significant improvements in patient satisfaction, which can be attributed directly to improvements in quality management, have been found by the study. But there were clues to correlations of specific quality-improvements and patient satisfaction issues. These can be used for directed quality management measures in practice and as a controlling tool of practice management regarding the evaluation of patients inside and on on-line doctor review sites.  相似文献   

目的构建出院患者满意度测评指标体系,研制出院患者满意度测评工具。方珐通过文献研究、出院患者回访信息挖掘、专家咨询和统计分析等方法,构架科学的出院患者满意度测评指标体系。结果根据7个因素、20个条目的指标体现研制了李克特五级量表,并对测评量表的20个题目进行了修改和完善。结论该量表内容涵盖了目前医疗服务的主要方面,能准确评估医疗服务现状。  相似文献   

黄正东  肖飞  张伟  叶珺 《医疗卫生装备》2011,32(7):43-44,47
目的:通过评价系统了解患者对医院医疗服务的认同程度及存在问题,为进一步改进服务质量提供依据。方法:设计开发评价系统,对与医疗服务质量相关的服务态度、服务质量、服务作风、服务价格、就医流程、环境卫生等内容进行评价。结果:系统可对医院整体、科室、个人3个层面的36项内容进行评测,并可录入意见和建议,从而客观反映患者对医院医疗服务的满意度。结论:医疗服务质量评价系统的应用,可及时反馈患者的意见,评测结果可帮助医院的管理者对医院、科室或员工的服务水准及存在问题进行判断和总结,从而进一步促进医院服务质量的提高。  相似文献   

目的构建综合性中医院后勤满意度评价体系,提升医院后勤服务质量。方法基于德尔菲法和文献分析法,通过两轮专家咨询,构建后勤满意度评价体系,采用层次分析法确定各指标权重,并经现场调查对评价体系进行信效度检验。结果专家组成员共计21名,两轮专家积极系数均大于0.7,权威系数为0.87,专家意见协调系数分别为0.62、0.65。构建的患者后勤满意评价体系包括3个一级指标、28个二级指标,职工后勤满意度评价体系包括3个一级指标、34个二级指标。患者和职工后勤满意度评价体系Cronbach's α均大于0.9,所有条目相关系数均大于0.5。 结论综合性中医院患者和职工后勤满意度评价体系构建过程科学,信效度较高,能够真实反映后勤服务质量,可进一步推广使用。  相似文献   

应用ISO 9000科学规范管理的新理念,对医院医疗质量绩效进行评估研究。根据医院资料,选择17项指标,按照指标性质和权重使用综合评价法做数据处理分析。结果表明,评估方法具有科学性、稳定性和可操作性。建议应用ISO 9000新理念,使医院管理与国际接轨,确定按照社会需求、病人期望、质量持续改进确定绩效评估体系。以反应性指标取代病人满意度是医院绩效评估的方向。  相似文献   

Effects of patient demands on satisfaction with Japanese hospital care.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to detect whether there was any difference among the characteristics of patient satisfaction between two patient emphasis groups: patients demanding technical elements of hospital care and patients demanding interpersonal elements. DESIGN AND SETTING: The sample for this study was drawn from in-patients discharged from 77 voluntarily participating hospitals throughout Japan. The relationship between overall satisfaction with hospital care and patient satisfaction, and the evaluation of a hospital's reputation, was explored by stepwise multiple regression analysis of 33 variables relevant to aspects of hospital care for each patient group. RESULTS: In the interpersonal emphasis (IE) group, 'nurse's kindness and warmth' was associated significantly with overall satisfaction, while 'skill of nursing care' and 'nurse's explanation' were significant predictors of overall satisfaction in the technical emphasis (TE) group. On the other hand, 'doctor's clinical competence', 'recovery from distress and anxiety', and items pertaining to the hospital's reputation were significantly related to overall satisfaction in both emphasis groups. CONCLUSION: For overall patient satisfaction, it is essential to satisfy specific items related to the aspect of hospital care emphasized by the patient. Specific significant predictors of overall satisfaction (e.g. 'doctor's clinical competence') were indispensable measures of professional performance in hospital care, irrespective of the patients' emphasis. A positive perception of hospital reputation items might increase overall patient satisfaction with Japanese hospitals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to identify specific patient satisfaction items related to overall satisfaction by different length of stay (LOS) for patients in Japanese hospital settings. METHODS: This cross-sectional study involved a participant sample, drawn from 77 voluntarily participating hospitals throughout Japan, of in-patients discharged to the community. Older patients and psychiatric, pediatric, obstetric and gynecologic patients were excluded. The 1050 respondents analyzed (response rate > or = 5l.1%) were divided into three groups based on their LOS: group 1, LOS < or = 1 week; group 2, LOS < or = 1 month; and group 3, LOS > 1 month. Using stepwise multiple regression analysis, we explored for each LOS group the relationship between overall patient satisfaction and satisfaction with 33 individual items, including three regarding perceived reputation of the hospital in question. RESULTS: Some unique satisfaction items for each group (e.g. 'skill of nursing care' in group 1, 'Recovery of physical health', 'skill of nursing care', and 'respect for patients opinions and feelings' in group 2, and 'relief from pain' and 'respect for patients' opinions and feelings' in group 3) were significantly associated with overall satisfaction. In all three groups, common items (e.g. 'recovery from distress and anxiety' and 'doctor's clinical competence') also related significantly to overall satisfaction. Two items pertaining to the hospital reputation dimension (e.g. 'family member's evaluation of the hospital' and 'hospital reputation among other patients') were also significant predictors of overall satisfaction in all three groups. CONCLUSION: The findings show that according to LOS, unique items could determine significantly the achievement of overall satisfaction, while some common predictors across all three LOS groupings also seemed to be indispensable for inpatient's assessment of hospital care. It was also confirmed in this study that a positive perception of hospital reputation might have an important role in patient satisfaction in Japan.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess patient satisfaction with a hospital-based ambulatory service in Japan and define the determinants of satisfaction and the patient's intention to return to the service. DESIGN: A questionnaire was developed to measure overall satisfaction, intention to return to the service, patient judgment about the structure/process of the service, patient perception about the global reputation of the service, and other health-related items. The questionnaire was mailed to patients attending the ambulatory service. SETTING AND PATIENTS: All non-psychiatric patients who used the ambulatory service of a 350-bed general hospital in Tokyo in the sampling days were asked to participate. The response rate was 77.2% (1,307 responses). Of these, 1,074 non-proxy and non pediatric responses were used for the main analysis. RESULTS: Based on content analysis and factor analysis, scores for the service components were constructed and found to have high internal consistency and reliability. The results indicated several important points regarding the use of patients' evaluation of ambulatory services as a quality monitoring tool. It was shown that patients' overall satisfaction and intention to return to the same physician were determined primarily by their evaluation of their doctor's conduct and their perceived health outcome. The perceived reputation of the service also was a significant determinant of patient satisfaction and intention to return. Patient satisfaction and intention to return to the hospital were influenced also by non-physician factors such as nurses, clerks, and environmental comforts. Notably, patient intention to return was linked with patient perceived need of care and regularity of care. In multiple-regression results, patient satisfaction with the doctor and with the hospital had different determinants.  相似文献   

目的了解患者对医院医疗服务满意度的客观评价及医院各科室满意度真实情况,为加强和改进患者满意度提供针对性依据。方法委托第三方调查服务机构对南通市第三人民医院出院患者通过电话随访进行满意度调查,医院根据每月调查通报的结果进行分析讨论。结果 2013年1月-2018年12月期间出院患者第三方满意度调查回访样本总计11 204例,历年平均值在91以上,其中"伙食标准""收费服务"两个条目满意度低于90。结论出院患者满意度第三方调查的结果较为客观公正,应重视其在改进医院医疗服务过程中的作用。  相似文献   

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