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目的了解基于罗伊适应模式的护理中域理论的构建和应用情况。方法检索OVID、PubMed、CINAHL、EMBASE等数据库自1970年1月至2019年8月收录的基于罗伊适应模式的护理中域理论研究文献,参考中域理论评价框架进行分析和汇总,并梳理理论发展的一般过程。结果共纳入17个中域理论研究,发表年限为1986-2017年,全部来源于北美国家。研究内容为某一护理现象或概念模式中的核心概念,常用的理论构建策略为归纳法和演绎法。7个中域理论有完整的内容、结构和功能,8个中域理论有理论验证或实证研究证据,其他2个中域理论需审慎使用。结论中域理论的发展遵循概念-理论-实证框架,对护理实践具有较好的指导作用。  相似文献   

介绍了罗伊适应模式中自我概念的定义与分类、目前在国内外慢性病病人自我概念的应用、理论研究以及评估工具的发展,并对研究进展进行展望,旨在为我国护理工作者对慢性病病人的护理提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

目的 探讨卡丽斯塔.罗伊的适应模式理论,以指导临床实践。方法 对三例因脐带脱垂所致胎儿急性宫内窘迫,而在局麻下行产房就地急诊剖宫产手术。急诊手术中按照罗伊适应模式5步护理程序组织了护理活动,通过护士与产妇之间的互动,促进适应过程。结果 有效的护患关系的建立,使产妇增强信心,提高了产妇对疼痛的适应性。结论 适应理论的实践,可提高产妇对疼痛的控制能力,取得了满意的效果。  相似文献   

罗伊适应模式理论新进展评介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高晨晨  姜安丽 《护理研究》2013,27(11):964-966
介绍了罗伊适应模式有关认知适应过程、群体适应方式等相关理论及其测评工具研究的最新进展,以及在我国护理应用的展望,以期加深我国护理人员对罗伊适应模式的认识,进一步推动罗伊适应模式在我国的应用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨经脐单孔多通道腹腔镜下肾部分切除术治疗护理效果的有效方法。方法 应用罗伊的适应理论模式评估患者在生理、自我概念、角色功能与社会关系方面的变化和出现的问题,进行有目的、有计划、有评价的护理。结果 患者能顺利完成病人角色转变,并且心情较干预前好转,并且由原来的寡言少语变得开朗健谈,患者的适应能力和适应范围得到提高,疾病痊愈后能很快回归社会。结论 应用罗伊的适应理论模式指导经脐单孔腹腔镜下肾部分切除术患者的全程护理,能有效促进患者的康复,使其达到了良好的适应水平,提高护理服务质量。  相似文献   

张丽  唐雯琦  章左艳 《护理研究》2012,26(12):1096-1097
罗伊适应模式是美国护理学家提出的一种护理理论[1],罗伊认为人是一个整体的适应系统,包括生理、心理、社会等方面.为了维持自身的完整状态,持续地适应环境的变化,当机体受到内外环境的主要刺激、相关刺激和固有刺激的作用后,机体适应系统通过生理和认知调节器两个亚系统进行控制、调整,并通过效应器表现出来,即产生生理功能、自我概念、角色功能和相互依赖4个方面的变化[2].罗伊适应模式被广泛应用于临床护理实践中.如何有效地实施罗伊适应模式,扩大服务对象的适应范围,改善护理对象的适应方式是临床护士必须面对、解决的问题.笔者通过问卷调查,对200名护理人员进行罗伊适应模式护理理论的认知调查,并分析了影响因素,为今后的相关业务提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

Roy适应模式的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周会兰 《现代护理》2004,10(9):868-869
护理理论家SisterCallistaRoy受其护理工作经历的影响 ,分析并创造性地运用贝塔朗菲的一般系统论、约翰逊的行为系统模式、赫尔森的适应理论、席尔的压力与应激理论、拉扎勒斯的压力与应对模式 ,以及马斯洛的人类基本需求理论的有关理论观点构建了罗伊适应模式于 1 970年正式发  相似文献   

张莉国 《中国护理管理》2014,(10):1116-1118
本文介绍了如何运用罗伊适应模式作为一个系统的理论框架指导鼻咽癌放疗患者的康复护理;并从生理功能、自我概念、角色功能和相互依赖4个方面分析患者的适应问题、刺激因素并探讨相应的护理措施,为促进鼻咽癌放疗患者的康复和生活质量的改善提供参考。  相似文献   

罗伊(Roy)是美国的护理理论家,1964年,她在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(U. C.L. A)就读时,便开始研究护理模式,适应模式(Adaptation model)是在Johnson指导下,撰写毕业论文的一部分内容,于1970年正式发表后,就引起护理工作者、教育家和科研工作者的重视,并广泛用于教学和临床护理工作中,通过不断研究、验证和补充,适应模式作为护理理论框架,为护理实践提供了具体理论指导,现已成为护理理论的主要模式.  相似文献   

阐述了以罗伊适应模式为基础的护理评估工具的发展概况、罗伊适应模式护理评估工具的历史演变、罗伊适应模式研究全球化发展趋势对中国护理学科发展的启示。  相似文献   

One priority in nursing research is the development of middle-range theories that are applicable to nursing practice. The purpose of this article is to describe the development of a middle-range theory, adapting to diabetes mellitus, through theory and concept synthesis. The adaptation to chronic illness model explicates the conceptual relationships of the Roy adaptation model in a theory specific to chronic illness. Several concepts in the diabetes literature, self-management, integration, and health-within-illness were synthesized with the theory through examination of empirical evidence. This method of theory development increases the specificity of the existing theory and informs the application to nursing practice.  相似文献   

Title. The middle-range theory of nursing intellectual capital Aim. This paper is a report of the development of the middle-range theory of nursing intellectual capital. Background. Rising healthcare costs and advances in technology have contributed to the need for better understanding of the influence of nurses’ knowledge, skills and experience on patient and organizational outcomes. Method. The middle-range nursing intellectual capital theory was developed using the strategies of concept and theory derivation. The principles of research synthesis were used to provide empirical support for the propositions of the theory. Findings. The middle-range nursing intellectual capital theory was derived from intellectual capital theory to make it relevant and applicable to a specific aspect of nursing, continuing professional development. It proposes that the nursing knowledge available in healthcare organizations is influenced by variables within the work environment, and influences patient and organizational outcomes. Conclusion. The middle-range nursing intellectual capital theory should be tested in different healthcare systems and in different settings and countries to determine its effectiveness in guiding research.  相似文献   

This article describes the process of theoretical substruction and uses this process to examine the significance of Rosenbaum's resourcefulness theory for nursing research and practice. The article discusses relocation as a phenomenon of interest to gero-psychiatric nurses working with elders who have relocated to retirement communities, illustrated by the theory of learned resourcefulness. The literature was reviewed to assess the congruence between the theoretical and operational systems suggested by Rosenbaum's resourcefulness theory. A model of learned resourcefulness is presented that includes middle-range concepts, relational statements, and propositions derived from the research literature. Theoretical substruction provides a mechanism for testing middle-range theories that may contribute to nursing knowledge development.  相似文献   

Uncertainty in Illness   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The middle-range nursing theory of uncertainty in illness is presented from both a theoretical and empirical perspective. The theory explains how persons construct meaning for illness events, with uncertainty indicating the absence of meaning. A model of the uncertainty theory displaying the concepts and their relationships forms the basis for the theoretical and empirical material. Discussion of the theory is organized around three major themes: the antecedents of uncertainty, the process of uncertainty appraisal and coping with uncertainty.  相似文献   

Nearly 50% of adults have one or more chronic illnesses. Self-care is considered essential in the management of chronic illness, but the elements of self-care in this context have not been specified in a middle-range theory. This article describes a middle-range theory of self-care that addresses the process of maintaining health with health promoting practices within the context of the management required of a chronic illness. The key concepts include self-care maintenance, self-care monitoring, and self-care management. Assumptions and propositions of the theory are specified. Factors influencing self-care including experience, skill, motivation, culture, confidence, habits, function, cognition, support from others, and access to care are described.  相似文献   

This paper reports the development of a theoretical model of relatives' coping approaches during the patient's intensive care unit stay and subsequent recovery at home by performing an analysis of concepts generated from two empirically grounded, theoretical studies in this area. BACKGROUND: When supporting relatives of intensive care unit patients, it is important that nurses have access to evidence-based knowledge of relatives' coping approaches during the period of illness and recovery. METHOD: Simultaneous concept analysis was used to refine and combine multiple coping concepts into a theoretical model of coping. The concepts were generated in two previous empirical studies of relatives' coping approaches during mechanically ventilated patients' intensive care unit stays and recovery at home. FINDINGS: The theoretical model was developed in 2004-2005 and illustrates the effectiveness of different coping approaches in relation to each other and to social support. Definitions summarizing each coping approach and containing the knowledge gained through the simultaneous concept analysis method were also formulated. CONCLUSION: This middle-range theory of relatives' coping approaches may make a valuable contribution to international intensive care unit nursing practice, especially as it is based on empirical studies and may therefore serve as a basis for the development of future clinical guidelines. However, the theoretical model needs to be empirically validated before it can be used.  相似文献   

The purpose of this cross-sectional, correlational study was to test a middle-range theory of adaptation to chronic pain that was deduced from the Roy adaptation model using structural equation modeling. The sample consisted of 200 community-dwelling older adults with a mean age of 76. The Roy adaptation model theoretical framework provided an adequate fit to the data and supported the majority of the hypothesized relationships and findings from prior research. Significant direct effects, however, were found between both focal and contextual stimuli, suggesting that contextual stimuli need to be considered when developing a plan of care for older adults experiencing chronic pain.  相似文献   

This study is aimed at reviewing the existing literature about children with cancer and their families in order to identify themes that have been researched and to survey indicators of need, thus giving subsidies for the systematization of nursing care. Systemized data collection was carried out in computerized databases between 1997 and 2002 using the keywords child, cancer, chronic illness/disease, family and nursing. A non-systemized research of scientific publications was also carried out. Results are grouped in three themes: impact of the child's cancer on the family system; adaptation process and coping strategies used by the parents in the face of the illness; and the process of loss and mourning in view of the child's death. The review demonstrated that nursing is constructing specific knowledge about the individual, cultural and regional needs of families of children with cancer, with a view to a nursing assistance that considers care in accordance to the singularity of each case.  相似文献   

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