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本研究对全国8个省市执行《预包装食品标签通则》(GB7718-2011)执行情况进行了跟踪评价情况分析。分析结果显示:生产企业的预包装食品名称标示符合GB7718标准要求的显著高于商场超市和农贸市场。商场超市预包装食品配料表标示以及配料表中添加剂的标示形式符合标准要求的显著高于农贸市场和生产企业。商场超市和生产企业的预包装食品标准代号标示符合标准要求的显著高于农贸市场。被调查的监管部门和食品生产经营单位GB7718标准知晓率为94.92%,社会公众调查该标准知晓率为78.35%。调查的各级监管部门和食品生产经营单位中有70.85%组织宣贯培训过该标准。各级监管部门和食品生产经营单位中有30.49%认为食品添加剂标示形式太复杂为主要难度内容,有16.59%认为配料表标示内容等要求太严。大部分监管部门和食品生产经营单位没有反馈过对GB7718标准的意见或建议。建议管理部门要重视标准工作,提升食品安全保障能力;要广泛吸纳意见,进一步完善标准的科学性和操作性;强化标准的宣传培训,提高标准的应用能力;进一步完善标准的跟踪评价机制;加强部门协作互享信息,提高标准执行力。  相似文献   

目的了解江西省监督部门、检验机构、食品生产企业、食品专家对强制性食品安全国家标准《预包装食品标签通则》(GB7718-2011)和《预包装食品营养标签通则》(GB28050-2011)的执行、理解能力和依从性,为将来修订标准储备资料[1]。方法采用横断面调查法,于2013年7~9月间,通过调查员培训、邮寄、电子邮件、现场发放问卷及现场采样等形式展开调查。调查点采用多阶段分层随机抽样的方法抽取江西省6个设区市(南昌、宜春、吉安、上饶、九江、赣州)及其所属的2个县,调查对象为18个调查点的所有食品监督部门、检验机构、食品生产企业。调查内容有:基本情况、对标准条款的理解和执行情况及遇到的主要问题、修改意见和建议。现场调查结果显示:94.6%的预包装食品标签符合GB7718的要求,78.2%符合GB28050的要求。结论跟踪评价结果表明:标准的整体合理性较高、可操作性较好,但部分条款应根据跟踪评价的结果及时更新和修订。  相似文献   

目的为了解陕西省监管部门、检验单位、生产企业3类人员对食品安全国家标准《食品中污染物限量GB2762-2012》的执行情况、理解能力和依从情况,及时推进标准的贯彻实施,调查标准的科学性和实用性,为实施标准和适时组织标准的修订提供参考。方法采用横断面调查法,于2016年4月通过发放统一设计的问卷开展调查。调查对象为随机抽取陕西省各市的食品安全监管人员、食品检验人员、食品生产企业技术人员。调查内容包括调查对象基本情况,调查对象对标准条款的理解以及在标准执行过程中遇到的主要问题,修改意见和建议等。本次调查中共发放问卷170份,收回有效调查问卷157份,回收率92.4%。其中各科研检验监督单位发放了120份,回收113份,回收率94.2%。各生产企业共发放问卷50份,回收44份,回收率88.0%。回收后的调查问卷统一编号,问卷的录入采用Epidata 3.1软件进行,用SPSS软件对数据进行统计分析。并及时将汇总后的意见建议反馈给国家卫计委食品安全风险评估中心网站。结果 (1)经数据分析,食品相关检验科研人员本科及以上占83.2%;相关食品企业人员学历在大专及以下占40.9%。(2)经统计学分析,检验科研人员与企业人员对标准的知晓、满意情况差异均有统计学差异。两类人员对标准有较高的知晓率,分别占80.5%、88.6%;并且对标准有较高的满意度,分别占75.2%、88.6%。(3)经统计分析结果显示,检验科研人员与企业人员对汞、镉、苯并[a]芘三项污染物指标限量值的合理性评价差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。其中检验科研人员认为镉限量值合理性最高,占比81.4%,苯并[a]芘限量值合理性最低,占比67.3%;企业人员认为汞限量值合理性最高,占比86.4%,苯并[a]芘合理性最低,占比50.0%。(4)调查对象在标准使用过程中遇到了技术性问题,排在前两位的问题主要是食品分类问题、主观判断指标。结论食品企业从业人员较科研机构人员学历稍低;食品从业人员对标准的满意度及知晓情况较好;调查对象均认为苯并[a]芘限量值的合理性较低;食品分类问题还需继续细分归类。  相似文献   

目的为了解《复配食品添加剂通则》(GB 26687—2011)贯彻落实和执行情况,调查标准指标或技术要求的科学性和实用性,为该标准修订提供资料。方法通过跟踪评价,收集了专家、企业、监督、检测单位在标准使用过程遇到的问题和反馈的意见和建议。结果本次共向食品专家、复配食品添加剂企业、监督、检测单位共发放调查问卷85份,收回80份,回收率为94.12%。指标验证采集复配食品添加剂样品21份,经检测,铅、总砷的合格率为100%。结论《通则》整体合理、可操作性比较好,但在运行过程中,还存在一些问题,为了更好地贯彻执行标准,必需加大标准的宣贯和培训力度。  相似文献   

目的了解检验机构和生产企业对食品微生物学检验(GB4789)的依从性和贯彻实施情况,以期为今后标准的制修订提供资料。方法采用问卷调查和专家咨询的方式收集企业及其他检验机构相关人员对该系列标准条款的理解、各项指标的检测能力和标准的实施情况,收集标准执行过程中遇到的主要问题以及反馈的意见和建议。结果本次共向食品企业、省市级检测机构发出问卷60份,收回有效问卷60份,有效问卷回收率100.0%。在标准执行过程中遇到的主要问题129条意见,经专家论证归纳为44条;对GB4789标准工作的建议116条,经专家论证归纳为31条。结论通过跟踪调查发现标准整体合理程度较高,但还有很多不足的地方,需进一步修订和完善。  相似文献   

目的 了解《速冻面米制品》(GB19295—2011)贯彻落实和执行情况,调查标准指标或技术要求的科学性和实用性,为该标准修订提供资料。方法 通过跟踪评价,收集了专家、企业、监督、检测单位在标准使用过程遇到的问题和反馈的意见和建议。结果 本次共向食品专家、速冻食品企业、监督、检测单位发出问卷139份,收回问卷112份,有效问卷101份,有效问卷回收率72.7%。共有44人提出了131条意见和建议。从层级上看,省级专家、监督、监测人员和大型企业反馈意见较多,基层较少。从被调查的4类人员看,专家和检测检验人员反馈问题较多,分别有56.7%和60.0%的人反馈意见,人均反馈意见1.83和1.75条。速冻面米制品企业最少,只有25.8%的人反馈意见,人均0.52条。结论 通过跟踪评价发现,随着食品安全标准不断的发布,本标准的指标和标准值已有所欠缺,建议及时进行修订和完善。为了更好地贯彻执行标准,必需加大标准的培训力度,特别是中小型速冻食品企业。  相似文献   

目的全面了解2016年陕西省食品相关生产企业人员、监管部门、检验单位及相关科研人员(以下简称企业、监管、检验和科研4类人员)对《食品生产通用卫生规范》(GB14881-2013)、《食品微生物学检验系列方法》(GB4789)、《食品卫生理化检验标准》(GB5009、GB5413系列)3项食品安全国家标准的知晓和理解情况,探讨现行标准存在的问题和解决思路,为监管部门和相关行业人员更好的理解和执行食品安全国家标准提供参考。方法于2016年4月采用分层多阶段随机抽样方法对陕西省11个市的食品相关生产企业人员、监管部门、检验单位及相关科研人员进行问卷调查,采用自行设计的调查问卷,分析调查对象对3项食品安全国家标准的知晓度及满意度情况。结果 (1)本次调查共发放问卷170份,收回有效问卷166份。(2)4类人员对《食品生产通用卫生规范》(GB14881-2013)的总知晓率为73.5%,科研人员最高,为100%,检验人员最低,为63.5%;4类人员对该标准的总满意度为69.3%,企业人员最高,为94.7%,检验人员最低,为58.8%。(3)4类人员对《食品微生物学检验系列方法》(GB4789)的总满意度为98.8%,其他检验人员最低,为75%。(4)4类人员对《食品卫生理化检验标准》(GB5009、GB5413系列)的总知晓率为81.9%,科研人员最高,为100%,监管人员最低,为59%;4类人员对该标准的总满意度为75.9%,检验人员最高,为85.9%,监管人员最低,为53.8%。(5)针对现行标准在执行过程中遇到的主要问题,调查对象提出以下建议:应根据食品种类的不断扩增,适当的细化标准的内容;建议开发可靠的快速检验方法,用于突发公共卫生应急工作;将国际上一些先进的样品检测设备和测试方法纳入我国的标准体系。结论 (1)陕西省食品相关4类人员对3项食品安全国家标准跟踪评价中的《食品微生物学检验系列方法》(GB4789)、《食品卫生理化检验标准》(GB5009、GB5413系列)2项标准有较高的知晓度和满意度,对《食品生产通用卫生规范》(GB14881-2013)知晓率和满意度都较低。(2)本次调查还观察到调查对象对标准的内容还不够理解,对标准的性质和定位不够明确,现行标准确有待改进。  相似文献   

湖南省相关人员应用《食品添加剂标准》情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 全面了解《食品添加剂标准》(GB2760-2011)在湖南省的应用现状;了解食品监管、检验和企业对食品安全国家标准的知晓和理解程度. 方法 现场问卷调查.采取现场询问、召开会议集中填写调查问卷等方式进行调查;用Epidata、excel软件建立数据库进行数据整理后,用SPSS19.0软件进行数据分析. 结果 湖南省食品监管人员、检验检测人员和食品企业管理人员对食品安全国家标准(GB2760-2011)的整体知晓率为93.40%;食品企业管理人员知晓率最高为96.22%,食品监管人员知晓率最低为91.4%,三类人员间知晓率差异有统计学意义(x2=8.532>3.84,P<0.05).对该标准的整体理解率为82.43%;食品企业管理人员理解率最高为89.49%,食品监管人员理解率最低为78.07%,三类人员间理解率差异有统计学意义(x2=20.32>3.84,P< 0.05).每周使用1次该标准的频率,食品安全监管人员和食品生产企业人员显著高于检验检测人员;半年使用1次该标准的频率,食品安全监管人员显著高于食品生产企业人员和检验检测人员.食品安全监管人员、检验检测人员及生产企业人员构成分别为49.57%、18.17%、32.26%. 结论 《食品添加剂标准》(GB 2760-2011)在湖南省虽已得到广泛应用,但对食品监管人员、检验检测人员和食品企业管理人员对该标准的整体知晓率尚待进一步提高,标准的应用频率应更进一步加强,特别是检验检测人员.  相似文献   

目的了解《食品真菌毒素限量标准》《食品中污染物限量》《食品营养强化剂使用标准》《食品添加剂使用标准》中谷类及制品相关标准内容的落实执行情况,分析问题,提出相关建议方法,为相关国家安全标准的进一步修订、完善提供依据。方法采取问卷调查、现场调查、指标验证等方式开展标准跟踪评价工作。选取江苏省盐城、苏州、扬州、泰州4市的食品安全监督部门、食品安全检验机构、相关生产企业作为调查对象进行问卷与现场调查,主要了解其对标准的一般性评价和技术评价、指标限量值设定合理性以及生产过程中的执行情况,收集意见与建议。在生产厂家和超市采集样品31种,送有资质的权威部门进行相关指标验证。结果共收集调查问卷74份,调查对象除对真菌毒素限量标准的满意度较低外,对监督和检验机构、生产企业满意度均达60%以上,其中对真菌毒素限量标准的满意度低,主要是对呕吐毒素限量的满意度低。四个标准基本满足生产过程要求,企业能很好执行,也未提出意见与建议。从抽检指标来看,除硒外,各项指标均符合要求。但人员参培率较低,标准存在释义不清、相互矛盾及欠缺的问题,部分标准指标与技术要求的不满意度也较高。结论 4个标准的执行情况尚属满意,但需要对相关标准进行释义、明确与完善,且要加强对标准的宣贯,在适当时机,整合和修订谷类安全标准。  相似文献   

美国FDA发布的婴儿配方食品生产管理法规集中体现了其最新的监管思路和措施,法规的修订变化不仅是了解美国婴儿配方食品的生产和管理的重要资料,也对我国婴儿配方食品法规和标准的制定具有重要的参考意义。本文对美国FDA婴儿配方食品生产管理法规的制定过程和主要技术内容进行了回顾和分析,并对中美两国的相关法规标准进行了对比,为我国婴儿配方食品相关标准的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies of calcium and osteoporosis have been hampered by the lack of a suitable tool for assessing calcium intake. This report describes a new frequency and amount questionnaire for measuring present and past calcium intake in the elderly. The validity of the questionnaire was tested against two commonly used standards of dietary assessment, five-day duplicate diets and seven-day weighed dietary inventories. The resulting correlation coefficients were, respectively, r = 0.76 and r = 0.69, while that for repeatability was r = 0.84. Furthermore, the questionnaire categorized subjects into thirds of the distribution of intake with almost no gross misclassification. It is suggested that the present findings may be extended to the majority of normal, healthy elderly subjects, implying wide application for the questionnaire in the assessment of calcium intake in the elderly.  相似文献   

This paper examines media coverage of 'breast cancer genetics', and explores its implications for public understanding. We present a content analysis of coverage in British newspapers and look at a variety of popular forms, including women's magazines, television soap opera and radio drama. Genetic/inherited risk receives a great deal of coverage across a wide range of media formats and outlets. Much of this attention has focused on individuals from 'high risk families' and dilemmas around prophylactic mastectomies. Through examining media coverage, combined with interviews with media personnel and their sources, we show why this story proved so attractive to the media and highlight the different production values which influence coverage. Finally, we introduce preliminary findings from focus group discussions to demonstrate how such 'human interest' framing has engaged audience attention and influenced public understandings. The paper concludes by highlighting the implications for analysing, predicting, and engaging with, media representations of science.  相似文献   

Antibiotics represent one of the most important drug groups used in the management of bacterial infections in humans and animals. Due to the increasing problem of antibiotic resistance, assurance of the antibacterial effectiveness of these substances has moved into the focus of public health. The reduction in antibiotic residues in wastewater and the environment may play a decisive role in the development of increasing rates of antibiotic resistance. The present study examines the wastewater of 31 patient rooms of various German clinics for possible residues of antibiotics, as well as the wastewater of five private households as a reference.To the best of our knowledge, this study shows for the first time that in hospitals with high antibiotic consumption rates, residues of these drugs can be regularly detected in toilets, sink siphons and shower drains at concentrations ranging from 0.02?μg·L?1 to a maximum of 79?mg·L?1. After complete flushing of the wastewater siphons, antibiotics are no longer detectable, but after temporal stagnation, the concentration of the active substances in the water phases of respective siphons increases again, suggesting that antibiotics persist through the washing process in biofilms. This study demonstrates that clinical wastewater systems offer further possibilities for the optimization of antibiotic resistance surveillance.  相似文献   

Unemployment is considered to be a public health concern sincedeterioration in the health of the unemployed is often anticipated.However, for some groups, such as miners, unemployment mightimprove health due to a cessation of potentially harmful occupationalexposures. This study evaluates the health of 79 miners in oneSwedish iron-ore mine, and 226 age-matched controls from thegeneral population, during one year after the closure of themine. The participants received a questionnaire regarding medicalhistory and subjective symptoms at the beginning of the studyperiod, and after one year. Statistically significant negativeeffects on self-reported health attributable to unemploymentwere not found, although neuropsychiatric symptoms were morecommon among the unemployed miners. The miners reported a statisticallysignificant improvement in grip force (p=0.031). They had asignificantly higher prevalence of symptoms associated withmining related exposures when compared with the population controls;pain in the upper extremities [relative risk (RR)=2.27, 95%confidence interval (Cl)=1.44–3.59), back pain (RR=1.84;Cl=1.237–2.75), vasospastic disease of the fingers (RR=2.05;Cl=1.18–3.57) and obstructive respiratory symptoms (attacksof dyspnea and wheezing: RR=3.67; Cl=1.167–11.6).  相似文献   



Tularemia is a zoonosis affecting humans and hares in France. We describe the results of surveillance in both species, in 2007 and 2008.


Human tularemia cases are mandatorily notifiable in France since 2003. In hares, surveillance relies on volunteer hunter associations in all districts of the country. Data from mandatory reports and volunteer surveillance in 2007/2008 were analyzed and compared with previous results.


In 2007/2008, 144 cases were reported in humans and 117 cases in hares. This was a 100% increase compared to previous years. Human cases differed from those of previous years only by the frequency of contact with breeding animals. Human cases without any documented risk exposure were also more frequent.


An increase of tularemia cases occurred in 2007/2008 in both species. Complementary studies are needed to identify the species reservoir in France to understand the causes of this peak of cases.  相似文献   

深圳公立医院管理体制改革实行政事分开、管办分开,在理事会架构下按法定机构模式组建市医管中心,落实公立医院运营管理自主权.作者从当前公立医院管理体制的弊端入手,介绍了深圳市进行公立医院管理体制改革的基本思路及改革方案设计的主要举措,深入剖析了的改革方案的特点,并对改革效果进行了预测.  相似文献   

Red cell membranes, prepared from red blood cells of rats exposed to 4, 10, or 20 ppm nitrogen dioxide (NO2) for 1 to 10 days, were examined for evidence of changes in membrane components. Appreciable changes were not found in contents of phospholipid and cholesterol during exposure to 10 ppm NO2. By contrast, protein content altered with the time of exposure. Moreover, changes in protein composition were observed by employing sodium dodecyl sulfate — polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Twenty-four-hour exposure to NO2 at the concentration above 10 ppm resulted in a marked increase in the percentage of lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LysoPE) to the total phospholipids. The prolonged exposure to 10 ppm NO2 gave rise to a further increase in LysoPE, whereas the percentage of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) showed a gradual decrease. A 1-day exposure to 4.0 ppm NO2 also caused an increase in sialic acid content and decreases in those of PE and hexose. In addition to contents of these components the percentage of LysoPE increased 5 days after exposure and the elevated values were maintained up to the end of exposure period. These results demonstrate that red blood cells in circulation exhibit different membrane properties in terms of lipid and carbohydrate composition during 10 days of exposure to 4.0 ppm NO2.  相似文献   

Background Occupational fatigue is relatively common withinthe general population and has been linked to reduced performance,injury and longer term ill-health. Despite growing acknowledgementof this problem in the maritime sector, little research hasbeen conducted into the risk factors, prevalence and consequencesof seafarers' fatigue. Aims To examine the prevalence of fatigue among seafarers, identifypotential risk factors and assess possible links with poor performanceand ill-health. Methods Cross-sectional questionnaire survey of seafarers workingin the offshore oil support, short-sea and deep-sea shippingindustries. A number of tools were used including the fatiguesubscale of the profile of fatigue-related symptoms, the CognitiveFailures Questionnaire, the General Health Questionnaire andthe SF36 General Health scale. Results In all, 1855 questionnaires were completed giving anoverall response rate of 20%. Fatigue symptoms were associatedwith a range of occupational and environmental factors, manyunique to seafaring. Reporting a greater number of risk factorswas associated with greater fatigue [e.g. OR = 2.53 (1.90–3.35)for those with three or four risk factors and OR = 9.54 (6.95–13.09)for those with five or more risk factors]. There was also astrong link between fatigue and poorer cognitive and healthoutcomes, with fatigue the most important of a number of riskfactors, accounting for 10–14% of the variance. Conclusions Seafarers' fatigue could impact on safety withinthe industry and may be linked to longer term individual ill-health.It can only be addressed by considering how multiple factorscombine to contribute to fatigue.  相似文献   

Occupational health hazards in mining: an overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review article outlines the physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic and psychosocial occupational health hazards of mining and associated metallurgical processes. Mining remains an important industrial sector in many parts of the world and although substantial progress has been made in the control of occupational health hazards, there remains room for further risk reduction. This applies particularly to traumatic injury hazards, ergonomic hazards and noise. Vigilance is also required to ensure exposures to coal dust and crystalline silica remain effectively controlled.  相似文献   

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